SpongeBob's Smallest to Biggest Moments! | 25 Minute Compilation | SpongeBob

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Huh. [humming] [music playing] [humming] [music playing] [humming] [panting] What the shrimp? Hey, what's going on here? Whoa! That's too hot! [grunting] Whooaaa!!! Wow. Oops. [laughing] [grunting] I steamed myself tiny. Whoo hoo! I steamed myself tiny. Whoo! This place is huge! [gasping] My spatula's huge! And just look at the size of my grill. It's huge! Ow! [singing] [singing] Ow! [stammering, screaming] [sighing] [grunting] Come on, flip! Whoa! [laughing] Uh-oh. The grill blew out. Well, [sniffing] it isn't gonna fix itself. That's one small step for SpongeBob, one giant leap for- Whee... Whoa! Bob. Whew! Whoa! [crying] What is that? [crying] Hey, it's my little urchin friend. Aww, hey, little guy, don't cry. Your old pal, WheeBob, will get ya outta there. [grunting] [grunting] Little urchin, you are free to go! You okay? [roaring] [screaming] Yeouch! [roaring] Sorry little guy! Whoa! Whoo! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Follow the pipes to freedom, little guy! I'll never forget you. Really. Wow. My turn. [grunting] [laughing] Aw. I think I'm gonna be sick. [gagging] Here you go, Patrick. Now we never have to be apart, even when we're not together. This is great. See you forever, SpongeBob. Yeah, see you forever, Patrick. [yawning] Time for bed, Tiny Patrick. [splashing] Hmm. [laughing] Ah! [snoring] Good morning, Squidward. Says who? [chuckles] You sit right there, my hungry little sailor, while I whip you up some grub from the galley. [laughing] Dah, uh-huh. [humming] Hmm? [whimpering] Ahhh! Yah! [thudding] Huh? Careful there, little buddy. The grill is hot. [gasping] Ohhh. [grunting] Huh? Whee-ah! Stop! Bad, Tiny Patrick! Hmm. Sorry to do this, little guy, but I have to keep you safe while I get some work done. [whimpering] Ah-yah. [whimpering] [grunting] Ow! Ow! What's going on, SpongeBob? Oh, hey, little guys. You're playing with each other. So cute. [grumbling] [groaning] [sneezing] [groaning] [groaning, dinging] Whew. [stomach rumbling] Ah, ah. [chittering] [grunting] [grunting] [chittering] What are they doing, SpongeBob? Just trying to live their lives, Patrick. Just trying to live their lives. Poor little guys. [grunting] Our world is just too big for them. Ohh, I have an idea. Oh, I hope it's not another one of your crazy plans to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula. You're thinking of Plankton, Patrick. Oh, yeah! [panting] [laughing] Ta-da! A tiny house for my tiny friend. Ahh! [chuckles] Oh, I get it! [laughing] Everyone say your ABCs! Now when you turn into babies... [crying] ...you stay babies! Hey, Krabs, catch! [crying] What's wrong, little feller? [crying] [screaming] [crying] My moment of triumph! What the-? Oh, gross! I command you to stop drooling on me! Goo! Put me down! Ow! Stop it! I'm an adult! Goo. [screaming] [farting] [screaming] Huh? I don't believe it! The Krabby Patty formula! He's teething on it! Give it here, you big stupid baby! Ow! [laughing] [laughing] [groaning] I've got it! Just like taking candy from a baby! Get it, Krabs? Like taking candy from you! Hey! What are you doing? [laughing, banging] Ooh. Uh-oh. [clearing throat] Mama's evil little genius needs a diaper! You need to follow my number one rule. Always be hydrating. Gee, Larry, do you think I'll ever be as strong as you? Sure. What kind of a gym owner would I be if I couldn't take a puny, squishy lump like you? [laughing] Squishy. What I'm saying is I can make you a man. Hooray! I'm going to make you my personal project. Of course, you'll have to sign up for a lifetime membership. I'm ready. [grunting] That reminds me. You need to start hydrating right now. [panting] Yes, sir. And remember, always be hydrating. Okay, I will! That's what I like to see. Come on, we'll finish those later. Good, 'cause I was really crashing there signing those papers. Here we go. Cotton swabs, cotton balls. Here, try this on for size, Hercules. [sheep bleating] [grunting] How am I doing? Pathetic. Look, Larry, I'm hydrating. Oh, I am hydrating so much. Yeah, I've got another idea, SpongeBob. Come with me. First thing tomorrow morning, this is gonna be where I lead my exercise class. - I'll be there. - That's the spirit. And we're going to get you started early. Let me see some crunches. [crunching] The only thing I want to see in your mouth is that water bottle. Now, what did I tell you? Always be hydrating. Now I'll show you some crunches. [grunting] Oh, I can do that. That's what I do when I laugh. Bah, bah, bah, bah. Only now I'll do it on my back. Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah. Could you do it without the laugh? I won't lie to you, Larry, probably not. [laughing] Whatever works, I guess. Keep up with that and most importantly- Always be hydrating. Bah, bah, bah, bah. Okay. I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on. [grumbling] [thudding] Ah, that's gonna come out of my paycheck. [grunting] My legs! I'm okay. Slightly less okay. SpongeBob! Yeah? What are you- Whoa. You been working out. Yeah, I hope you got some grill for me, because I am ripped. [grunting] [grunting] Oh, I'm late for the gym. Can you cover for me in the kitchen, Squidward? Yes. Anything, you meathead, just go before you destroy the place. [grunting] Larry? Gee, Larry. You've really let yourself go. With all this paperwork, I haven't had any time to do my crunches. The only thing I've been crunching is numbers. But I'm gonna get back in shape. You'll see. Yeah, Larry! Sure you will! SpongeBob, tell me the truth. Do I have a potbelly? No, Larry. Don't be silly. You don't have a potbelly. [sighing] See you in exercise class. I guess. [crying] Oh boy! Free soup! Little heavy on the salt. Do you see 'em? Oh, he'll be here. Don't worry. Larry made me the man I am today. Look at that. He taught me just do stuff you always do, but do it on your back. Laugh on your back. [laughing] Walk on your back. [grunting] And don't forget. Always be hydrating. That means drink plenty of water. Ah. I hope Larry's okay. But while we're waiting, I guess we could ride bicycles on our backs. [grunting] This mustard is sitting on top of 20 million pounds of pressure! If you open her up, she's gonna blow sky high! Oh, no curse. No mummy. And no mustard. [sniffling] And I'll have to find another job! [crying] [blowing nose] Stop. Don't you see? This old coot wants all the mustard for himself! Now uncork that mustard! Hmm? [growling] Oh, put your fists down, old man. I'm not gonna hurt you. Hyah! You were right, Squidward, you're not gonna hurt him. Why you- Ow! I'm gonna- Go, Squidward, you're winning! You're not hurting him at all! Let me try not hurting him. Come on, old-timer! You know you want a piece of me! Oh. Ow, that hurt! I hurt him! That means I lose. [rumbling] No no no no no no no! Whoa....! Adiós, muchachos! [laughing] [elevator music playing] Hmm. [phone ringing] I'll get it. Hello. Where's me mustard?! Um... [clamoring] Your mustard is coming right up. When?! Now? [rumbling] Wow! Yee-ha! Yeah! [humming] Hmph. Work the register, clean the windows, make the patties. I have to do everything now. Thanks a lot, ShrinkBob. Ow! Ow! [grunting] It's okay, Squidward! I'll make the patties for you━oh. Yeah. I forgot. I'm too little. Boy, I'm really gonna miss my old job. Lunch rush is over, Mr. Squidward! Now, wash those dishers! [growling] "Lunch rush is over, Mr. Squidward. Now, wash them dishes." [muffled screaming] The bubbles are making me bigger! More bubbles! What the? Thank you, Squidward! I'm big enough to flip patties again! Oh-ho-ho! - Whoa! - Ahh! [groaning] Mr. Squidward, call the fire department! No need to call 'em, Mr. Krabs. [grunting] We'll be there in five minutes depending on traffic. [laughing] Make a left at the light! Come on, guys, follow me! I guess this is it, Patrick. You guys go. I'll hold them off. And if I fail, at least my sacrifice will delay the inamiable. I can't let you do that, Patrick! I'll be the one to lay down my life! Okay, you go! No, I'll go! The whelks don't seem to be after land... critters! [belching] [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] Patrick, look at that! The Krusty Krab! [panting] The gang's all here! We're closed. Come back tomorrow. Hmmm. Hey, SpongeBob, lend me your corneas a second! You too, Patrick! Oh, okay. Well, golly! No wonder they're all grumpy! Them whelks are full of germs! Why, they're sicker than a bull with the squirrel pox! I know what to do! After all, I've had the suds! I just have to absorb the whelk snot, and they'll return to normal! [coughing] Meow. Now, let's get the rest of you cleaned up! [meowing] Aw, cute! [sneezing] [screaming] [grunting] [thudding] [cheering] The key to defeating the patty is you, SpongeBob. All I have to do is get you close enough to it so you can make direct contact. Direct contact? Are you sure? The puzzle cube never lies. Okay, we have a visual. Putting you into position SpongeBob. Okay, bye. Well, giant patty, I guess it's just you and me. Wait, what was I supposed to do again? Just make direct contact! Direct contact. You mean like this? It's working! Keep going, SpongeBob! You can do! Ooh, my body... filling with Krabby Patty. Enormous pain. Never absorbed this much Krabby Patty into my body before. In fact, never absorbed any Krabby Patties into my body, come to think of it. [groaning] Okay, what do I do, now? Step right up folks! For a limited time, free absorbed Krabby Patties! SpongeBob! Two! Medium-rare! Copy that. Over. That's it! Don't crowd! While supplies last, don't be shy! Come on! [laughing] - You know what the problem is? - What? You got it set to M for mini, when it should be set to W for wumbo. Patrick, I don't think "Wumbo" is a real word. Come on. You know, I wumbo, you wumbo. He, she, me... wumbo! Wumbo, wumboing... I wonder if the fall from this height would be enough to kill me? Wumbology, the study of wumbo. It's first grade, SpongeBob! Patrick, I'm sorry I doubted you. Well, all right, then. Let her rip! It worked! Oh no! Look, SpongeBob's giant! Can I be giant next? Patrick, I'm not giant, you shrunk too. You're kidding. Good thing I've still got this pickle. Hey! Now will you take us to Mermaid Man?! No! He can never find out! But I'll think of something. I promise. Until then, you'll be safe in this jar. You know what's funny? My pickle started out in a jar, and now it's in one again! Heh. It's like a pun or something. Heheh. It's only two people, no big deal. Nobody else saw it. Howdy, SpongeBob! Sandy! What did you... For cryin' out... What did y'all do to me? I'm sorry, Sandy! Mermaid Man came in and- Hey, SpongeBob! Hey, SpongeBob, I- Hi, SpongeBob. [screaming] Hello, SpongeBob. Whew! Sponge-dude! Aah! Hey, SpongeBob! SpongeBob, hi! Hey, SpongeBob! What's up, Sponge? Ohh, oh no!... [grunting] Whoo! I'm gonna have to get a bigger jar. SpongeBob, will you just face facts? You've shrunken everybody in Bikini Bottom! You've got to go to Mermaid Man! Oh, Squidward, he'll be so disappointed. Well, you can't leave us small forever! You don't understand! SpongeBob. You need to admit your mistakes. Mom? Your mother's right, son. Mermaid Man will understand. You're Mermaid Man, you old coot! Oh, yeah. Mermaid Man? I'm so sorry, it's just that I'm such a big fan, and your belt, and- Awww, don't worry, son. I understand! Why, I remember back when I first used the belt, the year was nineteen aught eleventy-twelve, why I believe the president was- Just tell him how to unshrink us! Oh, yes. The un-shrink ray. Let's see, uh, uh... Did you set it to wumbo? WHAT?! GET SPONGEBOB! [clamoring] Now I have to drive five miles to go to the bathroom... in my own home! And I need an elevator to climb one stair! Hi-yah! We've been shrinking for years! But this is ridiculous! Everything's too big! I've got it! Ta-da! Since I couldn't make you big, I made the city small!
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 1,585,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus, ytao_sbsp, krusty krab pizza, kids shows
Id: uKEd0Z01n28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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