Pikmin's BIGGEST Degenerate - The Story of Louie

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so when you know the thing about chaos ah yes Louis this quiet yet seemingly deranged little hocketation quickly became one of the most intriguing Nintendo characters of all time to me as well as one of my personal favorites I never thought I'd be saying that about someone from a Pikmin game of all things games where you're just collecting a bunch of stuff with cute little plant men but Louie really does stand out to me so let's take a look at everything Louie's been through in the Pikmin series I do want to give a quick spoiler warning to those who haven't completed the main story Parts in Pikmin 4 because this video will go into pretty heavy spoiler territory in those regards so feel free to come back to this video after getting to that point in the game if you don't want to get spoiled right now so for starters Louie's name comes from the same origin as olimars being based on Luigi of the Mario Brother Duo while Olimar is of course based on Mario this is further adapted into Louie's design with him being taller than Olimar and sporting a more oval-shaped head as compared to olimar's more circular shaped run and that's kind of like how Mara and Luigi's head shapes are but that's just about where it ends between Louie and Luigi's similarities because personality wise yeah I'd say Louis is more closely resembles Wario just a lot less boisterous not a whole lot is known about Louie's life prior to Pikmin though the most info given to us at the moment is he grew up around his grandmother but also was confirmed to have a dad and an aunt around the emails sent to the player and Pikmin 2 gives the occasional detail about Louie's home life via his grandmother about how much bugs loved Louis when he was younger yet he was always eat a ton of them as well as picnic carrots she'd even send bug-related food in her mail to Louise so would you have more to eat while on the Pikmin Planet AKA pnf404 his dad is briefly mentioned in an email from his nana where she simply encourages Louis to visit his father as for the aunt oddly enough she's mentioned in the email from the president where he says Louie's Aunt sent the company some cookies although not present during the events of Pikmin one Louis was hired by hakatate Freight during olimar's first Adventure on piano 404 his first mission was to deliver a horde of golden pickpick carrots around 10 000 hakutation pocos worth to be exact Upon returning from his mission Louis told hakatate Fred's president he was attacked by a giant space bunny who ate all the carrots forcing the the president to take out a massive loan from some sketchy characters and putting the entire company in huge debt in reality it was Louis who ate all the carrots because he couldn't overcome his powerful hunger food Obsession so he lied to the president to save his own ass this is what I mean when I say Louis and Luigi are almost nothing alike personality-wise after Captain Almar fixes his SS dolphin he returns to hakatate where he immediately learns of Louie's quote-unquote incident leading to his entire ship getting repossessed and the company of course still in debt luckily another ship on the lot picks up one of the treasures Olimar brought back from piano 404 and deduces its worth 100 pocos which slightly lowers the company debt to 10K on the dot realizing more treasure could be scattered on the planet the president tasks Louis and Olimar to go back there to get enough treasure and repay the company debt look I understand why Olimar had to go back there since he's already Vaguely Familiar with the planet's territory but the fact that he had to go back before seeing his family it must have sucked ass all of this is Louie's fault all of it it's still crazy to me how Olimar never really found out out about it though at least I don't think he did part of me thinks Olimar would probably actually forgive him too since he's just so naturally kind-hearted Louis may have screwed Alamar out of seeing his family but at least it's thanks to Louis us Nintendo fans got to experience a classic like Pikmin 2. throughout their Journey on pnf404 Oliver and Louis would experience new parts of the planet for the first time including new monsters and various caves underground caves in particular are usually having the most treasure to them most of the treasure being real life objects humans would see or use on Earth too in real life Pikmin 2 was where the Pikmin planet was essentially confirmed to be Earth through the treasure designs or at the very least made it much easier to tell its Earth than the first game did once the two men collect enough treasure to be worth 10 000 pocos their ship will automatically call them back to the base allowing them to finally go home only problem is Olimar accidentally leaves Louis behind where we get to see some of Louie's solo Adventures on piano 404 during the credits funny enough it looks like he's actually having a pretty good time just vibing down there olimar's blunder here ended up being a double-edged sword of sorts in the same is that it's a pain that Olimar has to go back to piano 404 again to rescue Louis and you know deal with monsters again but buoy kind of found Sanctuary all the main enemies there he loves to prepare and eat them in various different ways all of his piccolopedia entries about the different creatures read like instructions you'd find in a cookbook the way some of these are awarded are just really funny too for those who Read Manga it gives off the same energy as whenever an author will give a random little comment about what went on in their life while working on the new chapter I got bit by a cat so I bit it back and it felt good of that kind of thing you know what I mean Upon returning to pnf404 Alamar now with the president is back up are in search of not only Louis but even more treasure but of course Louis needs to be the priority the little rascal is located in a specific cave called The Dream Den a cave in the wistful wild area that's 14 floors long when they reach the final floor they find Louis in the dead center sitting atop a bunch of treasure however once they get too close to Louis the deadly monster known as the Titan dweaver emerges from underground with all the treasure and Louis so still on top of its main body this boss will use all the treasure as different Elemental Weapons like fire water electricity and poison all the while Louie stays up there until the Titan is defeated because there isn't enough room in the ship's seat with the president being there now a passed out Louis is taken to the ship's cargo hold with the rest of the treasure where the ship's treasure horde dubs Louis the King of bugs worth 10 pocos implying Louis may have actually been controlling the Titan dweeble the whole time perhaps as a way to keep Olimar and the president away from him so he can live on piano 404 enjoy all the new foods it has to offer or maybe he just wanted to eat the Titan's Weevil all for himself and didn't want to share any with Olimar and the president but I'm leaning more towards the idea of Louis controlling it which I'll get into more later both Olimar and Louis make returns in Pikmin 3 as well only this time the roles are more sidelined to give the spotlight to the copied crew of Alf Britney and Charlie because of how bad the hakatate freight president is with money Olimar and Louis are once again sent back to piano 404 to repurchase the HS dolphin and repay a second debt that the president racked up at least Louis was able to keep his hands clean with the company this time around during this new search for Treasure Louis can be seen throughout some of olimar's video logs explaining different aspects of PNF 404 most of Louie's screen time is him being chased around by some enemies though and these are some of my favorite Louis scenes by the way the way Olimar is just explaining things so seriously then we just quickly jump cut to Louis running around like a freak it's so good Louis encountered two different times in Pikmin 3's main plot his first found after the copied Squad defeats a creature known as the skornet Maestro where they take him back to their ship assuming he's Olimar but their transmission signal got mixed up likely due to Louis also being a hocket Edition for a while Louis is just asleep on the ship however thinking he'd been kidnapped by the copites rather than saved by them he wakes up before them lends their ship in the garden of Hope region steals all of their food supply and makes a run for it oh he also blows up a wall on the way which allows the main crew to explore more of the area Louis actually has his own little video log after he High kills it out of there too further explaining his mindset about how he thought he'd been kidnapped and not saved though I guess stealing the juice was to add insult to injury as well as fuel Louie's biggest personality flaw that being food is more important than the lives of others his video log ends up cutting off abruptly when he looks like he's about to be taken hostage by some kind of giant creature in the background this creature being the quackled Meyer collapse defeating this creature allows the cop bite crew to apprehend Louis a second time only now they're much more cautious because of their first experience with them so they decide to tie him up as a way to prevent him from causing any more Ruckus even in this now semi hostage situation State all this guy can think about is food it's actually impressive at that point from this point on until Olimar is rescued from the plasma wraith monster Louie is sidelined once again making another brief appearance behind Olimar yelling more about food before the copied crew offers to give them a ride back to hakatane funny enough according to elf's notes at the end Louis was apparently left behind a second time but they don't even bother turning back for him thinking he'll just be fine on his own however Pikmin 3 Deluxe possibly retcons this in the Side Story Mode olimar's comeback where the two of them have to repair the hakatate ship to get back home so that one's a little bit weird Louis does appear in Pikmin 4 which was something I expected even before you know seeing him in there with my own two eyes what I didn't expect was him kind of serving as more of the central antagonist this time around I mean yeah the whole debt problem was his fault in Pikmin too but it didn't give me the same feeling because he's playable in that game and is having to work towards fixing his blunder for the entire first part of the story Pikmin 4 feels like he's on some of his worst behavior in the series so far and yep I still love this little freak Louis doesn't appear at all until Olimar is cured from his leafling state from the rescue corpse briefly seen during the end credits at night wandering around the planet and making olimar's dog Moss his pet now Louis presumably being here in the first place by hakatay fright as a means of rescuing Olimar quickly want to mention that after the first credits roll Olimar and the rescue corpse are forced to go back to piano 404 because of ochi's leafified tail something that gradually happened throughout the game due to being exposed to its atmosphere for so long Olimar explains that anyone with a leaf like that as part of their body cannot leave the planet without experiencing scary symptoms the same thing happened with his dog Moss when he tried to leave 4. so the rescue Corps has to Now find a group of three specific cop bites one of them being a renowned vet in hopes she can figure out how to cure Ochi one of the crew members is a guy named York who's actually confirmed to be elf's older brother I felt like I need to explain this bit of the plot because this is where Louis begins to directly interfere with the rescue corpse plans in the fifth area of the game Luis found right at the beginning with moss holding York and running away from the main character finding him again at a specific cave Olimar will try to get his attention but Louis won't even listen this is followed by Louis attempting to turn York into a leafling but failing and initiating a dandori battle similar to the leafling version of olimars for the others who have gotten to that point in the game by now were you also shocked by how much smarter Louise AI was compared to Oliver's it's kind of insane the difficulty Spike there the alamor dandori battles felt like Child's Play compared to Lewis every now and then Louis will make comments about how this whole ordeal is inconvenient and he just wants to be left alone but also realizes that he needs to win for that to happen beating him will allow you to rush York but Louis just runs off with moss again rescuing York as well as the second member of the copite crew Dobbs the rescue of corpse will be informed of how Louis stole all of their food supply similarly to what happened with Pikmin 3 but the case of casified since Louis thought he'd been kidnapped by who he considered a threat Pikmin 4's case just seems to imply he went out of his way to screw these people over because Tommy his own hunger was more important regardless of how poorly the copites would be affected by this physically we also learned the reason York wasn't turned into a leafling was because he'd been consuming juice made from the glow sap to stay alive which counteracts the leafifying effects Louis is found again in the final area of the game the primordial Thicket where he's now holding Nell the vet hostage and tries to turn her into a leafling as well resulting in another dandori battle to decide her fate shocked by the second defeat Louis frantically runs off on his own without Moss this time around allowing Olimar to gain control over Moss again Nell informs everyone that the only way to cure Ochi is to make glow sap medicine mixed with the cells of another space dog that doesn't have a leafified tail like ochier moss luckily the corpse was able to find a log from Louis referencing another giant dog who had apparently been carrying Nell before Louis founder my guess is since her group was the one with all the yummy juice perhaps Louis wanted to turn them into leaflings so they could just keep Gathering food for him the same way most could with leaflings becoming obsessed with Don Dori after transforming it would be really easy to get this done for him there's also the benefit of the doubt possibility that Louis did this as some Twisted form of protection from now slash York since Olimar said becoming a leafling can put a withered person back in the top physical shape even before chasing down Louis for the final time and Nell wanted the crew to bring Louis back as peacefully as possible because although she thinks he's strange she did appreciate him looking after her in his own way still a leafling wouldn't be able to leave PNF 404's atmosphere so if Louis had no intention of turning anyone back he essentially keeps these people trapped here against their will if they were to become leafified returning to the primordial Thicket will unlock a secret cave that Louis attempts to take refuge in hoping to bind enough time in there to the point where the others will just give up and go home now he also claims he was able to tame this unknown dog creature that specific blurb there about him taming the dog seems to further back up the idea of Louis controlling the Titan Weeble and Pikmin 2. with the amount of similarities these two games have with the K is returning you know no day limit and Louis being a major force in this Game's plot it seems all the more likely that theory from Pikmin 2 is indeed true now the KFC hides out in is a 20-floor boss Rich cave dubbed the cavern for a king every now and then Louis will appear at the start of a sub level continuing to run away from the MC it's not until the final floor where he's cornered and resorts to his final playing card riding atop his new space dog companion the ancient sire Hound a creature that's said to be the core ancestor to all the other space dog species this thing is quite the threat sporting five different phases some of which factor in Elemental based attacks like the Titan dwivel that requires certain Pikmin types to work around insane Battle Theme too by the way I didn't expect Pikmin of all games to go so heavy with the guitar for a battle theme it sounded like it could have been used for Paper Mario the origami game defeating the sire Hound will result in it running away while leaving behind its giant dog collar and Louis allowing the corpse to use the fur from the collar to cure Ochi and bring Louis back to the Rescue Base to prevent any further troubles at this point you can actually talk to Louis to yourself back at the Rescue Base where he tells you he kind wants to live on PNF 404 now and will give you Side Quests for raw material that involve killing a specific amount of a certain enemy whether it be a dwarf bullborg yellow wallywag what have you he just wants to make food out of him Louis will have his own piccolopedia entries here just like he did in Pikmin 2 as well with the entries given off the same energy as two only talking about what creatures he can or can't eat Louis really is an interesting character isn't he yeah he causes trouble but at the same time he's kind of an enigma you never really know what he's thinking or what he's going to do next like you know some of the things he's doing is it like inherently bad is he truly a bad person or is it his hunger that's to blame perhaps if food wasn't such a big factor in the Pikmin games Louie wouldn't cause as many issues but I like how this adds to the idea of Louis being the ultimate predator of sorts in the Pikmin world because when you really think about it are enemies like bullborbs truly evil or are they just acting off of an animal Instinct like other animals in the real world though they simply eat Pikmin because that's what keeps them alive so when you add someone like Louie into the mix who seems to have eaten or controlled every kind of mage major Predator so far in the planet's ecosystem that kind of makes them the ultimate force to be reckoned with huh I'd say I'd be lying if I didn't want to see him just go full good guy and be an Olimar sign all the time again he's definitely funnier when he's acting like a buffoon and causing trouble but I'm glad he seems to have calmed down after The Sire has defeat perhaps he'll be able to find his happiness here after all without having to mess with other Castaways that is if you can figure out a workaround to breed the planet's oxygen for long enough and not die or he'll just stay calm forever and not steal all your food if you like And subscribe right now I'm glad we could work that out Lou well thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys next time peace out take care bye bye
Channel: WeegMan
Views: 577,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pikmin, pikmin 4, weegman, louie, louie's dark secret, final boss, ancient sirehound, pikmin 3, pikmin 2, olimar, nintendo, switch, story, timeline, ending, dandori, theory
Id: eiMPe_Xq9xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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