Ancient Tablets Uncover Proof of Mysterious 'Astronaut Gods' | Billy Carson

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foreign [Music] Billy Carson ladies and gentlemen thank you so much man for coming here all right thank you you are one of the most fascinating people to follow on Instagram your videos all the things that you that you look into and talk about are just so I mean out there a lot of it's really out there for me but it's it's just so fascinating and I've I've often fallen down many rabbit holes watching your videos and following your content thank you man how did you get into all this stuff you know it's a real Amazing Story uh we were living in New York I was born in Queens New York oh no way yeah Queens General Hospital 1971 and uh my parents you know were having some issues there my father was uh having some some issues with drugs and alcohol and they decided you know they had a great idea let's move to Miami so a lot of people from Queens end up down there yeah so they went to the Cocaine Cowboy capital and uh we get in Miami and we live we're living in the hood in the ghetto in Opa-locka uh yeah yeah hardcore back then too like we lived in the Bermuda Triangle part of Opa-locka which was the steel gate that they put around the city to keep the crime on the inside uh and as you know there's Opelika airport nearby it was in the movie with uh Martin Lawrence and uh Will Smith uh Bad Boys one yeah Bad Boys oh yeah those bad boys two or something they use that airport uh in the movie but anyway I would go outside because back then 70s right 1977 there's no uh cable TV there's no cell phones no screens to look at no tablets or anything you go outside and you play I'm outside looking at the airplanes go over just observing how long it took for them to go from Horizon to Horizon like you know that was like the exciting thing of the day back then because we couldn't go and play out in the neighborhood because it was so much crime and killing going on we could only either play in the backyard or in the front yard and we couldn't leave the gate parameter left or right if we passed that we get in trouble uh so I'm out there and watching and I see this object go across and I'm like it cleared the Horizon in seconds not minutes it literally just and I'm I know I saw it I'm like I know I just saw something but it was more of an oval almost like an egg and they didn't have wings a cockpit didn't have a tail fin didn't have anything looked like a plane and I'm just looking look and look and I'm searching I'm scanning the sky for this thing and it comes back but this time when it comes back it's lower it's about maybe now I can estimate about 200 meters above my head and it's completely solid and it stops it comes to an immediate stop and then it just stays there for like three or four seconds and it just takes off the way that it came in and I was blown away I was like what did I just see now back then the word UFO didn't exist for me Flying Saucer didn't exist aliens didn't even exist in my vocabulary yet all I knew was I saw something that was in an airplane so the next day I went to my school Rainbow Park Elementary we left four four yeah four or five houses away from the school I go to the school I tell my teacher my dad wants me to do a report because my dad always made me do Rook reports I said I need to go get some encyclopedias from the library because I'm researching something she sent me to the library I get the Encyclopedia Britannica on Arrow space I'm looking at swept Wing delta wing ballistic InterContinental intercontinental ballistic I'm looking at all these different types of uh projects that we had for planes between United States Russia submarine uh missiles that were sent from the ocean I'm trying to find whatever I could see and I saw nothing close to what I saw in my backyard and that started me down this entire Rabbit Hole researching the investigation I started with Aerospace first no way so that's what sparked this whole thing how old were you seven years old I had just turned seven you know what's crazy too is there's a there's a lot of reports of UFO sightings near schools yeah I think there's the most of them are near schools and I'm sure you're familiar with the Zimbabwe or was it no where was that there's an Africa it was in South Africa there's one in Russia by school yeah you're right there's my schools a lot there's one famous one I was just talking to a guy about uh that happened in Africa I'm forgetting the name of the actual name of the school but there was a actual like a whole report of beings coming out of the craft and like telepathically communicating with the kids yeah in broad daylight in broad daylight yeah I remember that there's many many um accounts of UFO studies near schools yeah um you said you were seven years old eight years old seven yeah wow so what was life like growing up down there I was pretty tough I mean I can remember seeing the uh the yellow chalk although you know in the in the streets you know people getting shot killed stabbed coming home and and uh the cops would be all around because uh somebody stabbed somebody or neighbor would Rob another neighbor it was just it was wild what does that do to a seven-year-old growing up like what is that how does that affect you as you're maturing right and entering your teenage years and all that that's pretty tough you know I saw how it really for me my brain was able to process things a little differently I always thought I have to get out of here I need to get an escape my brother on the other hand for example who was only one year younger than me born in the same month uh just a few days later um you know he ended up going down the other fork in the road Life Of Crime uh ended up doing 10 years in prison for attempted murder and armed robbery and stuff like that my sister I saw how it affected her she ended up uh was headed towards the Olympics it was a great Runner ended up you know know getting pregnant at a very early age and then moving out like I did at 16 and just kind of lost that but she still became very successful later on fortunately but I just saw how it rocked us it created a dysfunctional family situation and it really messed us up mentally for for whatever reason for me I never let it affect my my school studies I was very studious I was always looking and digging for more information and more knowledge studying and researching and reading books is my escape to another dimension pretty much you know oh really that's how I escape I remember the encyclopedia salesman came to the door uh and you know he used to go door to door back then and offer my mom an entire set oh like no credit no nothing and she just paid 30 bucks a month she didn't have the money but she took the set the guy came back one time never came back again so I had this whole set of Encyclopedia Botanicals I had biology psychology physics and economics I mean that was for me that was like my escape and I knew that one day I would get out of that neighborhood because I realized uh one thing I had sold some toys that I had some broken toys and when door-to-door asking for donations because I had no money for the ice cream truck everybody was going to I just wanted bubble gum I couldn't get bubble gum we couldn't even afford bubblegum we eat we were eating Cairo syrup and toast uh and uh you know if we get some donations or some things from some neighbors we'd have some food to eat it was pretty tough pickings eating like you know cereal with water and stuff like that and so I went door-to-door selling my toys and uh I took this famous picture that I have with like the change in the money in my hand that I had gotten and I realized at that moment I had an epiphany like that was a moment that changed me because I realized I was gonna save myself I just knew it I said there's nobody coming to save me it's going to be me that's going to get me out of this situation and from that moment on I was only seven that was it I realized I started putting plans in place things in place and working on ideas and Concepts that would help me in the future to escape that uh that location that place that I was in which I eventually did were there any was there uh any sort of mentor figures in your life that you could follow or follow in their footsteps or help guide you along this path and figure out the steps to get out of the situation you were in unfortunately there was no human Mentor in third dimension person it was just the books that I was reading I was reading books I was devouring books like you wouldn't believe I was you know reading you know you know real books not like see Jack run stuff like that I was reading novels you know I remember at a very young age reading um Jack London uh the Sea Wolf and books like that so just just understanding the perception and the concepts through some of the psychology psychology books I was reading from you know and stuff like that I was like okay I was getting it at a young age fortunately and one thing that my father did do he he made me do book reports every single week since I was little and so those book reports it's not like you read something and you just okay you a lot of people forget they have no comprehension no reading comprehension but when you do a book report it forces reading comprehension so I was comprehending so that that regimen of doing all those book reports for all those years every single week it developed in me this ability to comprehend what I was reading and be analytical and be able to ask questions and then being able to ask myself a question and then go research my own question and find the answer to that question so that really helped me that was one of the best things he ever did for me which is why I dedicated my second book to him at what point did you become so fascinated in like ancient civilizations and cosmology and and all of this kind of stuff it's really interesting so I really at an early age I was interested in it I wasn't fascinated yet I was like the pyramids and you know the seven wonders of the world because I was reading books about it I was like well I'd like to see these one day but it wasn't this Burning passion desire yet it didn't really happen for me until uh much later I think it was uh let's see Justin right now my youngest son is 20 going to be 23 soon so it's been 25 years ago I was looking into you know pyramids and structures and I realized that these things seem technological in some kind of way the way that they're constructed I started really understanding that we could we didn't have the tech technological capability right now to duplicate some of these things so I said I have to go somewhere I need to go somewhere to see something that's ancient that's built and that's not going to cost me that much money because I didn't have a lot at the time and it was kind of close first time leaving the country I went to Mexico I went to Chichen Itza in the Yucatan Peninsula uh and so I flew into Mexico uh and I was I thought I was rich because I converted 500 bucks American back then into uh Mexican pesos and I had all this money and then a sandwich cost like 100 bucks and I said oh I'm not rich but I went I went down there in that bus Through the Jungle to get to Chichen Itza and then this whole you know incredible place opens up when you get there and you see it and I was just like blown away I climbed the pyramid of Google Chrome which you can't do anymore they've stopped people from doing that now because unfortunately something has happened with some tourists defecating up there some crazy thing Jesus but I took a picture a famous picture of myself at the top of that and I just realized wow this is what I really want to do I want to travel the world and see these things much later though in about 2010 I had this very strange experience which it took a long time to talk about it because it's such a it was a bad experience for me in some ways in some ways it's good in some ways some ways it was bad it was like one of the catalysts for my divorce well even one of my sons is still kind of uh you know standoffish because of it but I had this experience in the house where from my perspective sitting there watching ESPN sports not nine o'clock P.M the room turned lavender I looked over my left shoulder the TV shut off too I look up my left shoulder I thought my boys were playing a trick on me when I turned back to what you would describe as gray aliens were in front of my face and uh I didn't know what to do I tried to scream no sound was coming out of my throat uh they whatever they were doing was making my brain shaking my skull and then as fast as that happened they just turned around and they kind of dangled away they don't even walk like a regular walk it was like a dangle I can't even explain it and then the lights came back the TV came back I ran around the house frantic nobody heard a saw anything it scared the hell out of everybody especially my wife at the time uh she had just about had enough that was like the last straw I didn't talk about it for a long time I never went public with it until probably I don't know maybe a couple years ago or so because I really got nothing out of it but negativity but I felt like it was a time for to start explaining this and the reason why I'm bringing it up now based on your question is because one thing that the part that was good out of that situation was this phrase worldwide telescope was burning in my mind over and over again it just came out of nowhere worldwide telescope worldwide telescope worldwide telescope I get up I go on my computer I go to because back then Google wasn't the main one yet what year was this this is a 2010 okay I type in uh worldwide telescope and then worldwide is the first search result I almost fell out of my chair I click on it you back then you had to download the software and install it now you can just use it without installing it's an option because your HTML5 is out now so you can do both but anyway I installed the software I opened it up it gives you the sky view you can go into two Mass infrared mode all these different satellite modes it gives you all the space probe data for all the missions that have ever gone off into space from Earth and it gives you access to the data and also the rover images but from the perspective of The Rovers on Mars and it's all publicly available taxes paid for all this and so you log in I saw okay uh Mars interesting let me click on Mars then I for Mars I go and I see um I see uh Panorama I go okay then I see Rovers I go Rovers well the rovers are in here I click on opportunity Rover now I'm on the Mast Cam and I'm zooming in zooming out panning left and right and I started seeing anomalies but the anomalies that I was seeing to answer your question are things that look similar to ancient structures on Earth and I go wait a minute wait wait a minute is this really Mars so I start downloading these images and screenshotting them and analyzing them and they're really Mars images hosted on Caltech servers some are on uh and I'm like this is incredible so I start comparing to now I've got a really crazy passion for this because now I'm hunting down every ancient site and trying to see how do these sites connect to what I'm seeing going on on Mars and then I came across the enuma Elish and the Seven Tablets of Creation from ancient Samaria and it talks about they had beings named the egg living on Mars running a concurrent civilization that was on Earth and both on Mars and that just blew me away and from there I just dove headfirst into the whole thing so this was immediately after you had this encounter or citing yeah in your living room yes yes it was and so you had just this idea of what was it called worldwide telescope that's it in your mind yeah so you think what do you think do you do you think that they were trying to communicate this to you to go find this stuff that's the only thing I could think of they didn't give me anything like a telepathic that I can understand in terms of words like the English language but my brain was shaking in my skull like it was it was painful and then it just stopped and then they just left but that phrase just over and over thousands of times now when you said the the room turned a specific color and the TV went off yeah turned lavender lavender did anybody else uh hear the TV go off or see the color change listen to this the house was full I had two daughters in the two rooms on the uh East Wing uh three boys on the west wing and their rooms upstairs it was a split floor plan wife at the time in the master bedroom first floor behind the living room on the other side of the wall that I was sitting in a family room and nobody heard so anything nobody came out of their rooms nobody saw anything all they did was get frantic and scared and it would cause all kind of problems arguments because they got French against scared because you because you told them about it immediately yeah and I was I was like I was hype you know I mean that just happened to me what had just happened was totally unreal like in a real close encounter uh of the fifth kind and uh and it just freaked everybody out it was a it was a you know it's still today my son says my son Giovanni says you know I'm afraid to go to your house and that's he's 27 now is this the only time anything like this has happened to you besides the using that UFO in your front yard when you were seven that's it the only time it never happened again yeah but I've been on this path of Discovery into ancient civilizations ever since based on what I saw on there and since I've come across that worldwide telescope I put together a team of anomaly hunters and we actually hunt space anomalies through most of this data and we've downloaded now over 1 million images from NASA Caltech Washington at edu and all the other space European Space Agency India space agency and the Russian space agency and we've cataloged cataloged over 60 000 space anomalies most of which a lot of them have made the new CNN Fox you name it they've been on TV and everything to you what are the most astounding anomalies or photos that are on Mars that that really blow your mind there's so many but is there a way we can see them on here uh yeah maybe we could probably go in so if you go to um pardon this brief Interruption but I want to take a minute to talk about this incredible supplement that I've been using for over a year now after it was recommended to me by nutritional scientist Dr Dominic D'Agostino on this podcast I take Dom's advice when it comes comes to anything related to nutrition diet and Longevity because as we get older these things become more and more important that is why I started using Verso Verso is a company that is dedicated to translating scientific breakthroughs into products that hold the potential to increase longevity I take cell being this one right here which contains nicotinamide mononucleotide or nmn-based supplement paired with naturally derived micronized trans Resveratrol and TMG these two chemicals are actually precursors to what's called nicotanamide iodine dinonucleotide which is commonly known as NAD and NAD is essentially the precursor to energy cell repair and Longevity if you've ever tried fasting or even intermittent fasting and you've gotten that feeling of super high energy or mental Clarity is because your body is activating these genes called sirtuins which are actually longevity genes the downside is as we age NAD declines when I found out I could naturally increase my body's activation of sirtuins and naturally activate my body's production of NAD I was sold and it is so much more affordable than doing NAD IV drips head on over to and use the coupon code concrete at checkout to save 50 on your entire order that's k-o-n-c-r-e-t-e at check out and get 15 off your entire order or you can just go to slash k-o-n-c-r-e-t-e it's linked below back to the show hey that looks like Mars we're on Mars now you see that rock on the right right there yeah let's zoom in over there this one right here yeah zoom in pretty close to that one let me see if this is off to the right a little bit more to the right okay zoom in over there wow this is pretty incredible the the resolution of this yeah it's pretty cool stuff you'll see an anomaly right there first of all you see this one on the left right there but next left to the x of the plus sign I'm sorry yeah that is not a rock sitting on top of the flat one you mean looks like a seagull almost sitting there well uh no you see that big triangular shape yes yes that's not a rock it's got uh it's got symmetry it has three open places on it if you zoom out just a tiny here I don't know if you can do that yeah so you can see now look at the surrounding terrain outside of this deep where it looks like debris up there right that particular object doesn't appear to be a rock from the surrounding terrain if you look at it I've never seen a rock so you have to compare what rocks look like to on Earth I've just never seen a rock that just stands up like that and has that type of shape and has a type of structure to it if you were able to take that and pull it into a photo program and really zoom in close with an actual magnifying glass because when you use a magnifying glass you don't lose the resolution like you do when you're zoom in with computers right and so then all of a sudden you begin to see all you know all the aspects of the anomaly so that was some that that's something that we would catalog as an anomaly now if you zoom out let's show you see if I can find one more in this area because I haven't been here in a long time yeah but there's there's like a whole like like cluster of all that's all debris right exactly yeah all that stuff there is actually artificial a lot of that stuff is not rock are not rocks uh if you screw when you say artificial what do you mean specifically otherwise I think that some of that stuff is uh broken pieces of something you know there was a global flood on Mars and uh the evidence of this is a lot of the things that we do find appear to be partially submerged in some of the sand or what looks like wet sand we know that there is mud there and now we also know that there's billions of tons of liquid water because they've announced it officially couldn't he could not be fragmented parts of a comet or an asteroid it's possible it's possible but it's very hard looks like there's kind of a crater behind it well that's actually not a crater that's just a little bit of a a area behind the hill that's like when you come up that little Hill it's actually not even that Stephen Hill yeah and that area behind us not that large there's a measuring tool that you have in there too you can measure around the size of this stuff right that thing right there is only like four or five feet tall that piece there but if you scroll to the right more there's a piece sticking out of a hill let me see if I can find it again it's been a long time a little shiny area like white that's water and and uh and Frozen that's frozen water basically how much water did you say there's there is on Mars they've now found billions of tons of liquid water and they've officially announced it they actually is this underneath the surface or where they found a surface Lake 12 12 uh 12 hectare uh acre 12 hectares Lake they found they've also found what are the pools of water and they even showed on a NASA press release on video during the day I think it was about four years ago water coming on the side of a mountain really yeah so there's a lot of water there I'll keep going a little bit more I'm just going by memory okay zoom in right there where your arrow is where you're where your cursor was I'm sorry yeah right there yeah right on that thing zoom in there now that's interesting yeah it's in a similar Rock to the other one right it looks almost the same it's pretty similar but it's it's something that's sticking out of the side and hanging over the ledge of a hill now um if you look at the back piece well on a Rec on an image program you can see that that is connected it's just really really dusty yeah but there's something connect connects that whole piece at the top on that Hill again just another anomaly again it's hard to find rocks that are shaped like that um it doesn't match the surrounding terrain you can see the front piece of it to the left almost at the edge of the screen at the top left right there yeah a little bit moreover that's the this is one connected piece interesting yeah now is there any objects that look like they were man-made or anything like what would you say on here resembles things that we have on earth besides these rocks I mean all these these are just like rocks to me yeah we got to go through a whole bunch of over images so if we go back out we'll have to go find another another uh Panorama what is that is that Bigfoot it's a weird thing that's what is that yeah if you click on you can probably hope that they get bigger when you click on them oh that one so it's kind of small but that's an object um that is really bizarre again you look at the surrounding terrain it didn't seem to match uh it's uh it went viral this one made the news and everything it made all the mainstream news channels and what happened so go to that link that NASA link to the right I want to see what this looks like so this is the source photo of that yeah and this is an area zoomed in yeah so somewhere in here where's Waldo and you can see that yeah you'll have to zoom and find it and it's in there I mean this will take us forever we don't holy crap that's crazy look at that resolution yeah I know it's crazy that is incredible yeah it takes us hours to find the anomalies because we literally scan centimeter by centimeter you know we take an image that big and you go centimeter by centimeter with your uh magnifying glass yeah go to some of the other photos on Facebook to you what is the mo what stands out the most out of all of these anomalies okay go forward go forward or even that's a Four Mile wide face but these tubes are amazing they've been on the news these tubes run for Miles they're huge they're massive they um they they actually are these tubes that run in and out and all around the planet in certain areas uh and they're Hollow on the inside and they're not rocks clearly and uh what's interesting is if you see where that arrow is down from the arrow you see where two tubes kind of almost run into each other they have these ribbed type things that are keeping the tubes or the structure open so it's Hollow on the inside the purpose of it nobody has it nobody has a clue huh yeah and they run for Miles uh what do you speculate they are I think you're just a transportation or navigation underneath everything for me I think that makes it makes sense to build under underground there really this is the first thing that I found this is my very first anomaly now look at this all I did was I just pulled out the anomaly and blew it up I just you know spread it out there's no enhancement there's no anything but I'm labeling them one looks to be on the left looks like technology the other thing looks like a sphinx type of an object and the other thing looks like again more technology just in my eyes what I see there in the background it could be a a pyramid I don't know but to me these things don't look like they belong in that area there's even something to the far right underneath that left arrow that is also anomalous um if you go to another one what's that doing on Mars that's not a Rover NASA when we've emailed them they said they don't know what it is they said is that the actual size or is it supposed to be magnified in that Circle it's a magnified it's up there in the right corner see it up here in the right corner oh yeah yeah yeah it's sitting right out there yeah okay okay hang on pull up that the that NASA Link in the description Austin see if we can find this one okay it's right there you got to zoom in a little bit more somehow yeah can't zoom in any farther your technology won't allow you yeah 2022. wow yeah that is uh that is strange isn't it that's strange now what can you I mean that that anybody who sees something like this for the first time they're gonna go crazy and they're gonna dig into this stuff and this was one more I got to show you before we go on I don't wanna we can extend this we have to yeah absolutely go down right there click on above up up right there now what's that doing on Mars that's the last image taken by spirit rover before it went offline and never broadcast another image ever again when was this taken that Spirit Rover's last image that was probably about uh maybe almost 10 years ago now uh click on the let's let's look at the uh Source link from NASA's website oh they took it off oh wow it's not on there anymore it took it down yeah that is incredible looking right it almost looks like a like a DeLorean with like a camping traveler uh thing on top it's weird and if you see the shadow out of the back you know I can only relate that to like a turret a Gun Tour yeah that is that is wild yeah and that's huge you know so there's even a what a thing up there that looks like an airplane which is on this same photo file so the pro like I'm so fascinated by this stuff but the problem is you could spend so much time on these websites looking at this stuff and finding this stuff but you can't do anything with it yeah all you can do is just like blow people's minds but no one will take it seriously well you know I think it's actually has been taken seriously because now there are literally millions of people following us on the anomaly pages that we have in anomaly groups some groups have 140 150 000 people in each group and these people have now become researchers and digging into it but what it does for me it verifies the fact that anomalies are there that are unexplainable even though we're not there they don't look like rocks even NASA says they don't know where they are if you read the enuma Elysian the Seven Tablets of Creation or the ultra hasis epic when they talk about the egg occupying and living on Mars with advanced technology and visiting and going back and forth from Mars to Earth this to me verifies that story in the ancient Sumerian Tablets okay those um tablets that you just I don't even know what you just said but the enuma Elish and the Seven Tablets of Creation one of the most new English okay the Bible is uh uh um plagiarized from the Old Testament plagiarized from the inum English oh a lot of the Old Testament is coming from there but they kept out a lot of the stuff talking about you know beings living on other planets uh in the modern day Bible God is actually mistranslated as God's singular when in true reality when you go to the back into the ancient texts it's really God's with an S they took off the S to make it the monotheistic mindset and uh and then you realize that it's when you read the enuma Elish and the atrah hasis Epic you realize that they copied all that ancient text and put it into a lot of it into the Old Testament of the modern day bible so is this all written in stone yeah it's all written in stone these are literal stone tablets stone tablets cuneiforms stone tablets I've done lectures on this stuff I've done a 12-hour election just on the enumi list 12 hours just on the atrah hasis now you how did you get your hands on these things or did you just did you just read them from images from of them or how do you know here's a beautiful thing these have been translated since the 1800s so Cambridge and the British museum have translations and then UCLA did an amazing thing there's over a million tablets that have now been you know out there and they've got hundreds of thousands translated UCLA cataloged all the tablets digitally online and made an online tablet translator called a UCLA cdli cuneiform digital library and you can go there and take a tablet off the shelf and drop it into a translator and read it for yourself no way yeah that's pretty wild oh yeah and you did this oh yeah oh yeah I've done this I've been to the British museum person as well I've been to the ashmolean museum in Oxford England as well and looked at these tablets with my own eyes and I've got pictures of me obviously obviously standing next to them but they're real tablets and I've done lectures on this for the last I don't know four or five years these tablets are amazing because this is as close as we're going to get to the truth and they're talking about beings living and other planets coming to this planet engaging mankind teaching mankind about weapons War genetically modifying humans to for the purpose of turning us into slaves to do a lot of the labor for them and uh living on Mars how many years ago were these tablets created apparently or supposedly the last the most recent version is back around six thousand to seven thousand years ago which is why there goes a translator site which is why the uh the Bible people who believe in the Bible believe the Earth is only 6 000 years old because the cop the story is copied from six thousand year old tablets that's when that's the beginning of the creation of the earth is in the inumi English that's actually the creation of our entire solar system is in there the Earth is just a small part what civilization was six thousand years ago Sumerian the Sumerians the Sumerians and those were those were the first humans no they weren't the first humans but it was the beginning of the beginning of of like of organized yeah so it wasn't even really the beginning beginning it was just as far back as we can go now we can go back a little further as a reason because of gold Buckley Tepe and diron kuyu in in Turkey we know now 13 000 years but like the official Narrative of the history of humanity was a was around 200 000 years ago is that right and that was supposed to be the Stone Age Homo sapiens shows up all of a sudden out of nowhere right uh and then within a short period of time you know obtains and learns all this knowledge according to the Book of Enoch which is one of the apocryphal books left out of the Bible but he's important because he's mentioned in the Bible Enoch Enoch of the Book of Enoch uh these beings came from Heaven to Earth and then they even named they have names they taught them how taught human beings how to technology how to make weapons how to how to even uh create make beer and all this other crazy stuff uh and then they took Enoch on a trip to the Earth's atmosphere and Beyond and he saw the earth and the shape of the planet as a sphere and how far he saw that he was living on a giant ball and then brought him back yeah this is all in the Book of Enoch the only Bible that has the Book of Enoch in it is the Ethiopian Bible it's the only Bible in the world that actually Incorporated The Book of Enoch into their canonized text the rest of the Bibles uh omitted The Book of Enoch um the wars of these Gods can be found in the book of Deuteronomy the wars of the gods they these are these are the Atlantean Wars that everybody's trying to figure out what happened it's in the book of Deuteronomy in the Bible the all the wars are right there but you say a lot of this was omitted from the Bible right yeah but the Deuteronomy is actually in there the Deuteronomy and so what is the Deuteronomy it's a book in the Bible it's a book in the Bible okay the modern day bible anybody can go open their Bible and go oh Deuteronomy let me read this they don't read it especially in Bible study but the reason why is because you have God which is actually God's plural going to war against other gods in other towns and cities and other regions of the planet and sending human beings to these places to go to battle and sending angels with them with battle gear on to fight and kill and the words are go there get in Kill the women kill the children kill the animals if need be and if you see any women that you like you can rape them these are the exact words used I want you to get a Bible and look it up and if you decide you rape them if you decide you want to keep them as well you can take them but bring The Spoils of War back to me this was these internal battles going on from from one region of the world to another region of the world stealing and fighting over humans and resources these people have become so evil fighting against each other and utilizing human beings as chattel and that's all in the Book of Enoch so God is good and loving and all and he's all the same all the time but all of a sudden you read the book Enoch and you go what's going on you know the book of Deuteronomy you read the book of Deuteronomy you go what's what's going on here these aren't exactly the stories that uh you know described I don't think it's talking about the creator of the universe in that book so okay I want to kind of like I want to unpack this in kind of like a linear timeline of your personal discovery of this so you had that experience in your living room yeah you decided to go on the telescope website the global telescope and find all these things at what point did you decide become aware of these ancient texts and go translate them and learn about them when I started Googling and trying to find if anybody was looking at these anomalies I came across information about the Anunnaki that's the name of the beings that according to the ancient text came from Heaven to Earth in the in in the Egyptian culture they call them the naturu and they said they came to Earth and turned mud into a kingdom in the Bible they call them the anak they have these names in all different cultures they all show up around the same time in every culture and I started going and I started finding more instances more instances of them and every culture I looked into around the same time period And I go these people really came here at some point in a distant past it seems to be now around 450 000 years ago they arrived and about 200 000 years ago according to the text not me they started genetically tinkering with human beings saying they were adding their Essence to them to get us to do the labor for them so around 200 000 years ago they started tinkering with us and there's a famous cylinder scroll and with some text at the British museum with Isis the Goddess Isis who was one of the original Sumerian Pantheon not Egyptian Sumerian and she's holding up a baby and she says the first adamu which means first man my hands have created it and she claims to have taken in the text taken this baby to term for 10 months in her own womb to create the more modern version of homo sapiens sapien okay so so what is in your description what what was the Anunnaki the Anunnaki well the term itself means those who came from Heaven to Earth and these Anunnaki are beings that came from outside Earth to Earth from many different places potentially uh just like if you were to travel to Mars right and you remember Marsh and they say where you from you say I'm an Earthling you wouldn't say I'm from Tampa right right right so it's the same thing it's generalized term and so but these Anunnaki these are the original Atlantean people they created an Atlantean civilization how do I know this the tablets The Emerald Tablets of thought which is my first book is about the animal tablets it's a bestseller right now it's number one out of three million books on Amazon why because it's talking about the the gentleman that ruled over the land of Cam before it was called Egypt for 14 000 years he left Behind these tablets that he authored himself he didn't have a scribe right then back in the day it was typical if you were considered a God you would have a scribe right your work he wrote him himself he talks about the great flood he talks about civilization declining and having to be brought back to a high level he talks about all this stuff and The Emerald Tablets and if he covers everything from A to B he talks about having technology in The Emerald Tablets he has a ship that doesn't sell in the ocean it flies into the sky until the Earth disappears until he gets to us the place appointed and then it descends from the sky back down to the land this is 36 000 year old text and what's interesting about this text where Jesus is talking in the Bible you know quoted as being saying things in the New Testament of the Bible I have side by side the verses from from the Bible and the verses from both the Atlantean guess what they're the same but which came first the chicken or the egg one is 2000 years old and the other one is uh 36 000 years old yeah well you know the fascinating thing I've had um Randall cars Carlson on here and he you know he told me all about um the the you know the great flood the younger driest cataclysm that happened I think it was like twelve thousand five hundred years ago yes uh which was a series it was uh there's it's actual there's actual scientific geological evidence of a series of cataclysms that happen yeah that could have been comets could have been you know volcanoes because there's a multitude of things but you know the I think the evidence points to mostly it was it was comets series of comments from the tour and meteor stream yeah that came and and wiped out a majority of living species on Earth um and he you can see that through not only geological evidence um with the black matte layers of Ash that are frozen underneath ice but there's also [Music] um there's also evidence from when they look at the climate on Earth from throughout history yeah you can look at the ice course the ice cores right they I think they they drilled like miles of ice cores in Antarctica yes you can see several Global floods that happen several yeah so the younger driest is just one which is apparently the most recent one right most recent one is the overdrice it's decimated the entire ice sheet sending water and mass of ice into the oceans creating a global flood which would have been the the most recent flood that we've had even all the way down to Africa to the tip of Africa this thing created floods which is why I believe the Sphinx is much older than we think because the Sphinx couldn't have been built 12 000 years ago uh it had to be built prior to that younger driest era um another fascinating thing um going back to evidence of this of the evidence proving that the timeline the official Narrative of the timeline of these civilizations especially when it comes to ancient Egypt is way off um there is I had this guy then Ben van uh kirkwick Ben van kirkwick is a YouTube channel called Uncharted X okay and he goes to uh he basically discovered this evidence in Egypt of these basalt rocks and these pieces of granite that have been clearly machined um with there's like core drills like perfectly circular cores taken out of this rock and on like the the Mohs scale of hardness of like the hardest and softest rocks on Earth yeah these are like the top three hardest rocks that exist on Earth and even today it would be extremely difficult for us to carve these stones with the tools that we have today right um and these like perfectly there's these giant like eight ton rocks that look like they were cut with it looks like it was a hot knife cutting through butter with how perfect they are and how perfectly symmetrical they are yeah some of this evidence is is astounding and it can't even be explained addition to that there's there's pottery that is made out of these rocks that is perfect it looks like it was pottery that was thrown on a wheel yeah but it's the hardest stones that exist on Earth yeah incredible because those stones can only be cut with those stones or diamonds right exactly I know and that that's the first time I became aware of actual physical evidence that cannot be explained by modern science or Academia yeah and they they don't really entertain the conversation right when people try to talk about it or people try to confront them about it yeah because it goes against the standard quo the the the the the the theory or the theme that they've already set up and just the way we want to have it this way we want to say it because if we change it now it's going to create so many questions and it's going to also destroy a lot of careers yeah that's the problem with it right there's a people have there's a lot that's tied up when it comes to money especially when it comes to like governments yeah that rely like in Egypt I know that a huge part of their revenue stream is tourism yeah um and that relies that relies on telling the story of you know the ancient Egyptians how many times have you been to Egypt four times four times I just took a tour there of 70 people I just got back yeah I had the largest tour ever taken through uh those sites we had VIP access I was the tour guide I'm the speaker they gave us access you know they cleared Giza out everybody out forbidden knowledge is here we have private access to the to the Grand gallery of the of the pyramid we're in there meditating we're going underneath the pyramid going in shafts going into the Queen's chamber private access to the Great Sphinx military guards to go down there and actually got to some of the underground uh shafts that exist that these things that people don't even know exists I've seen photos it's pretty wild wild stuff man why they go way down you can't even see the bottom uh and then you'll be able to stand it in the middle of the Sphinx let's pause and touch the dream Stella you know it's pretty cool so I took my whole the whole crew Everybody who came we took them down there they had a great time and took them out to the desert to thendera into hidden Crips that they were never opened before I took them to a temple of Isis on the property of dandera which has been locked for 30 years and the temple priest gave me the key to open it and let my people in and we saw technology on the wall jet pillars with cable electrical cables connected to what look like light bulbs and pristine condition not the ones underneath the underground Krypton there but that everybody knows on TV but the ones that nobody's ever seen before they're in there so we had a great great trip and we I showed them evidence of Technology all over the place including the Temple of seti at aberdos with the helicopter the tank uh you know the airplane and the uh and looks like a submarine in the hieroglyphs and just blew everybody away Yeah Austin maybe you can pull up some of uh the Uncharted X photos of some of the some of the stones that are out there but I mean he was talking about in some of these pyramids I think he was talking about one of the main ones was the Sakura Sakara yeah and there's like these eight to ten ton Granite boxes that are in there that are like perfectly symmetrical and smooth incredible and incredible one of the things that he said that really stood out to him was on these giant Granite boxes that are that looked like they are created by some sort of super advanced technology the hieroglyphs look like it was kindergartners that just found this and just started carving stuff into it because it looks like Stone chisels right were used to carve these hieroglyphs but it's not the same way of it's not the same technology somebody found it much later and started playing around with it which happens a lot of a lot of the stuff in Egypt in the dynastic era was already there when the dynastic error started so a lot of the things that are really super megalithic and really old were there they inherited those things if you go to Mexico where the teoticon complex is located which is a mirror of the Giza Plateau with the three pyramids lining with Orion the Pyramid of sun pyramid of the Moon and so forth though that struck those structures were there before the Mayans got there and even the Mexicans will tell you that the Mayans inherited what was what they they built nothing they even teach that in the University they built nothing matter of fact the Mayans didn't know who built that stuff so they named them teotiwakan that's where the name came from but when you go to the ancient text you find out who built it though the Atlantean who ruled over the land of Camp ancient Egypt he left because he was battling with his brother Marduk in the Bible but mardok is also known to the Egyptians as Amon ra this is why people say amen at the end of every prayer he's the one who said at the end of everything give me thanks you say my name that's where amen comes from he left because of battling with his brother and he went to mesoamerica and he took all mix with him and they kick-startered and built the tail tibicon civilization so the evidence is all there it's all in tablets and so what was his name what the Atlantean t-h-o-th so some people say top or Thoth I call them though uh and Sumerian he's known as nicosita in the Mexico or the meso American area like uh you know tibicon and Chichen Ito he's known as kukul Khan Lord Bacall pericocha um he's the flying serpent you know all these different names just like in Greek Greece he's known as Hermes and Rome he's known as mercury uh Odin if you go to the Library of Congress there's two gigantic doors and they have both the Atlantean on one side and Odin on the other they know who this guy is and how many years ago was he apparently according to the texts oh 54 000 uh BCS when he was ruling over the land of Kim which is how many years ago from today oh that's a long time man we're talking about 56 000 years ago yeah 56 000. 56 000 yeah in his Tech and his tablets he says he went to the land of Kim to re-kick start civilization After the flood meeting it was already at a high level Before the Flood or whatever disaster happened the temple was coming up out of the mud and he went and rebuilt and he said I built the Great Pyramid pattern after Earth's Force so he takes claim to building the Great Pyramid it wasn't Khufu right it wasn't Khufu yeah it definitely was not the dynastic Egyptians that built that they inherited it why don't you think that like modern Academia and people in in the quote unquote egyptologists why won't they entertain any of these conversations you know it's just now starting to be entertained by egyptologists when I go to Egypt I'm famous the egyptologists flocked to me really they asked for autograph they take photos with me the photos are all online that I'm like everywhere I go in Egypt I'm famous because I'm saying the things that they want to say we did a live podcast on the Nile and the egyptologist was there and she said we love Billy because he's saying the things that we are we can't say or we lose our jobs and we believe everything he's saying we we know this for a fact we we've learned grew up learning about this thing the right the real truth about our history but we can't speak it to the general population or we're in big trouble and so that's why they love me there but they've already adopted it the egyptologist uh the Homegrown ones have already adopted this information the foreign ones have it but the big problem with this information is that it's detrimental to the system and the status quo it literally would break down religious systems overnight you're talking about a multi-trillion dollar system that generates a lot of money for a lot of people and those religious systems donate a lot of money to politics poly I call it polytrix polytrix yeah and I'm talking about millions of dollars a year right and so all of a sudden that goes away a religious system collapsed globally would definitely affect the global economy almost overnight but that will go away because people realize the information that they have been brought up learning is actually severely inaccurate and that the information is based on plagiarized tablets and the real stories are in the tab it's a full unedited undoctorate human when I'm gonna change these words around here and there you know that's not done in the tablet so tablet is what it says when you come to the Bible all of a sudden you get to a lot of texts like Jesus saying honor your slave masters you would honor me do you think that this guy would really say something like that if he's all this light and he's a light being and he's all about love and and and you know Salvation and he's telling you now no you better obey that slave master come on that's not that's somebody you know let me write this in there because it's going to benefit us when you write this in we can tell the slaves hey you see what Jesus said you better you better listen to Jesus so this is a lot of twisting and turning the Bible is a remix is what it really is yeah and so all of a sudden you bring this real information all this stuff collapses overnight we're talking about a multi-trillion dollar control system gone like that yeah I mean do you think it's sort of similar to what happened when the dynastic Egyptians found these structures and carved new Pharaoh's faces in them and change the names right same thing if we sat in here if we say we had 10 more people in this room and we sat in a circle and I whispered something into one person's ear and said take it around the entire when it gets back to my other ear right the story ain't gonna be exactly the same it'll be close but it won't be a telephone game right wow man wow that is fascinating that's why I love the tablets because I know I'm not saying they're 100 accurate but they're as close as I can possibly get I'm taking all these other steps in between that have happened between Islam and Christianity and Buddhism and all these other religions that have taken from the same tablets and now I'm getting as close as possible to the original source as I possibly can you know so I'm reducing some of the error uh you know effect there yeah what do you think would happen if people became aware or if if people suddenly realized like hypothetically one of these UFOs landed on the on the quote-unquote White House law like they say what would happen to society would it really fall apart what would be the implications of something like this happening I wonder you know I think at this point now they've conditioned us so much with movies uh and stuff like that there's two two ways it can go one way it can go finally where you guys been we need some help here the other way can go is um you know people become worshipers right away because we have this Gene and this is worship Gene which was inserted into the human genome we know this now because scientists ever have actually found the worship Gene you can turn it on and they can turn it actually off what yes this is we have a worship Gene worship Gene that's right and so it makes us want to worship something outside of ourselves when in true reality we should find the power inside and this was inserted by the Annunaki it's my opinion that's my hypothesis I should say on this one but this Gene has been found but it's happened around 200 000 years ago now something else happened around that same time chromosome number two in the human body was pulled out and fused together and then two telomere caps is put on each end telomere caps have our genetic material that allow us ourselves to replicate it has the biological uh buffer material in it now when the buffer material runs out that's when your body starts the death process now around 200 000 years ago is when the tablets say this occurred at the Tower of Babel incident which made it into the modern day bible the Tower of babylonson where where in the Bible is God who comes back Yeshua I mean Yahweh comes back and he sees that people building a tower into the heavens and he gets pissed off and he destroys the tower and he said I'm that's it man's like man's years will be 120 they'll never live more than that and I'm gonna confuse their languages and separate them and spread them out all over the planet so they can't talk to each other but into submarine tablets it was actually in Lil who's Yahweh in the Bible he comes back and sees it and he goes oh man these people are getting too smart they're gonna We they're gonna realize they don't need us to rule over them so he confused their language taught broke everybody up made different languages there's only one language at the time then the year shall be 120 shorten the lifespan before then people were living for hundreds of years now the maximum lifespan that they found out at Harvard that a human being could live on average would be 120 if it wasn't for the poison and everything else going on you know to toxicity in the foods and atmosphere and they discovered they started experimenting with mice and they were able to stop the degradation degradation of the telomeres and got the mice to live three times their normal lifespan all this information would be mind-blowing information to come out if this truth was really told about our ancient past and what really happened people would realize we've been altered genetically modified our lifestans have been shortened so that we can be subjugated and ruled over we never lived long enough to really figure out what's going on but by the time we figured out we're gone and another generation starts over from zero again and so we're at this precipice now we need to be able to pass this information on from generation to generation and teach them the real true ancient history so that we can break this this cycle that we're in of this of this being a boot on our neck and being ruled over by a small handful of people less than 100 people on this planet control 8 billion people less than 100 people run the lives of 8 billion people worldwide they know what you smell eat taste touch hear think they control everything you do where you can go where you can't go and so for us to take back control of this planet we need to know this ancient information we need to know what happened in the past so we can make a better future because the past is prologue we can't take control of this planet until that happens and so to answer your question is this once people understand this fundamentally the true reality is we'll take back control of our planet these beings they don't land and walk around they're waiting for us to grow up I think that the ones that had subjugated us have been long gone after a last pyramid war that happened about 5 000 years ago and the ones that are looking at us now that we see these UFOs do with peace flying around not all of them are are there some are ours but the ones that are from from other places they're watching us and they're looking and they're saying you know what they're still crawling they're not ready for us yet when they learn how to walk when these eight million eight eight billion people I'm sorry when these eight billion Take Back Control of their planet and stop allowing less than 100 people to put a boot on their neck and divide them and all these dividing conquer tactics they don't love one another they don't they don't respect one another they don't respect even themselves when they grow up past that level then we'll show up because in back in the ancient times they would show up people were so uh the IQ wasn't there yet we were just country gatherers living around and we didn't have a weapon to fire back at them now somebody shows up everybody wants to try to take it out of the sky we want to get this technology we want to co-opt it we want to reverse engineer it yeah you want to weaponize it territorial apps with thermonuclear weapons scary you know that's another thing real quick before we go on they look at our planet and they go okay they know how to split the atom interesting oh they've got weapons let me check out the codes on these weapons we know this because UFOs have showed up at military bases and deactivated nukes in broad daylight as testified before Congress by actual Military Officers and nuclear physicists but they say okay well they've got all these nukes aimed at their own Planet while they're still on the planet with no escape hatch so right there it tells you they're saying you know what you're so dumb isn't it it's really bad so they're saying you know we're going to just keep looking you know we have to just Monitor and look at the situation and just keep seeing how long will it be before they wake up that's what I think that's happening so that's why I don't they don't land on the you know the crazy thing is is they they hang out on The Fringe of being observable yeah they don't make themselves they they obviously have the ability to make themselves completely invisible yeah but they're choosing not to right right like if you look at the incidents with the fighter pilots witnessing them talking about there's multiple fighter pilots right engraves uh and uh David fravor talking about their reporting flying by these objects seeing them with their own eyes additionally they're seeing them on radars and we're obviously very aware of it even like the New York Times is talking about it so they're making themselves visible to the extent that we're seeing we can see holy [ __ ] these things are so much more advanced than we are right but they're not actually like landing and saying aha here we are nice to meet you they're not saying hello Yeah I think there's a sort of a prime directive that they have just based on the observation of what's been going on all this time with all this kind of like we're here but we're not here we're hiding in different spectrums of colors or we might be a cloud we might not be the cloud you know and it looks like a prime directive as if they're have some type of a base law that we don't understand or know about where they're not fully engaging us uh in a way that like you're talking about because we know when we went to the uh bikini at all in the uh I think this was the the late 40s early 50s and started testing weapons nuclear weapons we took all those uh Islanders and we moved them and these people had never seen airplanes or other people before forget seeing airplanes they've never seen anybody but themselves right and all of a sudden they created a cargo cult they took Reeds and sticks out of the bushes and created airplanes out of them and they worshiped the planes they tattooed USA on their chest you got black guys walking around in the bush with USA on their painted on their chest they make fake guns out of sticks that look like you know AK-47s and so forth automatic weapons and then they sit down on these man-made runways that they've dug out and they look at the sky for hours waiting for the sky Gods to bring them back more cans of spam and I think the same thing would happen if a lot of these beings would just engaged underdeveloped cultures that you know we're not ready for certain levels of understanding and Technology yet in certain ways um you know you still got people running around uh you know trying to steal stuff at the checkout that uh you know at Walmart I mean it's just it's a certain level of of uh of IQ and maybe understanding and unconditional love that we need to have for ourselves and the planet maybe before they just fully engage yeah well I mean there's so many problems there right with Humanity like like the there's so much desperation on Earth in different parts of the world that breed all these you know all these things yeah like like crime and Corruption and death and all the stuff but I mean going back to the UFO conversation I don't know if you've ever heard of uh Dr Robin Hansen but he talks about this idea is this concept concept of grabby aliens and he talks about um if there are if there is another alien civilization there's two options that it would choose if it was you know say millions of years ahead of us it would become a grabby a grabby civilization meaning it would do what US humans do expand control as much as we possibly can out into the universe and into multiple star systems or they would come to the conclusion that if we want to let these explorers go out and colonize other stars we have to we'll we'll be essentially letting go or letting go of control of them right and they can do whatever they want they can come back and take us over we we have no control so they would either choose that to let them go or they would choose to control everybody or keep everybody on the planet and have like a one world government and government govern the whole entire world and some and somehow have some sort of security guards quote unquote security guards there to make sure no one escapes the planet or no one if there are explorers that go out have fail safes in place to make sure they don't colonize or become grabby right and what his idea of what these or one of his theories to what these modern day UFOs could be is it could be one of these other civilizations that are just here to make sure we don't become quote unquote grabby right or we don't expand beyond our solar system something something around that I believe that's pretty accurate I wrote the the you know I did the documentary the Black Knight satellite beyond the signal it just aired we had a big movie premiere aired in some some theaters actually and now it's on my TV network Forbidden Knowledge TV and it's our number one documentary right now it's actually up for three film Awards right now oh wow and there's this object orbiting Earth that is estimated to be there for 13 000 years and how we get this number is the NSA analyze a signal from it a couple of Astral businesses analyze the signal and some ham radio operators back in the 50s also got the same signal all independent came up with the same translation decoding of the signal that it was saying it was from the Epsilon botis constellation now I heard about this about 10 years ago and I got really really interested in this story and I realized it was even deeper than that that the article about this came out in Time Magazine by one of the astronomers that was researching this thing and decoding the signal and I said Time Magazine picked this up in 1960 then I saw some reports of it following Sputnik when sputnik's a Russian sent Sputnik to orbit the Moon and come back uh and I said this thing has course correction then they discovered that in it was in a polar orbit it had changed course went into a polar orbit something we couldn't do until just recent times we didn't even know how to get a polar orbit orbiting from pole to pole in order to create a lot of the megalithic structures that you've seen like the pyramid complexes and everything else you need a polar orbit how come we haven't been able to have a polar some you're saying something orbiting the Earth like from an up and down vertical yeah from Pole to postal this is the earth instead of going around the equator it's going the other it's going we just got that maybe I think we ended up getting it official like in the 19 late 1980s oh really yeah but this thing has been orbiting in a polar orbit from the 1950s everybody was looking up at the sky and uh tracking uh things in the sky as we were trying to go into space race against Russia and especially when Sputnik launched in 1960 everybody was looking up to the sky all everybody was scanning the sky we had some Mercury stuff going on and the Black Knight satellite it uh the object itself is interesting because a Epsilon boat just comes up individually several times so I looked into Epsilon both just I'm like well let me see let me research this place found out there's something called a void there this void is called a baltus void it's the largest known void in the universe it's not even dust in this area going on for about 250 uh million light years or some crazy spanning number like that and so I saw uh Michio Kaku the famous theoretical physicist talking about it and he said that in that void it looks like lights being bent around that area and he says that we think that it's a potentially it could be a cloaked advanced civilization and I was like that's pretty interesting because the Black Knight is giving up this location now you're saying it might be a cloak that's been civilization based on you know theoretical physicist hypothesis so I looked into it a little bit deeper and discovered that baltus is owned by and Lil from the ancient Sumerian Tablets these beings own planets and moons and some even own constellations so I'm like wow so there's in these tablets it says there's a guy named botis who owns and Lil owns botus oh and Lil owns this right botis void and then Lil was the ruler of the Earth at that time and guess what and Lil had in his in the tablets he had the All-Seeing Eye the eye of Sauron which has made it into the lord of rings he had the All-Seeing Eye they copied that from the tablets your Lord of the Rings copied it from the tablets God so he can see now listen to this he can see population densities on the planet he can see who had crops who didn't have crops he can see weather patterns all over the Earth and you can only do that with with a polar orbiting satellite because as the Earth spins on its axis the satellites orbiting this way and so as the Earth has been as so as the satellites orbiting this way it's taking swaps I'm sorry swaps of data right and it's scanning topography scanning patterns and scanning everything you need right barometric pressures and all that kind of stuff you can see scanning densities you know you can scan for population densities all that can come from one satellite forming plant in a polar orbit he had that he knew what was going on and he would unfortunately he was pretty evil dude if humans were getting too outrageous in one area overpopulating area he would just have them killed he would just this is in the tablets just kill him kill a hundred thousand kill 200 000 he would dry their crops out he would spray stuff on their crops and to dry them out so they can starve to death all this kind of crazy stuff this guy was just ruthless he saw us just as animals he didn't see as real sentient beings would this guy owned both so I said wait a minute so I the more I dug into it I realized that the Black Knight satellite are just object that's still orbiting our planet right now NASA it's on NASA server it's called they call it space junk space junk yeah they call it space junk they don't know what it is it's been there the sts-88 mission did a flyby and caught a great HD image of this thing it's about estimated 15 Tons it's in our orbit oh yeah it's in our orbit so it's not it's not far out it's not outer space no no it's that LaGrange for LaGrange 0.4 I believe okay and it's orbiting out there and uh it's still there they won't mess with it because it makes no sense to mess it you don't know what type of self-defense system or mechanism this thing may have but the reason why I think it's important based on what you were telling me about the gentleman is because I believe that this thing is watching us that's what the whole documentary is about and I have 20 incredible researchers in the doctor including Quantum physicists in the documentary with me an astrophysicist I think it's watching us and I believe that it's using quantum entanglement to transmit everything in real time what's going on Earth back to home base at Burlington wow and that this could be the grabby civilization that we're you're talking about that is watching and making sure we don't get too crazy because they don't want us to be a threat they talked about us beingcoming a threat in the Sumerian Tablets in the myth of a dapa they talked about it they talked about it in the outrageous epic they talked about it in the Epic of Gilgamesh all these tablets they talk about us potentially rising up and even superseding them uh and and making sure that we never found out that we don't need them this is an ancient tablets and now finally finding out that he is the uh the constellation of baltus is attributed to enlil and this thing gives off the signal to bullets and even in the NSA document which is read in my documentary it all comes together like wow what is going on here so I think your guys Theory you know about grabby civilization I believe it I believe it 100 yeah it's fast it's a fascinating concept concept and it makes a lot of sense another weird thing is is which I find fascinating is is the um the trans medium aspect of these UFOs like being in the water and going in and under the water and it makes a lot of sense because the oceans are one of the things that we have explored very little of yes absolutely you look at Christopher Columbus uh in his actual Captain's Log he documents now think about this you're talking about the 1400s right there's no there's no light pollution something comes up out of the ocean a bright light a gigantic bright light comes up out of the ocean and goes up into space it's documented in his in his um you know in his Captain's Log you only write down things in the Captain's Log that are important right right and that's in there so something came yes and yes an anomaly what is coming up with there's no light bulbs back then so what is it that came out of the ocean by the ship that can light up the sky yeah that's pretty [ __ ] crazy man yeah um what I heard you mentioned before I wanted I wanted to talk about this but I've heard you talk about um in the tablets there's a different depiction of Adam and Eve how they were created and how that relates to the Anunnaki specifically can you explain specifically how that how that was described in the tablets so in the tablets they don't actually make a human being from like dirt and dust like it says in the Bible like they didn't create no dirt and just make a human being like magic what they did was there was an existing hominid already on this planet so the EGT was getting ready to go to war there was going to be a coup against the kings of Earth so they came from Mars to Earth they the gods the they fell from heaven that really they were the angels it was eight they were a lower class than the level of ancient and Lil they didn't call them grounds they were like Angels they fell from heaven to Earth They Came From Mars down to earth to go to war and the ultra high seats they encircle the camp in Africa of in Lil and Anki and Anu who was their father and they're getting ready to go to battle because the working conditions are harsh they've been working for 250 000 years on their own they call the years in charge so they it was a lower number but each one charged 3 600 years so it added up is 250 000 years no women was one of the biggest complaints uh and the biggest complaint was no women and they felt like they were becoming slaves even though they were volunteers for this Breakaway civilization and so uh the war almost happened but then enki who's and Lil's brother says I have an idea there's an existing being here they're talking about our cousin not Homo Sapien something else was here already our cousins we can add our Essence to that to it and get it to do our labor to do your labor and an agreement was made this is in the inum illish and a totally separate tablet called the ultra high seas epic two separate tablets saying the same exact thing which is interesting because it correlates the story it corroborates the story and so this was done and so what they did was they first started with taking genetic material and then making these clones but the problem with the Clones was they couldn't reproduce on their own you know if you take a horse and a donkey and you get a mule and a mule can't mate with anything see what I'm saying so they had added their Essence to us we were then a mule we weren't able to make they had to keep trying to recreate more and more of us the hard way eventually and they were doing this in a place called um it was in South Africa called Adam's Calendar in Africa which they discovered recently where the first 200 000 year old gold mines were they were putting us to work right away mining gold but anyway so uh from there they said okay these clones are here but it's not working out properly and that's when her AKA Isis said I'm going to take one to terms she took an egg out of a hominid clean out some of the genetic material added their Essence to it in other words genetically modified the egg in some way this is what we call a modern scientific terms making a zygote and an in vitro fertilization in her own womb 10 months later gave birth to adamu which means first man and the famous cylinder scroll is in the British Museum of her holding up the baby saying my hands have created it the adamu and that was Adam and so and then after that there was this tablet that came out called the myth of adapter which is also Adamo in a different way but it talks about the fact that we are created in a way where enki for whatever reason they pissed his brother off he added something a little extra to us that he wasn't supposed to do he gave us the capability of having uh in the future of superseding the Annunaki themselves and it made the Anunnaki relatives of his jealous of us and angry with us because he had created something that even long term could be better than them extra strands of DNA and all this other stuff that he incorporated into our genome that would allow us eventually one day to rise even above and nobody knew why he did it but he got he got him into a battle against his own brother this is all them ancient tablets wow you know one of the craziest things to me is that if these people if these if these beings were so much more advanced than we are now why would they have emotions like jealousy and anger and all these primal sort of emotions I mean these sort of things with with our species are like the worst thing right they're the reason we go to war and kill each other and people starve yeah and that's a great question so when you read the beginning of how they started out it appears that there was a galactic War millions of years ago in the pleiadian star system planets were being destroyed they had weapons called the brahamanda weapon which would destroy him any man on three worlds they had these tablets of Destiny which whoever had control can destroy people's planets and moons debris imagine in this solar system debris going everywhere and hitting planets destroying civilizations we would flee if we could people started fleeing these star systems around the Pleiades millions of years ago creating Breakaway civilizations in other parts of the Galaxy different different sector altogether the Anunnaki people these Atlantic people they went and started off in another place they had risen to a higher level there they had done away with the weapons of then this is interesting weapons of mass destruction they had a weapon called a wmd wow and they had done away with them they were forsaken but when a small group of these people broke away and came to kick-start a civilization here on Earth they stole some of the wmds and brought them with them this is in ancient tablets they put them in a hid them in a mountain and didn't and swore never to use them but when they got here and they started doing what they were doing and they started breaking all their own rules they began to realize there's nobody here to guard it so nobody here to stop us from doing this and they said the creator of all is going to uh is going to get us for this they even believe somebody was higher than them they realized that they were acting like the Wild Wild West here and they started off very strict and then they gradually with nobody overseeing them really they started like going back Primal in other words the thoughts of war and this and agreed and all that crept back in and eventually Somebody went and got the weapons and they started fighting each other with the weapons so it was this gradual process over a hundred thousand years or so between between them coming in with a very strict set of rules and engagement of Engagement and everything else and uh and of ideology and to just collapsing over time and realizing who's gonna stop us who's gonna tell me I can't do this nobody's gonna come here and stop me from doing there's no law here and then they just went rush out they went crazy backwards yes they went backward they backslid hard but it took a couple hundred thousand years before they fully backslid wow it's like raising a kid and then all of a sudden you know you know your teenager now your mom says okay you can go out tonight and you go out and you go wow I'm out you know what well no my mom ain't here I could do this nobody's gonna tell me to stop doing you know so it's kind of like a teenager that gets left out there and with no guidance and that's what happened when you create all the content you create the documentaries the videos and and do all and produce all these movies and stuff do you have run into trouble when you try to recruit like mainstream scientists or cosmetology cosmetology I've gotten I try to recruit James Webb to do the Black Knight satellite and uh initially he said yes and then he looked a little bit deeper into what I was talking about he he ran away quick and then I had another another astrophysicist from the University at uh Nova in uh in Davie Florida and initially he was in and then he dug a little deep and he said oh no no no you know so I've had situations like that fortunately I've gotten on the Travel Channel The History Channel Discovery Channel the Science Channel guy your TV now I'm on my own TV Network and so I've got so much popularity talking about these types of topics these French topics and so now and a lot of them have been done in a very professional way you know now I'm coming up I'm going to be on Ancient Aliens uh TV series which is like the longest running series on History Channel right now and so it's added a little bit more credibility the fact that more people are opening up and talking about it and it's on mainstream TV it's it's giving people a reason to ask questions and talk about it versus it being some hidden conspiracy thing and so it's become a little bit easier when I did the Black Knight I got probably about five or six no's maybe seven actually seven knows and then but the rest of the other people they were eager to come on board and share the knowledge and you know participate in the documentary and many others that I'm working on also yeah they get a lot of backlash from people in the other people in their universities and their colleagues right when they even entertain discussions like this yes yeah they think they're gonna lose their funding their grant money it's all about the money it never is it's never about the truth of what really happened it's all about well if we do this they may pull the funding and you know it's all about how can I pay my bills you know yeah I remember uh even Avi Loeb uh the guy who discovered the amuamua yeah talks about this a lot he had a lot of people were very angry with him yeah and you know a lot of it is also just jealousy because there's so many people that dedicate their lives to studying these things and they're in the universities and then one guy decides to yeah step outside the line a little bit you know and then they get all this attention the guy's got a book a really a super popular book He's on all over the Internet yeah he's gonna be on my network soon have you ever talked to him not yet no but I have my my producer's been talking what do you think about that object that he found I think is an amazing uh artifact anomaly I don't think it's a rock or stone or any type of Comet or asteroid I think it's an actual remnant of an ancient Galactic war that existed it to me it ties into the ancient war theory that existed there was another war that happened here that extended from Earth to the Moon and then even to Mars that to me is a relic of an ancient war it even had to me it might be so operational I kind of used the Sun as a gravitational assist and shot itself out deeper into deep Galactic expansion Galactic space and I the shape of it to me and everything else it just to me it spells artificially made artificially constructed I remember Comet 67p I took images of that Comet uh which one was that that was the one we sent a mission to to land on it and we landed on it about five or six years ago find this one 67p Comet 67 and P yeah and what's interesting this there were some openings on the comment or there are some openings on the comet and some of the images now the images were coming in real time every single day from the satellite that was that is orbiting it and actually a Lander went to the to the surface that's it there and what's interesting is on some days the openings looked like something was in them not anything we can recognize but we don't know how how an opening can close and how an opening can be open again how it can be blocked by something and how it can be open again so just I think there's a lot of stuff out there we just can't really explain there's a lot more going on that we know and there's a reason why they went to this Comet and rendezvous with this because this thing really to me it had something miraculous going on they wanted to take a closer look I think that's why they spent the money and the resources to go to this Comet was this comment part of the torrid meteor stream or no it wasn't it's just another one of these objects that uh seems to just be floating around on its own kind of a rogue Comet and we rendezvoused with it and uh it's it's got weird things going on weird gravitational feels that shouldn't exist uh they landed something called the filet Lander on it and they they misjudged the gravity because based on their calculations it has a certain gravity and it didn't have it look at that Ox Austin blow up that picture where it says the comet in real relationship to Los Angeles that's it yeah holy [ __ ] it's a big one that's a big one that thing is enormous yeah I think there's one below it of it next okay there you go yeah yeah here to Earth we'd be done maybe finished oh my God there's another common out there called Apophis Apophis is the size of Texas and it came by uh about 10 years ago and then it came by one more time and it hit a gravitational keyhole on the last swing by right between Earth and the Moon nobody they didn't say anything about till it left it came closer than the moon yeah and then it hit a gravitational Keyhole now what's interesting about it what is it what is a gravitational Keyhole well when you own a orbital mechanics if you hit a gravitational Keyhole that means on the next approach that same object wherever it is in space on your next approach to that object you potentially can hit it so you're looking at uh 20 36 or something like that we could potentially have a collision with hypothesis which is why Obama when he was in office he knew about this they they briefed him on this Apophis Apophis okay he set a mission to start landing on asteroids and learning how to shift their orbits because something like that you can't blow it up if you blow it up it'll destroy the planet even faster because it'll be giant chunks hitting the planet all over the place versus Just One impact but you have to learn how to shift the orbit by landing something on it and turning on some type of a rocket propellant to shift it out of its orbit to take it into a different LaGrange point so it doesn't hit the planet and so that's what they just actually successfully did that I think it was actually uh a few months ago really we wanted the mission was started when Obama was in office they just landed no that's a long time to get to it it was a it was a executive order he signed to make this happen to make sure that we knew how to move comets out of the way from hitting our planet and we actually just did it and so they're hoping that uh they can rendezvous with this hypothesis if it's going to be on an approach that's going to be a collision course so they can maneuver it out of the way how how big was the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs you know um I don't know you know who knows when you tell when you're dealing with that kind of speed and impact well the crazy thing too is a lot of them blow up in the sky right like tunguska that thing exploded I think five miles in the sky and just created like a shotgun blast flatten everything for Miles yeah yeah crazy stuff so these things are these you know there's just so much stuff out there there's another object that orbits our Earth with the moon with the moon so we actually have two moons there's another object that's flipping around out there in its own orbit around Earth it's not as big as the moon but it's our second moon really yeah it's been there for you know since forever and uh it's on this weird uh orbit around Earth it orbits Earth along with our moon orbiting Earth you know there's a lot of a lot of people have some very um strange theories about the moon what do you think about the moon well I can only go by data points because you know I'm a data point guy if you go to and download this satellite radar imagery of the Moon anyone can do this pull it into your computer radar ground penetrating radar is going to let you see what's 30 meters beneath the surface and what you see is what looks like structures beneath the surface of the Moon with the naked eye no editing no photoshopping just looking at it there's videos on YouTube you can pull them up all day long you can find videos about the moon there's one guy Mars anomalies Chris moroney he was actually in my documentary he's one of the top anomaly hunters in the world he did a great video with the official images and all the source links on the uh the substructures that appear to be in the ground penetrating radar images of the moon and as you know the moon rang like a bell when they crashed the Lander into it right and so I in my opinion it's Hollow now I have something else in another documentary I was in about the moon uh but I think was uh 2013. there is a we got the freedom of the Freedom of Information Act the foia on the black box for the Apollo 11. now we have the audio and we have the redacted printed document and in the audio which we play in the documentary uh one of the astronauts is looking down as they're going across the moon looking for a landing site and he says look at those convex domes down there and then Neil goes I bet the people down there never get out and that's on the black box audio and it even made it into the redacted dock they didn't redact that statement it's still on the redacted official Black Box written statement from the Apollo 11. really yeah I bet the people down there never get out pretty interesting and how did you find this that's now available to the public for you Freedom of Information really it's now available to everyone anyone can download it now the Apollo 11 black box audio and then we also have the um Declassified documents from the Clementine Mission which was a low lunar orbiting satellite that the military sent up to the Moon very close to the surface when I saw the name Clementine I knew right away I said oh my God this thing is not coming back I bet I found out it never came back and at the end I found out it never came back but it transmitted a lot of data and images that show anomalies On the Dark Side of the Moon on the back side of the moon that's what primarily what they were after Clementine because Oh My Darling Clementine you were lost and gone forever that's old country song so I knew that song I knew right away when they named the Clementine they never planned for it to come back they claimed it crashed but I knew that was part of the plan to leave it there but it transmitted some amazing footage that's available actually online anyone can download an HD resolution unobfuscated of things that don't belong on the back side of the moon so it's just a lot of crazy stuff that you know just goes on um yeah it is you know the craziest thing too is that we can't freaking get back to the moon it's been since 50 years since we've been to the moon and we can't seem to get I think right now that I don't know did the Artemis Mission ever ever happen I know it's if they postponed it like three or four times already yeah there's so many post spawnings about it and and uh you know I don't know if it's uh now I know we do have that they've left that dish up there and one of the Apollos 14 or 15 missions and every single day they transmit a packet of data from Earth to that dish and buy laser every single day what are they transmitting to that addition why are they transmitting to the dish yeah that's an interesting thing that Randall told me about too you know he was like if we're to do anything he's like we should at least be try like if Earth got destroyed right tomorrow there would be virtually nothing left in a couple thousand years right literally building cities New York City would be dust yeah the only things that would be left are the pyramids I think and uh um what is the what are the the what's the structure called Mount Rushmore oh yeah like Mount Rushmore like like these things we'll we'll still be there these big giant Stone uh structures but everything else like like computers everything else will be dust and uh he's like one of the things that we should be doing is saving or digitizing everything on a hard drive on the moon so that's what they're doing because they're transmitting data like you wouldn't believe that's probably what they're doing it makes a lot of sense to me yeah it would be a smart thing to do it would be a smart Fail-Safe right because you have to get back to the data that's the only way to understand how to re recreate like a cell phone we know how to use a cell phone but I don't know how to make a cell phone and if I learn how to make one part of it how do I get the other parts to it that need to be done like the towers and all the technology for Tower and the satellite communication you have to have a place a storehouse of information almost like the a you know a chamber of knowledge that one can tap into and open up and all the schematics and all the plans and everything else is right there for you makes a lot of sense yeah there was a there was an article I forget how long ago now the article came out but maybe maybe about six months ago but I think it was a Chinese Rover spotted like some sort of Black Box on the surface of the Moon yeah and it was going to take them they were going to go check it out but it was the rover was so slow supposedly it was going to take them months to get there well yeah that was the second one the first one which was years ago it got stuck in debris it got tangled in debris what is debris doing on the moon uh they sent one image back and it had these things maybe I meant rocks or something no it would look like they sent the images in the image it looks like bent wires and stuff all over the place and they couldn't get free of it and so this is just second one oh no way yeah now India sent uh the India University they have a college there they raised three million dollars not three billion like we do and they created a satellite sent it to Mars and the first image they sent back was of Mars blue light scatter in the sky not red uh you know what looks like to be water beneath and mountains and everything else not dark red like they NASA does they they call NASA call those images by the way false color they actually add that red color really yeah and you can look it up and they tell you why they do it because they said it makes image transmission better so it hides a lot of stuff it's not red it looks like you're walking around Arizona when you go there and that image came back from the Indians uh Indian space agency and it blew everybody away because it was like holy crap it looks like Earth but it was Mars yeah so these images from the Indian space agency they're online right now yeah they were up there and so I mean if I have one here Austin Austin can probably Google them yeah look up the Indian space and see Mars image now what's interesting is Bolden who was the head of NASA at the time a week later he flies to India and signs a deal with them with the end with the space agency with NASA so pretty interesting that is fascinating yeah why would he do that as if they probably even moving to maybe even cover it up or take over the data or who knows what they do excuse me this is an image that I took of Mars from my Celestron 130 uh home telescope wow that's Mars in the summer anyone can get a Celestron SLT 130 go out and that's incredible go out in February aiming at Mars you can find Mars on the app you can get the space app and show you what Mars is that because you already pointed and you'll you'll get this image okay so what are we looking at here Austin oh oh it's a yeah some sort of News Channel okay I don't know yeah I don't know it is carved into a golden surface these are the first images taken by a satellite by India's Maiden Mars mission released by the country's Space Agency on Thursday scientists tweeted the view is nice up here under the Twitter handle at Mars Orbiter which has amassed more than 108 000 followers since it's set up on Tuesday the satellite affectionately called Mom by the missions acronym will spend six months in elliptical orbit collecting atmospheric data from as close as 365 kilometers and as far out as 80 000 kilometers from the planet's surface have you seen that that uh that new space Force logo that came out with the triangle yeah you see how they put the Sphinx in there or it was like a Pharaoh's head it's crazy it's Pharaoh's head yeah they got it uh looking real uh ancient Egyptian what the I feel like what do you guys they're trolling us now you want to know something else when we went to Egypt uh these the entrance or the access to the Grand Gallery the the grand Gallery inside the um uh Great Pyramid that's the chamber leading up to the king's chamber that's the app like this little Alleyway leads up to the king's chamber right NASA owns the rights to the access to that to the king's chamber yes nobody's ever been in the king's chamber right yeah I've been there yeah up into the top part into the king's chamber is not at the very top it's inside this area so you go up about I don't know maybe 40 or 50 meters and then you enter enter into the shaft and from there you're able to climb up a series of channels until you get to the Grand gallery and the grand Gallery you have to abandon kind of pull yourself up right it leads you into the king's chamber you have to duck your head and go underneath this giant slab just I don't know 100 ton slap if I could Grant it you get inside the king's chamber which I've been in there many times it took all the people and we were in there oh wow really yeah yeah it's incredible but uh I heard that they were on that I heard there's areas of the pyramid that no one's ever been into uh I heard there's like doors or something that you can't go through or no one's ever been through there are there's tons of places there's an area right above the grand gallery that was taken by a muon scan right exactly where folk says he hit the Hall of Records in the pyramid they found it three years ago this gigantic area above the king's chamber that's there it's uh it's authenticated Now by modern science that what was said in the tablets is real click on that giant diagram and blow that up Austin so okay go up yeah right there big void so you've been in that King's chamber oh yeah many times but not inside the void no nobody's been able to go up there not yet and they're probably cleaning out all the ancient knowledge and wisdom in their records and all the stuff that's in there what do you think of the whole um Giza power plant Theory I believe it so can you explain the basics of what it is so if you realize if you look at the if you do a rewind on the geological clock of Giza you find out that denial ran right up next to the pyramids okay so after their last war that's why that's why Giza is nothing but sand that's the remnants of an ancient war that's why some of the sand has balls of glass in there that's 3000 degrees temperature that's vitrified sand turned to Glass but anyway so the Nile used to run right up to the pyramids now underneath the pyramid we know that's true because we see the dried out aquifer uh areas where there's these gigantic um uh shafts that run not man-made but natural forming uh areas underneath the pyramid where the water would run now when you take magnetized Crystal Granite which is the base and you use running water underneath it you create physiostatic electricity then the granite will pull the ions up into the pyramid send them up the grand gallery now the grand gallery has these slots on each side where the hypothesis by Engineers mainstream Engineers too is that they could have been resonating rods something to amp up step up the electricity as it went up into the king's chamber in the king's chamber here's what's interesting there's a box in there that they try to say it's a sarcophagus it's not a sarcophagus I'm six foot four I can't fit in that box sarcophagus when you go to the museum you see what a real sarcophagus is these things are massive not this little tiny box the box is the exact dimensions though of the Ark of the Covenant the Ark of the Covenant used to sit inside of that box it was technology it was a capacitor and that would then give the extra boost and send the electricity up through the Apex where there was a gold Capstone the Obelisk which are crystal magnetized Crystal Granite would capture that ambient wireless electricity and then pass it on to what they call Jed pillars d j e d these Jets they had these Jets depicted in many hieroglyphs people holding them and connecting them to light bulbs and electroplating devices and hieroglyphs which I took everybody to go see pause one second what what did you say was inside the the Box the Ark of the Covenant what is the Ark of the Covenant if you look into biblical texts for example there was this Ark that Moses stole all right he took he had this box he claimed it was given to him by God but I think he stole it from the Egyptians that's what I fled after him an ark yeah so it's this box with these cherubims on it but these cherubims are really it's really a capacitor this it generates a lot of electricity inside of this box is something that has so much radiation that's what it looks like there that you had to have on specific type of clothing which is well described even in the Bible rubber boots gloves this type of suit with this breastplate of metal on it to this is all to prevent the radiation poisoning when somebody didn't have it on in the Bible and they touched the ark they would become very sick their hair would fall out their nose would bleeds their eyes will bleed their fingernails would fall off radiation sickness this thing was generating some type of radiation power some type of a a generator of power of some sort um and it was connected to the Great Pyramid it was in that box evidence for this for me that box has a gigantic piece of the Granite missing off one corner like an explosion happened from inside the box if you look across the grand Gallery I'm sorry across the king's chamber there's a wall about maybe 30 feet away the impact from that giant piece of granite that snapped off it cut that Granite on the wall the exact shape of that corner piece wow something explosive happening for you to throw a piece of granite that heavy that far and impact that way so there was energy in there now if you go back to the story of Moses it really was Pharaoh akkenaten Moses is not the real name that's the made-up name Pharaoh Akhenaten who was ushering in monotheism in Egypt while he was a pharaoh worshiping amen ra the great amen Amin Rah was one of these Annunaki people said look from now on there'll be no other God but me that made it into the Bible when you say thanks you give you say thanks to me you say Amen that made it into the bible teach the people only to worship me not any of my other relatives I'm the only one and true God and he began to do that then he made an order to go to start defacing all the hieroglyphs and all of these statues around Egypt that's why the noses and the ears are chipped off that's why the faces are chipped off everywhere you go bodies are chipped away it wasn't done the hypothesis on the streets is that it was done because white people back then didn't want black people to know that they were black people in Egypt that's actually false the true reality is this was done in ancient times and it was carried on by Coptic Christians long before Jesus was even born they were still following the same monotheistic religion and to them it was offensive to have these faces of all these Gods around because it's only one true and only one God the great amen and that's why all these things were done but Moses when he was kicked at it so they said look this guy has to go we got to get him out of here they kicked him out of eight they kicked the Pharaoh out of Egypt he went and took that Ark out of the Great Pyramid and he fled with his new followers they weren't slaves they were followers of Akhenaten they crossed the Sea of reeds not the Red Sea which they tell you in the Bible nobody ever crossed the Red Sea it's a mistranslation by accident on purpose they crossed a much smaller much easier to cross Sea called the Red Sea which is also in the same region and then when the Pharaoh realized the power source of Egypt had been stolen a new Pharaoh they sent the you know sent the Chariots after him and everything else his son was uh Left Behind he didn't want to go that's tooth uncommon but truth in common they started worrying that maybe when he got a little older he would say I want revenge for my father and so they decided to kill him and kill his girlfriend and that's how the story ended that way but anyway that's what happened so what was the purpose of this powerful Arc like what was it used for like how are they used they used these pyramids as giant power structures and this Arc was like the the reactor or something the reactor right so what were they what were they doing in the desert when they had it out in the desert it would give them power it would give them power to power something called the Mana machine and the Mana machine would generate this food for the the masses of people that followed him out into the desert and so it had this capability of generating food also when they had were out there they saw enemies with enemies were trying to attack them I don't know who these enemy whatever Clearly say is who they were why they were attacking but they would then use this thing as a weapon it would send a beam out and kill these people this is technology and that's in the Bible wow that's fascinating it's not magic it's not a sky daddy with a magic wand it's like real hardcore Tech that was used and they recreated this at a university in America using the exact instructions that are in the bible really what university created this uh Google it I can't remember the name of University but Professor recreates The Arc or you can look it up uh several people actually have done it as well too since then it created it generated so much power he had to shut it down it was pulling power from everywhere yeah crazy stuff from the exact instructions and he made one the engineer who said the Ark of the Covenant this is again a group of college students made a replica of the arc that's one uh there's quite a few now but there's one that was a while back where uh replicas yeah they made you know just recreating it from the uh you know from the actual instructions what were the instructions the instructions were they were in the Bible they were in the Bible yeah wow one of as many there was a few arcs there wasn't just one one of them was discovered at in Ethiopia at an Ethiopian Church about nine years ago and someone who did a documentary on it claimed it was there and uh and then right afterward within a year was stolen from the church they didn't have the military or security or anything like that and somebody came and just took it so it's gone that one's gone but there's there's others but I'm pretty sure if you go on videos you'll find there's videos of this stuff being turned on and everything else it's real Tech that's the problem with this stuff too is it's so hard to find a lot of it online like with the you know I know Google curates a lot of the searches and you know I don't know what how it works or what they push the top or what they suppress but a lot of this stuff is very hard to find when you look for it have you I'm sure you have I'm sure you're familiar with the story of Bob Lazar how he describes um the crafts that he was recruited in back engineering he explains how the reactor like this explains the reactor inside some of those crafts was like a uh like basically like when you hold two magnets together two opposite of magnets that repel each other yeah and there's like that invisible force that pushes them away he explained that's what this reactor was like when you tried to like get close to it it like pushes you away like that interesting okay that's what this kind of reminds me of I believe Bob was our story he talked about Element 115 20 years ago yeah his story hasn't changed no over 20 years what happened like eight years ago or not you know seven years ago maybe they discovered Element 115 finally which to me vindicates him uh and they've named it now uh first they named the unempentium then I named something else muscovium or something like that but it's still it's on the periodic table of elements now yeah and he talked about this element and they said no if this isn't possible doesn't exist now all of a sudden it's on the it's on the chart yeah so to me now I have to listen to the guy because something he talked about 20 years ago is real um do you think it's true do you think that our government has the possession of some sort of of technology that they're not sharing with the rest of Science and Academia they're not sharing with the public oh absolutely the the incident that happened at Roswell it wasn't just that one craft multiple craft came down that day we were using something called a scalar weapon we were aware of these craft we use a scalar weapon we realized early on that different frequencies were affecting the navigation of these craft and we used that weapon it wasn't really a weapon but use it as a weapon to bring them down and then we recovered recovered those crash those crashed UFOs see that that sort of try troubles me you know I don't I can't imagine if there was these this other civilization that had vehicles that are able to do the things they do like the way these Pilots describe them how would we be able to take them down I don't think that just doesn't compute to me well you know space travel is very dangerous so you know going to Mars and which is right around the corner is a Deadly Mission like anybody who gets up enough Gall to go there they understand that they might even might not even leave our atmosphere uh and even in 100 years from now traveling to Mars is still dangerous and imagine you're a civilization that's taking your first trip to the uh you know to the Earth Solar System area and you come out here and you got your ship and you know that ship could be 30 or 40 years old in your time frame wherever the case may be it's already an old bugger you made it out here and now all of a sudden there's this uh something you didn't you didn't anticipate you're going to anticipate this particular type of a frequency beam being pointed at your ship yeah disturbing your navigation just like we went all the way to to uh with the filet Landers to that gigantic uh comet 67p and we thought we had the landing uh programming all set and all of a sudden we crashed into it because the gravity wasn't what we thought it was going to be after spending billion billions of dollars we crashed the Lander we couldn't land properly so I think that space travel is really dangerous yeah you know so we finally break out of this solar system we want to go to another solar system and we want to go there there's going to be unforeseen things that can happen that we may never make it back you're really going to be a real a real Explorer when you go out there like that space is dangerous do you think that it's I mean what do you think is more probable that they traveled through space to get here or they traveled some other way like they are either through another dimension or that they're here already maybe living under the ocean or living somewhere that we we have all three everything you just said is accurate to me I think we have under the ocean that there's people living here that have been here for a very long time I believe that they have their own Breakaway civilization the oceans are pretty much mostly on just undisturbed uh and they're there I think you also have multi-dimensionals beings that are in higher Dimensions or other dimensions that know how to match their subatomic frequency to our particular Dimension and they can walk right in or fly right in or come right in in some type of way and then also I believe that you have beings that are that are light years away that can travel here and I don't think that they're using typical space travel they're probably using something like a warp drive where in a warp drive what really happens is you actually shrink space in front of the ship and you expand it from the back so it access in essence you're like you're sitting on a tablecloth and then somebody's pulling the tablecloth and so you're riding the tablecloth you never really go anywhere a warp drive you never really move and we've tested the warp drive now we've actually got a functioning and working warp drive in the laboratory oh really yeah so the technology is real we've created a real warp bubble is this similar to what they explained when like traveling through black holes take a piece of paper and you just fold it in half and you're traveling from here to here that's different that's total travel so that's hyperspace where you actually use something called an Einstein Rosen Bridge is a technical term used because Einstein and Rosen to you know theoretical physicists came up with the idea that you can we can go through bent or warp space and you can get there quicker uh and so which is great and I believe that happens too uh but again the Exotic energy we would need is pretty extreme you really have to be in a super Advanced civilization to be able to do that but traveling multiples of the speed of light without breaking the theory of relativity is possible with a warp drive without breaking the theory of relativity yeah in other words saying yeah saying you know we we're going faster than the speed of light well how can you do that well you can do that because you never moved only space moves so right by that method you're not breaking the law now some of these some of these uh anti-gravity examples of technology that balbazar talks about this this stuff would sort of bypass General general relativity yeah right yeah but the thing is like for example what some of those crafts that are moving like 6 000 mile an hour making 90 degree turns you have to realize that they're in a bubble so the anti-gravity it creates this bubble around the vessel right and anything inside is not affected by those movements because what appears does to be erratic movements inside the bubble you're it's like if you're driving in a car that's Moving 80 miles an hour and there's a fly in the car with you we know flies can't fly you know house fly they can't fly 80 miles an hour why is the fly in the car flying around while you're moving at 80 miles an hour because the Flyers already picked up the speed of the moving car right and now the car the fly itself is moving at 80 miles an hour as well and so you know it's kind of that scenario yeah the way he explains it which is I think makes a lot of sense is essentially whenever those things are moving the way they're described is like they're falling they're falling in that direction and they're just bending gravity around them yeah NASA just found X points around Earth they call them X points these are naturally occurring portals they say they're natural they open and close every day X points look it up I just heard something I forget who I think it was Jeremy Corbell posted on Twitter that there was a guy around in Arizona I think it was somewhere near site S4 he was doing something studying Roxy this guy's like was not into aliens or any of that stuff over at like S4 or Area 51 he was and he was camping there for a while he knew he's in restricted area but he really wanted to take some photos of some rocks I don't know exactly what he was doing I'm probably [ __ ] this up but he he basically explained he saw a [ __ ] door come up out of Papoose Lake wow like just a pier like a floating doorway in in space come up out of Papoose lake is that is that similar to what you're describing in these X points well the X points they are the upper atmosphere okay like so they're like upper atmosphere just outside the uh you know the app but not too far out where they're on the LaGrange point they're like right at the top surface right outside the atmosphere of Earth and they they're these diffusion points they call them that at certain times of the day portals actually open up and they even have direct paths to the Sun to the Moon even to other planets and other parts of space which is pretty crazy and they're saying that they're artificial see hidden portals in Earth's magnetic field and they're so now scientists are working on how can they create a stable uh export and control when it opens and closes and where can it take them to things like that mingling lies a magnetic force from the Sun and the Earth crisscross and joined to create opening X points and where the crisscross takes place are the x-points are where the crisscross takes place the sudden joining of magnetic fields can Propel Jets of charged particles from the x-points creating an electron diffused region electron diffusion region yeah whoa that's pretty nuts yeah so many crazy things man so many [ __ ] a lot going on out here there's a lot going on it's hard to keep up with all of it how do you keep up with all this new stuff happening all the time and a lot of it doesn't you can't like if you're just the average Joe who's not really you're just doing your nine to five living your life taking care of your kids yeah it's so hard to to manage and keep track of all this stuff that's happening especially when it's not in like the mainstream surface level of the of the media it's an absolute lifestyle you know it's a lifestyle and fortunately for me from the way my brain was trained once I read something I can retain a lot of it for a long period of time it's hard to forget a lot you know like I haven't knew you know the X points that came out 2012 or something like that and and I'm still remembering all the information about the X points you know so my my retention has been fairly decent which helps me a lot how did you come to learn about or have uh such a complex understanding of different dimensions and how they work like the fourth dimension I think you said there's up to 11 Dimensions right or scientists have discovered that somehow I started studying quantum physics that was after that incident that was the other thing that happened after that incident that encounter if you want to call it I started having a heavy thirst for quantum physics and I started deep delving deep deep deep into it I even created a quantum physics group on Facebook uh and then I started studying with Khan k-a-k-h-a-n University which is a free University that a lot of people don't know exists online and they have a quantum physics class course I started studying that too and I was able to understand a lot of this stuff and so I dug real deep into it I got to the understanding that we're living in a multi-dimensional universe and there's at least 11 Dimensions otherwise the universe would collapse each Dimension is a 90 degree angle right above the next one compactified so they're sitting right on top of us So within less than a Planck unit of space above you there's another dimension that actually exists with a whole nother Universe happening simultaneously while we're sitting right here wild that's hard to Fathom it's hard to it's hard to Fathom so right here where we're sitting right now there's a whole nother dimension of a whole nother Universe happening life taking place yes right in the same space that we are right right here right here where we are right here vast too vast just as vast as ours is vast and uh from higher Dimensions they experience time differently if time really doesn't exist the past present and the future happen all at once so somebody for example and from The Fifth Dimension would look at us and they'd be able to see us imagine us in this building here but imagine when I first walked in and imagine us in here and imagine me like in the bathroom or something they'd be able to see us in all the different rooms or different rooms represent different time frames of existence within this structure so they can see the past present and future at the same time uh you know so it's pretty cool weird stuff starts happening the higher the dimensions you go so is the idea that when you're in a higher Dimension you can only you can see below lower Dimensions but you can't see Dimensions above you exactly unless you have the capability of matching first you have to obtain the frequency of a higher Dimension and then match that frequency to be able to walk in so that's the frequency yeah so for example um okay my hand is stopped now by this table right why is it stopped I'm not really touching the table there's repulsion going on electromagnetic repulsion between the electrons in my hands repelling the electrons in the table you don't really touch anything now if I can match the subatomic frequency of the atoms in this chunk of wood here in this table with my hand I would be able to pass my hand right through this table unscathed why because atoms are 99.999 empty space nothing is really here everything is only a light wave slowed down to a particular frequency and so if you can match frequencies you can merge with things you can walk through walls and all that kind of stuff the things that are seemed paranormal could be Advanced beings have tapped into some type of understanding of how to match different frequencies in our Dimension and appear apparitiony Aboriginal or or paranormal but in true reality they could just be taking a peek in and how do we come to the understanding that these higher dimensions exist like what is the most basic evidence that we have of this quantum physics uh proves it see we look into the quantum world everything changed in standard physics is where we have where we are right now and the large side of physics but the smaller you go the more weird things get we find that particles transphase in and out of existence and they go to different dimensions we even know now that some of our synapses of our thoughts in our brain phase out of this Dimension and they go somewhere else and then they come back again and this has all been tracked and traced through the understanding of quantum mechanics and quantum physics and understanding that dimensions exist the biggest way that we made a model of this is we figure out how to create something called quasi crystals now these quasi crystals are these multi-dimensional crystals we actually created an eighth dimensional quasi-crystal we created this yes we created how did we create it we created a laboratory using different Technologies and then from that eighth dimensional quasi-crystal it casts a it casts a shadow of itself down to a fourth dimensional quasi Crystal which then casts down a shadow which creates a sphere so we know that the the universe is most likely the shadow of a higher dimension it's crazy stuff yeah it's kind of mind-bending we're living in a light Matrix which is actually a light Matrix which is a shadow of a high a much higher dimension and so we know this because they created the these crystals these quasi crystals and when they put them at different angles they cast Shadows sometimes what do these crystals look like you look up their quasi crystals yeah they look like um have you ever seen a dinker codes I think I've heard you talk about this before no it looked like a dink was the symbols mathematical symbols but in the third dimensional time space uh and so if you take them and throw them pull them out into a three different three-dimensional time space they look like these um lines that are connected with these nodes like that you see quasi crystals this is a quasi Crystal yeah and so it's an order structure but it's not periodic and uh it's got a crystalline formed atomically yeah in a manner somewhere between the amorphous solids of glass of glasses special forms of metals and other minerals as well as common glass and the precise pattern of crystals yeah if you put eighth dimensional quasi Crystal uh you should see some research that it looks like uh what you look into a kaleidoscope it's a fractal it's all about Frac we live in a fractal holographic Universe the Quasi crystal is a fundamental basis of the fractal holography that we're living in we're fully immersed in it so we can't detect it but we're living in a light Matrix and that's what the adink records also prove okay explain the dinker codes what is that exactly so Professor James Gates Jr and University of Maryland former uh Scientific Advisor to President Obama just to give you like this guy he's not just like a jackpot or something he's like a real dude you know yeah and he put together a team of the most incredible super Symmetry and theoretical physicists in the world like the top brains in the world on this and they started analyzing what is The Ether of space-time what is this soup that we're living in that we're inhabiting this universe what is it what is it made of what's what's powering it they discovered something called adinkra codes which go back to the ancient dogon tribe from Mali Africa the original inhabitants of the land of Camden moved to Mali later after they were thrown out taken over at one point but they still kept this ancient knowledge in in Mali about these adinkra codes and they would draw these patterns where he discovered that these patterns are actually mathematical codes and these are not just any mathematical code there goes one there they're actually the crows that describe the ether of space-time itself their error correcting codes the same exact codes that run our search engines and web browsers that we're using right now to look at the image there's coding behind that screen that runs this what we just did and guess what it's the same code that runs the universe so we discovered that we're living in a that we're living in a programmed light Matrix there's a software programmer that has written this code Austin pull up more images of this this all different types of images there you'll see now that you see that more there right there that's a quasi that looks like a lot like a quasi Crystal if you were to shrink it down and put a whole bunch of them in one location it looks very similar to a quasi Crystal so these are dinker codes uh and you can see the colorful one that was up there um these are depicting the nature of reality wow and they actually are mathematical programming so they're a special type of code though they're error correcting codes the same type that that Google browser is running on is the same thing that runs the universe error correcting codes yeah and what what do we gain from all of this knowledge like what does this tell us and where do we where do we take this like what is the obviously this is like foundational knowledge for us but like where do you see it going well if you understand it we're living in a fractal holographic light Matrix it doesn't mean we're not real it just means that there is a Creator or creators that were living in something that was created just like the ancient texts and all the scribes and and biblical texts and everything else says but it tells us wow this is the method of the creation now we're getting closer to understanding what we really are we understand now that Consciousness isn't made inside this Avatar body that the Avatar body doesn't even exist that Consciousness is a stream of something you know coming from somewhere else and it's being picked up in this Matrix with this coding if you took all the humans on Earth there's eight billion humans on Earth if I took all eight billion humans and removed the empty space between their atoms I can fit every human into a sugar cube one sugar cube can hold all eight billion of us really yeah all eight all the atoms of eight billion people on Earth you could take you can see atoms are empty space so if you take the empty space out you collapse it into one sugar cube all eight billion can fit one sugar cube so what does that mean who what who what's here there's only one Consciousness it seems and it looks it's like a radio station that's transmitting out of frequency from a higher dimension our Avatar bodies pick up that frequency your 99.1 I'm 99.2 he's 99.3 but it's still coming from the same source and so we're all coming from the same Source it's like the universe let's find a way to live subjectively through multiple entities but not even through entities even through objects that we consider to be man-made because every atom we know now in quantum physics is also conscious does this give any Credence to the simulation Theory absolutely yes we're living in a simulation this is a actual simulation what we've done now with the uh the video game uh uh no man's Sky it's got 80 quadrillion worlds in there that's a never-ending game created by I think 12 college students fits on one DVD and they're going to add AI into it which means that the beings and the animals and everything else in there they're going to become conscious also the other video game um that they have where you have the people walking around and everything else so we got the name of the game now the Sims The Sims yeah the Sims there they're talking about adding Consciousness to The Sims and adding AI in there So eventually these Sims are going to start asking questions who are we where do we come from what is this that we're living in this construct is there a Big Bang Yeah The Big Bang is when we hit the power button and turned you on that's the big bang that's when everything went out yeah so you know they come in maybe even begin the right programs in The Sims program to create their own universe so there's multiple layers of reality I don't think we're even close to base reality isn't it so crazy that it was only 30 years ago that we only had that pong game with the two bought the balls and the two sticks oh my God and now look what we have in 30 years crazy I got the original Atari 2600 my uncle bought it for me he came down from New York he was a police officer New York the only most expensive gift I ever got which is why I still have it today in a closet in the Box he bought that thing and I played that thing the pong and Pac-Man yeah and I played it for a couple of weeks and I got the little callus in my hand and I was like okay I'm sorry but but it was cool you know yeah connect to a VHF TV and then look where we are now my son turned a video game on this is a couple years ago I was at his apartment and I thought it was an actual NFL game I didn't know there was a video game yes I played I play video games all the time and I I play Madden and NBA and these games literally look like if you haven't seen those games before they look just like the real game on TV right indistinguishable wild and then now with like with VR like the Oculus and and uh the stuff that Facebook's doing it's pretty wild and augmented reality yeah if you yeah if you like Elon says if you assume any rate of advancement compounding over time yeah just in a hundred years there's going to be in less than 100 years the video games are going to be completely 100 indistinguishable from reality yes that's true and so the human mind is so easily fooled it just takes program input so the human mind is encased in darkness it doesn't even know what's going on out here but it has friends sight hearing smell touch feel all this five senses it sends the friends out the friends collect data now my friends my brains friends touch doesn't know what this is doesn't know what's going on here but it combines with the data from the eye the eye sees it doesn't know what it is but the I and the and the hands send a signal back to the brain send data packets back to the brain the brain then sorts it out and then creates a hologram of what's here and then I'm navigating through the dirt Dimension based on a hologram from data packets right and the universe is doing the same thing there's one Consciousness which is divided itself into Google's of entities mean you're one of them and it's experience itself we are the sensory perception for you we have we we only have eyeballs nose mouth skin we can only our constructed physical bodies can only observe so many dimensions right well wonder what it would take for us to be able to observe a different dimension are we thinking about it the right way would it be a physical alteration to our body or what what would be that would be uh scary because we can't even see we only see one percent of their life Spectrum here if we saw more than one percent of the light spectrum we'd freak out there's so much going on all the under multi-spectrum and the ultraviolet and the infrared and the gamma ray range in the X-ray range we would freak out there's stuff going on all around us as we speak billions of waves and frequencies moving around us so we we would be able to see if we had the eyes for it and I think that uh one percent is all we can handle yeah more than one percent it would be a lot it'd be cool to have some x-ray vision or something like that yeah but you add it all together at once and now you're talking about multiple Dimensions well the human Avatar body can't even get to the dimension and because we're a third dimensional substructure we have to create the technology to phase shift into a a body of some type of whatever type that would possibly be to even Ascend to a higher Dimension yeah well I mean going back to the simulation Theory it seemed like if we were in a simulation of course only like people like Elon Musk would believe that right because if you were playing a character in a simulation you would want to play somebody like Elon Musk yeah right you wouldn't want to play you know Joe Blow working at the hardware store right you people like with with fascinating interesting lives doing crazy things with unlimited money that could do and anything they wanted that would be the most enticing player to be in a simulation it's pretty much but what I think is happening here the reason why it's not specific like again you can you control it in a certain level but what's cool I think is that the universe itself is using us to figure out what it's like to be Billy Carson what it's like to be you what it's like to be this microphone what it's like to be a person that's living impoverished what's it like to be a person that's living Rich what it's like to be an inventor or an Explorer what is it like to be all these different things what is it like to be a blade of grass what is it like to be a rock and I think all that data is being transmitted back to Source in real time and what is what is what do you think the source is another is you think the sources like are we a simulation inside of a simulation inside of a simulation or are there actual biological beings that are controlling the simulation that's a great question I can only go by hermetic principles As Above So Below and so if you look at the way the universe or the Multiverse would be set up it's almost like cells in a human body because you look at the cells in our body it's like a Multiverse inside of us and so it's like we're living in also a Multiverse which is full of cells each Universe could be a cell uh it's just really amazing so it could be biological it could be that we're in a biological body it could be that we're in um a software program I mean there's so many possibilities it's almost endless but I do know that this fundamental basis of what we're living in is light because everything even if you take an atom out of this phone and then smash it it's gonna give off light it's just slowed down lightweight so a little to a slower frequency everything that exists I mean everything in the third dimension everything you could think of is only a light wave matter of fact due to wave particle duality everything only exists as a wave first and then collapses into what we appear to be the illusion of solid matter later like right now you're here your home exists as a wave of potentials it doesn't even exist as a solid structure now if somebody sees it it collapses instantaneously into a solid structure known as your house your house has a specific frequency because of the way the atoms were stacked so it always collapses into the same structure when you get around that corner you finally make it at home and you see it that's when it collapses back into your house again everything everything you can't see exists as waves just like in a video game the next frame only appears when you need it to if you go this way the screen doesn't go anywhere it's the same screen the next the next light the next light Matrix moves into your view so you can play the video game you go back this way again it just keeps moving we're living in that type of a simulation where do you think uh human existence is as far as Tech what do you think technology ends up in the next 100 to 200 years like what do you think do you have a an optimistic view of this or do you have sort of a dystopian view of this or where do you think where do you think we go what do you think happens with artificial intelligence and machines and the human species I'm pretty optimistic actually um just based on what I know from research and Cycles it looks like we're in the Tetra Yuga according to the Yuga Cycles we're on the beginning of a silver age heading back toward a golden age we got a few thousand years ago to get there but it's going to be a great ride we're on the side of the circle of the cycle that we're going to see a lot of advancements lifespans extended great Technologies happening right now in private space they are 300 years ahead of the Civil civilians 300 years ahead right now wow right now you're talking about like private companies like uh Raytheon and Lockheed and Boeing and Tesla and all those SpaceX so how do I know this I own a company called First Class space agency look it up it's a company in Florida now it's almost almost 10 years old now it's a tech company and it's not we don't launch any vehicles but we are doing r d research and development and different types of propulsion systems different types of generators radiation hardened computer circuit chips and all that kind of cool stuff uh deep space communication devices these kind of things so with that I get access to the space symposiums now in the space Symposium I get access to private space and in there those talks are non-disclosed however I can't tell you 300 years ahead of the general population okay that's my that's my company right there wow 300 years ahead and so uh whatever you could think of has already been done the problem is you're locked up in these private projects but what I see that's going to happen is within the next 200 years 300 years a lot of that stuff is going to be come more publicly available publicly accessible a lot of these systems that we're under now these these these um old systems that should be done away with are going to fall apart nothing can persist forever I've studied history for so long I've never seen an Empire maintain and sustain forever right Rome had almost a whole planet look where they are now you see uh and we're just going to visit your old Coliseum now United States I love you now that space is the first of its kind too yes not going to persist forever there'll be something else that'll come that'll be better but it won't be this you think it'll be better I think it'll be better I think it'll be better and so I think we're moving look we a hundred years ago we were horse buggy and carriage now we're putting remote control cars on other planets and moons we even have a voyager out in Intergalactic space now left our Kuiper belt right I think that within 100 100 to 200 years you're going to see advancements and an Awakening on this planet of human beings to the point where we'll realize this technology is a free the burden of mankind and then we are then free to not be homeless and not be struggling and financially because we lost our jobs but we are the the robots and the technology freed us to be who we are to work in places because we want to work there no income your status in life is how good you are what you do how well you help others people will be free to travel to do arts and crafts and learn and study and research and you'll have people working because you're passionate about what they're doing one of the things Robin Hansen I don't know if you've ever seen the movie or the the show on HBO called Westworld yes oh I love it one of the things that he said to me uh about that show is one of the main downfalls of the the idea of the show is that if we got to that point where we could create these human-like robots that had human cognition we wouldn't be using them for theme parks we would be using them for work for labor there's like TR the biggest part of the world economy is labor we would use them to like take these jobs absolutely that's exactly what we would do it makes it just makes sense it just makes absolute sense and you free the world up you free mankind up to then be the best that they can possibly be as a human being and I think that's where we're headed eventually yeah it just seems like it's just hard right now where we're at right now like it's it's such a weird time we're in where everybody is so wrapped up in like politics I know oh man it's crazy no one can think outside of yeah the [ __ ] listen the politics left versus right versus too much I was a little kid Jimmy Carter was the president and the voting was coming up this is how I'm aging myself now right yeah and I'd say to my mom I said how long are you adults gonna fall for this trick and I start laughing and she goes what are you talking about I said this voting trick she goes well explain it I said okay look at where we live do you really think that this guy didn't change anything do you think the next guy's gonna change something the guy before him didn't change this this was the same way it was now Jimmy's here I see where everybody else is coming next it's going to be the same thing the hood is going to be the hood it's never going to change so I saw right away man something is a disconnect between the politics and real change in the world it's not happening and I think that we'll see the poly tricks poly tricksters Fall Away uh the system we have it just can't it can't sustain forever it just won't it can't it's impossible uh and something new will arise eventually at some point in the future it just seems like it's such a distraction from like what could make life better and it seems like it if that wasn't there and you know the problem too is the the incentives the money there's so much money in it the money you see you have to for us to move forward as a species on this planet we have to take capitalism out of a lot of things and that will scare a lot of people but it's the truth we have to do it we have to we can't have capitalism in uh politics you can't have capitalism in health care you can't have it in in the prison system you can't all you can't have it in the school system all the stuff that's driven by capitalism is failing tremendously because it's the people second the money first and we'll do whatever we'll manipulate them however we can even locking people up that don't even deserve to be locked up we've proved that already one one a judge just got what 40 years for for uh putting I don't know 100 kids in jail from taking it for money right and he's just a tip of the iceberg you know so we have all this going on uh because capitalism is involved you can't have capitalism in health care I mean come on and so yeah it's destroying it's destroying everything Healthcare is one of the biggest [ __ ] Pro when you start to dig below the surface oh man with insurance companies and big Pharma and all the things that are going on it's just disgusting it's horrible it's it's a atrocity to mankind but what's one of the most foundational thing one of the most foundational aspects of human beings is greed and lust and and competition and you know it starts with programming though you see so right now we have epigenetic programming inside of our bodies me and you the last 15 to 20 years of our ancestors their memories and their coding is in our body through epigenetics and the epigenetics came out about 20 30 years ago and they laughed at Bruce Lipton for this and now it's taught in every University that's real they've done real scientific studies showing that we're operating and thinking and functioning off of past memories from ancestors right and so all that programming needs to be begin to be Rewritten we have to start first rewriting our own DNA in our own epigenetics and clearing our past traumas and then teaching the Next Generation the proper way that's what's going to begin with the future so it's a big scary it's a big problem but you know what's happening more and more people are waking up I remember talking about the aliens I saw or the UFO sorry I saw my backyard in the bushes with two friends because I was afraid for anybody else to hear about it years went by then we started exchanging VHS tapes banned from VHS tapes with conspiracies and UFO stuff on it then it went to cassette tapes then it went to uh CDs and then with the DVDs then it went to web forums then they went to blogs now it's on TV now I'm on TV talking about this stuff and I'm on big podcasts like yours talking so I've seen the gradual acceptance of this information now the Pentagon saying oh yeah these things are real you know and and that's saying yes water on Mars So eventually there's going to be a point now we have some short life spans to us it seems like it's taking forever but from a geological standpoint that time scale we haven't even been here for a blink of an eye so and if it takes a thousand two thousand years we're in the beginning uh we're the pioneers of the movement for awakening on this planet you know and even just allowing me to even come on here and talk about this kind of stuff it's just massive because you're going to give me a voice and let other people hear something that maybe not everything they agree with but there may be something I said today that's going to make them want to go look something up and that triggers a spark and that drops the seed and exponentially over time what was happening here is we're traveling into the future when I speak on these kind of shows and I do these TV shows and documentaries I travel into the future with my Consciousness and I alter the future reality in the third dimension by things I'm saying right now because I the outcome is going to be the outcome that I'm trying to collapse into reality and so I really do believe that long term there's going to be a significant change right now human beings are crawling and eventually we're going to learn how to walk but even when we start walking it's going to look Bleak for a month because we're going to fall we will fall down a baby will plop on its butt and the parents go oh you know and the baby cries but it gets back up again and it walks eventually it learns how to walk what is walking controlled Falls that's actually the definition of walking it's a controlled fall when we learn how to control our fall that's when we get to the Golden Age wow fascinating Billy I I very much appreciate you coming on here and talking about this stuff um people that are watching watching and listening where can they find more of your work and what you're doing just go to Forbidden Knowledge with the number four or four bid everything is here on my social media my website my YouTube my TV network uh all the work that I'm doing currently and everything else all the tours and everything I'm doing it's all on the number four that's incredible man and uh your your Instagram and page again is one of my favorite Instagrams to follow there for hours and watching videos thank you and I appreciate it incredible all right well thanks again all right goodbye World Peace
Channel: Danny Jones
Views: 2,086,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Koncrete, podcast, underground, exclusive, independent, interview, interviews, koncrete podcast, documentary, history channel, ancient aliens clips, dame dash, billy carson forbidden knowledge, jre, joe rogan, joe rogan billy carson
Id: YXi1QvroucQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 26sec (8546 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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