45 MINUTES Of SpongeBob's PETS In Bikini Bottom! | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I love you three thousand whoop who's later sorry to be a party pooper guys but I gotta take a shower and get ready for work [Applause] guys Gary calm down we're all friends here all right thank you the SpongeBob did you clean out the pool sweet Dutchman's ghost when's the last time you took a bath for you you're riddled with Vermin I I didn't I don't know what you mean sir if customers find out you're touching patties with your wormy hands the health department will shut us down for sure I understand sir Mr Krabs will you excuse me for a second freckles you heard my boss I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you and your friends to leave please thank you Waters rights what the heck is squatters rights they make an illegal claim to keep living in your body it's okay Mr Krabs they're not hurting me soon you gotta understand I can't have you work here in your present filthy conditions oh you gotta help me help me it's a monster with SpongeBob's voice Squidward Squidward Squidward does that mean no hug that will be no hugs get away from me [Music] this is my life from now on huh just call me SpongeBob wearing pants cause that's all I am tested testing our beds for worms [Music] [Applause] oh that's better thank you Patrick I bought a second bunny to lure the first bunny out of hiding [Music] [Music] hello hello Patrick I see ya first buddy [Applause] one two three four bunnies [Music] [Music] this is the last character one more step and I will spit you on a roast timing roast you wanna spit real clean up happening yeah we're here to help they're growing pillow Animal Control save me [Music] [Music] [Applause] get out of my heart get him get him out [Music] sorry about your house Squidward yeah we just heard here it is the Bikini Bottom animal shelter your perfect pet awaits now if you just listen to your heart you'll be able to pick out the right pet as soon as you see it too big too sloppy too stupid hi spongebob hey Patrick oh oh what about this one are you kidding me algae on a rock I want a pet not a plant it's no use there's nothing for me here [Music] you know I can't say I'm surprised [Music] hey there little guy looks like we have a winner oh so cute what you gonna call him he looks like a spot to me that name provokes a violent reaction spot it is it's not giving me unconditional love I think it's defective you're gonna have to train him to do that I train him I'll give it a shot all right spot let's start with something easy stay good boy now very good now roll over excellent now Shake that's one mean shake you got there I think we should burn off some of that extra energy [Music] I'd like a large what was that didn't see it okay plot twist it's a Krabby Patty it's a miracle Karen look at what spot brought home that's wonderful SPAC deserves a reward he can have anything he wants up to half my kingdom a laboratory I think he wants your Krabby Patty oh no you've been a very bad amoeba bad amoeba I'm afraid you'll have to be punished I'm out I'm just gonna tie you up out here until you learn to behave shouldn't take more than five minutes [Music] oh no no I must be strong I can do it I'm sorry I [Music] spots he's gone where is he shot come back spot come back I've got to find him I think it's closed for the night oh it's dark in here I'll find a light switch aha that's not it [Music] found the lights uh SpongeBob what was that first switch for well I think it unlocks the pens I thought so because now the animals are loose SpongeBob run for it yep [Music] I think we lost him SpongeBob before we're torn to shreds I'd like to thank you for helping me look for spots ah it was nothing hey speaking of spots did you always have a double pupil a double word spot think entropy you're safe you were hiding on my Optical cornea the whole time you sneaky little amii were you I'm glad you found spot unfortunately the animals found us too good my spot I guess this is the end of the road for us no yeah wow spot you saved us I told him everything he knows you're no ghost gets a cute little space now how about I call you Louie Lighthouse Louis now Louie you'll be good while Uncle SpongeBob clean [Music] I'm afraid you'll have to play out here little fella for your own safety [Music] well that ought to keep you out of my hands sorry Louie you have to stay outside no silly little snail is a match for my Superior sponge brain [Music] so this is where you've been hiding nice nails [Music] thank you my cheeks sleep with me hey don't come back thank you [Music] came back [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] flowy where's Louie [Music] foreign [Applause] you weren't trying to stop me from cleaning you were just protecting your two little babies of course what a fool I've been SpongeBob's hidden the secret formula inside Gary shell fish this place is disgusting I bet it reeks good thing knows [Music] Gary I'm home the Krabby Patty formula safe and right where I left it already did you do this what's the matter Gary something wrong with your shell not right Barry I better get you to the vet [Music] I lost him and now I'm lost [Music] my head I must be in the center of the shell what's that this is it just like I thought it was hidden here all the time the secret Krabby Patty formula it's beautiful the Heavenly light I always knew I'd see it once I've gotten the formula let me basket its Glory well that's odd who's that hey it's Plankton what's he got there looks like one of my old grocery lists I don't know how he got in there but the gas is inside this shell or making the little guy hallucinate he would have smelled the gases if he had a nose like most good-hearted people [Music] finally got the formula it's fine it's fine it's mine it's mine open the sparkling apple juice Karen daddy's bringing the bacon home already [Music] luckily for them Gary and spot are already Pals and everyone here [Music] [Applause] looks like the fuzz ain't gonna give up so easy hey this is my jam that's how you do it you do it you do it uh you animals are under arrest [Music] um foreign now to most animals the pound is scarier than a bobcat near long johns but Gary and spider on a mission to save their paths mmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh oh Marvel you could take every scale of bikini bottom but the only thing you've really caught is loneliness hey kennel cloth Marvin here ain't kissed nor can to Gary but that don't matter none Gary could never bear to see anyone looking so down I need another snot rag mama hey how did you animals get out well what's going on [Music] [Music] she's beautiful you brought love into my lonely life Everybody's Free To Go it's time for our boys to finally get some shut up [Music] [Music] after his long night of adventuring Gary's more tired than a Bronco on busting day [Music] come on Gary you lazy bones it's time to wake up oh well maybe a few more minutes wouldn't hurt well that's the long and short of it see y'all next time for more true to life tales and bikini bottom what a dump Squidward Mr Krabs is counting on us hey SpongeBob isn't that the mattress over there over there Squidward underneath that really big guard worm oh that figures [Music] isn't it beautiful Patrick you can see everything from up here whoa what are you morons doing hey Patrick I think I can see our houses from here where I can't see them wow Squidward what are you doing in there you were supposed to keep watch and you woke up the guard worm too I didn't do it you blackhead smoke we're made to retriever worm bait to retriever we're in ouch retriever to worm bait stay in don't go out understood out no and out understood affirmative good then make lots of noise to draw the guard worm away from the mattress so I can retrieve it affirmative ouch oh that's why he calls himself the retriever why are we called worm bait I don't know oh yeah and my perfect plan falls into place yes Patrick I think I know why our code name is warm bait a nice worm good kind gentle worm he likes your wooden spoon [Music] wow I think you're right Patrick okay see the stick boy you got it boy characters clear Squiddy you are a genius ouch what the hey I needed a wooden spoon I'll just keep it safe from harm in my back pocket and now for the mattress I should have done [Music] all right YouTube what's the holdup we feel silly come on do it for old man crabs okay can you explain the plan again Squidward sure but first put on this cologne steak sauce so you two are dressed as Choice Cuts you go in there and yell trick or treat the worm will realize he forgot to stock up on Halloween candy he'll leave to buy some then we take the mattress give me that cologne now get in there happy Halloween Squidward I am not gonna get hurt this time the guard worm doesn't look very happy [Applause] it's me money oh money I promise I'll never leave you alone again hey Mr Krabs Mr Krabs it's us trick or treat oh hey SpongeBob I didn't recognize you say why are you two dressed as meat not just meat we're Choice Cuts right Squidward oh I give up [Applause] there it is Mrs squiggles your new hairdo there you go oh isn't that cute those Shades slip right off your little eyes luckily I brought an extra smaller pair foreign now let's try this cake boy these pets are gussied up today I'll need a top hat or something to class it up a bit Gary oh thanks for reminding me I didn't know your collar was loose now let's go get that Top Hat buddy thank you there you go all right let's see [Music] decent stock length [Music] ooh good hinge action oh foofy excellent brow stretch well-defined eyelid capillaries fufi is looking as good as ever Charles well I think you're so okay let's have a look see shall we ah yes good spacing on the larynx nice gastric chamber all within breed description it's in the bag now if we could just check the undercarriage Gary no no you spit him at him right now I'm sorry he usually only bites me [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm upsies you look angry what's going on hold on hideous display at least I know you'd never behave like all these heathens right movie oh no [Music] wait wait [Music] what have you done what's this about does anyone speak snails I speak a little bit sir I know what they're saying they're saying owners owners owners owners owners owners owners owners please please please please please please please please please please please please don't be this way they're saying they don't want this type of pampering they want to be treated as companions not dress up dolls they don't want scratchy outfits they want to be scratched they are protesting the indignity of wigs and Jewel enclasted collars and they want to be free from superficial and degrading pageants like these you were trying to tell me that all along weren't you Gary well fine won't let it happen again well I I think we can all agree that this year's groomers cup goes to SpongeBob and his wonderful pet did you hear that Gary they're rewarding you for standing up and speaking out against Injustice maybe these pageants aren't so superficial after all what are you talking about the snail didn't win I was referring to your other pet he's he's woof woof [Music] because of her mysterious Behavior I have decided to name her mystery now that I think about it she's also very graceful and Majestic perhaps I should name her grace or Majesty or Debbie okay she must have spotted my floral bookmark she's coming this way don't be afraid I'm just a talking sponge is all foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't come out yet if old man crab sees you I'll lose my job wait a sec I bet you're hungry how about some lunch girl you gotta be quiet what was that is that horse in here no Mr Krabs I was just doing my imitation of mystery we saw well keep working on it that was terrible that was close from now on no more hijinks put her up foreign SpongeBob where's my order did you look under the tray oh no I didn't sorry mystery you ate my hat oh mystery you ain't my spatula you ate all the Krabby Patties you ate the stove you ate old man Jenkins I don't want to be a burden [Music] [Applause] have a minor situation going on in the kitchen where's our food I'm so hungry this is my only lunch hour where's all weekends take it easy no good here anyway how Bob Ranch pants and his faithful companions sir eats a lot SpongeBob what's the meaning of all these nicknames David we got a belly ache from eating Krabby Patties so I made her a bicarbonate of soda what did I miss you correct you still have that horse after I ordered you to get rid of it well now I'm gonna get rid of it once and for all no Mr Krabs please don't make me give a mystery I know you think she's just a horse but she's more than that I tell you she listens to me she understands everything I say and I understand her she's my best friend hey who left this bowl of onions here misses The Great Outdoors the wide open space and green [Music] para live horse all right Mr Krabs I understand hey okay girl you're free to go I can't keep you anymore I know it's hard for you to understand but Mr Krabs is right you belong in the wild well what are you waiting for can't you see I don't watch anymore just get out of here you stupid dumb animal foreign well she's gone and I'll never see her again it's okay it did the proper thing she's free now and we have no right to separate that wild animal from its natural habitat hey Mr Krabs looks like old mystery had an after dinner salad get that horse I brought you a surprise your very own play pal his name is Puffy Fluffy and he'll keep you company while I'm at work you two get to know each other mom [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I wish foreign [Music] [Music] you're making meatballs Grandma time for dinner already [Music] thank you [Music] better go check and see how my little buddies are getting along huh oh that's interesting must have been a seaquake last night oh well what are you gonna do that's unusual wow my library and my prized Memoirs of T.S halibut oh my clothes this was no random seaquake who could have done this there was no one here except for Gary I bet he's jealous about the new friend Gary you are in big trouble mister Gary Gary unlock this door immediately all right Gary you have left me no choice [Music] Bad Boy again I have told you and told you and told you and told you and told you until oh hello are you a friend what's going on okay now this is starting to hurt this is exactly what I was talking about [Applause] [Music] [Music] well Gary what do you have to say for yourself hey little fella [Music] oh look isn't he just precious let's take him out to play 998 999 1 000 ready or not here I come You Found Me [Music] there you are [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ever I know Patrick days like today come once maybe twice in a lifetime savor every moment and it's all thanks to wormy I made this food wormy our new best friend until tomorrow new best friend don't be sad little buddy we'll be back first thing in the morning for Frolic and fun why must the sun set on this perfect day sleep well wormy sad Patrick it's only until tomorrow [Music] where's wormy what's that thing he's gotta be in here [Music] I think something bad happened to wormy he left his best friend ribbenbine [Applause] what is that thing I don't know Patrick but whatever it is it must be wormy why does this keep happening to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] students good to eat you [Music] [Applause] attention attention it's just in a giant monster is attacking Bikini Bottom [Music] we did it Patrick we saved the city just think what might have happened if we didn't tell everyone about the monster [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right foreign looks like a twister hit this place where is everybody oh hey there wormy you weren't supposed to change till I got back now to hold you little guy [Applause] the monster I didn't know I've been missed so much golly maybe I should go out of town more often
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 6,361,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, NCU, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Star Trek, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, ytao_sbsp, Gary SpongeBob
Id: c5wuNV9kDs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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