42 Secret Minecraft Features You Didn't Know Existed

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Think you know Minecraft? Well not for long. From  using your crafting grid as extra inventory space,   to curing 30 zombie villagers with one arrow, here  are 42 Secret Minecraft things you probably didn’t   know. And let me know in the comments how many  you knew out of 42, I bet it won’t be that many. Number 1. You can fly faster or slower in  spectator mode by scrolling. By scrolling   up or down your hotbar you can adjust  the flying speed to as fast as 87 blocks   per second or as slow as practically  not moving. This makes getting around   your minecraft world much easier if  you have a lot of terrain to cross. Number 2. Using only a few blocks you can make a  remote control to do whatever you want whenever   you want. Like teleport to the complete opposite  side of the map in an instant. By setting up this   redstone contraption and mining this cobble  and obsidian in the right order, the moment   I switch to my pickaxe the obsidian breaks  instantly, which can activate a stasis chamber   or do literally whatever you want it to. For a  detailed tutorial check out this video in the   description by jerry lum where he explains  all the restrictions and how to set it up. Number 3. There used to be a secret  easter egg hidden inside the beacon.   If you took a look at the texture file  for the beacon beam you could find the   map icons hidden inside of it. Why? Nobody knows. Number 4. Everyone hopefully knows that with  a piercing crossbow you can shoot an arrow   through multiple mobs at once. But what you maybe  didn’t know was how useful this is for curing   zombie villagers. Typically to cure a zombie  villager you have to give it both a weakness   potion and a golden apple. But using a piercing  4 crossbow and a tipped arrow of weakness you   can cure 4 zombie villagers at once and then  reuse the arrow as many times as you want. All   you need are the golden apples and one arrow  is all it will take to cure a whole village Number 5. You can send secret messages with  sculk. Because the slab version of blocks can’t   be consumed by a sculk catalyst, all you have to  do is spell out your message using stone slabs,   vertical or horizontal. Fill in the rest  of the wall with regular stone and hide a   sculk catalyst somewhere nearby. To any other  passerby it’ll look just like a regular wall,   but to your friend who knows where  it is, all they have to do is kill   something nearby and the message will  slowly but surely spell itself out. But wait, because this is something never before  seen on this scale in Minecraft. For every person   who subscribes, this code will automatically  find the average color of your profile picture,   map it to a minecraft block and place  it in the shape of this giant mansion.   For now the only block belongs  to my most recent subscriber Yon   Clarke, who’s average profile picture color is  this one up here, which checks out. So subscribe   to claim your own unique block of the mansion  and make it the weirdest looking mansion ever.   In a couple of weeks, I’ll be posting the final  finished mansion on my twitter so you can check   it out there. Plus every block placed will  be another 10 cents donated to the SFA, with   a base donation of $500 and all the ad revenue  of this video. But thanks, and enjoy the rest. Number 6. You may know that if you give  an armor stand armor with thorns on it,   it can actually kill you. By punching an armor  stand with thorns armor on any difficulty that   isn’t peaceful you’ll take damage from the thorns.  And by setting up a dispenser with thorns armor   next to a villager, you can do the exact same  thing, and trick your friends into attacking   a villager that will actually fight back. Both  of these lead to a very peculiar death message   that will surely leave your friends  confused if they don’t know the trick. Number 7. You can use the crafting grid as extra  inventory space. By changing your minecraft   mode to touchscreen and using your number  hotkeys to place items in the crafting grid,   you can click anywhere with the mouse outside your  inventory and the items will just stay there. You   can still play the game and everything with  four whole extra inventory spaces. Your device   doesn’t even need to be touchscreen, just turn  on the mode and enjoy! This trick was patched   in 1.19 but works in every version before. And  in 1.8.9 it even bypasses the clear command,   allowing you to smuggle items when  you’re not supposed to. This awesome   hack was showcased by crafter dark so go  check their video out in the description. Number 8. You can make one way glass using just  maps and item frames. By using this command you   can give yourself an invisible item frame,  which when you place it, as you may guess,   it’s invisible. Placing these frames on glass and  using a custom map generator or building a giant   layout you can place the maps in the item frames  and boom, one way glass. You can see through the   back just fine but to any passerby it looks like  a totally normal wall. Well totally normal ish. Number 9. Swift sneak is a very useful  enchantment but you might not even be   using it to its full potential. While sure  you can go somewhat fast by just sneaking,   if you start with a sprint run up  and then crouch you go way faster,   even compared to regular walking. Definitely  a good hack if you’re around the warden. Number 10. Lava lakes can definitely  be a pain to scout out but with this   method you can xray underneath them to find a ton   of netherite. All you have to do is place  a grindstone on the side of your bridge,   apply fire resistance, hold crouch, and swim  upwards to see the nether floor hassle free. Number 11. Ulraf, one of the minecraft developers  hid a couple secret notes in pictures spelled   in minecraft enchanting table language.  Translating all of them together results in   the message “Allays are afraid of red sheep.”  A reference to the evoker mechanic that turns   blue sheep red. And considering allays are  found in mansion cages where evokers spawn,   this secret message might just be hinting towards  a deeper lore connection between the two mobs. Number 12. On the topic of allays, they  were previously planned for the nether   update under the name wisp or pixie.  They were going to have this texture but   ended up being delayed because they weren’t  finished in time for the scheduled release. Number 13. If you’re an OG player you may  painfully remember that boats used to break   on impact with literally anything. Well while  you might think this feature is long gone,   due to some quirk in the games code boats will  still break into their raw materials if dropped   from a height 12,13 all of these numbers, up  to 315 blocks up. Why? Honestly I have no clue. Number 14. Remember that remote control  from earlier, well if you want another   easy way of doing that, all you need is a  cat. Something you might not know is that   whenever you leave a minecraft world, your cat  will sit down. And when a cat sits on a chest,   it can’t be opened. Meaning that using  this redstone contraption you can set   it up so whenever you leave a server  your cat will sit down on a chest,   and get a redstone pulse to do whatever you  want. And your friends will be none the wiser. Number 15. Something many players forget or  might not know at all is that bee stingers   are a visible model. When you get stung by a bee  in minecraft the stinger remains inside of you,   and going invisible produces a really  strange and funny looking effect. Number 16. Using leather boots you can  set up an escape route that only you   can access by utilizing powdered snow.  If you make a wall of powdered snow,   anyone who tries to go inside will instantly  start to freeze to death. However if you wear   leather boots, you can scale the entire  wall without any danger of freezing,   allowing you to have either a very impressive  base entrance or a perfect getaway route. Number 17. Because axolotls don’t actually make  noise in real life, the noises for the axolotl   mob are just heavily edited dog sounds.  Yeah technically some are the accidental   burps and hiccups that axolotls make when they  surface but distorted dogs sound way cooler. Number 18. If you use the command to give  yourself a potion, you’ll get an uncraftable   potion impossible to get in survival. But that’s  not completely true. There is infact one place   in the game where this potion can appear in  survival. Do you know where it is? Well it’s in   the achievement window for local brewery. The only  place to find this hidden item without commands. Number 19. Fireworks are a great way to move  around your world, but there’s a little known   trick you can play on your friends that might  get them killed. By crafting your fireworks   with a firework star, it’ll actually  do damage to the user when they use it,   leading to a very dangerous flight  your friends won’t see coming. Number 20. Certain blocks have a hardness  that you might not expect. You may know that   glass has a hardness of 0.3, cobblestone  a hardness of 2 and a netherite block a   hardness of 50. But do you know the hardness  of bedrock? Is it 100, 30 million, infinity?   Well actually the game's code uses the hardness  -1 for unbreakable blocks. The more you know. Number 21. You probably know frost walkers  turn the water underneath you to ice. But   did you know that this actually  isn't ice at all. It’s a special   type of block called frosted ice that  only appears through this enchantment.   Makes sense when you think about it  but something you might not have known. Number 22. On the topic of ice, and snow. Lighting  a nether portal actually gives off a burst of heat   that can melt all the snow around it. Not sure  how you would ever use this, but here it is. Number 23. Smooth variants of blocks, like  quartz and sandstone actually have a bigger blast   resistance than their regular versions. Meaning  if you’re worried about your base blowing up,   swapping in these blocks for their normal  counterparts may just save your valuables. Number 24. Hidden in the files of the busy  bees update are two secret textures. One   for a wax block and one for crystalized  honey. However they were later removed   and the devs said they had no intention  of ever adding these features back in. Number 25. On the legacy console edition of  the game there is a secret music disc called   dog. It plays at the end of the cat music  disc and used to sound something like this: Number 26. There are four secret paintings  added to minecraft that you can only get   with commands. These are the earth, fire,  water, and wind paintings. They all look   super cool which makes you wonder why  they aren’t possible to get in survival. Number 27. The Minecraft song living mice  by c418 is the opposite, and a reference to,   deadmau5. The famous Canadian music producer  who helped c418 design the minecraft soundtrack. Number 28. The advancement “very  very frightening”, which you get   after striking a villager with lightning, is a  reference to the line from Bohemian Rhapsody.   As the line before it is thunderbolts  and lightning. See what they did there?   Number 29. Arrow shooting has a  neat little easter egg you might   not realize. If you shoot a bunch of  arrows, you may notice they cluster a   bit to the right of the crosshair. However,  if you change your main hand to the left,   the arrows will cluster on the other  side. A super subtle yet cool feature. Number 30. If you’re having trouble taming a  horse, feeding it a golden apple before saddling   up makes it way more likely to accept you. This  mechanic actually comes from Greek mythology,   specifically the horse arion. A superfast  horse that only ate precious metals like gold. Number 31. You may know that items in minecraft  have rarities. Different color text indicates   a different tier of rarity. Golden apples are in  the rare tier, while enchanted golden apples are   in the Epic tier, signified by this purple text.  However, if you just manually enchant a regular   golden apple, you’ll actually trick the game  into changing its rarity to epic. Granted it   won’t do anything an actual notch apple can  do, but it’ll definitely confuse a friend. Number 32. Before emeralds were added to  the game, the currency for trading used to   be rubies. However many people complained  that they were too similar to redstone,   and developer Dinnerbone, being red green  color blind, also couldn’t distinguish   the two well. So emeralds were added  instead, and rubies were lost to time. Number 33. You can probably guess that allays are  the opposite of vexes. But that actually may be   more true than you first thought. The word  vex means to anger or worry, while the word   allay means to alleviate or relieve. Making  these two opposites in more ways than one. Number 34. Slimes actually move faster depending  on their size, meaning if you summon a slime of   size 8, it can completely outjump the player.  And the bigger you go, the faster they become. Number 35. Glazed terracotta patterns can  seem kind of random. And that’s because   they were inspired by bathroom floor  tiles in Jeb’s trip to Peru. However   the lime glazed terracotta is actually modeled  after a crossbow. If you squint hard enough. Number 36. The warden is supposed to be one  the most difficult mobs out there. However   if you do as this reddit post does and just  dig a hole around him the moment he spawns,   his buffer period will render him  completely useless and trapped. Number 37. Even when using the invisibility  effect, the player can still be seen by   a select few mobs, and an enchanting table.  Yep, even when an invisible player walks past,   the book of an enchanting table opens, making  it a useful way to detect potential intruders. Number 38. The deep dark was initially going to be  underwater, minus the water. In the original plans   for the update, Mojang was planning on adding  floating jellyfish and ghost looking blocks,   with the only lights being bioluminescent,  or alive. It looked super cool but didn’t   exactly match the creepy vibes of  the warden and sculk so it was cut. Number 39. On the topic of lava, using commands  you can actually summon an explosion with a blast   strength big enough to blow up lava and water.  Nothing naturally in the game can even come close,   but these liquids do have a finite  blast resistance and can be blown up. Number 40. A real life trivia fact you may know  is that a group of crows is called a murder,   well according to dinnerbone the cannon  name for a group of endermen is called   a haunting of endermen. Pull that one out  next time you’re being chased to your death. Number 41. Enchanting a crossbow with a quick  charge level 6 or over makes it impossible to   charge, as the time would be negative. If you  did overflow the code however, this crossbow   could be fully charged in just around 69.4 years.  That’s not even a joke, it would take that long. Number 42. Minecraft disc 5 actually uses some  sound effects from Minecraft dungeons like the   endersent’s babble and the vengeful heart  of ender. And if you want to know what the   hardest thing to do in all of Minecraft  is, click this video right here on the   left where I try to investigate that exact  question. Thank you so much for watching,   subscribe to claim your own block, and peace  out, have a good one, I’ll see you next time.
Channel: Wifies
Views: 2,073,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, minecraft things you didnt know, minecraft things, things you didnt know about minecraft, secret minecraft things, skip the tutorial, 35 secret minecraft things you didnt know, 35, 34, 34 secret minecraft things, minecraft secrets, definitely didnt know, 42, 42 secret minecraft things
Id: 5mnbYTb49_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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