4BiddenKnowledge with Billy Carson

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that's why I try to tell people like look you have to understand the powers in you already stop you know hoping and wishing and begging it's in you now just accept that and and walk in that true power and man when I began to do that the world just began to open up everything becomes began to unfold right before my very eyes absolutely and instead of you bending yourself towards circumstances circumstances Bend to your frequency they've been to your vibration because circumstances are just the condensation of thoughts and opinions and points of views condense themselves but when you lift your vibration and you know who you are then everything bends towards you doors open opportunities happen it's already there within you peace and Rich's blessings I am Michael be back with the host of take back your mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] radical blessings to all of you and welcome to take back your mind every week we have wonderful beings that uh share their soul share their embodied knowledge and their wisdom after this life question of the week I'm going to have a great conversation with Billy Carson I'll introduce you to him in just a moment for those of you who don't know who he is we have a life question of the week it is from Catherine she's asking is there a distinction between my soul and my higher self how does that fit into the energy that flows from God or all that is through my unique expression and as my soul guide my specific choices on a day-to-day basis or does it generally work in a life flow sort of way I hope that makes sense any light you can on this would be helpful thank you very much there are different ways of looking at this they start from the macro and then work down this one life and that's the life of the infinite it's called by many names the presence that's never an absence is how I choose to refer to it at times it's called God it's called just life with a capital l love beauty intelligence is its nature and expression each of us are individual expressions of that one life so you've asked us it operate through us yes but it operates as us in other words we're not we're distinct units of the only life that there is where it's called individual the word individual means undivided we're never divided from this source so as we are waking up it can be said that we're coming into our Buddha nature or our Christ nature or integrating with our higher self is a part of us that's not sleeping we consciously and subconsciously we may be asleep to it but there's a part of us that it's not sleeping sometimes that's called the higher self we get intimations from it we get breadcrumbs that lead us to make certain choices and certain decisions in our life so there's through us and there's as us as we become more and more conscious we realize that the only life that there is is our life so we are a spirit and we are a unique Soul distinct from anyone else yet we're all one in the field of love and beauty and intelligence so when you're praying when you're praying you are breaking down the barrier between um and you're breaking the barrier between a sense of separation between you and whatever it is you're praying for and about wisdom love abundance Joy your prayers opening yourself up to have a realization that it's already here because that is what you are when you're in the zone it's flowing through you when the sense of Separation dissolves it is you and so um in some spiritual circles we would say that we have a soul or that we are a soul and some spiritual circles it's like we are a spirit sometimes they use interchangeably your soul is multi-dimensional and it carries the experience of what many people would call many lifetimes there's only one Lifetime with many chapters so you'll stole carries all that information you can actually become still and be guided by the different dimensions of your soul that's operating in different times and spaces and catch the wisdom of that and allow it to guide you in your present moment I know you probably didn't ask all of this that I'm sharing however what you're asking carries so many different dimensions of it which is why we invite people to go deeper listen take classes and we go deeper and deeper deeper into the permeations of our spirit the permeations of our soul so so basically we are one with all of life we are a soul it's multi-dimensional and we can have access to all of the knowledge of the Soul as we meditate and ask the proper questions Catherine I hope I didn't confuse you more than enlightening you thank you for the question anyone else want to ask a question just email me at podcast michaelbeckwith.com and we'll go with the flow of that we'll be right back with Billy Carson peace and blessings everyone and welcome back to take back your mind this is the place where we bring very powerful guests onto the program as you have witnessed thus far and we're all about taking back the mind that's been hijacked from a bias of Separation a sense of Disconnect from the presence of which our life is an emanation of the mind has been hijacked by worry doubt fear anxiety a sense of being cut off from the source of all creation and so we're here to take back our mind take back our life so our life can be a a vehicle of inspiration of harmonizing Prosperity abundance perfect health Wellness well-being and that we can make a powerful contribution on this planet before it's our time to exit I have with me today Billy Carson founder and see Forbidden Knowledge Incorporated Billy welcome thank you hey it's an honor to be on your podcast I'm really excited for this I've been looking forward to this day yeah it's been great for the six people who may not know who you are I'm going to tell them that obviously Billy's the best-selling author of The compendium of emerald talents woke does it mean broke the winner of 2022 Stellar citizens award founder and CEO of forbidden knowledge TV I like that too it's getting big a new conscious streaming TV network and co-host of biohack your best Life podcast on Mental Health he's the also the writer and contributor to Rolling Stone in entrepreneur magazines he's recently earned the certificate of science with the emphasis on neuroscience at MIT as a certificate in ancient civilization from Harvard University among his notable achievements Billy is the CEO of First this is interesting here first class space agency based in Fort Lauderdale Florida specifically his space agency is involved in the research and development of alternative propulsion systems Zero Point Energy devices and I'm all about that you know with the way the world's going so Billy you're involved in so much tell us about tell us a little bit about your personal life story and how you know your different life experiences prepared you for all the contributions you're making on the planet man I absolutely thank you uh thank you for that great introduction by the way um I got my start I walked into this dimension in uh September 4th 1971 in Queens New York I was born in Queens General Hospital and uh my mother and father obviously living in New York brought me into this world and then the turmoil started okay I actually had to fight for my life the first three weeks uh from being born I'm Rh negative blood type and for whatever reason something in my blood wasn't was attacking my body and uh so it was a fight for my life right from the very get-go and I started off in a battle you know uh a little bit later on just growing up as a toddler in the house and you know my father unfortunately was uh addicted to drugs and alcohol he was self-soothing he was a really depressed man from losing his mother and father at an early age his father left never came back and his mother died when he was only 16. so I can understand now in hindsight as an older man where that stemmed from right he just never was able to get the right type of help but but that caused us forced us to leave New York as it was causing a lot of problems in New York and we moved to Miami Florida they were trying to look for a fresh start however we moved to Opa-locka in Miami which is like the heart of the ghetto uh you know and at that time we're talking to Cocaine Cowboys and everything else so we went from one frying pan into another frying pan that had fire turned on to like Mega 10 000 squared um and of course that didn't work out so well initially we were really in in severe poverty with poverty stricken family we literally we eat Cairo syrup and toast some days what did you just say you eat what Cairo syrup that's his clear Circle oh yeah pyro syrup I got you yeah and matzo crackers with butter um powdered eggs you'd have to add you know they weren't real eggs you didn't have the water you have kind of like some type of eggs almost like an MRE from a military thing um and you know ready-made meal or whatever and then um we begged the neighbors for food from time to time so it was a hard upbringing but where I got my first Epiphany was uh around the age of seven where I realized I didn't have any money for the ice cream truck and all my friends were going to an ice cream truck and I was like how come they can afford the ice cream truck and we're both in the same broke poor neighborhood we can't even afford to eat so I went in the house and I took all of my toys even the broken toys and I went door to door uh asking for donations for my toys a penny and nickel a dollar I told the people look I just want to have money for the ice cream truck and people started donating money to me and I would still give them the toy anyway and at the end of the day I had about 13 and change and I knew at that moment my life was going to change I I said to myself out loud I'm going to save myself I felt it I felt the deep inside my spirit that I literally saw a conscious thought I had an action behind that and that action created a different outcome and now I had my Bazooka bubble gum that I wanted to chew on and read my comic strip from the uh ice cream truck so that's what that's when literally when I first had my really first strong Epiphany realizing that I was powerful that I could make decisions that can change my reality and that's kind of how I got my starting moving up through there starting several businesses as a pre-teen that ended up making more money than my parents selling digital car stereos and electronics in Miami and and growing other Discount Health Care programs and companies all the way up until I found I started a.com in 1997 which I sold for millions of dollars in 2004 uh and that took seven years off to just train my kids and create Sports programs in my neighborhood build a YMCA then getting back into the industry again and to mobile apps and web development e-commerce and eventually realizing uh you know I was in a call center business for a while but I realized that my true calling was to spread this knowledge around the world so I decided to walk in one day to my partners and said hey guys I'm out don't even sell my share just to take my share of the company I need to do what I'm here to do and I walked out and I just started Forbidden Knowledge wow so at the age of seven you realize you had agency over your own destiny that's yes it was a click because most people are living thinking that either somebody owes them something or the world owes them something or they believe in bad or good luck or circumstances determine their Destiny but at that moment that you sold those toys you realize you had agency you can make a decision back in my action manifestation will occur yes yes absolutely and my eyes just lit up just yeah yeah you know you're reminding me of my childhood a little bit like I mean just I I remember I used to go to the neighbors and I would invite I would ask could I take their trash cans out in and out on on the week because I wouldn't have money in my pocket yeah and I had all these people lined up I had money in my pocket just doing chores and things of that particular nature and I'll always remember I went on vacation my father took us somewhere and uh so I had my my friend down the street I said would take over until I get back and he was lazy and he didn't do it so by the time I got back another guy who had been scoping me out stole my clients oh man that came back and his father beat his butt you know when he found out about it he said are you lazy you you lost you lost Michael's uh clients you reminded me because yeah you you you you had agency and so this this this was the seed that allowed Billy Carson to emerge to be an entrepreneur be an individual that could basically Forge his own destiny through his own thought his own vision and his own action that's that's a powerful story so so now we're you're you're you you release the shares you didn't even ask for the money for your shares that's interesting you said I didn't want it you didn't want I just wanted to release myself I didn't want to have to keep going back and forth in negotiation I said look I'm gonna make it easy on you guys I really apologize and I had set up the entire structure of the company right the whole architect I was the architect of the whole company you know and built it up to a successful program including hiring and firing and lead generation and the whole thing uh even all the accounts we had but I just said look guys yeah I I have to walk away from this I'm gonna make it easy just take my share and walked away were they surprised oh they were completely sorry they didn't want me to leave because you know I said look I'm going to show you I'll give you all the passwords like you have everything you need but at the same time I just I can't do this you know they beg me not to not to go but I had to go you had a destiny calling you yeah yeah is it is did they were they able to continue with the success that you established they continued uh they didn't have the same level of success and I figured they would probably go through a little bit of a growing process but then unfortunately that you know when they got it rolling right the global sickness came so writers day buyers writers they reach their Pinnacle of where they where I left them years prior then that knocked him back now so I'm not really sure what they're into now they're good now so you went you segued into Forbidden Knowledge Incorporated you know give the audience an overview of what that is and and offer from that platform for so many decades I have been studying and researching ancient civilizations and Aerospace technology ancient cultures philanthropy Mysteries metaphysics and so forth so many different things and I knew that I had a lot of information to spread to the world uh I had read this Hopi prophecy that said that in the future the world world will be connected by a web and information will travel around the planet instantaneously and I said if I can just live to the point when that happens I'll be able to get my message out but when the internet came along I was like wow this is my time but then I was tied up in this company and that company and finally so I had to walk away and I said I want to take this knowledge that I deem to be forbidden knowledge because not that it's completely hidden and nobody can get to it but it's in so many fractalized pieces they need somebody to put it all together and connect the dots which is what I thought I was very good at doing and so I said I'm going to call this Forbidden Knowledge and I'm going to learn teach people how to make a Forbidden Knowledge eventually become common knowledge that was the ultimate goal right and I wanted to take over the world My slogan was take over the world one click at a time that's my first slowing I put on my all my stuff on my branding right and uh and so in 2014 I started it off as a non-profit initially and just kind of started getting my information out there and I realized to get it to the level that I wanted it I needed to take it into a Corp a C Corp a non-profit Corporation was extremely limited for what I was trying to do and I knew I needed to commercialize it if I wanted to get forbidden I was mainstream and also I knew there were some opportunities there with media so I then in 2017 I converted it into a profit C corporation uh and then that was the first year I decided to monetize it first year did about 139 149 000 dollars very small money the following year it went up to 2 million follow me at 3 million you know six million it just kept on going uh as I complete continue to build and I said now it's time to launch Forbidden Knowledge TV I initially actually launched Forbidden Knowledge TV which is a streaming TV network with conscious programs prior to Netflix existence if you look at the age of the domain you'll see the domain predates Netflix but bandwidth fees were so high back then and they're worth no real Ott back-end platforms and it was costing me just for a million streams in one month it was almost 15 1600 a month back then and I was like okay I can't keep doing this so I paused it and then after a while with Netflix and Prime and Hulu and everything I said okay now it's time let's bring this back so I brought it back on a nice Ott platform uh and it's like a conscious Netflix basically you know a lot of conscious programming there stuff that can uplift Inspire motivate teach uh and uh now we have a little a little over I think now 3 400 programs on the network and growing in Leaps and Bounds and we've even filed for a reg uh a reg CF which we did about a year and a half ago and raised about a million in round one we raised another three or four million in round two and we just now apply for a reg a plus with the SEC and finra which was just approved and now we're doing a a reggae plus uh which is going to launch literally any day now for round three in the first round our pre-money valuation was 20 million the second round it went to 30 million and now in the third round our pre-money evaluation just came in at 50 million dollars and uh we made an announcement earlier this year that we're going to be up listing a NASDAQ probably by the fourth quarter or the first quarter of next year wow congratulations thank you and so so how many people are now are now participating in Forbidden Knowledge and the TV aspect well now this is great news so the reason why I did this is because I wanted to be able to bring the people that were supporting me along for the ride right give them an opportunity to earn and learn right and I knew it was a hard path to go because going public is extremely difficult and very very expensive but I figured if we can pull this off we can change a lot of people's lives and so right now we have just a little over 5 000 investors and Forbidden Knowledge 5 000 people bought shares at a dollar or a dollar fifty when they first came out depending on when they bought them now Shares are 2.50 when round three starts so they're already looking very good and we know that we can legally state that when it hits NASDAQ the minimum we're opening at is four dollars so this is a great golden opportunity for a lot of people that's fantastic and so basically you're curating uh teachers that are that are providing a message along with yourself yeah basically giving them a platform to actually be on television yeah giving a platform to be on TV literally like Global TV Apple TV Roku uh Amazon Fire TV Samsung TVs uh the web iOS I could stream my Sunday services with you yes sir absolutely you can live stream if you want to we can do live streams we can do whatever you want absolutely wow yes sir no I appreciate um what you said earlier about uh forbidden knowledge in terms of taking not not that which is forbidden but that which was kind of hidden you know and bringing it to the fore I used to say you know because I've been I've been in I've been teaching you know four decades now and and back in the day you know it was peripheral now it's the conversation is Central you know everybody knows about the law of attraction everybody knows that your thoughts uh transmute themselves into perception and experience and in manifestation it's a it's a part of the Gestalt now you know yeah so now we have to uh but I love what you're doing we have to actually assist people not just believing in this stuff but actually going deeper in practice yes to actually embody these teachings so that individuals like you did at seven realize they have agency over their own life and that they could make a mighty difference on this planet it's not about taking it's about celebrating the gift that's within you and share it and so you're on the Forefront you know of of actually launching this kind of information for more and more people to get I I I celebrate you even before I knew you you know thank you I remember I remember saying I'm gonna know this brother thank you man listen honor to meet you finally after you know seeing you on the the show and everything and you know following your social media and be like wow you know and then finally uh you know through Dr B and everything else he says man I tell you everything like I said earlier Divine timing man just it works out you know everything comes full circle and here we are this is great yeah yeah and so uh Emerald Tablets I have a copy of it you know I'm going through you know and um uh give us a synopsis of it and when I want people to actually get the book but give us a a scenario a synopsis so The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and there's also another tablet called The Emerald Tablet of Hermes and singular tabs so there's tablets plural and one tablet when I went through both of these um amazing writings that are really old like the emerald tabs of those are said to be about 36 000 to 38 000 years old right as I started going through this ancient text I started realizing a lot of epiphanies not only with the metaphysical and the spiritual text context of it but also I started realizing and noticing technology going through physics quantum mechanics and general sciences and so forth and I was like this is really really amazing so I started asking a few people in the community who I think on that path you know have they read them and some had but and I started asking for deeper questions to see how much they gleaned from it they didn't seem as they gleamed enough that I thought I saw so I continued to go through them more and more and I said wow the world needs to hear what's in these tablets so I decided to write a book called compendium of The Emerald Tablets right and the compendium is a breaking down of both tablets which are included inside the actual book itself as well the original tablets are both in there but I broke them down uh in a way that allows a a average person to understand exactly what's being said what's being told what is the lesson what is the uh you know what is the philosophy behind this what is the science and what science that they are talking about here can we compare to something we have now in modern times that is extremely similar so I break that down as well and also I break down the teachings of Jesus and everyone everybody else inside this text so people could see that for a lot of um religions this was the original Source material right right and so what part of the world did this come from it originated in the land of kamet long before it was called Egypt we're talking a very long time ago because according to the ancient Egyptians not me the ancient Egyptians say that so ruled over the land of Kim for 16 000 years just one person all right which is not it sounds like a long time but even in the uh the Sumerian Kings list there's people who ruled for 28 800 years so that's a short period of time sixteen thousand not as long as 28 000. right and these are this is what the ancient ancestors say and then what they recorded in their in their writings uh and so it originated there long after he left from the land of kamet because he left kamet with all mix some Africans and he went to mesoamerica and he built the tibacon civilization but after he left the pyramid priests and the priests of the records eventually took those tablets and migrated them and took them over to mesoamerica where tibicon was built they were actually written in Canada but discovered uh over there in um in uh mesoamerica near tobaccon and then brought back again so it's pretty interesting it's an interesting story it's powerful so you're actually saying that this is being lived that long yeah yeah and he talks about how he does it too in the book he talks about the fact that he has these Rejuvenation Chambers and I've actually visited his father's Rejuvenation Chambers ER and key they're in the Sarah pm and uh in Egypt so if you go to Egypt we go to the Sarah PM you'll see the Rejuvenation Chambers it's the halls of amenti his was located underneath the Great Pyramid which I've been underneath the Great Pyramid and these gigantic 1670 ton sarcophagus which aren't really for bearing anybody no they're not I've been there too you're right yeah yeah I want people to hear it because you know people think these are tombs and things of that particular nature no but it had nothing to do with that no nothing to do with that whatsoever he says a hundred times ten have I descended into the halls of amenti so he's gone down into these Halls of a Man City and he's put his body he says into these Rejuvenation Chambers into these Giants sarcophagus and he let the body rejuvenate while he walks he transfers his Consciousness into another body now all these bodies are not stolen bodies right they said that they fashioned their own bodies in some way they have their own they have a way of making their own clones so to speak and he would then walk amongst men but unlike a man he says while the other bodies are rejuvenating and he would jump from body to body uh which sounds like threat incredible science fiction but this is what they're working on right now and I talk about this in my book The Avatar project with DARPA coming out of uh the military out of America where they have field soldiers to having symbiotic links with field robots same exact thing saying their Consciousness to link with the robot that way if the robot is destroyed the soldier is in a bunker person were completely safe it just severs a connection and then you have Ray Kurtz wheel out of Russia who created the uh 2045 project 2045.com2045.com hey they've already transferred the monkey's Consciousness into a computer and their monkey's body is dead the monkey thinks it's still alive it's in a computer eating bananas and climbing trees it's not even alive in the sense of the word of physical Third Dimension and they've now connected uh again to a a human mind to a robot and by 2045 which is what the name of the project they hope to have a human transfer his Consciousness or her Consciousness into another uh um clone being uh so you know this is what we're working on and this is the same stuff written in the tablets absolutely it's interesting because uh art sometimes mimics real life and you see a lot of them now you know I mean there was a Bruce Willis movie where him and his girlfriend were putting their Consciousness into younger bodies of themselves and taking care of business and then coming back to the old everybody and you know so a lot of times art is just mimicking the next great version of science or the possibility of where we're all heading it's like it's in it's in the atmosphere you know it's it's it's more than science fiction these things are really being worked upon yeah yeah that's the fact yeah and so people are starting to realize that we are pure Consciousness now the other thing I like about your teaching I remember I used to be criticized for this a number of years ago when we say that our life is the life of God you know and and I I can remember and I've watched you navigate that to a degree I remember when I was teaching um in a higher Consciousness School of ministry I was a faculty member and one of the teachers came up to me after my class and said you shouldn't tell people that that they're God that they're the life of God just tell them just say that God works through you and I said well that is true God does work through us but there's only one life so yeah that life has to be God so my life has to be the life of God I'm not going to dumb it down at least I'm going to plant the seeds but but and I've watched you navigate that as well and now we're living in a time where people it's like the the mental atmosphere is ready you have an understanding that we're not separated from life itself and we carry everything that life has you know we just have to be conscious of it and and you're doing a great work and bringing a lot of people along in this Dynamic giving people uh a great degree of self-confidence and and worth and it's it's powerful to watch you yeah thank you man I appreciate it I'm and I'm so pleased man I that's why I have so much respect for you because it's so hard to go against that grain especially in the ministry and be able to say no yes no we are God yeah and then but to break it down and say let me explain what that means and to show people like and when you show them the right way you know like I say the Divine spark that created everything in the universe is imbued in every single atom which makes up my body all the atoms in my body have been here since the beginning of creation I'm just a stack of atoms that atoms were stacked in a format to create this Avatar I'm like a giant Lego right right but there's there's Divine energy flowing through every single electron and proton and neutron and nucleus that have created this Avatar body and this body is just a vessel to encapsulate temporally my spirit which is only one Spirit right and so we are harnessing a spirit that's coming in on an angle we're Angels right we're angles right and it's coming in on an angle and it's inhabiting the light is inhabiting this avatar for a moment in time and allowing us to maneuver around this third dimension but we literally are just being broadcast here from higher Dimensions yes and our spirit literally is just a frequency you know I'm 99.1 you're 99.2 but it's all coming from the same radio station right okay you know yeah that's why I try to tell people like look you have to understand the powers in you already stop you know hoping and wishing and begging it's in you now just accept that and and walk in that true power and man when I began to do that the world just began to open up everything becomes began to unfold right before my very eyes absolutely and instead of you bending yourself towards circumstances circus stance has been to your frequency they've been through your vibration because circumstances are just the condensation of thoughts and opinions and points of view it's condensed themselves but when you lift your vibration and you know who you are then everything bends towards you doors open opportunities happen it's already there within you and this is you you're the god of your own life you see yeah and you're not you're not uh I tell people you know we're not blaspheming God blaspheming God is to limit God we're magnifying God you know we're we're we're we're allowing the presence of God to know itself as our life that's not blasphemy that's celebration you know I'm celebrating the life Divine with my life and and people are now I'm not talking about those who are still lost in religions and fundamental religions but many people who have left that are starting to wake up to the truth that the Divine is within them and the Divine is their very life and being it's a game changer oh yeah it's huge it's so huge and I've gone so far to tell people look because we know through quantum physics that everything exists as a wave of light before it converts itself into the potential of a digital substance or particle or what we call matter right matter really is just an illusion that's collapsed by Consciousness but everything exists as waves of potential right and so because of that everything that exists is making a decision whether it's going to appear to be a wave or it's going to be a particle we know this through the double slit experiment and we know that when the electrons are being watched they turn into particles when they're not being watched they operate as waves which means they're conscious they make decisions if they're making decisions based on conscious observation that means that every single atom in the entire universe is conscious which means a rock is conscious a piece of paper is conscious this microphone is conscious it's close these clothes we're wearing are conscious and if you could teach that to kids from an early age and let them know that everything is alive including things that appear to be inanimate objects or appear to be man-made it's not really man-made because we just stack atoms we don't make anything right then imagine the level of respect and dignity they would have for their clothes their toys their house and and nature and everything else they would treat everything with a higher level of reverence if they understood that everything was aware and conscious absolutely you reminded me you know I was um my first Awakening as an adult happened in 70s I was a senior at USC as a psychobiology major I thought my path was to go into med school and I had a conscious Awakening I was stabbed in the heart in a lucid dream and I died when I woke up I could see the love and the beauty and the intelligence the love just penetrated my being Beauty was everywhere and as you were saying even the lint on the rug was alive everything was teeming with life vibrant beautiful you know and it changed the whole trajectory of my life and I I had to just I had to go on a research and development to discover what had happened to me and I never could get back in the Box again you know it took me a number of years to integrate so I didn't look weird out here you had to integrate those higher frequencies and and and I lost all my friends because everybody thought I freaked out on Jesus you know what I mean he said Michael's freaked out you know and uh but everything was alive I mean the cement the the the grass the the lint I always remember that and and to this day when I go into certain zones and everything is just buzzing with the liveness I mean sometimes I have to make sound effects because it's just so you know and people don't understand like the trees the trees Bend towards our divinity the trees the trees recognize many people's Divinity and they don't even recognize it in themselves you know come on man they've actually been towards our Divinity you know but yeah everything is alive it's it's it's it's it's a beautiful thing now and we can go on and on and on man I have to have you back again but um this this I want to keep going in this conversation but I do want to I do want to ask you about and I know I'm involved in it to a degree you know you if you're written knowledge you didn't went into a a a um I know not an award show what do you call it it's a um it's a conscious Awards program what was your motivation tell us about it but what what was the motivation to birth this you know about a year and a half ago I was just sitting around I was talking to my fiance Elizabeth and I was talking to her about the fact that I had I was scrolling on social media and I saw a man so many powerful people I had dropping some real incredible information and I was like man this I feel bad like some of these people I know for a fact because I know some of them are using every penny they they have they're investing everything they have extra from their work and all their extra time with that that they should spend with their family they're dedicating to trying to Enlighten humanity and I said it's just really a shame that there's nothing that to recognize these people on a grand scale you know other than giving me some likes and a comment and I sat back and I said well well wait a minute well why don't I do it why don't I give these people their flowers while they're still alive and so that's how the initial thought came to me and again going back to the seven-year-old Billy you get the thought now it's time for the action right right so I'm the type of person that when the thoughts come in my head I'm gonna start snapping I'm gonna start taking action with this so Elizabeth and I started working on this and we said yeah we have to make this a reality and it just started coming together uh we found a venue we found one of the nicest venues literally in the world the Adrian Art Center for the Performing Arts in Miami Florida it rivals in my opinion it Rivals the Sydney Opera house uh just because it's newer and it's more high-tech and when you walk in it's awe-inspiring it takes your breath away it's one of those kind of venues and it was so expensive and I knew the first year would be a loss you know you'll be in the red but it didn't matter the fact was somebody has to start this and we said it's going to be us it's going to be the Forbidden conscious Awards and we're gonna honor people in so many different categories whether it's spiritual leaders like yourself archaeologists space anomaly Hunters podcasters radio hosts TV hosts producers music artists we wanted to let people know we appreciate you and we're going to help help let your fans get involved and help them vote say hey we want to thank you in a more Grand way we want to thank you in a much bigger way and it just continued to grow until the idea manifested itself and we began to invest in it and now it's going down a year later in Miami Florida in just two weeks now it's showing up here live in real time we'll be at the Adrian art center and you're actually one of the top nominees in the spiritual leader category so congratulations to you well thank you thank you I appreciate that and and so what you're doing what I'm hearing you speak first of all I love the Genesis of it giving people their flowers while they're here I appreciate that and I mean you know they have hip-hop music awards they have BET Awards why not uh celebrate individuals who are really trying to change Consciousness really trying to update people encourage people inspire people and and pull them from the the sense of foreboden negativity and fear I mean I think I think it's great you know and uh uh I mean obviously people who are doing this we don't do anything for an award right it's not like that's not the motivation the motivation is really as as seven-year-old Billy discovered you know there's a calling and you have to say yes to the calling if you don't say yes to the calling you'll live your entire life dangling on the strings that somebody else is holding you know yeah um so it's a great acknowledgment I appreciate being a part of it and it was when you you told me that I was uh in the top running for that I mean it was kind of a surprise to me you know yeah and that's huge man if you got a strong following your people love you your people that have been listening to you and learning from you a lot of people voted for you man put you into the top three it's a Deepak Chopra uh Pim story and you yeah well I know both of those people those are those are my colleagues those are my friends that's great it's beautiful even to be mentioned and I I appreciate you for for taking that on you know you you have uh taken your platform and you're making a a great difference and thank you I applaud you now you have a podcast biohack your life hack your best life yes it's actually life yeah so Elizabeth's you know wanted her own podcast on the network and so she's she came up with the name she said would you be a co-host with me so I co-host biohack your best Life podcast with her and it's all about mental health biohacking which are you know modalities that you can use whether spiritual or physical modalities to help you know clear up the mental fog the mental health the shadow work and everything else needed uh whether it's from grounding or whether it's from you know EFT or all these other techniques just ways to help people relieve the trauma from their bodies and to lead a healthy a healthy conscious life uh and to be able to you know defeat these battles within the mind so that they can defeat the battles on the outside because you got to clean up the inside first before you can do anything on the outside so we have the biohack your best Life podcast and that's on the Forbidden us podcast Network yeah so it's been doing very well yeah people can just go to forbiddenknowledge.com basically and discover all of this yeah go to forbiddenknobs.com you can also watch it on Forbidden Knowledge TV and you can also watch it on YouTube of the forbidden knowledge of the number for Forbidden Knowledge YouTube account and then I have my own podcast on that same network I think we have six podcasters now so we have various different podcasts you know we have uh behind the hustle batik wise talking about you know how to generate income passive income on the side I got my forbid knowledge podcast which talks about all things Forbidden Knowledge and we have a wide a big secret with uh Roderick Martin talking about you know move on type stuff UFOs uaps aliens government things um we have the uh mental strategist with this which is a psychotherapist and her friend antonina they both talk about uh kind of mental health but all how to overcome different mental issues and problems how to strategize and take take your problems on the right way um and then we have um numb which is another podcast talking about issue how to deal with daily issues it's more for feminine issues uh mental and and so forth uh just like just trying to bring all different aspects of this thing together you know and then now we have Dr Beast serious coming on with the frequency podcast which is going to be incredible yeah so yeah just trying to find ways to tap into everybody's likes and wants and what they want to hear or listen to but something that's going to give them some knowledge when it gets when it ends right right that this is this is beautiful so do you ever sleep man because you got so many things going on here I'm looking at you goodness.com you offer tours and workshops uh you haven't you have an entrepreneur master class with Dame Dash you got so much going on man you got I'm looking at you Unleash Your Divine power with Mike Rasheed oh blueprint for God power 2 is coming up yes you had new plan for God power one yeah with godpower two that's coming up in October give people an understanding of what that is listen part one was a huge 11 hour class uh which was hosted by and taught by Dr B serious and myself Billy Carson uh it was an amazing Workshop going deep into the blueprint actual blueprint to activate and access your God power and 11 hours just wasn't enough to be honest with you we realized that it was actually one of the largest conscious online workshops in history in this community we know that for a fact and so many people wanted so much more we decided to come back with a part two so we can continue to grow and build on that and take people even to a higher level so we're coming back with an incredible amount of knowledge that's never been talked about on YouTube or forbidden TV or any other network before we're coming with all the information all new knowledge we're going to be giving out free meditation tracks that were created specifically just for this God power that's not on podcast or Spotify or apple music or anywhere else it's exclusively for the ticket holders and we're going to give away these seven sacred prayers that was done by seven powerful people that's exclusive that's never been aired it's only going to be for the people who are ticket holders as well and it's going to be an incredible powerful class probably another 11 12 hour class part two is going to be mind-blowing bigger even than the first one that's coming up in October this year uh people can find all my events on eventbrite.com and just type in Billy Carson everything should pop right up so you didn't ask what other questions yeah ever sleep man I try to get sleep now I used to only sleep four hours a day for about maybe 25 26 years yeah before that it was probably like five or six hours but um but now you know my fiance she's a biohacker she she's you know if you get older as you get older I'm gonna be 52 in September and so you have to at least get six just statistically to avoid issues and things like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and things like that lack of sleep kind of contributes to those problems but now I've forced myself to make sure I get at least a good six hours of sleep yeah yeah I'm on the same track I I used to do because I meditate you know so I would I wouldn't need a lot of sleep so I could I could do four with ease but I notice now I'm doing the same thing I'm starting to I'm starting to you know get my six yeah yeah you know and then I don't I used to back in the day I used to when I was doing before I would take a nap in my office in the afternoon that's all you need man yeah yeah you're good yeah so I I may get back to I haven't been able to do the nap recently because a lot of things are unfolding that I need to have my hands on but uh I would I would uh not go to sleep a lot I would just meditate you know yeah and get to four get to four to five but I'm not that same track I I I like sleeping now because my dreams now were so vivid you know and and and they're like I mean a lot I mean it's like if I'm talking to you it's me and you talking you know what I mean oh man it's very lucid and I and that that cycle is coming back again so I like going to sleep now because it's an adventure you know what I mean it's like okay you know I I'm dealing with different people some of my friends who moved on or things of that particular nature we're having good conversations and uh so it's it's a it's it's beautiful um yeah that's powerful I like to have guided dreams so set myself up for what cup what type of dream I want to go into and then I'll guide myself in yeah yeah that's powerful people need to understand that it's a very powerful period of time when you're falling asleep and a very powerful period of time when you're first waking up and we're going to use those times you know to actually as you're talking about guide the dream or imprint the subconscious mind with something that you want to manifest or grow into and and so I use that I have like 17 things I have written down so when I first wake up I read them well I'm still in the hypnagogic stand still between sleeping awake I'll read them and then go on about my day and before I go to bed I'll read them so it goes into my subconscious mind and so even as I'm sleeping it's working you know and and oftentimes people will go to sleep and they have all kinds of worries on their mind and unforgivenesses and annoyances and you know the news and they don't understand they're programming their mind their their misprocess right you know yeah exactly and those codes are powerful too they'll take you over if you'll if you allow them to yeah you have to shut all that noise out and you be the master I tell people you're not your thoughts you are the Observer of your thoughts you need to separate yourself from those thoughts and take control of this Avatar body and dominate yeah that's that's why we call this take back the mind I mean you covered a little bit of that material in terms of the observer effect you know everything we observe changes on a subatomic level just based on observation so if you have the observer effect with intention you've taken the observer effect on steroids now you know so if you're meditating you're observing yourself would you have the intention to become the next great vision and version of yourself you change everything on a subatomic level and everything starts to work on your behalf and and and you're basically letting people know really as we talked about from the very beginning they have agency over their own life you know the uh uh so many people are just dangling on the strings of the government all manner of agencies that want to control you yep but you have agency and for the people who are going to sleep and having these nightmares like you saw like you just talked about you know uh for issues and problems and and things that arise or things that they went through in their life or whatever that keeps creating all these nightmares and problems and issues you know these all these Daydreams that are torturing them right uh they have to realize that they need to break down and analyze what went wrong but their collaboration with their collusion was with that wrongness how can they now learn from this problem or situation they went through how can they come up with potential Solutions if it ever arises again and then once they get to that point the next step is then to forgive themselves and absolve themselves of all of it and move on and have and make peace with yourself and then those things won't even be an issue anymore right yeah you made you gave the key word is forgive yourself release the rancor the resentment the animosity the the way we self-loa sometimes and Let It Go yeah you can actually change the past because oftentimes people are experiencing their perception of the past and they're repeating it over and over and over and when they expand their perception to forgiveness they begin to see they didn't even see it right they were seeing their life from a narrow point of view they didn't see the bigger picture they didn't see all the support and the love and how they're surrounded by this presence of which their life is and then they can break free yeah forgiveness is key it's key and and of course as you know all forgiveness is really self-forgiveness anyway yeah really that's all it is yeah and at some point if you relinquish that to an outside Source but you never truly forgive yourself you're still going to languish and suffer ongoing until you finally come to that point where you forgive yourself it's going to be a trauma that's going to be embedded into your RNA that's going to be passed down on to your next generation and it's called epigenetic memory so right you might as well start working on yourself now and start fixing these problems and re-encoding yourself so when you your next Generation doesn't have to suffer because of you absolutely and and and this is how we break the whole ancestral curses all that's been passed down we don't have to let that out no you know we don't have to be victims of that and and so many people are are victimized by what's happened in the their their their their their their their their ancestral line and as you say passing it on to the descendants we can break that we can set ourselves free now and let it go in in both directions ancestor descendants and clear up the whole thing because there's a part of us that's never been touched heard harmed or endangered in any way and that's the real self that's us you know yeah but we have to be bold enough to be whole we have to be bold enough to accept that yeah yeah this is absolutely powerful so powerful man yeah so you know man we got we got to do it we got to do a 10 hour workshop together man what's going on you're speaking something into existence man yeah man this is too good man thank you so much so much so let me ask you this you know you got a few minutes a few minutes um you know what's you know I often teach that pain pushes into the vision pulls what's pulling you right now I know you got a lot of stuff going on you got you got the conscious Awards you you got your podcasts you got the Forbidden Knowledge you got a lot happening is there anything else pulling you until it's stretching you into the next level of Billy Carson yeah I would really say it's really this Forbidden Knowledge TV it was pulling me the most my main focus even though there's so many other ancillary things that go along with that the book publishing and the music and everything else but it really is fundamentally The Forbidden TV network because I really want and will have it as the largest conscious TV network in the world and it's going to touch so many millions of people's lives which eventually is going to turn into billions of people's lives uh and so it has to I think in my personal opinion the power to make the most change on the planet in the fastest way because I can bring on Incredible Minds like yourself and others now somebody all the way in India somewhere can literally turn on a mobile device and hear your voice and and get that wisdom and that knowledge imparted into their mind and that's going to activate them so it's all about sparking brains how many brains can we spark globally and I really feel like that is the best venue and Avenue to make it happen since it is a global app yeah no this is this is beautiful I'm gonna offline I'm gonna talk to you more about it and uh there's so many different layers that you've brought up today that uh I'm glad people I'm glad my audience will get a chance to know you I know you're known but I want you know my folks to know who you are and yeah that'd be great I appreciate it you know this is this is powerful any any any last words any final anything on your mind that you just I wish I would have shared that I wish I would have said that you know people like you know really be honest and truthful with yourself a lot of the times we lie to ourselves uh and the reason why we do this we self-sabotage it's one of the biggest things that I see going on every single day a lot of self-sabotaging is happening and when you're lying to yourself are you tricking yourself you're denying yourself of things that you're worthy of you know we are we're supposed to walk in abundance 24 7. don't let anybody rob you of that concept or idea don't let anybody put you down and make you feel like you should be less worthy because maybe you are feeling abundant or operating and abundance or looking too abundant but that abundance is your Birthright and now not only is your birth right but it's your also your job and your duty to build a legacy for your friends your family loved ones whoever it is that's close to you to help to continue to build a legacy so that people in the future coming on can have a way to say hey I've got a little step up to get started here but also not only in building a legacy you need to understand how do you establish it to where it can be long lasting what kind of rules do you put in place into that Legacy so that people coming along that have an abandon have the advantages of taking uh that Legacy on don't screw it up and and burn it so there's rules and things like that like I like to teach about like making rules about your your trust and your will and your life insurance policy how much money does The Offspring get well and what are the rules involved with that for example my kids know that if they don't have a 700 credit score if they don't get anything on somebody they just have 700 huh I have 700 if you're not sleeping on the couch if you're sleeping on somebody else's couch not in your not on your own couch you get nothing you can't be a leech sleeping on somebody's couch if you don't have a company or a job for at least one year that can be proven with a tax return then you get nothing you have to start over again you're going to go back in business go for another full year all right please the rules and regulations you have to attend my financial literacy courses that I was going to ask you about that share that because I know about your financial literacy course and your life insurance and the whole program you set up you know we got a couple of another moment or so share that part of your life and what you have to offer there yeah so this financial literacy courses I do them for the public in these workshops and I really teach in depth like what type of policies to get what type of whole life policy what type of trust do you get how do you create a revocable trust what type of attorney to put on that to create it how do you set it up and establish it to where if something happens to you everyone can get access to it how do you store your passwords and your logins for your your Bitcoins and your on your you know all your all your cryptocurrency your bank account how do you have a a a um uh attorney uh Power of Attorney and who gets that power attorney to get access to things this is all crucial information that we for whatever reason we meaning most mostly uh people of color for whatever reason we don't establish these things in our in our legacy plan right and so a lot of the times the next generation gets kind of burned we have to stop that that's a curse we have to stop which is why I'm so big on it and you have to establish rules and regulations for the people that will get access to what you're getting so that when you're gone your legacy can continue to live on because it's usually what happens is the Legacy is passed down to the first generation but by the second generation it's usually completely wasted and destroyed or gone so you have to establish these rules and regulations even my grandchildren grandchildren they don't get all any money what they get is a small percentage when they turn 18 and then when they meet certain requirements but when they're 21 they get a little bit more and then they read certain requirements again when they're 25 then they get the rest if they don't meet the required meet the requirements they don't get anything so because it's because they're going to squander it because they respondering it would be gone it's like somebody winning the lottery five years later they're broke because they don't have the rules right in the Consciousness to hold that frequency of abundance yes yeah exactly so is this information on the forbiddenknowledge.com yeah forbiddenknobs.com just go there a lot of these workshops from teaching what I'm talking to you now they're all available to our subscribers just subscribe to forbiddenknowledge.tv or you can go to.com to get to dot TV but just or just get the Forbidden Knowledge TV app on your app store get a seven day free trial ballgan and binge watch a lot of my classes as many as you want learn as much as you can in seven days see if you like it that's beautiful man you're doing a great workout here and I appreciate thank you I appreciate the different levels I appreciate the the spiritual Dimension everything is spiritual but I appreciate the nuts and bolts at the the level of of your finances the level of trust Wills uh life insurance these are things that people need to know about and it's not that far away from doing it's not that difficult yeah no yeah this is a matter of putting in the action and the energy and learning about it and getting it done right and uh you know you know people who don't have a lot of money can still begin to build a legacy and begin to build their Consciousness and begin to manifest at higher and higher levels you can't just look at yourself as a victim and say you know what you don't have you have to look at yourself as a Victor and begin to feel what you do have and walk in that direction yeah that's it that is it and then the next generation will take over where you left off and continue to build right yeah this is beautiful okay there's so much here we're going to have to do this again everyone this is Billy Carson forbidden knowledge dot TV for beginner knowledge.com uh check out the compendium on the emerald Talent tablets it's very powerful and uh you know I'm glad we had this moment yeah thank you I have to come back we got to go deeper but I appreciate it man this was incredible and thank you to everyone that uh you know that listens to your work man you you're a great teacher I mean a really really good teacher man your stuff your stuff is powerful and it keeps popping up on my feet which is I like the algorithm sometimes sometimes the algorithms actually are good because you get what you need when you need it sometimes which is great because you're popping up on my feet all the time man yeah and you're popping up on mine I mean it started happening maybe a couple of years ago it was like Billy Carson and then I started seeing you that I started listening I said oh he knows what he's talking about because I listened and I was and some of the babies that are coming up they may have the words they don't have the lyrics they don't have the music you know what I mean yeah like they don't really have it yet they're like they're repeating things I listen and I can hear the tone of your voice and uh and I said oh he knows he he knows matter of fact we didn't get into this but I know by the tone of your voice that you've had some very powerful Cosmic experiences oh yeah no no doubt I've had some we can talk about that one next time you got some deep deep powerful ones yeah yeah because I can listen to people speak and I can say well he or she knows about it but they don't know it yet you know and I hear somebody speak and say oh they know we I know they know they've seen it they've been on the other side there's you know they've traveled to a different place I can I can tell so I hear you I heard the tone of your voice he knows he knows something you know yeah this is this is good so thank you man thank you for giving me give me you know you give me your time yeah to be on the podcast we will connect again online and then next time maybe we'll just go in and curate some of our because I'm starting to you know this stage of my development years ago I didn't do it I'm starting to like share some of the things that I've gone through internally and some of my travels internally and things like that I kind of kept that at Bay for a while because I didn't want people to to get into woo-woo about it but now I'm starting to share some of the Miracles and some of the things that I've had the privilege of experiencing we can dive into some of that stuff next time oh yeah that'd be great I'm looking forward to that that's gonna be fantastic and I'll see you in two weeks I'll see you in two weeks man so hey guys whenever you see this podcast even if it's after this time go to forbiddenknowledge.com see what happened knowledge [Laughter] thank you man it's a blessings man we'll talk soon God bless you all right appreciate it bye-bye [Music] I hope you enjoyed the powerful conversation I had with uh brother Billy Carson now we're going to take an opportunity as we do with every program to become still and to have just a few moments of meditation meditation is paying undistractable attention to reality that's reality with a capital R it's not the reality that you create for yourself based on your perception your point of view your experience your opinions your positionalities that's smaller reality large are our reality is that which is eternal that which is forever that which is infinite in moments of Great Awakening people sometimes laugh because they suddenly see oh my God Life Never Dies you know so meditation is being still and learning to pay attention to the insights that accrue through our Stillness the three pillars of meditation are Stillness silence and Solitude you learn to be still stop running around put your to-do list away for a while and be still and then you close your eyes and go into the sacred silence and it develops a level of Solitude we realize you had one with life you're undivided even though you may be connected with all creates a an inner Fortress of Solitude of safety security wellness and well-being just turn within for a moment [Music] be still be right here be unconcerned about where you are going and what you're going to do after this moment let go of where you have come from to be in this moment [Music] you are rich enough to pay attention you're paying attention to your intention [Music] is to wake up to that which is real and eternal about you [Music] silence quietude [Music] you're able to observe the thoughts moving through your Sky of mind you're silently watching without interference be still be silent foreign [Music] a fortress of Solitude you're connected to all of life and you're safe secure and cradled by love [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Stillness [Music] quietude silence [Music] dynamic vibrational Fortress of Solitude you may observe the thoughts emotions sensations of the body sounds without interference and as we talked about earlier the observer effect will change everything at a subatomic level [Music] obstacles and hindrances will dissolve [Music] we give thanks for this precious moment of Stillness we give thanks for a beautiful day ahead that's happening already now and we allow it to be so it is even now [Music] slowly open your eyes thank you for participating in this meditation that your friends know about the take back your mind podcast have a bright day you've heard me say the old statement from time to time that an individual is unwell individual that is sick has only one dream but an individual that's healthy has many dreams I want you to be a healthy individual from the inside out one of our sponsors is neutralize neutralize.com that carries adapters in adapters in is my superfood greens with 47 different plant-based ingredients adapted Gins Plus probiotics prebiotics and digestive enzymes one scoop is going to do you really well go to our sponsor neutralize.com look on their adaptogens and get the bundle subscribe to the vitamin d3k2 and the superfood greens your body is going to love you you also have heard me say over the years that spiritual Community grants you immunity from the lower frequencies of life the other sponsor is agape International spiritual center we're in our 37th year go to Agape live.com notice that we have three services on Sunday we have a university with classes we have many different programs and Ministries all for the unfoldment of our soul to be the best version of ourself those are our sponsors for now have a bright day your time is very valuable so I want to thank you for Lending us your ear and participating in taking back your mind if you want to submit a question for the question of the week please submit it to podcast at michaelbeckwith.com if you've enjoyed what you've heard today please submit a review and let us know your thoughts stay on top of current episodes by subscribing to the podcast so that you'll receive alerts and not miss one single episode and feel free to share this podcast with all of your friends and family and until we meet again take back your mind and you will take back your life peace and blessings [Music]
Channel: Michael Bernard Beckwith
Views: 222,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Take Back Your Mind with Michael B. Beckwith, Take Back Your Mind, Take Back Your Mind Podcast, Take Back Your Mind Michael Beckwith, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Michael B. Beckwith, Michael Beckwith Podcast, Michael B. Beckwith Podcast, Meditation, Michael Beckwith Meditation, Agape, Agape International Spiritual Center, Billy Carson, 4BiddenKnowledge
Id: ui7eFri_Bmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 45sec (4365 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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