Pikmin 4 Explained (in 6 minutes)

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Remember Pikmin 1 Pint size space delivery man Olimar  has his ship collide with an asteroid causing him to crash land on Earth where he discovers even pinter  sized leafy headed creatures who he uses as his minions to recover  all the missing parts to his spaceship well what if Pikmin 1 but there  was a giant green dog in the game and there you have it the plot of Pikmin 4 in this timeline Olimar  uses his new dog friend Moss and yeah she's called a dog even though she's  more like a floating head with two legs attached to collect his spaceship's  missing Intergalactic Radio that he uses to send out an SOS  signal to all nearby planets however in his spam email he  included the minor detail that   there's tons of valuable treasure on the planet so everyone from doctors to musicians  to school teachers came to rescue Olimar and by rescue Olimar I mean rescue all   those valuable fidget spinners and  Game Boy SPs that are lying around however most of these space explorers would crash   the their ships while approaching the planet  and were brought to the onions by the Pikmin well I'm sure they mean well and Olimar was able to rebuild  his spaceship anyway so dozens   of lives are in danger for no good reason at all however after Olimar took off  into space he discovered that   Moss' leafy tail is keeping  her from leaving the planet so to calm her down he attempts  to return to the planet and what do you think happened next if you said he crashes his ship you would be right and the Pikmin do what the Pikmin  do best and take him to the Onion look we might as well get a couple  extra Pikmin out of this situation meanwhile Olimar's SOS signal reaches a team  of space explorers called the Rescue Corps who make it their mission to save the Hocotatian but man I'm not even going to say it  anymore you already know what happens their SOS signal then reaches the lone  Rescue Corps rookie who stayed behind and who is apparently the only person in  this series who can safely land a spaceship this feat might put them above  Louie in the power scalings well after stealing a space dog from  the Captain of their their brigade the newbie embarks on a mission to  rescue the Captains of the Rescue Corps oh yeah and uh also maybe save  Olimar and the other castaways who have all been spit out the  Onions as leafy headed people whose sole purpose in life is to  complete tasks in an efficient manner which they call the Dandori way what the- that sounds awesome  sign me up for getting Dandori'd but be careful your Pikmin  have to be in bed by 9:00 p.m. Sike! This isn't your Grandma's Pikmin which almost isn't an exaggeration considering  Pikmin 1 came out more than 20 years ago this is Pikmin 4 where we have nighttime missions where you command Glow Pikmin and have them  form a Spirit Bomb to detonate on your enemies in order to protect the Lumiknoll which spit  out Glow Sap at the end of every night mission which the Rescue Corp doctor  can use to create a medicine   that can cure the Leaflings  of their plant-based bodies I mean I wouldn't want to  be cured but that's just me also Oatchi has inexplicably developed a leaf  tail after spending too much time on Earth which is kinda terrifying to consider   that Earth's atmosphere may have been  infected with airborne Pikmin viruses and normal medicine used to cure  the castaways won't work on him eventually our protagonist reaches the area where  Olimar's SOS signal was originally sent from and after running away from an  angry Moss for a couple of days they managed to open up the bunker  that DandoriMar is hiding inside of and the middle-aged man challenges  them to a fun split screen mini game that he loses so badly that it knocks him unconscious and man's best friend leaves him  behind to go find a new companion so the Rescue Team feeds Olimar some  Glow Juice to cure him of his leafiness and everyone returns to their  respective planets The End except you're forgetting that  Oatchi still has a leaf on his butt and that means that he can't leave the planet so the team plans to rescue  a shipwrecked veterinarian   who may be able to cure Oatchi's leaf tail I guess the Rescue Corps were just  going to knowingly leave her behind   if Oatchi didn't get a tummy ache on the way out and the doggy doctor has two other  companions as well that also need rescuing and yes they look just like Pikmin 3 Captains  but aren't actually the Pikmin 3 Captains because not even the devs care  about the Pikmin 3 Captains however the rookies progress gets stopped by Louie who was sent by the President of  Hocotate Freight to rescue Olimar but got distracted by all the  delicious food and fluffy dogs on Earth and decided that instead of working  a minimum wage job on Hocotate he would instead spend the rest of  his life hiding away from civilization however Moss is still adamant  on taking the castaways to the   Onion and infecting them with the leaf virus or maybe it's Louie who's calling the shots I don't know he he doesn't really say much but the Koppaite's obsession with  juice has worked to their advantage as they had already drank some  Glow Sap prior to being abducted meaning that they're are  immune to the leafification Louie then gets embarrassed in a Dandori  Battle and this time Moss doesn't run away because Louie runs away first The rescued veterinarian then reveals that  the only way to cure Oatchi's leaf tail   is to create a medicine using cells  from a dog that hasn't been infected ruling out Moss who was actually born on  Earth and thus the leaf tail is non- removable so yeah Moss isn't going anywhere despite how  much Olimar wants to take her home with him meanwhile the nutcase known  as Louie adopted a new dog who is 200 times his size and lives  at the bottom of a 20 floor cave to be fair this isn't the first  time Louie has tamed a super boss or maybe it is because that  was in another timeline anyways the rookie makes their way through the   perilous cave in order to  reach Louie at the bottom who just wants to be left alone with his dog so he attacks our protagonist with a  plethora of magical elemental attacks that I guess dogs are just capable of doing now I mean there are also bugs in  the shape of loaves of bread   in this Universe so I guess evolution  is just free-balling it at this point the two are defeated and this  time Louie is the one to get   abandoned by his dog and not the other way around using a hair from The Sirehound's collar the doctor is able to create a medicine that can   turn Oatchi's tail back to  being a fluffy cotton ball and our protagonists take off  back to their respective planets with Moss staying behind to lead the  Pikmin in their endless battle against   literally every single creature on the planet well besides Mamutas they're cool did you know that on November  1st I gained 19 subscribers If I gain 19 subscribers every day for the rest of   my life I'll hit a million  subscribers in 103 years and Chihuahua is only live for like 13 years  so things are not looking too good for me so maybe subscribe and also leave a comment   telling me what games or series  you'd like to see me cover next thanks for watching and  hopefully I'll see you next time
Channel: Chase Kip
Views: 431,324
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Keywords: pikmin 4 explained, chasekip pikmin, chase kip pikmin, pikmin explained
Id: JA3cD3JSpa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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