Designing NEW, ORIGINAL PIKMIN ENEMIES + BOSS (PART 3) | Pikmin 4 Drawings

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[Music] in this video I'll be designing two new and original Pikmin enemies following the formula from my previous two enemy design videos I'll be showing the process of turning a basic sketch into a fully-fledged conceptual art piece however in today's video I've decided to lessen the amount of enemies to only two one from my own ideas and another from one of you beautiful humans if you haven't seen my community post where I speak more in depth on this decision the short reason is these types of videos take an extremely long time to create and going into 2024 I'd love to be able to release videos more consistently which means I'll have to limit the amount of content per video I hope you all can understand but with that being said let's get [Music] started for the first enemy of today's video we have the Buxom totem puff these chubby little guys make me so happy I wanted to create a unique enemy that never spawns alone but rather as a group of two or three individuals let's Dive Right into these designs starting off with phase one the enemy's idle stance the Buxom totem Puffs tend to be stationed in areas of high altitude usually on a ledge or bridge above the player's walking path as such the totem Puffs act as aerial snipers or turrets of sorts think back to how The Gatlin groink from Pikmin 2 was commonly placed at top of ledge in the center of small sections of the map the Buxom totem Puffs will function in the same manner as you may have noticed each totem puff is stacked on top of one another other with each decreasing in size as they scale similarly the totem Puffs contain their own unique color when the player approaches the creatures their cursor will auto lock on to the largest enemy but can be switched to each of the ascending totem Puffs individually but you're wondering what makes these cute rotund creatures so special well you're about to find out in the next [Music] phase [Music] in this phase the totem Puffs take a large inhale in unison as they suck in the toxic oxygen that fills the air around them the totem Puffs cheeks greatly expand to allow for an interesting process to take place inside their mouths the totem Puffs convert oxygen into whatever element their body color currently displays pictured in the following illustration are teal yellow and red totem Puffs each with their own unique abilities the teal totem puff deals poison attacks lethal to all Pikmin besides white Pikmin the yellow totem puff zaps any non-electric Pikmin with electric surges and the red totem puff Burns Pikmin to a crisp unless they're red to of course with a strong gust the bottom and largest totem puff releases a cloud of toxic fog enveloping a large area surrounding the three next the mid-tier totem puff spits out two pulsating balls of electricity the bounce three times when coming in contact with the floor or the player Squad lastly the top and smallest totem puff ejects a single ball of molten lava which creates a small area of burning molten rock around its impact site for 3 [Music] seconds [Music] now I know what you may be thinking this enemy's attacks are cool and all but what if you don't have all three necessary Pikmin types can the enemy even be defeated well fret not beautiful human as this enemy has another trick up its sleeve after one attack cycle the Buxom totem Puffs will change their Elemental attack as well as their colorful appearance to one of seven unique variants as pictured in this illustration the bottom totem puff is an ice spewing Menace that freezes Pikmin in their tracks leaving them vulnerable to other creatur attacks the mid-tier totem puff turns a cool gray and discharges two crystal balls heavy enough to crush any Pikmin besides Rock and the smallest totem puff ejects a singular ball of water which can drown any susceptible Pikmin lastly in the most rare and deadly variant the totem puff turns a blackish green and red color and expels large amounts of Gloom that instantly kills every type of Pikmin although I only Illustrated each Elemental totem puff variant in one size the large mid and small-sized totem Puffs can switch to any of The Seven Elements listed as for the probability of each variant there's a 20% chance that the creatures will wield a poison fire or electric attack a 12% chance of water Rock which is also neutral or ice variant and lastly a 4% chance of switching to the deadly Gloom variant [Music] okay so we know the Buxom totem Puffs attack but what's the best way to attack them well between their attack cycle the Stacked creatures are vulnerable to damage from their respective Elemental Pikmin Rock and Gloom being the exception as in the Rock variant will take damage from any Pikmin type thrown onto it and the Gloom totem puff will instakill any Pikmin thrown onto it also if the player takes down one of the totem Puffs each will have their own health bar whichever totem Puffs are on top of it will tumble for example if the player takes out the bottom totem puff first the top two will fall to the ground and roll away to a new location where they can form another Tower and attack once more similarly if the player Ochi rushes the Stacked enemies they will all collapse but bear minimal damage due to their rotund stature also something to note if any Pikmin are present on ochi's back whilst Ochi rushing the totem Puffs they will fling themselves onto the lowest creature and if they're not all resistant to that enemy's typing the Pigman will suffer the consequences once toppled the totem puffs have a unique feature they will tuck their eyes and limbs closely to their bodies to be as spherical as possible and roll away from your squad of Pikmin it's possible to attack the enemies in this scenario however it may prove difficult since the totem Puffs will plant any Pikmin in the ground that they roll over the creatures will attempt to retreat to an area far away so they can perch and regenerate their health if left alone for a short while a damaged totem puff will flee the battlefield and regain all its strength only then will they roll towards your active Squad and begin attacking [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Music] Inspirations for this enemy came from a multitude of things the main source being totem poles hence the creatures name which are Monumental carvings typically displaying animals that correlate to indigenous community history values and traditions and can be found in Canada and the Northwestern United States I've always found the grandio size and details of these ancient ient carvings to be extremely fascinating so I wanted to pay homage to their unique and vertical Ensemble secondly I wanted to create a frog-like enemy that wasn't part of the Wally hop family but an entirely new one altogether the initial three stack of red yellow and teal totem Puffs were derived from a seemingly overlooked example of stacked circles found in our everyday lives a traffic light I also wanted to create an enemy that would serve as a common obstacle when trying to overcome a fight with many other creatures the totem Puffs will always spawn near other hostile creatures creating a tough scenario where the player must deal with attacks from above and around their squad in this final concept art I wanted to draw the Bucks and totem Puffs inside a colossal Cavern as red white and yellow Pikmin gaze upon them in the slightly outof Focus foreground with curiosity and [Music] fear [Music] well that's this first enemy all complete let me know your thoughts on these pudgy frog dudes in the comments below and if you're enjoying the video so far please don't forget to leave a like so I know to continue this series in the future with that being said let's continue on to the part everyone's waiting for the subscribers pick but wait one more announcement at the time of recording this video I'm currently in the process of creating a patreon for all of you loyal subscribers all Patron benefits have not yet been decided so I'd love to hear from you all what you'd like to receive as a member at the moment I know I'd love to provide highquality digital downloads of my Pikmin art pieces exclusive long form video videos of my drawing process maybe a mailing Club where I can send you a mystery drawing each month in the mail or possibly even a t-shirt Club where recipients will receive a unique not available for sale paracosm party t-shirt once a month amongst many other things it's all currently in the works so like I said please let me know what you'd like to receive as a benefit for being a patron and please don't feel pressured to join your comments likes and subscription to this channel are more than enough to fill my heart with joy this is just another Avenue that will help me support myself through Artistic Endeavors okay let's move on all righty so the subscriber whose comment I chose for today's video is Diana karn's 1404 and their comment reads I love this video also an idea for a Pikmin enemy I came up with is the Potted quaggled Miner clops a smaller version of the Myer clops that lives in a pot since it hasn't grown into the quaggled Myer clops yet being in its baby form it needs shelter from predators so that's why it lives in a pot it has the same attack as the emperor bubl and moves like a dil hiding under an item it has an element of surprise like the creeping chrysanthemum only revealing its location when you get close I absolutely love this idea since the quaggled myops is one of my all-time favorite Pik bosses so I had to give this idea a try thank you so much to Diana for leaving this awesome suggestion and thank you to everyone who left some equally awesome Concepts in the comments of my previous videos if your idea wasn't chosen don't lose hope there's always a chance you can be featured in the next video so please leave your wackiest ideas below the more detailed the better as it gives me more to work from and to Diana Kars 1404 I took the bones of your idea but made a few changes I hope you enjoy them okay I want to start off by saying this enemy is a boss fight containing three distinct attack stages what I'm currently illustrating is the first phase of the boss's first stage the concealed minor clops to set the scene a bit the player will find this boss in a cave titled The Savage swamp located in the primordial Thicket Pikman 4's final area this cave will be filled with with tough enemies and dank dark and muddy environments the recommended Pikmin types for this dungeon would be Blue Rock and winged Pikmin each contributing greatly to defeating type specific enemies and natural hazards when falling onto sublevel 10 the final floor the player will find a large open muddy area with a single Clay Pot ominously placed in the center walking around or in front of the object will do nothing it's not until the player decides to Ochi rush into it will a cut scene trigger instead of instantly breaking the pot like all the others of a similar style throughout the player's Journey will only form small cracks around the top of its encasing with a sudden jolt three I stocks will emerge from the top of its cracked shell simultaneously the bottom of the pot will Sprout three Vines balancing on large Crystal like limbs In This Moment your Canan companion starts to act a little strange a cut scene will show Ochi shaking off any Pikmin currently riding him and running to the edge of the arena there he will sit cowering a text box from Shephard will appear on your screen reading uh-oh seems like Ochi isn't feeling very well you and the Pikmin may need to handle this Foe on your own Good Luck rookie after this the player will regain control of their captain and won't be able to control or call upon Ochi for the remainder of the battle [Music] [Applause] now entering the fry without your trusted sidekick the battle really begins the concealed Miner clops will March around quickly with its Crystal capped legs the white reflective surface indicates that the crystals can be broken by Rock Pikmin so when the player pelts the creature's protective shoes shards of glass will flake off a total of five hits by a rock Pikmin is needed to shatter one legs Crystal while attacking the concealed Miner clops it will stomp quickly in your direction think of the speed of the Raging long legs from Pikmin 2 occasionally the enemy will perform a hop attack in which it will briefly jump a short distance in the air aiming for your active Squad The Hop will not be nearly as high as a Wally hop however it will have a similar crushing potential upon Landing the minor kops impact will send a shock wave throughout the cavern causing boulders to fall from the ceiling around the arena after successfully unsheathing its Barren feet throwing Rock Pikmin will no longer be the most effective way to damage the creature using blue or winged Pikmin to latch onto the concealed Miner clops exposed feet the player can successfully attack the Beast no health bar will be present during this stage instead a visual cue will show the creature's feet turning a bright red and eventually popping once taking down a single leg the minor clops will awkwardly walk along the arena still attempting to battle your squad of Pikmin whilst leaning slightly to one side after successfully destroying two of the creatures feet the concealed Miner clops will now hop around on one leg where each time it moves it jumps in the air potentially squishing Pikmin and triggering ceiling Boulders the player's only time to attack would be between the enemy's jump Cycles after dismantling the minor ks's final foot the creature will fall over onto its side the first stage of the boss is [Music] complete [Music] after falling onto its side a cut scene will trigger The Miner cls's protective pot casing will shatter a significant amount exposing the top half of its body the three Vines protruding from the bottom of the pot will suddenly grow rigid and fling the creature upright then slowly the head of the enemy is revealed the Potted Miner clops fight begins in this moment the player will realize the same method of attack damaging the creature's feet is no longer possible this hints that there must be another way to defeat the enemy tossing Pikmin onto the Potted Miner cls's exposed head will do the trick however once again the player will not see a health bar instead the creature skin will darken to a red color over time but before that can happen though the Potted Miner clops reveals one of its new attacks before unleashing its deadly weapon a subtle visual cue signifies the start of the creature's attack its eyes will rotate a quick 360° and a large pink tongue will emerge from the base of the pot's opening swallowing any Pikmin currently attacking the [Music] foe [Music] this second phase makes for a much more interesting fight the three stem-like extrusions on the top of the creature's head will unravel and face Skyward in a quick motion the three stems will spin rapidly simultaneously water will sprad spray out in all directions in true sprinkler fashion this is not great news for your rock and winged Pikmin as being sprayed with water sends them into a deadly frenzy panic but that's not all this water has a more inconvenient consequence after spraying the muddy floor you and your squad will now move half as fast in the wet areas also from the watered Earth Sprout small saplings if not taken down immediately these saplings will grow into long tendrils grasping at anything in their path if the vines grab a hold of your captain your Pikmin will enter an idle and vulnerable stance as the plant whs you about shaking the joystick rapidly is the only way to free your captain from the grip of the weed if the vines grab a hold of your Pikmin they will rapidly sew them into the soil however unlike the fresh terrain above ground the dirt of the Savage swamp is comprised of deadly bacteria if left in the ground for longer than 10 seconds the planted Pikmin will Wilt away and perish in their place another Vine will grow The Vines themselves are easily destroyed one Pikmin will do the job swiftly however the challenge comes in the sheer quantity of them plus having to manage and Dodge the Potted Miner clops attacks once successfully evading Vines and damaging the boss until its head is a bright red the enemy will lose its balance and fall over once [Music] more [Music] after plummeting to the ground for a second time the creatures protective Clay Pot completely shatters into pieces a cut scene will trigger as the enemy lies still for a few seconds before convulsing violently and burrowing into the soil the final fight has begun the planted Miner clops enters the battle during its ultimate stage the planted Miner clops performs a medley of all of its previous attacks but also introduces a few new ones it will travel swiftly beneath the mud leaving a raised trail of dirt in its path upon surfacing there will be a 1 in five chance that the miner clops will get stuck halfway through the soil this is the best time to attack as it will be the most vulnerable once upon the surface the small plants that accompanied the enemy's encasing have now turned into full grown Vines well equipped for snatching up unfortunate Pikmin if one of your squad members is caught by these red prickled whips they will instantly be tossed into the boss's Chasm of a mouth these particular Vines can be destroyed as well but will regrow every time the enemy digs and resurfaces in a new location the minor kops will spray water on your squad on occasion requiring the demolition of the previously fought Brazen weeds upon damaging the enemy the player will notice the long awaited s satisfaction of a health [Music] [Music] bar after attacking the Beast enough enough to lower it to half Health the planted Miner clops will introduce its final move set while burrowing under the mud The Miner clops will manipulate the terrain building a dirt Tower too high to toss Pikmin onto whilst high in the air the minor clops will open its sizable mouth and spit out Crystal Rock balls if blue or winged Pikmin are caught underneath these fatal Boulders they'd be instantly crushed the best way to attack the miner clops in this state is to charge Wing Pikmin at its protruding head sure they may not be the strongest but they pack a punch in numbers all the while you and your squad on the floor will be dodging Falling Rocks evading water droplets and battling gripping Vines however the wing Pikmin aren't impervious to the minor cops' licking attack so that's another obstacle to take account of if the player reaches this point in the battle without any winged Pikmin left in their party it's still possible to attack the enemy sending blue a rock Pikmin to scale the sludgy steeple is possible however risky due to the Falling Rock balls the best chance the player has at successfully sending the Pikmin to the top would be to circle the creature and throw Pikmin on every side of the tower some are bound to get crushed While others are bound to make it to the top a risk they'll have to take after finally damaging the creature enough through these methods the planted Miner cls's health bar will deplete completely and the creature will perish as it Withers away it will spit out a Castaway from its mouth a monumentous fight and a valiant victory [Music] see [Music] I hope you all enjoyed this boss as much as I did I wanted to keep the heart of the original Meer clops fight by heavily suggesting the use of blue winged and rock Pikmin like in Pikmin 3 thanks again to Diana Kern's 1404 none of this would have been created if it wasn't from your awesome ideas and to all of you thank you so much for watching please don't forget to leave your enemy suggestions in the comments below the only requirement to be featured is that you're a member of the paracosm party how do you join you might ask well it's a simple as hitting that lovely little subscribe button it would mean so much to me also also to those interested please leave me a suggestion for Patron benefits the next time I release a video my patreon should be finished so if you have an idea Now's the Time to share my friend lastly I want to thank you all again for 10,000 subscribers that number is just insane to me I can't believe I reached this Milestone and I'm eternally grateful to all of you I will see you beautiful humans in the next upload I promise it won't take as long much love your friend perm party
Channel: Paracosm Party
Views: 57,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paracosm party, paracsom party, pikmin 4, pikmin 4 art, pikmin 4 enemies, pikmin enemies, original pikmin enemies, designing pikmin enemies
Id: y1cJfKr0a9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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