Billy Carson Shares Traumatic Alien Confrontation Story

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so you think you saw an alien spaceship yeah cuz back then I don't believe we had the technology to create a arv an alien production vehicle I think what I saw was probably a real UFO wow are you the first black guy to see a UFO no I'm not the first black guy I'm just one of the per you know not I'm not probably not one of the first because I know there there was Benny and Bary Hill Benny uh Benny uh uh Barney Hill was the black guy who came out I think it was in the uh in the 60s or 70s about his um abduction situation him and his wife and him and his wife were were abducted and they gave an account of what these beings showed them as where they came from and nobody knew where the Zeta reticular star system was at that time didn't exist in our star star Maps later on it came out a person says wait a minute and they put it together and said we this is Zeta reticules we found this this star system now now we know where they're they say they were from pretty interesting wait hold on so this couple described a star system that they could have no prior knowledge of correct meaning they couldn't have gone to school and learned about this or read about this anywhere right exactly later on we find this star system yeah and then who connects the dots and asro physicist or astronomer connects the dots and says wait a minute this is Zeta reticul okay so you see this thing and again we don't know it could be advanced technology that we have that you saw science is full of uncertainty which I learned from Professor James Gates yesterday when I talked to him um about super Symmetry and stuff in an interview I did with him just yesterday and that uncertainty is always there you can never say anything for 100% certainty uh and so because of that there is always a possibility that it's something else I had dinner with Bob Lazar okay and uh my take away uh from the dinner with Bob Bob was going on Rogan and Rogan asked me if if he if I want to come to dinner so we went to Fogo to Chow wow as you do and uh Bob was there and Jeremy Coral was there as well and uh I believed Bob believed what he saw now that doesn't mean that it's not advanced technology that we have that we've created but I do believe that he was working on something and he believed it was alien spacecraft um so I I you know I I believe that he was being honest I could tell you how why I believe his story at least some of it is because he talked about Element 115 before we even discovered Element 115 we're talking about 25 years Span in between that's why the star system thing is quite interesting to me so if you if you are describing things that have not been discovered yet and then they do become discovered exactly it adds some credibility yeah okay so with with your situation you believe you saw a UFO yeah do you think that the UFO people the the aliens or whoever they are do you think they choose the people that see them or this is happen stance if you start researching these alien abduction experiences or these alien sighting experiences which there are now over 7 million of them documented in muon you start to see a similarity between the stories and repetitiveness with some of the um the visitations or what or sightings or whatever you want to call them um and so it's possible that they isolate and and interact with specific people at specific times so I mean you know to what agenda we're at the end of the day we're like ants did you have any communication at all did you feel like you did you feel anything in the moment I felt nothing in that moment I had a second experience in 2010 which is well documented I've talked about it took years to come out about it because I basically lost my whole family over this no way yeah yeah you came out of the closet no D no no no no tell me tell me what what happened so 2010 uh I came home I was working on this big project called um Fort teranova which I built and Fort teranova was it was on the History Channel uh countdown to apocalypse the uh noal domus episode and anyway so um I was working on this project I come home I'm looking at ESPN and I'm looking at sports about 9:00 p.m. all the lights turn dim the TV turns off and I thought my kids were playing a trick trick on me cuz they lived up in the room behind me up on the second floor and I look up and there's nobody there when I turned around there were these two beings right there get the [ __ ] out of here yeah and uh man hold on whoa sorry no no no why you have big break up man so they were right there I'm sitting in a chair about this high so they were right here in my eyes and uh yo Alex is freaking out right now this is this is wild okay okay okay all right let me get myself together no take your time so they were there they had the big alond eyes like you see on TV I swear they did so you're two beings in front of you but they didn't look like they were real eyes they looked like coverings of some type um and they didn't communicate with me through any kind of telepathy that I can tell but my I felt like my brain was shaken in my skull to the point where it started hurting and I started screaming but no sound was coming out of my throat I can feel the a coming out but I couldn't hear it myself and you were awake during this period you weren taking a nap or anything like that taking a nap no psychedelics of course yeah and uh my whole house everyone was in my wife at the time my you know my ex-wife was in in the bedroom right behind the next wall my girls were in that side of the house a split FL plan my boys were in that side of the house the house was full of people nobody heard or saw anything I was screaming few seconds later it stops and they turn around and they they don't walk like a person they kind of dangle so they kind of dang angled away and they went right through the wall and then the TV comes back the lights come back to normal color as when I went running around the house and it was just traumatic for everybody you know um and it was like the straw broke the camels back um there was other reasons why but you know I ended up uh just D my my my one son giovan he's told me I'm scared to even come around you and still to this day he rarely ever calls me or comes around it's like I kind of like I lost my son I made no money off of this I got no exposure off of this that's why I kept it quiet for so long u you know lost my family um created a lot of dissension I remember we were on a highway one day and and my wife was driving at the time my ex-wife and she slammed on the brakes and you know was like just get out get out of the car you know cuz it was the kids were scared and I was like I'm say I'm sticking to my story I'm not changing my story because this really happened to me and they just didn't want to hear it but her parents were Jehovah Witnesses so it everything was of the devil you know um and so it was a pretty traumatic experience took a long time to talk about the only reason why I came out with that information was because I started running into a lot of people at conferences that would come up to me and tell me that they were having these experiences they were horrified to talk about them so I felt like if I would talk about it I would give them strength for them to have expressed themselves and and walk in their truth and believe in their experience that they had you know okay so when you started telling this this story just right now I want to point something yeah it listen I'm I'm skeptical about everything I just want to let you know I could believe there is one physical Sensation that I saw on you that kind of freaked me out I'm not going to lie crying people can put that on true you started to perspire yeah I know know that to me I don't know I like I know that actors can go can induce crying I don't know if they can induce sweat so so to me the tears are less uh less of an example I mean like your whole forehead just started to sweat so maybe that is the traumatic experience of the loss of your family and and that is evoking that reaction but [ __ ] okay were the beings do they have like a clothes on was there anything else discernable about them yeah they they didn't really have on look what looked like clothes to me they weren't really gray they were almost like brownish but they had very uh big eyes two little tiny dots for her nose that slit for her mouth they never opened the mouth they never opened they never moved at all they didn't even Shake there was no facial movements I couldn't discern if they were even real or not real or you know in terms of like being something that was flesh um but their hands were very long and dangly like you see on TV I swear to you and I was just like completely shocked now this two things happened to me after this situation the first thing was of course I scared the hell out of everybody the second thing was I kept hearing this voice in my head over and over again worldwide telescope worldwide telescope worldwide telescope over and over and over so finally the next day I got so tired of this I couldn't stop this noise this this phrase what was the the sound of the voice what was the it sound like my voice it's so it's your own voice voice echoing worldwide telescope world over and over and over again so I go to my computer back then Google wasn't the big name yet it was so I get on I type in worldwide telescope or you can type it in on Google Now first thing popped up was worldwid telescope. org and I almost fell out of my chair worldwid telescope. org is a site where all the space probe data from all the missions in space exist based on taxpayer and research data so you can download this back then you had to download it you couldn't you couldn't just web you didn't have W uh what do you call um www4 whatever they call it now but now you can just run it from the app from from the browser but back then you had to install it you can still install if you want I go in there I I go in and I go okay what is this and I see Moon Mars you know all these other planets and so forth and star systems I click on Okay click on Mars I click on Mars then I see panoramas pop up I go on panor I click on panoramas the next thing I know I see the names of panoramas so I click on Merk mytle Valley I go into mer Myrtle Valley and I start seeing things that don't belong what's a panorama uh it's like just an image but it's not just a regular image it's an image that allows you to zoom in zoom out pan left and right from the Rover's perspective so you're looking at images that have been taken from spacecraft from the Mars rovers the Mars rovers of Mars spirit rover and opportunity Rover but they are of mars or they're of they're of Mars on Mars got it okay yeah uh spirit rover is no longer operating because uh one of the last images that transmitted looked really strange and I think they just blew it up or something they they never turned it back on after that one but the things that I saw on the surface between the presidential Panorama um and also um mer murle Valley they didn't look like they belonged on March they look like broken down structures from the Middle East and I was like what the hell is this and the more I look the more of these anomalies I kept seeing so it led me down a whole rabbit hole into anomaly hunting that anomaly hunting got me into researching these ancient civilizations that's how it happened that's literally how it happened so because of that experience I became an expert in ancient civilizations literally that's how I got into it and do you feel is this is this uh an example of the yeah that's the spirit rover right there on the upper left and uh there's a lot of anomalies we've documented so many crazy anomalies over the years and I can send you some if you want to pop them in there just some crazy stuff that made CNN and may CNBC Fox News uh a lot of our stuff has been featured in the news we've downloaded over 1 million of these panoramas from the space agencies and we've now documented over 60,000 anomalies anomalies things that don't belong there everything from pyramids to unks yeah what is the craziest image that you have documented the craziest image I would have to say would be this object that looks like I got to say looks like cuz we're not there looks like an airplane another one would be this statue on the side of Victoria crater um and I can pull these up and give them to you um another one would be these anks we found several anks laying around in the sand ank the Egyptian ank the the cross with the loop on top oh yeah what are those doing up there and um and I'm just saying what's that doing there but that's a good question crazy so okay okay okay uh I I I don't want to lean too much into this but I I would be remiss if I did not ask you yeah it it it must be I I would imagine if I was someone in your shoes and I was had there that's Victoria crater by the way man get the [ __ ] out of here no that's real you can pull it up anybody can pull these up that's what I love about these I get I always give the source link so anyone can pull them up any person obviously that's been colorized to make it more visible to make it pop out yeah there it goes uncolored but even UNC colorized it's still just a little bit crazy that's there and there's even more on that crater uh but it's to the left which not that's not a good P it's not a wide panoramic shot but there's more yeah a lot more there okay so so so again I would be remiss not to ask this uh you have a sighting with the UFO then you have an interaction with beings yeah and then you have a message to go look up these images yeah I would imagine someone in your shoes it would be very difficult to not follow this I don't even want to say line of f but follow this this um they almost like they have almost like edged you in a direction it would be very difficult to not run down that hallway so do it I would imagine it'd be hard for a person in your shoes after having these experiences to not think hey they want me to go look into this stuff is that kind of what you feel that's a fact now what I've done is to try to combat um the the the nudging that's happened I always keep digging into the science so I've talked to geologists I talked to scientists I talked to Engineers I talk to Homegrown guides archaeologists indigenous people from all around the world I keep digging and trying to debunk my own theories got it and the deeper I dig to debunk the less I debunk cuz you've heard these stories listen and I'm not trying we're not here to discredit you I literally want to do this podcast CU I was just like take us [ __ ] deep this is going to be so much fun like I I don't care about the science or the fact I want to just hear the craziest [ __ ] that you got to say I did not know you were going to talk about [ __ ] meeting aliens that's kind of crazy okay uh but I I can also imagine that if that happened to me I would go down this rabbit hole and I just see how deep it would go and I would also maybe even feel like it was my purpose to do this thing right they've chosen me and what have they chosen me to do so what if you do feel that way why do one why do you think they've chosen you and two what do you think that your purpose is yeah I always consider that like why me why did why did this happen to me the only thing I could think of is that I have a high retention for information my recall ability is is incredible in a lot of the stuff that I talk about especially when I'm passionate about it probably everyone does they just maybe don't realize it but maybe they saw my ability to consume a lot of information and my ability to travel the world I've been around the world 38 times now last year I spent months in hotels not many people can do that and still make a living and do what they do uh so maybe they have a way of understanding like hey this guy has the skills the tools and the capacity to to Really grasp this and why is it important that you grasp it why is it important to them that you share this that's what I'm trying to understand what are they trying to get to this is what I my hypothesis that I came up with human beings are an abandoned seed Colony on this planet and we have had some influence due to people violating what I would call a prime directive we've been engaged in a way that we weren't supposed to be engaged and we've been um given technologies that have sped us up far past where we should be right now uh including here this AI thing is coming right and that's no no oversight no nothing and it's just being Unleashed on us again more advancement in the blink of an eye that we're not ready for it spiritually or consciously and it put us in a predicament and I believe that there are people out there that are watching us I do mean people that are watching us and observing us to see when we're going to go from being babies that are learning how to crawl to learning how to walk to learning how to run to being adolescence to even then becoming and consciously in the spirit to becoming full-grown adults I think that mankind um is a baby learning how to crawl and every now and then when a baby learns how to crawl it plops down on its stomach right because it has to get the strength we've plopped down on our stomach a few times those will be some of the hicups in our in our civilization right now eventually we will grab onto the edge of a table and pull ourselves up and start taking steps what are the hiccups hicups racism uh slavery uh inquisitions you know religion atomic bombs maybe atomic bombs uh technologies that we're not ready for all these things are are the hiccups right um police brutality my dad was killed by police you know and so all these things you look at it and from a perspective of right now it looks like things are getting worse but it's actually the greatest time to be alive mhm there's no bubanic plague there's no black plague there's no Spanish Flu those things almost wiped out human beings yeah there's no papal inquisitions there no there's no American Holocaust which nobody talks about 111 million indigenous natives of the americ slaughtered in 70 years nobody talks about that but that happened right and so that's not happening right I can go outside you can go outside we don't see dead bodies laid all over the street right now now are there things going on like in Israel and and all these other things yes but overall yeah on a mass consensus it's the greatest time to be alive yeah and so we're at the stage now where we have an opportunity to grab onto the edge of the table and pull ourselves up and begin to take those first steps but after we take that step what's going to happen we're going to fall and we're going to cry but when the challenge is when we pull ourselves back up how long will it take for us to get a good walking gate what is the definition of walking controlled fall we have to learn how to control our fall that's how you achieve a golden age and I think that they're waiting at some point for us to see when for for us to be realize when we can stand up and we can start taking those those steps in the right direction and then they give us some good [ __ ] again or that's quite possible that gives us the ability to get open communication like okay we trust you now or we have to get to a certain level consciously before other Technologies can be revealed I mean I don't know I'm just guessing at this point but I think they're waiting to see how how long will 8 billion people allow 100 families to control them 8 billion people are being controled by 100 families who are these families these are the Elite oligarchs that control the planet you know they literally run us they tell us what to do hear see smell taste touch feel where we can go where we can't go don't cross over that invisible line because if you do you know you're illegal and all this other kind of crazy stuff they're running us and we are governments are put in place to work for the people but they got it flipped and they got us working for them right and telling us what they're going to do to us if we don't listen to them that's the opposite of what it's supposed to be so this what they learned from the uh oh you learned it anunaki they learned it and they they learned it real well but isn't that's what the anun at least that's where you're saying that they did for the human race right but the problem the reason why the world it is today why we have this boot on our neck is because it's because of us we're we are the problem the 8 billion are the problem we haven't elevated our Consciousness to the level that they're sharks a shark smells blood a shark attacks a shark is going to be a shark how come we as 8 billion people haven't uh stop falling for these divide and conquer tactics and stop fighting each other over the scraps and realize who the real enemy is while we're fighting each other they're just cutting up the pie and laughing at us left wing rightwing all the same Bird right there's no such thing as a Democrat or Republican mhm the only thing that does exist like I say is a group of elite oligarchs that torture men women and children worldwide that exists Democrat and Republican doesn't exist now how do how can we be so sure that those people are not working with the beings that you saw and maybe they're doing the bidding of those beings those beings might not be benevolent they may not be I don't know all I could tell you is what my hypothesis is yeah and I feel that when mankind realizes that we're all bent over with a big table on our back a playing board when we stand up the table falls off of our backs and the game is over and standing up means Unity loving one another treating you and and everyone else like brother and sister um understanding that we are all just different aspects of one another and uh and realizing that everything is conscious and then we get to the next level until then it's going to be this whole I'm better than you and you're better than me you see the the the rap civil war going on and all these crazy things going on I mean we have to get above and beyond that to the next level and then Humanity will really take huge strides do you wish that experience never happened to you uh I used to in the beginning but now I see that it put me on the path where I am I'm extremely happy now you know um I'm I'm married again I got a fresh start you know I'm very happy I found somebody on the same frequency as me uh that works side by side with with me and understands and travels with me one of the hardest thing to do is travel with somebody and be gone for 9 months in like deserts and stuff you know what I'm saying so I found somebody that really gets it uh and so I'm really in a really good place right now and the business is being built us utilizing my passion I walked away from my call center business even though it was very successful I walked away from it I gave my share to the other partners and just jumped off the cliff and said I'm just going into the knowledge thing and that's all I'm going to do and um didn't really have a plan or anything in the beginning but and then I waited seven years to monetize it but everything is going as planned so I think everything happens in Divine time and I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be do you wish do you wish you did anything different when you saw the aliens you wish you said anything I couldn't I I couldn't say anything but I'm sure you think back to that moment do you wish you like tried to communicate telepathically do you think you [ __ ] it up do you're like damn this was my one moment I just screamed I don't think so I think whatever whatever that shaking was it did something to me maybe they were just trying to put something in my head I mean I have no idea are are you familiar with Alistar Crowley's depiction of lamb no have you heard of this Al Crowley's depiction of a lamb of of the The Entity that he was talking to Oh The Entity oh yeah yeah yeah was that similar to what you saw can you bring it up one um it's that's a horrifying more like a clown it's just it's like that big the big overhead right when it kind of goes out like this mhm yeah no it wasn't like that it was more like the um almost like the ones you see in the movies which means it told me right away that these movie directors or whoever he's writing these movies they know what these people not like that you see how his big his head is more like a a big out like that with a big brow in the front it didn't it didn't look like that no but that doesn't mean that he didn't see that I mean there's so many different people that exist in the universe
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Keywords: andrew, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alex media, alexx media, michael jordan, mj, jordan doc, espn, dennis rodman, goat, flagrant 2, comedy, funny, sports, basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, championship, finals, world series, superbowl, mark gagnon
Id: LL8TQn9dUNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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