Every Time We See SpongeBob's Insides 🧠 | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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look a bald eagle with a mustache [Applause] okay fine stay but i hope you like making krabby patties hey maybe it fell in your sock well did you check there hey look it's my brain hey where's it going oh ah [Music] the cops behind us drive crazy [Music] squidward are you sure we're doing this right these running shoes are really hurting my ankles oh you're absolutely doing it right try to pick up the pace though bottom where nothing bad can ever happen and there's nothing to ever ever be scared of [Music] from your biggest fan hey mrs pop the new instructor's been teaching me so much not as much as you but you know different things spongebob you gotta keep your eyes on the road he hasn't told me that one yet [Music] [Applause] now i have to drive five miles to go to the bathroom in my own home and i need an elevator to climb one stair we've been shrinking for years but this is ridiculous [Applause] [Music] everything's too big just as i thought you're suffering from a condition known as ear worm you see when your brain becomes stuck on a catchy tune you're susceptible to ear worm infection and you got a nasty one there this just rip the little sucker out hold it we can't do that it might damage his brain the only way to drive the earworm out is with another catchy tune oh oh oh i got one cause you don't see shanty me and me mate used to sing in the high seas me drafty and white on the mighty high seas the ideal abode for rampant disease so ladies oh mateys don't ever weep if i so much to sleep test me into the deep hmm he ain't punching oh i got music friend in my mind [Music] oh i love this song here i go [Music] that is the stupidest dance move i've ever seen who puts you on the planet i'll be darned if anybody can resist a western song while wearing a western hat come here you [Music] so when i get lonesome i don't have a conniption [Music] that only seems to have made him matter we need somebody with real musical talent to get rid of this all right i'll do it but only because you require an artist of such high talent [Music] you did it draw the little critter out hold still buddy hey where do you want this life-sized cut out of you mr krabs great plankton what happened thanks to your brilliant aim honey i'm stuck inside that fool of a fry cook well honey you'll just have to change plans plug into his eyes and see what's going on outside [Music] [Applause] hey squidward we blew a fuse i'm gonna blow up you as if you don't get that order up it works i can see everything spongebob sees hey can somebody hit the lights spongebob where's the krabby patty for order 17. oh squidward is that you oh it's so dark in here i can't see a thing can you just get the krabby patty sure thanks squidward one krabby patty coming up he's going to make a krabby patty right in front of me oh now where are those patties no ah there you are patty add one fluffy bun like so and a squirt of special sauce special sauce wait soap is the special sauce your crabby patty ma'am that's it i'm trying something else where are those eardrums if you two want to knock each other's brains out with snowballs kindly leave me out of it come on spongebob let's go knock each other's braids out i'm ready hmm [Music] okay patrick it's out now there's something i'd actually like to see you have to check your smart thingy at the door [Music] finally the eardrum whoo now i'll just unplug this thing need a little refresher eh okay boy i'll run through the krabby patty formula one more time first [Music] let me see what i can tune in here i said the secret to the krabby patty formula is did you speak a little louder please the secret toy that krabby patty formula is what hold on here it goes a secret to the krabby patty formula is i hate my life [Applause] it's just me patrick [Music] now you do me time to free our minds [Music] whoa patrick i've never seen the world from this angle before my thinkfolds hey spongebob i bump eyeball [Music] patrick no more eye bumps okay i still have one more thing to clean [Music] i'm gonna have to go in deeper where am i [Music] that's disgusting now where do morons keep all their secrets [Music] nope doesn't this kid have any secrets aha the library where he keeps records of his every thought all of his deepest juiciest secrets [Music] inconvenient alphabetical order look at that q r s [Music] sounds that make squidward upset patrick's favorite place is to be scratched [Music] what are you doing scratching now this will be a great learning experience for you keep your brain peeled can do mr krabs i have something you don't the heart of a child [Music] no splash spongebob i got fired too this is exactly why we need to go on strike he can't treat us like this anymore patrick did you hear something [Music] wait a minute what's this the secret recipe isn't in the brain it's located in the heart how cheesy [Music] recipe yes yes yes here it is my mouth is watering my taste buds are tingling it feels so good i can feel it all the way to my finger stumps all of the ingredients coming together in perfect harmony and it's all mine [Music] okay that was weird like i was saying the krabby patty recipe is the delicious soul property of the krusty krab who said that what's happening it's so warm and fuzzy [Music] [Music] it's beautiful [Music] oh where am i see if i can find the line this gives me an idea ready spongebob ready a one and a two and three hey oh no no no this will never work you got two left feet how'd you know give me though [Music] that's better okay let's go bob what are you doing why are you moving your arms like that i guess they're happy them over i'm the other one come on [Music] now that's more like it geez with your arms and legs doing all the work i'm not really doing anything i think i should help are you questioning my leadership okay hand it over you know what squidward what i think i'm suffering from my art now first i've got to get rid of this stupid costume [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what do you know i scared him it worked patrick i scared everybody yeah i guess it was your pink hat pink hat oh that's not a hat that's my brain oh [Music] no i've eaten tons of that fruitcake i must be the biggest jerk in town hmm you don't act jerky for some reason it's not affecting you it must be a combination of your tiny brain and pure heart you're immune to jerkodium spongebob for your dining plater two double krabby patties cooked to perfection complemented by a side of coral bits and a jumbo diet soda topped off with a little extra love [Music] enjoy there's only one way to park a boat the safe way you now see the importance of proper steering and a properly calibrated anchor [Music] what that's it mister you just lost your brain privileges finished spongebob come in here or should i say robot bob sponge chef pants i put the brain in the robot you know empty your mind of everything that doesn't have to do with fine dining fine dining and breathing just got an order from the boss dump everything that isn't about fine dining everything everything come on come on hurry up what do you think i'm paying you for you don't pay me we don't even exist we're just a clever visual metaphor used to personify the abstract concept of thought one more crack like that and you're out of here no please i have three kids [Music] you've never seen what's inside his brain his brain ah what's scary about that i was in there once it's too terrifying even for ghosts [Applause] or not [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] that didn't scare me one bit i i bet you don't have a scary thought in your entire brain oh scary you know what always scares me out of the room is when my mom takes out my naked baby i pictures you this much [Music] i'm actually scared [Music] uh him what does that say krusty krab i thought [Music] i want a rusty all right and nothing less just leave it to me yo rusty one prepare for a what the barnacle is a rusty on rye let's see are our rambling ham red herring rib tickler rusty penguin salty steamer oh guess i don't know how to make rusty on rye how about a little takeout no no [Laughter] you can't fool me plankton you want the krabby patty formula you are going to hand deliver it to me personally no no no there's no one here don't remind me brace yourself spongebob this is my lab and this is my laboratory and did i ever show you my record player now there's not one square inch of dark what was that gary right gary i've got darkness inside of me [Music] if you see spongebob can you give him his brain back i was borrowing it for the weekend i'll just set it uh here see you [Music] thank you backpack ten nine do it do it right [Music] [Applause] give me a shot of milk milk two percent think you can handle it i drink this stuff every day over the lips and through the gums look how tapeworm here it comes get ready but worst of all i let you down you delicate little krabby patty with your tasty juicy scrumptious warm steamy goodness steamy i'll never forget your 100 all-secret patty secretly assembled with undersea cheese pickle lettuce tomato onion all secretly steaming between two fluffy seaweed seed buns yes yes yes come to papa boy plankton one percent evil 99 hot gas you two are gonna work for me forever yeah the strike worked squidward we got our jobs back forever forever forever forever one eternity later
Channel: Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe
Views: 3,077,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoon universe, ncu, full episodes, cartoons, nick toons, #youtubekids, cartoon food, spongebob, squarepants, spongebob squarepants, spongebob compilation, spongebob squarepants compilation, spongebob's insides, spongebob episodes, best of spongebob, best of spongebob squarepants, krusty krab, patrick star, spongebob nick, krabby patty, squidward spongebob, plankton spongebob, mr krabs
Id: fy7L6vA8o94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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