Every Time Mr. Krabs Says "MONEY!" For 45 Minutes! ๐Ÿ’ธ SpongeBob | Nicktoons

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I think don't ready back to go to work Mr Krabs you're fine me boy well maybe not all we need to do is get your confidence back so you can make me more money uh I mean patties wait don't shoot okay okay shoot me but but don't take me money nonsense Squidward that saken his money to my ears I mean music money money money money 10 20 30 40 who's [Music] there back to Counting me money 1 2 three 4 five what the Barnacle is that quiet money silence and money wake up boy you're burning me money take of it Mr Krabs you will be responsible for bringing culture to this cultural Wasteland we call bikini bottom and not to mention the money the money hello I'm Mr Krabs and I like money I'm losing money on this [Applause] [Music] deal it's worth every penny money money going to make some money ter you should be making me money with your spatule now get back to work I love karate I love carot I love money eg I hate all of you look Mr Crabs peny never mind the small change lad get the net this one no no no no no the money net it's in me back pocket wow you look real good with a mustache Mr Krabs not a customer in sight if I don't make any money today i' surely break out in a race yippe I'm rich they're there boy they won't get you not as long as you listen to all Mr Krabs now get back to the kitchen time is money let's see a felet word for happiness money this is the worst service we've ever had we're going to the Chum Bucket wait wait don't go oh yeah we are definitely out of here yes wait let's go let's me money Hing out the door that sounds like me money dropping what's going on out here my babies get away a barbarian what have you done nice clean money soiled I'll take care of you Papa clean you up it makes me Jolly as a Roger to finally have you board the family business great dad because I have so many new ideas I can smell the money already and be in my office if you need me it's hip it's Coral it's it's losing money oh you're right SpongeBob but I can't fire me pride and joy it would break a fragile little heart what am I going to do but how am I going to get my money money back for all this stuff you haven't taken bubble Buddy's order yet why would I do that he's hungry he's an inanimate object his money is no good here what are you saying Mr Squidward everyone's money is good here he owes me money he made me provide excellent service everyone at the head enhancement Clinic said nobody would notice SpongeBob you're scaring away me money that sound it sounds like like the pitter patter of money hey where you going beautiful say money money it reminds me of money hold on mecko food's on the way hey you got money right yeah SpongeBob bring this man some grub before he kills over money walking I need to think of a gimmick like that to get people back in here Mr Crabs I have an idea what in a name of money are you waiting for boy tell me how can you make money with such a stupid idea and how can you not make money with such a brilliant idea I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready for me money welcome to pretty patties may I take your money what did you wish for a pony really with SLE bags full of money how' the car gang go last night Mr Krabs I lost Barnacles Mr Krabs how much money did you lose I didn't lose any money I lost don't tell me you lost the Crusty Crab I've got a life well fine if you don't want my money money you mean if we stayed open later you'd give us your money sure it doesn't matter doesn't matter it's money that makes the world go around boy it's money that keeps your pants square it's money that keeps Squidward in Philly soap Li it's money that paid for all them Renovations we did I'm caught in the middle of me two great loves sweet Mrs Puff and the rest of me money I wish there was some way I could help perhaps there is boy I'm putting you in charge of me money I don't get it Mr Krabs you come with me on the date and don't let me spend any money now remember we keep it cheap by going to the park and no matter how much I ask you you don't give me any of me money I got the flowers for Mrs Puff we had an agreement boy you ain't supposed to spend any of me money but you said here I come for you Mrs Puff flowers oh how thoughtful you hear that boy we didn't need to buy a hat aren't you supposed to be saving me money I'm trying Mr Krabs but you keep telling me to buy things for Mrs Puff it's all really confusing SpongeBob Mrs Puff needs a new for [Music] coat you're spending on me money cheer up how can I cheer up when you're spending on me hard earned cash see you just did it again lad I can't help it if you're loose with other people's money money I got a proposition for you how's about you go catch me some of those little money fish oh boy getting paid to jellyfish that's my life's dream count me money money sweeter than honey money money this money money that profit will make me while it f look I almost forgot it's open cash register night first two customers get all the money in the cash register am I really going to Def this grave for money of course I am after this commercial airs we'll be swarming with customers I can already feel myself sweating money what Neptune's name is going on we're making the commercial Mr Krabs what you're doing is throwing away me money so why don't you come on in and have yourself a crabby patty today the Crusty Crab come spend your money here how about a little music to count me money to and now for the number one song in Bikini Bottom Electric [Music] Zoo no wait what are you going to do to me blender that cost me money what the devil fish is going on out here time is money and if you boys is wasting time then you're wasted money and that's just sick here you can see our automated money handling system don't touch I am crossing over to the dark side why should I waste money late whole store I don't oh yes you do no world means no money you know boys being sick made me do a lot of thinking my whole life has been about money saving money collecting money watching money well you get the picture but no more you're looking at the no improved non cheap Mr Crab I'll just subtract it from today's profit and there's no money in here if you had to choose between SpongeBob and all the money I have in my pocket which would you take that depends how much money we talking about Mr Krabs 62 I'll take the money Mr Krabs here you go Krabs 62 cents next up Davey Jones Locker look Squidward money I want another chance I didn't learn anything I lost my best fry cook I don't want this foul money I want SpongeBob back here take him back you heard what I said about the money heard what you said I couldn't hear myself thinking with this one around the intoxicating Aroma of a charcoal briquette the hypnotic sound of a lawnmower running over a flip-flop the money the money uh I you mean uh the children well during the summer break the children wander Bikini Bottom unsupervised their pockets lined with allowance free to spend their money without any Parental Guidance whatsoever what but that's impossible what about the money I mean uh uh what about the [Music] children okay money I mean uh children it's time for the grand unveiling of money I mean Krabby Land we want crabby we want crabby we where is Krabby Mr Crabs he'll be here after I count their money what are we going to do well now that all their money's counted tell him Krabby has just arrived the children I don't care about the children I just care about their parents' money I was sure it was one of plankton's tricks well at least his money's good ah ha where's me old mattress then don't worry Mr Krabs I took care of that personally too I had it hauled away to the dump all my money was in that mattress and we got you a card is that money in it nope it's me money oh money I promise I'll never leave you alone again what is it oh the greatest Money Maker since the Krabby Patty gentlemen meet still cran ching ching money oh money how I love thee from every side I've ever seen to the sweetest sound I've heard i' gladly give up everything for the money that I've earned jumping King Neptune so give me my just one thing if you could sign this contract just states that you relinquish the Crusty Crab and all proprietary ownership thereof along with its employees merchandise logos and cash registers do I still get the money of course that'll be fine then oh this is worse than I thought after all money is the ultimate source of Joy oh money you're always there for me hello Eugene mother what brings you by today I just wanted to see me favorite son how much am my money do you want well I did see the prettiest hat and to today oh look at the time swallow me wallet okay oh sorry Mommy I can't lend you any money SpongeBob accidentally swallowed me wallet but me new boyfriend bought me this hat boyfriend someone to spend money I mean time with you that's wonderful sorry Mr Krabs I on it time is money boy forget hotels this Hospital racket is where the money is this is a hospital what's this Mr Krabs it's me credit card you use it instead of money I can buy stuff with just this piece of plastic I don't need money exactly wow well let's see that thing impressed me even more by bringing in more customers and more money in me pocket that little Brat's throwing perfectly good money away oh so if I can't have it no one I hope he throws all your retirement money down a hole poor little quarter what the this will is full of money don't worry little fellas I'll save [Music] you I'll save you money gotcha what you hurless Bruce think you're doing um using the wishing well well you toss in a coin and make a wish and then what and that's it nothing else happens it's fun you mean suckers throw money down a hole for fun that's the greatest scam ever it's beautiful you smell that boys that's the smell of money why do I have to go down in the well to collect the money how long do I have to stay down here see you in 8 hours well I could probably get a couple of bucks for Patrick nah you better just stand up the money good morning SpongeBob let's see what you got ohy it's heavy must be a lot of money so how much money did you make last night even get any money Listen Patrick there Comes A Time in every man's life when he's got to settle down you know get a wife kids a father-in-law you give all your money too let's go boys don't you want to spend any money no we impossible they must have counted me money a dozen times and it still comes up short profits are down I wouldn't do that if I were you there's another ingredient hey I paid good money for this thing of course I'm going to drink it the most beautiful thing me ice have ever seen what is it it's money money $1 please there go sir was my first dollar I'd ever earned and was also the beginning of a beautiful romantic relationship with money hey first we rule their stomachs and then then money you were my only true friend that didn't have a president printed on him but money doesn't hug back SpongeBob's resignation oh this is terrible no one's making patties and that means I'm not making money look here you made me all sparkly you're the best bottom feater of sponge could ever had I and a great Money Maker you are too now back to work oh oh I have a disgusting clientele who spent their money freely I I Happ because I'd hate for a certain living Arrangement meaning yours to interfere with said money spending oh they wanted wish to give me their money he cost money you know I should thank you what with the ice Rank and now the swimming pool gimmick I'm making more money than I ever did with the crusty crab oh there she is oh I could just smell the money already why did you give him the table you know what they say money talks I didn't know money could talk did it tell you to kick those old people out what do you have against old people don't go Goofy on me boy money can't really talk only fish can talk what's that music I think Mr Krabs is going to sing oh great if I can talk to money how great my life would be we tell each other Secrets all their friends would visit me if I could talk to money come along sing with me uh no thanks I got to go I feel I have to Peay if I could talk to money and it could talk to me we' always be the best friends for all [Music] eternity what did I miss oh talk to money I would give anything to talk to money anything do you have anything to say to me yeah when's the last time you brushed your teeth oh it worked I can talk to money I can talk to money go ahead say hello hello what is it lad quick we're losing money zombies they're here to eat me money why they're not zombies Mr Krabs they're your customers H well you know until I come up with the money I owe I'm afraid you'll be staying with these next was gents you sold me so my eats and I are living this is for you is it money it is the bill for my services if you're not going to pay for your food with money you're going to pay with hard physical labor well did you earn me money back yet Patrick I guess the early bird gets the worm and all our stuff and me money me beautiful beautiful money that make me lots of money you wouldn't believe it Mr Krabs we had so many new customers I don't care about that tell me about the money there we were at the bottom of a deep dark abyss and we had to let go of something heavy and paper you let go of all the money I earned as palast I'm fine as long as me money is okay now how do you propose we find me moneymaking employee hello and welcome one in all your money to your old crusty Krabby there's me little money maker are you going to make me lots of money today yes sir can I touch it money [Music] buron I wonder what they make the money out of but real bubble lives in a Atlantis some dumb old bubble pales in comparison to the Arts money and science go on Squidward hurry up Squidward that money ain't getting any [Music] younger a bubble I long for that so we lose but soon enough I will see well that's just Splendid boy and then we make money more than you can spend this street ain't gold if it's gold you want you'll find it in our vault I'm Eugene I like money I can see that that cuz I think I money look at all this cash hey look at all this money I H me hard dang it clear I'm all right Sunny industrial accidents can make quite a mess unless you fall into a money price oh make me into money Mr Wonderful machine I always knew that me true color was Green Oh ever since I was a little kid I dreamed of such a place yes I did with mountains of money and rivers of CR and a pool of coins to make a splash oh I'll open up a crusty crab with patties made of money they'd be delicious and expensive and taste like Golden Honey money and gold and treasure Untold and all of it for me interesting how things work out that way some folks just walk along and stumble over free money while others others they work oh my it's like PR money rolling rolling rolling money keeps on Rolling Along 25 cents per word the newspaper business sure is easy money what a money tastical day hey Mr sward Mr Krabs are you okay how can I be okay when me money's gone that reminds me can I have some [Applause] money money money money oh oh my kitten goodbye money sque goodbye buddy ladies and gentlemen here are your new Champion sco M new Champions hello money money sweet money or or you can take what's behind curtain number two curtain number two make all your dreams come true with one week at wrestle camp like we're really going to trade all this money for wrestle camp but Mr Crabs these are all the same size cup SpongeBob this promotion is designed to save us money wa back don't you want to give me your money you mean cash money well heck yeah $5 please I'll be in the back counting me money if the crowd gets bored add some more boxes these people paid good money for a floor show full of pain and humiliation now make with a c swallow pal lookie another FR night bushy tailed customer but but I don't want to stop spending money here well don't worry I'm certainly not going to keep you from doing what you want how dare you spend all the money I don't pay you me our trial's business crusty crab crusty crab we don't just want you we want your money too oh bring back me money to me where there me money I'll just have to eat this promotional de hey don't touch Mr Krab's money fre money what do you think you're doing that ain't yours I want my money back money back he wants a tip what's a tip it means he wants money for nothing lad you're surrounded by stingy wisdom so try to pick up some pointers but whatever you do don't lend anyone money 25 26 Sandy really needs our help okay explain it to me again but this time take out anything that doesn't have to do with money we save Sandy no Patrick we didn't did we make any money no shiver Me shell wax you're like a little money detecting you know what do you call it snagle you mean snil ah fine go on aadia with me new money finder here who need you dirty money spends just like the clean stuff what do you mean you don't feel so [Music] good you look fine to me quit being such a baby and start making me some money ladies and gentlemen thank you for your money jackpot moneyy money come to Papa oh boy this time of day always reminds me of [Music] big money over over Soul over spend ah overtime more money per [Music] hour more money for service above and beyond money money money money money money money money Mr Crabs I have great news the bank is handing out free samples of money no see now we got two drive-throughs two lines and I'll make money twice as fast okay don't worry I can solve this more drive-throughs more money we're fetching money's involved nobody topples me snip out the money little guys the shrill piercing racket of your fish float is fening away me money fish float moneyy please be money please be money oh that's not money it's from SpongeBob Dear Mr Krabs please come to my house tonight I'm having a Free Money Party free money party this sounds too good to be true can we skip the magic and get right to the free money how about the latte sipping it's the Bikini Bottom mint where they make all the money now I'll be your tour guide for today this tour will take you through the entire money making process did you hear that boy the entire money making process pretty neat huh boy that's where they destroy money money makes money makes Mr Krabs it's okay how's the hall Mr Squidward everyone's paying with bones well money's money you know turning patties into lettuce I'm not following you cabbage green BS money Oh you mean your Obsession Obsession is kind of a strong word wait a minute those stws cost me money oh don't worry Mr Krabs I'll put them all back we did it Mr Krabs we saved the Crusty Crab and all I did was sell the same old Krabby Patties and call them new do you mind I'm trying to make a money Angel here woo money Angels you guys know how to make a Krabby Patty no but I know how to open a cash register your ttin is costing me money hey what's going on I don't know but my money's on the one with with the crown backside excuse me did you say money I know that sound it's the sound of me money being flushed on a toilet no cooking no patties no patties no money and you're telling me this why that's 2% of money that's not in me pocket and when I think about that 2% I get so mad when I see that 2% I think of pie I'm not talking about pie he's pulled up are probably spending their money at some other restaurant it appears they are actually giving Plankton money 20 40 50 boy just bought mine four times I mean tasty food is one thing but how can I compete with free money the say money I could swear that's what I heard I get supered of hearing when it comes to that word now put some cash in my hand so I but I don't have anybody left not even a NE oh I just made more money than I know what to do with what do I owe you money for well let's see how about damage sound equipment lost revenue and just because Mr Squidward what's with all the Dilly Delian we got customers money to take he needs to be behind that register we got customers out there just begging to hand me their money me money the customers keep passing off their dirty filthy money so we're cooking up the only solution powerful enough to clean it what did I tell you about talking to spatular only do it if it makes me money please have your money ready instant interest let's practically give it money away money here I I'm in money Heaven heads up we got a live one welcome to Bank of bikini hi I want to see all your money excuse me show me where the money lives I bet you got a lot I'd like to see all of it I'm a huge fan of money oh oh hey wait what you doing Penny doesn't want to be crammed in there with all those other coins she wants a money condo of her own okay I've landed in money Nirvana my wildest dreams finally come true Mr Krabs are you okay I'm fine boy in fact I'm dancing with a beautiful lady oh that's nice yes and she's made entirely out of money what that NEP slimy money Dragon you're not sucking away me Fortune without a fight I've got you now money sucker I conquered the money Dragon wa what do you know I double me money a clean cat he's a moneymaking cat we say what could be worse than spending money all right hold on a second you freeloader what are you doing here I'm here for lunch did you bring money this time yes nope nothing I can't smell a cent or a dollar or any money in a 5 mile radius we need a HomeTown hero to make me lots of money I mean return the Bel to beig Kitty bom tailes have to stay here and made me back some of that money I spent why do you keep doing this plon when you mess with me business you mess with me money your money's not everything you know of course it is money makes the world go round and makes me heart go pound hello me little money stack you showed me once and for all that while money can't buy you love it can give you love now instead of wasting my precious money on your clothes and your school supply please you could waste your own can I borrow $10 come you around the house Oh Daddy you'll see me after work I was talking to the money holy harpoons the fortune did come true me cash register me money oh I'll miss you daddy but I really can't wait to spend all your hard earned money on shoes me money have delicious crab patties anytime you want they are in your groceries freezer section buy them I want your money done will this commercial really help me make money you need to call your bank crabs because they are going to have to build an extra Vault to hold all the extra money see Mr Krabs the community bulletin board is a good thing yes yes it is it's bringing me closer to my favorite part of the community their money step aside boy you're blocking me money making bullettin board cancel that order no taking VES three Krabby Patties me money detector where do you think you're going get back in there and spend the rest of your money but I needed it for rent listen up everybody new star policy all money brought into this store must be spent here all right I'll save you but you got to promise to spend most of your all of your money right here got it why are all my tables empty why am I not making [Music] money ha See I just stole some money oh yeah thanks Old Timer um we're pretending to Rob this Bank where's the tellers where's the money it's my homage to you and your love of money you got me there I do love money oh come now Mr Squidward catering is a great way for you to make a little extra [Music] money me money ready to serve you miss moneybag I mean ma'am we are anything we need to be for me to make this money you got everything a Magic Touch for cooking lots of customers money I could use a boss life insurance is money the beneficiary gets when a person dies by the way who gets the money no this is going to cost me money baby I'll never mow you again take me money oh give me back me money crusty crab action figures aren't free you know so get your parents money and you can have it you should buy one just to be nice I'm good nice nice I don't waste my money on nice and I say this so-called art will never be worth a penny Hey Eugene AG Krabs does not lose money Mr Squidward is out of the picture for good he will be missed so come on over and tell old cribs how much money me paintings are worth no you're Ming with me money oh don't be so prental SpongeBob yeah stop trying to censor our money why did you have to go n on comp time boyo I'm going to lose so much money well what do you think they're doing in here stealing people's crabby patties and costed me money huh free money eh Don't Mind If I Do I'm not feeling any money we aing pictures and I didn't even get any money [Music] you'll never get me [Applause] [Music] money hey look a penny what money where there ye invertebrate you're throwing away me money why don't you just dump the soup out and lose all the money I've already put into it heck no listen here boyo as long as that petty stuck in the chimney it's money out of me pocket you're going to have to go up there there and fish it out now you can cook even if you can't get back [Music] [Applause] down oh thank you Mr Krabs now start making me money hey I just being outside is [Music] awful I know you broke into my house this afternoon I know you sto it now f up this afternoon well I was I've been here all day cut me money just look at me but Grove four at a time contcat me money let's try for five that's me money running away come back Mr Squidward why aren these walking W spending money because they're too busy watching SpongeBob cck and talent equals [Music] money oh I got to hand it to you that new insult comedy Act is really bringing in the money what's the matter crabs you don't like money what of course I like money the office will be ready in 5 minutes first lesson is math I get half the prize money what the I'll give you 100% of my ADV tomorrow me PR bud I ain't got nothing to work with here that PR but is as good as mine my work my priz Oney Eugene Krabs flies alone what blow a kiss [Music] jellyfish Mr Krabs is that you it's Karen's version of crabs hey looking good Mr K I hate everything I own these streets don't come back to me restaurant ever again until you have money it what what's going on here how long have these folks been waiting to give me their money [Music] go I'm okay franchising a great idea boyo I am making money claw over fish here hey what's the exchange rate for bubbles to real money there is [Applause] none who is it a card any card magic a boyo is this by any chance a trick where you produce Mone coins from behind people's ears win win hey hey give me my money what are you quit masticating me mol need upset about the money boy I'm upset about him I'm old man jaer and I'm a jerk who likes to cause Mr crab's money Jenkins I'm putting me foot down you're ruining me business and you costed me money now get out I hire a dishwash and bubble to save money on soap and I want these plates sparkling by lunchtime we don't deliver to random land and why not because I heard the place is crazy and no delivery fish has ever returned Squidward just because it's a Preposterous neighborhood where the laws of nature change randomly and the people are all cuckoo don't mean the Crusty Crab won't attempt to take their money well I'm glad you enjoyed it boo cuz it's time you got back to making me money yes sir Mr Krabs take me customers just don't hurt me money money I mean hello and I believe that I have a way to make back all the money I'm going to lose $1 million to the Challenger that can beat Harry the health hazard in Supreme fighting you smell that boyos oh you smell like corn chips Mr Krabs I just smell the toilets yeah yeah all that's in the air too along with the smell of [Music] money easy is taking money from a baby I tell you Mr G I'm making more money than that t yep we had another money stacking day didn't [Music] we well Plankton looks like if we want to make a lot of money we'll have to do it as partners Eugene is this what friendship feels like Perhaps it is Sheldon Perhaps it is money me restaurant is packed to the kids with customers and their money hey those don't sound like I'm spending money screams hey must give patties away go money Patty's free Christy crab you J girl now give away your money every last scent must give away money give away all money for you SpongeBob what are you doing with me budny I always make lots of money when the bo air smells this good money money money money nuts NN snut back to work that money won't barbecue itself I love the smell of money a little smokier than usual might you lovers have employment for an able legged Young Buck with cash register experience no no nobody touches me money but me oh I'm sorry Captain I'm afraid we're just going to keep dopy dick and sell his jelly for money he was forged deep in the mountains Beyond the Horizon in the Far Land listen up Bo you I'm losing money by the second here that to O I sent some money t n the brand new Patty whip is now on the menu I'm not going to stop selling my newest Money Maker do your stuff boys [Music] lunchtime work dayny buny still have a pulse yes I agree this show is the worst if I were you I'd storm out and demand my money back and then go spend it at the Crusty Crab ladies and gentlemen behold the most incredible sight you'll ever see it's amazing and it's alive step right up folks if I knew I'd make this much money I'd have cannonballed into you a long time ago oh I love the circus
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 132,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Rock Paper Scissors, ytao_sbsp, money
Id: 08jouFjcxQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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