5 EASY Instant Pot Soups - Perfect for Beginners

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hey everyone welcome back today I'm sharing with you five instant pot soup recipes so if you are new to the channel welcome my name is Kristen and every Monday I share an instant pot recipe with you but this week got a little crazy and so the videos going out Wednesday so if you love your instant pot or your new it your instant pot make sure you subscribe so you won't miss any of my recipes so today I'm sharing five instant pot soup recipes because the most common request I get is soup recipes so I figure why not share multiple soup recipes with you so you can pick and choose what you like before I get lots of comments I'll just tell you right now we're living in an apartment right now that's why my kitchen looks little different but I'm excited to show you my new house will be done in November so you can follow me along on my personal Instagram Cristen underscore six sister stuff where you'll I share a little more personal things there alright guys if you're ready for the soup recipes let's get cooking alright so the first recipe is my loaded taco soup this recipe is super easy to make and because it's my loaded taco soup it will fill you up you're gonna first start by pushing this saute button we're gonna Brown the meat now I'm using ground turkey because that's one of my favorite things to cook with you can use ground beef if you want now I have this little thing called a chop and stir it's a game-changer in cooking your meat when your meat is browned you're gonna add one seven ounce can of diced green chilies one 10 ounce can of Rotel tomatoes one can of corn and I left most of the liquid in there one can of black beans which I did rinse and then one can of garbanzo beans then we're gonna add one can of diced tomatoes now it's time to add some of the spices I'm gonna start with a half a teaspoon of pepper and I'm kind of just eyeballing this and a half a teaspoon of salt same just kind of eyeball next we're gonna add a half teaspoon of onion powder 1/2 teaspoon of oregano 1 teaspoon of onion powder now I had 1/2 teaspoon so you had to add 2 here and 1 packet of ranch dressing mix now I know that sounds weird but it makes it taste so good then you're also gonna add 1 package of taco seasoning I like to use mild then we're gonna add 4 cups of chicken broth it's a soup so now we really need to make it into soup so 4 cups so I just mixed it up just a little bit before I put the lid on just so all the dry spices will be moist now it's time to put the lid on make sure that it's sealed all the way and you're gonna turn that little knob to sealing not venting then because it's the saute bow and you have to push cancel first then you're gonna push pressure cook and you're gonna go all all the way down to 5 minutes because our meats already cooked we just need to make it warm when it's ready to go it will say on that means you've done it right all right when it is all the way done I did a quick release to let the steam out pretty quickly and it was all perfectly heated through and delicious I like to add cheese sour cream even some tortilla strips on top of my loaded taco soup the next recipe is instant pot minestrone soup my mom used to make this growing up and it was my favorite my friends used to laugh it who a minestrone but this soup is amazing my kids especially love the little pasta so I'm gonna start by pushing the saute button because I need to cook my meat now if you already have precooked meat that's gonna make this go by even faster so right now because it's sauteing I put my meat in and I have this little chop stir I will put a link in the description for you because this is my favorite tool in the kitchen well other than the instant pot of course so I'm just gonna Brown my meat just right inside of my instant pot now once it's almost all the way cooked I'm gonna go ahead and add one whole onion and then mix that all together just so the onion it can Brown a little bit while the meat finishes up cooking now I'm gonna leave that there for just a little bit and stir every few minutes but while that's finishing cooking I'm gonna chop up one zucchini two stalks of celery and then pour those into my instant pot with my meat and my onions now I also chopped up two cups of small potatoes and about two cups of carrots on top of that you're gonna add about one teaspoon of chopped up cloves um you can use whole clothes if you want to then you're gonna add one can of diced tomatoes now I'm putting those in now because my saute button is still on and I need some liquid on the bottom of my pan all right I'm gonna just mix these up a little bit and then continue adding more things all right so right now I'm gonna add one tablespoon of Italian seasoning and three cups of tomato juice next you're gonna add one can of dark red kidney beans now these I had rinsed and drained so they're ready to go and then one can of cannellini beans the white cannellini beans rinsed and drained also alright then you have one can rinsed and drained of green beans now as you can see my pot is getting really really full so just be careful as you're stirring now you're gonna add 1 cup of the little tiny minestrone noodles these are my most favorite and my kids love them you can add different noodles if you want to it's totally up to you so you're just adding one cup and then I'm gonna add about a cup and a half to two cups of beef broth now I don't want to add too much more because it's gonna overfill so put your lid on make sure your knob is turned to sealing not venting now you're gonna cancel what you have going so you're gonna cancel the sautee button then you're gonna push pressure cook or manual now you're gonna go up to six minutes that's gonna cook your noodles and your vegetables everything else when it's done I let it release on its own for about ten minutes or so you can do a quick release as soon as it's done but I was running some errands real fast all right now we're gonna open the lid and see how it is oh it is perfect the noodles are done perfectly everything is cooked all the way through now here's the hard part you have to mix very very carefully now if you have a 8-quart this recipe is perfect for an 8-quart but a 6-quart will still work alright I need some more liquid in there so I'm actually going to add about one to two cups more of beef broth into my soup now if you noticed I didn't add a lot of salt and pepper you can add that sparingly or you could put it on your table and they can add it to their own bowl of soup the next one is instant pot chili my mom loved making instant pot chili when the weather cooled down a little bit you needed some jackets and she didn't have it to the time so she could throw everything in and cook it now if you want to cook your hamburger in your instant pot you can all you have to do is push the saute button put your meat in there I would also put your onions in there and you'll cook them together I cooked my meat in advance I'll put a link in the description for you on how to cook it inside your instant pot now on to the chili I have one pound of cooked ground beef I have three stalks of celery that I chopped up and then one whole onion you don't have to use a whole onion I just like onions I like to do the whole thing on top of that you're gonna add one can of kidney beans I use dark kidney beans and I drained them rinse them and drain them then you have 8 ounces of tomato sauce and 2 cans of diced tomatoes just thrown right on top now with one of those cans of diced tomatoes I just filled up about half a cup of water and dumped it in the pot now the next thing is 1/4 cup of ketchup you can measure if you want I just always eyeball my ketchup this next step is optional but my mom always does it so you add 1 tablespoon of sugar then 2 tablespoons of we're stasher sauce where's to shire worse to share lots of comments about that one you can say it how you want I call it wish to Shire sauce so you can mix it around a little bit if you want to but it's all pressurizing together so I just put the lid on make sure your little knob is on dealing not venting then I'm using of course the manual button so if you have a different instant pot you use pressure cook just anything to make it pressurize just normal and you're gonna cook it for 10 minutes now you can turn the knob and let the pressure release or you can let it release on its own now that Chile is all the way then you're gonna just mix it up a little bit and when you serve it add your favorite toppings I love cheese and corn chips the next one is a sweet potato soup not only is it delicious but it's also healthy too so you're gonna start with one onion chopped up and two large sweet potatoes peeled and chopped and they're gonna go right in the bottom of your instant pot next you're gonna add about one cup of broccoli I added about two cups because I love broccoli okay then you're gonna add one to two cups of carrots I just added a whole bag now to add the seasons you're gonna add 1 teaspoon of parsley then one teaspoon of thyme leaves and on top of that you're gonna add about one teaspoon of pepper then add one to two teaspoons of salt now if you're making this vegetarian you can add vegetable broth but I like chicken broth so you're gonna add four word cups of chicken broth now it's time to put the lid on make sure that it's closed all the way and that your knob is on feeling not venting now because it's mostly vegetables you only have to cook it for five minutes I pushed manual for five minutes and because there's no meat you can also push it over to venting as soon as your five minutes is up again if you want this vegetarian don't add the bacon bits but if you do like bacon you can add as much or as little as you want I just added a small package of it so now we need to make the soup creamy so we're gonna add two cups of whole milk you don't have to add whole milk you can use skim if you want but whole milk will make it nice and creamy after I added my milk I push the saute button so I could mix in the milk and the bacon and so everything is cooked together and the milk will warm up I only had to sautee it for about two minutes before everything was heated through this is a perfect meal for a really busy night because you only have to cook it for about five minutes and the last recipe is instant hot chicken noodle soup this brings back so many memories when I was little I loved chicken noodle soup but now it's even easier you can make it in literally a few minutes by cooking it in the instant pot so I'm gonna start by adding two cans of canned chicken now you can use rotisserie chicken you can also use just thawed chicken or frozen chicken I'll tell you how to do that in just a second so right now I'm just gonna add my two cans of already cooked chicken into the bottom of my pot next you're gonna add one pound of carrots I just use the bag carrots but you can use other carrots too the recipe called for a can of corn so I just cut up two ears of corn and then also one half onion and I'm just gonna dump that on top of the carrots next I added six cups of chicken broth so I had a car in which is four cups and then a can which is two if you feel like you need more chicken broth you can go ahead and add one to two more cups of chicken broth then I'm gonna add about a half a cup of green onions all chopped up now for the spices I'm gonna add about a half teaspoon of garlic powder and a little bit of salt and pepper just for taste now if you have pre cooked chicken you're gonna add your egg noodles right now and everything's just gonna cook together so I added a whole bag it was a lot of noodles if you don't want that many noodles I would probably do a half a bag or three-fourths of the bag so right now I'm just mixing it a little bit before I put the lid on the noodles don't have to be covered all right so my lid is on make sure it's on sealing not venting and I'm gonna go to five minutes now here's the trick if you want to cook thawed chicken that's not cooked yet you're going to take don't put your any vegetables in yet and you're going to go up to 20 minutes and just cook your chicken broth and your chick then the last five minutes you're going to put everything else back in and cook the rest for five minutes if your chicken is cooked you're gonna cook it all just for five minutes at the same time I did a quick release there so let all the steam out then once all the steams out you can open your lid and your chicken noodle soup is all done I love that if you have precooked chicken it only takes five minutes to throw this recipe together all right you guys thank you so much for stopping by now if you haven't subscribed make sure you do that right here and if you need more instant pot recipes these are my favorite chicken instant pot recipes or if you're a beginner and you need some help these are my beginner instant pot recipes alright guys I will see you next week
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 267,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot, Instant Pot recipes, instant pot soup, instant pot soup recipes, instant pot soups, six sisters stuff, six sisters stuff soup recipes, six sisters stuff instant pot recipes, six sisters stuff instant pot, easy instant pot, easy instant pot recipes, instant pot recipes for beginners, easy recipes, soups, soup recipes, beginner soup recipes, beginner instant pot
Id: 7-OLGymhc_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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