How to Get 5 Starters in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee | Austin John Plays HD CC

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What's going on boys and girls what's up world Austin John plays here and today I'm gonna be showing you how you can get all five starters and pokemon let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee I say five stars because it's going to be the location of Eevee Pikachu Bulbasaur Charmander and squirtle there's going to be gift locations for three of those guys and there's going to be infinite spawning locations for all five of them and I'm gonna be going over them with you now most of these you're going to be able to get within the first two hours of playing so if you want your journey with three elemental red and blue starters it's gonna be easily accomplished if you're playing Pokemon let's go Pikachu then Pikachu's your starter and if you're playing let's go EB then Eevee is your starter your starter is also referred to as your partner Pokemon and for reasons in this video I'm going to be referring to those as your partner and everything else has starters do keep in mind that your partner cannot evolve no matter what just an FYI your starter is fantastic it has six perfect IVs you don't want it to evolve he's a great guy or girl depending on the tale IVs or individual values are a measure of a pokemons potential and HP attack defense special attack special defense and speed and a 6 IV Pokemon is highly sought after so you're again your starters amazing there's also new mechanic to know about in this game called lers lers work opposite of repels repels make it so no wild pokemon spawn and lers increasing amount of pokemon that spawn and also increased the odds of rarer pokemon spawning rarer pokemons mean one of three things one that the Pokemon that you're looking for is very low on the encounter table as 1% or 5% to a pokemon that has a variation in its size the red or blue rings and you see around a Pokemon mean that it's a tiny or huge variation and this has literally no impact on the pokemons appearance or its stats it just says it on the individual Pokemon screen also a good great or excellent throw on these size variants of Pokemon will yield you an additional bonus and it's great for leveling up your team and the third condition of being a rare encounter as the Pokemon the not listed on the encounter table several of these starter Pokemon are going to be those rare Pokemon that aren't even on the encounter table and you don't need to know what any of this means all you need to know is I'm about to show you the locations of all the starter Pokemon and then I'm gonna be going over how to get the best starter Pokemon so first let's talk about Pikachu if you're playing let's go Pikachu you have a gift Pikachu it's your starter you have it he's now your partner if you're playing let's go Eevee you do not get a gift Pikachu you just don't get one there's also going to be an unlimited supply of wild Pikachu in the game very early in the game before your first gen you'll run into Viridian Forest here you can find wild Pikachu throughout the entire area however I've had best luck with the lower-left by the entrance and the top left near the exit they are considered uncommon with only a 5% spawn rate and that 5% is even better if you have a l'heure active next onto Bulbasaur while Bulbasaur's are in the same place as a wild Pikachu in Viridian Forest in the early game here you have a slight chance to encounter a wild Bulbasaur they don't have an exact rarity but I'd say it's around 1 maybe 2 percent and with alert active I'd say it boosts it up to maybe 6 or 7 percent just from looking at the Pokemon spawning I would also recommend standing at the clearing right before the exit and the top left of the forest here you can see the Pokemon that's spawn on both sides if you don't see what you're looking for just run up the right side and then run up the left side running away from Pokemon until their spawn timer runs out will help remove that Pokemon that you don't want and open up that spawn spot for the Pokemon that you are looking for the more Pokemon spawning the better chance of the one that you're gonna be looking for to be there so lures are always recommended you could also use this method for the wild Pikachu's as well I'm pretty sure that this wild Bulbasaur is located here that way in case you want to use it for Brock it's gonna make the battle super duper easy next onto the gift Bulbasaur in cerulean city where you fight the gym leader misty right after mount moon you're gonna want to enter this house right here here you're gonna find an NBC standing next to a little tiny injured Bulbasaur that she's caring for you need to prove to her that you're a good trainer by how many Pokemon you've caught it's worth mentioning that the caught Pokemon number is different from your full pokedex number if you open your pokedex and look at the bottom left in very small font you'll see the caught number I believe it's 50 Pokemon for this Bulbasaur but I'm not too sure because I had over 50 at this point you should too this Bulbasaur will have one perfect IV of 31 - fantastic Ivy's of 30 and three very good IVs making it a very good Pokemon next is Charmander you can find a gift Charmander with similar requirements just north of cerulean City where the gift Bulbasaur was head over the Nugget bridge and you'll see a man at the top left of route 24 next to a Charmander this man is not a very good trainer and would like to find a home for this Charmander and with over 50 Pokemon caught you are that very good trainer you're going get that Charmander this gift Charmander also has the same IV count as Bulbasaur one perfect IV - fantastic and three very good for a wild Charmander they're reported to be in two different locations however I've only found one to be farmable after learning the secret move for your partner light up which acts just like flash from the previous games you can wander around the Rock Tunnel I've had several other people saying that a rock tunnel in this general area they have also found a level 21 Charmander so I don't know if this is a planned spawn location leave a comment down below if this same Charmander shows up for you however the more farmable location is on route 4 just to the left of cerulean City I'm gonna be mentioning cerulean city a lot here you're gonna find a small patch of grass and in Pokemon let's go Pikachu is just spero ratata manky sandshrew and psyduck in order of their rarity however there's a extremely slim chance of finding a Charmander here he only has about 1% chance to spawn with a l'heure active it took me about 15 minutes of avoiding all these Rattata and manky running at my face to find this Charmander however you can farm this location for Charmander x' it won't start off fun or be easy but you can do it next is squirtle there's gonna be a gift squirtle after you beat misty in cerulean city she's the gym leader you can approach the house at the top right that was broken into by Team Rocket and you'll see an Officer Jenny standing outside as squirtle runs if she leaves she chases him all the way down to vermilion City here you're gonna find them outside of the pokemon center and the squirtle is quite troublesome and she's looking for a great trainer to take care of him as long as you've called enough Pokemon you are that great trainer this squirtle also has the same very good stats as the gift Charmander and Bulbasaur with the similar ivy next for wild squirtle this requires you to be significantly further in the game at the seafoam islands minimum badge requirement of six this is gonna be the location in the bottom left of the map leaving in fuchsia city south of via route 19 then west on route 20 you're going to enter the west half of the seafoam islands in this starting area there is by my guess a 0.1% chance to find squirtle with alert it took me about 45 minutes of avoiding Slowbro jinx go bad and Zubat to find my first squirtle and then took me 23 minutes to find the second so good luck lastly is Eevee likewise if you're playing let's go Eevee you got a gift Eevee at the beginning of the game it's your partner and if you're playing let's go Pikachu there is no gift Eevee Eevee's are found in one location and thankfully they are not too rare left of celadon City where Erica's Jim was is route 17 halfway down you're going to come across three trainers in a triangle next to them is a Vaporeon Jolteon and flareon those are Evie's evolutions the patch of grass below them and I believe all the grass on this route but I had best luck with this patch of grass has a very large encounter table a 20% chance for Ponyta and a duo 50% chance for psychic 10% for Pidgeotto and Pidgey and lastly 5% for rabadash dodrio Raticate Rattata and Eevee lures will make that last group more predominant maybe 7 to 10% but there's going to be a lot of action going on and Eevee is one of the smallest Pokemon of this entire encounter table so it may be a little hard to spot I recommend lowering your game volume in the options to listen for its cry while running around with lures active just a quick note since the official numbers for these super rare starters to show up has not been revealed these are kind of my assumptions however in very well may be the exact same percent of 1% or 0.1% for all of them however some areas allow more Pokemon to spawn in one area what I mean by that is in Viridian Forest you can have 20 different Pokemon on screen at the same time you're gonna hit some framerate issues even in dock mode meanwhile in the seafoam Islands you're not gonna see more than five or six on screen both with lers active and when there are less Pokemon visible less Pokemon spawning that means that the chance of a rare Pokemon showing up is even lower areas with larger amounts of Pokemon that spawn have a better chance for you to find a rare one in that bunch then areas that have less Pokemon that spawn hope that made sense so right there is the gift and wild locations of all five starters and Pokemon let's go Pikachu and let's go Evie but let me let you in a little bit of info here you've probably caught at least two of the same Pokemon in a row and experience with the game calls a combo combos can also stimulate the likelihood of a Pokemon spawning I had a combo with 50 Pidgey going on in this clip right here and you'll see that they are literally everywhere when hunting wild starters it may be a daunting task at first but after combo number 11 you may start to notice them more this bit right here is complete speculation let me know if I'm right down below I'm going to be releasing a video on comboing Pokemon and all of its advantages and why you want to do it so if you learned at least one new thing from this video be sure to leave a like and if you like great informative tutorial videos from Pokemon let's go and smash ultimate subscribe to the channel and this is what I do with new games I do tips and tricks very helpful videos that help you be better at games bring you quality tutorials without any fluff or rambling I recommend subscribing so guys that's gonna be wrap it on this video if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave it like if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe to our now notifications until next time Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Plays
Views: 1,896,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austin john plays, austin john, austin, austin john plays youtube, pokemon, Pokémon Let's Go, Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu, Pokémon Let's Go Eevee, Pikachu, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, pokemon post-game, before you play, version exclusive pokemon, pokemon difficulty, rare pokemon, let's go rare pokemon, charmander, squirtle, bulbasaur, let's go charmander, let's go squirtle, let's go bulbasaur, starters pokemon, kanto starters, pokemon let's go kanto starters, wild eevee, wild pikachu
Id: iVZvegHdqJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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