Did Ancient Aliens Create Different Races? (ft. Billy Carson)

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how we all got to be different races yeah that goes back to how did that happen yeah that goes back to the Tower of baby incident and the Bible which comes out of the Sumerian Tablets okay explain what ancient Sumeria is real quick because we keep referencing it and and I also want to understand well this ancient Samaria is uh a a location right now would be Iraq right all right and Iraq which uh at that time was extended part of what Africa actually is believe it or not but it was a multicultural location got it the people there were Advanced beyond belief they had achieved a high level of Advanced Construction Water waste irrigation mathematics is this tigis and Euphrates between the Tigers and the Euphrates where the Garden of Eden is located got it okay and this makes sense because I imagine like the Tigers and Euphrates would overflow and there would be this great fresh water that would spill onto the land and then they would have tons of fruits and vegetables grow quite seamlessly in similar way to like the Nile people spoke what happened to like the N Valley region where it was just very fruitful right okay so you have lots of food when humans have lots of food and an ability potentially to protect themselves uh Society can grow so that this is the idea right okay so Sumeria this is a now this is a culture that is influenced by the atlantans or this is just human heavily influenced by atlantans okay so atlantans are are are ruling it or they built a base there and en Lil is the one who built the base Yahweh from the biblical text he built a base there and he said I'm going to create a design for cities that will last for all time on this planet and is this the first city that is one the most one of the most advanced cities it's got Street grids it has a a town center you know it has uh Plumbing all of that exists at this time and this is how long ago this is about roughly 8,000 years ago according to mainstream but if you go to the real understand that these tablets are copied tablets from even more ancient tablets we could be talking 40 50 100 200,000 years ago whoo even deeper than that and uh some some geologists have gone to look at the weather patterns of the destruction of some of these areas yeah and realize that we're talking maybe even almost two ice ages ago so this is really old stuff and uh so these people were extremely intelligent but they were influenced by these anaki Atlantean people who gave them the knowledge and taught them how to build and taught them how to do all of this and um at the Tower of Babel Yahweh who was known as enil he helps them to erect this well he builds his own Tower first called the Duron key which means Bond Heaven Earth and then the humans when he leaves to go somewhere the humans build a similar structure when he comes back I guess it's probably months or years later he sees that this thing is being built by humans mimicking what they their Advance culture had built and he says oh man whatever their hearts desire they will achieve it which that made it into the Bible and so he destroys the tower just like it says in the Bible and then he tell he says my seed shall not abide in Man Forever his year shall be 120 that also made it into the biblical text so you see where it's getting copied from older ancient text the Bible was written from 100 AD to 900 ad this text is thousands of years prior and so he then decides to um to confuse the languages and move people around to different regions of the planet so that we couldn't collaborate cuz if we can collaborate we can do all the things that they can do exact and we can challenge their power exactly this is where the genetic modification came in that 120 statement is powerful because at Harvard University they just discovered that the lifespan of a human being maxes out at about 120 years yeah right and that's under the most pristine conditions no poison that's organ failure and these other things not counting cancer outside sources but how long can your organs really live for yeah so that's where the genetic now scientist said look chromosome number two something happened to humans it was taken out and fused together right instead of having 48 we got 46 why is that Fus together two tel caps put on the end limiting our lifespan so we know that there was a gen genetic mutation around the same time they're saying 200,000 years ago the same times the tablets are roughly estimated to be written originally about this Tower of baby incident so it's like ancient text and modern science is almost collaborating with with each other and you're saying man what what wait a minute so the geneticist said it's an artificial mutation they he said well who did it they said we don't know how it's done they said through Natural Evolution it would have taken millions and millions of years to happen but it was expedited expedited now how an did it how do we yes they did how do we get the races now me and you aren't dark because our our cousins were working in the sun don't believe that it's foolishness okay you're not light-skinned because your uncles and aunts were working on top of a mountain in Russia yeah no what they discovered was between races there's a 2% variance in DNA and genes yeah 2% would take multi-millions of years through Natural Evolution didn't take that long only took 200,000 years so what's going on here oh I understand what you're saying yeah yeah because branded yeah well oh that that's that's kind of interesting because if humans didn't leave the African continent until how many hundred thousands of years ago you're saying that we left prior to the amount of time necessary in order for us to naturally evolve to have these different colors correct dick sizes or whatever so so yeah why did your guys God love big dicks so much what is what is that about when you go to Egypt that's in the museum you see a lot of statues with big penises all what is up you noce how we didn't look into that huh Mr Caron Che that don't Che but yeah can you explain that no Diddy Noy my and then you see Statue of David and he got a little strippy on there okay so so so and then Asians where the [ __ ] do they come from that's just crazy I know so cuz they're the most different yeah they they're really different but here's what they are I can say that because my wife is Asian yeah so tell me what's the deal here's the thing so anun when you look at the Anunnaki and you discover that they were multi people they all look different the crew that th took to chem with him they were all different looking people even one person had married a woman from another planet according to these texts not according to me when he said go around the planet and duplicate what we did here yeah so now I go you and I we already in Africa right you go to Europe you go over to meso America and you are ruling over people now how do you what does a farmer do right now if they have cows they brand the cow so in case my cow wanders off you know that's farmer Jim's cow we got to get it back to him so everybody made their people look like them so they knew these are our properties us make man in our image whoa I believe my hypothesis is that we are genetically branded people for the people that we were ruled over by whoa so what color do we all start as nobody no one knows when you read when you when you talk about these anaki text describes them there's only one reference in the Samarian tabis that references the people that took the brunt of a bomb that got dropped in ancient times and they call them the blackf faed people and it said that the evil wind took them over and their hair fell out and their nails fell off and their eyes were bleeding it's like radiation sickness um that's the only reference reference we actually have of any the way anybody really look other than the hair they talk about hair in the Epic of Gilgamesh they talk about locks and but does that mean locks like you just have long hair or does it mean dread locks we don't really know but it's interesting way people get dreadlocks too yeah yeah true so it's interesting so so you you don't know we don't we don't really true anybody who's making hard hard factual statements like that they're just making it up so what about Blake Griffin who branded him yeah yeah what yeah what do we do when we start mixing and matching like what's going on there is that was that bad or is that good no no yeah what would the God say about that in the Garden of Eden was actually e in all right and and uh en liil he was know known Yahweh he was the Lord he was known as Satan the Lord of Eden Satan Satan the Lord of Eden and Eden was an outside laboratory and in this laboratory when you read these texts even some of the Apocrypha texts like the book of Adam which was left out of the Bible you discover that this was a mating ground so they would start so what happened first was they began with um genetically modified people were almost like clones and the information on the cloning technique is at the Temple of carac in Africa in Egypt where I take people uh and also there's more evidence or talk about it at the Temple of dendera uh and there's one more Temple that has the birthing center I think it's the Temple of Isis and so they were making these people but they couldn't make them fast enough and these people couldn't have sex and reproduce on their own so then they got very frustrated so Isis says okay I have an idea I'm going to take the egg out of one of the beings and put it in my womb and take it to term so it says in the text that they literally mixed their uh genetics with this egg put it in her womb so that's now making what they what we call a zygote in modern technology terms right in vitro fertilization puts in her womb takes it to term for 10 months and then gives birth to the adamu which means first man and there's a cylinder scroll in the British museum where she's holding up the baby says my hands have made it the first man adamu so that's where we get the first genetically perfected Homo Sapien so before that they were all they were they were homo something but they weren't like us they couldn't reproduce like if you take a tiger and a lion and mate them they it'll have a Lian but the Lian can't reproduce right right so that's the situation that's what we had going on so it's so much more fun to listen to you and just believe everything I'm telling you it is I know there's people that listen right now like oh this is [ __ ] just get away from that and just enjoy today just enjoy I want them to research what I'm saying they can rewind and and write this stuff down or type it in their phone yeah yeah and start learning yeah yeah yeah I don't I want people to research what I say don't believe what I say research what I say so so what happens is and we take people to these cloning centers when we take them to Africa uh on tour our tour we take every single year next one is coming up in October and so um the point I'm trying to make is so we have the the cloning Center the Clones couldn't reproduce enough a lot of work was going into making these people so they they came over with Adam this start this starts the generations of Isis the generations of Isis the genisis the Genesis oo and Genesis is obviously the first book of the Old Testament doing the math right now he really is the man whoa so that's Adam yes Adam Adam was then put into this Eden to mate with these other they had mating times and schedules you couldn't do it you couldn't make get back what you talking about you couldn't mate with somebody unless you were given a scheduled time to M you get in trouble and punished and but no no babies coming so they said damn it so let's go ahead and take some of his DNA clone that make a woman to they made Eve then she got pregnant okay this works they were not the first humans on this planet they were probably a million ion in at that point okay so people who think that 8 billion people that we have now on Earth came from two people have never studied genetics because if I start making mating with my sister and so forth and so on by the second generation third generation we're going to have a whole bunch of people with disabilities and one eye and arms broken and small legs and all kind of you can't make 8 billion people not enough genetic diversity right so that's why they had the specific mating times and the people that you could make with to make sure that they were not uh creating a small genetic pool once they figured that worked they said okay let's isolate them in a certain part of the garden and begin to do this experiment with them so Cain had uh I mean Adam had Cain and Abel and uh Yahweh came back to check on his offerings one day and you know one was bringing him the Harvest one was bringing him the the lamb and one got jealous because he kept taking the Harvest and he's like you know what I'm pissed off I'm going to kill my brother right so kills Abel and God comes back like he doesn't know this he's supposed to be all knowing and omnipotent he doesn't know that this happened he's shocked that this happens and he um he says I got to kick you out of the garden and so Cain says in the Bible in the Bible he says the people out there will kill me what people I thought there's no people I thought there was no people out there yeah there's people out there already matter of fact they might be barbaric so he says don't worry I will put my mark on you see that's the brand put my brand on you so they he said so that they will know your minds so he put a brand on let people hey no that's n Li's guy don't don't mess with him exactly that started the whole Canaanites you see that's where the Canaanites came out and built the whole thing and eventually migrated over to meso America so we we talking about it's just it's a big story man it's it's a really really big story but wow you can see where there's so much misinformation and and and so Jesus good guy or bad guy I believe it was a good guy I think some of his words were were Twisted in the New Testament yeah he never said I don't believe he would say anything about slavery if you really look at the words of Jesus what he's teaching it comes from th the Atlantean so either he is th the Atlantean or he was taught by th the Atlantean or he studied in the missery schools to get that same knowledge right because I line up the verses in my book compendium of the emerald tabs I line up the words side by side so you can see what Jesus is saying was already said thousands of years prior right he's teaching the ancient Mysteries and he's trying to get mankind to Enlighten himself through consciousness but though the atlantan was doing it to subjugate the human species he was helping he was helping he went around the planet helping everyone oh so he was helping he was helping so this is after so th is after whoever created us and was subjugating us yeah he was the he's a son of a enki so he's a son of one of these rulers but he broke free from this tradition of enslaving human Humanity he just wanted to help he he would go and he would teach him and his father would go and teach humans his father was send him on secret missions to like raise vibration raise energy why did they want to help out what was that about well yky liked human women oh really so did th so it was that married mayot really and uh he built the Pyramid of the moon at ton as a dedication to her wow yeah what happened what happened to all the all the anaki and all and to and all them they had two Wars the first pyramid War almost eradicated them but they got they started over again the second pyramid War bad that one almost decimated the planet you see how when you look at Earth like from Google Earth you see a lot of those big deserts going across people say oh that's just natural geological formations over time this has become an arid desert no that's War if you go to Egypt and stick your hand deep in the Sands eventually you're going to come up with balls of glass how can you get glass and sand 3,000 plus degree temperatures you go to mohen jandara in the indis valley what are you going to see there dead bodies still in the streets from thousands of years ago still holding hands never been scavenged the buildings that they lived in turned to Glass how can that be we're talking about 3,000 plus degree temperature weapons fire we're talking about this war that happened in the ancient past Aman ra wanted to continue his he started the first war to take over the Earth early because he didn't want to wait for his processional period to to rule and then this is the guy who says You must say amen after everything say amen and you give thanks for you're saying Amen to him so when you say Amen you're thanking him by the way a brutal killing guy but anyway so he says it's a fact so he's he's he he started one war to take over early which he won yeah he trans started a second war to stay in power and and that second war he escaped uh he was almost killed but he left his kingship and the and the finances of the Kingdom to the ra and R A K A M but that translates into modern words Cal transl into child's so now you translate raw child's raw child [ __ ] yeah got him I think he was going to rock hold on Rothchild so the rock Kim ends up being the Rothchild banking Dynasty yeah $700 trillion do Dynasty wow still running the planet till this day are they really oh yeah they run all the all the uh Banks all the Central Banking systems tell globally this is awesome let's go let's go it's like my YouTube Wormhole live okay okay so rockim ends up being the Rothchild banking Dynasty yeah but didn't the Rothchild banking Dynasty start in like Austria or something in modern times like how do you jump how do we jump when you have these kind of people that you put in positions of power and you and you um and they continue to fund and help each other they always find a way to get back to where they want to be because there's only one recipe and once you understand and know the recipe you can do any you can start from zero and get it all back and what is the recipe what's the recipe to building any kind of level of success I had a business that I built into a very big business and I lost everything long time ago I was homeless I was sleeping in my car okay on the beach in uh in uh North Miami or Aventura um and somebody lent me $30 I put $10 in my gas tank and the other 20 bucks I converted to quarters this is in the '90s I got the Yellow Pages out and I started cold calling businesses to get I was a marketing company getting new accounts I got me some new accounts I built my business back up I got off the street got a new car got a new house became a multi-millionaire again so the recipe understanding what it takes to be successful once it's ingrained in you it never changes I don't care what business it is they could be selling cow chips from Wisconsin you'll be a billionaire and so they understood that it was it was in their DNA can you tell them us what that is we want to learn about I teach classes on this as give us a little give us a little tidbit you know give us a little one thing you have to knew obviously you have to be passionate about what you're doing yeah see they're passionate about putting their boot on people's necks and ruling really they're passionate I remember one of the raw Tri I can't remember which which one it was I don't know if it was Evelyn or the other one he says we have the right to rule over people exactly STX statement yeah they believe that they have the right to to to rule over us wow and to oversee us they believe that's their genetic lineage uh but so if you're passionate about something you're going to do it to its highest level and it's never going to feel like you work a day in your life so the trick to becoming successful is to find your passion and then lean in and then find a need for that passion in the world once you find a need for the passion in the world then you supply that passion to the person or company that needs it now that energy exchange puts money in your bank account so you never chase the money you never F I never focus on how much money I can make I always focus on following my passion and providing that passion to the world money is just a side effect of the energy exchange that's the recipe m and then these these central banks that the Rothchilds have have created yeah is there any benefit to them like is it is it nice to have a central bank like if you were to make the argument for them what would you say well listen I mean hey I mean anyone who can make trillions of dollars off of money that doesn't exist it's pretty good pretty good damn deal I just punch a couple zeros and zeros and ones into a computer and all of a sudden it turns into trillions of dollars of money that backed by absolute nothing but Consciousness attribution if we had a billion dollars in this room right now and it was ne30 and we had to sleep here overnight knowing that we're going to get pulmonary edema from breathing in cold air we'd burn it because now the value of the of the money is only heat to Keep Us Alive for one more day money is just what we consciously attribute to it so how they convinced us that we should cons consciously attribute value to this money goes back to the Samaran tablets they you go back you discover where the whole thing was implemented where these anaraki Gods put this monetary system in place thousands of of years ago and they said okay if you um we're going to have to really U monetize this system that we're creating so you have Lambs you have apple orchards you bring two satchels of apples that's a value of one lamb right if when you get to him he only has doesn't have a lamb he's going to give you a IOU and we have the I we have millions of IUS in cunia form yeah we discovered them so I go to him I get the first time I get my lamb I go home the second time I come back it's now offering time he has enough to give me a half lamb I got to give him two satchels of apples I get a half lamb and IU for another half I come back a month later man this a shortage on Lambs now this is fractional Reserve banking that you're describing I give you a leg and and and I give you a head so this is really a function uh my understanding is this is a function of like the the problem is really the weight of gold mhm like at least when it entered like the the true banking system in Europe like it's hard to just carry your gold around all all the time so then if somebody has your gold they can give you the IUS for the gold you can pay in those IUS knowing full well there's gold in there but if you start handing out more IUS than there is gold nobody's going to ask cuz we all believe the gold is there but it's not really there and that's kind of our banking system exactly right now and that's that's when people say I think banks only need to have like 10% or 20% of the actual funds in the bank itself correct if we all went to the bank today and said give me my money the banking system would would collapse because everyone would not get their money it'd be impossible to get your money out let's not do that no yeah that'd be a bad situation that' be a really bad day yeah yeah yeah yeah and that's what people call that's the run on the bank term right right when there's an economic collapse and everybody wants to go take their money out and then the bank goes hey we're stopping uh withdrawals today because St you know yeah
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Keywords: andrew, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alex media, alexx media, michael jordan, mj, jordan doc, espn, dennis rodman, goat, flagrant 2, comedy, funny, sports, basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, championship, finals, world series, superbowl, mark gagnon
Id: V77_Rrnw_H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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