Did an Ancient God Manifest The Pyramids? (ft. Billy Carson)

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what what are pyramids why do they show up in every culture and what is the function of them can I just say one thing cuz some people would say the pyramid is just the easiest um physical structure to create at that size right cuz if you create a building that just go straight up you know wind can rock it side by side and it goes whereas a pyramid is just the most stable structure so so that would be like the uh what do you call like the mainstream thought what is that what do you refer to they're saying that it's uh you know it's a it's a you know bars are bu what do you call Mainstream thinking in your discipline do you call it a what is that a talking about the term no no the term that you would use for like what they teach in school oh mainstream main so the mainstream thinking would be the boring one the one that we didn't ask you to come on this show to talk about at all so please do not say oh the physics works best for imp but they would just go hey if you if when kids are building with blocks they eventually realize if they build a to tall it falls down so let's build in this way and then that creates a pyramid but I'm sure you have something way more interesting so I'll go into the structure of the pyramid and construction and I'll go into why so what's interesting is the pyramids is there any any time where you're reading this and like you see an explanation that makes a little bit more sense and you're just like a that [ __ ] sucks no I I I I look into everything see what I do is I research everything and sometimes over time some of my theories evolve good and I think that's a true sign of someone who's really seeking real knowledge yeah but don't them toor verus somebody who verus somebody into dog cuz once I once I get so hard set into my own theories and I'm not willing to take any new input now I'm just a preacher at a church facts literally I'm just I'm just pitching Dogma at that point yeah so tonight today it's church I just want to let you know okay this this is church and you can preach all you want so well Billy getting loose we might need some tequila re do do you drink at all I don't drink no okay nothing we I I don't smoke either nothing yeah nothing yeah really what about a DMT just water or mushrooms I just do water water so because Cofe I'm sure you've heard of the uh the the profound effects of a lot of great effects a lot of people have helped a lot of people um I have nothing against I'm I'm talking on the Ancients oh yeah every listen I talk about it in my podcast um but this it's real ancient stuff but it will it will rewire your brain and so once I read that cuz I research everything before I do anything I realized well I like the way my brain is structured right now so you don't want to rewire if there's any slight risk that I could that I could lose my memory system it scares me yeah that's reason cuz my memory system is really good like my my ability my recall capability yeah your attention is so I'm like what if I do this and I lose that cuz it rewires not that I'm afraid to do it I don't want to lose my my my foul cabinet that's really all it is have you always been like that I'm just curious like since you were a child since I was a child yeah I started reading at one I was reading at 10 months child books but by one I was reading real books oh wow I read my first as a toddler I read my first novel which was uh the Seawolf by Jack London yeah not not that big of a novel but you know I read it um so anyway uh the pyramids now let's take a look at the structure how do you even understand the things in the book like I don't know I just I always done I always knew stuff yeah I had a brother who was only one year younger than me uh and my sister was uh 6 years younger than me and I would look at them I say these are real kids they're like babies but they nobody could see what I could see you know I told my mom W did you think that your your your siblings were stupid no I just thought that they were babies so you you knew that you were operating as an adult yeah something was a little different got it but you thought that their the expectation for them was normal and you were different yeah cuz I tried to talk to them about my stuff and they just C they couldn't rap they couldn't even you know understand what I was trying to tell so I gave up I've been walking around for decades with all this stuff in my head just kind of like wandering through through the wastelands of life you know who do you think redmore you or Cat Williams no Cat Williams readed more oh really you got I'm not going compete with him you don't think you got cat I I'm not going I've read over a thousand scriptures cylinders I have 1,500 books in my house that I've read that's one but I've read over a thousand scriptures cylinder Scrolls papyruses uh ancient Tex tablets uh you name it from all around the world take that cat you know so but you know I'm not gonna take anything away from whatever he said he read he read you know so yeah okay pyramid okay pyramids so let's look at first thing the structure okay these blocks are all different they're not the same exact size right they're all custom made and custom fit so the Lego Theory would work if it was all if the blocks were all the same in other words I know these blocks go for this particular these blocks are going to be the same size no matter what I can stack them over here or intermingle them every block is individually custom made to fit right where it is uh so that becomes very very difficult like the Great Pyramid over two million blocks of stone and nobody realize that they're all different 2 million blocks they're all each individual stone is totally different from the other one which means you can't make a cookie cutter and say okay we got these blocks ready let's stack them up didn't quite work that way because they're all different now you have to take into consideration also the Subterranean part of the Great Pyramid the Subterranean like the Subterranean shaft which cuts through solid Stone and goes down 65 M then another 30 m down beneath that which I've been down there how in the world did they cut that through solid stones that were already stacked some type of a laser cutting tool and if you look at the mud ramp Theory the float the floating theory is a farce you can't float these Stones the second thing you would look at would be the mud ramp Theory the floating Theory really quick is the idea was that the Nile ran right up against right I think the P so they were taking the stones from the Aswan Valley I'm pretty sure some of the Granite from Aswan and then some of the stones from not too far away but the idea is that you could float them up the Nile right so they weren't because the original Theory I think was that they were rolling them in across the sand and people were like how could you possibly do that but the the the floating Theory I guess makes sense in terms of a human's capability to move a heavy object but you have to displace the mass right what are you displacing Mass with for that that level of mass in water highly unlikely that they can that they would be able to displace that much mass to keep them floating otherwise they'd sink I mean you know look at all the mafia movies they you throw you in you don't come back up and you have you have a lot and you have a lot of ear in your lungs too yeah what were they using a [ __ ] there's like a video of this what were they using to keep them afloat uh I I forget Palm leaves or something it was some ridic it was it was it wasn't it too bright was on logs or something like that maybe anyway go on yeah anyway so you have that but then also you have to take a look at the um the mud ramp Theory which is you need more mast in the Great Pyramid in mud to actually have the mud ramps so now you have to move more mast in the two billion blocks to make the ramp again didn't make any sense the ramp is how they they were building the pyramid up in that way so you need a ramp to bring the blocks up right right and then when you get on top do they just slide down like I I'm so confused about how you finish that final Stone it's a bad Theory it's a bad bad Theory well I guess you could so once you start really analyzing the stones the structures the way that they're interlocked you see there an interlocking design system and each stone is custom made to be put in place which means it needs to be created at the moment that it's needed how do you do that how you going to get this Stone up this mud ramp or float it up into this area and then put it into to a spot that it doesn't really fit oh I made a mistake it doesn't go here doesn't make any sense they this the blueprint for the Great Pyramid for example was so sound they had four knowledge of exactly how to build it and why and so you see that these Stones were made and cut and put into place exactly precisely when needed it didn't take 20 years in my opinion it probably took maybe less than a year to build that pyramid um now what's the purpose of the great why why less than a year Well if you look at the uh I took my my um I've been there I've seen yeah I took my Geer counter yeah and uh know my compass and everything else and um and you just you start to realize that this is so Hightech it's like throwing up a house in my neighborhood it takes some 18 months to throw a house up yeah you know this is not one of those things where we're trying to figure it out as we go this is something that has been done so many times it's common knowledge so this is Advanced planning they had the you know the logistics and the schematics all you need to for how sophisticated it is I I subscribe to that like they're not throwing it all together well check this out the Great Pyramid if you calculating by the size of the Bas M and the size of the stones you can you can calculate the time 365 days in a year you can calculate the distance from the Earth to the Moon you can calculate the distance from the Earth to the sun you can calculate the speed of the Earth around the Sun the speed of the the the Earth on its axis the speed of the sun around the Milky Way galaxy and the speed of the Milky Way galaxy around the local cluster all from the Great Pyramid mathematics so now you got to tell me how in the world that that fit in with the rolling logs the water or the mud ramp we're talking about advanced technology advanced beings that made that pyramid as a time capsule of incredible knowledge a star map even is built into it to tell us who was here in the ancient past and who did it and how when you take all the temples that are around the pyramid and the other two pyramids that are next to to it uh and you look at it from the sky looking down and you connect them you get a interplanet uh system of our solar system you get the sun in the middle you get uh Mercury Venus Earth and Mars so you get the interplanetary solar system from Giza looking straight down and what's incredible is when you take the NASA interplanetary solar map uh map and you overlay it on that diagram it matches down to the millimeter m was nasso around back then no I'm just asking for a friend so obviously they knew what the hell they were doing and also the distance from the Sun to the Earth and to all these other PLS by the astronomical unit which is in astrophysics how' they get that the grand Gallery leading up to the king's chamber the longitude is the exact digits of the speed of light in meters per second really meters didn't exist back then you're tell that like stared tunnel that goes there really yeah the location is the exact digits of the speed of light in meters per second but guess what I found what's that I found Proto Sumerian cop form in meso America on pottery and also tablets that show a Proto Sumerian metric system and I didn't find it myself obviously but I found the record of it and the documentation of it it's legitimate um and so metric the metric system existed long before that french guy discovered it he only rediscovered what already existed interesting so it's like man then you look at the pyramid it it was sitting on top of an aquifer the aquifer is dry now because the the Nile is gone the war happened and everything else but when you have running water underneath magnetized Crystal Granite you get physios electricity those ions push up into the uh the grand Gallery some of the water comes up and goes down into the queen chamber I'll talk about that in a second the energy from those ions moves up into the king's chamber it's stepped up well before it before it had to have that little box there the box was added by the way before that box was there it had the capability of creating fusion and sending electricity through Apex when the pyramid was broken the structure was broken they added that box that box is the same exact dimensions as the Arc of the Covenant the AR the Box you're talking about is that like tomb like R Granite box that's inside yeah yeah how would they even get that in there yeah they they added it later on um how they get I think they a lot of the stuff I think they teleported or manifested um you know but well look and listen to this let me tell you let me tell you where I get that from let me tell you where I get it from listen in the EM listen to me come on in The Emerald Tablets listen to me I'm going to give you some science now in the Emerald Tablet give us some SI listen to me in the Emerald Tablet tho talks about manifesting solid matter he s he talks about it a specific way manifesting solid matter I mean it is when you're in there insane to get well let me tell you let me tell you he manifests solid matter from photons and simatic frequencies simatic frequencies what is that sound waves [ __ ] yeah so we know that in string theory in quantum physics that the way that the universe is formed and shaped is all based on vibrating microscopic strings that are emanating uh matter into existence okay through this frequency creates the illusion of reality he's talking about this 36,000 years ago well just five years ago two scientists in a laboratory in the UK used for the first time ever photons and cymatics to manifest solid matter in a laboratory duplicatable became peer-reviewed science peer-reviewed science okay so they we've now rediscovered a way to create Mass matter from photons and sound frequencies and I'm I'm imagining they're doing this at on a microscopic level yes on a very small level but the idea is if it could be done on a very small level then it could potentially be done on a very large level oh now you're talking about literally manifesting entire structures oh you you send into the computer the blueprint you want so this is 3D printing and this thing prints out a whole building like this
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Keywords: andrew, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alex media, alexx media, michael jordan, mj, jordan doc, espn, dennis rodman, goat, flagrant 2, comedy, funny, sports, basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, championship, finals, world series, superbowl, mark gagnon
Id: YSQkwgWzT5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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