44 RimWorld Tips and Tricks (No Hacks, Mods or Exploits)

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try the tile inspection key usually if you want to see information about a certain tile you can select this function here and see all of the dirt or this function here and see the room quality or you can forget all of that and just press the alt button it gives you all of this awesome detail from the room quality and dirt levels room temperature all the good stuff you just press the ALT key name your colonists after their best skills hold right click on the character and move it along the top here to reposition them and while you're at it consider naming them after their primary or best skills this is especially good advice when you're naming a doctor knowing which one to put on the case especially during an infection or emergency is very easy when the characters with the best medicine are named doctor you can Harvest one lung one kidney and either a liver or a heart before the patient dies you can also Harvest any added parts that the user has such as a bionic eye or architect leg Etc so long as you do it prior to the character dying dandelion in your animal pens as you are mostly well aware herbivores and omnivores will eat any of the plants you sew except for trees so if you are looking to plant things inside of your animal pens then let's firstly consider the crops that you harvest such as food and cotton these are fine for planting in your animal pens but the problem is that your animals cannot eat them during the sewing periods and during the post Harvest period your animals can only eat these plants when they are mostly grown and when they are mature decorative flowers such as roses dayes and dandelions are not harvested they are simply rewn after your animals have eaten them are after they have died this makes them very good grazing options for your herbivores and omnivores you can plant things like dayes and Roses but after they mature they will die off fairly quickly this isn't ideal because you want them to stick around for as long as possible to give your animals every opportunity to eat them on the other hand candelion take between 3 and 5 days to mature and they live another 20 days after that since they take so long to die after maturation and since they are not harvested there is very little downtime with a big enough plot your dandelion can be rewn as they are eaten to ensure a almost constant supply of food in which case the only real downtime would be within cold biomes and during the winter months cut up dead bodies for Kibble you can deal with dead bodies by burying them dumping them in the open world chromating them or you can leave them somewhere on the outskirts of your base preferably where your dwellers never wander and allow the Wilderness to degrade them Over time however if you are easily managing the morale of your colony and your dwellers can take the mood hit then the best use of dead bodies is to cut them up to make kibble the human leather can be sold and the human meat kibble can be used to feed your pets having your dwellers eat human meat will make them sad unless they have the cannibal perk however you can feed your animals with this human kibble m makes and there are no negative consequences and this includes for both carnivores and herbivores if your colony is in a biome where insect attacks are a problem then similar rules apply for insect meat and kibble except that human cannibals do not enjoy insect meat with that said you are probably better off using the insect meat to make chem fuel with the biofuel Refinery or converting the meat into fine meals that can still be consumed for a positive net benefit and even sold with no value penalty nevertheless insect meat is considered an undesirable meat in Rim world so using it for Kibble isn't a bad idea the benefits of animal kibble if you want to tame animals in the wild or train them in your Colony then you need kibble instead of cooking kibble at a fueled kitchen you can manufacture it at any time using a butcher's table doing so trains a dweller's cooking skills without any risk of food poisoning therefore you can assign one of your lower skilled colonists to the task of kibble making you make kibble from meat and either hay or vegetables kibble will never go rotten nor will it fade away so long as you keep it indoors this means that if you have meat and vegetables that are about to go rotten you can quickly use them to make kibble to save on wastage it also means you can store kibble in your animal houses or B ons without fear of it going rotten which in turn saves it from taking up valuable space in your refrigerators and freezers as an added benefit you can use human meat to create kibble which is a handy byproduct of enemy attacks and the subsequent corpse disposal holding the icon and quick selecting I'm going to the wildlife tab at the bottom just up here I press and hold on the left click on the Red Cross it turns into to a green tick which I can then drag across the others to select them take a look in the assign menu here I changed this to best medicine and I drag it down here to apply it to them all the same goes for flea and then over here you can actually drag these menu items drop them down and apply them to all your other dwellers this works on several menu screens in the game for example here in Butchery I allow all these meats by holding the X it turns into a tick and then I drag it all the way down here set up several Butchery spots while on quests you don't have the luxury of time when you are on a quest get things done more quickly by going into the wildlife Tab and selecting all the things you want killed here I press and hold the icon as shown in the last tip and I drag this down here to select the animals while the hunting is going on set up a few Butchery spots to get the job done more quickly here things are getting done because the Dwellers don't have very much else to do if however it is night and your colonists are doing nothing of value consider changing their schedule temporarily here's a little advice on setting up your Butchery spots click on The Butchery spot and go to ad Bill and then to butcher creature click on the option do forever then click the copy icon to copy to the clipboard select the next Butchery spot and click on the paste button this copies all of the settings from your first spot which you can paste and keep pasting onto the other Butchery spots you've placed on quests time is of the essence so if your dwellers are not doing their job jump over to schedule and click on work and apply it to every hour of their schedule in my case I leave one colonist with a regular schedule here the little workers set to their tasks with renewed Vigor once they have done what I want hop back over to schedule copy the regular schedule and paste it onto the other colonists try to remember to do this because if you leave while they have a full schedule of work then they will quickly become tired Moody and all the other negative nonsense that causes various problems separate spike traps with wooden doors if you place traps next to doors it forces the enemies to walk over the traps while still allowing your dwellers to pass through unharmed spike traps activate for those consed enemies friendly visitors and Merchants will use your doors and will never set off your traps you would expect the enemies to attack the doors but they don't because they don't see the traps so they quickly fall victim to them wooden traps do the least amount of damage and they are flammable but they are quick and easy to set up and will often maim rather than kill which may be your desired outcome perhaps you want to capture the enemy or maybe just work on your medical skills you may simply want to keep your enemies alive long enough so that you can steal their clothing without it being tainted traps made out of stone chunks are much more powerful and they don't burn so if you can spare the stone they may be your best long-term solution for your spike traps spike traps made from metal are the most powerful but if you are going the metal route I'd suggest you stick with steel uranium and plel only offer slightly more damage but in terms of cost and benefit it's really not worth the expense consider making patches of spike traps try setting up a patch of spike traps in a random unused area on your map here's a patch of 15 traps near the edge of my settlement occasionally I will snag a free animal kill and sometimes it comes in handy by random chance maddened animals May sometimes wander into your traps and you may even an enemy attack if they spawn near that area it also offers your dwellers a place to retreat if they are engaged in battle and there are no other dwellers around to support them spike traps don't require power and if you build them from non-flammable materials like Stone then you don't have to worry about them burning up during flash storms use Refrigeration units to warm up indoor areas you can use the hot exhaust by facing it into a hallway or into into another room in such cases you may not need a heater during the winter months this space is a little small so things are going to heat up fast if it were heating up the hallway too much then I would add vents into the adjacent rooms and it distributes the heat more evenly if your colony is in a very hot biome then obviously have the refrigerator exhaust facing Outdoors alternatively create a room that you use just for the exhaust and then remove the roof consider different freezer designs create a section inside of your freezer remove the roof and aim your Cooler's heat exhaust into the hole enemies have to breach your freezer walls before they are able to attack and disable your Refrigeration units up here we have the external Refrigeration units and look how quickly the enemies get inside compare it to this one over here who's banging away at the wall to no avail instead of having heaters in your Hydroponics areas have a refrigeration unit exhaust their heat into the growing rooms having freezers next door is both convenient and pretty efficient in terms of travel time consider setting up freezers for just dead human corpses it's a way of keeping them fresh until you are ready to deal with them you can set them up so that only our hauling animals can enter the room this has the added benefit that your pets may eat the dead bodies and your colonists will not receive the observed corpse mood penalty how to set animalon zones the last tip mentioned how you can set up rooms that only your hauling animals can enter so here is a quick lesson on zoning which helps you control where your dwellers and pets are not allowed to go here is a small freezer room and firstly I want to ban All Humans from entering to do this I go to Zone and here to expand allowed areas I go to manage areas and I create a new area I name it colonists I go to Zone again and there is the colonist Zone I fill the area inside the freezer and then I click to invert it by inverting it I'm allowing my dwellers to go everywhere except the freezer area that I just set up to make sure my dwellers follow this rule I go to schedule and I assign my dwellers to the new colonists zone now I set up my freezer I have the the cooler turned down to -2° C which is sufficiently below freezing for this temperate biome if it were a hot desert biome I may consider turning it down further if it were an icy biome then I would probably set it to minus 10 to create a stockpile area for corpses I go to Zone and create a stockpile Zone clear all items and only allow humanlike Corpses then I disallow humanlike corpses in my regular food freezer later an attacker steps on an anti-rain mine see how the dogs collect the bodies and deposit them in the freezer I should make mention that these dogs have been trained to haul and that if you want to do similar then you will also need to train your pets to haul now the bodies are out of the way and they are frozen later you may want to set y cook or psychopath as unrestricted in the schedule tab so that that dweller and only that dweller can enter the freezer to collect dead bodies for Butchery or burial or for whatever you have planned for them how to separate animals into different pens if you want to separate your herding animals you can use the areas method mentioned earlier but there is an easier way my Boomer Lopes are getting milk for chem fuel but I'm not happy about their canisters degrading outdoor I want to move my Boomer loes indoors to this growing area here it is indoors because this biome is often very cold and I needed a warm place to grow my stuff I build a pen marker in the growing room I go to the original pen marker and I disallow Boomer loes I go to the new pen marker and I disallow everything but Boomer lobes my dwellers take them over and now future chem fuel containers are not subject to outdoor degradation have Psychopaths butcher human corpses while other dwellers are away use a psycho to Butcher and you avoid any of the negative personal mood debuffs that come with human Butchery better still send everybody out of your base except the psycho and have that dweller do all of the human Butchery in that way when your other dwellers return there are absolutely no negative consequences for your actions this is fairly easy when you only have a small Colony with just a few dwellers as the size of your base increases you have to consider other options obviously sending out 15 dwellers for a casual jant around the map while you butcher is obviously not plausible or possible when you have a very large base this leaves you with various options but the one I strongly suggest is that you manage the mood of your Colony as effectively as possible you do this with good food good rooms good dwellers and Good Times until you are managing the mood of your colony in a way that allows you to BU humans with impunity send your dwellers away when you are planning on butchering dwellers are only upset by immoral actions if they are present when the actions take place send your other dwellers into the world and have your psychopath Harvest organs and but your humans and such and you avoid all of those nasty mood hits you can also place your dwellers into cryo sleep and they will avoid the mood penalty for human Butchery prisoner killing and organ harvesting the only way that your absent dwell dwellers will become upset is if they are related to the deceased or if it's one of your own dwellers getting murdered or butchered have characters drop the items they produce when dwellers manufacture something they will automatically carry it to the nearest stockpile because this is their default setting however it is more efficient if you set each work task to have the character drop the item right at the location where they stand let other dwellers do the hauling while your skilled craft person sticks to what they're best at doing just to demonstrate you can see here how this dweller will walk all the way over there to drop off this manufactured good I select the option drop on the floor and now far more work is getting done in far less time how to create Heatwave proof freezers create your freezing area place your cooling Refrigeration units inside build small single tile rooms for your coolers heat exhaust remove the roof from these tiny rooms to allow the heat to escape now double wall your freezer with any type of building material since they all insulate the same so long as your freezing room is not too big it should easily be able to withstand the heat wve to test the freezer I set a fire in an enclosed room the fire burns to temperatures above 200° C which is nearly four times the temperature of your average room World heat wve as you you can see in this example with the refrigeration units set to -20 the temperature inside rarely dips below - 18° c this design is just an example the key to your success is to have as much of the external wall as a double wall as you possibly can that is why it's a good idea to put your Refrigeration units physically inside of your freezer and then vent the hot exhaust out of a single missing roof tile windmill zones can overlap as you already know you shouldn't have objects in your outlined windmill zones but the zones themselves can overlap the most common obstructions are trees because they grow naturally albeit not to this extent you can add suitable flooring to stop the trees from growing or you can plant crops within the windmill zones and a regular tending from yard dwellers will stop any trees from spawning you can put solar panels within the outline of your windmill Zone and it won't affect the windmills p power output nor will it for things like the Deep drill if something is affecting the performance of your windmill such as a piece of wall then click on the windmill and it will detail the problem there is a cut and autoc cut feature on the windmills but I suggest that you stick with the fireproof flowing option instead I say this because if something starts growing and your dwellers are too busy to cut it or perhaps they are away on a long Quest then the tree grows unnecessarily and your windmill's power output will suffer set work priorities to a maximum of two your colonists are experts in their own field and their priorities should ideally reflect that with the exception of firefighting and doctoring your highest priority should be number two for example if one of your colonists is exceptionally good at crafting and that person often does the tailoring at the very most that colonist should have number two as its priority level for tailoring when you set a work priority to level one your dweller will do it first to the exclusion of all other tasks this is perfect for time sensitive things such as firefighting and doctoring but will no doubt make your dweller less adaptable if it's applied to other less time sensitive priorities if you stick to setting your priorities to a maximum of two then the next time you need an entire team to do a job you can click the priorities here while holding shift and cycle all of your dwellers up to a level one this function differs a little on consoles but the principle is the same for example if your crops get blight and you need to cut them quickly before the blight spreads then you can select for everybody to do plant cut in fact in this case it's ideal because it doesn't matter if the Dwellers you're using are any good at cutting plants we're not looking to harvest in fact it's better if the plant is destroyed another example is let's say that you've just been raided and there are a lot of usable items on the floor you don't really want them to degrade as much as they have to so you set your entire team to H and they quickly whip them inside before any real damage is done don't forget that in this case if you want your entire team team to work on a single task you may have to go to the schedule Tab and set everybody to work because even if your colonists have a work priority of one they may not focus on the task if perhaps it's bedtime Roofing Ambrosia to keep it alive Ambrosia is the safest drug in the game it is essentially free because it grows in the wild and Sprouts up randomly however it does die prematurely to cold weather Frost and fire when Ambrosia appears you can set a growing zone and then turn off sewing that way your colonists will harvest wild plants as they mature and they won't try to replace them with newly sewn plants some people suggest that you create very large growing zones in order to harvest fruit and trees in an almost passive way but this method of wild plant farming is really not worth the time it takes for your colonists to run back and forth you see in this way they only cut down one or two trees at a time whereas if you grow trees in a farm for example you sew them all at the same time and then you harvest them all at the same time it's a lot more efficient than randomly cutting down ad hoc trees in the wild at least if you manually set tree cutting or fruit gathering in the wild your dweller can work on several rather than one or two at a time to preserve your Ambrosia for as long as possible you can wall up and roof up your growing area put in a sunlamp and a heater and you can exploit the Ambrosia for as long as it lasts in a cold biome or during winter months you can and perhaps should grow things indoors to maintain a safe growing temperature you don't need hydroponics in order to grow things indoors in fact in some cases it's actually better to use the ground underneath you because you can grow a wider variety of crops and plants with that said if you are already putting in a heater and a sunlamp within an enclosed room you may as well plant a few other crops in there while you're at it just make sure that you have separate growing zones for your Ambrosia and for your plants because don't forget the plants one needs to have sewing turned on and the Ambrosia growing zone needs sewing turned off keep doors open to lower dweller travel times wooden doors open faster than Stone doors but this doesn't matter if you always keep your doors open unless you are managing heat perhaps during the winter months then keep your doors open until you can afford automatic doors when you get automatic doors wooden doors still open the fastest watch the colonist on the left win the race you can see there that the automatic wooden doors open at 120% speed but the down side is that they are weak and they are flammable a steel door isn't that strong either but opens at 100% speed PL steel also opens at 100% speed and as the strongest door in the game it has 450 hit points this makes it ideal for things like prison doors and as the first line of defense on your exterior walls all varieties of stone door will open slowly at 45% speed and oddly they are no stronger than steel uranium is slow at 75% speed but is still strong albeit not as strong as plle then you have your gold silver and Jade doors which are weak but they open at 100% speed and they offer added wealth and Beauty to the connected rooms set your colonists to fight when dwellers are set to flee then a group of your colonists May Escape if something nasty goes down however there's a good chance that one or more of them is going to get hurt set your colonists to fight and it actually works in their favor if there are more of them around plus it is less hassle if something like Wildlife attacks your Colony usually by the time you find the problem your dweller has already taking care of it farming egg laying creatures here is a male duck and a female duck in this example I'm going to name this one Ashley and this one Jodie the babies that come out won't be named anything specific but at least in this way I know who my starting pair are I have just a few egg boxes in an enclosed room you don't need many egg boxes the straw flooring doesn't matter in this example but if you had an animal house like this and you added animal beds and sleeping spots then the straw flooring helps to keep the filth down if you had a different type of flooring dirt could pile upon dirt in a way that ruins any chances of a successful surgery are a recovery from a disease straw mattered floing keeps things dirty but it doesn't allow dirt to accumulate on top of dirt so it's a nice compromise especially when you consider that farm animals are creating dirt on an almost constant basis this biome gets cold so I have included a heater as for the marker I've set it to just Ducks because they are all that I want in this example there are male and females at the top over here if I were to just have females then they would lay unfertilized eggs over and over making this an egg form rather than a hatching form over in the freezer I don't want my haers to take my fertilized eggs so I disallow fertilized eggs but I do allow ruined eggs and unfertilized eggs if there is no place to store the fertilized eggs then my dwellers won't feel the need to haul them I have set Egg drawing Zone full of dandelion and clicking on the female allows you to see the egg progress this hard symbol above the Ducks is the fertilization process I'm allowing my ducks to sleep wherever they want I didn't bother putting down animal beds or sleeping spots just in case my pets started to come in here and sleep and messing up my example just like chickens Ducks will lay one egg per day this doesn't seem like much at first but the numbers start going up very quickly when your baby ducks mature and start to lay eggs of their own note how early on one egg is unfertilized this is simply because the male didn't get to the female in time before the egg was produced you do need to control the temperature in your egg hatching area you need coolers for hot biomes and heaters for cold biomes otherwise the eggs will be ruined by the temperature a light in the the animal area will affect dweller movement and animal surgery success but the light itself doesn't affect your animals again don't give your colonists a place to haul the fertilized eggs disallow them from meals disallow them from paste makers freezers storage areas and so forth on the other hand allow unfertilized eggs and ruined eggs into these places so that your colonists can eat them if your creatures start to go hungry then it will affect their fertility their egg production and and so forth over time my duck population has grown beyond the capacity of my growing zone and my ability to feed them on a similar note haulers are prompted to take the eggs from your boxes when there's 20 eggs in the Box the limit for each box is 25 this is why if you are farming unfertilized eggs then you don't want too many egg boxes you want them to fill up to 20 fairly quickly so that your haers can take them away animal beds are not super important the biggest benefit is that they allow your animals to recover from diseases more efficiently so if you are handing out animal beds then preferbly give them to your pets especially the ones that haul the ones that are trained and the ones that are bonded with your dwellers the egg boxes simply give your animals a place to lay their eggs if you don't specify a place to lay eggs then your animals will lay them anywhere and with that said you can place egg boxes outdoors and the eggs inside will not deteriorate but the the outdoor temperature may still ruin the eggs you can get unfertilized eggs for cooking by simply keeping your females away from your males the creatures will still lay eggs but they will never hatch alternatively you can put some egg boxes indoors and some outdoors and the ones out doors that are ruined by the temperature won't hatch so your haulers can take them away pop them in the freezer whereas the ones IND doors will hatch you have 15 days to move an unfertilized egg before it goes rotten which in reality is actually a lot of time you can see here how I now have way too many animals for this small pen I could move the Ducks over to this larger facility so that they can keep breeding and increasing their numbers and then maybe have a larger dandelion area to support them and so forth or perhaps rely on kibble note here how I have almost as many unfertilized eggs as I do fertilized eggs this is because I have far fewer adult males than I do females if you are farming for meat rather than for eggs then try using the the auto Slaughter feature in my example my duck numbers are now way too big so let's try the auto slaughtering go to animals and to manage Auto Slaughter I have three adult males nine adult females 16 young females and 14 young males now if you want an egg Farm you can keep the male numbers very low and the adult female numbers very high if you want a meat form you should try to keep an even number of adult males and adult females but you limit the the number of adults so that when the creatures are fully grown they are Auto slaughtered for their meat ideally if you want a meat form the only ones you should be slaughtering are the adults ceue up tasks for your colonists you can queue up tasks on the PC by holding shift and issuing orders if you want your dweller to do the queed tasks right away then issue the first order hold shift and then start queuing the other tasks if you hold shift from the very beginning then your colonist will finish its current task before moving on to the queued list when you ceue up tasks your colonist will complete those actions as its top priority this means that it will ignore all of its needs it will ignore its schedule and it will even ignore its priorities chart until its list is done rescue down animals to improve your medical skill you don't even need to take them into your base set up an animal spot near the creature rescue it heal it with your doctor and then hunt it if it's wild or euthanize it if it's tank you could even Rescue It by putting it inside of a walled building with some food keep it trapped until you tame it even the thrombo won't try to escape so long as it has a food source hospitals should have it all doctor skill and room cleanliness have the biggest effect during risky operations and organ harvesting medicine matters the most when the doctor is healing something such as diseases or infections after that it's the Doctor's Medical skill that has the biggest impact a clean room lights medical beds and vital monitors will help lower the chances that your dweller picks up an infection or becomes more unwell any sort of injury healing even in the field without medicine is fine it's all about how the dweller is handle after being patched up that matters the most leave them outside in the dirt and things will go from bad to worse Stone flaws stop fires from spreading if you wish you can cut plants and trees from around your most important structures to stop fires from spreading on the ground though a more long-term solution is to lay down floing that doesn't burn the most obvious is Stone but you can also have concrete metal sterile tole and so forth even with multiple surrounding fires a two square thickness of unburnable flooring stops fires from spreading hunt boom creatures when it's raining the rain puts out the fire and saves you a lot of hassle if you are really stuck for resources and you cannot afford to build stone or metal flooring then you could create a two- tile roof overhang this stops plants from growing and so stops the spread of fires animals and humans are autot treated when traveling if you are out on a quest and some of your animals become sick just gather up your people and start traveling and your animals will be treated on Route what's more they will survive the trip this also works for humans but sometimes the disease is so vicious and the tending so weak that the dweller will still succumb things like wounds are still Auto treated on Route a dweller or prisoner who is bleeding out on the screen will still survive if you start traveling before they die ailment can be cured too here's an example of social frenzy that is cured by traveling medical stuff will happen right away and most will be successful and non-lethal added to which prisoners will be taken with you on your Caravans even if they are not restrained at the time of departure removing dwellers who have poor quality perks the most mood efficient way of getting rid of a useless colonist is to arrest that character and then leave the door open so that person can escape I Strip This dweller first because I want to keep the clothes oddly this one decides to take a nap before running doing things this way means there are no negative debuffs for your dweller dying or being lost your colonists will only receive a tiny deep buff for the fact a prisoner escaped Rim world has its own version of dynamic difficulty if things are going horribly for you then most game modes are going to be forgiving with their random events well unless you chose Randy random in which case it's anybody's guess if things are going too well because you keep cheesing the save system then the random events will become more negative every now and again let a colonist die off of something like an attack or disease and then for a short while the random RNG will turn slightly in your favor so late game imprison and release your colonists but early to mid game kill off the Dwellers who are most useless to your cause especially those who are unable to do certain tasks ideally you want dwellers who are able to do all tasks even if just for the sake of efficiency capturing enemies with great perks when you are attacked by enemies take a look at their perks and their stats check out whichever you might consider recruiting see this one out of all of them this one has pretty good perks and skills and this is a good one try incapacitating your enemies rather than killing them you can do this with blunt weapons or there are certain other weapons such as the machine handgun that will MIM rather than kill which I will cover in the next tip but just to quickly make the point even here in this attack I down for enemies just using these machine handguns Downing an enemy allows you to capture them and eventually recruit them at least under most circumstances and out of all of the capture methods the psychic shock Lance is probably the best tool for capturing them if after hitting them with the shock Lance the enemy is on fire that character May develop psychic brain damage if this is the case you're probably better off reloading than you are trying to cure it my favorite midgame weapon machine handguns are my favorite early to midgame weapon because they fire fast they fire a fair number of bullets and they're more likely to MIM than they are to kill this is good because you're more likely to capture your attackers plus going for a quick and easy kill isn't always the most efficient approach even with big groups hurting them lowers their ability to hurt you and it lowers their ability to keep fighting they may not die as quickly but their ability to damage your team is far lessened I know I keep showing this again and again but look at how the enemies are not killed right away they turn from a strong fighting force into a gabble of injured idiots within just a few shots it's only later in the mid game when this doesn't work as well because maybe the enemy are wearing armor or they're taking cover or perhaps just firing longer range weapons as you can tell the closer the enemy is the more effective this weapon becomes take control and plan your ancient attack when you breach an ancient ruin you have to take down a wall which activates the enemies inside at that point the items inside are tagged as being outdoors which means they will start to degrade you can avoid this by building a small shelter next to the ancient ruin put in a door and then take down the wall just don't forget to build the roof even if you lock the door open the stuff inside still counts as in doors ego it won't degrade the enemies will run towards any of the Dwellers that they notice and they will exit through your Open Door knowing this you can plan your attack place down some traps arrange your Fighters and orchestrate the whole Endeavor so that you get the most out of it whilst taking taking the least amount of damage even here I set up a small door so that the colonists knocking down the wall can escape remember to roof this area and then it all counts as indoors also if your fighting area is too far away then the enemies may not spot you and they will stay inside chewing things up and causing damage happy prisoners on drugs are easier to recruit as you know a prisoner in a nice prison and a comfortable prison will Revolt less often and it will lower its resistance a little more more efficiently an easy way to achieve this is to add high quality statues to the prison and to keep it clean a lesser known trick is to drug up your prisoners to make them happy this makes them slightly easier to recruit unless you're trying to convert them to a certain ideology such as in the DLC in which case it makes conversion more difficult a common tip online is to replace a prisoner's legs with peg legs and then remove the peg legs this renders The Prisoner unable to revolt or Escape after recruitment you reinstall the peg leg and you get them walking again the reason this tip is so popular is because the effects are so mild the colonists are only slightly slower when they have peg legs and this can be restored to full movement speed with bionic legs or even faster with architect legs besides having to hand feed the legless prisoners there's pretty much no downside to cutting off the legs and replacing them later use crafting and Butchery spots during quests when you are out in the wilderness there's nothing stopping you from building shelters and even building Butchery tables if you wish to murder the wildlife and harvest its valuables however it's quicker and easier if you use a Butchery spot the reason The Butchery and crafting spots exist is to give you a quick and easy way to Butcher and manufacture things in the wild similarly for sleeping spots if you want your dwellers to sleep in the buildings you can pop down a sleeping spot and your colonists will do what comes naturally Butchery spots lose 30% of materials when you are out in the wilderness this type of loss 30% is is no big deal but in your base you should probably have a butcher table rather than a butcher spot a crafting spot is a little different it takes 50% longer to craft items on a crafting spot than it does with a table or a bench you don't lose any sort of materials it's only about the time spent and obviously a crafting spot has a very limited number of items that you can produce there's an old tip floating around the internet that says if you set a dweller to work on clubs in a crafting spot in a cold area with no light that it will take them a long time to create the clubs the idea being that the longer it takes a dweller to create something the more they level up their skills plus clubs have no quality value so you don't have to worry about them being manufactured poorly I don't think this is a good idea instead have your colonists work on something that you can actually use for example Stone chunks could be used to create walls or flooring or you could have your dwellers level up their skills making Stone chunks that you then turn into stone own statues that you can sell for a hefty profit it just seems like a better use of your dweller's time taking out enemy turrets this is a rather tricky one because the radius of the turrets you can see here there's no safe path to the enemy so what we're going to have to do is we're going to start with this turret here the wire only goes to this point in the power line so we can cut it to deactivate this turret this one however is a little trickier the line connects these two turrets and this turret here has a wire connected all the way to the battery under most circumstances you want to preserve the battery so that you can steal them later but since there's no safe entry point and since this battery Powers two turrets we're going to have to destroy it since there's only one enemy I could focus all of my Firepower on that one enemy and then once that character is dead I could claim the batteries and uninstall them however this is a kind of hardto find Pawn he's Prett worth capturing he's a good shooter and so he may make a good guard and his traits are pretty okay even the totala thing is okay if you're easily managing the mood of your colonists so let's give this a shot and see how it turns out so I move these humps around here so they don't have to walk through a rain of fire in order to get to this battery I set these over here to attack the power lines see I don't have a sniper rifle and there's no safe area from which to shoot so my best option is to have my pawns physically melee attack the power lines these over here they're running to attack the battery the turret on the left is deactivated so I bring them over the battery went down far faster than I thought it would so now we are only left with this one enemy I have them merely attack and I hope that the enemy is not killed turns out Waldo gets lucky so I heal him up and then to save time I turn on self tense so that all of my pawns can heal themselves I freed the prisoner just after the battle and since this prison is still secure I don't have to create a holding area for the prisoner I can plop Waldo straight into my self-made jail now in this case since the enemy is down I could have just left and added Waldo to my Caravan but since I want some of this surrounding stuff I kind of want to keep him safe and secure at least just for now as I've said previously you don't have to improve the people you want to capture if they are physically on the screen when your Caravan leaves then you have the option of adding them as prisoners so I'm looking to deconstruct all of this stuff I turn my colonists onto construction bumping up their construction priority but it turns out it's night so I change their schedules so all but one of them is forced to work I keep this one on a regular schedule so that I can copy and paste it later I don't need to uninstall the battery or the turrets because they can be packed from the Caravan screen also for the record I don't take the enemy's weapon because it's barcoded which means that it's useless to my team I mean even if Walder were converted and somehow able to use it there's really no benefit when I can give him a clean weapon that any dweller can use you can also see here I didn't need to collect the steel and components and the stuff from the Battleground it's all here on the Caravan screen so that I can pick and choose what I'm going to take I take all the stuff and I leave sadly I forget to change all of their schedules back to normal and whilst your colonists are in a caravan you can't adjust their schedules I will have to wait for them to land somewhere before I can go back to the schedule Tab and change their routines back a brief overview of diseases and Medicine infections are prompted by poor hygiene and also by the game story mechanic illnesses are only prompted by the game story and therefore cannot be avoided with things like good hygiene new clothing Etc if you're colonists or animals keep getting diseases it's not your fault it's just bad luck albeit possibly a result of the game's Dynamic difficulty relating to you cheesing the save system but that's another story when it comes to disease and Immunity the biggest factor is medicine if you have glitter World Medicine then it will slow the infection massively and give you far more time for your immunity to recover after that Dr skill comes into play the better the doctor the better the tending the slower the disease moves after that all of other factors come into play being temperature light levels Comfort cleanliness hunger and so forth in other words put your colonist in a clean comfortable warm hospital or at least in a warm clean comfortable bed and the infection will slow once your dweller has been tendered a clean hospital with a hospital bed vitals Monitor and so forth will affect the tend quality alongside medicine and the doctor skill playing its part dealing with infections there are various diseases plagues and such and one of the most most common and aggo most dangerous is infections I have four characters here each with the same infection plant social is set to no medicine Buffy is set to herbal plants is set to Industrial Medicine and clean research is set to glitter World Medicine the best doctor I have is here I called him medicine I hold shift and have each dweller tended to one after the other the dweller with no medicine tendered at 34% herbal is at 70% which is actually kind of a lucky highroll industrial is 84% and glitter World Medicine was tended at 130% which is about right they each have immunity higher than their infection rate I will keep checking on them as I go and obviously have them rended when required this experiment May beg the question why not simply use herbal medicine all the time why not always use a low-skilled doctor why not use a low skilled doctor every time and the reason is this in my experiment I noticed the infections right away as they were inflicted and each dweller is already in a bed and is tendered very quickly in real world situations this is rarely the case in most situations by the time you get to your dweller the infection has already progressed far higher than the immunity and in these cases you need to use the better doctors and the stronger medicine so that your immunity can quickly catch up with the infection in some cases if the infection is really winning and you have little hope of catching it then in many cases you can actually remove the infection ined part and your dweller will be fine in this case I can just straight remove the arm and the infection goes away since this operation was done in suboptimal conditions it goes wrong and causes damage nevertheless the patient will survive if you cannot remove the part out right you are often able to swap out the part with the same human part or perhaps a mechanical part for example an infected lung can be replaced with another person's lung or an infected spine could be switched with a bionic one and and so forth double clicking to select items zoom out on your map pick the ones you want like berries or medical herbs and then double click it will select all of the same type of item within range on quests this is especially handy such as here I double click on the door to select them all and then I press claim and now all of my dwellers are free to walk through them without me having to force them to room sizes and Roofing the largest room size with a roof is 16x 16 the though this only applies for empty space you can use pillars and other pieces of wall to extend this area if you wish even though 16x 16 is the largest open room size I prefer 13x13 I like the way it looks when I split the rooms into four I also like the 15x 15 room using Vents and heaters to keep the rooms warm because it allows me to put an alley down the middle people can walk through without waking the other characters are dirtying up the bedrooms and the heaters and vents keep all of the rooms comfortable at the same time on that note only have one door in your bedrooms because you don't want people walking in and out while others are trying to sleep also don't put anything into bedrooms besides you know beds the bed stuff and ornaments if you put other things in there like shelves and games then other colonists will use it while your characters are sleeping thereby disturbing their sleep if you put pet beds in there then your pets will muddy up the floors and create mess which will lower the beautification score of your room which will then negatively affect the mood of your colonist whom let out the dogs if you are struggling to feed your grazing animals perhaps your dandelions haven't bloomed yet you can change the pen marker and lead them to one of your Farms this one is indoors because my colony is in a very cold area and the steam vent helps to keep things warm sadly the crops haven't grown very well in this area either so I let my animals loose I was all out of options and it seemed like a good idea at the time you can see here that most of them are out of their pen once they have eaten the local Flora I have dwellers round them up pack of maddened animals early in the mid game they can be dangerous because they can overwhelm your colonists if you can gather your characters into a large room and leave one door open Angry animals are not like regular enemies they are only interested in harming you so they will run towards your player via the path of least resistance see how in this case even though they are bottlenecked the sheer weight of numbers allows some of them to get through let others fight your battles you can see here I hide my dwellers behind this trade group I shoot the thrombo it gets angry and my dwellers run away leaving them to deal with the problem when Merchants visit go and aggro some of your more dangerous wildlife and run them into the group of visitors let them handle it they will do all of the hard work for you and if some of their people die and yes you will get a small reputation hit but you can also steal whatever they drop and they won't get angry at you in this case I Agro the thrombo during a raid my colonist is a fast runner I run into the enemies and I leave the thrombo to take them all down by itself dealing with s ships make sure your colonists are out of Harm's Way and make sure you don't have any turrets or other offensive installations for the animals to attack then using your best runner with the longest range weapon activate the synths run towards somewhere safe set off the wildlife and let them rumble on the other hand if you don't have the technology yet and you are attacked by shooting synths especially in the game then rush them and use melee attacks taking them down one at a time trading shots with synths early in the game is very dangerous quick fire tips collect insect jelly at night when the creatures are asleep also if you're lucky enough to have an enemy raid run through there you can collect their stuff at night too insect jelly feeds your colonists and gives them a slight recreational mood boost it's similar to chocolate in this way so make sure to disallow it from your paste machine because it loses its recreational value when it's turned into a paste meal use sleeping spots for a quicker rescue drop a sleeping spot set it to medical and you can rescue strangers by putting them onto it this means you can rescue them right away even if you don't have a room or a bed ready for them if one of your animals is injured place down a sleeping spot very near and the animal will rush to it the contextual option to then heal them will be available while a colonist is drafted you can tend people without medicine this is very useful especially in the cases where it may take too long for you to get somebody to a safe bed in order to tend them with medicine if your character is about to die then enable self tend and turn off tend with the medicine this means your dweller will heal up right away there and then one of the quickest ways to manage a colony's mood is to create super bedrooms this is because your colonists are forced to go to bed at least once per day and if the room is very nice it acts a little bit bit like a mood recharger another quick way to manage moods is with fine and lavish meals they are a very quick way of turning a colonist mood around without having to resort to drugs if you wish you can dump dead bodies in the wilderness or your tainted stuff it's an easy and kind of lazy way of dealing with the stuff you don't want when you do dump your unwant bles in the Wasteland press the x button there and then press enter on PC or confirm on consoles this is a quicker way of doing it than moving over over and clicking each time the best use of gold is in statues especially in legendary gold statues whereupon they instantly improve room quality in the most efficient and cost- effective way possible make sure your artist is creativity inspired and at level 20 before you risk that much gold kiting the enemy is where you have somebody running around getting chased while the rest of your dwellers do the shooting later you can try a similar method with a shield belt drawing enemy fire while your colonists do the shooting if you want to keep a colonist away from the action and rather than keeping them drafted simply pop them into a room and disallow the use of the door at least in that way they can entertain themselves while they wait if you cannot build heavy structures on a piece of land use a moisture pump let it do its thing for a few weeks and then you will be able to build whatever you like as you can see in this example here after a few weeks I can build heavy walls on the land I've said previously that it doesn't matter what material you use when you're keeping in the hot or cold as you can see here three different building materials indoors for each is 13° while Outdoors is 54° I've also said this before but just to beat the drum again if you are fighting an infection and you are losing see this character here has no chance of beating the infection with IM with immunity this low but I had a spare liver just kicking around so I replaced the infected one with a healthy one and now the dweller will survive as you know glitter World medicine is the best especially when it comes to infections and when it comes to operations you should also know that it cures muscle parasites outright with no further treatment needed if you wish you can store materials like steel plasti uranium and stone chunks outside of your base they are not vulnerable to attack or theft so you don't need to put them within a defended base a [Music]
Channel: Ted Nipples
Views: 25,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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