Teshuvah - Turning To The Master In Obedience

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all right are you ready to get into yah's word today i am as well i want you to open your bibles with me to deuteronomy chapter 30 and we'll begin with verse 1 in just a moment and i've entitled this message today teshuvah turning to the master in obedience teshuvah it means to turn to the master to turn away from your lifestyle of sin and begin to obey what yah has commanded you to do and so we're going to talk about that and we're going to talk about the things that yah spoke to israel but i want you to know that when you believe in yeshua you become grafted in to believing israel so what the scripture says to israel it is also saying to you if you're a believer in yeshua so we're going to begin with deuteronomy chapter 30 beginning with verse 1 and it says this and it shall be when all these words come upon you all these words these words of torah these words of blessing these words of cursing when all these words come upon you in other words you experience what yah says if you are obedient you will be blessed if you are disobedient you will be cursed and it shall be when all these words come upon you the blessing and the curse which i have set before you and you shall bring them back to your heart that means you remember you remember what the torah says about obedience and disobedience it says among all the nations where yah your elohim drives you now why did yah drive israel into the nations because of disobedience there are no good things that come from disobedience if you want blessings you need to be obedient it says in isaiah 59 and verse 2 but your crookednesses have separated you from your elohim and your sins have hidden his face from you from hearing what is sin what is the bible definition of sin it is the transgression of the torah so whenever you read in what's called the new testament about sin it actually means that you have transgressed the commandments of elohim you have transgressed the torah of elohim so it is your crookednesses that separate you from elohim and your sins have hidden his face from you from hearing in other words he won't hear your prayers if you're living a lifestyle of the transgression of torah so we need to understand what torah is we need to understand the commandments we need to have a heart that is willing and desirous to be obedient to the commands of elohim now look at deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 2 it says and shall turn back all right so when you remember these words that you've heard from torah in all the nations where you've been driven because of your disobedience and shall turn back so teshuvah means to turn back now some people know elohim and they turn away and they need to turn back other people have just been living a lifestyle of sin and they need to turn to elohim but that's when you see these words turn back to yah your elohim and obey his voice that's what teshuva means and so it's something that you must do you turn away from your lifestyle of sin and you turn to yah your elohim and you begin to obey his voice it says according to all that i command you today with all your heart and with all your being you and your children so the question is are you obeying yah today with all your heart are you passionate about obedience are you obeying him with all your being are you all about obedience or do you have a religious experience are you just making it just getting by i tell you that's what we're wanting to do in all 50 states we're wanting to encourage the people to be passionate toward obedience to be obedient with all your heart and with all your being you and your children verse 3 says then yah your elohim shall turn back your captivity he's going to deliver you from what you're captive to he's going to change things in your situation then yah your elohim shall turn back your captivity and shall have compassion on you so obedience brings about the compassion of yah he shall turn back and gather you from all the peoples where yah your elohim has scattered you yes this is speaking of israel but there are a lot of people on the earth today that are scattered they're wandering through life they're aimless and it's because they're not passionate about elohim they're not passionate about being obedient i tell you when you believe upon yeshua with a belief that produces obedience then you have a vision life changes you have a mission life gets exciting i never thought i was going to travel to all 50 states and then across canada i mean life has gotten really exciting yah is a tremendous travel agent if you have a heart he'll send you verse 4 if any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under the heavens from there yah your elohim does gather you there's no place too far away for yah to have mercy on you and to gather you up when you turn to him with a desire to be obedient now i realize that all this talk about obedience runs contrary to the most popular christian doctrine today which is that of hyper grace where you do nothing elohim does everything and if you want to obey the bible why you've fallen from grace now you're just a law keeper you know what we say if you're not a law keeper what are you a law breaker and when you stand before yeshua in judgment because he's coming back he's been appointed by yah to judge the living and the dead he is going to judge you according to what you do not according to what you say you believe there's a lot of people out there saying that they believe in yeshua but your belief informs your action yeshua didn't say ask the tree if it believes he said you'll know them by their fruit he says just look at the fruit on the tree and you'll know what kind of tree it is yeshua said that when he comes back he's going to give he's going to reward everyone according to their works that's what he said so i challenge all of my christian friends to study what the standard for judgment is is it really what you say you believe or is it what you do and if they'll study the scripture we're going to look at some of it tonight and some of it tomorrow you'll find out that the standard for judgment is not what you say you believe it's what you do because your belief informs what you do you're going to act a certain way because you believe a certain way if any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under the heavens from there yah your elohim does gather you and from there he does take you and yah your elohim shall bring you to the land which your fathers possessed and you shall possess it and he shall do good to you and increase you more than your fathers and yah your elohim shall circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed your children to love yah your elohim with all your heart and with all your being so that you might live and so we see in deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 16 a command that yah gave the children of israel to circumcise the foreskins of their hearts it says and you shall circumcise the foreskin of your heart and harden your neck no more in other words stop rebelling circumcise your heart the circumcision of the heart is something that yah has promised to do in the life of the believer we see a commandment in torah that the children of israel were to circumcise their hearts they didn't do it they didn't do it they rebelled they went after false deities the translation that i have says they went whoring after false deities they committed abominations they resisted yah their elohim and because of that he drove them out of the land now he was married to israel and they broke the covenant we know the house of israel the ten tribes some call them the northern tribes they broke away from the house of yahudah of course binyamin was with them as well yahudah and they went into idolatry they committed all sorts of abominations and yah sent prophets to them and they wouldn't listen they were stiff-necked and rebellious they had hard hearts they did not have circumcised hearts and so yah finally gave them over to their abominations and he raised up the sovereign of assyria to come in and to take him off into exile and he threw him out of the land yah threw him out of his house the scripture even says that he wrote the house of israel a certificate of divorce and so they were divorced and then it goes on to say yeah huda did the same thing and they broke the covenant as well and he sent them off to babylon but he brought them back he didn't write them a certificate of divorce and so when we look at the original covenant we see that the original covenant is defined by many commands where yah says and you shall and you shall and you shall you shall put my word in your heart and you shall write my word upon your doors and upon your gates and you shall teach your children my word and you shall talk about my word when you rise up and when you lie down when you'll walk along the way and you shall and you shall and you shall well the first covenant the original covenant was broken and yah had a failed marriage so yah says in scripture that he's going to do something different it says right here in deuteronomy chapter 30 this is a promise it's prophetic it's for our day today if you don't think you can find prophetic word out of torah you don't understand how powerfully prophetic torah is we see a passage right here that is speaking about believers in yeshua what is it it says that yah your elohim shall circumcise your heart who's going to do it he's going to do it and the heart of your seed notice to love yah how do you love y'all yeshua made it plain he said if you love me keep my commandments he wasn't saying anything new by the way he was quoting his father he was quoting torah yeshua was the ultimate teacher of torah it says to love yah your elohim with all your heart and with all your being so that you might live so he said i'm going to circumcise their hearts so the new covenant some call it the renewed covenant but there is something new about the new covenant what's new about the new covenant is that yah has promised to do a work in the hearts of believers to give them everything that is necessary for them to be successful in the covenant why he doesn't want another failed marriage he doesn't want another failed marriage so he's going to do it himself and so the new covenant is defined by yah saying and i shall and i shall and i shall and i'll show you a scripture that'll bear that out so the original covenant is defined by and you shall and you shall and you shall the new covenant is defined by yah saying and i shall and i shall and i shall how wonderful is that well let's look at it go with me over to colossians chapter 2 and verse 11. you may have never put this together but the writings of the emissaries what's called the new testament is simply spiritual commentary on what has already been written there is nothing new it is spiritual commentary on what has already been written so we read in deuteronomy were we not just there in torah we read that yah is promising to circumcise the hearts of believers his people and then what do we see in colossians chapter 2 starting with verse 11. it says in him in yeshua you were also circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands that's the circumcision of the heart in the putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of messiah so the circumcision of messiah written about in colossians 2 is the fulfillment of the promise that yah made in deuteronomy chapter 30 hallelujah having been buried with him in immersion you're buried with yeshua that water is like a grave you you die to your old sinful life and you're immersed in that water you enter that grave with yeshua it says in which you also were raised with him through the belief in the working of elohim who raised him yeshua from the dead so you're raised to walk in newness of life you're a new person and you being dead in your trespasses trespasses of what of torah you were dead in your trespasses of torah and the uncircumcision of your flesh shall writes now you know who shall is right paulus or paul shaol writes that there are evil inclinations that reside in the uncircumcised flesh and we're going to look at that in romans chapter 7 and 8. maybe not tonight but we will probably look at it tomorrow so there are evil inclinations in the flesh so when you believe upon yeshua and you are immersed in water that's the place where your heart is circumcised and i'm going to show you out of ezekiel that that's the place where you get the want to heart now this is very very important because for you to be able to fulfill the commands of yah and do it with joy you have to have the want to heart and then you have to have the power to and i'm going to show you out of ezekiel chapter 36 in just a moment those two things it says in colossians 2 13 and you being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh he has made alive together with him elohim has made you alive together with yeshua having forgiven you all trespasses and so when you're immersed in water your heart is circumcised things change now let's look at ezekiel chapter 36 we'll pick up with verse 25 the prophet writes and i shall sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols i cleanse you here it is and i shall give you a new heart that's the want to heart and put a new spirit within you and i shall take the heart of stone out of your flesh the heart of stone is the i don't want to obey heart now i know a lot of people in religion who have a heart of stone and they don't even know it they don't want to obey they'll give you every reason why the largest portion of the bible has been abolished again everything left of matthew doesn't relate to us doesn't apply to us that's what they say they don't want to obey they have all kind of religious reasons why they don't have to obey they're looking for excuses let me ask you this did yeshua obey did he obey his father completely was there anyone who obeyed more completely than yeshua now when he called his disciples what did he say follow me now do you think he's going to obey completely and then say follow me and then lead you in lawlessness does that make any sense people say well he obeyed it so we don't have to really he set an example of obedience and then said oh but don't follow my example he is the righteous one why is he the righteous one because he obeyed his father perfectly and completely there is one called the lawless one have you read about him the anti-messiah he's the lawless one he's the one who doesn't obey he's the one who is anti-messiah so i see two camps in the world the camp of the righteous who have the want to heart and the camp of those who will ultimately be deceived and follow anti-messiah because they're supporting and promoting lawlessness and there's a lot of that promotion of lawlessness in the christian world as i mentioned before one of the most popular doctrines in christianity today is the doctrine of over the top perverted i call it grace where you do nothing if you dare to obey the bible while you've fallen from grace and now you're just a law keeper when you think about it look at the day that we're living in when we have to labor so hard to promote obedience to scripture because nobody wants to obey i say nobody we do why because we have the want too hard people say oh you're just dragging people off into bondage you ever heard that they say that about me you're just dragging people off into bondage you know what my response to that is it's not bondage when you want to is it bondage when you want to when you have the want to heart it's the i don't want to heart that is the stony heart i don't want to obey i'll come up with all kind of religious reasons why i shouldn't have to obey it's almost like a little child throwing a temper tantrum i don't want to obey again we're not unhappy warriors we're happy warriors but i didn't get up this morning and go oh i got to obey the bible today no i'm happy to obey the bible it gives me great joy to obey the bible i want to please my father yeshua said in one place he said my father's always with me and so it kind of begs the question well why he says because i always do what pleases him you want him with you do what pleases him obey him we're talking about teshuvah turning to the master in obedience and i shall take the heart of stone out of your flesh i'll take that i don't want to obey heart out and i shall give you a heart of flesh that's the want to heart moldable shapeable makeable and put my spirit within you that gives you the power to so you have the want to and the power to be obedient and i shall cause you don't you like those words you remember what i said as it relates to what's called the new covenant the new covenant is defined by what and i shall and i shall and i shall the original covenant was defined by and you shall and you shall and you shall and they failed he doesn't want another failed marriage so he's going to do something to assure success in the marriage it says and i shall cause you i love to think that what i'm doing right is because he's causing me and i shall cause you to walk in my laws and guard my right rulings and you shall do them he's going to cause me to walk in his laws his tarot and guard his right rulings and he says i'm going to do them i'm going to do them now when we read over in jeremiah 31 starting with verse 31. it talks about in the new covenant how yah places his torah in our inward parts in our minds so that we think about how we can love yah and that's through obedience and then he places the torah in our hearts doesn't say anything about the torah being abolished how foolish it would be for yah to place an abolished torah in your mind and in your heart that didn't make any sense so if you believe upon yeshua and by the way if you're a true believer you're grafted into believing israel now i want to say this i say it with all kindness but when you hear me say that if if you take on a confrontational attitude well all that stuff's just for the jews then i would i would ask you to check your heart and see if there's not a little bit of anti-semitic attitude there that's just for the jews the scripture says you've been grafted in to believing israel the covenant is cut with the house of israel and the house of yehuda the covenant is not cut with a roman rooted gentile sunday church if you want to be a part of the covenant you have to believe in yeshua who is the son of elohim of the house of yahudah judah okay and then you're grafted in through believing israel so when you read the scriptures that pertain to israel that's you you are israel you're believing israel and we pray for unbelieving israel we want them to be justified and saved as well and so don't have the wrong attitude about these things i've seen people when they hear some of these messages their brow gets all crinkled up oh that's just for the jews and they don't understand that they've joined into believing israel so we need to be careful our attitudes toward israel all right let's go over to matthew chapter 28. we'll pick up with verse 18. and yeshua came up and spoke to them saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth he was the perfect representation of the father he had the power of attorney the father gave him the power of attorney if i was to give you power of attorney and you walked into my bank you could go up to the teller and say i want to withdraw all of g stephen simon's money and they could look across at you and say well you don't look like g stephen simons you could hold up that power of eternity and you could say when you've seen me you've seen g stephen simons because i'm acting in his authority i represent him when i speak i speak for him i didn't come speaking my own words i came speaking his words when i act i act on his behalf i'm doing his work i'm doing his will and that's exactly what yeshua was doing he had the power of attorney that's why he said all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth therefore go and make taught ones of all the nations so he's speaking to his taught wants to his disciples and he's commanding them to go and make disciples your scripture may say make taught ones of all the nations verse 20 says teaching them notice to guard or obey all that i have commanded you and see i am with you always until the end of the age and so being obedient obedience is part of the great commandment of yeshua the sunday church often teaches that all you have to do is have a mental acknowledgement you say i believe and that's all but yeshua said go and teach them to obey all that i have commanded you again he didn't come speaking his own words he didn't bring anything new his father put his words in his mouth remember deuteronomy 18 18 we quoted it just a little bit ago that yah would raise up a prophet like moshe from the midst of the brothers yah said i will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them all that i command him and it shall be that the man who does not listen to my words which he speaks in my name i will require it of him i will judge him in other words he's speaking for me have you ever given someone authority and and people disrespected them and you had to walk in and say look when this person speaks they're speaking for me whatever they say goes because they're speaking for me and that's the way yeshua was he was the perfect representation of the father he wasn't the father but he represented the father on the earth and he said go and teach people to obey yeshua was the ultimate teacher of torah he didn't bring something new he taught torah i could take you through the teachings of yeshua and show you how he simply quoted his father he taught torah hallelujah go with me over to matthew chapter 5 we'll pick up with verse 17. and this is going to show us that yeshua taught torah and promoted the teaching of torah verse 17 says do not think that i came to destroy the torah or the prophets isn't that interesting that he would say don't think that now when you think about christianity what do most people in christianity think that he came to destroy or abolish the torah and the prophets but he says out of his own mouth do not think that and so we're disobeying him when we believe what we've been taught in mixed up religion and we accept what they say that the torah has been abolished that everything left of matthew do you understand what i mean by that look at your bible find matthew everything left of matthew has been abolished we're doing exactly what yeshua said not to do do not think that i came to destroy or to abolish the torah or the prophets i did not come to destroy or abolish but to complete your bible may say fulfill fulfilled doesn't mean i'm going to do it so you don't have to that's religion religion has made that up the word fulfill means to feel full doesn't that make sense i have come to feel full the torah and the prophets i'll give you an example of that he talks about the commandment not to murder and he goes on to say that if you have anger with your brother without a cause it's like you've already murdered him same way with adultery he says if you look upon a woman with lust in your heart you've already committed adultery with her so he takes it beyond the action of the hand i committed murder or i committed adultery and he takes it to the attitude of the heart is that a lower standard is that abolishing the standard or is that filling full the standard in other words raising the standard and then you can read the rest of that sermon and you'll see that he quotes some of the ten words some of the ten commandments but then he goes on and he quotes a number of commandments of torah that are not a part of the ten words and he exalts them all he raises them all he lifts the standard on them all he could have easily said right here you know what i want you to know i've obeyed all the commands of yah so you don't have to don't you think he could have said that i obeyed my father completely so that you could live lawlessly now if you live lawlessly what camp are you in are you in the camp of the righteous are you in the camp of the lawless one it's very simple two camps which camp do you want to be in do not think i came to destroy the torah or the prophets i did not come to destroy but to complete or to fill full for truly i say to you till the heaven and the earth pass away now why does he say that because under moshe moshe called heaven and earth as witness to the commandments and so yeshua is making reference to the witnesses to the commandments till the heaven and the earth pass away well when you got up this morning did you look up into the sky is it still there when you stepped out of bed did you step down on the earth is it still there okay just just wondering one yod or one tittle shall by no means pass from the torah till all be done the yod is the smallest of the hebrew letters it's a tiny little letter and the tittles are the little decorations on those letters now why would he use an example of yod and tittle because he's talking about the set apart written word of yah he's talking about the commandments he says until the heaven and the earth pass away the smallest of the hebrew letters will not pass and not only the smallest of the hebrew letters but the little decorations on those letters will not pass until everything that is written in the torah and the prophets have come to pass and there are still some things written in the torah and the prophets that have not yet come to pass so if you're in the business of abolishing it because it's more convenient then you're promoting lawlessness all right verse 19 says whoever then breaks one of the least of these commands what commands is he talking about here he quoted two of the ten words of the ten commandments but he quoted quite a few of torah commandments so he's talking about the commandments of torah whoever then breaks one of the least of these commands and teaches men so shall be called least in the reign of the heavens so he's telling us he's warning us that we should obey the commands and don't teach people not to obey them but whoever does that's obedience and teaches them he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens so if you obey the bible if you obey torah if you teach others to obey torah you will be called great in the reign of the heavens all right let's go on a little further in deuteronomy chapter 30. we'll look at verse 7. it says and yah your elohim shall put all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate you who persecuted you in other words when you turn back to yah in obedience then the curses that were on you he's going to put on those who are your enemies and those who hate you and persecute you now why why would he say that well we have a promise genesis chapter 12 and verse 3 it says and i shall bless those who bless you and curse him who curses you and in you all the clans of the earth shall be blessed you say well that's for avraham that's for his seed does the scripture not say when you believe in yeshua and are immersed in water that you become the seed of avraham why are you passing over all the blessings that we find in torah and the prophets possibly because you were taught by mixed up religion that they don't apply to you the torah was given for life and blessing you say well that's just for the jews you want the jews to get all the life and the blessing well i want them to be blessed i want them to believe in yeshua but these things are for us and so he will bless those of us who believe in yeshua and those who bless us he will bless and he will curse him who curses you it says let's look at verse 8 of deuteronomy 30. again we're talking about turning to the master in obedience and you shall turn back and obey the voice of yah turn back from where from disobedience from sin what is sin the transgression of torah you shall turn back and obey the voice of yah and do all his commands which i command you today well if you believe in yeshua and you were water immersed then you got to want to heart how many of you here today have the want to heart if you don't have the want to heart you're in the right place at the right time because you need to perform teshuva and that's the message you need to turn back to yah in obedience be water immersed get the want to heart and the power to be obedient verse 9 and yah your elohim shall make you have excess in all the work of your hand in the fruit of your body and in the fruit of your livestock and in the fruit of your ground for good for yah turns back to rejoice over you so when you turn back to him he turns back to rejoice over you for good as he rejoiced over your fathers if you obey the voice of yah your elohim to guard his commands and his laws which are written in this book of the torah if you turn back to yah your elohim with all your heart and with all your being and look at verse 11. notice what it says for this command or these commandments which i am commanding you today is not too hard for you it's not too hard for you when your heart is circumcised that's why the commandment was to be circumcised in your heart again the original covenant said and you shall circumcise the foreskin of your heart well did they do it they didn't do it and when they didn't do it they broke the covenant the covenant is the marriage arrangement and so yah doesn't want another failed marriage so he does something spectacular something remarkable he said i'll be responsible for circumcising their hearts when they believe upon my son when their water immersed then we see that the circumcision of mashiach of messiah takes place in a person and what do they receive the want to heart and they have the power to be obedient changes everything it says for this command which i am commanding you today is not too hard for you implying when your heart is circumcised nor is it far off it is not in the heavens this command this word to say who shall ascend into the heavens for us now pay attention because i'm going to bring this right back to the teaching of sha'ul it's in what's called the new testament and people don't know that sha'ul is simply quoting torah people say that sha'ul takes books like galatians and romans and he abolishes torah and yet torah is the foundation for all of shaoli's teachings if you only understood how many times sha'ul quotes torah in his teachings you would stop saying that shall has abolished torah if he did that he would be abolishing the foundation for his teachings and he hasn't done that so notice it says here this is this is moshe talking about the word talking about the commandments it is not in the heavens to say who shall ascend into the heavens for us to bring it to us and cause us to hear it so that we do it nor is it beyond the sea to say who shall go over the sea for us and bring it to us speaking of the word and cause us to hear it so that we do it for the word is very near you in your mouth and in your heart to do it so we're seeing here in deuteronomy 30 verses 11 through 14 that when a person has a circumcised heart the commands are not too hard to do now we see in first john 5 3 it says for this is the love for elohim in other words this is how you love elohim let's make it really plain here and clear this is how you love elohim that we guard or obey his commands how do you love elohim by obeying his commands notice and his commands are not heavy in other words you could say are not too hard what's he doing he's simply quoting deuteronomy 30. because everyone having been born of elohim overcomes the world and this is the overcoming that has overcome the world our belief this is talking about sin sin in the world we overcome sin through our belief when we believe in yeshua we're water immersed when we're water immersed messiah circumcises our hearts when we get our heart circumcised then what happens we get the want to heart and the power to be obedient and it changes everything verse 5 who is the one who overcomes the world or overcomes sin but he who believes that yeshua is the son of elohim let's look at romans chapter 10 we're going to close with this romans chapter 10 verse 1. it says truly brothers my heart's desire and prayer to elohim for israel is for deliverance for i bear them witness that they have an ardor or an enthusiasm for elohim but not according to knowledge they don't know and understand the righteousness of elohim is through belief in yeshua for not knowing the righteousness of elohim and seeking to establish their own righteousness that is by obeying portions of torah without belief in yeshua again we have a commandment in torah that we are to hear and obey the words of yeshua so if you truly are obeying torah torah is going to lead you to belief in yeshua for not knowing the righteousness of elohim and seeking to establish their own righteousness they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of elohim here it is for messiah is the goal of the torah unto righteousness to everyone who believes messiah is the goal of the torah the torah will lead you to belief in messiah if you obey the torah verse 5 for moshe writes about the righteousness which is of the torah the man who does these shall live by them speaking of the commandments but the righteousness of belief speaks in this way do not say in your heart who shall ascend into the heavens what is he doing here he's quoting torah remember the words of yah came out of moshe's mouth and they were to hear and obey the words of yah that came forth from moshe and now shall is taking the same verses and applying it to yeshua who has the words of yah in his mouth do not say in your heart who shall ascend into the heavens that is to bring messiah down or who shall descend into the abyss in other words he's looking at the ocean who shall cross the ocean that's what moshe said he's saying that the ocean represents the abyss that is to bring messiah up from the dead but what does it say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart now how many of you thought that was something that xiaou wrote originally or said originally what is he doing here he's quoting moshe and you want to abolish moshe you want to abolish torah if you do that you're going to have to abolish the word is near you the word the command he is equating yeshua with the command with the commandments of elohim the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart that is the word of belief which we are proclaiming that if you confess with your mouth the master yeshua and believe in your heart that elohim has raised him from the dead you shall be saved for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved because the scripture says whoever puts his trust in him shall not be put to shame because there is no distinction between yehudi and greek for the same master of all is rich to all those calling upon him for everyone who calls on the name of yah shall be saved all right so we must believe in yeshua you cannot be justified by simply obeying portions of torah apart from belief in yeshua shahu makes that very clear and sometimes shall seems especially in the english translation he seems anti-torah but you have to understand what he was dealing with he was dealing with jewish people who said we don't need to believe in your yeshua we have moshe we have torah we're justified through our belief and obedience to torah and shaol says you cannot be justified by simply obeying portions of torah and not believing in yeshua you have to believe in yeshua but he's going to go on to say that when you believe in yeshua it is a belief that produces obedience and what we're going to talk about in the morning is this wonderful transformation that takes place in the lives of believers that they receive the power they receive everything that they need to be able to fulfill the righteous requirement of the torah you've probably read it you may even remember what i'm talking about over in romans chapter 8. we'll get to it tomorrow it is so powerful it says that the righteous requirement of the torah is completed and those of us who do not walk after the flesh but after the spirit because the spirit is going to empower you to be able to be obedient and we're going to talk also this week about the commandments a lot of people ask us well which commandments are we supposed to obey and i'm going to break it down to make it simple there's the two love elohim and love people we'll talk about that but to know how to love elohim you have to get into the ten to know how to love people you have to get into the ten there's four love elohim commandments and there are six love people commandments and i'm going to show you that all four of the love elohim commandments have been broken by mixed up religion but then yeshua said that we are to obey and to teach others to obey all of these commandments and when we talk about the total the total is for set of partners the more you obey the bible the more set apart you are so we're going to see that the ten words of the ten commandments that's the baseline that's the covenant but if you want to walk in a set of partners the scripture says without set of partners no one will see elohim if you want to be set apart then you begin to learn about and walk in the total remember when you are circumcised by messiah your heart is circumcised you receive the want to obey and the power to obey hallelujah
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 7,237
Rating: 4.9543381 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Christian, Messiah, Messianic, Jew, Jewish, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Lord, God, Elohim, Truth, Old Testament, Old Covenant, Original Covenant, New Testament, Renewed Covenant, New Covenant, Moses, Mosheh, Teshuvah - Turning To The Master In Obedience, Obedince, Obedient to the Torah, Law and Grace, Covenant, Covenant With God
Id: d7H0Ae0iqh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 20sec (3080 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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