Ranking EVERY Pikmin Type In Pikmin 4

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ever since the first Pikmin games launched players have always wondered what's the best type and now that Pikmin 4 is out players are once again asking that age-old question so what is the best type in pigment for now that's a tough question how can one Pikmin type be better than the other there has to be a certain criteria for this list because technically they're all equally as good you need every Pikmin type to beat the game so how do we determine which is better what makes Pikmin 4 different from the other games is that we can only have three types out at once unlike the other games when you could just have an even split of 20 and not need to think twice in this list we are not gonna judge the Pikmin in a vacuum instead we're going to compare them to each other due to our three type limit I think that's the best way to objectively decide which Pikmin type is better than the other take a look at smash ultimate there isn't one distinct best character in the game yeah some are better than others but a lot of the time even the best characters still get beat up by a bad matchup same for Pikmin I'm not looking for the perfect Pikmin type just the one that's the most useful in as many situations possible or in smash terms has the most winning matchups I'm gonna assume all Pikmin types are available from the get-go meaning certain types can invalidate others picking four is surprisingly a pretty balanced game none of the Pikmin types are bad per se I understand some are meant to be more prominent in the early game and that's why some of the later Pikmin types are typically better but it sucks to suck OG is a big problem for this list because he invalidates pretty much every Pikmin type in one way or another so I'll try to leave him out of the conversation as much as possible but we still need to remember he is the main gimmick of the game so I think it's fine to talk about how certain Pikmin types work with OT rather than working against him before I start off one more disclaimer I'm only ranking the Pikmin in situations when we can actually choose them then Dory battles and challenges don't matter too much for this TRS because regardless of how good or bad the Pikmin is we're stuck using them anyways so that gets rid of the whole Choice Factor I'll be ranking the Pikmin using the standard tier list system and their respective pros and cons will equal up to a score out of a hundred the higher the score the more likely I am to use them in a general playthrough each Pikmin type will progressively get better than the previous and their score will directly relate to their overall usefulness in combat puzzle solving efficiency and Niche abilities but with all that being said let's get into the list coming in dead last place we have the yellow Pikmin now this is my hot take of the video but listen to my reasoning first you almost have three abilities higher throw height faster digging speed and Immunity to electricity yellow's throw height is pretty much deemed useless once we unlocked Wayne Pikmin so one of their abilities are already invalidated the faster digging speed is cool and actually pretty helpful but it's not groundbreaking every Pikmin can dig it just so happens that yellows do it slightly faster so why would I pick yellows if every other Pikmin type can do the same thing and more lastly we got the respective Hazard and I'm gonna say it electricity is the most underutilized hazard in this game other than a select few enemies an electric gates there's not much of a reason to fear electricity I'm sorry yellows but you peaked in Pikmin too low seat here next up we have the white Pikmin who fall into a similar issue as the yellows these guys have three abilities one inability they can carry objects much faster have a poison immunity and have a unique ability of damaging most enemies when eaten but at the cost of having a 0.5 attack multiplier like yells in their dating speed white pigment being able to move faster isn't a game changer every Pikmin type can carry objects and since we're excluding gender challenges for this list a couple second difference isn't the end of the world however despite their low attack power the reason I ranked them above the yellows is because poison is a much more dangerous and prominent Hazard throughout the game especially later on and I'm sorry but you'll never find me sacrificing my white Pikmin to damage an enemy this much easier and more efficient ways to take down enemies without having to kill your own Pikmin plus white pigment tastes gross they're useful but not my first choice seat here this one's gonna surprise a lot of people but next up we have the wing Pikmin now a lot of people have been saying that these are the worst type in the game due to their janky pathing system and although that is true Wings have one massive redeeming factor that being they can fly because they have wings flight is an ability no other Pikmin type has meaning they can't quite be replaced and being able to fly makes transporting things back to the base easier than it's ever been they can Traverse over water mud conveyor belts Walls and More and although things like this will happen sometimes I still think Wing Pikmin have proven themselves more useful than the previous types in my opinion Wing should be higher on the list but their horrible pathfinding and 0.5 damage multiplier is too detrimental to their viability wings are useful but their pathfinding needs to be fixed High seeds here I had some trouble deciding who should be next on the list but I think Rock Pikmin deserved this spot rocks are pretty good at combat with the two times damage multiplier the downside is they can't latch onto enemies making their attacks more infrequent rocks are also immune to being crushed unless they're standing on a hard surface they have a small use of breaking down Crystal walls but those things don't appear too often in the game when you take a look at their abilities these guys are pretty solid solid let's see what I did there because Rockstar are hard and stuff but they're not a bad pigment type at all specializing in combat these guys rock all right all right I'm done if you throw a handful of these guys on Ochi in charge at an enemy more times than not they'll just insta die but the reason I couldn't put them high on the list is because as a Pikmin who specializes in combat some other types just do it better Rock Pikmin are a solid choice for combat mid B tier falling shortly ahead of rock Pikmin we have the Mario of the Pikmin franchise the Red Pikmin they're the first step we unlock in every game up until now and serve as an overall well-rounded type with a 1.5 damage multiplier fire immunity and the new ability to use fire starters Red Pikmin can be very useful although they may not be as good as rocks in combat Red's fire immunity makes them more useful as fire is a pretty prominent Hazard also they're the only Pikmin type who can transfer the fire starters around the map which is essential for the Giant's Earth and a few other caves too so all in all Red Pikmin are the most well-rounded Pikmin type but they don't shine in any specific area Steve the Red Pikmin will always be a nice addition to your party hide beats here I can't believe I'm putting these guys this high on the list considering the past track record but Blues take up our next spot after being the worst Pikmin type in nearly all previous games Nintendo finally gave these guys Justice moose can travel through water both on Surface and fully submerged they can swim in the water if you charge them at an enemy and now have their own respective Hazard and I think that last one puts them this high on the list Sprinklers and water geysers are by far the most prominent hazard in the game and having Blues to beat them out makes things a lot easier being able to Traverse underwater is a whole other advantage that only blue Pikmin have wings can fly over and ice can freeze the water but with a lot more areas taking place completely under the water booze have been more useful than ever and I can't talk about Blues without mentioning the screen Shores because this whole map revolves around the blue Pikmin from Zero to Hero Blues are finally useful low a tier coming in at third place we have the glow Pikmin now in theory these guys are hands down the best type in the game the resistance to all hazards instantly Returns the captain whenever idle and Confused together into a giant green ball of death which deals a massive amount of damage and stuns enemies in order to balance these guys Nintendo gave them an attack multiplier of 0.5 but the reason I can't put them any higher on the list is because they're only available in night mode missions or in caves making them virtually useless in more than half the game a great upside to them though is that if you're in a cave and need more Pikmin you could just use your glow seeds and literally spawn in more these guys are just a better version of the baldman although nothing will be as iconic as them glow Pikmin are objectively the best but locked down to only half the game high a tier in second place we have the newly introduced ice Pikmin they have a countless amount of abilities that make them useful in both combat and basic exploration ice Pikmin are resistant to their respective Hazard ice and although it's the weakest tires are in the game that's not the reason they shine I speak and have the ability to freeze bodies of water which in a way invalidates blue Pikmin and any other enemy touching the water but we haven't even talked about the combat abilities yet with an attack multiplier of 0.5 ice Pikmin serve as a support fighter in most situations however they're more than capable of dealing with enemies on their own as Icees attack an enemy a blue meter will charge up and once it's full the enemy will become Frozen for a hefty period of time this gets even better when you attack an Airborne enemy because once they freeze they'll come fall into the ground and shatter the only downside is if you kill an enemy that's frozen you won't receive their dead corpse you'll get nectar instead which isn't the worst and I almost forgot when you eat an ice Pikmin the freeze meter will drastically go up and in some cases insta freeze an enemy one downside though is that Icees dive faster to every hazard in the game ice Pikmin put the game on easy mode and they're crucial to have in battle lowest here and last but not least the King has returned after being nerfed to the ground in Pikmin 3 the purple Pikmin made the comeback of the decade these guys are nearly as busted as they were back in Pikmin 2 but they still reigned Supreme in Pikmin 4. like Reds purple have a 1.5 damage multiplier but the true Powers come in from their Shockwave when throwing a purple Pikmin on that initial hit enemies will take a hefty amount of damage and even if you miss as long as they're in the Shockwave radius enemies will still take damage from that initial slam this one ability alone makes purple Pikmin the most useful type to have in your party because combat of any swords is made 10 times easier with these guys purples also have a carry weight of 10 units meaning you don't need to waste too many Pikmin when carrying items back to the base and apparently purples are also immune to being blown away or inhaled which I didn't even know up until now the only downside purple saw is that they move slower but now that we can just ride Ochi movement speed is as relevant as ever regardless of what mapper cave I'm going into I'll always have purples in my party highest here but this list wouldn't be complete without ranking the dog Pikmin I said it before and I'll say it again Ochi is busted Amiri to every Hazard strong attack and insane amount of Health you can ride him you can charge them you can even jump with him Ochi is literally a Pikmin Captain hybrid I know it's not fair to compare him to the other Pikmin types so I think he deserves his own tier Ochi is the best addition to picking four Gods here like I said before pigma 4 is a very balanced game every Pikmin type has their own specific use but obviously some are better than others before I end off the video I'm going to do a quick rundown of my final thoughts for each type yellows would have been much more useful if electricity insta killed like in Pikmin 2. white should have kept their unique ability to see Treasures underground instead of giving it to all Pikmin types wings are a lot of fun but they don't use their wings to their full potential rocks were ages of combat until purple showed up Reds are the most well-rounded pigment type in the game and that's not a bad thing booze make traveling around the map easier than ever I just wish they had a unique combat ability glow Pikmin are objectively the best type in the game but locked down to the caves in night mode ice pikmin's ability to freeze enemies have saved my ass one too many times purples are mandatory to have in your party at all times their Shockwave ability is beyond busted OG is a dog in a Pikmin game do I need to say more keep in mind everyone has their own unique play style so certain pigment types may be more useful to others it's difficult to make a completely objective tail is because everyone experiences the game in their own way but I believe this is a pretty reasonable tier list I really want to see how you'd rank the Pikmin type so please let me know your list in the comments I'm looking forward to reading them all thanks for watching
Channel: Raggins
Views: 29,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Raggins, Pikmin 4, Pikmin 4 theory, Pikmin 3, pikmin 3 deluxe, Nintendo, Nintendo switch, Bulborb, bulbmin, Olimar, pikmin tier list, best pikmin type, worst pikmin type, pikmin 4 ranking, pikmin 4 tier list, pikmin ranked, pikmin 4 type tier list, every pikmin ranked, best pikmin 4 type, purple pikmin, red pikmin, blue pikmin, ice pikmin, glow pikmin, white pikmin, wing pikmin, yellow pikmin, rock pikmin, best pikmin in pikmin 4, worst pikmin in pikmin 4, oatchi
Id: I9pwoSr8DDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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