Nikola Tesla: "The Spirit of God is Not What You Think" (full explanation)

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[Music] imagine what kind of universe it would be if humans only knew the power of the threes sixes and nines threes sixes and nines it wasn't just Tesla who knew of this ancient secret Pythagoras Aristotle Plato and Vitruvius all talked about the three sixes and nines and the power they harness what I'm about to share hasn't been revealed yet you are the first audience to hear about it it's a revelation that could change the way you perceive the universe you're not just here by chance you're part of something incredible a digital bioh holographic precipitation forget the fancy words it's like you're a living manifestation of a Divine mathematical Matrix this Matrix isn't some distant concept it's actively shaping you making you aware and keeping you right here right now without it you wouldn't even exist in this moment all right so what's a matrix forget the Hollywood stuff we're talking about more than just Keanu Reeves dodging bullets so a matrix is basically a rectangular arrangement of numbers symbols or mathematical functions but it's not just about math class matrices are everywhere in life even the Bible mentions it a couple of times ever heard the phrase everything that opens the Matrix yeah that's in there now let's jump to Da Vinci and the 1400s why did he write backward well it's tied to a bigger move what da Vinci was on to wasn't just about art it's a deep dive into the mathematical musical Matrix of the universe check out this drawing by Da Vinci that's not in the regular collection why because it spills the real things on what's really happening in our world back in the late 1400s Da Vinci sketched out the division between the religious and political Realms and guess what that sketch is still on point today we're dealing with the same stuff a split between religious and political powers and a population getting played like a fiddle it's not some new age Theory Da Vinci drew it out like a cosmic road map we're living in a world where reality is manipulated and what we see as physical reality is nothing but a Grand Illusion ever heard of a440 Herz tuning when you jam out to your favorite Tunes from rap to rock to classical it uses a a440 Herz frequency back in 1918 the Rockefeller family and their Foundation threw some cash at the American Federation of musicians to make a440 tuning the standard and it wasn't an instant hit but for ysph Gerbes the pr guy die for the Third Reich he decided to play around with some propaganda and guess what the world fell for it that's how we ended up with the standard tuning of a440 if you're into bioenergy and bio physics this tuning messes with our natural frequencies creating a block from the top down here's another one of Da Vinci's drawings look at this Moses like figure or as Da Vinci calls it old man water interesting right right Moses by the way means saved by the water in Hebrew and here you can see Moses's staff plunged into the water observing the swirling motion what's Da Vinci up to well he's diving into the science of water swirls the same science that fascinates top mathematicians and physicists they've unraveled Cosmic frequencies and the literal sound of creation guess what that sound is nine core creative frequencies just nine numbers shape the entire universe and it's even simpler than you think the Creator according to Da Vinci decided to base all nine frequencies on just three numbers 3 6 and 9 well these are your nine core creative frequencies that's it just nine numbers shape the entire universe forget about 10 it's a human-made concept zeros they're just placeholders in our Decimal System this is not about man-made constructs this is the language of creation the language of the Creator the Bible says in the beginning there was a Creator that's the essence we're tapping into here so what we're diving into here is the fascinating world of three sixes and nines forget everything you know about traditional math for a moment as we delved into more straight to the point topics let's talk about the men of the Renaissance those Brilliant Minds who excel in both Arts and Science ever heard the term math that's your Renaissance person right there forget about the complicated math we're talking about God's math the real simple stuff that won't lose you so Da Vinci the ultimate Renaissance Man conquered both Arts and Sciences now I get it some of you might have a bit of a grudge against math but trust me we're leaving man's math behind we're diving into the straightforward God's math God spoke the word into the quantum field it's basically sound and what is sound electromagnetic frequencies the secret is simple math these electromagnetic frequencies are the Creative Energy the Creator blessed us with out of pure love there's this Covenant this Cosmic contract saying the creator has our backs always it's like a Divine packed with Abraham Isaac Jacob and the whole company now how can we tap into this positive energy through prayer Minds like Plato and Aristotle implemented math as the fundamental laws governing everything these philosophers and their followers they're all looking at math through the lens of Education covering arithmetic geometry astronomy music and yes even the language we're chatting in right now English believe it or not is like the ultimate simplifying Tech ever invented Da Vinci once stated that there's no certainty where one cannot apply any of the mathematical Sciences exploring your genuine self uncovering your talents and embracing your creativity happens when you follow the road of curiosity in 1998 Revelations dropped with codes for the biological apocalypse if you're new to this reality journey start with those codes and work your way up to where we are now Da Vinci Code back in 1996 Dr paleo had this Revelation he noticed a connection between numbers and letters kind of like gatria for every letter in the English alphabet there's a corresponding number easy right A to Z 1 to 26 keep in mind it's 1-9 1 through 9 and 1 through 8 got it now take a look at words like faith and trust in God guess what they're all eights like the infinity sign in the Bible the Creator never adds or subtracts always multiplies consistently amplifying the momentum of your divine inspiration and the acceleration of your spiritual evolution is experiencing exponential growth so when you take the number eight and start multiplying things get interesting 1 * 8 is 8 2 * 8 is 16 add those digits you get seven 3 * 8 is 24 add those digits you get six and so on see the pattern it's a countdown eight 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 what's that it's the English alphabet backward so why were languages like Hebrew ancient Aramaic Babylonian and Sanskrit considered sacred speaking to them created an immediate Divine connection take the English alphabet reverse it and add it to the regular alphabet Z + a is 9 y + B is 9 x + C is 9 you get the idea it always adds up to pretty neat huh now this isn't some Cosmic accident it's a design a deliberate move to influence you in a certain way this design isn't random it's meant to subtly influence your perception to keep you from realizing your true potential the wonders of the 528 Hertz frequency of Love connecting it all to sacred geometry and cosmology everything in the universe is tied to this system and Rodan was the first guy who laid it all out Rodan drops this knowledge along with other physicists starting simple with a basic array he eventually throws the universe's soundtrack The sufio frequencies into the mix I'm talking 396 417 528 and 63 all repeating in a matrix from this simple math he crafts the universe's toroid structure it's like the blueprint of reality Nasim haramain a metaphysical physicist talks about polarity what goes up must come down positives and negatives according to Nim it's not a single toroid it's a double toroid Mueller A top-notch Spacetime physicist from Russia breaks it down for us forget the complex jargon he Likens the standing gravitational wave of the universe to something we're all familiar with DNA the microscopic level mirrors the Cosmic level Mela talks about things called nodes picture them as special spots in the universe where physical reality pops into existence it's not happening all willy-nilly it's like catching the sweet spot at the center of a figure eight there the energy vectors cross you've got a node he calls this phenomenon the n6 six nodes in the grand standing wave of the universe where physical reality takes Center stage it's not scattered everywhere it's concentrated in these six unique spots why does this matter well it's like understanding the secrets of the universe you've shifted from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance just like the law of karma what goes around comes around you sew you reap give and you receive it's all connected from the cosmics of gravitational waves to the intricacy of DNA the connection between DNA and the universe draws parallel to the Creator's Six-Day creation narrative the cosmic spiraling and spinning motions find reflection in your DNA where Marco rhoden's Infinity pattern subtly emerges on the strands this pattern seemingly woven into your DNA serves a purpose it acts as an antenna connecting you to the Creator however this connection is contingent on structured water a specific kind that your DNA requires in 1996 Floyd e Bloom the editor-in-chief of the journal science disclosed a crucial detail emphasizing that a deficiency of six-sided hexagonal shaped structured water even just 8% less of it can lead to adverse consequences A visual representation demonstrates the impact of an 8% water loss on the same DNA strands they unravel un unfold and experience a significant decline in electromagnetic potential it becomes evident that the key to maintaining a strong connection with the Creator lies in understanding the significance of structured water just as a skilled musician can manipulate sound to create beautiful music we can manipulate these objects by resonating with their specific frequencies now let's explore how this connects to ancient beliefs and creation stories in Christianity it said that God created the universe through his Divine word similarly in Hinduism the primordial sound om is seen as a source of creation and even the ancient Egyptians believe that the Universe was brought into existence through sacred songs these creation stories have remarkable similarities such as the six days of creation in Christianity and the Egyptians six aspects of arms and the old Seeing Eye of Horus it's like different cultures around the world had an underlying understanding of the power of sound and resonance in the creation of our world sound has the astonishing ability to bring physical form into existence imagine this every sound has a unique shape and a specific form just like each of us has our own fingerprints faces and body everything in the universe ask its own distinct signature shape the indigenous people of Australia have their own cap captivating creation story they believe that time began when supernatural beings awoke and broke through the Earth's surface imagine the Earth's surface like this metal plate these beings with their sacred songs shaped our world Hans Jenny's experiments with schematics using powders on metal plates reveal How Sound creates Landscapes over time in a real sense sound and vibration can shape mountains valleys and even volcanoes it's all connected to the vibrations and Resonance of the earth when God said let there be light it wasn't just a phrase it was the power of sound creating light you can even experiment with this concept by attaching a simple speaker to an LED light and witnessing it yourself now consider Royal Raymond rif a man who delved into the world of curing diseases through sound and resonance his work was grounded breaking and hints at the potential for sound to heal and transform but it doesn't stop there some individuals have even harness the power of sound to achieve levitation what's even more intriguing is that hurricanes could be generated or controlled by sound Yes you heard that right in 2003 two individuals patented the concept of creating hurricanes using sound it may sound like science fiction but who knows it might be happening to create our weather nowadays now let's talk about magnetic fields it's essential to understand that everything in our world has some form of magnetism even things we don't typically think of as magnetic like water aluminum graphite and glass exhibit magnetic properties for example aluminum is a type of magnet called paramagnetic and even oxygen can be attracted to magnets here's a quick experiment if you have a small amount of liquid oxygen you'll be surprised to see that it clings to a magnet we'll explain why in a moment some substances like gadolinium oxide and cupric sulfate are considered paramagnetic in fact cupric sulfate a type of salt can be picked up by a magnet now take a look at this image of an electron it may surprise you to know that this isn't a particle but rather a resonant wave yet we're often told it's an electron highlighting the misinformation that can Cloud our understanding Nicola Tesla in an interview from 1928 had a revolutionary perspective on electrons he believed they were fundamentally different from the commonly accepted atomic theory Tesla didn't believe in the existence of the electron as it was portrayed in science this challenges our long-held beliefs and reveals an agenda in mainstream education and science that might not align with the truth you might wonder what does all this have to do with sound resonance and Nicola Tesla well it's all connected we see a pattern emerge a pattern of chematic shapes and ancient structures that are more than meets the eye for centuries a remarkable group of scientists inventors and researchers have questioned the existence of electrons and the atomic model we've been taught to accept without question first things first there's been a lot of talk about the electron in scientific circles however many notable scientists like Nicola Tesla and Einstein had their reservations about the existence of this tiny particle they believed there might be something more to it and they were onto something the stern circus is our term for the whole controversy surrounding the electron you see over the past 200 years scientists inventors and researchers have fiercely debated the existence of electrons and the atomic structure we've been taught it's a topic of hot contention and it makes you question what you learned in school now let's dive into chatica of the stern circus imagine that every stone circle you've come across is actually a representation of the sound frequencies emanating from the earth at that specific point these ancient structures were like musical scores etched into the landscape but it goes even further some of these stone structures resemble magnetrons and flower-shaped patterns these flower-shaped circles aren't just for show they're like ancient giant magnetrons capable of cutting metal within seconds that's how powerful these things were curious about their energy generation magnetron scientists confirmed that a massive 40 m wide magnetron could generate more energy than all the power plants on Earth combined Adam's Calendar is one of the most powerful of these ancient stone circles it seems like all these Stone circles send their frequencies to Adam's Calendar making it a sort of collection point for the energies created by millions of stone circles this is where it gets fascinating Adam's Calendar exhibits a distinctive toroidal effect and it's still active today researchers measured it but what does that mean it's like a gigantic circuit board powered by Earth's sound and activated by the the sun's movement it's a simple yet brilliant concept when we look at ancient structures built from Stone we realize that our ancestors understood that stone could store information and serve as an energy source they were anything but clueless they used Stone as a tool to carry information and energy state of your mental health is actually intertwined with the frequency of your vibrations Nicholas's scientific breakthrough revealed the possibility that elevating these vibrations might hold the key to achieving a more harmonious and balanced State of Mind Unlocking The Mysteries of the universe involves exploring non-physical Realms if science Ventures into the study of energies beyond the physical we could make more progress in understanding the origin of the universe in a single decade than all the centuries that came before Nicola Tesla living in our world you are a representative of an energetic presence in this universe you know how your radio sends and receives signals well it is similar to this all the time you're emitting energy that broadcasts information about you to the world here's the interesting fact these energies can either attract positive things to you or repel them so being a person is like being a living speaking signal Tower in a world circulating with signals it's as if you're constantly broadcasting messages that influence what comes your way your emotions are like a hidden language that communicates with the world around you unseen energy attracting things that align with how you feel if you're filled with positivity and richness inside it's as if the universe responds in kind surrounding you with a life that mirrors those uplifting sentiments similarly if you are harboring anger or frustration within don't be taken aback when these emotions manifest in your daily experiences it's comparable to a dance between your inner feelings and the external World moving in harmony with a shared Rhythm this subtle yet yet powerful connection shapes the atmosphere of your existence turning your internal enery into an unspoken dialogu with the reality you live in your inner energy is a magnet pulling in similar energies from the world around you if you're keen on shaking things up in your life you've got to tweak the signals you're sending out similar to having the power to alter the course of your experiences believe it or not you're way mightier than you think the key is learning to broadcast the energies of your dream life once you've cracked that code you you're in for a game change a shift in how you navigate the world bringing you closer to the life you've always envisioned by tapping into your own superpower to make the reality yours so gear up and get ready to fine-tune those signals for the life you truly desire the Magic in atomic energies everything is energy and that's all there is to it match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality it can be no other way Albert Einstein the comp Li ated field of quantum physics where Revelations of the secrets of our universe are uncovered in simpler terms consider this when we look through a powerful microscope our body shows a complex arrangement of cells dive deeper and these cells expose their detailed structure consisting of tissues molecules and atoms if we zoom in further the root structures unfold atoms and molecules the very foundation of life reveal themselves as Dynamic energy with pulsation at specific frequencies adhering to the laws that govern the cosmos it's a truly amazing combinations of energy a constant vibration at a particular speed perfectly aligned with the principles of the Sciences this fundamental concept highlights the core of our existence where each element of our being is intricately woven into the cosmic arrangement of energetic vibrations everything you see like your desk isn't just sitting still it's actually buzzing with activity deep within the desk there are tiny particles moving and shaking they're like really fast moving building blocks these blocks are made of solid matter vibrating at super high speeds coming together to form atoms those atoms team up to create molecules you've got your solid desk it's not just the desk everything around us is doing this energetic form even our thoughts are part of the action they're like little bursts of energy and vibrations now here's where it gets interesting there's this thing called the The Law of Attraction tied to the law of vibration essentially it says that the Vibes we send out into the universe with our thoughts attract similar Vibes back to us so when we think a particular thought our brain cells start buzzing at a specific speed and this high energy dance pulls in whatever we're putting out into the world through our thoughts it's like a cosmic connection between our thoughts and what shows up in our lives in the big scene of possibilities your mind stands as the mightiest Force you have for free it possesses the incredible ability to shape and transform the energy vibrations around you through the simple acts of thinking and feeling as you do this you act as a magnet attracting energies that resonate harmoniously with your thoughts and emotions the journey starts within the kingdom of your thoughts where your conscious mind consistently thinks about specific frequencies gradually these frequencies embed themselves deeply into your subconscious this subtle transformation leads to the production of a dominant vibration a powerful force that establishes connection with similar energies seamlessly drawing them into the story of your life it all unfolds from the simple yet profound Act of shaping your thoughts and feelings a dynamic process that creates the very fabric of your reality chase the attraction let's think about the law of vibration in a much more simple way using a tuning fork as an example imagine you have two tuning Forks that vibrate in the same way when struck now if you hit one of the with a rubber hammer it starts vibrating and sends sound waves into the air around it here's the interesting part the second tuning fork sitting nearby also starts vibrating in response to the sound waves from the first one it's like they're in sync producing the same sound this phenomenon is called resonance so when one tuning fork gets going it sets off a chain reaction making the other one vibrate too thanks to the shared frequency this is similar to how the law of vibration Works in certain scientific situations where things with the same vibration pattern can affect each other when you have a particular thought or experience a specific emotion you're sending out energy Vibes into your surroundings these Vibes are like signals and things people or situations that resonate with the same kind of Vibes will be drawn toward you it's a bit like how Albert Einstein described it as spooky action at a distance suggesting that objects can influence each other without any direct physical contact so the energy Vibes you give out into the universe act like a magnet pulling in similar energies and experiences into your life it's like a silent language that connects you with what's in sync with your thoughts and feelings in simpler words you are attracting what you think yet even if you dedicate yourself and put an effort towards your goals it's crucial to understand that merely working hard isn't enough success isn't solely about the time and energy you invest the key lies in altering your vibration if your energy frequency doesn't align with your aspirations you may find obstacles in your progress despite your endeavors such as working longer hours exerting more effort improving strategies or collaborating with talented individuals if your vibration remains unchanged you'll likely encounter the same challenges over and over again chase the attraction it's not just about what you do externally but about harmonizing your internal energy with your life goals as this alignment is essential for getting a hold of your dreams for example consider this scenario a person tries to start a business but it doesn't go well resulting in Failure however instead of giving up this individual decides to launch another business surprisingly they encounter the same failure once again it's not until they grasp an important concept aligning their mindset with their goals that things begin to change by adjusting their mental frequency to sync with their aspirations they unlock the potential to achieve the success they've always wanted when your thinking energy matches the frequency of the outcomes you seek from the universe things start falling into place effortlessly it's like having a Magic Touch effortlessly turning every business Endeavor into a prosperous Venture another example is a scientific experiment carried out by a team of Russian scientists in this experiment they separated a mother rabbit from her babies and placed her in a submarine that dived deep into the sea meanwhile the babies were kept in a laboratory located thousands of miles away the scientists equipped the mother rabbit with Advanced devices to measure her brain waves subsequently they intentionally killed one of the baby rabbits and closely observed the mother rabbit's brain waves astonishingly they found that the mother rabbit's brain waves went haywire at the exact moment when her baby was killed this experiment demonstrated that despite the distance between the mother rabbit and her babies their energies were still connected this phenomenon aligns with the principle explained in the law of vibration while the complexities of vibrations might be challenging to fully understand the experiment suggests a resonance a connection between two distant vibrations make it possible with visualization in a recent study with basketball players scientists grouped them into three sets the first group didn't do anything the second group practiced shooting physically and the third group practiced shooting through visualization after a few weeks the scientists noticed that the shooting skills of the first group had gotten worse while the second group had improved surprisingly the third group who hadn't even touched a basketball but practiced through mental imagery showed the same Improvement as the second group this indicates that using visualization techniques can bring about real life results this connects with the principles of the law of vibration and the Law of Attraction suggesting that when your thoughts are in sync with what you want those desires will naturally come to you biological manifestation the amydala a part of the brain responsible for emotions has been studied scientifically the Research indicates that when we feel scared or anxious it affects others around us essentially if we radiate negative energy due to our own fears we end up drawing negativity into our lives in simpler terms your emotional state can influence the feelings of those around you and if you're stuck in a negative mindset you're likely to attract negativity into your life so being aware of and managing our own emotions can have a positive impact on the energy we project and the experiences we attract understanding the way the law of vibration works is crucial for attracting the life you've always dreamed of it's important to understand that everything begins in your inner world and the outer world is essentially a reflection or result of what occurs internally your task is to consistently maintain a positive connection and release your desirs from with th so they can materialize in reality closing the gap between your intention and manifestation is key according to Abraham Hicks a prominent figure in this philosophy a significant part of our existence is non-physical while this might seem a bit confusing the objective is to synchronize your vibration with the things you desire in life when your vibration aligns with your aspirations the universe responds by delivering them to you effortlessly it's like feeling fortunate where things seem to come your way Come What May if you're feeling kind of overwhelming now we have broken it down for you in much simpler steps you can follow day by day to achieve your goals it's important to align your thoughts and feelings with what you want in simpler terms make sure that what you think and how you feel are in sync with your Desir pretend that the things you wish for have already come true and act as if you are currently living that reality delusion no more like manifestations while people usually grasp their thoughts they sometimes Overlook the role of their feelings in the process of making things happen it's crucial to genuinely feel as though your desires have already become a reality by doing so you bridge the gap between your inner world of thoughts and your outer world making the manifestation process more effective there are five steps you can use to raise your vibration and use the law of vibration to manifest what you want in life number one to effectively use the law of vibration to manifest your desire s start by clarifying your intentions many people struggle because they are uncertain about what they truly want and often send mixed signals to the universe one moment they aspar to own a successful business and the next doubt Creeps in making them stick to their current career this inconsistency confuses the universe disrupting the alignment of your vibrations with your desires moreover people tend to be vague about their goals such as wanting to be rich without specifying the amount this vagueness leads to dissatisfaction even when they experience an improvement like a $100 raise as it doesn't meet their initial and true expectations therefore it's important to set clear intentions and understand your desires completely to consistently communicate with the universe allowing it to manifest what you truly want in your life number two to heighten your vibrations use visualization the Second Step involves elevating your vibration through visualization you should know that to bring your dreams to life you must concentrate on aligning your vibration with your desires visualization stands out as one of the strongest tools for achieving this when you think of what you desire your mind can't tell the difference between the imagined and the real for instance when you envision squeezing lemon juice into your mouth your mouth produces more saliva your mind turns your visualizations into reality therefore regularly visualize the things you wish to become do and have in your life Envision yourself already there accomplishing and living your dreams make the images Vivid so your mind transforms them into reality raising your vibration to match your aspirations the key lies in sustaining a vibration in tune with your dreams and this paves the way for the manifestation process to begin number three to boost your vibration focus on your emotions many folks misunderstand the laws of vibration and attraction merely thinking about your desires won't cut it it's a common misconception the key lies in elevating your vibration through emotions it's not just about daydreaming you have to infuse your emotions into the process for instance don't just think what you desire connect your emotions to it feel the success as if you've already achieved your goals emotions are potent tools that can amplify your vibration and pave the way for manifesting your dreams simply put without emotions progress remains stagnant emotions and hard work must go side by side not one over the other so go beyond wishful thinking and let your emotions Propel you towards the life you desire number four trusting and believing in the process is crucial the fourth step emphasizes the importance of having faith in the process many folks struggle with this step because they lack belief in it when you genuinely believe in something you won't doubt it and you'll take action consider this if you firmly believe believe you'll win the lottery would you hesitate to buy a ticket no you wouldn't similarly if you have unwavering faith that your business will succeed will you put effort into it absolutely the universe will sometimes ask you to wait but not just simply wait but wait with virtue the stumbling block for many is the lack of belief in their ability to achieve dreams and bring desires to life leading to stagnancy while they think about what they want deep down they don't truly believe it's possible for them avoid falling into this doubt trap choose to trust and believe in the process more importantly when genuine belief is present action will naturally follow number five prepare to relax and be open to receiving what you desire it's crucial to avoid becoming overly fixated on your wants because excessive Obsession can lead to stress when things don't go as planned this fixation can even hinder the manifestation process think of it like tending a grow growing tree Your Role is to provide suitable soil expose it to sunlight and water it regularly just like you can't force a plant to grow by watering at 24/7 you can't rush the process of attracting and manifesting in your life follow the necessary steps do what you need to do and then release your attachment to the outcome allowing the universe to bring it to you in its own time assess where you must improve and don't stress out now that you've learned the proper way to apply the law of vibration make sure to follow these steps for better understanding it's about proper discipline determination and all the other things we said are you ready to give yourself a shot for the life that you truly want and deserve
Channel: Wisdom
Views: 805,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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