Family of Morgan Harris, AFN chief react to Skibicki's guilty verdict

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um for welcome everybody um your uh presence is really important today for the family and so I'm really blessed and honored that you're here it's been quite a journey leading up to today and um but I'm going to leave it up to the families to share their their journey I I want to offer a prayer to our creator our grandfathers and our grandmothers and to noas noas the one that's uh keeping our women that are in pray green L and to our uh spirit helpers each one of us brought us this St so I just want to say CH GL to our greater and our grandfathers and our grandmothers the ancestors for bringing us this far all the all the the prayers that were offered the ceremonies that we did the PIP ceremonies hanging out the plagues for their loved ones all all those prayers were answered so I just want to say to me to them because they they heard they heard the families they they love the families they expressed so much love to the families and show them in so many ways during this journey so I I just want to say Chim to them Chim to all the medicines the pipes the songs the drums and all the supporters I want to acknowledge judge Joel and Chris and Renee the Crown Attorneys they're the ones that seen the families through this so I just really thankful to them and ask creater and ancestors to continue to walk with them in their work that they do I want to say prayer to the families here Creator the men's emotions we felt today was very very powerful I I just shared so much love and prayer is to them I continue continue to walk with them and take care of them because they want to bring their their L one home so say for for today so I just also wanted to acknowledge that we have the afn women's Council the AMC youth Council and the afn 2 Spirit Council here as well showing supp just want to acknowledge them in the back all right um hello guu an my name is cambri Harris I otherwise known as the daughter of Morgan Harris I also go by the spirit name of West flying Sparrow woman um I guess I'll just start off by saying that the last year and a half I've had a lot of emotional roller coasters for my family and I we've had many ups and downs and after loose learning the news of my mother Morgan and her being in a landfill leaves you with many questions many WIS many wh ifs what could we have done what could we do to help Morgan um and and it was hard it was hard washing the the emotional turmoil that it caused and the distress that it pushed on my family it was hard watching all the tears that my family dropped and I had to be strong for them when they couldn't I had to be strong for my siblings I had to be strong for my family I had to be strong for my ancestors and this was all work that should not have had to have had this is work that we shouldn't have had to have fought for this is work that we shouldn't have had to have done in the first place and more importantly it was something that we should have ever had to beged for um and it's a basic human right you know my mom's in a landfill and she has the right to a dignified burial from decisions made by the last prisas government in regards to not searching and telling our family face to face no it set a dangerous president not only for our indigenous woman but for our indigenous people across not only Winnipeg and Manitoba but across Turtle Island um it was pretty much sending a president and a message that said if anyone were to ever end up in there in the future they were not going to search and we're seeing that because it happened again and again when wob was elected I remember feeling that little glimmer of hope knowing that we had a government that would finally do the right thing after waiting months and months and months two years ago we were told finding my mom was not feasible which in short told us that they didn't want to do the work and they didn't think our woman were worth searching for that's what it told told me and that's what it told our indigenous Community that's a sad sad message and a dangerous message you sent what do we tell our children what do we tell our future Generations when this happens again if it happens again because that's what message you were sending out the overall lack of actions and repetitive nose only pushed our families to work harder and when they wouldn't do the work my family took on that work full force it didn't matter what we lost because we already lost everything everything was taken from us from my mom Morgan to not being able to bring her home to not being able to retrieve her to not being able to give her a proper burial that was completely stripped of us from the very beginning we weren't even given a chance we were told that she wasn't worth looking for when they said that she wasn't worth looking for we made it so that she was worth looking for because she is worth looking for and we took on that work and we did work that we shouldn't have ever had to have done the police should have did it the government should have did it but my family pushed hard to get say and we here and we're standing here and we can finally say that we're finally searching the landfill for Morgan Harrison Mercedes my and we're going to bring them home and I could promise you that and it's hard to trust a system that has so callously failed your family time and time again through the child welfare system through failure on reserves to displacement to now my mom ending up in a landfill and today we found out the man who took my mom's life and the three other woman's was found guilty on all four counts of first degree murder and criminally responsible so he knew exactly what he was doing at the time that he committed those acts and he does not have a mental illness he prayed on these women at shelters he took them home and he took their life and then disposed of them in a landfill that's what happened here and so if it weren't for the support of the community and all the Chiefs standing behind us I don't know how my family and I could have pushed this far and I think I also owe it to my family's strength for being able to put up this work with not only myself but with everyone else too so me GL thank you so much and that was Cambria Harris who is the daughter of Morgan Harris um up next we have Melissa Robinson who is cousin of Morgan Harris hi everyone I want to thank everyone for uh joining us today um I want to acknowledge uh our our Elder our grandma uh shingus for again opening us up in in a good way and uh We've we've really relied on her and have have leaned on her through throughout a lot of this and and we thank her for that um I also want to recognize uh assembly Manitoba Chiefs and Grand Chief Kathy Merrick um who has uh been there since the very beginning um has stood with us has been there for us and and has told us don't stop you know and um you know and of course uh our our uh National Chief Cindy woodh house uh we thank her for joining us today we know that she's also very busy so we're we're happy and then and the rest of our our Manitoba Chiefs and everyone behind us so um I'm just going to talk very quickly about um you know the last couple of years and um and bear with me if I get upset because it's a lot has happened right and um so I think back to the very beginning you know in May of 2022 uh when my cousin Morgan was uh reported missing and how quickly our family jumped into action you know how many how many phone calls and tips um and posters that were hung up as we looked for her for those many many months and didn't matter the time of day I remember my husband leaving and going out you know all hours of the night to himself you know at times to to go and look for her and um you know we hung on to hope for a really long time you know that that she was just around and that that we would locate her and I I remember in the fall when they called me and they asked for for DNA they said can you bring one of the one of her children in the detective called me and I I remember I I remember in my heart I knew something wasn't right it wasn't going to be good and you know it's been a it's been a really long long road Of Heartache you know of grief you know our family has had to not sit behind closed doors and love on each other we've had to do it in front of everyone you know across this country and you guys see the The Good the Bad and the Ugly of everything we've had to endure but you guys have only seen a small piece of of it there's been so much that has also happened Behind These closed doors and how beat down we have been so many times over and over and over again and and I want to speak about our resilience and our strength especially from the women in our family and how we never took no for an answer it was never going to be no you know no no matter how many times we heard it we said absolutely no not we are going to find my cousin and we are going to bring her home and we're going to bury her properly you know the girls here have had to suffer so much CU they've been thrown into all of this you know I this past Mother's Day I keep going back to when cambri I had to go to Prairie green landfill on Mother's Day to go hang Rose is on a chainlink fence imagine if that was your mom your sister your auntie would you take no for an answer no you would do everything you can so regardless of everything that we've had to deal with everything that has been thrown at us every fight that we've had to endure we said no our f family deserves better Morgan deserves better so with that being said we've done everything we could up to this point you know it's we are now we got the convictions we wanted we're elated to hear that that monster will never step foot out of a prison again and I hope that when he does leave he's going out in a body bag and I uh you know I know we were talking around the table this morning and and I said you know we we've done everything now it's just time to bring her home you know and and we were saying how we know she's here with us we know she's always traveling with us she knows we're fighting for her cuz damn she was feisty right and she she definitely pass that on to the girls you know so I'm very very elated to hear that the judge you know gave that conviction of of four first-degree murders and um you know so now now we're changing that outlook on the way people you know see our women our women are not garbage and our courts will not allow this you know our police need to now step up their game and do their job you know and that was the reason why we we called them out yesterday you know they need to be held responsible for what has happened for everything that we've had to endure up to this points and when they told us a year and a half ago it could not be done here we are now doing it you know could have saved us from all of this and a year and a half ago we could have buried my cousin then so again M thank you all for coming and um I could say I'm it's a good day it's a damn good day to be indigenous but man it's a damn effing good day to be indigenous today so M thank you oh you can yeah you want to so I well we're going to comment just quickly on how how wob called all of us and wanted to speak with us yeah it a little closer we're on a first name basis with our Premier he is wob he is not the premere okay sounds good yeah I'll be quick yeah um I just wanted to say that literally 15 20 minutes before this press conference started um our premier of matoba wob Cano took it took time out of his day while he's at Sundance ceremony at that to to ask us how we felt about the verdict um and he he apologized that they had to take the route that they had to take but it was just so that we could see justice for all four of our women and I understood why they had to take that route and now I'm looking forward to finally pushing the work towards searching the line fill he let us know that our healing Lodge was put down on the grounds today MH um and hopefully within the next few months we'll be able to start searching the ground looks amazing he said uh they did a sample area um and where everything was very uh legible in regards to the receipts and that so everything is really kept good in the ground and uh so that was very very good news he said um and and so we're excited to let's get this going like you know now so and also our healing Lodge has been moved on site to Prairie green and uh now they're just hooking up everything so we go back home tomorrow um and you know immediately I think we would like to go by there and and see the development of things because we've been gone since suay so yeah but yeah it was um it was tough choosing to come here and missed the verdict but we did it because we had to we can't waste time anymore and it's important to get these these inquiries and whatever it is that we're pushing for to pass which did it passed unanimously yesterday at um afn but back to the wob thing when we were talking about the verdict and how we chose to stay and listen in over online um I told him that I was very very grateful for judge Doyle and our Crown Attorneys who have been there every step of of the way and I appreciated that they're taking missing and murdered indigenous women and girls to us plus more seriously in that courtroom there was an acknowledgement we were finally heard in that courtroom today and he said it very loud and clearly he callously did it it was racially driven and that was enough that was enough there's more work to be done absolutely but we got our Justice and I was thankful that instead of looking them as a name on a list they treated them as human beings in that courtroom and they treated us as human beings every step of the way when the police and the previous government could not and so I want to thank them for that and for taking that President back for our woman that they are worth something and that it doesn't matter what no serial killer says even if he's racially driven they're worth it and that they're going to do the work and our Crown Attorneys did so I thank them for that okay my name is El Harris I am youngest daughter of Morgan Harris and I just wanted to say as relieving as this news is I also feel extremely extremely defeated because of all this hurt hurt heartbreak and Trauma we all had to endure these past 2 and 1 half years we had to fight so hard so hard to put a monster away we had to fight so hard to bring my mother home and it feels so defeating knowing that they can just shove us to the side like that and try and not be seen and not listen to us it hurts it hurts feeling that we may have put that monster away but our heartbreaks they're they're not over yet we still need a search for my mom's body for Mercedes body for Buffalo woman's body and that's going to be even more heartbreaking cuz we're going to have close calls what if like there's animal bones in there we're going to have all those close calls and get those calls and be like we might have found something and then end up not being it that's going to hurt even more that's the next part we have to get ready for and I'm not excited for that so as excited as we are we also have to remember what this guy did to to our people what these people continue to do to our people it's time to start fighting for our people it's time to start fighting not only for my mom not only for Mercedes or Buffalo woman but for Every Other Woman cuz I'm sure they're sitting behind these screens feeling heartbroken because their daughter's missing because their Auntie's missing and we're getting this Justice and they're not and I want them to know that I feel for them I feel for all of you and you deserve it as much as we do thank you so much it was L Harris daughter of Morgan Harris and up next we have Kira Harris um another daughter of Morgan Harris I'm uh Kira Harris the second eldest daughter of Morgan Harris and I just wanted to say that the verdict was a long and anxious wait without it I felt as though I could not grieve it is all a very surreal experience not just for myself but for the entire family I often question if this is a dream or reality but upon hearing the verdict today I cried tears of happiness relief and realization that this is in fact very much real and is a new path in our journey as a family and as indigenous peoples it is sad how we had to wait so long for our loved ones to be promised a search but even so this is progress and it really highlights how important we are not just as an indigenous Community but as people part of a human race the outcome has restored a bit of hope that I had never had before in the justice system I'm really grateful and proud with this verdict and of the work our Crown Attorneys and joyal did on our behalf and I also thank those who support us and those who will continue to support us and be by our side thank you an bu jimy for being here today I want to recognize that we and thank the KAG territory on who lands we are on or gathered on I'd like to thank the Chiefs for standing here Chiefs from across the country join joining this family many chiefs here from other regions and it's a it's a national issue it's and I have to commend these all these women for I'm sorry that you've had to go through all of this I'm sorry that you've had to fight so hard that hopefully another family doesn't have to Faith this yet again I want to give our condolences to on behalf of the Assembly of First Nations to these grieving families I want to thank judge Joel for doing the right thing and um yeah and the Chiefs for being here and all of you for being here to report on such a a hard thing to report on and it's a tough it's every time these are heartbreaking and I hope Canadians stand with these families uh today the verdict was released on the trial of Jeremy skii for murdering Morgan Harris Mercedes myin Rebecca cona and mashad b bizik bizik e Buffalo Woman in Winnipeg two years ago we want to start by recognizing the strength and the resilience of their families their loved ones throughout this trial and assure them of our continued support and we are pleased that the court recognized the gravity of Jeremy scab's actions in and is holding him for fully accountable today their voices were heard and respected in the final judgment alongside our commitment to fight for children we have been focused on preventing violence against First Nations women girls and gender diverse people last month was the fifth anniversary of the national inquiry into missing and murdered women and girls final report in response the Assembly of First Nations released an evaluation of progress towards the inquiries 231 calls for justice regrettably we could only find two calls that have been fully implemented the majority showed little or no progress this failure by federal and provincial governments is not acceptable to our people substantive action is needed now more than ever before to guarantee the safety for first nation's women girls and gender diverse people that is why we have been calling on Canada and BC to end the rcps damaging efforts to destroy the picked and EV evidence today we want to let the families Advocates know that we will never stop fighting for you we will be here for you the murders and violence have not stopped and neither can any of us that is why we have not stopped lobbying the federal and provincial governments to search for our lost sisters in the prairie green landfill in Winnipeg and it's a relief to see that the family that these families will see some justice here today we hold up the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Grand Chief Kathy Merck and our first and nnab Premier wab canu who led this process me gu to both of you yesterday during the 2024 annual General Assembly the first nations in assembly passed draft resolution number 65 this resolution calls for the Assembly of First Nations to advocate for an independent inquiry in the death of our sisters we urge The Honorable Anita Neville the lieutenant governor of Manitoba to establish a commit a commission led by First Nations Commissioners to ensure a thorough and respectful investigation this inquiry must address the shortcomings in the search efforts evidence management and the responsiveness of the Winnipeg Police Service and the province of Manitoba we must honor the memory of these women whose lives were tragically taken looking ahead the Assembly of First Nations will continue to advocate for justice accountability and the protection of indigenous women girls and gender diverse peoples the five-step plan for a thorough search of the Prairie green landfill is a critical step forward but there is still significant work ahead substantive action is needed more than ever to enhance the safety for first nation's women girls and 2slgbtqqia plus people and ensure Justice for survivors and their families the path to Justice will not end with the recovery of First Nation missing First Nations women it will take a concerted effort by all levels of government to create a national prevention strategy and implement ment all calls for justice we urge that a first nation's L Commission of inquiry into the deaths of Rebecca conz Morgan Harris Mercedes myON and mushade B bizi will move forward with will move forward so thank you so much thank you so much National Chief wood house um up next we'll have Chief Brown uh Chief Brown who is a part of the assembly Manitoba Chiefs women's Council and the chief of apost creation good afternoon my name is Moren Brown chief of aasri creation and on behalf of assembly of Manitoba Chiefs we extend our sincere condolences to the family and also recognize the bravery and courage that they have displayed over this incredibly trying time I'd like everyone to take note of uh W Cano's government because in this display of wobs involvement to seek Justice is a reflection of First Nation teachings you heard from the young lady that wob is currently at ceremony and as First Nation people and people of this land of a of Canada we recognize that we abide by Creator laws that we come with to this earth and M recognizes that and swiftly and immediately as a newly elected chief of opas quak in September chief judge Ryan Rolston contacted me almost immediately and he recognized that there needs to be a major re Reformation in the justice system and I believe that W's leadership and chief justice leadership has brought us here today those are the kind of attributes that we need to move our country forward and to move our people forward as First Nation people to be treated justly and fairly in whatever uh sector we find ourselves in this has been an extremely excruciating uh experience for the families and for our people because we recognize that um we recognize that we have become disposable on our own land I grew up hearing this is this is our home this is our land and within the land of this country are our voices our memories and right now as Canadians all of us we are we owe it to the Future generations to step up and to make a better future for all of Canada thank you for the fellow leaders and and everyone here supporting the family thank you so much up next we have Chief NN of Pine Creek First Nation I'm DK chief of the Minish we're 5,400 inish people on the west shore of Lake winnipegosis and West Central Manitoba and we're members of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs as well as the Assembly of First Nations let me start by S aim to Grandma shingus for her words and I want to also acknowledge the the power and the strength of the resiliency of the families who are here to have this very very difficult conversation on what happened to our loved ones from our community Morgan Harris Mercedes myON Rebecca cona and mash it's not an easy conversation to be had and certainly when we look to the criminal justice system and the steps that have been made to date and the Milestone this is an important Milestone that we need to observe because what happens now is a light shines on anybody who's trying to work in the shadows and hurt indigenous women a light will shine on you and the criminal justice system will do its work will do its job this is an important milestone for us to observe because you can't get away with it anymore I want to thank all the leadership who are standing here in solidarity with these families who are able to demonstrate the strength to talk about these things CU certainly no verdict will wash away the pain and the sorrow and the hurt that we all share particularly the families that are impacted this is one milestone in a lifetime in a pathway that's going to be difficult and I hope that we can all stand together and help all of us along through these challenges cuz as we sit here as indigenous leadership I don't know if there's an indigenous family who cannot speak to this issue and not relate to it because we've all been impacted I sit here today as a chief as a former Grand Chief but I was once a little boy 4 years old when my aunt was sent home in a box after being found in a hotel in Winnipeg and we buried her with nothing but questions about what the Winnipeg Police Service did in their investigation about what happened to her barely a decade ago when I when I was the Grand Chief at AMC and I'm so sorry that I couldn't do more at that time we received word of another serial killer and I'm not even going to say his name because these people don't deserve to be named a serial kill K ER who allegedly disposed of my relative T Jane neac in a landfill near Winnipeg the Winnipeg police called me and they said we're going to look and see and maybe find something they made that commitment to me and within a few days they called me back saying we can't find anything I wish I could have done more I wish I could have acted more like a chief but I was still that hurt little boy thinking about what's happened to all of our families for so many decades now and generations because we're still facing a Warfare on the streets of our own cities and the greatest casualties are the ones we love the most our moms our aunts our cousins so today is a a victory a partial victory in a long road ahead and I would like to ask that the scope of this Commission that's going to be requested in Manitoba regarding the investigations of these cases extend to include earlier investigations that may or may not have been as thorough as they should have been for our communities and our families who still have questions about our loved ones that go back to the 70s to the 60s to the 50s because we're still broken we're still trying to heal from these things I'd like write that inquiry and that commission to include that scope include what happened to T Jane neac because she's my family member and our family our extended family deserves answers too so I could go on but I'm not going to one more time I want to say that we're here for you we're here for you families that are here today made the trip out here it's not easy to be away from home to have these conversations I have so much respect for your strength and your resilience and being able to speak to these things because it's not easy and I lift you up M thank you so much uh Chief e I'm going to have bring we're going to have it squeeze it so this is my name is Annie Valentine I'm counselor from Mr Dee nation and I was able to second the motion to uh get this inquir going and I'm very to have done that and I'm very happy to hear the girls talking today and I I'm so impressed with the strength that they are uh projecting and I hope all the young people that are in TV Land are watching and also being impressed and take some lessons from them on how to speak from the heart and be be powerful um Chief Heidi cook could not be here today because we have an incident happened in our community where we've lost three young men to the lake one was found and two are still missing it's been 14 days and I know that the families are sitting by the by the um Lake just looking onto the water waiting for some kind of a sign that their families are going to be found and they may never be found as well so all of our communities are suffering um all of these um pains and what impresses me the most about our communities is how our communities get together and support each other I'm just so impressed with all the people that have come to Grand Rapids and um donated food people vots um equipment and that's what we do and I know that's what was done for your family and uh God bless you all CH which coun Valentine okay if the family does the family have anything else more you want to add you guys you good you're okay with questions okay so uh we're now going to open it up if the media has any questions for the family but just please remember we got to slide the thing to each of you before you answer okay y question first thank you for being here on what was I'm sure a really difficult day we really appreciate you coming out um the next steps in this is a sentencing hearing hearing you spoke about how difficult this process has been until now how do you intend to prepare for Victim Impact statements and things like that um I would like to say already thought of it all and I've already thought of Bigg scenario that I could possibly do and I got a lot of words to say and I'm going to say them loud and clear that day when court day comes and I'm going to look him right in the eyes and tell him he's a monster simple hi Jessica from CBC News um I just want to know what the progress is with the you're satisfied with the pace which well we we understand that everything is is going to take time and there you know there's always going to be one step that they got to do before they can get to that next step right um we've waited this long um for myself and I think for the rest of us yeah again you know this should have been done long time ago but here we are and we're taking it day by day um I will say that um you know we're we're meeting bi-weekly right now in regards to um sitting down and and hearing what next steps are and kind of where we are at in regards to which phase and uh what's coming up next so we're being we're being very informed with everything um and at this point all we can do is just you know go with the flow uh we have that outline we know when things should happen next and and that's where we're at with that um we do you know I I know we have talked um a lot about um how that plan is going ahead and how we we had hoped there there would be more involvement um with our first nation leadership uh specifically in AMC um you know that that's been very important to us uh so we we definitely are hoping we put our two sense in in regards to that whether or not they can be more kind of involved with things and and to also continue to keep it really family-led so um that's been very very important to us as well so First Nations leadership are family L um and all of that but uh yeah yeah um you know trauma informed like everything you know uh so with with that being said we know that the the healing Lodge has been moved now to sight and like I said when I spoke uh I know once we're back uh we would like to immediately go over and and see how things are going but we're pretty happy like um you know the girl said we we each spoke with W while we were having lunch just before coming back and uh he let us know that things are looking really good um and we're exactly where we need to be um so there's been no delays things are moving um you know forward so that's all we can do I should invol well I sit on the overs committee so I'll be overseeing everything that goes forward in regards to the landfill search as well as one family member one family member from the my family mhm um and while we're not necessarily going to be directly searching as far as I know because that's traumatizing um that's not something we want to be involved with we should they did ask us and no so but there are are other roles that families will play and it is family LED entirely all the way um and there is someone overseeing everything to make sure that it is family Le and that it is culturally respective that it is trauma informed and that it's for both of our families it's for our women um that's about as much as I can say but to always remember again that these are two families yeah grieving in two different ways and when it comes down to the work we want to be involved as much as possible but not in regards to the actual searching um you know we we have a really good good um uh support team um our first nation indigenous Warriors who have held down camp for us for 571 days Camp Morgan has been uh burning our sacred fire for for our women and uh so I I know a lot of our Warriors are definitely um interested in doing that work uh for us and we we are 100% on board for that because we know that they share that love for our women we don't want it just being anyone going out there and doing that it needs to be you know the people that are going to lead with their hearts I know my husband George um wants to be on site uh not taking part in the ACT but but W you know watching everything overseeing everything you know as the as the tractors are are you know picking up the the material and bringing it down the landfill right over to the the building um and then it'll be laid out in that grid system where they'll then manually do it my husband will oversee that part that's what we're requesting um just to ensure that it's being done properly we don't want them skipping any steps so and you know honestly we have no trust in no one anymore so we want to be there to see every step of the way so we'll be yeah we'll be we'll be there every day every single day there's bedrooms there I might just take all five of my dogs so yeah I I I trust no one at this point so um I don't want them skipping anything or you know trying to do shortcuts it needs to be done properly and again this isn't just you know about about our Morgan or it's about all of our other we have so many missing women we are the epicenter for mmiwg to Plus in Winnipeg Manitoba we have so many women that have vanished where are they right and I we think that's why too the hesitancy of going forward with the search to begin with was because they know that once they start that work um what are they all going to find so yeah but no we're we're going to be very very involved just not not to that degree yeah sry I should have introduced myself before I ask my first question my name is Alesia I'm with the Canadian press um as the national Chief had said the afn report from this year found that only two calls to action from the inquire into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls were completed since that report came out uh conservative leader Pier Pia addressed the assembly this morning and made no mention of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls what are your thoughts on both of those things and what can Canada be doing to move this issue forward we live in a society where people are too emotionally numb and desensitized to realize a crisis that's going on in front of them or they realize and they just don't care and these governments have repetedly showed over and over again that they don't care um and I find that really sad to know that Pierre would show up on treaty territory and on our people's land and not make an acknowledgement of a very real and ongoing crisis that continues to affect indigenous people each and every day let alone on the verdict Day MH knowing the families in this town out and I think that speaks volumes I currently have a complaint of discrimination open against the progressive conservative party and he knows that very well because it was sent to every one of their offices so he can't tell me he doesn't know what's going on so I can't put my faith in anyone no more and so I suggest if he's going to put those boots on he better start walking them because he's going to start getting a whole load of questions from not only my family but from Advocates communities Chiefs and more it's on any questions what's the timeline that you guys have for the sech it could go it really depends like with the results that we're getting right now from our pilot it's looking really promising as my aunt said they're they're able to read the receipts so that makes it easier to break down timelines and makes it easy to break down location of where they might be um and so it could be anywhere from 6 months to three years but W has told us um he believes that it could be done in what was it less than a year I believe less than a year and he thinks that we're going to bring them home and I fully believe in my heart that we're going to bring my mom home I I strongly strongly believe that it will not take long um to low Lo at to locate both women um they know exactly right as to how far down how many levels because everything is topped each time they know how far down to go um they're looking at that general area in regards to that you know those two cells and um maybe I'm overly optimistic um but I I would like to think that by the end of this year again that's me being very overly optimistic but that we could at least Lo locate my cousin and um and then go go from there so um but again no uh like cabria said uh for sure within a year we know so yeah well and they they're looking at starting end of August the actual the actual work will will begin so yeah we're good good thank you so much for coming I just want to say as relieved as I am that the search is happening we were informed that the receipts everything is cleared it was it's for sure able to be done it's happening it was it's been clear a while ago and this could have started as soon as they found out and they didn't I just want to keep bringing that up cuz that can never be mentioned enough we were told that the receipts are very much readable the soil's cleared everything's cleared out and they're only just now starting I just always want to bring that up because that's very very very just wrong she's she's speaking in reference to how the police failed us right yeah how they failed our family and the many other families out there how our Winnipeg Police did not want to do that work and here we are now doing it when they said it could not be done so shame on them when um when I I was talking to wob on the phone [Laughter] earlier you know the decisions that were made previously were really that drastically bad and gruesome when even the premier of Mana calls you and tells your family that you were right you were right from the very beginning that this work was able to be done you were right to fight for your mom and you were right in regards to the timelines to all the information that you've given the government you were correct and we've been been saying that for the last two years shouting from the roof of our lungs that this has been happening and people turned a blind eye and now look it's right in front of your faces and we were right all along that's all I want to say GL take all sorry we good thank you so much thank you everyone before leave we need to do a closing prayer please um from our Elder everybody can if you're able that's our that's our gangster Grandma gang Grandma I'm sorry apologize I didn't introduce myself earlier um my name is uh Geraldine shingus and everybody calls me grandma shingus but my spirit names are skyw woman and Northern Lights woman and I come from the be Clan and my warrior spirit is grandmother Turtle I just want to say Chim englage like you I want to thank Creator and ancestors for coming to sit with us today and guiding the families so what their words I've U come to learn so much from them you know they're they're very knowledgeable and they just keep track of everything so like you where just whoever works with them just be really um know what you're you're coming to the them with so I've I've learned so much for them and I've come to love them so much so your words today were very U strong you know that monster is going to be put away and today like seeing your um your reaction and your response to the judge's decision was uh it just mve my heart you just to see but also knowing that U you know you Lo lost you you lost your loved one he murdered your loved one and um same with Mercedes my and and Buffa woman and probably maybe other women out there so I'm I'm just really grateful and I want to thank the afn Grand Chief Cindy woodh house and Chief Derek neac for coming here today and for standing behind us uh yesterday when when that uh resolution was moved all those Chiefs that St behind us and all the supporters out there you know AC cross TR Island we see you we know that you're supporting us in in this walk in this journey and that's what gives the family strength so I just say J me GL to that thank you I say thank you so much and that concludes our press conference I want to thank the families uh National Chief Cindy woodh house chief neac chief BL Sky uh the women's Council and the chief Spirit Council
Channel: CBC News
Views: 2,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skibicki, trial, serial killer, crime, News, MMIW, missing and murdered indigenous women, Skibiki
Id: jv81PUecr3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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