Ranking Every Rimworld Ranged Weapon Tier List 1.5+

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ah Weaponry one of the key important things that will keep your colonist alive and Raiders dead a while back we talked about melee weapons but we heard the call and the desire now let's talk about range Weaponry keep in mind this is all in vanilla R world and we are ranking weapons as if they are normal quality weapons like we said before if we took weapon quality into account then an awful quality charge rifle would be worse than legendary quality mini pistol not very fair other criteria we take into account is availability crafting material cost and and of course when in research you can make them also day-to-day use will play a factor we are assuming a normal game of rim no challenges here anyway sit back and relax and enjoy plenty of hilarious weapon gifs and memes so starting off we have F tier this is reserved for Weaponry that rarely should be used as there will be weapons that do their job so much better starting off the pillar now the pillar at first might seem like a decent weapon but the problem is the speed it is slow how slow and many guns wind up in is faster than a pill's throw yes the pillar has good damage equaling a sniper rifle in terms of power and limb destruction but that speed yeah only use it in early tribal playthroughs and for hunting since it could take out game if it hits the short and Flame bows is next both are here due to having so many better options the short bow is really only good in super early playthroughs and even then if you have five crafting skills you can make a recurve bow a far better choice but what about the flame bow fire is always a good weapon right no yeah not in this case indeed a flame bow provides literal fire support the problem is the lack of craft ability that's right you can't craft a flame bow it's only found by merchants or dropped by impant drives skip this and if you need fire Weaponry molotovs are an easy thing to find and make the revolver pulls up the rear and I really want to like this weapon but it just rarely helps being a one shot low range weapon isn't good heck the recurve bow a tribal weapon has better range and damage really only wield revolvers as a last Resort in close quarters but there are far better choices in SMGs and heavy SMGs or even chain shotguns and auto pistols can be better closer Quarter weapons and speaking of shotguns I have to put the pump action shotgun in F tier since the chain shotgun is a thing granted if you get a shotgun in the early game you got a good Close Quarter weapon especially for infestations but upgrade to heavy SMGs or chain shotguns for that sorry Ash but this Boomstick is being returned to esot but hey good news that's all the f and D tier has more weapons that are far better than nothing yeah D tier is for weapons that have more use but should be replaced when you have that option starting off in lower Tech the recurve and great bows both of these are your long range options in tribal colonies with the recurve bow being unlocked automatically by being a tribal the great bow requires proper research but if you get that done fast or buying or finding a great bow early can really help you out this is because the damage is on par with actual Firearms like Auto pistols and revolvers so why D tier they are bows and arrows the speed isn't going to be good and the Damage really falls off in the mid game still early game they are cheap and easy to make and if you get enough pawns with them you can do a lot of damage so I have to show you some respect to the humble bows between the two of them which is better well the recurve bow is good if you plan to move quickly past the tribal era and just need some weapons to tide you over before Gunsmithing but if you plan to stay in a tribal air Colony then focus on great bat now for more conventional Weaponry we have the auto pistol and machine pistol both here for the same reason better options though to be fair some weapons are designed to be early weapons that are cheap to make and easy to find the machine pistol is better than the auto pistol in terms of power rate of fire and accuracy so I would recommend using machine pistols in the early game for decent short range Firepower the chain shotgun also fits that same role with the machine pistol being short range but extremely good DPS as multiple shells shot out at once tends to be but given the very short range only used for inner base defenses Molotov also have to go into D tier because there are better options for Fire based weaponry and in general much as we want to say kill it with fire fire tends to not be the most useful at least in the early game late game against huge tribal and insectoid raids where they Bunch up a lot of fire can throw off and disrupt their forces but by then you have the incendiary launchers for that kind of planning plus a Molotov will do nothing against mechanoids the real biggest threat of any endgame base find finally the smoke launcher goes into D tier honestly I would have given this F tier since the best way to deal with opponents is to destroy them however I can't deny the utility of the smoke launcher be it hiding you from turrets of an enemy base or a mechanoid Bluster C tier is next and these are again very useful weapons certainly good for any colony and no one will question why you would use them as their rules are pretty apparent the incendiary launcher and the frag grenades oh yeah these have obvious use groups of enemies and you make make sure they don't come back in one piece why C tier though well incendiary launchers are of course a better version of the molotovs and that's given but aside from tribals and insectoids fire isn't the best option for dealing with day-to-day problems plus if you aren't careful you might end up burning your own colony to the ground frag grenades meanwhile yeah they can do a lot of damage but if you aren't careful one terribly thrown grenade and your pawns will lose a lot of Limbs I would say the best way to use frags is against large groups of opponents and then if they get too close turn off fire at WS since pawns don't really subscribe to the concept of danger close I also recommend them as early help against heavily armored mechanoids especially clusters if you can throw a grenade into it and cause an explosive Chain Reaction so keep some on standby and storage but don't use them for the dayto day the to bomb launcher and grenade share the same spot here for the same reason Niche viability toxic damage can be useful for say kill tunnels where the gas can quickly fill up and affect pawns going through it or at the very least using the end of a kill box and just help out with the line by making it harder for pawns to fight back but beyond that the use can be a bit limited unless you plan to go full waste pack or play through and be immune to the effects maybe save the tox Weaponry for shells rather than closeup weapons finally the lmg and minigun both are here for important reasons accuracy these weapons were designed to shed through huge waves of opponents coming at you into a kill B the lmg is of course the weaker of the two but easier to research early in a playthrough and will be your main crowd control weapon till you can find or make miniguns Min guns are excellent at crowd control but with the huge windup time I recommend finding pawns with trigger happy to have one of these since accuracy is a mute point after all if one bullet misses it might hit the guy two counties over and out on the rim that's pretty nice I won't deny their value to any base but because of their Niche and accuracy issues I can't in good conscience give it a higher rate think of the minigun as a high C with lmg at a mid-grade C both X exent weapons to round out this tier level B tier is the next and this is Weaponry that usually has a place in any Colony starting with the heavy SMGs yes heavy SMG is B tier and that's really only because of the range and the fact you aren't really staggering any enemies bigger than a tortoise now at ranges up to 10 to 13 cells the heavy SMG actually outperforms an assault rifle in terms of DPS after that the assault rifle is better for longer ranges my suggestion keep some pawns with these for either training them for range weapons as they are good for that or to support a firing line with them covering fire on anyone who gets close not a bad weapon but due to some of its shortcomings a bit Niche at times speaking of Niche the Grenadier armor with their frag grenades hits a spot on this list now giving a pawn nothing but frag grenades could be questionable but giving a pawn armor that's slightly worse than marine armor that comes with a frag launcher yeah can see the benefits this gets B tier for being a great support tool got to hold of enemies or need to breach a wall during a raid you can use this and still let them be armed with a weapon that generally won't cause Friendly Fire though if you are looking for better armor stick to Marine or cata fract rounding out this list is the Doomsday and triple rocket launcher both here not because they are bad weapons far from it the damage these things do to friends and enemies can't be understated the problem is their one shot nature and how you kind of need to plan around using them it's a buy or make then store them situation these are are used for huge groups breaking up met clusters or when you feel like sticking it to the Imperial Traders obviously doomsday rocket launchers are the better of the two but if you can get either or you will thank me later when the local Raider gang is trespassing on your property a tier use these weapons if you can because they can pull you through to the end game these weapons are those you should always consider for any load out Beyond specialization or some kind of playthrough first off the bolt action rifle yes this is a tier for for multiple reasons firing rate despite being a bolt action is pretty consistent and put enough of them on the line and you can stun lock a lot of humanoid targets with the impact the research being the early Gunsmithing and the cost of only 60 steel and three components means you can easily outfit an entire Colony for cheap now the rifle is very good there are a few downsides one the range while great only beaten by the sniper rifle isn't very good at close range next is the need for higher than average shooting skills since this weapon is designed for ranging counters the higher the shooting skill the more likely the accurate at range you can be still the pros certainly outweigh the cons on the subject of range the sniper rifle is another A- rank weapon slower than the bolt action rifle what it makes up in speed it makes up with power if a pawn can hit a target with it usually you will take some limbs off the target so if you plan to take prisoners maybe don't use the sniper due to the speed I don't recommend outfitting an entire Colony with snipers instead keep them for best of the best shooting PS especially with the trade careful shooter use the sniper to pick off key Targets in a raid or kite slower moving mechanoids like the centipede use this as a tool not the main weapon in your Colony for the day today the assault rifle is a good choice in general with a good burst fire and damage output on top of a respectable range you can fill up an entire killbox with rounds if you bring enough of these I usually recommend outfitting most of the colony with assault rifles and leaving specialized Weaponry to those who need it like snipers for careful Shooters and Min guns for trigger happy and so so on by the end of the game you should have more than enough resources to at least outfit The Colony and assault rifles but given it's an a tier you might think there is a better option and you are right but let's not get ahead of ourselves after all the last member of AD tier is the EMP grenades trust me when I say do not sleep on these mechanoids are no joke and when you are dealing with them a good EMP grenade make or break the plan my suggestion keep a few in storage for Mech raids that are too big or for you to planning to hit a m cluster and need to disable defens just remember mechanoids after a while build up a tolerance to EMP so when you use these make them count on top of that people that have brain implants will start vomiting horribly if you throw EMP grenades at them so think about that when the Empire comes to knock him finally s tier use these weapons if you can get them get them they are the best of the best and for the most part in vanilla rim will starting off the charge rifle and charged Lance obviously upgrades of the assault and bolt action rifles these Hightech weapons can turn the tide of any battle when used properly the charge rifle is an upgrade to the assault rifle in terms of DPS including armor penetration very important in the end game especially against targets like mechanoids or marine armor wearing Raiders and while they are more expensive if you can get a high crafter Pawn on making them a Masterwork or legendary one of these can be one of the best range options in Your Arsenal the real downsides to this weapon is that its lack of Staggering ability against humans and the high cost to manufacturer if you plan to manufacture them don't have AET Focus the best crafter on it especially with a creative inspiration charge lances meanwhile act as a very powerful one shot one kill weapon these weapons actually boast the highest non-explosive damage of vanilla rimol only downsides against this are the cost to make but also the range being slightly lower than an assault rifle and its very slow windup however putting a couple of Pawns on support shot Duty can really help in the long run especially against mechanoids since this high damage and decent armor pend rtion can break them down just be careful of any many Lancers they use charge lances for a reason last up the MP launcher like we said with a grenades some of the best support Weaponry you can make keep a couple of them to help with mechanoids as for differences between the launcher and grenades grenades have a wider explosive radius and more accurate but EMP launchers have more range and could potentially do more EMP damage as they have quality unlike EMP grenades either or is great but I think the EMP launcher is slightly better due to having more range and the further it can keep my pawns away from The Killer Robots the better now I know what you are thinking yes I love my doggo and thank you for asking but also what about the shells and utility weapons well cuz I like you all and you said nice things about my doggo you get to know our thoughts on the weapons we missed first the shells shells in my opinion are a useful tool setting up a trap hallway to slow down and hurt enemies or just a way to mess with Raiders outside of the base with all you know IEDs but the real value is using them against sieges and large raids with your own mortar first is a smoke shell sorry I got to give this an F tier the only reason you would use these is to block off turrets of a mechanoid cluster using your mortar but if you can do that you would have the ability to launch better shells that would help Beyond very Niche uses this is just taking up space in your Colony next the to shells a c tier I could see value in using this if you are using a waster colony and using a lot of IEDs and taking advantage of waster tox resistance or launching them at a preparing raid or Siege pretty easy to make and I do like the effect the shells have when they land not good but not bad fire foam shells yeah F tier way too Niche when you can make a fire foam turret or the poppers you really don't need to use fire foam shells in a mortar or making fire foam IDs which technically do have a better radius of poppers I will grant but again way too Niche to be useful incini shells C tier but very close to a b best used in IED and trap hallways but launching them from a mortar can be fun the problem is that fire is unpredictable and not every opponent is going to be affected by it so harshly however they are pretty useful in causing some chaos out on the rim we enjoy a good bit of chaos high explosive shells easily solid a tier very good mortar shells as the explosive damage will wreck unarmored targets the armored ones get hurt hard and it's a way to really slow down mechs keep plenty on standby for sieges or big raids their use in Kill hallways is a bit limited as the explosion can destroy the walls but if you you can find a way to use them go for EMP shells are s tier long range Mech disruption weapons please and thank you plus you can use it to fire on a Mech High shield and bring down the shields for other mortars to fire on the mech cluster always keep a few spare for mechanoids finally the anti-rain Warhead you might be surprised but a tier the reason is ability you can only get them from ancient shrines or Quest but when you have one of these you basically have the universe erasing button on anyone unfortunate enough to be hit by them save only for rainy day or if you know the end is near and you want to recreate that doctor strange love scene you know the one but now for utility Weaponry they deserve a bit of love since I know plenty of times they save my rear when the going got tough a d tier the orbital cluster Coller as the name suggests you can summon a met cluster on the target square and there's the problem it is not under your control you have no idea what kind of cluster and certainly how many mechanoids there are I give a d tier because the mechanoids certainly can be a problem for raid if only for a moment depending on four size but you still have to deal with the mechanoids only use if you have no other choice or if you are using overpowered mods in which case it's free parts to scavenge the tornado generator is also in D tier mostly for how unpredictable it is you summon a tornado and then it blows around anywhere it goes to go my suggestion try using it for raids don't use it on your own Maps since it's possible the tornado will hit your structures still better than nothing now to B tier because there is no C tier item and the next up is the orbital bombardment colar only reasons it here is that bombardments are unpredictable but anything they do hit will be pulverized perfect for Mech clusters in a tier we have the psychic shock and Insanity lances these are real game changes the psychic shock Lance can Target any moving opponent and then bring them down no questions asked when it hits the insanity Lance meanwhile makes the target go berserk and if it's in a group of opponents you can kind of see how that can help you out when either they take out their buddies or buddies take them out I recommend targeting key opponents with either or to make your life easier be at the shock Lance for making capturing good pawns easier or the insanity Lance to berserk pawns with high explosives should also mention these work on mechanoids though a few caveats between the two of them one if you use them on living targets there is a chance they are set on fire and get a burning brain Scar from it so keep that in mind pawns with no psychic sensitivity like say with the trait psychically deaf won't be affected finally Mech commanders aren't affected by the lances guess they saw them and knew how a bit overpowered it is to be one shot just about any opponent but that won't stop me from doing that especially when we round out this video with a tier orbital power beam targeter if you get this you basically got the hand of God as anything in the radius of the target will be engulfed by super intense Flames only downside it's a quest reward and it doesn't hurt mechanoids as Fire doesn't really affect them like a squishy Organics still when you have an organic raid who won't get off your lawn try the beam targeter and Go full extra amanus on them yes just like the emperor intended so yeah every range weapon in the base game rimal as of writing this video will there be more here's open of course I'd like to thank every patreon that helps support the content we make and I'd love it if you hit that subscribe and like button at the bottom of the video it really helps us out
Channel: Noobert
Views: 58,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld Tier List, Rimworld Best Weapon
Id: 01zWLsjMazQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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