MEWTWO! And Green! - Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 24

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oh my gosh this is it this is what we've been waiting for like the whole game and it's right here in this video oh my gosh what is up guys ak Scott here playing Pokemon let's go Pikachu and today as promised I'm gonna go get em you too I think I will I got me right here flying around me but em dog I call him how many dogs do I have again let me look at my party really quick is this the yeah Mewtwo will be in tug three anyway I want to thank you guys so much for your support you left almost 17,000 likes on that very first episode way back in November and it now has over 1.1 million views thank you for your support today I'm gonna look at the map I'm gonna fast travel my friend Yoshi told me that there is a costume I can get if I go like around this area route 18 maybe 17 and go talk to some people who have a costume for me so that sounds fun and then I'm gonna go get you two I don't know how it's gonna go but we'll figure it out as we as we play and have some fun so I don't really know let's see let's go I'm pretty sure I'm fine I'm sure everything's gonna be fine as I walked down this way can I jump off I can I got to go up sorry let's go I want to find out about this costume thing if possible I've already pretty much fought everyone here now there could be some of those uh oh yeah no no no I don't need to fight them do I I'm not gonna fight them let me get can I go up this year I I know that's a new thing and if you guys want me to fight those new Pokemon trainers that have shown up since I've beaten you know the world's expanded yada yada yada if you guys want me to fight them let me know and then I'll try to take them on maybe in a separate episode I need to look look up all their locations and I don't want to spend a ton of time just wandering and exploring and trying to figure out where they actually are so Team Rocket's supposedly over here I don't know if that's true let's see there's another Pokemon guy oh my goodness let's see let's see I don't want to I don't want to run into a Pokemon not really at least there's another pokemon trainer dude Wow okay so what the heck did you make that noise why are you happy why are you happy mu M dog okay yep they're talking to Pete Cole um are we sure the team rocket's here with the costume cuz I'm how am I in there so no there's no way there's no way I can fight all alone there's so many of them they're just standing all around I've already run into like four of them what's up guys the boss is missing huh what's gonna happen to Team Rocket don't be such a wimp this is the boss we're talking about he's hiding himself for now but he must be preparing for the next scheme yeah of course then let's steal pokémon all over the world to help the boss I heard that around I heard that odd it's that annoying twerp again why are you eavesdropping on us those who are in Team Rocket's way won't get away unscathed oh so I got to fight them again okay perfect let's do it I hope you're not too strong I don't know anything about the postgame content but I decided to give at least one episode of postgame content in order to deliver you guys a video of you to our box coming out go in wheezing both poison types I'm not so sure I want these two out here but whatevs hahaha they're about 52 that's not too bad hey yeah sure he wants to talk or something and let's mega evolve and maybe what use I can't use poison but I can use petal dance wait what what is petal dance info yeah we're good we're good petal dance but I did I am Becky Bob does it still count mega evolve petal dance and sure target yourself what okie oh yeah for the mega evolve of course here we go I didn't mean this in these two out but whatevs I didn't I was gonna have a double battle here we go P ducks sure hit move you're gonna love this hit hit em please we're gonna hit nice our puck is dead whoa sorry arbok I don't know if you like that very much petal dance let's do it now that wasn't too bad not very effective at all don't you poison me I will seriously go heal myself haha so that's a threat alright oh thank you P doggy expelled the poison okay let's just fight let's just do Sippy's app why not right run right into him and okay here we go maybe this will take care of him I don't know no not completely unfortunately a critical hit there comes another petal dance not a very strong thing but I'll finish them off it's not very effective but hey if it finishes them off it finishes them off and that makes me happy alright confused due to fatigue now where do I go from you two that's the ultimate question that I have all right I got it i won thank you thank you pals you're just a twerp why are you so strong is it because of that Pikachu you can probably go all out because you're with that Pokemon with that Pikachu we may be able to conquer the world hey do you want to join Team Rocket no way okay fine huh we're enemies after all but if you do change your mind come back any time I'll give you this I made it myself a blast offset from Team Rocket thanks how many Team Rocket sets do I have like two now what's this why do you why do I feel so refreshed you've been such a troublesome little twerp and yet it's great to have times like this for a change once in a while isn't it you might be right we feel great well good I'm happy I made them feel great you want to join me you can join me he feels great too alright see ya so what about my new set here look in the bag and we'll go to the clothing trunk p-dog you want an outfit right you want to have a hat that's not the police cap but the new what what is it is it only for me I'm gonna switch to Zee dog hold on hats ya blast-off kept this POTUS he don't get a blast-off get oh I mean I wanted P dog to have a blast-off cap to whatever you can be a cop I can be blast off that's a cool set how come I come I'm disappointed that I don't see the blast offset 4p dog here hello I'm looking stylish I know it I'm wearing everything's peed on you don't have blast off you got to be kidding me dude no you know what let's just get let's just remove your clothes you don't need clothes you're just a Pokemon know you have a blast off T what okay wait what how come you have a hat that's so confusing okay well you don't get a hat there you go but you got a blast off teeth and now we're looking good scream IP dog right absolutely so let's figure out where is Mewtwo is he in the I really don't know he's he in the lower sea I would guess he'd be over like right here somewhere because there's been like one in each corner right oh my goodness powerplant I might need to do a little bit of research to figure out where he is is I don't actually know where he is and that's kind of like uh well I should know right I would bet he's over here I can't just fast travel to route 13 but I can fast travel over to lavender town and then try to just figure out where to go I'm gonna go ahead and heal my Pokemon and then I'm gonna save the game just in case like things go wrong when I'm getting Mewtwo and then I'll figure out where Mewtwo like where I need to start and then I'll be right back all right guys I am in cerulean city and I think that is where I need to go right there I think basically man there's so many there's no way I'm gonna fight all these new people with Pokemon that's that's not gonna be an episode I there's so many of them who have liked the Pokemon hovering above their head they're just like a ridiculous amount what's up dude what'd you find weird come back talk to me what'd you find and dog found something that was dropped in the flowerbed a pretty wing nice what does it do I don't know so I hear route 24 is how you get there like you got to get into the water somehow and then that's that and then you can go over there yeah there's too many people to fight there's too many people to fight there's no way I'm gonna get all those guys done so how do I see skims sure all right and then there's a whole new like area I guess over here I don't know how long this is gonna take but this is new I haven't been down this way I don't know if I could have gone here before or why I don't remember what it looked like what's up my pal hey champion you're allowed to enter this cave from now on I'll face you as a coach trainer are you ready to let's battle sure let's battle I'm ready champion they called me champion to champion so what he got to throw at me I just healed everyone I just saved a game ride on okay you know I don't have my my my list pulled out my chart pulled up but I know for a fact that ride-on is ground right is a ground rock so ice water grass steel the size of things are gonna be good let me just use p-dogs splishy-splash move right here we go [Music] goddamn that was quick super effective he knew I could do it too I'm glad he believed in me I really am [Music] he's 63 who said I didn't see I didn't read who is sending out okay night Oh king okay now this guy is gonna be a ground poison so water will also work and so let's just go and do another splishy-splash attack right no not perfect but good his big E's paralyzed maybe yeah he is but he still gets use earthquake for some reason oh no ground oh no that's bad news benders for me super effective well you know what Zippy's a boy not okay sees ground I'm an idiot gosh that's why okay this is why you don't let me play this game this is you splishy-splashy and I'll probably end up going to heal before entering the cave there you go what a fool I am now I'll just use potions or whatnot so I saw potions I may be used to mini fighting off the the final for the Elite Four rapidash now let me let me just be sure before we rapid ash is a fire-type so yeah waters gonna work as well so keep battling and hope he doesn't hit me he might hit me and might destroy me that's ok let's use splishy-splash [Music] uh-oh come on so close I might die from this nope I'm alive did he take damage from that though he might die from this nice he did all right I'm gonna have to heal who's coming out next though [Music] dugong okay do gone ice and water so fighting electric rock and grass so I have any electric move for him let's keep battling I'm gonna probably go ahead and heal first though yeah what's in my back let me use yeah max potion there you go that's just what he wanted awesome he's thrilled to bits he better be aqua Jets coming at me but I he avoided the move because of the chout all right let's do it again zippy zap [Music] kaboom ah still alive man these guys critical hit though megahorn which I also avoided so let's do another zippy zap [Music] nice all right well that wasn't too bad right seeking another water type I guess I'll just keep battling a dude zippy zap again he's using like these guys that I mean except the one who was ground this guy's are perfect for p-dog I'm probably gonna save it again before I go into the cave just to be sure cuz I don't know what's gonna happen you know like I I here to use the master ball from you too so that sounds like a plan for me is that the power of a top trainer it is especially when you send out people who were super weak to p-dog what a great battle that's what I expected from a champion I didn't stand a chance please accept this from me I got megahorn cool I don't even know what it does but it's a new team I got I hear the pokémon in the cerulean cave or terrifyingly strong of course I'm just a guard so I don't know for sure well if I can catch some they don't the thing is the pokemons don't battle me in the cave so let's see I'm gonna say my products maybe even capture I don't know how many you know we'll find out here we go let's go let's go let's go let's go was there a path over here cuz I don't recall ever going this way or maybe it was blocked off before I just don't remember uh-huh uh-huh a PP max uh-huh let's go again back over here so I had to say before the Cape so let's go in the cave beautiful and I don't want to Enel you ten all right sure ya see scam beautiful cave I'll start giving me basic pokémon though aha pp max again okay alright alright I'm back it was snowing so I had to post some photos of the snow let's go up here and let's find this Mewtwo right how big is this place are there any people I got a fight dude you found something what you find here M dug dug something on the ground thank yous bag of Stardust I forget what Stardust as even for oh here we go here we go what's this full restore okay gotta love that okay looks like we're finding a lot of good stuff in here max we've I've okay there's some bats in here huh excuse me five altar balls okay I mean hey I don't see any won a fight here I'm just getting goodies and dodging bats Oh a rare candy that's good that's good [Music] yeah let me just keep walking around over here there's a lot of drop down points I don't really know where I'm supposed to go max lure oh yeah I don't really need to lure anyone in here what is this let's just drop down here let's just go who knows exactly what's gonna happen like these bats are seriously not a bother in fact I liked it there here I max revive okay yeah this is great whoa I don't think I have one of these do I is that a licky tongue I think it is a wild Lucky tongue I think I've ever got one before come on all right let's just see if we catch one I don't know what do you think okay that was a good that's a nice shot right come on lucky tongue be my pal you're my friend get locked in come on lucky tongue all right here we're gonna go again okay I didn't mean to do that okay yeah he broke free surprise big surprise right that was excellent stay in there lucky tongue stay in there what all right do I actually gotta use a berry on this dude let's see let's do a what it what kind of berry do I use I think I'm out of the berries that I actually use what does a peaking at Barry do that's more likely for an item what does this do oh it calms them do you know what let's use you I usually give these to pee dogs but sure let's give one to you so are you actually gonna be calm buddy you're actually gonna be nice and still and calm excellent shot again stay in there though this time please what maybe I'm not gonna catch lucky tongue let me go back in the bag what about this is another calming one right sure why not he ran away I just gave him banana for no reason he ran away whatever there's another one do I care that much about the Lucky tongues to catch one let me go to like regular let me just you know why I'm not gonna waste ultra balls on this let's use pokeballs I got like a million get ready great stay in there like what are the chances that he's actually gonna stay in the ball you know what I mean what I did not even do that alright here we go here we go [Music] all right nice sure it's not gonna stay in it what [Music] okay I kind of like you time with this ball Venice are grew up a little bit I'm happy right all right got lucky Tong its tongue spans almost seven feet it moves more freely than its four legs it licks can cause paralysis yuck I don't want to have any pet that licks me and can cause paralysis that would be a very deadly what bag is that I think I have one of those maybe I don't I don't care I really don't care all right full heel okay how do you know if you've explored this cave to the maximum now I don't need you either um there's another one Wow things are going great max rappel I mean maybe I could do max rappel but I don't know this is kind of like a maze of ladders here right whoa excuse me gonna take this down [Music] I'm assuming this is gonna go down - what's up my pal my friend oh hey don't worry don't worry we know what we're gonna now is not playtime but sure sure let's just pet you sure [Music] I'm getting a lot of goodies from this that's really cool escape rope yeah if I need to get out of here sure that actually might be a good plan if I ever catch em dog three scare me again huh another full restore this is going well for me right another lucky Tong sup you would you dig up this time em dog bag of start I still don't know what star dust does max elixir clicking tongue elixir a lot of licks going on right sure let's swim away let's see where this takes us oh this is it already oh my gosh I'm gonna save it right here I don't want to mess things up I'm gonna save it sure save my progress if something goes wrong I can always reload it here but let me now let me let me play with you like I want p-dog to have a good move to start out with so sometimes like if you play with them how do you play with them hold on I there's a way to play with them how do you do it play with their just play with me talk the biggest thing on the screen ok he's happy now but uh great you know what hey buddy you remember that time I gave you a golden banana and you were so happy I liked that time let's go ahead and make that happen again that was great right there you go he's beaming let me just pet you let me scruff your eyeballs there you go and what about your belly you want your belly rubbed there we go he's super duper happy let's go get him and this is where I would use the master ball right hey buddy hi I'm just gonna do a regular pokeball first oh my gosh this is it this is what we've been waiting for like the whole game and it's right here in this video oh my gosh all right new to appeared he looks scary his stats rose peidong I know you can do it yeah you got it P dog I got five minutes to do this now II's level 70 Oh God yeah mmm yeah this is gonna go well [Music] Wow hi can I pull off an ice beam nope amnesia great I mean believe me I want here we go ice beam sure let me figure out what my abilities do cuz I don't even know mirror coat every counter is any special attack sure you got me Raquel let's do that hit me this special time to be great now let me go first dang it hey I'm still alive though Mirek Oh perfect yeah whoa that worked alright let's catch you now's your chance how how long do I have to catch him get ready sure yeah here we go do what you must all right yeah that was excellent stay in that Pope you I'll have to use a master ball I'll have to use no he's not gonna stay in there what a shame yeah it's so close here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna do a golden raspberry this should come and then I'm gonna use the master ball right here we go use that all right perfect in my bag is the master ball the best pokeball with the ultimate level of performance with it you will catch any wild Pokemon without fail we got it use this item get ready don't you dare attack here we go master ball I was gonna say that you just hit it away gotcha ah nice wow that was awesome he's in without fail locked and loaded it even has an EM from you two on it right well maybe it's for master ball wow new Pokemon technique bonus I can't believe I beat him with a dog - I just blasted it right back at him I thought that was a pre-emptive move where I would have to use that and then he would attack and then it would bounce it back but he just used it right back that was awesome I did not expect that at all there we go Mewtwo's Dana will be added to the Pokedex actually got way more experience for that since I was so much weaker its DNA is almost the same as muse however its size and disposition are vastly different all right so he's level 70 that means I don't know if I can what can I do with them yeah hey yeah we did a good job buddy we did a great job he's happy b-dawg is staring at the pokeball you just used with wonder and joy in its eyes yeah we did it buddy we did it even though you got that own dude the own um man I can't believe I'm like I serious I did no research on what moves would be good against him I just seriously just like on a whim decided to use a dog to's like what whatever move that was called whatever moved that was called - happy be nice and man I can't believe that work that was such a surprise that was like man that was so cool excuse me I'm trying to get through here that was so cool I might just use an escape rope for the first time ever let's use that escape rope and let me go like save well we'll check out what this is all about your escape rope yeah get out of here let's get out of this place wow I need to fight you no I will fight like one person and I'll whoa Haizi dog oh wait don't tell me you already cut that super strong Pokemon didn't you I knew it so it's calm you too huh yeah it is man you got to mute you before me or that girl what girl uh-oh I ran into this gutsy girl who said she was looking for a powerful Pokemon I think she meant Mewtwo well I guess that's that here take these I won't need them now three escape ropes thanks I just use one I just saw that girl coming here - she must be looking from you - you should go show it to her where is she she inside the thing alright hold on let me go let me go one let me let me just go ahead I don't I don't know if tdawgs gonna be healed but let me just look in my Pokemon box and no it's my medicine pocket yeah no he's dude he's dead this is real real dead full restore does he does that restore from the dead nope okay so instead we're gonna use a Max revive man I'm so glad I cannot believe I literally cannot believe that thing worked with a dog - that was incredible and then you know M dog - as much as I like you you're the fire type right everyone likes fire lets us swap you out for what I can't do it yet let me do a let me do a super potion on a dog no it's only 60 let's do a hyper potion on a dog - wow you know I think I'm gonna change him to him nope I didn't mean to hit that I think I'm gonna change him to M dog three then I I know named changes are a little controversial here but I think I'm gonna go ahead and rename him to him talk three just to make it'll make sense to have M dog wanted him dog to both be Mews right there you go you got bumped down and status my friend M dog three is out and then in the bag we are going to switch out Pokemon really quick I can't believe I can't I'm like I know I believe I caught him with level 70 Wow add to party boom right there Wow and also change your name to M talked three right right perfect all right I mean I can't believe it I can't believe it I thought I thought I was gonna have to just reset and then like spend all my rear Candy's on Pikachu and then go you know that's that that was my strategy like that was the one into my mind immediately I was like okay well this will be easy on this level up Pikachu to level 70 75 70 the max are like I don't know I was gonna level him up that was gonna be my goal so you said that the is there someone in here is that what we're talking about hey let's have them dogs too out here hold on party party party party party party party I'm reading him - three - oh my gosh it's okay he's - he's - now sure there you go and we're gonna take him out of the pokeball he's gonna replace em dog who's been with me forever this newcomer is just going to be over here and just be part of this and whatever right whatever [Music] where is he what do you think that girl is that he's talking about whoa he's huge like how do I show this girl this this mute where was he or was Kevin talking about [Music] I don't know where this person is and already Kevin's like you got to go show her oh my I don't even know where she is let me just maybe she went to where Miu was new to was you think I seriously don't know where she is she may not even be here should be a trick but here's Mewtwo I really don't know where she is if my goal was to come in here and show off Mewtwo then where is she was that it was i misunderstanding what kevin was even talking about the side doc I think I have one of those maybe here let's just lay here let me just I'm just gonna see I don't know there's no one here oh there is who are you who the heck are you ow you were hit by a low-flying pokeball oh whoops you're not a pokemons sorry it's so dark in here I saw you and thought you were some kind of Pokemon who is this green well nice to meet you I'm green so hey I'm just curious and are you here because you're also looking for you know something special Oh wha wha oh right Mewtwo okay yeah drat so you knew about it already huh what you've already caught it hey no fair I was planning on catching it first oh well guess guess who has Mewtwo renamed to M dog - that makes sense right mu to M dog - that's why I did it so I say sit out clefable clefable seer what back is cool affable clefable is level 66 very a weak against poison steel I don't have that what's this shaking do what do you want to do sure hit move hit him pick clefable I'm going to fight them all with pick ax cacao I'm gonna fight them all with Jim dog too sure hit all right use reflex which is fine it's not the same move that it that a dog too has so let me switch yeah sure let's go and switch to M dog - psychic recover wow I got so lucky with with a dog - that was so cool moon blast okay [Music] the cinemas Swift [Music] not bad but not good and the moon glass yeah what my special attack fell [Music] what does him need to do [Music] recover I didn't mean to hit recover oh I did I was gonna investigate it getting gar now Gengar here is another level 66 with all these level 66 week against psychic dark and ghosts I have a psychic move I'll recover work good here let's use my psychic move then it's called psychic King gar won't like this [Music] nice ah shadow ball though I don't know I don't think the shadow balls gonna be too oh I'll get a reflector off let's do the another psychic here we go [Music] there we go super effective critical hit man maybe you can go above seventy nine tails who is this green girl and who are all these people nine tails is a fire-type nine tails oh yeah but it's fire right switch Pokemon well let me look at my chart pokemons chart I'm trying to figure out if ice or water works against finding its water right let me see I think so I hate being such an idiot sometimes so yeah fire is weak against water and not ice its opposite so yeah let me switch Pokemon really quick I'm gonna go over to Pete while I'm there I'm gonna try to hit he'll anyway will you split a Swissy splishy-splash against this fire type probably alright nine tails beautiful fight with splishy-splash am i paralyzed [Music] not good enough honestly super effective but not good enough fire blast but I avoid it because I shouted at him [Music] another one maybe it'll paralyze him I don't know I don't know what's gonna happen super effective paralysis did not kick in Fire Blast might knock him out did not knock him out I'm burnt but I healed the burn with sheer determination let's do another splishy-splash then against nine-tails alright this is working pretty well man this is like some next-level stuff you know what I'm saying and g-dogg to is level 61 congratulations victreebel that's a victory Bell is a is it a plant you get the word tree in there it's a grass poison so weak against psychic ice flying in fire so I'm gonna switch though you want to use my psychic move em dog - I got to heal him first though you know I just had to give him a potion [Music] we got on with the master ball [Music] um yeah I'm gonna have to heal them I'm gonna have to do like a potion right hyper max potion [Music] all right that's fine [Music] power whip tell me that doesn't hurt me too much gosh is like half psychic fine [Music] you're weak against this maybe it'll take you out it did good deal holy cow who else P dog 64 grape [Music] Kangaskhan is that a fighting-type let's see no it's normal so it's week two fighting now I actually you know I let me see if this works g-dog too has a fighting move of course a superpower I don't know how it's gonna go but I learned this like just the other day he mad [Music] let's do superpower he's gonna use of fighting that's okay not bad not bad my thing Feld oh that's okay I'm gonna in my bag I'm gonna use a I'm gonna use a hyper potion on em dog - I know that this isn't I mean G dog - has always been like kind of a sacrificial type of guy I'm fine with that super effective whatever fight let's do it let's fight with super powers sleeping you pull it off really quick no brick breaks first I forgot all about the order that's okay g-dog - fainted whatevs I'm gonna bring out let's bring out this could be interesting let's just bring out P dog and hit them really quick right we'll hit them a zippe zap here you go [Music] this will go first right I'm not quite as powerful darn but that was a worthwhile attempt dizzy punch I don't like that I don't like that at all let's see if I can get my zippy zap to go first nope darn nevermind well now I'm ashamed [Music] here we go hey dog two is coming out [Music] all right let me look at these again agility [Music] reflect this physical so let's do a reflect and maybe feed us those fighting moves darting still gonna me Thunder punch we're fine we're fine here I want to get rid of this guy is so bad that's physical right reflects war off already here comes an ice beam fine he's dead what else do we got here right clefable now caliph Abel we were already fighting clefable right but she pulled it back that's the weak against poison steel let's just switch pokemons I'm gonna sit on em dog - what should I try [Music] fairy is strong against fighting ghosts and dragon don't think we have to worry about that here we go with a psychic move this goes first for me gone thank you one more left who do we got who do we get uhh Blastoise okay that's that sounds like Oh what was that the water type yeah water so electric in grass let me just keep battling I'm gonna do it amnesia see if that helps [Music] well here we go there you go it's a big boy Blastoise mega-evolved fake out Wow I can't I'm upset that I can't move let's do a Misha this will increase my special defense so hydro pump let me now use a psychic [Music] not bad hydro pump avoided again another psychic we got like five more of these [Music] got him god I'm critical hit he fainted awesome so green what do you think about that green was that fun or what alright come on what's with that what is with that I don't know what you mean wow you're strong well I guess that's that here you can have these Oh am you tonight xmu tonight why what the heck what does that do oh I know why don't you become one of my pokemons oh why don't you become one of my Pokemon together with Mewtwo what what what oh she tried it oh hey pokeball came flying at you she trying to catch me what hey what are you doing what is happening stop it okay I get it I understand what the heck is happening stop it think about it okay yeah what think about becoming one of her pokemons I found a pokeball I'm so confused [Music] yes sure I'll become a Pokemon whatever that was so weird so that was some cool postgame content you got to let me know in the comments below if there's any more worthwhile postgame content to do I'm not gonna go fight all those guys with the extra Pokemon above their heads that doesn't make sense to me that's gonna be a ton of fighting and it's just gonna be a grind it's not gonna be super interesting no new content but let me know if there is new content and just you know just let me know in the comments below I'm out I'm out of here so what is the mutant ight X&Y and all that stuff okay let me go this way this would be a fun way to go route 4 and then let's just go save the get actually this repair Pokemon what is the new tonight X&Y that's what I'm trying to figure out let me let me just look in the back cuz I just got it is it in here no it's in my power up pocket No what the heck did she give me [Music] one of the variety of mysterious mega stones this stone will enable Mewtwo to mega evolve during battle okay so I guess I just hold on to it well I gotta try that out I just can't not do that let me go heal everyone so may I'll fight like one of the new guys right one of the new guys why not Conny so big so sure rest the Pokemon I gotta figure out what that's all about [Music] all right we hope to see you again maybe you will let me switch it to making my primary okay so let me just see what happens you know so what there was one up north or something there was one where was it was it just straight this way oh yeah there was one right there of course there's one right there - let me see if I just run into someone on Route 4 there we go so he's new I guess how do I get up there ah okay now I'm confused let's see uh can I know here let me go okay well let's go the long way it's okay I'm sure there's like so many of those new challengers that just just doesn't make sense for me to try to fight them all you know it's one over here goodness gracious there's one hey what's up I am the vendor not master I seek the ultimate vin Oh nuts if you're interested you gotta put your vanilla in the top-left spot of your pile that's how it works so no I'm not gonna do that who wants to fight me then gosh I don't have a vinner not on me do I who okay man okay you know I do have that though so let me just go ahead and in my party let me put those eggs in my top right spot or whatever because I think I do have that execute move to add to party alright and then I'm gonna put sure remove you from the party and then add you to the party so this is what these are like so I'll do at least one you know not a big deal right so she wants she's like the execute master or something and so that okay let me figure out a get over to her I hear wait how do we get over there [Music] it's got to give a long way I suppose it's fine we'll get over there soon enough we will [Music] yeah yeah see skim sure perfect I coulda just walked around okay it's fine it's fine so yeah let me know if there's any other like postgame content that will make for a really interesting episode otherwise this is it we got Mewtwo what did you find dude [Music] a golden raspberry thank you I'm dog too all right so yeah I can fight you I'm the execute master my goal is to find the ultimate execute hey your execute looks pretty strong can I battle with my execute please now is it only an execute can I switch Pokemon or not cuz it means in either way you know whatever last summer I think I can the last summer execute I'm guessing I can't switch pokemons I'm guessing my executors not ready for this okay please switch pokemons I can't switch but I'm done I'm done I'm just no I can't do this yeah so there's no way I'm gonna do all those battles there's no way I can do all those battles I have to get like level 70 for everything I'm yeah you're execute is the bestest who has a level 70 execute can I even fight anyone else because I wanted to see about using the Mewtwo ability but oh well I guess I don't gotta alright guys I was told I can fight the final for the Elite Four again so let's go in and just challenge to another battle and that way it can least showcase m'dog twos abilities so let's see what happens here let's just have some fun we're not gonna I'm just gonna show it briefly we're not gonna have like full-on battles or anything I just wanted to show this footage to see what it's like so let's do it em dog 2 is coming down here dugongs there and I want to see this mega evolution absolutely let's let's see what happens so fight and we can do an X or Y mega evolution let's start with the X can do both no let's start with the X and I'll use a psychic move I just want to see his ex form really quick boom look at him he looks sleek mega Mewtwo hit him boom pretty cool now let's see if I can quickly do the next form or if I have to wait till the next fight oh yeah I gotta wait for the next fight that's okay that's okay so let me get footage of that and like I said we don't have to do this we don't got to do this this is like several battles but let me go ahead and get footage of evolving him to the y form and that's gonna be something to see alright I'm now gonna show off the y version against this dude here Bruno I could feel the intensity of your battle with laura-leigh even from here alright so I just beat laura-leigh I hope I can fight him again and again and again because I was not recording when I beat laura-leigh I know this is like a harder map than before so who knows ah let's see Bruno sure let's see what I just want to evolve through the Y form let's do it onyx is first in dog to s first here so here we go so let's just fight let's go with the Y evolution and a psychic attack sure we're just here to see what it looks like that's all ah looks so cool that looks really cool mega Mewtwo for the wyverns that looks so cool uh huh a one-hit wonder right there well there you go guys that's probably all I can show you today if you want to see any more content you're gonna let me know in the comments below otherwise we're done with Pokemon lets go Pikachu so I'll see you next time for more goodbye and thanks for watching I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you liked this video and want to help this channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching check out these other awesome videos follow me on Twitter and Instagram join my discord and if you want cool shirts like this visit Zack Scott dot shop [Music]
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 4,809,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Let's Go, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go Gameplay, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu Gameplay, Pokemon Let's Go Walkthrough, Pokemon Let's Go Gameplay Part 1, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu Gameplay Part 1, Pokemon, Let's, Go, Pikachu, Eevee, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games, Zack, Scott, Games
Id: r1JzeiSBjwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 13sec (3253 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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