Pikmin is NOT “Cute”

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This video is brought to you by Manta sleep. I have a question for you. Have you ever seen one of these? It's a Pik!-oh. it's a pikmindae rubrus from Planet PNF 404. Unlike the universal Love and praise, the Mario series receives the well-known fantasy adventure, that comes with a Zelda game or the cozy ambiance from Animal Crossing Pikmin. Has always been the black sheep of Nintendo Why, when the characters look so cute? a fool's perspective. Pikmin is much more than what it seems. At a glance, you'd think Oh, this will be a cute little cozy game for me to snuggle up with my blankie and be wholesome with my ice matcha and books I don't read. WRONG! pikmin isn’t animal crossing or the sims. Or one of those 10,000 farming games on the E-shop. It's [PIKMIN] on the surface, it might seem that way, but looks have never been more deceiving. This franchise is not for the faint of heart. Literally, philosophically, all words ending in ‘ally’ So follow me down this Pikmin rabbit hole and discover why [PIKMIN] is a game for people who do their taxes or evade them. yaknow. it’s your life. alright. Let's talk about this in the most literal way possible. People who grew up playing Pikmin one and two in the early 2000’s are old, but there's more people who grew up playing Pikmin 3 in the early 2010’s. Are also old! I went from 13 to 23 in the ten year gap from Pikmin 3 to Pikmin 4. I mean it would be weird if I aged a different amount in that time. As someone who fell in love with the series in 2013 playing Pikmin 4, I'm a totally different person now and the vast majority of people who were excited for Pikmin 4’s release. Weren’t new 13 year olds born in 2010 come to replace for pre-teens who owned Wii U’s. It was for people who play Pikmin 1, Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3. Seeing an old friend return And nowhere is this more obvious than the community's passion for Pikmin You think it's a vastly inactive subreddit with the occasional Oh yeah, I'll play Pikmin! Oh, I was such a big fan. I love those guys. Reality Check. We have Pikmin fans buying billboards of Olimar twerking in Times Square. That's not nostalgia. That's a multi-decade long passion. Love for the series runs deep to deep for it to be simply what it says on the tin. It's more than nostalgia. We're going to have to go deeper to figure this out. When compared to other games. It's easy to look at this game cover and think, Oh, it must be a pleasant cozy experience like Animal Crossing Wrong! You have successfully been deceived it’s like the mushrooms in the real world, but look like Mario mushrooms. Oh, so pretty and juicy and red. Don't gobble it. It's gonna end you, mate. The game may be esthetically cute in its art style, but it's low and details couldn't be more uncomfortable. Rock Pikmin and ice Pikmin aren't Pikmin made of rock and Pikmin made of ice. Their parasites. Olimar and Louis aren’t simple avatars for you to dismiss as clones of Mario and Luigi Olimar is a 40 year old man with a wife, kids and crippling debt. And Louis is Louis. The water wraith is a multi-dimensional creature that stalks you and you Pikmin down, crushing anything in its path. The game's day night cycle means that for sunsets, the world becomes so dangerous any Pikmin left behind are mercilessly hunted down by nocturnal predators. Jumbo bulborbs are infertile. I could go on just the fact that Pikmin dying is a core fundamental of what makes a Pikmin game. A Pikmin game proves it's not all hugs and cuddles with these guys. Unless you're okay with hugging a corpse. And that theme of loss and sacrifice plays a huge part in Pikmin’s gameplay philosophy, stress and productivity. So let's go to the next floor and explore this further. Pikmin 1 The first game in the series, introduces the concept of time pressure. You have a 30 day limit to recover all the parts of your spaceship, and if you fail, Olimar runs out of oxygen and I think he dies. This creates a constant sense of urgency and stress, forcing players to strategize and prioritize their actions as the number of days you have left gets lower and lower. Pikmin two introduces caves and furthers the concept of multitasking with the addition of a second Captain Louie caves a filled to the brim with enemies and treasures. But whilst your down there, time takes a standstill and doesn't advance. Instead, it replaces that stress with your pikmin count Because if you lose a pikmin in the cave, you can't produce more Pikmin every single one of these guys counts. And this new aspect of stress. Plus a further highlight in multitasking increases for complexity of managing your Pikmin effectively. And in Pikmin 3, the third game continues the trend of increasing complexity. It introduces three captains for even more multitasking and a focus on efficiency. And with the food supply mechanic, you have to manage your resources carefully and plan your actions to make the most of each day. Unless you're really good at a game and have a lot of food stacked up. But that pressure is still there. And the newest release Pikmin 4 If you play Pikmin 4, you'll hear a certain word a lot. Dandori A Japanese term that roughly translates to efficiency, intentionality and planning. The game also introduces a bunch of new elements like Ice and Glow Pigment, a Pikmin companion character, Oatchi and even night expeditions. Not only do these additions give more variety to the gameplay, but also increases the depth and complexity of a game play with the amount of options you have. More so than any other game in the series. Pikmin 4 feels like a game of fights kicking off your to do list, which is a common aspect of adult life. This is what having a job should feel like. I've even heard from a few of my friends that they've applied Dandori to their real world career and it actually helps with the job. You don't need any more evidence after hearing that this game emphasizes the importance of planning your actions and executing them as efficiently as possible, Pikmin 4 is work. But it's just really fun. And you might think, now that I've covered every base, we're good. We can end the video there. Nope. But still a very important aspect, which I've yet to explore. So let's head down to the final floor. Just like how DanDori and efficiency are crucial. Parts in Pikmin 4. They're also something we should strive towards in our own lives every day. And one thing that takes a crucial part in your well-being is sleep. Manta sleep. Sleep is something you do for a third of your time alive. 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Poor sleep quality has callously linked to worsening your mental health, but Manta can help you tick off one of these essential boxes for maxing out your wellbeing to level up your own sleep. Click the link below or use code. Getmadz at check out for a 10% discount on your Manta sleep order. Thanks again Manta Sleep for helping me pay rent. Pikmin 4 at surface level seems to be a total renovation and refreshed of a series for newcomers akin to something like Breath of the Wild was for Zelda. And in many ways, it is a reset of the timeline, A reworking from mechanics. tutorialization A literal new perspective with the camera. even going as far as adding a cute, marketable alien dog. That I'm sure many people will buy the game just for But when you dig deeper, you realize that Pikmin 4 holds an insane amount of faithful attention to detail and tasteful nostalgia for Pikmin fans to appreciate who've been there from the beginning, middle and for new players to enjoy. While some Pikmin fans may argue that Pikmin 4 is the easiest in the series, I personally feel like this perspective misses the point a little. Yes, the game has introduced more tutorials and user friendly mechanics, making it more accessible to newcomers. But let's not mistake accessibility for simplicity. Pikmin 4 still demand strategic thinking, multitasking and efficient resource management, especially when going for high score, speedrunning or just trying to push to be as dandori as possible. This game's difficulty isn't just about how hard it is to beat, but about the depth of its gameplay, the richness of its world, and how good it is at tackling its thesis it set out to do, which in this case is Dandori The easiness some players perceive could also be attributed to us maturing and becoming more adept at games. Over the years, we've grown up and honed our skills as a chronic video game, enjoyers. What's seemed challenging as a 13 year old might not feel the same at 23. And although there's no arguing that this game is objectively more handholdy more accessible, less stressful overall, and easier over time of upgrades for your captain in Oatchi I don't think any of that diminishes the depth this game can have with its overarching theme of Dandori So is Pikmin 4 the easiest game in the series if you're just playing the game casually? Yeah, probably. But beneath that easy to make argument is a game that can still be very complex and very rewarding, which perfectly circles back to my main argument in this video. Pikmin on the surface, much like how we see insects is so easy to make and give assumptions without a second thought. But when you grab that magnifying glass or even just squat down to look at things up close, you realize how much beauty there is in the detail, just like the nature of our own world. But this is just what I think. You know, maybe I'm wrong. I leave a comment if you disagree. You could, like, subscribe. That could be kind of cool. Okay, bye!
Channel: GetMadz
Views: 177,919
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Keywords: getmadz, madz, sproutposting, pikmin, pikmin 4, pikmin animation, animation, animated, cartoon, funny, lol, pikmin meme, meme, funny meme, animation meme, nintendo, Nintendo meme, pikmin memes, character design, pikmin cartoon, pikmin animated, nintendo cartoon, pikmin 1, ice pikmin, glow pikmin, pikmin 3, pikmin 2, olimar, louie, miyamoto, sprout, Dwane the rock pikmin, rock pikmin, Pikmin 4, nintendo dark, horror games, pikmin 5, Louie, Olimar, Bulborb, water wraith, retrospective, review
Id: cCaRrXYA464
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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