#46 Haftarah Eikev - - Isaiah 49:14-51:3 Messiah and the Messianic Age

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[Music] you [Music] you morning's tour portion was at a keV and a have is that root word in the Hebrew that ya hope comes from it means he'll or something that comes after like the heel it's kind of the last thing of your body as you're walking forward and so this keV has a connotation in Hebrew as something that comes after just like a cause-and-effect the if-then statements if you do this then this will happen to you whether it's blessings or loss of blessings or when you hear those statements in the scripture that says because you did this speaking past tense this is going to happen where God prophesized what's going to happen as cause-and-effect so my keV is all about cause and effect and what we've been studying for so many years is the revelation that God does not have to punish anybody we experienced our own punishment through cause and effect of either living in harmony with the eternal principles of selfless love or out of harmony with them Romans 1:26 describes the wrath of God is just allowing men to experience this or giving them over to the lust of their flesh the lusts of their hearts is it's described by Paul so I kept it's all about cause and effect and what we've learned in the hoff Taurus and how they've been paralleling the times and even which we're reading them the last three weeks of mourning were about affliction and the sins that Israel did that caused a loss of blessings whether it was the loss of the land the loss of the temple the loss of health and prosperity but after the night the Voth God doesn't want to leave us there and despair he in his kindness and mercy gives a seven half Torah of consolation between the ninth of all leading up to Rosh Hashanah which is the day that we look forward to Messiah coming and so it's all been about relationship and what we've seen is God is desiring to restore the relationship that was lost through sin isaiah 59:2 says your sins have made a separation between thee and thy god it's not god that's pulled away it's us who that's like pulling the plug on what happens when you disconnect yourself from the source of life you're removing yourself from the blanket of protection and blessings and health and so God desires that we be reconnected with him and this is what the day of atonement is all about that one mint so we're gonna see in this second of the 7 haftorah of consolation that God is consoling us by showing us a future vision all things being restored even though we have sinned and our forefathers have sinned because we will return to him he's gonna gather back the Exile he's gonna return us to the land and to our rightful inheritance in the land he's going to bless us and we're going to see that in today's tour portion last week we saw the relationship in that he's relating to Israel throughout chapter 40 which was last week's haftorah as a servant always talking about this is my servant this week we're gonna see a few new elements of relationship where he relates to us as a parent and as a deliverer and as a redeemer and as Israel as his special treasure so I thought I would give you a little overview of the parsha in today we're reading from Isaiah 49 14 through Isaiah 51 verse 3 and I think it starts off saying God has forsaken me it's actually God through the prophet Isaiah and he's speaking in the first person as Jerusalem so this is prophetically as if the city has consciousness the city where God has placed his name when Israel has sinned and she's expelled from the land if Jerusalem feels abandoned she feels like her children have gone away and so here it's Jerusalem speaking God has forsaken me science eyes my sovereign has forgotten me for 2,000 years Jerusalem was desolate and to remember in the 1800s when Mark Twain wouldn't visited Jerusalem and he said it is such a desolation one would not recognize it as the city that the Bible describes it was just totally desolate in the land was desolate for 2,000 years this lament prophetically looks at those two thousand years of aloneness and it opens up the second haftorah of consolation making the seven weeks between Tish Piaf and rosh hashanah one that has something to look forward to at least it's like healing to our souls though the first verse offers little consolation the rest of the haftorah responds to this sad statement that isaiah opens up this haftorah with and the rest of it is all positive and hopeful with promises of the future redemption it's almost poetic Hebrew language that Isaiah uses in this and you're gonna see a lot of metaphors and imagery and much of the poem that is the haftorah a cave consists of vivid expressive and long-winded metaphors expressing the relationship between God and the Israelites he says in one place can a mother forget her babe or stop loving the child of her womb see even though Jerusalem is desolate even though it seems like God has forgotten her even though it might seem like God has even divorced her or given her a certificate of divorce he's saying show it to me where have I divorced you he's gonna remind them that it's you who have gone astray it's you who've divorced yourself from me I have been consistently loving you and so he relates not only as a father but as a mother and as a lover of our souls and there's just more beautiful in depth on the relationship aspects than even we saw last week while Israel prophetically expresses their concern that God has abandoned them God reassures them that it's not so comparing his love and mercy for his people to that of a mother for her children and even greater than that to God through the prophet Isaiah then touchingly describes the ingathering of the Exile which will occur when Yeshua returns we call this the beginning of the age of mashiac also known as the millennial reign the thousand years of peace where the living Torah is teaching Torah from Jerusalem and he and his coming gathers all the Exile both those alive and those who have died through the ages this is why Paul says the Lord descends with a shout and the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead in messiah will rise first and we who are alive and remain are caught up with them so if everybody is caught up and Israel has been scattered to the four corners of the earth and died all over the earth over the last twenty seven hundred years what does that look like on a globe they're all coming up you know being raised up from the earth in different directions right this is why the Scriptures say that the angels will gather his elect from the four corners of the earth because where is he he's hovering over the Mount of Olives the same place that he ascended from and so he's there gathering all the Exile of Israel to him for the wedding of the Lamb and then after the wedding and the wedding feast he brings them back to Jerusalem and this is what begins that millennial age and this is how the ultimate greater Exodus what we call the greater Exodus the ultimate regather of Israel prophetically fulfilled happens at the second coming so as I mentioned last week we saw over and over God speaking through Isaiah to Israel as his anointed servant and Isaiah's early chapters between 40 and 44 the chapters that we use for consolation are based on the principle of Israel being God's servants and the consolation that they offer is based on the redemption that reaches man on account of his being a faithful servant but this week we're gonna see three additional models of relationship in that God relates to us as a parent and not just a father when he gives us Torah a lot of times it's like a loving father whose betrothing Israel as a bride for his son but now we're gonna see him relate to himself in the feminine essence like the Shekinah is a feminine essence and he's going to relate to us as a mother who never abandons so you kind of see how a loving father instructs and sometimes it's a little firmer and then when you see the relationship between a mother it's very nurturing and a child never has any doubt as to a mother's love even if they might wonder sometimes with the father the way he can discipline they never doubt the way a mother disciplines and this is why rabbi Arusha Shalom in the Garden of Peace says it's actually better if the mother does the discipline as far as more harsh discipline if it's needed because they will never doubt a mother's love where sometimes a father can be a little too harsh well God relates both as a father and a mother to us we're also gonna see Isaiah our God through Isaiah relate to Israel as the deliverer and we are the delivered and he's also gonna relate to Israel as his precious treasure that's almost like a jewel a gym in his crown you know we sing that song when we're little precious jewels I don't know if he not knows that one right my jewels my precious jewels you don't remember that I used to sing it when you were little it's been a while since I brought it up to him well God looks at us that's the origin of this that song is from Isaiah God looks at us as a precious treasure as a Jim as a jewel and then he's also going to relay in the terms of relationships that have been broken and how we've severed ourselves from him and he relates to us as sometimes as a harlot in spiritual adultery and sometimes as a divorcee so just as a quick overview and then you can see it when we read through it but in the relationship between a parent child from a Father's love to a mother's love in our tour portion endeavor dream 11 verse 2 God says and know ye this day for I speak not with your children which have not known and which have not seen the chastisement of the Lord your God his greatness his mighty hand and his outstretched arm last week we talked about that outstretched arm and how that is a metaphor for Yeshua because it's always the outstretched arm that delivers the outstretched arm that redeems that outstretched arm that saves and that's why it's called a righteous right hand and we're gonna see another reference to that outstretched arm in this week's haftorah so here we see a parallel between the haftorah and I say a 4915 and the tour portion Isaiah I mean in Deuteronomy 11 in Deuteronomy 14 he also says you are the children of the Lord your God well the prophets section in Isaiah says can a woman forget her suckling child her nursing child is the most intimate time that a child is with the mother is when they're nursing and he's relating the most intimate language how close he desires to be with us and how he desires to feed us spiritually with sustenance that will lead to eternal life and so it's a beautiful thing that's why I always bring up in the morning when we bless the children that we're all children young and old alike and we always should keep that childlike spirit in us Yeshua said unless you have the heart of a child you will not enter the kingdom of heaven so no matter what's happened to us in life no matter what wrongs have been done to us we have to be very careful that bitterness does not arise that cynical ism does not arise that we don't put up walls and if you do feel like there's any hardness of heart just pray for God to give you that baby skin it's so important you should have said in Matthew 24 that in the last days much iniquity would abound and the love of many would grow cold we have to protect ourselves against that we want to make sure that our love does not grow cold we might be in the world but we're not going to be of the world iniquity might bound all around us but we have to make sure not to let our hearts grow hardened for real cold we want to be like precious children full of faith and full of awe for the creator and for our Abba daddy and we're gonna look at another reference to him as a father hidden within the Hebrew word for stone in this haftorah we also see him as a deliverer in the Torah portion Devery 929 he says in fact they are thy people and nine inheritance which thou broughtest out by thy mighty power and thy outstretched arm so it's reference to our deliverance in Egypt well Isaiah 49 24 says I the LORD am your deliverer and the Mighty One of Yaakov your Redeemer so here's this outstretched arm and he says that this mighty power of his comes through the outstretched arm which we've already identified as Yeshua so then when you take the knowledge from the Torah portion and you relate it to the haftorah I yo Devo hey am your deliverer and the Mighty One of Jacob is referring to who your Redeemer it's another reference to that outstretched arm the Word of God delivered Israel from Egypt the Word of God was made flesh and dwelt among us and became our deliverer and showed us how to O be overcomers from sin so there's beautiful analogies here in there even in the relationship realm of him as a deliverer and us as the delivered another model of relationship that comes out in this haftorah is us as a treasure exodus 19:5 says now therefore if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant this covenant is relationship language you only make a covenant with either like a blood brother or with a betrothed bride it's very permit and eternal covenant he says then you will be a peculiar treasure so what is God's covenant that he gave his people it's the Torah and what is he saying if you will obey my voice not just hear it like we talked about in the Shema this morning if you will hear it and do it faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God but faith without works is dead means nothing unless we are obeying unless we're living it out he says if you will obey my covenant which is referring to torah instruction then you will be a peculiar treasure unto me above all the people of the earth for all the earth is mine Devery min our torah portion this morning nine eleven it says and it came to pass at the end of forty days and forty nights that the Lord gave me the two tablets of stone so even the stone just like a diamond on the betrothal ring this stone that God wrote with his own finger these Ten Commandments was sapphire stone it was a precious stone for a precious treasure as you would give to your beloved and he says even the tablets of the Covenant so here he's giving this beautiful type of betrothal engagement stone which was sapphire to his bride well in the haftorah this morning we're gonna see that it Isaiah God through Isaiah says as I live says the Lord you shall surely wear them all like jewels and adorn yourself as a bride does now remember the whole setting of the haftorah is Jerusalem speaking so whose God's really speaking - he's comforting the city in this haftorah of consolation and he's telling him Jerusalem that all her daughter's which are the offspring the descendants of Israel who've now scattered to the rest of the world when he gathers them back in the last days and in the age of mashiac Jerusalem's gonna where the descendants which is you and me like jewels like a bride adorned now remember after the Millennium is John in Revelation talks about the heavenly Jerusalem the new troe soem descending down and says she's adorned like how what a bride so the city ends up being the bride at that time we are already one with mashiac because the union of marriage so then us and mushiya become like a bridegroom for the shekinah the feminine essence coming down in the New Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem is adorned as a bride but the first reference to that which is going to take place later is the physical earthly Jerusalem with us as her jewels we are preparing Jerusalem for Hashem and for the return of the Shekinah when the temple is built in Israel is unified as one house then the Shekinah that left when Israel was divided will return and it will be like a union between a bride and a bridegroom and then the other element that we see God referring to Israel is as a divorcee or as a harlot he said in our Torah portion Deuteronomy 10:1 heuu to establish of stone like the first and come up here what happened to the first one that sapphire that he wrote with his own finger it was broken because we broke his law through the sin of the golden calf so Moses threw it down symbolically showing that his law had been broken that law of love and now we have to carve out our own stone Moses he's telling to carve out his own stone and come back up the Mount and make an arc of wood and I will write on the tablets the words that were in the first tablets which thou broke so Israel has already broken the first day that they're given this beautiful betrothal stone and covenant they've already broken it and this is a picture of how Israel would continue to go back and forth in vacillating between two opinions like Joshua said choose you this day whom you will serve you know and Elijah said the same thing don't vacillate between two opinions God doesn't like any mixture he wants us to be a faithful bride without spot or blemish in Isaiah 50 verse 1 thus says the Lord where is the bill of your mother's divorce with which I have put her away he's basically saying why are you acting like a divorcee or which of my creditors is to whom I have sold you see God has not sold us to anybody but we're acting like a slave to debt and to the false system behold for your iniquities you sold yourself so we should never put these things onto God as if he's the one that's cast us away we've cast ourselves away we sold ourselves and for your transgressions was your mother put away the mother is a reference to ancient Israel who was captured by Assyria and dispersed and traveled to the north and to the west so she was taken out of the land the mother is ancient Israel when it talks about the daughters of Jerusalem it's all the descendants of Israel throughout the ages so if you have your Bibles let's go through piece by piece and dissect this beautiful haftorah and the hospital or starts in the middle of chapter 49 at verse 14 so if you have your Bibles take them out and follow along with me here's this reference to Zion crying out why has a been a deny abandoned me seems like Adonai has forgotten me this remember the temple was destroyed 70 AD and for two thousand years up to today it seems as if Adonai has abandoned Jerusalem because the Shekinah is not there in the temple it will return when Messiah rebuilds the temple but right now this is prophetic language covering a span of two thousand years can a woman forget her child at the breast this is God's answer to not show pity on the child from her womb he's basically saying I haven't forgotten you even though it seems like a long time even if these were to forget even if a human mother could forget her child or not show pity to the child from her womb I would not forget you I have engraved you on the palms of my hands your walls are always before me what's amazing is in prophecy just like the Torah is multi-layered deep a lot of times you see dual prophetic symbolism and significance in fulfillment to Israel and Joshua now here we see a double prophetic reference to the walls of Jerusalem Angi schewe because who was pierced in their hands he says I have engraved you on the palms of my hands Yeshua died to restore the lost house of Israel to the whole house of Israel and to bring salvation to the nation's you know it's interesting that Jeremiah's scribed the room understood this and so he actually quotes this passage from Isaiah in a book that he wrote the second book of baroque 4 verse 2 I put it up on the screen for you he says and you have it in the suffer for those of you that have this suffer do you think that this is the city of which I said on the palms of my hands I haven't graven you so now he's taking our minds even further we're naturally when we read this most people don't even realize that's talking about Jerusalem then when you get a little deeper you realize all of this is talking about Jerusalem and your mind first goes to earthly Jerusalem what is Baruch bringing out he's saying do you think it's this city this earthly Jerusalem of which I said on the palms of my hands Ivan graven you this building now in your midst is not that which is revealed with me that which was prepared beforehand here from the time when I took counsel to make paradise and I showed it to Adam before he sinned so whatever God is talking about in the place where he's engraved Israel in the palm of his hands has to be something that predated modern Jerusalem he says I showed this council in paradise and showed it to Adam before he sinned when he transgressed the commandment it was removed from him as also was paradise so this is a reference to the Word of God that remember the scripture says the lamb was slain from the foundation of the world something about the Word of God and the plan of salvation must have been revealed as the foundation of the heavenly Jerusalem - Adam Psalms 138 David says I bow down towards your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness for you have exalted above all things your name and your word another hidden glimpse that the word is the foundation of all creation all things that have ever come into being have come into being through the word John one tells us therefore the place where he's engraved Israel on the palms of his hands is on his very word which is the foundation of even the heavenly tabernacle and do you know when we do the study about the heavenly tabernacle do you remember how every piece I show points to Yeshua the word everything in the tabernacle and the human Tabernacle the mosaic tabernacle is just a type of heavenly things that was made without human hands so it's natural that if the tabernacle on this earth pointed to Yeshua how much more that which is perfect in the heavenly sphere that was not built with human hands it's pretty deep to think about it's so easy to just skip over this with surface reading but this is why so many of these ancient books were taken out of the scriptures because they unlock so much understanding and the powers to be did not want Israel to continue because not in understanding because knowledge is power so here we're thinking we're getting a glimpse of even a reference to the Word of God and the heavenly Jerusalem and he says you're always before me I've engraved you on the palms of my hands I'm like a mother who could not forget her child so even though you feel like you've been abandoned I don't want you to think that you're abandoned your children aren't coming quickly now in prophetic vision he's seen down 2,000 years of that abandonment of Jerusalem to win that children are gonna start returning to Jerusalem 1948 to the coming of mashiac we're gonna see the descendants of Israel are coming back to the land he says behold your children are coming quickly your destroyers and plunders are leaving and going raise your eyes and look around they are all gathering and coming to you Jerusalem he's still talking to Jerusalem out of nice wares as surely as I am Alive you will wear them all like jewels the children of Israel down through the ages two thousand years later that are returning to Jerusalem are adorning Jerusalem preparing her for the wedding that is to come when the bridegroom comes so when you return if God calls you back to Israel and back to Jerusalem think of yourself as a precious jewel no matter where you're at you are a precious jewel of yo and you have a purpose a very high purpose not only and I recognizing your own identity but understanding your identity in Israel and in the selfless Spirit of God you understand more fully your true purpose to reveal that selfless love to your fellow man and to the nation's and that leads you to your ultimate destiny which is when you align yourself with selfless love you walk right into eternity that is the essence of life itself Zecharia and mine you know it reminds me of a few other places in scripture where he refers to us like jewels and he says and you will adorn yourself with them like a bride as I live you Jerusalem shall surely wear them the descendants of Israel all like jewels and adorn yourself as a bride does Zechariah 9 16 says and the Lord their God shall save them in that day whenever you see in that day in Scripture it's referring to either the first coming or the second coming and more times than not referring to the second coming the second coming a lot of times talks about that great day of the Lord so in that day you will the God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people you should referred to Israel the Lost house of Israel has the flock or the lost sheep for they shall be as the gems of a crown lifted up as a banner and in sign upon his land so another reference to the descendants of Israel like a jewel in his crown and they shall be mine says the Lord of hosts in that day when I make up my jewels once again in that day and I will spare them as a man spares his own son that serves him Israel is the bride and her descendants are like the jewels that are returning to adorn Jerusalem verse 19 says for your desolate places and ruins and you're devastated land will be too cramped for those living in it this tells you how many people will be coming back from the last two thousand seven hundred years since Israel was taken captive imagine how many have died in the Lord with their faith that they would be resurrected and in that day when all the descendants of Israel who have ever lived that are righteous are returned to the land and their inheritance is given to them an important of the land it says they're gonna be so numerous that the land will be cramped that's why it will return to the original land grant which is from the freight ease River to the Nile and all the way across Saudi Arabia to the Gulf that's the original land grant that God intended for the descendants of Abraham to inhabit he says your devourers will be far away the day will come when the children born when you were mourning and how long the women mourning ever since we were taking exile by Assyria two thousand seven hundred and forty plus years ago all the children that have been born since you were mourning will say to you this place is too cramped give me more room so I can live then you Jerusalem will ask yourself who fathered these for me so it's like Jerusalem is the mother and she's asking who's the man in my life who's fathered all these children I don't recognize them where did they all come from they weren't born here see the imagery that's beautiful if you understand that it's speaking of Jerusalem looking as a mother to the descendants of Israel and all of a sudden all these children are coming to her saying mommy mommy I'm your children I'm the descendants and she's like who fathered all these because it's been 2700 years that we've been multiplying as God said would happen in all the lands of our dispersion with all the rich resources that we've had available to us in all the lands we have become more numerous than the stars of heaven are the sands of the sea just as God promised Abraham and so Jerusalem is saying wow who are all these children are they mine who fathered these for me I've been mourning my children alone think of the cities speaking as an exile wandering to and fro so who has raised these I was left alone so where have these come from and this is a reference to Ephraim the northern house of Israel who has been hidden amongst the nations it was prophesied that God would scatter them and they would forget who they are they would live in the Gentiles like Gentiles they would follow the Gaul and the false gods of the Gentiles they would eat the unclean foods of the Gentiles but in the last days they would wake up to their identity they would return to Torah God would regather them back to the land and all these years we've been hidden with a purpose it hasn't been such a bad curse because we've been able to multiply and thrive and God has hidden us from our enemies that if we were in one place you know the enemy would have loved to destroy and wipe out all of Israel to cause God's Word to return to avoid and not be fulfilled and so in essence it's been for our good that we have been hidden amongst the nations and now Jerusalem is saying WOW for so long I've been alone so where have all these children come from they're all coming back home beautiful glimpse of the Messianic age verse 22 says Adonai Elohim answers her I am beckoning to the nations he's giving an answer to Jerusalem I'm raising my banner for the people and they will bring your sons speaking to Jerusalem in their arms and carry your daughters on their shoulders Kings will be your foster fathers and princesses your nurses they will bow down to you Jerusalem and speaking to Israel face toward the earth and lick the dust on your feet then you will know that I am out and I those who wait for me will not be sorry sometime feels like we're waiting a long time doesn't it to see the prophecies and the promises be fulfilled but those who wait on the Lord they will not be disappointed they will not be sorry he says he's raising his banner for the people and what is his banner Song of Solomon is a beautiful prophetic story of God and his relationship with his bride the way he looks at Israel as this perfect beautiful woman and it's on his home in 2:4 he says his banner over me is love so if God is answering Jerusalem when she says I was left alone where have all these children come from and he says I am beckoning to the nation's for them to come back to you I'm raising my banner for the people and if his banner is love that means it's drew the knowledge of God's love his character of love which is the ultimate revelation of is through Yeshua our Messiah that has woke up the nation's wounds love is the only true motivator the promise of heaven or the reward of you know heaven or the punishment of Hell like the Christian world has promoted for so long has never been a true motivator it might change somebody's behavior for a short amount of time but the only true motivator is that amazing selfless unconditional love of God and that love was exemplified in its ultimate form through Yeshua laying down his life for the Lost house of Israel so that that message would go forth and wake up the Lost house of Israel he knew it would take time this is why there's 2,000 years between his first coming and his second coming people have to fully understand the depth of the character of God their true father the one who fathered them for Jerusalem and so love is the one that is beckoning all the people back into a right relationship that's God's banner verse 24 says but can booty be rested from a warrior can a Victor's captives be free this is referring to the ex aisles of Israel they were taken by Assyria by force and he's saying can anybody just wrestle back the booty that somebody takes captive in war not any normal person but the God of the universe can here is out a nice answer even a warrior's captain's will be snatched away and the booty of the fearful will be freed I will fight those who fight you he's speaking to in Jerusalem and to the descendants of Israel here's another element of God as our protector another element of relationship he says I'm not will not only fight those who fight you I will save your children and he's referring to the future generations at the coming of Messiah do you know what other text talks about God coming back the second coming and him fighting those who fight us what is the scene what is happening at the second coming at the beginning of the Messianic age all the nations are gathered against Jerusalem right it's called the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation and Zechariah 14 speaks of this time when it says then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations as when he fights in the day of battle you know what it says a couple verses later and the Lord will be king over all the earth in that day this is a messianic reference to when Yeshua comes and establishes God's kingdom and he reigns as high priest and King and yet the first thing that he's doing is fighting for us fulfilling this promise here in Isaiah I will fight those who fight you Israel well the worst time in the Earth's history Daniel says it's gonna be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation so much so that if time was not shortening the scripture says oh no flesh would survive right everyone would be wiped out but he must have a rev remnant he comes back to save his people and he fights those who are fighting them and this is why Zechariah says he's gonna be a raid as one is a raid in the day of battle to protect us to deliver us verse 26 says I will feed those oppressing you with their own flesh they will be drunk on their own blood as with wine well what happens when the bridegroom comes you have the wedding and then after the wedding you have a wedding feast in the heavenly sphere we know that the wedding takes place because the bridegroom always builds a Hoopa which is the wedding place off of the father's house the wedding always occurs off the father's house where's the father's house house and temple are synonymous in Scripture you'll always see this so the house of the Lord is in the heavenly sphere Yeshua says I go to prepare a place for you if it were not so I would have told you he's talking about the wedding Hoopa he's preparing it's not that we're gonna live in mansions forever in the heavenly sphere it's just for a short time for that wedding after the wedding there's a wedding feast and we know that's called the wedding supper of the Lamb in Revelation well what's happening on this earth the seventh plague has fallen out upon the flesh of kings and captains the mighty men who would come up against Jerusalem to take it by force and we see in the prophet Ezekiel a description of the vultures having a feast on this earth well the Saints are having a feast in heaven and it says they eat the flesh of the kings and captains and the mighty men let's look at that and I will feed them that a Presti with their own flesh this is what we just read in our haftorah look at how it relates prophetically to the end of days to the second coming Ezekiel 39 verse 4 says thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel speaking to all those who would come against her now in all your bands this is the army is the hosts the soldiers and the people that are with thee I will give thee to the ravenous birds of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured so this is what's happening when the feast is happening in the heavenly sphere on this earth speak unto every feathered fowl and to every beast of the field assemble yourselves and come gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel that you might eat flesh and drink blood this is a reference to what I say is saying now so often we read one prophet out of context with another prophet we don't realize they're telling the same exact story God is speaking knowing the end from the beginning and so he's saying the same message to each of the prophets in just different ways our job is to line upon line precept upon precept overlay them so that we can get a clearer picture of the chronology of endtime events and what these figurative languages are speaking of this is the same thing that revelation 19 is speaking up through the Prophet John he says and I saw an angel standing in the Sun and he cried out with a loud voice saying to all the fowls of the air that fly in the midst of heaven come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the Great God that you might eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and then that sit on them and the flesh of all men both free and bond small and great and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse this is figurative language of the second coming Messiah is on the horse and against his army so imagine the mighty men of this earth that are coming to take Jerusalem by force in the Battle of Armageddon when the Lord comes back to fight on behalf of Israel they think that they they have the audacity to think that they can even wage war against him with all of their vehicles of warfare and technology and missiles and nukes and who knows what they're gonna do you know when they see the Lord coming but it's only gonna backfire on them so Isaiah Ezekiel revelation John they're all speaking of the same in time event which is very exciting of course we will be protected from the like the saints go all the way through the three and a half year time of trouble all the way down to the sixth plague which is on Armageddon and the sixth seal the sixth plague and the sixth trumpet are all talking about the same timeframe exactly preceding the coming of Messiah it's the seventh plague that we don't partake of which is the wrath of God also known as the fall of Babylon and here it's reference right in our haftorah to give us hope he's gonna fight those who fight against us he's gonna save us as the children of Israel he says I will feed those opposing you with their own flesh and be drunk on their own blood is with wine then everyone will know that I know David hey am your Savior and what is the Hebrew word for yah salvation Yeshua then everyone will know the full implements of God's salvation through Yeshua he says and your Redeemer so they're gonna recognize Yeshua as the Redeemer as the implement of God's outstretched mighty arm and this is why he says the Mighty One of Yaakov right here verse 50 I mean chapter 15 verse 1 out and I says where is your mothers divorce document he's talking to Israel in Hebrew we call this character's affair this is I get a certificate of release with which I put her away or to who of my creditors did I sell her he didn't he's basically saying show me proof why are you acting like someone who's been put aside you were sold because of your sins we sold ourselves into slavery because of our crimes was our mother divorced so Jerusalem has lost out because of the cause and effect of our own sins and we constantly see that cause and effect affecting not only us but those around us the ripple effect because of your crimes why was no one here when I came when I came this is God speaking when he put his word into human flesh and he came to save Israel this is why you she says I come only for the lost house of Israel and he comes to Jerusalem in Jerusalem's practically desolate there's only Judah and Benjamin and a few leftovers from those tribes in 4 BC this is a hidden reference to you she was first coming he says why was no one here when I came Israel had already gone 722 years before in 722 BC why when I called did no one answer he is my arm too short to redeem now is here he sent his word in human flesh which is his righteous right hand his outstretched arm and he's saying even though no one was here when I came is it too short to save amazing depth of meaning to these words have I too little power to save with my rebuke I dry up the sea I turn rivers into deserts and their fish rot for lack of water and they die of thirst I dressed the heavens in black to mourn you know he intended for there to be a wedding but no Israel wasn't there to receive him when he came the first time so instead of a white wedding all the prophecies that Israel expected to see when Messiah came were pushed off to his second coming his reigning is king establishing the kingdom the wedding the white betrothal garments now instead of white it's like he's dressing the heavens in black to mourn to make their covering sack cloth this is profound now it moves into a very profound messianic prophecy of his first coming and sacrifice yes Enoch yes and that's another good point at the crucifixion remember this was Passover that Passover it's a full moon on a full moon you cannot have a solar eclipse solar eclipses only occur on new moons because of the shadow right of the earth and R of the moon on the Sun what happened at the crucifixion was the day became dark it looked like a solar eclipse but it's astronomically impossible this had to be a supernatural darkness that he clothed the heavens end good point Enoch and now he goes into that time frame of his first coming prophetically listen to how he speaks so profoundly with these Messianic prophecies adonai elohim has given me the ability to speak as a man well thought so now the word made flesh is recognized as one who is going to be recognized as a man well thought well what did they say to you sure when he was twelve years old who has taught this young man is the golden exact correlation to this he is so well taught what rabbinical school did he go - he knows Torah better than any of us he is the living Torah Yeshua the word is the man well taught he says so that I with my word know how to sustain the weary and truly the loving words of Yeshua to the world have sustained the weary each morning he awakens my ear you know you she was referred to as the morning star the bright morning star to hear like those who are taught adonai elohim has opened my ear and I neither rebelled nor turned away this is the one man who can righteously redeem because there's no sin found in him while he took the sin of the world he who knew no sin became sin for us he never sinned in one iota therefore this word is prophetically the word speaking for himself he's saying I neither rebelled nor turned away this is 800 years before he even the word was made flesh it's amazing how prophecy works I offered my back to those who struck me showing the selfless nature he is the Prophet like under Moshe whose humble and meek and yet he did not sin where Moses sinned he says I willingly offer my back to those who strike me he's like a selfless willing sacrifice just like Isaac typify submitting to his father my cheeks I submitted to those who plucked out my beard he didn't even defend himself you know Isaiah 53 says he was led like a lamb to the slaughter yet he didn't even open his mouth they were falsely accusing him and he didn't even defend himself if Paul says have this mind in you which was in Yeshua HaMashiach what does that mean when you get falsely accused when the enemy attacks you how are you supposed to operate in selfless love in total submission self-denial not even defending ourselves it's amazing how love can cover a multitude of sins and how a soft word can turneth away wrath and so he says I didn't even hide my face from insult and from being spit upon this is Isaiah talking 800 years before it happened and I don't know Elohim will help he trusted Elohim even unto death and Elohim raised him from the dead so he did help this is why no insult can wound me pretty amazing if we recognize that this body is not our true identity the Spirit of God is our true identity then whatever somebody does to the body I don't have to be reactionary I don't have to defend myself I say like yushua said out and I will help whatever is gonna happen is for my good and for the good of others and so we just show that selfless love of God without any mixture of self in it he says this is why I have set my face like flint knowing that I will not put to shame he resolved to just be the selfless love of God in human flesh my Vindicator is close by let whoever dares to accuse me appear with me in court let whoever has a case against me step forward look if adonai elohim helps me who will dare condemn me amazing powerful words why is this not being taught more often here look they're all falling apart all the people who brought accusations they're falling apart like old moth-eaten close which is to say that they have no life in them here he's gave his life and he's raised from the dead those who took his life go to the grave and our moth-eaten worm-eaten so you see two different principles one leading to life eternal and life more abundantly and the other no matter how much we try to defend or protect ourselves it's not gonna save our lives this is why Yeshua says he who seeks to save his life will lose it but he who willingly gives his life for my sake will gain it and when he says gain it he's talking about eternally first 10 of chapter 50 says who among you fears Adonai who obeys what his servant says once again this reference to the servant you know Deuteronomy 18 talks about Moe shay and says that God will send one like Moe Shea from his brethren who would be meek and humble who would be a prophet who God would put his word into and whoever didn't listen to his word there would he would have to account to God I don't know if I have that text on the board but you can look it up in isaiah 8 I mean Deuteronomy 18 the prophet like unto Moshe so when it says who among you fears a denying who obeys what his servant says this is a reference to not only Israel but specifically Yeshua because he says whoever does not listen to him who I put my words in in that day that's serving like Adam O'Shea he will have to come to account with me so another hidden messianic prophecy there we need to listen to what Yeshua says because he is the ultimate explainer of God's character of selfless love even when he walks in the dark without any light this is referring to his death he will trust in a denies reputation and rely on his God he totally trusted God beyond his own self but all of you who are lighting fires and arming yourselves with fire brands go walk in the flame of your own fire among the fire brands you live from my hands this fate awaits you you will lie down in torment so once again the same thing that you schewe said just in a different way he who willingly gives his life God will save it but he who seeks to save his life will lose it now the end of the haftorah is just the first three verses of chapter 51 and God says listen to me you pursuers of Justice you who seek out and I consider the rock from which you were cut the quarry from which you were dug this word rock is evident in the Hebrew and eben is filled olive bait noon this bait needs a little God in it to have the B sound and what's amazing is what is that a nice saying here he's saying listen to me if you really seek God and if you want to understand God I want you to consider the rock the ebon from which you are cut now the interesting thing about the word Evan is that it's comprised of two different Hebrew words most Hebrew roots are three but these are two to consummate roots the first root is off you see all of Beit which is the root of ABBA which means father so you can see all of Beit his father baton neun is the Hebrew word for son when we consider the rock from which we were cut we see a reference to the father and the son remember the lamb slain from the foundation of the world the Word of God that always pre-existed as God with God John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and all things that came into being came into being through him and nothing that has ever been made has not been made without him and so this word became flesh and dwelt among us and God is telling the children of Israel 800 years before even Christ was born to consider the rock from which you were cut the same word that spoke all things into existence came down and intimately you know I spoke everything else into existence but what's amazing about mankind created in the image of God is he intimately formed man from the dust of the ground and he intimately because we're talking about relationship breathed into his nostrils that transference of DNA is not just spoken when it comes to man it's transferred through the very breath the Ruach of God and it says and he became a living soul and we were created in His image male and female so you see the very fact that it mentions male and female shows both aspects of masculine and feminine in the divine source this is why in today's haftorah we see him referring as a father to himself as well as to a mother and this is the stone that the builders rejected when this stone came as the word of God in human flesh they did not recognize him they had so conditioned their minds they were stuck in a paradigm of what God looked like from the letter of the law the letter of the law without the spirit kills it's the spirit that gives life that's the spirit that gives you discernment it's the spirit that leads you into all truth we should afar our forefathers should have recognized the stone from which they were cut their very source the Word of God made flesh he says consider the rock from which you were cut the quarry from which you were dug consider all brahim your father and Sara who gave birth to you in that I called him when he was only one person then blessed him and made him many and it's kind of like God God is one there's no separate gods there's not a polytheism that we believe in there's only one we say that in the Shema every day and yet from one because love is always other centered God has imparted himself outward he's he's given up himself so that there's an object of affection that's why he even took Eve from Adams side because love is not self-centered it's always other centered same thing he did with his own word he took it from within him and he put it out of him in human flesh so that there would be an object of love of affection and so while like Abraham he was 1 God has blessed and made him mini fat and I will comfort Zion and you know that's our true identity the Spirit of God in us even though God is one it's like from this ocean that all of these different droplets of his spirit have been given to us to give us life or another analogy might be the fire that sparks out sparks and we're like all all sparks from the same fire all droplets from the same ocean so when I look at you or you were you I should be seeing God in you and they have this principle in India you know when they say namaste to one another they're recognizing the divinity and me recognizes the divinity in you and it might sound new-age but there's some truth to it and that is that if we will really understand how precious each one of us is because the Spirit of God is our true identity we will serve one another in love as if we're serving God Himself and this is why you should I told the parable he says in as much as you have done it to one of the least of these you've done it unto me this is true and spotless religion those who visit widows and orphans in their time of need we need to be more compassion and we need to be taking care of one another we need to be recognizing the divinity in one another and loving that divinity and in so loving it this is how we show our love to God this is why first John Force's who loves God or says he loves God and yet hates his brother he is a liar right it's so important to get these principles down there so simple and yet they're just not been meditated on enough then in closing 51 verse 3 says once again coming back to that comfort a denies gonna comfort Zion it's always looking forward to Messiah fulfilling the restoration of all things in Jerusalem in Zion God is gonna comfort Zion through Messiah he will comfort all her ruined places he's gonna make her desert like the Garden of Eden again in her Arav atharva is the lowest land that hot dried land where nothing grows around the Dead Sea that's the Arve he's gonna make the Arve like the Garden of Adonai joy and gladness will be their Thanksgiving and Sound of Music what hope he's giving us at the end of this haftorah he's saying look forward to the Messianic age everything's gonna be restored everything's gonna be healed the Lord will comfort Zion he will comfort all her waste places he will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert like the Garden of the Lord joy and gladness will be found in it I was thinking about this term joy and gladness and I thought in closing maybe we look at a couple other verses where people have used the same terminology together joy not just by itself but joy and gladness throughout the scriptures because the beautiful thing about reading the scriptures is bringing them all in context understanding that what I say is saying is nothing new God inspired David to look forward to the same timeframe he inspired even man to look forward to his first coming with joy and gladness and we'll look at some of these reference texts King David said make me hear joy and gladness that the bones which you have broken may rejoice so he's basically saying that when he dies his bones are gonna decay they're gonna be broken but he wants to know without a doubt what is coming in the future all the prophecies that God has given David was very prophetic he wrote many prophecies about both issue was first coming and second coming he's saying that he looks forward to that day and the restoration of all things the only problem with the first century Jews is they didn't understand the concept of two different comings they thought everything would have to be fulfilled in one coming and this is why they rejected yushua when he died and he they thought he was a failed Messiah because he didn't restore the kingdom by returning the Exile and rebuilding the temple and what's the third element of the Messiah he must establish the kingdom rebuild the temple and return the Exile yeah that's all three of them Luke 1:14 says you shall have joy and gladness and many shall rejoice at his birth so this is in reference to his first coming but we're gonna see it even more fully at his second coming because remember it was like he came and he says where is everyone people are ready for me Psalms 40 verse 16 says but may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you may those who love you love your salvation and repeatedly shout the Lord is great this is the day that we look forward to that we're gonna see very soon I believe we are the final generation and David is saying may we all who search for God be filled with joy and gladness may those who love your yeshua be able to shout the lord is great and this is what's gonna be shouted in that messianic age when the Lord returns and I look forward to that how about you it's very exciting to see all these little things that are so easy to be read through you know we read chapters like Isaiah 49 of 50 so quickly and we missed so much of the beautiful depth unless we dissect them and Midrash and compare with the Saudi Scripture upon Scripture it is such a blessing to see what God is doing in our age you know our forefathers looked forward to this age where we would see the fulfillment of Israel and Judah coming back together and the messianic age Hebrews 11 39 and 40 says this is the day that our forefathers look forward to yet did not see we are privileged to live in it so don't take it lightly okay there's a huge responsibility that comes with this privilege God wants you to vindicate that same selfless love in your characters that Yeshua exemplified and it's by vindicating that character by living it out that we can prove Satan's lies to be false once and for all and that we can usher in this beautiful restoration of all things so with that let's stand and we'll close in prayer and enjoy a good lunch together Abba Father we love you we thank you for taking the scales from our eyes to see so beautifully your plan of salvation from the foundation of the world and your plan to restore and protect Israel and to restore her to her rightful place as your bride and so we just ask father that you would cleanse us from all unrighteousness so that we can be found as a bride without spot or blemish when the bridegroom comes and that we might be United together as we are united in him and as we are united in you and we ask for your spirit of truth to ennoble our minds and to lift our spirits father so that we can see more clearly and live out be empowered to live out the light of your love in all that we think do and say this is our prayer father and the desire of our hearts to glorify you and we thank you for revealing yourself to us and these times in your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 4,659
Rating: 4.8734179 out of 5
Keywords: Haftarah Eikev, Haftarah, Haftarah Ekev, Isaiah 49, Isaiah 50, Haftarah of Consolation, Messiah, Messianic age, age of Moshiach, Relationship, Relationship with God, Rabbi Isaac, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Israel
Id: NwX3i1Ghvmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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