Best Of Kamp Koral Season 1 Part 1! πŸ” 40 Minutes | Nicktoons

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oh this must be it it's too slow oh my gosh you're not going to believe this treasure we have a lot of Moola we can buy everything we can buy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] anything all [Music] finished thanks my good man [Music] thanks come on Hit Me With Your Right shot come on here I am nice shot [Music] you got to flatten it out get the [Music] corn goast [Music] again [Music] yeah wow Mr Krabs that was great that was the Fest ride ever I'm just I'm just bit but Mr Krabs you can't go home oh yeah what about the other kids other kids hi we want to buy rides for those kids [Music] too all right here we go kers wo that was amazing Mr Crab and very generous generous very generous we ran out of money to pay for those rides hours ago you ran out of [Music] money well at least I'm done with all your nonsense what do you think he means by nonsense w and now to introduce me new money to me old money you'll be money buddies B booty they've been robbed me chest what is he Patrick the money was mine all long that does it I'm finding an even safer place for me Lo this time now no campers will ever get their mates on mola again sh food h h h Lo [Music] Royal got you cornered you're not going anywhere you're mine that truck ate my best friend Patrick come on dude Qui Fellers run that big old tree [Music] Yonder guys I'm not going to make it come on Bubble [Music] B [Music] got attention cappers Lun all right all right it's locked stand back we're going to use the Buns of Life who's hungry I thought I was what I miss P careful [Music] Patrick after [Music] you [Music] see perfectly safe hello there this must be the nudest camp what makes you say that well you're nude actually I'm only partially nude I like to think of myself as a bridge between the clothed and the unclothed between the fabric and the flesh born up Two Worlds but belonging to neither well I'm from the fully clothe Camp up the road and I'll just need to take a quick look around yeah I don't think so whoa hey whatever habit of professional courtesy you won't let a fellow Camp master in oh you can go in just uh not woring [Music] [Applause] that hey Nabbit this is where narlene said the camp would be there ain't nothing here you sure about that youy look Step Right This Way dis your eyes on the new dust Camp new dust just look at all them Dusty Little Campers we made them with our own dust and this here's the old dut Camp all right narlene you had your fun great joke come on boys let's go home oh don't be sore now y'all we was just messing with you the real Camp's right over there your faces though [Music] it's even Stranger Than I imagined boy fish sure look weird without clothes on huh woohoo hanging yeah especially that big ugly guy over [Music] there Mr TR okay listen being a single father of a giant baby it it just doesn't leave much time for exercise or or eating well or no never mind just get back to Camp immediately and if anyone asks this never happened man how embarrassing for him where are your pants I don't want them anymore I'm free I put on [Music] shoes if I was a hungry animal I'd eat your up SpongeBob a you're just saying that Sandy just stick to the plan we'll all be watching you from behind that K tree and we'll stay up all night if we have to help we coming Swit buddy me a it's just a little [Music] Nipper little boy did you eat all our [Music] candy does anyone understand this Jibber Jabber [Music] Patrick Dandy where is everybody mommy AR too young to be on R not much later [Music] we been lollies that's the K candy let's pump his stomach stay away from him or feel the r to [Music] me I'm just funning y kid who are you my name oh is Garling narwhal and that p puppy Over Yonder he's my bouncing bro [Applause] [Music] Nai hold on you it well it's nice to hear you're not a hungry monster you still stole all our candy we're not thieves y'all we just barfi your candy so I can make a fresh batch of sugar squeeze sugar [Music] squeeze [Music] sugar squee Dandy wishes it was this [Applause] [Music] Dandy so what you think W it's good sugar squeeze right there sugar squeeze for all [Music] [Music] y'all left turn Patrick [Music] bbob oh I guess it's time for me and Obby to get on back and feed the music Gan Arlene thanks for this sweet Surplus I can't wait to share with the whole Camp sure a bless your cute little [Music] ho slurp that Sugar squeeze kids we'll have some fun again soon sooner than you think yeah up you step right up peers and try our new delicious delectible how much is this fancy food cting me I said go faster not flee me I want cheap simple food for the children or you're fired like this Mr Krabs looks simple enough mama and dadd is a taste deep and it only took a few pennies worth of ingredients to make you made this C Master a very happy crab SpongeBob hey check it out kids we got patties the only food you'll ever want and the only food you'll ever get again behold the beautiful symmetry of its interior [Music] [Applause] structure righteous flavor je how good can these things really be [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyway ay matchi such Clarity such [Music] flavor I'll steal your secrets I'll make lots of money I'll go to college and then I'll take over the world oh hey there SpongeBob nice work with the patties they're a real big hit thanks I'm just happy seeing how happy they make everybody else happy yeah that's real Noble of you say could you tell me what the ingredients for these patties are oh sorry Mr Plankton I can never remember things like that particles how many times must I be foiled by a child's idiocy that's why I wrote him down on this list you know kind of like a formula this is the only copy though so you should be very careful with it here you go well but you fool the formula is mine and mine alone and I'm using it to conquer the [Music] world step on it my computer assistant yes sir Mr P bu not for campers not for world domination [Music] yeah [Music] uh-oh two [Music] [Applause] so long SpongeBob I win I'm the greatest I'm the oh hey s oh what's up oh I just finished my new invention behold the automatic camp fire wow Sandy you're the smartest squirrel I know I'm the only squirrel you knew SpongeBob [Music] yes no no no no my formula well I guess I can't make any more patties now oh my gosh SpongeBob I'm so sorry it's okay sby I'll always cherish the flavorful memories take over the world with a Patty what was I thinking maybe you could conquer the world with a different food how about Chum well anyway you're probably the greatest camper that ever lived maybe you can help me catch a jellyfish wow that's all true but you know there's really nothing to it as a matter of fact I saw a jelly fly into that cave over there it should be cornered and easy to catch oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I love this game Mr tentacles that was not a cave it was a jellyfish [Music] Hive huh look at him go wow one day poor SpongeBob he can't seem to catch a single jellyfish in this camp we got to do something why am I doing this again because you feel guilty about getting SpongeBob all stung up yeah what else you got cuz you will do an amazing job selling the illusion of a jelly fish and you're the best dancer in Camp ha it's true I am why last year I was Primo ballerino in under Swan Lake you should have seen my dying swan and today you will die again that's right because today you will dance jelly Lake jelly Lake H okay I'll do [Music] it yesterday didn't count today is the day that counts today today today hey here comes a kid with the pants I don't know Patrick I think there's something wrong with it get tiger I kind of feel sorry for it can't make it too easy again [Music] is it dead nope it's alive I think it just said a bad word it's wounded now's your chance to catch [Music] it that wasn't a jellyfish that was Squidward in Disguise it was it was it was Squidward Tentacles is the greatest camp counselor that ever lived he can't end up as Monster poop [Music] hi there monster my name is SpongeBob you at my camp counselor I'd appreciate it if you would barf him back up yeah oh SpongeBob oh please just let me die not yet because there's no problem that a bubble can't [Music] [Music] solve w wow thanks you're getting heavy I got to think of a different way to carry you around uh nope no thank you [Music] [Applause] byebye camper SpongeBob oh hi narlene what you got in the Boogie oh that's little baby Pearl that's big old baby I can just eat it right up someone's getting a little air slaby timee her air bottle better check the temperature oh now where am I going to get more air don't you frak SpongeBob your old pal narlene is just a thing I happen to have a vintage bottle of air right here oh what's [Music] like- here you go young Nene how can I ever repay you oh don't you threaten on SpongeBob I'll just take one of [Music] these this will be my Sunday go to meeting too okay Bly whirly time to breathe your num Noms oh hi naobi naby where's Pearl don't you worry n SpongeBob see n say little Pearl's just going off on a little ramble through the forest oh thank Neptune little ramble through the forest that boy should not be watching children he's irresponsible that's a cheese mate that's CH Sandy I lost baby okay I'll go ask Squidward Mr tentacles I took baby Pro for a walk but she was too heavy I me to to their time B out of the air num NS but she was gone I lost baby yeah that's nice you lost Perl oh Krabs is going to annihilate us baby P oh Pearl love those weird sounds you make try playing some more it's called Jazz she's that way girl there you are come to SpongeBob oh no she needs her air [Music] bottle she goes gotcha you little wiggle [Music] whale [Music] [Applause] [Music] great work camper upt this babysitting badge is well deserve how V [Music] when that's for you two instead of sleeping all day you should be more responsible like mey [Music] he it and now you [Music] it [Music] [Music] don't take me take no don't tag me please I'm too young all right that's it wow what's wrong hello you got something on your head and stay up oh but it's funny out here and it's cold and the sky's crying there you go yo dingies you're going to catch cold out there come inside be careful in here these Jacks tend to play rof here dry off you [Applause] drips all right frigs where were we hey Larry what's going on in here well I'm trying to teach these lunkheads that the brain is the most important muscle in the body the brain ain't a muscle it's an [Music] organ today we're exercising our intellects in the classic poem Jack be nimble Jack be quick what did Jack jump over uh his mommy sure oil rig [Music] me you're it you're it you're it what are you doing playing tag Jo be nimble ATT jock be quick you're it oh it's on Bros [Music] tag you're ready and dingies do me a favor and don't come back your games are too r we're hi yeah we're monsters we're monsters we're want you to be quiet I am trying to sleep what the oh good it's just a nightmare hey what happened to my Mutant in snacks two adorable little campers dropped by and bought all of them I've got to find those campers before it's too late Karen lower the plantos scope the one the Periscope I renamed it last Tuesday crabs finds out I've mutated his campers I'll be fired and I'll never go to [Music] college I created those dopes now I just need to make an [Music] Antidope one last [Music] chance yes I've actually created something that [Music] works [Music] yeah time to unmut some [Music] [Applause] mutants shlon bodyy cute hi Sandy woo Hoy SpongeBob what happened to you y' all go franced in a patch of poison kill we're trying out our new look W now eat nice nood but I've got you now lion squirrel at 12:00 sorry can somebody spot me bro now where did those grotesque goons go aha time to Target those tushies we're not hideous [Music] anymore you'll never believe it Karen those nitwit campers are back to normal and crabs never noticed a thing oh that's wonderful Mr [Music] Plankton this one's going in the wind file [Music] hey victory D put me down you Fo
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 396,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Rock Paper Scissors, ytao_kk
Id: vJvtm4zjE1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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