COUNTING Every Time Someone Says "Plankton!" | 45 Minute Compilation | SpongeBob

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Oh, hey, Plankton. Nice try, Plankton. [chuckles, grunting] Uh, Plankton? This patty tastes a little angry. Plankton. [hissing] [screaming] [grunting] Plankton, you're okay. Plankton, could you move your leg over a little? It's a bit cramped in here. SpongeBob. Yes, Plankton? They're watching us everywhere, Plankton. Great thinking back there, Plankton. All's well that ends well, eh, Plankton? [gasping] Oh, no. Where's Plankton? Today is the 25th anniversary of the first time me archenemy, Plankton ever tried to steal me secret Krabby Patty formula. Hmm. I was sure it was one of Plankton's tricks. Aha! Plankton! That's your problem. You never let anyone in. Plankton the rack. Plankton the loner. And she's off, ladies and gentlemen. I'm no different than the millions of other plankton in the sea. The Plankton family has always been pushed around and stepped on. Wait. That's it. Acting alone we're powerless, but united the Plankton family could be a real pain in the belly! Krabs may think one plankton is no problem, but let's see him take on two or ten or a hundred or a thousand. The entire Plankton family under one roof! [sneezing] Welcome, brethren. Hey, look, everybody, it's Cousin Plankton. Yeehaw! Only you can bring honor... [laughing] and dignity... [laughing] back to the plankton name. [laughing] [cheering] Victory thy name is Plankton! [cheering] Well, Mr. Squidward, it's almost closing time and we haven't seen eye or antenna of old Plankton for hours. You'll never get away with it, Plankton! Curse you, Plankton, and your ability to join together to form a working human ear. Let it be known that on this day, I, Sheldon J. Plankton, single-handedly overthrew the Krusty Krab! Plankton, wait! You can't look at the formula. The secret recipe for one Krabby Patty is... a pinch of salt... Plankton, wait! three teaspoons of chopped onions... I'm warning you! a cup of love... Don't do it! Mix together with the most important ingredient of all, four heaping pounds of freshly ground... plankton? I warned you. [screaming] And Plankton will probably figure that out and be back again to find out what the real formula is. I got it hidden in me most secret hiding place, a place no one, not even Plankton, would ever figure out. [laughing] Oh, Plankie Bear. Plankton. [grumbling] Plankton! Wha?! [thudding] Plankton, I know where this is going. I'd love it if you'd stay with me. [whimpering] Ah, Plankton, I am so sorry that Karen threw you out. Plankton, in a word, yes. All right. Plankton, the first step to becoming a nicer person is being thoughtful. Can someone get me out of here? Whew. Alright, Plankton, now you try. After you. But I can't fit through there. How dare you reject my act of kindness! Plankton, no. Okay, Plankton, since you don't seem to be able to do something nice, in this lesson, you're going to learn to say something nice. I like, um, your antennas. What? What's wrong with my antennas?! Plankton, Patrick was complimenting you. Plankton, are you sure about this? Of course I'm sure. Now start doing a robot voice. Plankton, I don't want to eat this. Don't you ruin this for me, SpongeBoob. Oh, Plankton poo, you say the sweetest things. No one can make Plankton happy like I can. We are soul mates and we are going to get married and print 1,347 babies. 1,000 what?! Oh, well, you're really in love. I won't stand in your way. Plankton's all yours. Sorry, Plankton. You just said such nice things to me. Oh, come on, Plankton, don't play dumb. If Plankton didn't steal the ingredient, who did? You swooped in, stole the secret ingredient, and spirited it away to the Chum Bucket, where you sold it to Plankton to make a quick buck. [laughing] One more time. Oh! No way, Plankton! Plankton, look at all these loyal customers. Loyal to me, Plankton! Not to you. Hey, Plankton, can I get another one of your delicious chum sticks? Boy, front and center! Yes, sir. Plankton's trying to overthrow me business. Why settle for Plankton's lumpy chum when you can enjoy a steaming Krabby Patty for free? Keep your tiny pants on, Plankton! Bleep bloop! There's your chum! Bleep blap blop. Hey, this doesn't look like chum. And that doesn't look like Karen. Why, don't be ridiculous. My husband, bleep blap, of course it's me. What have you done with Karen, you brute?! [mumbling] How many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to eat your trash? Plankton's chum is my favorite breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm going back to Plankton's chum. What am I gonna do? I can't let Plankton have so much as one single customer. I just can't afford it. [crying] I guess you'll have to make chum that's as good as Plankton's. But to do that, I'd need to know how Plankton makes his chum. Ooh. Plankton's secret formula. It's gotta be in here. AH! Triple irony, Plankton! Though you nabbed Krabs trying to steal your formula, I'm still here to foil your evil plans. Why would anyone ever eat my slop? Ugh. There he goes again. Cut it out, Plankton. Yeah, we all know what this day is. Today is the day when Plankton tries to steal the Krabby Patty formula, sir! Any sign of Plankton? Afraid not, Mr. Krabs. Plankton is gonna try something. I don't know when, I don't know where. Probably here. Well, yeah. No. I'm still here. Waiting for that blasted Plankton! - I'll take- - The patty formula? Huh? I know it's you in there, Plankton! Mr. Krabs, it's not Plankton. Ha! Trying to sneak a Krabby Patty to Plankton, eh? Aha. Another one of Plankton spies. Hmm. So, Plankton recruiting baby burglars now. Mr. Krabs, I don't think Plankton's coming. Nonsense. [knocking] See? It's that stinker Plankton now. Friends? Aha, you're both working for Plankton. Get out of me restaurant, you tricky, treacherous traitors! I know you're in here, Plankton. Those two are working for Plankton. You have got to come with me to "the Chum Bucket", for Plankton has kidnapped Squidward. Oh, so that's Plankton's evil plan. So we threw you a surprise party. You mean you weren't working for Plankton? Oof! Careful, Plankton. I just mopped there. [groaning] Look at you, Plankton. Hold up a second. Plankton, we don't need to drag this little incident into court, do we? I will do whatever it takes to keep the Krusty Krab formula from getting into Plankton's evil hands. I think we should counter sue for everything Plankton owns. Defense calls Plankton to the stand. Once again, Plankton, the sweetest of life's joys, has eluded your grasp. Mr. Plankton, we've received word that you're plotting to infiltrate the Krusty Krab and steal the Krabby Patty secret formula. Is that true? Mr. Krabs, did you see that? Plankton is retiring. [screaming] [laughing] Ah, you want to say goodbye to Plankton, you old, softy you. That'll be the day. I don't trust Plankton as far as I throw him. I still don't see Plankton doing anything wrong. [laughing] You see there, lad? Plankton is up to no good. Good luck on your retirement, Plankton. So, the way I see it, Mr. Krabs and Plankton are just using us as pawns in their dumb secret formula war. Plankton. Another dud, Plankton. Oh, you're playing with fire now, Plankton. Call off your daughter, Krabs. Call her off! She's a big girl, Plankton. I have no control over what she does. I prefer salad over plankton anyway. Who knew Plankton was so afraid of whales? Why don't you swing by the Chum Bucket on your way to the mall? Give Plankton a scare. I want plankton meat! She was right here in this spot. Her mouth all frothy, blowhole blowing. Oh, that's enough, Plankton. <i> Plankton, your dinner's ready. Plankton?</i> <i> Plankton, do you hear me?</i> Yes, I can hear you. Hey, Plankton. Glad you could join the rest of the family. Hi, Plankton. What you doing laying in the middle of the road? Go away, cheese head. Can't you see I'm trying to get run over? In fact, better yet, just step on me as hard as you can. Would you do that for me? I'm sorry, Plankton, but that flies in the face of my good nature. Sorry to interrupt your gloating, sir. I just thought it would be pertinent for you to know that Plankton's laying in the street. Mr. Krabs, I know you and Plankton are sworn enemies and all, but putting on a dress to frighten him, isn't that taking it a little too far? Hi, Plankton. What do you got, mud in your ears?! Take a hike! All righty. Back to your self-destructive behavior, Plankton. Thanks for the talk. Plankton ain't even a challenge no more. Oh, is that so? Plankton? Oh, back for more, are ya? Hey, Plankton, if I were you, I wouldn't be so smug. Hello. I'm still here. Whale! No, not you! Whales eat plankton! I don't eat plankton. That's baby food. Don't bother sweeping it up. Thanks, Mr. Plankton. You're gonna need a mop. Can I help with the cool science stuff today, Mr. Plankton, please? Plankton. I'm at the Krusty Krab. Plankton and a giant goon are trying to steal the secret formula. Me formula? You'll have to get past me first, Plankton. Tell your giant goon to hand over me formula, Plankton! Pearl?! What are you doing with me bitter enemy?! Working for Plankton is my summer job. Sorry, Mr. Plankton, but I quit. A cruise? Just the two of us? Oh, Plankton! Oh, Plankton, this second honeymoon is gonna be so great. Let me give you a hand with that, honey. Oh, Plankton, you're such a sweet husband when you aren't obsessing over that stupid secret formula. Your turn now, Krabs. Plankton, who are you denouncing now? Oh, the hors d'oeuvre guy, he's late with my nibbles again. Oh, don't get all worked up, Plankton. [snoring] Oh, hi, Plankton. I must've activated sleep mode. Mr. Krabs, no, don't do it! Oh. Oh, calm down. It's just Plankton. See? Uh, goo goo. How dare you! You toyed with our emotions. Ow! Face it. Plankton. You're never gonna win. But how will I find a pet that fits my dynamic personality? Plankton, I have the perfect solution to your problem. Oh, no, Plankton. You know, I can't say I'm surprised. Where are you, Spot? [crying] Why, Plankton, what's wrong? Come on, Plankton, let's find your pet. - Hold it right there, Plankton. - Krabs. Hello. If you're done making a total fool out of yourself, I could use some help with this lock. Oh, sure thing, Plankton. There you go, little guy. Oh, Squidward, thank Neptune, you're here. I found this baby all alone but he wasn't really alone, he was with Plankton. And he's not a baby. It's Mr. Krabs. Plankton turned him into an infant so he could steal the Krabby Patty formula. [belching] What do we do, Squidward? Hands in the air! Plankton. That's right, SpongeBob, I'm back. It better be something other than bills in here. Plankton! You'll never catch me, Plankton! Never! Ooh, another penny. That's an excellent idea. And I know just the guinea pig. [gasping] Plankton, don't you dare! I'm the ghost of Plankton. [moaning, grunting] Plankton was small and green and loud. Ta-da! Plankton's alive? All right, Plankton, I don't know what you're trying to pull on me. Ha ha. Very funny, Plankton, but you're gonna have to do a lot better than taking a stab at my illiteracy to offend me. Ah! Plankton, you ever hear of spring cleaning? Soon the Chum Bucket will be a nice little store for bric a brac and bubble gum. All right, Plankton, but be aware I'm not letting me guard down. Plankton's concocted another harebrained scheme to steal me recipe. Aha! Clever Plankton. Two can play at this game! You here, Plankton? Join your other friends from the past. Well, it looks like old Plankton's really going through with it. Okay, boys, the coast is clear. Plankton's turned over a new leaf. Very convincing, but I'm still not buying it. You want a battle, Plankton? I'm gonna give you a war. [humming, chuckles] Plankton! You may have fooled everyone else, you might have even fooled yourself, but you ain't fooling me. What happened to the invertebrate I used to know? Plankton. [crying] [ringing] Yo? <i> Uh, Plankton?</i> Eugene? Uh, I don't know about this, Plankton. - [unintelligible] - I didn't do it! Thanks, Plankton! Love you. Well, Plankton, you got rid of it all. Well, I guess I should hide Plankton's chum day gift before Chum Day's all over. Aha, I bet Plankton would never think to look in the sewer. [grunting] [chattering] [screaming] Plankton! Abandon bucket! That was so nice of you to help relocate the sea chimps, Plankton. You rule. Once upon a time, there lived a naive little plankton named Jack. Oh, I have an idea. I hope it's not another one of your crazy plans to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula. You're thinking of Plankton, Patrick. Oh, yeah. Don't forget your condiments, Plankton. There was a time when Plankton and I... were... best friends. Hey, barnacle brains. I think you owe Plankton an apology. You're right, Plankton. I'm sorry. Sorry you have to hang out with Rag Boy. [laughing] Then one day, while Plankton and I plotted our revenge, I met the love of me life. So I spent it on a gift from his best pal, Plankton. Gosh, Mr. Plankton, that doesn't sound like the Mr. Krabs story at all. I was just starting out as a security system. Plankton and I met when he installed me. Attention, get your Plankton and Krabs patties right here. Meanwhile, Plankton was back at the elementary school, but this time he was going it alone. Plankton had pieced together his own creation using memory and science. Oh, that Plankton never learns, does he, kids? As for me, I decided to take some time off to catch up on me reading. Oh, this makes up for a lot of your stupidity lately, Plankton. Plankton stepped away for a moment. The name's Ray Ray. That smack was for Plankton. Now bring back Ray Ray. You gotta help me. Sorry, Plankton. What can I do to help you? Well, I believe you, Plankton, but I'm not sure Mr. Krabs is gonna buy it. [whimpering] SpongeBob, there's something wrong with his eye. That's Plankton's rarely seen sincere face, Mr. Krabs. All right, my pretties, let's make this place [unintelligible] Plankton pronto! [screaming] Now everyone, remember, for the rest of the day, Plankton is [blabbering] Plankton's boss. Happy birthday. Nice to see you again, Grandma Plankton. Well, here we are Grandma. Welcome to the Krusty Plankton. I named it after you. Oh, well, aren't you a sweet grandson? Who are they? They're just my employees, Grandma. Uh, meet SpongeBob and Eugene. Hello, Grandma Plankton. [chuckles] Yeah, sure thing, Plankton. [chuckles] That's Mr. Plankton to you, bus boy. Sorry, Mr. Plankton, it won't happen again. So, Grandma Plankton, where have you been all my life? Plankton hasn't tried to steal the formula in over a month. He must be planning something big. I was just gonna ask if someone could spy on Plankton. <i> Your mission, if you choose to accept it,</i> <i> is to discover what Plankton's up to.</i> Wow. Plankton has to buy baby clothes? How embarrassing. SpongeBob to Krabs, come in, Krabs. Krabs here, go ahead. Plankton just bought some baby clothes. Baby clothes? [screaming] Boy, it was lucky the sidewalk broke our fall. But we lost Plankton. <i> Krabs to Agent SpongeBob. Come in, SpongeBob.</i> It's for you. Agent SpongeBob here. <i> You found out what Plankton's up to?</i> I'm afraid we lost him, Mr. Krabs. Bring it on, Plankton! Oh, I will! All right, Plankton, you want my customers so badly, you can have 'em! Plankton? What the barnacles is going on here? You see, we had a bet. Plankton's been trying for 20 years to steal the formula, and he's never done it. Last time he failed, we made a bet. [laughing] You can't beat me, Plankton. I always win. So, through a series of events, far too elaborate to go into right now, we flawlessly assumed each other's lives, and I beat Plankton at his own game. <i> Bikini Bottom prison, home of the worst of the worst.</i> <i> And currently of that little miscreant Plankton,</i> <i> otherwise known as number 655321.</i> Hi, Karen. Look, Plankton. Karen came to visit and she brought you a cake. I'm Bikini Bottom's most evil genius! Hey, what did you say? I said I'm Plankton, blast it! You ain't Plankton. We're all big fans of that maniacal little miscreant. [clamoring] That's Plankton. And you don't look nothing like him. Hey, I'm in here! I'm Plankton! Okay, that does it. Hey, gather round, fellow convicts. It is I, the one and only, Sheldon J. Plankton, evil genius. Mr. Plankton, does this meet your rigid manufacturing standards? Mr. Krabs! What is it? Plankton's breaking out of jail tonight, and he's coming to the Krusty Krab with a bunch of criminals to steal the Krabby Patty formula. [panting] Freeze Plankton and hold it right there! Plankton, don't do it. Sorry, Krabs. Nothing can stop me now. Come along, Plankton. It's back to jail for you. Holy shrimp! Plankton! [screeching] I did it. I finally got a Krabby Patty. Not quite, Plankton, you'll have to get past me first. You're mine now, Plankton! You won't get away with this, Plankton! [screaming] Gotcha, Plankton! You lose again, Plankton. [gasping] You've gone too far this time, Plankton. Well, well, if it isn't Plankton. Oh, hi, Plankton. What brings you to Harvey's Spatula Emporium? Oh, my new magical talking spatula that I got from Plankton says it needs your Krabby Patty secret formula. That you got from Plankton? Well, why didn't you say so? I had no idea this stuff was approved for restaurant use. <i> Oh, it's not. Plankton.</i> Krabs? I mean, that was a delightful song you were singing. Thanks, Plankton. Mr. Krabs makes me censor out all the patty ingredients from my lyrics. What's your news? Plankton just asked me to join his rock and roll band. Isn't this great, Plankton? Squidward's gonna help us. Greetings, fellow band mates. Hey, Plankton! What's that? T shirts. Oh! Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Ah, Plankton and the Patty Stealers? Hey, Plankton, can our first song go like this? And then turn into one of those songs that goes. [screeching] Yes. Perfect. Now all we need are the lyrics. You know, something personal. Maybe a secret, you know, or a favorite recipe. Hmm? Or one about my new friend Plankton, - or the virtues of- - Stop it! AH! I once searched for my innermost secrets. All I found was this. Is that what you mean, Plankton? I'm a failure. Cheer up, Plankton, we've still got a whole week before our first gig at the Krusty Krab. Plankton, are you ready?! [crickets chirping] Plankton? [gasping] Plankton! [shattering] There's no time to waste, Plankton. We've only got 22 years to practice before our next gig. Thank you, Plankton. This is truly a date to remember. I can't take it! What is it, Plankton? You tricked me with a simulation?! It was a test, Plankton. Plankton, what are you doing? Oh, hey, baby. Just adding the finishing touches to tonight's main course. Oh, you are so sweet. I can't wait to try it. Phew. Good one, Plankton. It's almost finished, my sweetheart. What am I going to do? Think, Plankton, think. Ow. Plankton, what are you doing? Plankton! Open up, Plankton! I know you got me formula! Oh, come on! I know you're in there, Plankton! [gasping] Plankton! Let go! [crying] Don't mess with date night, Plankton. Now, this is truly a wonderful date, Plankton. And thank you for giving me your undivided attention. I wouldn't miss it for the world, baby. I don't even know her name and yet she's stolen my heart. Plankton? You fallen in love with another woman? Why don't you have an off switch? Plankton, don't you dare! I'd like to hear about you. Well... - Plankton! - Krabs! Come, Plankton. I'm sorry me son had to spoil our romantic evening. - You. - Eugene. I came to warn you, Plankton. Stay away from me mother. I know what you're really up to. I don't believe this. You led me on! Now, now, Plankton, it's not what you think. Plankton, next time, could you keep the boom out of the shot? Other than that, you're doing a super job. Plankton must have slipped into the Krusty Krab while you weren't looking. Well, Plankton obviously didn't steal me formula so how did he steal all me customers? - What happened? - I don't know. Me eyes were burning. All I saw was a little eyeball and a pair of antenna and- Plankton! He's still in there. But, Mr. Krabs, how do you know it'll be safe from Plankton at my house? Anyway, I gotta go wash my formula. Hair! Hair! I gotta go wash my hair! Uh, good night, Plankton. Yeah, gotta keep that hair clean. Well, that's odd. Who's that? Hey, it's Plankton. What's he got there? Looks like one of my old grocery lists. Plankton, is that you? Welcome home, honey. [mumbling] How was your day? [alarm blaring] Dear Neptune, Plankton! What is that smell? The aroma you speak of, Karen my computer wife is the stench of failure. Plankton. What's wrong, Plankton? Plankton, there's only one thing to do. You need to give her a present from in here. This is it, Plankton. I don't think I'm ready. Ahem. Karen? Plankton. I don't see any present. You really liked it? I loved it, but not as much as I love you, Plankton. Aha! You lose, Plankton. Oh, Plankton, you've made me so happy. Emergency mother in law program. Oh, no. Plankton, what have you done to my daughter? You made her cry. You know, she could have been with an ATM. You'll never get me secret Krabby Patty formula, Plankton! Adios! [screaming] Hmm? Plankton, you look like the cheese that fell off the cracker. [grunting] You not Plankton, me Plankton. [grunting] I don't know what you're talking about, Plankton. Leave me alone! [crying] I know you're cooking up something special in Home Ec, Eugene. I want that formula! Um, Plankton, can I come out now? Ooh, Plankton? What are you doing here? The only two people who didn't show up are Mr. Krabs - and Plankton. - Here you go, Plankton. Oh, Neptune. Why, oh, why? - Plankton? - No, please! I told you I'd get the money. Please, I- Oh, it's you. Plankton, what's got you so upset? I could hear you from three blocks away. Life is an endless succession of failures and disappointments. Well, look on the bright side, Plankton. If all your hopes and dreams finally came true, then you wouldn't have anything left to look forward to. Well, I didn't think I could feel any worse, but at least I know now that anything's possible. Plankton, wait. Wait. Wait. - I'm waiting. - He's in the phone book? [laughing] Plankton, you were looking under fiends, not friends. I, Plankton, know of a secret formula, a formula that holds a secret. Ooh. Plankton! Come quick! Krusty Krab is in dire straits! Plankton and Man Ray teamed up and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. This must be one of the new guys. Here you go, Plankton. I think I picked up a tick. Plankton? See, Plankton, there's a trick to making chum edible. Next. Whoa! Plankton! [gasping] Of course. Plankton. Don't try that with me, Plankton. This new store is ruining me business. Plankton, they have a secret formula. Oh, let's see, let's see. Ah, there you are. Plankton, I think I found the kitchen. Let's do this thing. All set, Plankton? You better believe it. Hi, Mr. Krabs. Hi... Plankton? Uh, Mr. Krabs, I'm a little confused. Don't you and Plankton hate each other? I don't know about this, Plankton. Hey, wait a minute! Plankton! Plankton, have you been feeding Spot a lot of treats lately? Yeah, I know what you would say. Don't you vaporize those puppies, Plankton. Oh, hey, Plankton. What's with the sign? I fed Spot too much and he had puppies. You want a few thousand? They're free with an order of chum. No, thank you, Plankton. I, uh, already ate. Now Plankton, just politely offer people free puppies and they'll all be adopted in no time. I'm glad you called me Plankton. I am the best pet trainer in all of Bikini Bottom. You'll never get away with this, Plankton! Oh, but I will get away with this, Plankton, I mean, SpongeBob. [grunting] Plankton, won't you ever learn? You're never gonna get the formula. Come on, SpongeBob, maybe we could work something out. I'll give you 10% of my patty profits. Huh? Sorry, Plankton. You leave me no choice. Who are you playing cards with, Mr. Krabs? I'm going over to the Chum Bucket to play with Plankton. [gasping] Plankton? But, Mr. Krabs, he's your archenemy. He's been trying to steal the Krabby Patty formula for years. Ouch. Why would you play cards with him? Between you and me, Plankton is the worst card player in Bikini Bottom. Actually, uh, Mr. Plankton, sir, I haven't, uh... Perhaps you don't understand. Hey. I'm sorry, Plankton! I'm trying my best! Steady, Plankton. It's all gonna pay off soon enough. Um, well, a deal's a deal, Plankton. It was just another failed Krabby Patty theft attempt by my arch competitor, Plankton. Huh? What's this? Mr. Plankton? There you are, sir. Two deluxe- Ahoy there, Mr. Plankton. Uh, hey there, uh, SpongeBob. Uh, SpongeBob? Yes, sir? I'm gonna need to take one of these patties back to my office for, uh, bun inspection. I'm afraid you can't do that, Mr. Plankton. But you can take these patties, sir. I made them on the off chance you decided to instigate some bun inspection today, Mr. Plankton, sir. You can't do this to me, Mr. Plankton. Oh my goodness. Squidward! I tried, Mr. Plankton. I really did. Knick knack, the patty's back. You did it, Mr. Plankton. Victory screech! [screeching] Enjoy your victory screech, Plankton, because someday, the Krabby Patty formula will be mine. You'll never get this formula, you twisted fiend! Oh, but I will, even if I have to come back tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day. Phone call, Mr. Plankton. <i> And the next day. And the next day.</i> Oh, hi, Squidward. Lookie, Mr. Plankton's having us paint. He calls it pizzazz. Pizzazz, huh? What were you know about that? Plankton says he needs our artistic vision. Stealing the formula will be a snap. Mr. Plankton, all this hard work is making us thirsty. I can't wait to see Krabs' face when he discovers that I've absconded with the secret Krabby Patty formula. Hey, Plankton! What do you think of the new window? We got it from the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob, how do you expect me to see out of a window that high? I guess I hadn't thought about that. I did. Look, Plankton, it's the perfect height for your kind. It looks just like the Krusty Krab. It looks more like Plankton trying to steal me restaurant. Those were all fabricated from the Chum Bucket walls. And the computer? Oh, that's Plankton's wife. Who are you? Oh, Professor Plankton, a door-to-door salesman. My card. "Professor Plankton's Personal Products" Lucky for you, Doctor Plankton's come prepared with Plankton's dandruff control shampoo. Say, this isn't Professor Plankton's dandruff control shampoo, it's Professor Plankton's mind control shampoo. [laughing] The Chum Bucket? Plankton must be behind this. Yes! You lose Plankton. Hey, only one errand left. <i> ♪ Gotta give Plankton A Krabby Patty ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh, yeah ♪</i> Wonder why I wanted to give Plankton a patty. Why not, Plankton? He's a sweetheart. Patrick, please promptly pursue Plankton's patty. Get the idea? Uh. [groaning] How many Plankton does it take to change a light bulb? One. Huh? Now I get the idea. There's Plankton's patty. Oh, well, no patty for Plankton. Don't worry about the patty, Patrick. I'll take it to Plankton myself, like a good little conscience. See ya. Come on, Plankton, just pick one and forget about your shoes. Ooh. Plankton's wrath tastes like ice cream. Thanks, Plankton. Aren't you getting a little tired of this, Plankton? I need to somehow get Plankton to stop coming after me precious formula. [grumbling] Plankton! You stole the safety deposit key. After I scrub his bowl. All right, Plankton, time to squeeze the key out of you. Need I remind you, Plankton, that you are still a suspect yourself? Oh, Plankton. You can't hide forever. All right, Plankton, end of the line. Plankton. Over here, choo-choo heads. [laughing] That was odd. Yeah, and Plankton still has the key. Say, since you went through all the trouble of getting here, there you go, Plankton. Enjoy the scenery. Hey, where'd he go? That's me, Dead Eye Plankton. I ain't no sheriff or fry cook, or even coffin jockey, and I'm no match for Dead Eye Plankton. I'm nothing. So I'll go back to Dead Eye Gulch with Plankton and save the town at high noon. It's too late. Plankton's taken everything. But it's only 11:55. [laughing] Dead Eye Plankton? So, fry cook, you're back. Step right up, everyone! Just a dollar to stomp on old Dead Eye Plankton! Ah! Ouch! Ooh! Take that, you no good little varmint! I have a lot of money. Ah! Well, Sheriff, you beat Dead Eye Plankton and saved the town. [screaming] We melted down Plankton's gold, and made a statue in your honor. Ooh! [laughing] - Plankton! - Coming, dear. Plankton has had a line of customers all morning. What the? "Try Plankton's new delicious chummy patties. Now with edible flavor"? Well, well, Eugene Krabs. Save the formalities for your mother-in-law, Plankton. You stole me Krabby Patty formula and I want it back. Be that as it may, Plankton, it takes two to tango. But he's a bigger fool than he realizes if he thinks old Plankton is gonna take this one lying down. We gotta keep these customers happy, or Plankton will steal them back. For the past two weeks, Plankton and Mr. Krabs have been... They've been feeding people gr- [applauding] I, the amazing Plankton with the use of prestidigitation will make a Krabby Patty disappear before your very eyes. <i> [gasping] There appears to be a Krabby Patty napping</i> <i> in progress.</i> <i> There can be only one culprit, Plankton.</i> I can't take it. Plankton, it's you! [crying] Ah, cheer up, Plankton. I think you're a winner. What? What did you say? I said you're a- Loser! How does it feel to be the most hated thing in Bikini Bottom, Plankton? Hi, Mr. Plankton. Haven't you degraded me enough for one day? No. I mean, I want you to come out and play with me. All knees will bow to Plankton. Hail Plankton! I win! I win! [laughing] It's not about winning. It's about fun. <i> ♪ F is for fire That burns down the whole town♪</i> <i> ♪ U is for uranium, bombs N is for no survivors when you♪</i> Plankton, those things aren't what fun is all about. You're going native, Plankton. Look at yourself. What? I haven't seen Plankton for a while. He must be scheming. - He's changed I tell you. - Sponge buddy. Yoo hoo. Plankton buddy, let's go. I forgot, this is a no friend zone. We've had enough of your little tests, Mr. Krabs. Come on, Plankton, let's get out of here. Maybe the lad was right. Maybe Plankton's gone straight. I sure like sequels, Plankton. Hey, Bubble Bass, you're sitting on my friend. I'm sorry, Mr. Krabs. I thought Plankton had changed. How about a little more, Plankton? Or has this old granny had enough for one night? Looks like you got a little on your face. Here, let me. There you are. There you are, darling. Oh, Plankton, you always were my favorite granddaughter. Five minutes until bedtime, Mr. Plankton. Well, there is the safe where Mr. Krabs keeps the Krusty Krab secret formula that Plankton has been trying to steal for the past bunch of years. Plankton. [gasping] You've been a very naughty boy, Plankton. Plankton Jr, you know you always were a- Grandma? [gasping] You caught Plankton. [crying] Plankton? What are you doing here? Did you see that, Plankton? That guy found some buried treasure. Hey, I'm gonna tie your shoe if you don't give that back! But I'm wearing sandals! Okay. Never mind. It's all right, Plankton, he's wearing sandals. SpongeBob, you'll never get what you want. You'll always let people step all over you. You're just like stairs. Wait, Plankton, give me another chance. Uh, Plankton, did you see that? I was a regular alpha male. [panting] Plankton? Plankton, all my asserting has driven everybody away. Exactly. [groaning] Ow. Gee, Plankton, I'm sorry about the Chum Bucket. Ahem. I have a guess. [laughing] Plankton. You don't get to guess. [laughing] That Plankton cracks me up. This round goes to Plankton. [laughing] Golly, Mr. Krabs, what if Plankton guesses right and wins a Krabby Patty? No worries. That nitwit Plankton hasn't got a chance. There's something on the lid. You missed a bun seed, Mr. Krabs. Plankton was right. Yes! I now command you to give Mr. Plankton his prize. Come back, ye patty pirate. This is no ghost. This is Plankton stealing me booty! Plankton, sir? Aye. He's been trying to steal me secret formula for years. Ah! You blasted barnacle head! I mean, hi. Plankton? Ouch! [gasping] Plankton. [Plankton laughing] You can't fool me, Plankton. You want the Krabby Patty formula. That Plankton is a clever beast. You've got to keep a sharp eye out for him, SpongeBob. I wonder what's in that secret formula. Code 12. Code 12. Your disguises can't fool me this time, Plankton! [grunting] No sign of Plankton yet. Gosh, Mr. Krabs, you don't look so good. This is it, Plankton. Gently now. If that was Plankton... Uh-oh. That's it? You better cough up that secret formula or else. - Plankton! - Krabs! - Plankton! - Krabs! SpongeBob. You can't do this to me, Krabs. I went to college! Ouch.
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 293,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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