5 Enemies That NEED To Return In Pikmin 4's DLC

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I went into Pikmin 4 thinking it was going to be the smash ultimate of Pikmin everyone is here and although most things made it back in there's some things that are just missing Pikmin 4 has a whopping 125 creatures in his piccolpedia and of those 125 creatures 74 have returned from previous games but some got left in the dust 36 to be exact today I'm going to talk about five enemies I would have liked to see return in Pikmin 4. now all hope isn't completely lost because I'm sure Miyamoto has some sort of DLC plan for the future and Nintendo May reintroduce some old and beloved enemies but as of right now they're not in the game so let's get on to the list coming in at our number 5 spot we have the Pileated snagit for some reason a lot of people don't like this guy I heard some people say he's too difficult to fight needs too many Pikmin at once but that's the fun part it's supposed to be a higher tiered boss and I love the inclusion of a more brutal version of the burrowing snagit of the main Pikmin families I think the snaggers got the short end of the stick in picking four we got so many new blow Hogs new grub Dogs new dweevils but for the snagrits all we got was a baby now I love this little guy but I don't think it's enough I hope Nintendo eventually brings Justice to the snag race because in my opinion their breed's always been underutilized in fourth place we have another Pikmin 2 enemy the antenna Beetle seeing this thing for the first time and not knowing what it was was scary but it had a certain unorthodox vibe to it that no other Pikmin has ever matched the sound it makes is so eerie and seeing your treasure gauge go Haywire was unsettling too I think if they were to include this guy in Pikmin 4 he won't just mess with our trejugation but OG too since dogs are known to have a higher decibel range maybe O2 would be paralyzed because the high-pitched sound is too unsettling for him once we kill the antenna Beetle ocean will wake up and acts normal again in third place we have the calcified Crush we have the calcified crush this guy we have this guy I don't know what it is about this creature but I love it it just looks so alien this creature is literally a spiky glass ball with abnormally long legs in Pikmin 4 Rock Pikmin have no enemies where you need them yes Scudder trucks exist but they can be taken out easily without rocks reintroducing the calcified Crush plot will give rock paper the enemy they deserve coming down to our number two spot is the Kwai gold mire clops now I know this enemy doesn't really fit the vibe of Pikmin 4 but its sheer size gives it such a menacing presence when I think of a Pikmin 4 boss I think of this guy with a small redesign I think he'd fit perfectly in the large body of water at the back of the Serene Shores it's a shame none of the Pikmin 3 bosses made the return in Pikmin 4 but I have to admit they do give off their own Vibe and fit well into their native game if they returned in Pikmin 4 they just feel out of place before we get to our number one spot I want to talk about some creatures that didn't quite make the list first we got the beating long legs now he's kind of in the game as baldy long legs but it's not BD which is a shame because other than Pikmin 4 videos appeared in every other Pikmin game second off we got the baldman now I think every Pikmin fan on Earth wanted to see these guys return and we kind of got them in the form of gold Pikmin but it just isn't the same the only reason I didn't want to include them on the list was because I wouldn't be ranking the enemy I'd be ranking the actual Baldwin themselves and that just didn't feel right but for our number one spot the enemy that actually got me upset when I found out he wasn't returning my favorite and least favorite enemy of all time the Gatling groin God I have so many mixed feelings about this guy the Gatling grunk is severely overpowered he shoots explosives that'll kill anything in his path and has a fat shield in front of his face so you need to attack him from behind and if you think that's not enough after you kill it if you leave a dormant for too long it'll regenerate and come back to life to haunt you I had so many terrifying yet fun experiences with this enemy back from Pitman 2. it's a shame he didn't return in Pikmin 4 but maybe it's for the better because I feel like they would have nerfed him to the ground like a certain someone foreign I'm confident we'll get some sort of DLC sooner and later and these forgotten enemies could possibly make the triumphant comeback of the 36 enemies left behind in the previous games let me know which ones you'd like to see returned I look forward to reading your list in the comments also I got some big things coming soon so stay tuned for that thanks for watching
Channel: Raggins
Views: 44,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Raggins, Pikmin 4, Pikmin 4 theory, Pikmin 3, pikmin 3 deluxe, Nintendo, Nintendo switch, Bulborb, bulbmin, Olimar, Umibozu, pikmin 4 leak, pikmin 4 gameplay, pikmin boss, pikmin 4 boss, pikmin 4 ending, pikmin 4 onion, pikmin 4 review, pikmin 4 enemy, pikmin 4 funny, pikmin final boss, pikmin 4 final boss
Id: FYhZU0rwvZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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