40k's Most Mysterious Marines

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I'm is sander and I am Kota and today we're going to be covering the winners of the polls they took a lead quick real quick and absolutely dominated it's the space sharks the space sharks and it left the the land sharks got a space program that's yeah pretty much um kind of land sharks are their own episode we will do that there are actually land sharks something like that oh I was making a joke however that leaves the leagues of otan the ab humans and the Rogue Traders in just a fight okay and it's it's neck and neck apparently the Rogue Traders are getting a video game I didn't know that was happening that works out great um rock and Stones just perpetually Rock and ston they're about to get a book from what I've heard which might actually mean it's worth delaying the episode only so we can get that book because releasing an episode immediately outdating it that's a possibility there and then the ab humans are always vibing the Ogen are in dark tide they're doing great the ab humans are doing fine for there more there's more than just the ug that's why I said AB humans you're correct there's way more than ogens but that's an episode you have to fight for you got to get it um as always the way that happens is by popular demand so you sound off in the comments you share the video to your friends so they sound off in the comments and um that's how the space sharks got it frankly this is what we in the civics class would call an absolute democracy pretty much uh we also have a patreon where you can get a bonus episode every single week as well as a bunch of other perks I'm talking priority voting access to the scor live streams it just goes on and on so if you want to help support the show and get all that stuff head on over to patreon.com isander and Kota for those of you already there thank you very much for those of you signing up right now thank you too and let's get into the most fun Marines out there the space sharks the space sharks not going to lie probably have some of the best art of any of the Marines really it's like three pieces by one artist to I want to credit so desperately but I can't no it's it's but they they carry the space shark's aesthetic so well right now do they mhm well first first off they're just one of those things where there's not a lot written about them actually they're it's fairly recent they got fleshed out however the best place to describe them is by start by is to start by talking about where they call home which is for the most part everything we've covered in 40K has been in the Galaxy makes sense that's where the action is and you know even though galaxies are 3D objects for the most part every time we depict them they're flat it's just easier to manage it's just easier to manage that way 40K is no difference their Galaxy dis it if you look at the art for it looks very flat it's super duper notot but when you zoom out that far in the scale of light years it basically becomes a flat disc exactly and that's where all the action is that's where all the fun stuff is that's where the emperor is wasting away that's where war after war is happening that's a thing that's ripped in half the space sharks have nothing to do with this basically because the way it works is hopefully for those of you that are aware we are 3D beings that means you can go above and below said disk now we know that there are bugs coming in from below not great um it's kind of suck not thrilling it really sucks the space sharks are above circling oh they're they're like in the like sharks they are yeah oh yeah they leaned into it hard they are in what is called the void basically where there are very few planets basically no stars and you are out in whatever's out there's home territory basically and that's what they call home there's very little Supply and there's almost always War frightening even out in the void there's always War it's not quiet on out on the frontier there is nowhere that's peaceful in 40K it's 40K it's 40K and that's where they tend to be for the most part just circling until they find their target and if any Marine are after you horrific day it's like three NFL players in a trench coat who can never miss a shot it's a problem it really is oh and they're faster than a car at full speed just is you don't want any Marine oh yeah and they're also armored better than most tanks you don't want Marines after you you really don't they're big and scary there's a reason most people who see Marines uh sometimes just lose it out of fear even if they're loyal they'll just see them and go oh God oh God that's a living Sherman walking at me yeah exactly um but these ones are somehow worse how how how how how how they literally spit venom and eat people's brains to get memories we're going to pull one from the tyranids episode this time because we're going to describe what you would see if the space sharks came to help you because I would do it from the victim's perspective you'll see why I didn't in a moment okay and so let's say you're commanding a war in the far reaches of space you don't have help either you're not used to being here you don't want to be here right that's just that's how it is but it's 40K you've been dragged into this fight the emperor says I have to win or die there's no running away and so you do that and as you're fighting you are running out of supplies they do not seem to be running out of bodies there seem to be enemies popping up about as fast as you're losing bullets to take care of them it's not looking great and then an encrypted communication comes through to you and it's using codes so old you have to dust off some relics you're carrying to figure out if they're legit or not I'm talking borderline heresy era codes and you're like uh who is using 10,000 yearold code they check the codes check out so you're like okay well let's hear what they have to say and then in 40 K's version of perfect Latin which is High Gothic because they have high and low Gothic um you hear a request come through horar and quiet almost impossible to hear and even harder to decipher because this isn't just Latin it's perfect it's like perfect Latin whispered directly into your ear yes and all it's asking is can we please join the fight we are the emperor's Sons now you swear to God there's nothing around you but enemies suddenly there's a ship that wasn't there before and it has ships sized harpoons pointed you say yes partially out of fear because I'm not what are you going to do it a ships sized Harpoon exactly you just say sure sure sure sure sure whatever please do not punon me and they do the codes check out everything all the paperwork seems right everything checks out it's just old and we can't make out the ship itself cuz nobody uses stuff like that anymore it's like World War II era stuff but they're keeping it running somehow and it's mish mash it's like that one story from Recently where uh somebody set out uh an SOS call in the middle of the ocean and a boat from the gothenberg 1793 came out to rescue them equivalent of the gothenberg but if they had plates from Modern ships welded on to and you're like oh dear what have I summoned and and then that's a perfect example this is why you're here thank you oh yeah that's great uh just added to it um and so the gothamberg arrives basically and on top of all of that they claim to have a mission from the emperor himself to do this okay sure whatever deal with it thank you please bye a direct message from him thank you okay yeah please go ahead thank you go about your business go for Who Am I who am I to impede the emperor's will go ahead exactly and then they disappear well well well where's the help at least they didn't M me you know Odyssey bullet Dodge at least they didn't M me you continue on few days and then you hear reports about 10 different attacks happening at the same time and they all say the same thing silent massive figures walking through the battlefield and pushing far deeper in enemy territory than you ever have there's absolutely no mercy it doesn't matter if give up they just crush it and then leave with these brutal strikes and then just as fast as they came they completely leave dead silent if they bump into extreme resistance they'll also just leave and then they'll come from a different angle over and over until that thing's gone the ultimate form of gorilla Warfare and it's not just oh they leave no survivors it's nothing there's dust it's that enemy had weapons and ammo and deployments they were using that's all gone gone it's like they hadn't set up to fight here at all reduced to ashes exactly and this just happens over and over on every front slowly the enemies stop attacking you because clearly something worse is here and you even get reports of this one Space Marine who Towers over dreadnots stalking the battlefield he's so big people mistake him for a Primark and he has these massive electrified claws that have chain sword chain swords running down the palm of them and they leave nothing in their wake except a sea of red my God that's just what happens and as fast as it started it the circling stops all together the moment it's all done it just leaves well at least they didn't get poned yeah until the ship points directly at you and starts coming directly for you and then they board and speaking again in that perfect Litin but politely may we please have some armor weapons and recruits for the help we just gave you and again Space Marine standing before you terrifying right this one's got scrim shod shark teeth all over him um what look like Pacific Islander tattoos all over his armor and his skin his skin is gray and rubbery and he's got pointed teeth himself Shark Boy really grew up yeah and that's the space sharks that's pretty much their whole gimmick they are hunters in The Ether itself sent out eons ago in exile for something to ravage the foes of humanity until they've atoned for whatever that was we have no idea what it is to this day I mean the atonement should be for those Graphics in 2005 my God Shark Boy I heard they're doing a reboot are they doing a reboot apparently yeah this is the reboot no no no it's on Netflix I think or something like that uh these ones are so much fun and I was not joking in Canon they do move in radio silence in my head Cannon it's definitely either the Jaws theme playing or baby shark there's no in between those are the two options uh it's they've got posters on the inside of their ships and like a little postcard right on their armor that says do it for him and it's the one Ikea shark yeah do it for left shark no it's for left shark dude it's for left shark of course you have to how is it pronounced blage BL BL I don't speak Swedish there's are wait is there a shark in Ikea yeah you know how Ikea sells plushies yes they've got the shark there's a shark do it for him I guess do it for that's probably on there uh um other than the silence that they bring for intimidation Factor they also are just it's kind of a curse that plagues them too a lot of a lot of the uh the primarchs aren't great dads they take after their own dad in that way sometimes they give their kids defects it happens uh theirs is a pretty weird one it's a slow one that starts with them the first phase is them becoming a complete stiff for lack of a better term they become coldly formal they will only speak in High Gothic which is that Latin variant I was telling you about and they they can still speak low but they really really choose not to yeah really don't want to their armor is always perfect they're always standing like straight it's just like they're overly formal it's you know that person who is awkward and then they also rely on formality as a way to cope as a shield that's what they become and then after that a sense of mercilessness will set in they're already not very giving of quarter are Space Marines yeah this time no it's just they will turn everything before them into a Red Mist Red Mist or dust one of those to it's like it's binary State and then the last one is them just succumbing to The Silence of the depths itself they basically never r word again and they always prefer to go alone yeah and they are true lone sharks how many shark related puns you're going to get a lot in actually let me not ask that question this is your home field never mind uh with that curse being said you may wonder who gave them this who who Who's the dad that gives them this defect CU none of them have this listed right I'm going to guess salamanders no no well we have a morovich situation here because nobody wants to claim they're the father it's it's kind of tragic let's get a DNA test going then uh we've tried that oh the the top contenders are the nightl Lords the ravengard and the world eaters and nobody wants to pay child support so those those are the three best guesses uh the night Lord's resemblance comes from the violence they they're brittle yeah yeah their remorseless tactics are something to behold and also uh there is people hold on to this one line where the space sharks are coming and it's referred somebody tells a night Lord your brothers have arrived but it's 40K um Space Marines call each other brother more than almost anything else could be battle brother it could be like brother brother Sergeant brother could be half brother twice removed you never know that one's a bit it's an eyebrow razor for sure but it's not anything concrete uh however they do also have a pale deathlike complexion and pitch black eyes like I mentioned which does give the nightl Lords more points that's pretty night lordy yeah it does also give the Raven guard a lot of points it does also get three and they are all about sudden sneak attacks that are debilitating gorilla Warfare mhm and that's what these guys' tactics are however they are far more aggressive than anything The Raven guard have ever pulled off so that's where the world leaders come in I've seen art of a raven guard Space Marine with a sniper rifle yeah that's not that's not space Marine like usually it's I'm going to get there get in there with my chain sword and rip them to shreds I'm going to quick scope them no I love the Raven guard because it's equivalent of a tank 5 km away with perfect aim just taking things out quietly and you're like why who put a silencer on the end of this thing and is it even functional that's what the Raven guard's whole shtick is space sharks are not quiet though so that leaves the world eaters as the last Contender because of just how violent they can be and also because uh the whole ship to ship harpoons that was a world eater thing that was a world eer thing that was a world eater in okay think about it this way the world eers did it because that's a ship you're shooting me get closer so I can punch you I can't I can't punch you from that distance get closer yeah it's a Brilliant Invention so that's why it's all up in the air um they have bumped into Raven guards is who called them who who didn't agree with that original assumption at all however their DNA has been tested as Raven guard it's a mess it's it's in Canon it's unknown Andor it could be all of the above because there's Space Marines with mixed gen like genes going on so it's entirely possible the weird mish mash we're seeing is because they are truly a weird mish mash of all of them because it it makes no sense nothing else really operates at them outside of Canon it's because they wanted a shark chapter and so those three are what you would need to mix to get a shark chapter let's be real here however in Canon it's confusing it's confusing and it's another one of those Mysteries it's probably never going to be resolved properly because it just it would add more questions and it would answer it'd be cool if the space sharks were just revealed to be like oh yeah um here's the uh what is it the second no not second and 11th the second and the 11th yeah it could also it could also totally be that nobody knows and with the levels we'll get into this a bit later but with how well they keep their gear it's also not impossible that they're salamanders nobody knows I don't know it just seems like so salamander mhm very animal focused very I'm going to hit you very hard and very large they are very they're very large they are very large it just seems like a salamander type beat who knows that's the fun of it and that's the best modern way we have to uh wrap our heads around this the old Lord just had them pegged as Marines but the shark variant Marines but the shark Marines which I mean they're still kind of are let's be honest but uh it was not as good back in the day cuz all that horror and Dread I just described to you it gets washed away when you realize back in the day they were wearing the you know like the beaky armor yeah they're wearing the beaky armor with like shark teeth glued to it and it pitch white no it was dark white with a red stripe I think and it had like a PNG of a shark lunging it was and their stealth variant was construction site orange because High viz vests are a stealthy I guess they render you invisible to the natural world oosha doesn't want you to know this yeah it was it was 40K back in the day was okay not as polished as what we have today which is honestly fine I've always loved seeing media I consume evolve over time and get better and more refined and you can see them occasionally go back to the weird and Pull It Forward and you're like oh that's okay cool that's back I guess that's K I mean back in the day if I remember correctly the Ultram Marines were Traders oh yeah you did mention them I think they were a Trader Legion that's definitely they were conquering and then dad showed up and he said join me and they said no definitely not at all anymore but that's the kind of stuff that 40K has if you've played League at all for the last 10 years you know exactly what I'm talking about old League or something else it just started as like a oh yeah here are these cool champions in in a in a fight dking it out and now it's just a bunch of random universes that are like all doing their own thing and it's just like okay yeah oh I I Le is yeah that I don't like league but I do really like the jux position between piltover and Z I think I I like pil over nobody likes Arcane next question also Shara interests me the sand this yeah that's also fun I would love to see more of that this kind of uh formative nature of the space sharks is really contrasted when you look at what they are today because like I mentioned they were kind of doofy um but nowadays it's slate gray armor across the board it's like it's still the old heresy stuff it's still old but they use it for a different reason now it's okay the heresy was a mess there was war happening everywhere we didn't know if we could get parts anywhere on time so heresy armor specifically was made you could glue this together and it would work like if you kill another Marine you can slap pieces off of that onto this and it'll work just fine that's why they have all of the rivets all over like um 30k Arma because it's just like this is literally just riveted together yeah exactly uh but they also recently is uh thanks to an author whose Name Escapes me but I want to credit them too um he gave them kind of um they kind of rip from uh just general Pacific Islander culture now too a lot of their names do they have th those tattoos going which is awesome design first of all let's just start there because they have like you know great great whites are like that bluish gray up top and then the white beneath MH that's so they have that bluish gray all over them and then like the white for the tattoos I love that that's so it's insanely cool when do we get Jason Mamoa as a space shark in the next 40K film it has to happen it has to happen and um the way there's no better way to put it and the visual in this segment is going to help a lot too um but the way Space Marine armor is shaped it's kind of like two U's one that goes from behind your neck up in front and then another that goes again from behind your neck up above your head that's kind of how it works and it's like a weird it's it's a it's a part of the armor because it's very big and bulky even on Space Marines because they have to get shot at a lot so you want that armor big and bulky and it also is because Space Marine armor can attach all kinds of stuff to it from massive bags to jetpacks so it's going to be larger than your average human frame and that's kind of a result of that it's also really solid face protection so even if they're wearing a helmet it'll always kind of you'll have those two U over and behind I mean under and behind almost every Marine that's perfect normal stuff if you watch F1 it's a Hans device effectively just think of it as a Hans device Hans device the head and neck device it's so that they don't instantaneously die when that car goes from an obscene speed to zero nothing yeah because a lot of the time they just it it would the the stoppage would just kill them f1's a really dangerous Port it's a really like my favorite thing is side tangent they they they they fairly recently got this ring device and it looks like it does absolutely nothing but somehow it has saved well not somehow when the car flips over it saves their life by adding something that gets crushed instead of them I mean that makes sense yeah it's really cool stuff it's like uh crunch points on any no no no it doesn't sorry it doesn't crunch it makes contact so they don't have to it's actually very rigid yeah yeah it's really cool stuff but yes for lack of a better term Space Marines have those massive head and neck devices oh so it's more like a roll cage weird yeah about as light as you can make a roll cage anyway because that's what matters in an F1 it's just like go as fast as possible this thing weighs like 2 lounds I could lift it myself exact Space Marines don't worry about weight reduction it it does not matter in the least the reason I'm mentioning this oddly specific tidbit about their armor is because for the most part it leads to really weird design sometimes like there's a lot of portraits of primarchs where they look small until you zoom out and you're like oh dear he's massive his head just looks tiny in that enclosure the space sharks kind of made it work better than anyone else I've ever seen because what they've done is or at least a lot of the art for them has has made that those two Ed they've put shark teeth all over them oh I know what you're talking about and so you know you know you know when a shark is breaching water and it's got its Mall wide open it looks like it's a Space Marine staring at you from the jaws of an open shark I love that and it looks so cool I love that it looks so cool they have all kinds of um other scrim shod stuff on them too they I think they actually have shark teeth to I'm not sure how you'd get them that far away from everything but do they have just one weird water world out there in the void no they only have one world that they kind of temp we we we'll get to that we'll get to that we're g we'll get to that but yeah so a lot of their their stuff has that going on and a lot of art has it and my favorite piece of art for them is actually that uh massive fellow who will not be named this episode I can feel it being typed though um and he's looming over somebody with those claws I mentioned ready and it the way his body is Twisted it looks like he's lunging at you I'll make sure you put that piece up it's really cool it's not just a shark look either that they go for in combat they do Circle their prey and observe them slowly trying to find all the weak points and then just going in they really are just sharks yeah yeah one of my favorite scenes of them has them I believe flying very very very close to a sun to hide in the solar flares as they're going about oh that's why their stealth variants are painted bright orange it's to blend in with the sun sure you found a reason let's go with that um when they fight they do also fight in complete silence not joking they they do communicate because you have to communicate orders but it's over a very encrypted Channel and it's not a lot it's not how are you doing it we need you to move here I mean to be fair I don't think I've ever heard of shark speak during a Feeding Frenzy yeah pretty much they keep itom these guys keep it too they also have their psychers are really on the nose um they can instill a crushing fear of the depths for lack of a better term into somebody and so you'll occasionally when you're fighting them you would just hear somebody howl like they're being drowned and if that's not bad enough a real shark mouth can just appear beneath them and take them away because their Hiers can do that too I love how hard they've leaned into this gimmick they really leaned into this G I love it I love it I love it I love it another Canon is this one dubious at best um they they can get hit with this battle blindness kind of a situation where it's like because when sharks attack they roll their eyes back and expose this cartilage thing if you can't tell I was a shark weak kid um they roll their eyes back to God yeah this is going to be a shark episode to protect to them and there's this bit of cartilage that gets exposed really neat stuff you can Sucker Punch it in the face all you want it's not going to hurt its eyes however completely blind and so that's kind of the trade-off they make and the way they did that for the space sharks again Canon is this one I couldn't find hard sources for is occasionally they'll get caught up in the frenzy and just become this Hazard for Friend or Foe it's almost like they can't see what's going on swing wildly I can't see anything yeah I love it I love it and that's also part of the world eater stuff because it's yeah world eers do that of course the world eaters do that you see why these people who madly scream blood for the blood God you see why it's hard to find somebody to put this thousand years of child support Bill to it's pretty difficult and um on top of that they don't spare anything or anyone really um they are Hunters out in the void meaning they don't get resupplies often so they've gotten very good at Scavenging it's become part of their standard issue procedure it's not an intimidation tactic like the silence or the violence this is just something they've learned to do because you need to just like I need food if I don't get food from doing this I will not be able to eat for the next anything that can be repurposed or even can't be they will take and use it to mend what they have because they use stuff that is actually 10,000 years old because of the ease of use and modularity so they will often just strip battlefields clean and then stash whatever they can't use for later everything they can use they will immediately put to use which is also why they armors it looks like heresy stuff but that's not quite right and their ship looks old but not quite right either it's been ship of Theus to Modern spec yeah yeah and it's everything in their Armory too if they were a modern day army they would be in Land Cruisers with AKs because they work and we know how to fix them and we've known how to fix them that would be the space sharks it's just the most they are literally just perfect gorilla Warfare they know what they need to do ravengard alligator ravengard allegations you see where it comes from yeah um they however there is a point where you can't fix something you know there everything has an expected lifespan from people to objects and you can prolong it through meticulous maintenance like going to the gym every day but however there is a day that you'll croak that's just how that works and so whenever that does happen they have the ability to Levy tithes to get the job done to replenish what they cannot fix anymore or get out in the in the void um there's two of them uh the red tithe is as bad as it sounds um they are they and I'm going to specifically use the word Harvest here entire populations to be used as either forced labor or initiates who fight it out to see who becomes the next space shark it's really brutal stuff it at its worst it's been recorded entire Generations have disappeared mm it's 40K still sucks baby you get to choose your flavor do you want it Pacific Islander and shark themed yeah it still kind of blows you still w't want to live there you still wouldn't want to meet them in a dark alley it's thing it's still bad yeah they can do this anywhere basically so long as nobody else is using them so if that planet's already slighted by Gilman for ultramarines they can't just roll up and say red tithe because no but it is a power they have so they can roll up to let's say um backwards worlds that haven't been given a full Duty yet and go do you pay the smothering tithe and if not God I hate the smothering I had to throw that in just despite you they will occasionally can you tell what's in my deck um they will also occasionally he's paid that a lot they will also do the same to prison worlds where um because the Imperium has prison worlds where they're like stamping out license plates basically those don't count but the ones where they're just kind of loitering around I would figure I mean Earth has an Australia don't spite them I like Australians I like Australians too they've come so far they've come so far they've been doing fine they they've been doing just fine for themselves thank you very much um but if if the prison world doesn't have a hard use they can walk up and say you pay the smothering tithe and that's it they can just take them away in the night and they will be used for everything they are worth to the space sharks before they are completely thrown away it's not kind the gray tithe is a little bit better I won't lie because like I said they pick up all kinds of stuff some of it they can't use right the mechanicus can though and so they have a great time that the mechanic is where they go we got this stuff you got Stu no no you can take this ancient stuff that we frankly don't want or like need like we have a receipt printer from 2008 and the mechanicus goes glorious we'll give you all the guns you want and it's a it's a pretty sweet deal the mechanicus gets to learn and reverse engineer stuff and they get the stuff they need to continue hunting no knowing the mechanicus it's more just like I have this um RB's receipt from 2008 do you want it and the mechanicus is just like a great a great item to add to my spank bank and that's that's God you and mental flashbangs they yeah it's that's pretty much exactly how it works with them and the mechanicus uh it's a really kind of fair deal on that one is at least uh if things get very very dire they have a treaty set up with this uh Rogue faction of Space Marines uh Rogue Space Marines are are ones who have not gone full villain don't like the emperor though so they're kind of off doing their own thing if you're a Star Wars fan thank the gray Jedi exactly that are technically not canon anymore but you know what thank you company I shall not mention um so they they will go up to these um now you want me to you almost made me call them gray but these Rogue Space Marines and they will trade for whatever they need weapons recruits armor but they really only do this when they have to because it's it's really dicey working with them because best case scenario it's a raw deal worst case scenario violence ensues okay so never mind it's more like summoning a purple spirit in Dark Souls yeah okay yeah um however it's all singularly focused they don't have any side stuff going on really it's just to fight in the dark against the things that we rather not think about every day that's all they do this has given them very few stories however what they do have is really good like my favorite one is they captured this dark elar and for those of you that don't know dark elar are just elves let me finish they're elves who Stave off death by being as depraved as you can get uh what you say is violating the Geneva conventions they call foreplay that's it's yeah yeah uh if you call crimes against humanity they call a good Saturday night yeah uh how do you get information out of a person like that because torture for them they're kind of waiting for it they're they're laying into they do it do it please do it i' I've done worse on Tuesdays the bone saw how how how very pedestrian of you so you know what the space trucks did locked him in a room with nothing they gave him the the the padded rooms straight jacket treatment mhm this guy was pretty solid though so he kept hurling insults through the door just keeping himself entertained by doing that and taunting them for ages because most capts will come in and beat the brakes off you for that he's like please please please do it yeah Do It um so they upped the antee and stopped cleaning the room all together and they stopped sending people in to give food so they just left him with a bucket in the corner and food would just slide in and the plates would never get taken out he'd never got to see any other person with the only thing for entertainment being a painting on the door that says knock when you're ready to talk this poor Eldar tries which is sentence this this elder tries composing poetry or even just basking in the memories of when he had freedom which are again memories to him trauma to others that's how it works for them however nothing would work cuz what is an artist without an audience and these blank walls don't care less on top of all of that it's kind of hard to compose poetry when you know that bucket is getting Fuller every day and they haven't been here for a while what happens then that's where he's left and so it's a pretty Raw Deal thankfully thankfully this OT realized something he's hot like all the elves they're always they're always stupendously hot that's how they work um and even though they stripped him of his armor and his clothes and his claws he was still absolutely striking if he could get them to open the door surely they'd realize the sheer specimen before them completely gorgeous in every way and Brilliant too and completely lay down their weapons forget about that Emperor and begin serving me and all my glory he tried to Charisma check confirmed Bachelor them confirmed Bachelor additional dialogue option so yeah yeah and he knocked on the door and waited in the buff smiling like a king eager to meet his new subjects and I mean like head tilted slightly up because you know royalty doesn't look at the peasantry in the eyes you know which is a Fant he was hitting the lean against the wall just like hey legs spread wide kind of yeah uh the good thing is because he was looking away from them he didn't get to make eye contact with the only thing that came to the door a massive fire hose which they then Dr it was this is a fire hose with a force to push slam him against the wall and just all the debris that came from him living in this room is just swirled around baby and then they shut the door on them they made they made a dookie elar soup yeah and then and then they shut the door on him I love this guy's arrogance though because he he well before they shut the door I love his arrogance because he gets up and he goes if you wanted to clean the room there's better ways to do it come on guys and they I'm not joking the space sharks there could not care less just shut the door I'm I'm talking not even a twinge of frustration just Stone Cold they may as well have been statues this bores them he hasn't heard a word in days and so they just slam the door shot on him and he's he's there he's left alone soaking wet in a in a puddle of dookie elar soup well to be fair it was very powerful hose it did like it did it genuinely did kind of clean the room so you know slight positives downside is um there is something really off about this ship because ships make noise machines were you can hear vents cars make noise for God's sake ships definitely make a lot of noise uh this one doesn't it's completely silent and Eldar have pretty solid hearing he should have been able to hear TW two of their heartbeats in each of their chests going you know space mins have two hearts they're off Rhythm he should have didn't hear a thing meaning it's entirely possible they they induced short-term Cardiac Arrest [ __ ] with this guy it's either that or they're very good at keeping it quiet I'm not sure which that's so petty yep the ship is pin drop silent he's not even sure if they're still moving I love them do you see why and you see like the night Lord kind of oh I know how to break you they put so much effort into making sure okay what would a Dark Eldar hate zero stimulation yeah and so they do that it's just nothing nothing nothing at all there's no there's no surprise there's no nothing he tries over and over again like he tries to be koi and stuff and it it never works they just firm it every time though eventually he does think he makes some progress um because they do take him to a different room like they and they strap him to this chair and he's like oh thank God finally the torture begins Jesus I've been waiting forever let's get to it and it's like it's like a cge chair and everything so he's expecting the whole nine yards in this doed room and then they leave oh and as they leave the shutters begin to open and he's left wondering they're not just going to show me the raw warp are they are they and and as it opens he sees something far worse the night sky oh but the night sky outside of the Galaxy facing away from the Milky Way the empty there's not a star to be seen what's described as coming out of the room starts his laughter and ends is crying it's so amusing to me that's a brutal yeah they they they don't play they're so much fun there's so much fun um it is not all sunshine and rainbows though quite obviously yeah yeah it's it's obvious to see why they're so popular uh they do have some cons though first and foremost uh if you were not like me and look forward to and looked forward to Shark Week every year on Discovery they may not appeal to you I get that it's not everyone's Vibe that's fully fair if also you don't like just you know like Oceanic Vibes kind of um uh the Polynesian aesthetic they have going on nowadays or you're like extremely philophobic exactly which to be fair I don't know how they didn't have that theme before it makes so much sense it's one of those things that gave that guy a bonus that was brilliant but if that's not your thing that you know they're not really going to appeal to you because they do do what the tin says they are space Sharp yeah um they also have this habit of being hated specifically by alar players but generally by alien players because when they join a story they have ultramarine syndrome of Spotlight on me now I'm going to jobber everything that's around me thank you very much and like I get it if you're not into that it kind of sucks like Oh yay the Eldar being oh no here the space trcks and they've locked him in a room now yay so that's that's kind of those are the cons to them however I am curious now that you know the pros and the cons what do you think I I kind of like them I kind of like them a lot really they're I mean I have extreme theophobia but also I still really really really like really like the theming like they're just like Terror on an like unknown level and also the the continuing theme of like sharks in space especially with using the depths of the Abyss the space Abyss instead of the ocean Abyss to terrify people just it makes sense and I love the way they walk around and just cast pocket philosophia at people you weren't afraid of water now you are sucks to suck I love it so much uh that does wrap up our episode today on the space sharks we will see you next week for the patreon episode that's going to be more Street Sharks and the following week for whoever wins Street Sharks I said Street Sharks I stand by it Street Sharks if you know you know if you don't you don't did they do not know the Street Sharks no what no wait hold on hold on it's it's it's a '90s toy line you don't remember this well I don't think it's the 90s even I think it's older but it's like original Transformers era no you don't know the street wait are you serious yeah I oh okay I I thought that would be ubiquitous reference I'm sorry no okay well yeah other people might get it but not oh other people will get it they'll be shocked that you didn't get it frankly I don't know how I entirely realize I'm the weirdo here okay well yeah but you can reference Ikea plushies by by their hex Co that's like those people who have very specific like oh yeah Lego type and then they just give you this thing and you look it up and it's like oh that's a cutting insult it's like that level you don't know about the blage no I don't I didn't and some you know what and I don't know about the Street Sharks it's fine it's okay we all have our blind spots um thank you guys for watching this episode and thank you for the plaque that we just got in the mail recently uh there's going to be some Boll up right now and none of that would be possible without you we are figuring out where to put it in the studio but it will be visible somewhere soon so yes the studio will be going through some changes sometime when soon Trad within the next couple of months very soon and we'll have a space for it cuz you know you can't really Mount it's the abyss you can't mount a plaque on the abyss well we I could pull off some stuff it' be difficult a fishing line running from the ceiling down maybe but none of that would be Poss this this wouldn't be a problem we'd be solving without you guys so thank you so much for giving me good problems to solve I really really appreciate it and we will see you next week for the episode on H something something as always thank you for being [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Isyander & Koda
Views: 234,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 22sec (2902 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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