Billy Carson On The Power of Positive Affirmations, and Detoxing Plus Activating Your Third Eye

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[Music] first of all again it is such a pleasure to be able to connect with you like I said earlier you are a mentor to many and myself included and I'm appreciative of through my Awakening Journey being able to come across your content and feeling like somebody can help guide me through this my cousin is who put you in my face and was like this person can help guide you as I was absolutely losing my mind as an Awakening wow that's amazing thank you so much yeah of course yeah of course I appreciate it it's great to be on here I've watched your podcast for some time now and I was really amazed to have the opportunity to be on this show so I'm happy thank you thank you so much for saying that I appreciate that now um for for you and your story I just think it is one of the most transformative transformative stories I've seen and I'm excited to have you walk us through what that looks like right because we've all experienced trauma in this lifetime in this world on this planet but for you to really turn your pain into purpose I'm I'm getting to witness that and so I want to go back to I know your beginning start was a bit of New York was in New York where you were born yeah okay okay amazing and then around six you moved to Florida your mom wanted you guys to have a little bit more peace in your life coming from a lot that was going on as you talked about a lot of alcoholism a lot of um drugs but you laugh because Miami was why do you laugh yeah they went from Queens New York and being in you know Jamaica New York primarily because it's so close to going straight to Like Cocaine Cowboy heaven in Miami um and in one of the most harshest cities at that time that you can move to and I was just like scratching my head as a little kid like I don't understand the difference between this and this is worse you know at least over there we can get food and everything else down here we had no support no family no food we were eating Cairo syrup and toast Mozza crackers and butter powdered milk powdered eggs you know uh whatever anybody can give us whatever the church would donate to to you know give away food cans of food and stuff like that so it was pretty harsh and like I was saying you know at night time sometimes you sleep on the floor in front of a wooden stud that's on the baseboard just so you can prevent yourself from getting shot in the bed at night because bullets would wish sometimes through the house we've had bullet holes in the side of the house from gunfights in the neighborhood neighbors getting killed and murdered right in front of you you know it was just a nightmare it was an absolute nightmare so around seven you take in that information you've already experienced so much trauma and at seven you said to yourself okay no one's coming to save me I have to save myself can you please walk us through that revelation yeah definitely I will see my friends going to the ice cream truck daily and I just wanted to go to the ice cream truck so I can feel like a normal kid I mean we're all poor but they're going every day and initially I got a little jealous I ain't gonna lie I'm like how can they go to the ice cream truck where they get this money and so I looked around and I said there's got to be a solution to this and I just saw all my toys and I wasn't really a toy kind of kid believe it or not I just really wasn't into toys so I took all the toys and put them in this uh this Winn-Dixie milk crate this plastic milk crate that we had at the house and I went door to door I violated my mom's rules about leaving the parameters of a gate in front of the house and I just went around the whole block I squared a block knocking every single door sir ma'am I like to have a donation of diamond nickel a penny whatever I'm just trying to sell my toys so that I can have money for the ice cream truck and I started getting donations and I had like about 13 000 change at the end of the day and that's when I had the real Epiphany like wow if there's nobody coming to save me I'm going to save myself if I want to get out of this neighborhood and out of this situation which I felt I deserved better I just knew it in my heart if I take action like this if I come up with ideas and take action I knew I can change my surroundings oh at seven years old yeah where do you go from there ass uh so far I mean that little thought experiment if you want to call it that it led me to so many other thought experiments because then I realized the power that I had and I would look around and I would see that people didn't realize that they all had this power to make a decision and then act on it so many people in my neighborhood including a lot of my friends they had already uh succumbed to the environment and already accepted it and they was like oh this is us this is you know this is how we are this is how it is and I listen to the conversations when you're just gathering around hanging out with friends and stuff like that and I'm listening like this this doesn't make any sense to me I just knew it just didn't sound good it didn't sound right and I was like I said I would look at TV and I know TV is fake it's Hollywood it's acting as scripted but I always thought in my mind that I can achieve some level of peace tranquility and success like what I see on some of the shows I was watching and so I made a dedication to myself that I would get out of this situation and I would get to that at some point in my life and I remember my mother was watching me I was staring out of the window daydreaming about a better place and a better life and she said to me what's wrong son and I said I don't belong here and she was like wow you know I really hit her hard I was like I just don't belong here I knew it from that early age and so I began to do thought experiments and one thing that happened to me a little bit later which is actually one of the best things that actually ever happened to me is um my father called me in the room I was 12 years old at this time and he told me that you know from this point forward you're gonna have to pay your rent to live here at 100 a month I'm not buying you any more school clothes I was like well I only had two pair of pants anyway I had two shirts and they were too small already and so I had holes in my shoes so I would put cardboard in my shoes and everything else to keep my feet off the street but when he told me that I think the average kid would have crumbled under that kind of pressure I was like okay so what do I got to do so he handed me this newspaper called the Miami News and there was a job in there 12 year old to 16 year olds can go door-to-door selling newspaper subscriptions for the Miami News so I took that I called him I got the job and a guy would pick us up in a pickup truck after school you can't do it these days right seat build laws and all this kind of stuff but this is in the 70s you get uh early 80s early 80s get in the back of the pickup truck and go and square a block door to door like I did with my toys selling subscriptions I became the number one subscription sales person uh with that little group that team we had but where my friends were spending all their money on foolishness I was saving my money I only bought one thing I bought a calculator watch for 19.95 from Kmart and I was sitting in a friend's car it was actually his dad's car we were look we were playing the eight track you know I'm dating myself now the eight tracks only going One Direction you can't rewind the song so you gotta listen to the whole thing and I told him I said one day that's going to change and I said also the dial is going to change to what you see on my watch these this digital readout's gonna be and they got here with my camera like no man you're never gonna it's you crazy and I was like I'm telling you that's gonna be there that same afternoon my mother sent me to the grocery store to uh get something from the store from Winn-Dixie grocery store and I go in and I go to the magazine rack first I hang out at magazine racks all the time and this one magazine I couldn't reach before was way at the top was finally down in the area where the comic books and stuff were it was called opportunity and I always wanted to read what was inside of it I opened it up and as I opened it it was almost like page dowsing as soon as I opened it it opened up to Galaxy Electronics a company based out of New York New York still in business till this day they were a wholesaler of electronic uh components and they had just come out with digital car stereos just like I told my friend was going to be on you know in all cars eventually and you can buy them wholesale they were only like 25 bucks a piece back then and I was like I got some money so I called up the company and I placed to order cod cash on delivery and I don't know if I ordered like 70 or 80 of them at the first the first order I took and the guy was like you sound like a kid I said no no no I'm just getting over a cold he had nothing to lose if it was Cod so back then cash on delivery you can't lose right UPS will just bring it back if they didn't have the money you'd probably have to fit a small reshipping fee they came I paid the UPS man his cash I got my radios and I went to all the upperclassmen high schoolers and I sold those things in just a couple of days and then word got out that I had these digital stereos and then people would come from Tri-County areas to my house to buy these stereos it turned into a booming electronics business I started doing speakers and subwoofers and six by nines and amps and EQ boosters and and all this kind of stuff and it just became huge I even got a kid who used to do installations at the local store to come work for me and install it right in front of my house so and nobody could beat my prices so by the time I was 13 I was earning more to my parents uh and it just kept I just kept accelerating from there you know I even got my mother into her own company because she fell down and won a lawsuit for five thousand dollars and I remember in that same magazine there was a company that had a carpet cleaning machine for five thousand dollars a special type of carpet cleaning machine it didn't use water it used dry foam extraction it was called the Von Schrader dry foam extraction carpet cleaning and upholstery machine it was four thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars I said Mom if you listen to me you'll make more money than you ever made in your life and all she did was delivered newspapers for a living her and my dad that's what they did to make like 10 grand a year and so she listened to me she said well how am I going to get the clients I said you deliver papers put a flyer in every paper and then delivered to your customers they're going to call you and you're going to have appointments and that's exactly what happened and the first year they made 70 000 the second year they made 120 000. the third year I don't really know what they made but by the fourth year unfortunately my father had gotten so wigged out on drugs and everything else he screwed up a lot of the clients but they had a good little run there you know when she listened to what I told her and I just knew then my mind was very powerful and I knew I saw things that people didn't see and so I would just you know I became a Serial entrepreneur and I was able to take care of myself run two companies graduate from high school move out on my own at 16 and I just kept I never looked back tell you what a story what a story there's so many parts I want to address one thing that really is enlightening to me is is how you talk about the power of thought and the power of mind but you weren't afraid about of your power you weren't afraid of what you were experiencing right because I mean sometimes we we have these big ideas and then we say but how can I and when would that happen and what would it really take right right but you weren't afraid of that so why do you think first why do you think we are afraid of the power of our thoughts why do you think we're afraid of what we see because all of us have a version of seeing something but most of us shut it down right I think we shut her down what shuts it down is the programming code in your body the programming code of epigenetic memories of of your ancestors we know we have 15 to 20 years of memories in our bodies from ancestors and typically those are torturous uh low low frequency memories so those memories kick in and tell you no you can't do it no because they were born with them they were born with them yeah this is now scientifically been proven epigenetics is a huge huge thing now they discovered that traumas from 15 to 20 generations of your past ancestors gets passed down through the RNA down the father's bloodline and when you're born you're born with memories from 15 to 20 Generations ago that are active in your life as you're growing up and living and people can't figure out why do I feel depressed I got a great life why am I feeling angry or anxious a lot of the times those are memories that are coming out through your genes it's Gene Expressions that are creating different hormonal uh levels in your body that's creating the different moods that you're getting into you have to learn how to reprogram those epigenetics and then we have the programming TV programming and the radio programming and the school and system programming and a lot of that programming tells you you can't be more than you can't Excel or exceed past your programming code like in the third grade my teacher told everybody to stand up and say what you want to be for a living this is at Rainbow Park Elementary in Opa-locka and everybody stood up and I want to be a janitor I want to be a garbage man I want to be a school teacher I want to be a police officer I jumped up with excitement and said I want to be famous and I want to be on TV and the teacher just asked me right there oh Billy you'll never be famous and be on TV look where you come from you're poor pick something else and the whole class laughed at me and they laughed and I was so embarrassed I even cried it was so heart-wrenching you know but I didn't even let that tear me down I've said you know what I'm going to dedicate my life to proving this lady wrong and exactly what I've done I mean now I'm on thousands of TV shows but right but I think a lot of people's programming code right now but for an average person what happened to me would have shut them down for life but for some reason which I can't I don't know that reason I don't know I went to Dr Amman who's a the number one psychiatrist in the world he did a spec scan of my brain yes he saw a trauma pattern in my brain he read me he read my life like a book looking at my brain he knew about my trauma but he said I didn't develop PTSD I developed something called ptg which is called post-traumatic growth he said like one in a hundred thousand people or less developed this ptg where I didn't take the victim mindset I saw the trauma and pushed it in towards my passion and I you know I out out out out did my programming code and so that's what happened to me and I for whatever reason I just never had that fear of trying new things and trying to become successful at whatever I did amazing so I know this is a big question but if we're all born with this thing that we quote-unquote cannot control how on Earth can we get rid of it if we just heard that information right now what what did we do next so that's a great question see the the only way to solve problems within your mind and your Consciousness is to bring awareness to it if you don't know that it exists you can't even begin to solve it there was a gentleman who was diagnosed with cancer and it was terminal cancer he got into a car accident and he uh had Amnesia and because he had Amnesia he forgot he had cancer and the cancer went away so the night is powerful in both ways so now imagine you discover you have this issue that's going on in your Gene expressions and your DNA and now you bring awareness to it so now you go oh this could be some of the reasons why I'm acting out or doing this or doing that and how do I fix it great question the first thing you have to do is realize that scientists did extensive studies into speaking positive affirmations over your own life they've done extent these these have been done millions of times it's not like a few times here and there and they discovered that speaking out loud positive affirmations about yourself for 21 days straight speaking three to six times a day speaking over your own life in 21 days your DNA begins to rewrite its own code you can rewrite your own DNA and so that's just a beginning part so journaling writing uh writing down your affirmations speaking your affirmations that's begins the process of changing the way that you your your body is expressing genes you can turn genes off just through actual speaking of affirmations and then when you get into a situation when you realize an old emotion that doesn't fit with the situation that's coming up you have to check yourself and catch yourself and then send your brain to think of something positive think of something great think of a blessing that you have think of something that's good going on in your life or think of previous things that are great in your life for just 15 to 20 seconds it turns off the negativity and puts on positivity and then you move forward in that direction it's called brain heart coherence so in these little tips and tricks which I teach all the time give people the capability of maintaining their brain heart coherence moving forward in the right direction and bypassing a lot of negative thoughts like uh Dr almond calls them ants automatic negative thoughts what's the difference between positive thoughts writing what you want down and trying to control right for for instance right now I'm in a space where I'm looking for love I'm so excited about love and I'm very a lot of friends and a lot of people a lot of people I love to study they'll say write down exactly what you want and I'll think okay I'm writing it down and then I'll look and say is this too high expectations is this too detailed am I being too controlling like I'm thinking about that but I'm also saying but I was told to manifest in this way so that's just a very specific example but what is the difference when we say Express positive information write it all down versus like you're trying to write your own story or do we we have the power to write our own story and how do we know when we're doing it right or wrong right or wrong or you know subjective but I think you have the power to write your own story and I think when you're writing down your affirmations if it's going to be uh you know trying to meet somebody uh for a relationship that is the person of your dreams and what you would like to see in that person I believe totally 100 you should write down everything that you think that you want and deserve because if you don't I think you're opening up opening up yourself for failure I'd rather have more and get a little bit less than not enough and manifest somebody that's even lower than that yeah you know yeah so there's levels to how it comes in so you may not get everything on the list but you can get the majority of things on that list yeah but then also recognizing that that person may have some requirements of you and they're just a two-way process and it's going to take a little bit of give and take on both sides to make it work but I definitely will write down everything sure and I like writing pen to paper is really the best way to do things yeah thank you for answering that that was a personal question hopefully anybody else can relate but with that you also go back when we talk about positive affirmations 15 seconds 21 days when we talk about some of those things for me it leads to the conversation about the pineal gland about our third eye right I was so enamored when I became went through or have begun my Awakening process just to give you a little bit of background on me I was raised in a Christian home for a long time that was the programming I was under and it took probably up until maybe three years ago where that started to break really harshly especially when you're in your late 20s early 30s and you're like what is happening um and that led me to a level of spirituality that I am still obviously uncovering and revealing and constantly trying to you know understand but I will say there are times that I have like you said beautifully earlier when you don't know what a problem exists you you know you're just under that programming so some of the new problems that I find out exist is I get a little overwhelmed by trying to figure out that problem and one of them was learning so deeply about my pineal gland and about my third eye and about how mad I was it had been hidden for me and how mad I was at the fluoride was much helmet I mean I was just I went through such a crazy you know um process in that so my first question is how do we learn about some of the problems that we are that are that we're under or some of the things that we are blinded by and not be overwhelmed and consumed by it and go into solution oriented mode that's my first part of the question yeah you know one of the greatest ways to figure out more and learn more about yourself is to use self-help books self-help videos a lot of the times you have an idea of certain things but not fully not a full understanding of them and so sometimes these self-help books self-help videos and stuff like that you know Psychotherapy shows and so forth will help you reflect more on yourself and bring out what the issues are to the top of your mind and then you'll have an epiphany and realize oh this is why that oh this is why this is happening and then from there a lot of the times they provide Solutions and or different techniques or ways to help you get out of that uh you know so some of the things you can use are modalities modalities are amazing uh there's a lot of modalities it's a way of of interjecting different type of technology or tapping techniques into your daily life to trigger ways to get your mind to focus and fire differently so you can get out of those moods or situations one of the greatest ones that I've seen so far has been grounding uh grounding with the Earth also uh using this brain training device it's a brain training device that connects to your scalp and it literally begins to create a mirror for 20 you think it's 20 or 30 minutes it creates a mirror of your mind when you're in this uh meditative State and you put on the air the headsets and it plays this meditation music but it has skips and interruptions in it those skips and interruptions are your brain waves correcting themselves it's a way of you getting your mind to correct itself without you even fully totally being aware of it it's an amazing device is say it again sorry I spoke of it yeah neuro Optimum is the name of that device it's a great device to use if you can't afford ones people who are listening they're about 15 000 but there's a lot of practitioners who have that device at their mental health facilities and you can go and pay a small fee you know a few times a month and you can use it that way um you know so just various different types of techniques and then I also recommend that people do go to like I'm in clinics where I went uh because they have them all over the country and you get a spec scan a spec scan is amazing because it's going to show you everything going on in your brain that you wouldn't have known about you know if you have a broken bone you go to the doctor they're gonna do an x-ray if you have a torn ligament you go to the doctor they're going to do an MRI if you have a something wrong emotionally with you mentally you will you go to the doctor they give you a prescription medication they don't even look at the problem but almond clinics they say okay you this is what you're experiencing come back here with us we're going to do a spec scan they're going to analyze the brain and when I got my spec scan I always had a a very poor sense of direction my Achilles heel was my Essential Direction that's the only thing I really had that was really bad I didn't know how to even when I come out of an elevator I'd get lost I lose my car in parking lots and everything else and it was because of a brain injury I had in a car accident that I was in that's why I have the scar over this eye I went through a windshield when I was 21. and so he showed me that I had two develop two big dimples about the size of silver dollars on the top of my brain right where the navigation Center is and so I think I'm just like getting old or I can't understand why I don't know where I'm going I'm getting lost in my neighborhood but it wasn't because uh you know I was getting I'm getting old it's because I had something wrong with my brain and so I was able to now bring awareness to that and he gave me this regimen of brain supplements and activities to do to exercise both sides of my brain and then nine months later I went back which was just about two months ago got my second spec scan and guess what they're gone and my navigation ability is back it came back I don't get lost anymore yeah and so I thought it was just something with naturally with age and I'm thinking boy when I get older I'm going to be out in big trouble I won't know where I'm going I won't know what city I'm in or anything but it was those dimples from that accident I would have never known but he brought awareness to it that spec scan for me was huge so I recommend if you can do it go get a spec scan from almond clinics that's an incredible suggestion I hope to also be joining you in that can we talk a little bit more about the pineal gland I am really really intrigued by your way of breaking it down and I would love to first start with the functionality of the pineal gland yeah though the pineal gland is this little tiny piece shaped object inside deep deep deep deep inside the brain in most cases a lot of people represent it up here as the third eye but in true reality it's not in the front it's way deep in the center of the brain you know the the thalamus and everything else but it is it's been known since deep deep Antiquity super ancient times which makes you question how in the world did they know that this thing was an i in other words it has photoreceptors now you would have to be able to uh first of all do an autopsy on somebody take it out and then analyze it to see you know what capabilities it even has so they had some technology I'm just saying they knew that this thing had the capability of receiving photons and light waves and then channeling it throughout the body which is pretty interesting also the third eye it has these hairs on it which are like receiving antennas because it's your spiritual antenna it's your connection to the higher Dimensions that exist we know that this universe has 11 Dimensions based on string theory and what's interesting in 2022 a new scientific study came out they just discovered that the human mind can exist and perceive up to 11 Dimensions the same amount as universe so we know now now know that our mind is a fractal of the whole and this is peer-reviewed quantum physics so it's not like off the top of my dome right and but that has primarily to do with the third eye it's also made of crystals that's crystal in there and crystals have an amazing power when you put pressure on a crystal it releases energy that's what's inside of a lighter if you have a big lighter when you spark the lighter that's not a flick that's not a flint in there or some type of Kindle that's actually a a crystal inside the big liner you put pressure on it it Sparks when you put the pressure of the spinal fluid on the pineal gland it Sparks you can actually transmit you can push the fluid up your spine into that area and put pressure it'll spark when it Sparks it releases DMT and through breath work you can create the same experiences taking Ayahuasca which is why I'm a big believer in breath work meditations you can have your own DMT you don't have to take it from a plant and have somebody out in the jungle somewhere you don't even know if they're going to take advantage of you because it's happened to a lot of people you can do it in the privacy of your own home watching a breath Work video with a guided meditation and you can trigger the same exact response through a breath work meditation that's taken Ayahuasca but it's so amazing because it allows you to reach higher levels of dimensions and Consciousness within your same body uh and it's just really gives you a perception that you normally wouldn't have when you tap into understanding how the third eye works it's almost like wave waves of water crash on you when you're in the ocean if you're just standing still so the average person is like a like it's like a person standing in the ocean with the wave crashing over them and when the wave crashes that's when they realize oh this moment just happened but when you're operating from your third eye you're surfing on the wave so you're closer to real-time information because scientists discovered that there's a seven to eight second delay in between the time that something happens and a time that we realize it happens they did this amazing scientific study where they put people in different rooms dark rooms with TVs and electrodes EEG connected to their brain connected to computers originally this this experiment was simply to do one thing and one thing only see what the brain looked like based on certain emotions so every 10 seconds they would show a different image a woman cuddling a baby a better flowers somebody getting murdered a car accident so it was flipping back and forth between tragic and peace what started happening in every case study is this the brain started transmitting to the computer seven to eight seconds ahead of time what the next image was going to be and they realized something wait a minute the brain has already experienced Consciousness has already experienced what's happening it took us in this corporeal body seven to eight seconds to actually realize it for it to be now current time so when I realized that just delayed between information that exists and the human body processing it and it being us being made aware of it so everything that we see going on around us is seven to eight seconds delayed unless you're moving from the third eye the pineal gland when you tap into that and you you bring awareness to it your intuition skyrockets and intuition turns you into a Surfer versus a person that's standing in the ocean waiting for the wave to crash over them okay guys I'm gonna take us there let's let's go back wow really what an incredible description now it first brings me to when when was your pineal gland activated this is my first time so I was eight years old and this is this is now I don't know if this exactly was it but I remembered eight something miraculous happened to me we were at the laundromat they call it a wash house right in Miami no window yeah no no glass windows just an open frame no air conditioning piping hot in the middle of summer doing laundry and uh you know be like 110 degree off the pavement the heat bouncing back up and I was so hot because I just got done folding clothes out of the dryer and I sat on the curb in front of that laundry mat and I said man I wonder if I could take myself and send my mind to another place where it's cold so I sat on the curb I never heard of meditation I sat on a curb and I closed my eyes and I said I'm going to send my mind to Alaska I knew it was cold in Alaska I knew about Eskimos and so forth so I sent my mind to Alaska for about 15 to 20 minutes I really felt that I was really there and when I came to my skin was cool to the touch and I knew I was like oh wow something incredible just happened that's why I knew there was so much more and I started I started doing more of these thought experiments and I realized wow I can get into these meditations and I can even see geometric shapes and figures and I just started doing it over and over again it wasn't until I would say probably 10 years old when I read the first book about meditation where I realized that I was doing meditation I would just calling thought experiments wow um Hal has our reality if we speak on the reality we're currently in let's say that we you know how is our current reality try to distance us from the third eye oh it's trying to completely keep us disconnected so the first thing that is is toxins so we are drinking a lot of fluoridated water we have microplastics in the water bottles micro plastic Plastics in the air microplastics in our food everything that we eat has been absorbing the micro Plastics out of the earth and then you cook it you eat it so we're having all of our hormone disruptors that we're taking in which is also calcifying the pineal gland all these things are all this toxicity that we're taking and all the Pharmaceuticals that we're taking in uh and all the negativity that we're taking if you're a person that's addicted to watching the news and all those things so scientists discovered that the pineal gland is the most susceptible tissue in the body for calcification so the more of that happen the more toxicity you take in and absorb consistently the more calcified or disconnected the pineal gland becomes and so that's one of the reasons why people are walking around just like zombies just working on programming code I call them soulless avatars operating on Matrix programming you see them everywhere you go like zombies they don't really even realize that they're alive they're alive but they're not living and so uh you know you have to get beyond that but it takes awareness which is a big part of what you do what I do is try to bring awareness to people that there's more out there than what you think and if you can just focus on it for a period of time you'll realize your brain will begin to start to ask questions and if you follow those questions you'll begin to find answers and that will start to change the way that you think power a few ways I mean I'm not the one that's like top three top five but just in hearing that how many toxins we take in and how much the pineal gland takes in what are a few ways we can detoxify like detox our pineal gland like if somebody's hearing you right now that is a huge amount of awareness what can they do tomorrow the first thing is is your water you must drink on fluoridated water your water most water espresso tap water has fluorite fluoride in it you go to a restaurant you say I have a glass of water that's fluoridated water everywhere you go they're giving you that fluoridated water some bottled waters also have fluoride in them so you have to be careful what bottled waters you get what are your favorite what are your favorite bottled waters if you even drink bottled water yeah I do sometimes Saratoga is great and Mountain is great those two uh Fiji is also pretty good so those are the top three bottled waters that I drink the first two I named Saratoga and and Mountain coming glass bottles which I love because you get away from plastic that way Beijing unfortunately does come in plastic uh but you want to make sure you don't leave your bottled water in your car in a hot summer when you leave water in a car or somewhere where it's hot the bpas which was petroleum Leech from the plastic into the water even you drink the water and they did studies extensive studies on this now it's been now mainstream news that drinking bottled water stored in your hot car will give you cancer so you think you're doing something healthy and you're still killing yourself so get away from the fluoride and get a a water filtration system for your house if you can't afford that try to at least get a filtration system for each for each faucet one for your shower head and one for your drinking water if you're not buying bottled water because when you take a shower your skin is taking and your skin is an organ it's taking in about 40 to 50 percent of whatever's in that water so we know that in the water is fluoride Pharmaceuticals now high levels of pharmaceuticals and other toxins including microplastics so when you go and take a shower you now put all that on your body and then you come out of the shower a few minutes later you start to feel weird why it's because you've just poisoned yourself with Pharmaceuticals you it's absorbed into the body into the bloodstream and now you've just given yourself everybody everyone's in the neighborhoods prescription medication so and then you can't boil water don't boil your water some people try to shortcut boiling water boiling water is worse than drinking the tap water because if you remember from chemistry classes some people probably didn't study this but when you boil water with fluoride in it the fluoride converts into fluorine and becomes 10 times more toxic for the body it's a neurotoxin at that point because the molecules shift so you don't want to ever drink boil the water that's the worst thing you can ever do unless it is yeah okay like their water bottle and putting their water bottle in in you know um in a pot to boil or if they're using their filter water or those things a bit better that's better yeah that's better if you're cooking like people like to cook with water from the sink for some reason they don't make the connection if I put this water from the tap I'm cooking it it's going to be boiling that's going to make it better anyway what they're doing is they're making a toxic soup so you don't want to like put your spaghetti in a pot of water from your sink and boil it you just created fluorine and now you're boiling your your spaghetti and fluorine no good brain toxin where do you suggest people get these filters that you're saying so they're sink in the shower there's a couple of places Amazon has some pretty good ones you want to look for uh filters that filter out fluoride and pharmaceuticals and bacteria and viruses those will be a little bit more expensive than just the basic filter but it's worth it to make sure that you're putting in your body is made of 70 to 80 water so you want to be putting in clean fresh water into the body to rejuvenate your shells cells and your mitochondria and so one of the biggest things you can do to detox your pineal gland is just drinking a lot of fresh clean water that's that's not fluoridated that's not toxic and you know and then the other way is to eat clean don't eat a lot of processed foods get exercise and meditation is another great way to keep the pineal band activated specifically breath work meditations I have a lot of breath work meditate I think they have three three two hour breath work meditations on Forbidden Knowledge TV that people can go and watch excellent it's it's so tough because as you said as we as we experience and again part of my Awakening that was so sh you know you start throwing away your Colgate and freaking out about your Crest and it's just it's just it's so deep it just I know just you're like can I drink this coconut water is coconut like I don't even know you go through the thing and you know for those who are in that process or learning about this process if you've done something for so long let's say 20 years of drinking one thing if you switch tomorrow it I mean my my fear now that I'm out of that fear but at the time I was like is anything going to change and I've already built up so much toxins can this just you know change overnight what would you say to people who are thinking that or even trying to figure out how to get in the habit of making these changes as we are in a nation that makes sure that we stay busy we stay distracted we stay confused we stay stressed even when they say they don't want that at the end of their life so how what would you say to them yeah I would say it's never too late remember the human body exchanges every single cell in your body every six years and so just start from the day you find out and bring awareness to it begin to start you know the begin the start of the d uh the decalcification process and the detoxing process and just try to stay true to yourself and make conscious decisions on what you're putting into your body yeah if you think of it this way you've now put everything in your body that shouldn't have been there all right and so you you ate for entertainment and fun now it's time to eat to live so just make that switch to now Eat to Live eat to better yourself eat to raise your awareness eat to raise your raise your Consciousness and if you think from that perspective and start today knowing that in a very short period of time your body can be detoxed and you're going to become more clear more concise your decision making the ability is going to become better your knowledge is going to become better your health is going to become better and so it's I don't think it's ever too late to start to change the way that we treat our bodies it's amazing I was just going to ask like how does somebody know when their pineal gland is on on the right path of being detox like how what would they feel what would they experience how will they know well you're going to start to realize that their voice that they're hearing inside of their head is changing it's morphing in other words people hear this voice in their hand a lot of times for whatever reason y'all know why it's a programming we've been given growing up it's a man's voice uh but it's not even if you're a man it's not your voice it's a man's voice but it's some other man's voice right and it's always this man's voice and and he's giving me and him he but as you begin to awaken your pineal gland that voice changes into your own voice when you begin to hear your own voice in your head and not some other entity's voice that's when you get into a serious high level uh when your meditations become more productive in other words when you come out of your meditation you begin to see the manifestations of the work that you're doing within yourself when your surroundings around you begin to change you know when you become more orderly when your uh house is in a wreck and a mess and everything is filthy dirty and dusty and dishes are piled up and all this other kind of when you begin to see that ghost little slight change you start making up your bed simple things will start to let you know that something's changing about you when your decision making abilities when you versus you used to say I'll do this and do that knowing that it's going to cause you heartache or prom or problems the next day like maybe drinking or something like that and you say no I'm not going to do that and now you realize wow the benefits of not doing that and you see you know where you're growing and how you're becoming a better person and then you can look back on your previous self and see that you were here and now you're here and the stage is going up and every time you look back and see that you've risen to another level that's when you're born again being born again has nothing to do with getting doused in a water or lake or a pot of water it has to do with uh realizing that you've achieved a higher level of Consciousness that's when you've been born again and you'll be born again many times in one lifetime say that again that is so good that is that is the true that is honestly what gave me a level of appreciation and passion for life I've always had such a rich appreciation for life but to find out you can be a whole other person in the same lifetime like to find out I was Stacy the Christian girl who's raising this way in the South and this understanding and this and then to even have the the want and the desire to just completely try something different I I didn't even know that was possible at the time and that's why I'm so excited to talk to someone like you and to invite this information because it's like I know we assume that based on what we've experienced is like how else can we change we've done this for so long we've been in a certain but there are you can literally just switch it up like that is the that is life yeah it's just a decision yeah see when you become the Observer of your thoughts that's when your life begins to change right now a lot of people believe that they are their thoughts and the thoughts control them when you can distinguish and separate yourself from the thoughts and observe the thoughts and then you can reprogram the thoughts that's when you're making some serious progress yeah you've talked about meditation a few times and I want how do you suggest people like approach meditation because we talk about it so much there's a lot of things that you know people now uh identify as a boo-woo I know meditation is extremely important in my life and I'm continuing to learn more about it but how would you you know show people to approach meditation even for the first time or if they're reapproaching it well a lot of people the reason why they don't meditate a lot is because they can't get their mind quiet that's the hardest part for a lot of people because we've had so much stimulus going on and the brain is always looking for another dopamine he just looking looking non-stop so all of a sudden you try to stop and calm down and the brain is still going no give me give me give me give me I want something right yeah and so that's the biggest problem so people get frustrated and they stop or they do it when it's two you know it's so late at night or something and they fall asleep and so they're not able to clear their mind so I just recommend that a person prepares themselves mentally going into a meditation knowing that I'm getting ready to work on myself and they're going to a nice quiet place if they have one and then the first thing you want to do I see a bowl in my mind that's my biggest thing I see the bowl that's how I got into my first groups of meditations where I was really making significant progress going into extended periods of time and then that bowl all my thoughts are there so I actually envisioned all of my thoughts in the bowl and I see a hand from the outside coming in and lifting up thoughts and taking them out lifting up thoughts and as you're taking their thoughts out my mind is literally getting more quiet and more quiet and more quiet until almost all the thoughts are gone now they can't get all the for some reason I've never got an empty bowl but the majority of those thoughts they're gone and then I envisioned that the cosmic energy is filling up that bowl so now it's being filled with this light and those meditations for me can an hour can feel like five minutes and so you know and I recommend listening to four 32 Hertz music because it's a very special frequency that resonates with the human body and uh it'll help you get into those those transcendental States a lot faster and easier as well and I would just say start out working your way up I would start out with five minutes then 10 minutes and 15 minutes after you get to about 20 minutes then I wouldn't focus on time anymore I would just let yourself go until your body comes out of the meditation naturally yes I want to definitely reiterate the 432 Hertz y'all that is such an important part of the meditation you talk a lot about even on your channel when you're giving information you say but do your own research go do your own research let's talk about research because I know you do not mean Google Billy so what do you really mean when you say because I'm always this is something I'm always even with myself when I'm like right now as we're talking I had really bad chest pains yesterday right and I was like stays don't call anyone try to research but I was very discouraged because I went to Google first and Google said terrible things like take antidepressants I was like what are you talking about like you know oh and I finally settled on hibiscus tea because it would like for it's good for blood and I was like maybe my blood blows off so I I tried to really sit with myself to take a second but imagine somebody doesn't have a second not that we don't but you know you we hear research so often and we go to what has been shown to us but we know Google and all these other places are not giving us the depth of research so where do you research and how do you suggest people do that yeah I mean Google's just for quick ideas or concepts and they can get you started on a path but if something really serious that's your that you really need to know a lot about and recommend books you know books are the best I have over a thousand books in this house you know and so I have you know different types of medical books I have homeopathic homeopathic medicine books naturopathic books if it's if you're talking health so those are like encyclopedia type books I can go to those books I know I can find something there that I could potentially tap into that's going to help me out and then I have books on so many topics it's like you know mind-blowing but I just know that books for me uh if I go to one book and I get some information then I'll find another book on the Sim on the same topic from a different author and see what they have to say so now I'm getting opinions from two different authors that are now considered experts in their field because they've written a book and so I'm trying to go off the top authors that have similar stories or similar information about different topics the same topic but different um expressions of it and then I can come up with my own hypothesis after looking for some of the source material so once I see what they're talking about and I track down the sources then I'll go to the sources whether it's ancient Sumerian Tablets or whether it's a particular a Papyrus a Papyrus text or a cylinder scroll or maybe some medical journal but then I'll go and analyze that information so now I've got dudes these two or three opinions from authors I've got the source material where they also came up with their hypothesis and now it gives me enough to paint my own picture sure do you feel like it's possible for us to as a collective Consciousness not be affected by Society I'm in air quotes guys Society do you think that's possible oh it's definitely possible yeah it's just up to the power of your own mind you know I mean every four years I go down to the voting line to vote for a president but I don't vote for the presidents that are running for office I write my own name on the ballot and put my own name Inside the Box because I am the President every four years I renew my presidency over my own life oh my god do you seriously do that oh yeah I do it and then I post my ballot online what do people say in response because I can already I can hear two sides one person saying oh my God I love and the other person saying you're wasting a vote like what do you say to that that is so great you're crazy and some people say now they're starting to say we want you to be the president for real literally but now I'm saying are we want you to be able to be the president so we're like can you really be the president that is why I'm smiling right now I'm like wait you really do that wait can we collect those I'm going back again I'm gonna go back in line again and sand it everywhere in line when I get to the front I'm taking a blank belt to put my name on it I'm reaffirming My Own presidency every four years that's what I do because I'm the president of my life and my family and that's how I live my life I don't care who's in that poly trickster's office I don't care about congresswomen and Senators I don't care about none of those people I'm president so all I care about is the decisions that I make and what I can control and how I mold and shape my reality tunnel sharks are going to know what sharks do I can't get mad at a shark a shark is going to smell blood they're going to attack they're doing these people are doing what they're born to do okay it's only about 100 or so of them controlling 8 billion people it's really shame on us at the end of the day we're the ones that's allowing all this craziness to happen if everyone will go down to the box and put their own name on the thing and put it in then what would happen imagine imagine imagine so they have us thinking that you know that they that you know that we work for them and we have to listen to them in actuality we we're supposed to make rules and they're supposed to be working for us we're paying them to work for us but they flip the script on us and they've got us thinking that it's the opposite way around and so I just take this whole my whole life is all about breaking the mold walking on the gray you know living my own life as my own King and my own um my own president and making my own decisions you know that's how I live how does your way of living affect the relationships around you and romantically and platonically well you know it's been true it's been tough I mean I've been through divorces I've been married a few times already um and I'm engaged now again so I'm still haven't given up on life I'm engaged I found somebody that thinks like I think sure I kept fighting this uphill battle you know um getting involved with people that didn't have the full vision that I had and so I kept realizing that I was also getting with people that were more on the side of taking and I read this one book that said you know because I kept trying to figure out why am I keep ending up in this situation and I found out I'm a giver I'm a big giver but when givers and takers get in a relationship you know we have you always have a problem and they always end up a giver always finds a taker so I said I gotta I gotta change the mode I need to find a giver so I went and found the giver and so now I'm with a giver and I see wow the mindset's totally different and we have the same passion we have the same vision so we're working towards the same goal whereas in the other relationships everybody had their own thing going on they really didn't believe in anything that I believed in or even the path that I was on and so they were doomed to fail anyway and so you know that's one of the hardest things to do is to find somebody with the same vision you have and I work a lot I'm a hard worker I'm passionate about what I do so whoever gets involved with me has to be willing to work a lot as well I'm going to make car by time for QT but at the same time you know I might put in 15 hours for the next three or four days straight you know so and then somebody has to understand that sure we're in my regulation in my opinion we are in a time where there was a war on love and there's a war on self would you agree oh yeah there's a big time war on that I mean they're hyper sexualizing everything you know uh and and what they're doing is really they're turning a mind away from looking for Unity with one to hey just be free and just run around with everybody and I don't know how some people do it with all the diseases everything going around there these people are ruthless they just don't care about their own bodies um and then you know when something happens and they go well how did it happen to me or why me well why you you fell victim to the system the system has programmed you to think it's okay to run around like this versus you know trying to focus on yourself and be in love with yourself and what it has them doing is chasing this level of Happiness looking externally for happiness everywhere they go and they never find it so they keep jumping from person to person the person the person you have to be happy in here first let's talk another thing I do no actually you're probably going go ahead yeah yeah you're right so I realized and I was victim with this part as well I was looking for some level of Happiness to come from my second half and the degree prior relationships and it wasn't there and at the end of the day I realized wow it's really me that's not happy and so even though there are some things that why this didn't work out the way it should have or could have but at the same time am I truly really happy with myself why am I relying on other people to keep me happy or make me happy when in true reality I should be happy myself so I took a year off just traveling by myself going taking myself on dates and falling in love with myself I literally fell in love with myself I would take myself for walks on the beach and stuff you know I'd be at at NBA games videotaping I took myself on a date you know and posted it online and uh taking myself on dates and then I really got happy with myself and once I got more happy with myself and realized the happiness that was inside of me then I started working on the part of manifesting someone that would be you know a person that would partner with me but I wouldn't rely on them for any happiness whatsoever I love that first coming from a black man I really appreciate that you had the time to do that and the chance to do that I think many black men deserve that as well as black women as well as all of us but it is something that we talk about so often in like this big way we say self-love love yourself love yourself but we don't say what it actually means and it looks like it feels like sometimes self-love is a really it's a journey it's a it's a very detailed passionate Journey where there are parts of your journey that you can maybe bring up now that you feel like this wasn't so amazing but I know it was leading to me loving myself maybe there was a truth party you have to tell yourself there was a hard lesson you got to learn there was something you had to forego and one big thing you have to forgive yourself so a lot of people don't they never do this and they don't even know it exists they're asking someone else on the outside some entity or deity to forgive them and with no knowledge of river if it's ever been done and so the best thing you can do is always forgive yourself literally sit down analyze your life realize the things that you've done wrong because in those other relationships I wasn't an angel I wasn't perfect I'm sure there's things that I've done and when I analyze and broke down places where I missed the bar I was like hmm you know what I did this I did that I screwed up here I screwed up there and then at the end of the day I said you know what I forgive myself I forgive myself I absolve myself of anything that I did wrong to hurt anyone or anybody else in a relationship or out of a relationship and I began to realize that you can forgive yourself at what you do now this is the biggest part when you forgive yourself you have to now learn from that experience you can't do it over again you can't do the same mistake again so you can make forgive yourself multiple times in your lifetime but it should always be for different situations not the same exact situation because that means you're not learning your lesson at all you have to take that L as an L for learning not a loss figure out where you went wrong correct the problem and don't let it happen again Billy what's the last thing you forgave yourself for for the first time the last thing I forget the last thing I forgave myself for for the first time was actually not getting my daughter some of the help that she needed my second oldest daughter she's now 28 years old I was just talking to her the other day she had gotten sexually assaulted uh when she was a 11th grader 11th grader in high school and that was some years ago now but you know I can still see now knowing a lot more about mental health I can see where it really is truly uh affected her long term and at the time I I didn't know I didn't have the knowledge I would say or I I should have done better I should I felt like I should have taken her to a psychologist I think I felt like I should have spent more time trying to figure out how to reach her and see if she was really getting true healing and I see how it's affected her life going forward from that point it hasn't been exactly the way that I or she I think envisioned but I can see it's all stemming back to that trauma and if I could have um if I you know if I could have gone back and done it but now it's too late so I had to just forgive myself I held on to that for a long time but I just recently forgave myself for that whole thing and and said now let me just try see how much I can pour into her to see what I can do to help her get past that trauma thank you for sharing that oh it's definitely a huge thing as a father have you and her been able to have a conversation about you know what you wish you knew better and what you'd like to do moving forward and has she been able to bring you know her thoughts on that as well yeah I think she she really you know the fact that I brought it up and told her that and expressed it to her that was part of a healing process as well because I had never even expressed that I I don't think I think I you know I didn't I missed the boat there I didn't do a good enough job helping you when that situation happens you know she went to a movie theater and somebody at the movie they're grown man sexually assaulted her he grabbed her and took her to the back behind one of the curtains and sexually assaulted her at a movie theater with people in it and um I'm actually the one that caught the guy the cops didn't even catch him I caught him uh and then gave the dossier to the cops so they can go pick him up but it was a pretty tough situation but uh yeah that's one of the things yeah thank you so much for sharing that as a father I'm sure that is a very deep um serious thing to forgive yourself for but I'm very grateful that you did and that you and her were able to have that conversation I hope that can also heal somebody else yeah yeah absolutely we have this segment on the show called honest gems and it's one of those moments you know you want to give people the real truth as we are all finding that and seeking so I'd love to ask you a few honest gems what don't they tell us about manifestation what they don't tell you is that you no matter what you're thinking about that's what you're going to get back so if you're thinking about negative thoughts if you're thinking about uh something if you're angry about something or situation or at people or you're always focusing on problems and issues Non-Stop and you're always talking about negativity at the water cooler at your job it's always gossip and negativity you're going to manifest that right back into your life non-stop so when you whatever you're focusing on the most it's what's going to manifest for you it's just like the Instagram algorithm if you go to that popular page and tap on one woman or one man with a you know a physique they're going to give you a million physiques a day there's nothing you can do to stop it fake stove that algorithm from the universe it's the same exact algorithm there's nothing different between Instagram popular page and what you're going to get from the universe if you focus on positive posts and positivity and Consciousness when you open that popular page the majority of the posts you're going to see are that same thing with the universe no difference whatsoever and so what you're focusing on the most what you're talking talking about the most is what's going to come to you people thought that manifesting was all about positivity it works negative and positive well sad what don't they really tell us about quantum entanglement what they don't tell you about Quantum entanglementers you can Quantum entangle with uh people and beings in places that have dark intentions so if your mind and we found out that the human brain is quantum entangling and phase shifting out of the third dimension at different particular times this is through many many experiences that they've done in Laboratories and they're saying that the thoughts your synapses are entangling with other information in the universe I believe that if you're focused on a lot of dark thoughts all the time and focus on evil or or things that are low vibrational that you can Quantum entangle with information or or entities or even beings who have the same synapses or thoughts in other places and that information can be transferred to you and that it would make you act out things I think that quantum entanglement is a great thing for manifesting but also in the wrong mind I think it can create a paradox where someone can become even more evil and lastly what don't they tell us about time well time doesn't even exist they they want us to believe that times exit time exists but really clocks exist and so time is a construct you know developed by human beings so we can have an arrow to point in so that we can set appointments like me being on this podcast today and so forth and so on uh so that we can organize what's going on because there's so much there's so many multitudes of data that's happening simultaneously we need this hour of time to help point us in the right direction but truthfully higher than the third dimension there is no error of time if you were a being in the fourth fifth sixth seventh and up you will see that the past present and future happened simultaneously I know that uh Einstein hypothesized that the fourth dimension was time but time is not a dimension we've discovered that time is simply a construct the fourth dimension is actually a tesseract a fourth dimensional Cube and above that is the fifth and so forth and so from these higher Dimensions it would be like looking at somebody inside of a house and seeing them at various different stages in their house in their life so in one room I could be 52 year old Billy I can be 19 year old Billy I could be six-year-old Billy I could be seven-year-old Billy all in different rooms but in the same house and you can observe all those different time spans simultaneously so in this reality how do we take that understanding and Lead productive lives and Lead like because the word productive has also been completely misconstrued and messed up and now inundated in a way that makes us feel can be overwhelming in a sense we're trying to be productive I think productivity immediately makes me think time I have to have a schedule I have to have this I have to do that right as we're opening our penal gland and we're learning that time is a construct how do we use these realizations in this reality and and and and be fulfilled while still right you know what I'm I guess I'm I'm even trying to figure out how to ask but I believe you time is a construct I've been hearing it I've been experiencing and at the same time I still look at my clock and I still say I got to be somewhere at three o'clock I still do it right yeah we still have to do that because we're in the third dimension we're in the third density and we're playing in this matrix it's like this light mattress and we hope we have to go by the code that allows us to maneuver through the Matrix and that's fine but understanding that I was looking for my little timepiece that I had here I don't see it on the desk right now but if you look at the sand of an hourglass flowing downward you'll recognize that everything going to the bottom of that is actually going into the past that's those are fleeting moments and above that in the top of the hourglasses the sand that hasn't fallen yet that's the future but the only real moment we can experience is the moment of now which is a right in the middle area of that hourglass as the sand is passing right between the two that little tiny pinch that's the moment of now that it's that we get to experience Moment by moment and so we have to begin to stop focusing so much on the past because it's gone the future we can prepare for but we really have to experience and embrace the moment of now and some people are too focused on the future some people are too focused on the past there's no balance there they forgot all about the moment of now and once you begin to embrace that moment of now you still want to plan for the future stop focusing too much on what you did in the past because you can't get it back all you can do is take those as lessons to change your future reality but Embrace that moment of now and time will be a whole new construct for you I love that I love that I have to ask based on what I'm experiencing I don't feel like you hold blame towards family but you did talk so much about your beginning years and anyone like you said would would hold on to some of that and say like these are things I had to overcome based on the circumstances I had how did you learn responsibility did how long did that take what is your relationship with your family like now and how did you feel I mean I see how you move forward but how would you suggest somebody else does yeah well I started off with responsibility at an early age because when we came to Florida I'm the oldest child so I can tell by the way this too yes okay I was a daddy yeah that's it that's it I would get up braid my sister's hair take her to you know take her to the the babysitter around the corner get my brother dressed cook the breakfast in the morning if we had any Farina or anything that I could create you know anything that I could cook if we didn't have that we just scratched around for whatever we had whether it was crackers or whatever but anyway get to school right safely and um and then so I was already in that role of maintaining and taking care get home do the chores make sure everybody's got their homework done and pick my sister up you know all these things so that was already instilled in me from a very very young age and uh you know my my parents were they had a very uh I don't know what you call it tumultuous relationship I would see my mother going after my dad to chop his head off you know he'd be high on drugs and alcohol he'd leave and don't come back for days at a time he's I'm going to get a pack of cigarettes he wouldn't come back for three months women would call the house saying that their baby needs diapers and all this crazy stuff you know it was just wild and so um I never could really understand why she would stay with this guy um I just never I could never understand it but for some reason she never left him my mother unfortunately passed away 14 and a half years ago my dad passed away now four years ago my mother died from ALS Lou Gehrig's Disease I think the stress just overtook her uh from the lifestyle she had to live and then my father um he ended up getting beat by police uh and they broke his back and gave him a double concussion they never fixed the back and his back started getting worse and worse the pain was so overwhelming he became he was already drinking like two cases of beer but even with like six cases of beer a day and this one that he goes into the hospital and they recognize that the injury had never even been looked at it was looked at but never fixed and he was like one movement away from being paralyzed so they admitted him in the hospital for that but unfortunately they didn't give him any alcohol you can't give an alcoholic no alcohol so he went to withdrawal symptoms and then he had uh what they call a Cascade seizure where he ended up having like 110 seizures and within uh I don't know three or four hours and it erased his brain and so he became brain dead so unfortunately I had to make the decision as the oldest because my dad was out of it high in drug he couldn't make it so I had to pull the plug on my mother after they realized she was brain dead you know after she her she the ALS took her and then I had to make the same decision in the same Hospital same uh what do you call that room that they put you in that um that room where you know you're about to go uh critical to care or whatever it is but I had to make the same decision for him where uh they pulled the plug on him as well after several more MRIs and brain scans and CT scans and everything else he realized he had he was gone it was it was over a week so they just unplugged him from the life support and then he eventually passed away but but other the other family members I don't really communicate too much with a lot of family um just because I was there was always a lot of turmoil and there was a lot of drama and and you know when you go see them and one one year I just said to myself you know why don't I keep putting myself through this drama in this stress so I just stopped going around I would show up every now and then and say hi and showing respects I still love them but I disconnected myself significantly from hanging out with a lot of family and once I did that my life became so much more peaceful what is the story Billy yeah what a story indeed thank you so much for sharing and for making the choice to shine your light um very bright and very just you're just very present to your experiences even as you were talking you know that those are very heavy stories of very heavy experiences and I just I'm so grateful that you it's hard to tell somebody I'm grateful you went through them but I'm I'm grateful to see how they did not break you that is what I'm grateful for thank you yeah wow Billy Carson everyone thanks so much for being on the human human podcast thank you I appreciate it yeah this is amazing it's amazing you're definitely gonna be back for part two you guys make sure you check out Billy Carson on Forbidden Knowledge um you also have your own TV network is there anywhere you want to lead our guests to to make sure they continue staying in touch with you yeah sure go to 4bk with the number 404bk dot TV and get a free trial and there's over 6 000 shows there my Egyptian mystery School is number one watched series on the TV network amazing amazing again Billy Carson number one if you want to you can easily check it out on YouTube but please start with getting some new books getting some new ways of understanding your pineal gland expanding your Pinot gland because you deserve that level of Consciousness you deserve that level of light we all deserve that together so again I hope you guys check that out and thanks for listening to Human foreign [Music]
Channel: Stacy Ike
Views: 295,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bpDxSKc_nyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 48sec (4128 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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