The Imperium's THIRD Biggest Weapons | The Imperial Knights | EP.85

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I'm isander and I'm cot and today we are going over the fact that I can never put anything in the Imperium against anything outside the Imperium because by another ridiculous sweep both the Eldar have been sent into the shadow realm and it's a Night episode today baby the options left are the Imperial Navy the yeldar and the Dark Eldar space elves and frowny space elves for those of you that don't know no it was uh space elves and BDSM space El yep and you vote by sounding off in the comments I don't have any control it's a democracy over here so you guys sound off in the comments or um in the reviews for our audio listeners because you can do that too and I still see them and they still count so you can vote either for or against anything we are also on the march to 250k that is the next goal we have hit because the machine God is a Fickle thing that only respects stupendously large numbers so uh if you would like like to help us date this video like we have dated so many others in the past I'm serious if you go watch some of the even not that old episodes there are like ones where we're 10K I remember it was it was just like it was yesterday we were going for this thing and look oh it's this thing right here oh my God exactly we move as a legion I know it will'll be done in no time so thank you as always if you also want a bonus episode every week twice as much of what you already want you can head on over to isander and where you get that second episode you get access to the community Discord monthly streams q&as and that Feelgood feeling that comes from just doing a good deed every month you know so you can help us keep the lights on in here and get more of what you already love by heading on over to and now let's get into the most honorable bunch in the Imperium at least the nights because and we're gonna we're gonna use a different device because you guys seem to like it when you get the perspective of what they seem like to other people so we are going to I still love the the tyranid one that one gives me nightmares no people loved that you loved it so it's it's coming back and for the purposes of this device you are a medieval peasant poverty are you being served Baja Blast no uh poverty stricken is an understatement poverty did not strike you it beat the brakes off you and left on the side of the road to figure it out it's bad you have nothing to your name save for the dirt beneath your feet and that house that sometimes stops water from getting in not always and that house is also probably 90% dirt oh yeah no life blows and for everyone you know it's the same thing but this is normal that's just how things are he died of denter okay it just Happ happens it's rough but you you make what you can out of life same thing that peasants used to then Q stage left a roving band of Barbarians arrives classic of course and they hit your town for What Little it's worth and then decide to settle on the outskirts and just use you for menial labor to try and build up some form of Empire so things went from bad worse baby achievement get you are a human cattle yeah yeah um they settle and slowly but surely your life gets worse and worse and worse and as every parent does or at least every parent should you want better for your kids than you had so in a desperate gamble you send your kid out because either they will be able to find a new life in a town these guys haven't gotten to yet or long long long shot maybe get help bare minimum they're at least not going to grow up into this however far this is going to go because they clearly are intending on making it go very far and that's it that's the last you see a little Timmy that's he's gone bye that's it see you kiddo yep and then months and months of this brutality continue you are squarely under their thumbs and dude they are competent with swords you have a plow to your name end your Mal nourished it's just not it's not even it's not even close they will batter you with their bare hands then one day you hear a sound like the air itself has ignited you look and see this Crimson streak falling impossibly fast for just a moment before it makes impact and it sounds like God's fist has descended down the dust clears and it's not a meteor it's what looks to be like a heavily shielded castle and before you can fully drink in what exactly this is every Battlement turns on and just starts firing on The Barbarians immediately and as the battlements turn on you see one after another from the top to the bottom of the castle banners just unfurling over and over with royal seals on each and every one of them as I came do not triumphant music starts blasting from somewhere inside the castle it's so loud it kind of hurts honestly you can't miss it and then as if it couldn't get worse for those barbarians every door blows off and you see these massive mechanical Knights perfectly clean bringing their full force down on them with absolutely no mercy there's there's it does not seem like there's much content but it is a giant Mech against your average person so there's not there's not much you can do against big hunk of metal yeah and it completely just rips apart any camp that they thought they were building all while each night is proclaiming the true and rightful masters of this land have returned your prayers have been answered and you've been saved thanks to us and stuff like that every single one is their own hype man I'm talking like bow down and rejoice levels if only I could get that custom voice in Titanfall too and on top of one of the mechs kind of sitting back from everything it's still fighting but it it's more making a show of it than anything else you see your kid having a day of a Time on top of it waving and smiling at you and that's what the knights are like to your average person they are so hilariously Overkill and committed to the bit it's so much fun uh and we'll get to because I'm not joking there the only thing that's even vaguely cannon in that sentence was the kid riding on top of it that everything else there they will do like they they full bore will like say your prayers and brush your teeth kids and someday you will wind up in a Mech like me says the noble born into stupendous levels of wealth and trained to do this from birth like it's so much fun I love them but before we get into all of that we have to just very quickly make a distinction and that is uh Knights versus Titans it's really simple mistake to make especially if you just see the art and you're vaguely new to 40K because they're both giant robots they're big robots and they're shaped kind of similar shaped kind of similar um the main difference is the scale of it cuz if you don't look at the art closely you'll see Titans and knights and you'll go oh well you know it's they're about the same size but then you look at the night art closer and you realize that's a mountain it's towering over and then you go oh that's a different that's a different League that's a the knights are I mean the Titans are the de facto giant robots in 40K so that's the main difference between these two they require teams staff it's a whole thing right the knights it's a one-on-one kind of a situation and they actually usually work in teams like they usually like the nights adventure and parties who have thought and it's it's it's kind of like it kind of operates like the Pacific Rim Jaggers where they they move very fluidly with but it's only one person instead of two yeah they move very fluidly with their guy they are a thing from way back in 40K with the original purpose being to be shunted out into the void of space with uh these ships in Long marches to the Far Far reaches of space and because it's 40K the reaches of space we never happy to see them so while they were going about this whole Space Age kind of like you know like Race To The Moon Vibes honestly is what it feels like they had to send these mechs with them to protect them because if it wasn't the Flora being hostile it was the fauna and if it wasn't any of that well as it turns out a giant chainsaw that can cut through tanks is good at clearing forestry yeah so honestly a lot of the time you would see them being used for agricultural purposes just oh there's this massive Boulder or oh we need to tunnel and it just punch like it literally punched a hole through the mountain boom tunnel like and stabilize it and just get at it it's one of my favorite things about like the mech genre of things is just like oh yeah this is a big piece of military equipment but like swords to plow share style oh that's now just like pushing a big like uh Farm bucket yeah and that's what they were totally used for I love it so much um a big part of why they were able to succeed at the original job is because they were also shunted out with these things called stc's yeah they're always important they come up almost every episode and they are demons unto themselves it is the actual Collective knowledge of man kind as their Birthright it's actually like pretty philanthropic and I I dig them a lot like Humanity back in the day was no slouch I mean they say it's the Dark Age of Technology but like it's really poorly named because it's it's it's yeah it's pretty technologically advanced all things I mean I it's in the name but they were obscene Boons and because of that they were able to protect these these areas as they slowly took over world after world afterworld now as with anything that large dangerous and expensive just like in real life you have to be really careful about who you let to Pilot it you can't just let anybody fly the best Jets we have you have to push them to the edge they have to be the best of the best and they have to be constantly AB breast with everything they they have to be good at their gigs and it's no different in 40K in fact because it's 40K it's cranked up several notches which is significant one of the last couple shorts if you've been keeping up with the shorts uh had one of the a clip from uh um uh GeForce tests and uh when I found that clip that was a rabbit hole and a half those things are that's T tough yeah yeah I know I saw I saw one where they put Jeremy Clarkson in one of those GeForce tests Jeremy Clarkson in that's an image I need to see I'll need to see that after this he he didn't he didn't he was pardon my friend he wasn't when it came to that yeah I saw I saw a clip of somebody they were trying to knock out by hitting him with nine G's and they had him had to hit him with like five or six rounds of that before he finally got knocked out that's a caliber person piloting a Mech probably I'll be honest him that's himothy um on top of that you also have to allow the pilot in the mech to move as one you really don't want input lag on anything that you can't give it a 360 controller that's just not going to work it's good enough for drones not good enough for Mech okay yeah so to do this as one would guess stuff gets crammed into your head it's 40K it's got it it's got It's 40K if there's no open brain surgery are we even in the 41st Millennium even in a lot of Mech stuff usually they'll cram something in their head think of the neural links from tipan Fall tail yeah exactly the pro to this it's actually really similar to that is you're able to move with grace that only the the lar the space elves can match yeah because you see these things in art and you assume it moves like like a massive robot would move you know like you know like no they they Sprint yeah no no no it's it it can move and snap aim as needed with ease they are so like if you see two of them fighting in melee combat it looks like kns of old Fighting where if you want like a like a quick frame of reference just imagine your average NFL player in full plate armor anything they could do in that this can probably do because let's be real they have massive swads of armor that are feet thick it does they're not limber they're not going to be hitting any yoga poses anytime soon but they're mobile they're yeah they can break into a concerningly Brisk jog they're not going to break the Olympic record but it's still concerning it's still concerning how quickly that that thing moves short jumps I've seen a trailer where one tackles something which oh oh that's so [Laughter] cool it's yeah they're they they are not as immobile as their art would make them seem it's really fun I mean that's what I thought when I first saw them I was like oh that's a that's a lumbering big heavy piece of machinery and then it starts sprinting around like a like a Titan from Titanfall 2o and I'm like they can break out into Jun honestly they move with a little bit more grace than the ones in Titanfall I'll be honest cuz the TitanFall 2 mechs are pretty like they're not slow and but they move like machines you can tell these ones you can tell oh that's a person link that's a person moving that exactly um the con to all of this though is open brain surgery and on top of that your personality is irrevocably tweaked because the process of melding Is unpleasant well there's a machine in your head now then to do something yes and no kind of anyone who walks past because what happens is like you turn 18 you've passed everything everything You' needed to do congratulations you're going to be a night they lock you in this room and you meld with this thing called The Throne right and anyone who walks past it thinks you're either having the best time of your life or an actual exorcism is happening because it's screaming howling nashing of the teeth different voices uttering swear words that could be completely outdated at this time it is torturous it is arduous as you as a human attempt to imprint your very being onto the machine while the machine imprints back the being of everyone else who succeeded before you oh damn yeah it's it's really metal stuff actually that's really cool actually right the best case scenario is you will be permanently vaguely Off Your Rocker any childlike wonder you may have had before is replaced with this kind of regality that comes from it it's it's it's the authority and the responsibility of everyone who came before basically just shunt it onto you that also makes sense why they'd be saying random stuff like oh yes brush your teeth cu the dude who cycled out like uh 20 Cycles ago who uses machine 20 guys ago was a a dentist very passionate about brushing your teeth and now I have to shout that I guess or he just had incredible veneers and he wanted to keep them up and coming like yeah no it it totally makes sense and part and also funny enough it's not that you just get you know their duties their diligence you don't just get that you can get their Petty grievances too you can get their pet peeves so like if there was a guy who really really really did not like his vegetables and you were fine with them before you may find yourself suddenly a fairly picky eater out of nowhere it's like the um the not is it yeah asparagus spinach uh no not the asparagus one the um the uh broccoli spinach uh uh brussels sprouts piss Gene where things will taste like piss to you yeah if you have that specific gen suddenly even if it tasted fine before it tastes terrible and you have to cope with that now all of this was put in place because it makes you far less likely to go Rogue if all of your successor successes are put into your head and you have this sense of falty and honor like no my father did this my father before him and they're now all in my head like I don't leave this town it's not what we do it's not it's not who I am frankly though who you are is a different person you're bit odd now however let's let's be real here for a moment me and you right we're we're all adults it's a paper thin excuse to have kns in space but like come on it's nights in space come on because it's if you were to ask any child what would make a night cooler your answer is either riding a dinosaur or giant Mech and the kids's not wrong cuz these things are so cool 40K is just a grown-up version it's that same nerve we all had as a kid where you'd line up all your toys for a war but just taken to its extreme it's fantastic and it knows it and I love the fact that they felt the need to justify that even though they really didn't have to for me I'm so simple baby just tell me they were knights in space we're good this Knights In Space yeah um what and so because of that kind of imp printing it's slowly gotten a bit more extreme over time as it compounds on itself so what started as this odd heroic thing like oh you know my father was chosen and he was the hero of the town and then you know not have that imprinted on me it's like well now I must be the hero of the town so on and so forth slowly Royal houses kind of started forming around these nights and it became a Birthright thing where it's like oh my firstborn son will inherit this if he somehow dies beforehand second third so on and so forth like have you seen that chart that shows what'll happen when any given member of the royal family dies and it's vaguely complex but not really wants to get the gist of it it's that it's that actually so these are just like medieval feudal houses of old oh yeah no the knights from birth well their sons are prepared for the gig that's all you were set to do right it's it's everything everything must be Prim it has to be proper Fork must be in the left hand tin pointed downwards KN in the right hand scce always be precise after all people are eternally judging you at any given moment whether you are aware of it or not so manners maketh the man yes Mom I love you dearly and I still remember most of it my childhood aside they they have that taken so much further it's ridiculous they move the way old nobility does with tons and tons of pump and Circumstance and titles and it just goes on and on and on by the way if you think I'm fibbing about that table etiquette is a real thing my Grandma knows how to insult a whole dish without saying a word like I'm I'm just so so on it there's a whole language to it that I vaguely have a Gras off I could put it together now but like yeah it's a thing it's a whole thing and I'm kind of shocked you never had to go through that I'm surprised you were never shipped off to that for like a summer just a me thing my parents were raised in the TV dinner era fair enough that'll do it fair enough that'll do it wow yeah that that work um the 70s baby yeah okay my favorite example of how just procedural these guys can be is when you fight one in Shooter's blood and teeth it's an orc game that's actually how it's pronounced and the following cutscene plays that I have to put in here in its entirity because it is perfect and the only way to show the specific personality Matrix that being a night entails so we are going to be watching this together zy NE that's a big Timo or just you wait I love orc orc orc speak attention orc you face Lord horic Korum son of High King valer canum High Prince of house Korum Master of the blade of Gia Keeper of the gates of Lalo wielder of the caloric flame bringer of Hope Harald of the holy of the Lance the Paladin of kotto slay of the Lion of Esa the triumphant the light of stars theeradicator uh he's giv Edam me a run for his money oh god oh no every KN gives Ed aine the run for their money this it's their thing they have1 titles and they honor each other so much it's fantastic and it's the best way they're just Nature has been shown in pretty much anything because yeah they would totally totally sit there and read their full title to any cuz at the time that night doesn't know that that's the thing leading the current wall or even it's vaguely important that's the protagonist he doesn't know that's the he doesn't know that which means every orc he's seen today he's been I am high Lord hor canor the whole thing and he's that confident in it cuz he said it and then beat the brakes off them every time there's so much fun I mean he's in so much heavy armor you know it's perfectly in sync with them so like yeah it's pretty cool to be fair he gets folded like a deck chair he's not the protagonist of this game night fans really hate that but that's a shame let's get a let's get a Titanfall 2 style night game please that's that's exactly what I was going to say it's an orc game if you want a night game go ask the TitanFall guys go write them please please please please I need Titanfall 3 oh God yeah but that is the caliber of person you're dealing with in a Mech that can move almost perfectly fluidly and it's why when everything everything went to hell night worlds were fine is for the most part the Imperium basically blew up due to A Series of Unfortunate Events what else is new it's constantly doing that and they went from this unified front that terrified pretty much everyone in the Galaxy except for maybe the Egyptian Terminators that's it anything else was fair game they descended into just a collection of feudal world s that could not rub two sticks together these really are knights in space no that was that was no no no no no that that was that was the rest of them oh that was the rest of them night worlds went for for for your average Imperial Planet they went from being able to harvest stars with ease to keeping corn uprights really hard man I've been trying for weeks here like it's it's it's not great for everyone except except for the night worlds they still receded they still went all full-blown feudal like it's I wasn't joking you are a medieval peasant if you're on a night world but the knights are nobility first and foremost they're born protectors who've trained from birth and have basically the all the characteristics of those who came before just jammed into their heads at the same time so when things went to hell it totally makes sense that they would grab the Reigns and take command now they are still people they're not the emperor Suns or superhuman deities that can accomplish anything they set their minds to they're still regular people which is why things backslid a bit a lot but critically they just wound up self-sufficient in a backwards way if that makes sense which it's I mean life sucks in 40K so it totally makes sense that you'd have the medieval variant of suck somewhere just it's enforced by a massive Mech because yeah you can't behead the rich if the rich are in that no like really I'm sorry they they can go around gallivanting saying let them eat cake what are you gonna do about it Guillotine the mech yeah no there's nothing there's no guillotine big enough you can't even Guillotine off its big Mech toes they're made of metal yeah so all of that put together means that when a certain fellow who looks an awful lot like the protagonist from hatred in gold armor decides to go about crusading he was able to actually refind a bunch of these territories held together only by the force of their nigh houses that was pretty much it and it's to this day in fact night worlds will still be found and it's a whole thing it's oh thank God we found these guys oh this is great it's a fully self-sufficient world please come in come in come in please please please please please come back yeah no if you you can if you can find one you get paid pretty handsomely um usually they are also cuz you know the're very chivalrous the very HonorBound they can tell when their Authority begins and ends and they also know the emperor's Authority his title is a master of mankind dude it kind of outclasses everybody yeah so they they they they pretty much automatically like yeah okay this tracks moving on um though it is fun fact like I said you get paid really well for finding one of these which is why the Rogue Traders are the first ones to find them and to this day are still the ones who regularly find them because I mean come on the D and D party finding the night party it it just it just makes sense usually um in the beginning they will either swear a vow to either to serve Earth or the mechanicus because I mean come on they're the guys who worship Machinery they're the guys who even know how to get this stuff to run and maintain it it's a match made in heaven that they would be working together however if they do swear to the mechanicus they kind of lose a lot of their Panache how do you mean like they all that pump and Circumstance you saw kind of melts away when they work for the mechanicus because they just become massive units to be used basically and their worlds just become like worlds to feed mechanicus worlds this is no longer oh nights of old that is just like new machine just dropped pretty much so it's kind of so so um occasionally they'll even get stripped from their home worlds and get stationed with the massive robots of 40K the Titans because 30 to 40 foot mechs are not the biggest things the Imperium Can field to give you a sense of scale Knights on the tabletop are like 8ish inches your average model is like an inch tall give or take if you're counting the stands Customs y y y you get the vibe right if you wanted an accurate a size accurate tabletop Titan you'd be Fielding something the size of a small child no I'm not joking if you want to play with Titans you could literally take your toddler put them on the table with a little cardboard sign that says that reads Titan ah and it would be size no there would be debates as to whether it's size accurate all right little Timmy stand right here don't move until I get the ruler yeah they're completely all right you have a movement length of like um what was that a foot and a half one foot there one foot there thank you little Timmy can you fire a shot that Direction with your little Hand pistol and he's got a little Nerf gun in his PO of course knocks over entire guard regiment Titans are so much fun they literally have the nickname of the god engines I need an episode on these guys so badly um they this is where the knights come back in though because as you can imagine these things are massive and go for the ankles I mean come on come on it's it's a very there's a reason tanks don't have legs today like what is this an at8 I mean if you tie its legs together all I'm saying is you can't trip a tank you can certainly trip a Titan and they're really hard to fix so uh the knights come back in because good luck doing that when they're guarding its feet and as they guard these massive Titans there's also tinier Titans guarding them too because I'll be honest if you don't have a Titan fighting on your side and a Titan appears you've lost you've lost just leave there's nothing you can do they level anything set before them so a lot of the time these Knights will just be pilfered because you're not going to have guards reinforcing a Titan the Titan can barely see it's like an ant they'll get stepped on by a mistake at least I can see and I I can at least see the Knight and Dodge it and not step on it so that is uh a big Duty that a lot of them just just get pilfered for which is you're on Titan Duty it's kind of lame because it reduces the cool nights to just like Guardians for the biggest mechs but also the biggest mechs are really cool so they get away with it regardless I need like an actual scale cuz the scale for Titans is something that's constantly I think I've have seen them I think I've seen like somebody kitb like not kit bash but like print out a model for then it's huge yeah but like Titan will always say it's either not huge enough or too huge it's only fairly recently their size has been hard confirmed and because it's the Imperium there's always a bigger variant that used to exist that we can no longer build sadly so like come on oh I see they did they do that the same thing happens in BattleTech CU a lot of that is just like oh yeah we haven't been able to build any of these mechs for a long time let's Salvage the old ones and then oh my God the the like people in the past built huge mechs what the hell why can't we do this oh the imperium's obscenely guilty for that I would love a size accurate one I really would but I also fully recognize again the current ones you can play toddler sized if you wanted a size accurate one you'd probably be talking like a 10-year-old on the table like I'll be real Titans are kind of funky it makes no sense but also like does it need to uh it's also it be funny it's also worthy worth noting that um the blueprint for all nights comes from a house that serves the mechanicus they were actually the first to consider using them and they did it so well that they just ported all that information into the sdcs and then shot them all over the place so all Knights technically come from the mechanicus which I mean come on it makes sense it makes sense yeah and that also brings us to something I would be horrifically remiss if I didn't mention and that is their heraldry because these guys know the assignment and they have brand bring that would make the Fortune 500 jealous every house has preset heraldry and a scheme that looks amazing there is a reason night iconography is still relevant in the collective psyche to this day and that's because they had an aesthetic they have they have a Vibe and they stick to it they don't change it it's actually a discussion I have with my friends really often because I'm really blessed to be surrounded by people who are just incredibly artistic and before I used to be the type of person who wanted a game to be as realistic as it can get however many pores you can program onto that face I want them there because it's not a real game unless I can tell that's a human being you modeled like give me what are we at like 4080 now is that is that what the current one is 4090 4090 yeah give me a 4090 or PS5 or whatever the modern Xbox is I was always a PlayStation kid anyway and give me a world that is just intricate and every little detail is done which is cool and it is amazing but only Rockstar can get away with that let's be real like I like red dead too but like like like I'll be honest I've not seen that kind of like insanity out of any other Dev Dev company CD project maybe but again think about the budget they get well well well well yeah if you don't have an unlimited budget or an unlimited amount of employees you can work to make that happen a lot of the time you'd be served better with a hard cohesive art style and Direction that's why that's why Dishonored is still a great game to this day oh God yeah because I don't care I don't care that it doesn't look like you know GTA 6 that looks near real life right it kind of yeah it looks like an oil painting everything is an oil painting and Dishonored and honestly yeah there there are a couple there's a couple like Bronze Statues that I've seen all over the place with like the hyper angular kind of look to them and it's just like those look like Dishonored 2 models and then I realized that's why Dishonored 2 models look the way they do they look like chiseled brass statues there was a vision for it like that's why I love high-fi rush so I love da the diver they have a purpose we wanted the game to look like this we didn't just make the game to the most pinpoint precise accurate way we could do it like you can model that brick falling off the building in Battlefield and that's so cool but why why like why don't we put more time into like you can make the game look a certain way and then make the game funh but regardless I get why some games go for the hyper realistic art style and it makes sense for them Battlefield one is about the horrors of war and they do it pretty well um Red Dead Redemption is you are an outlaw out on the wild rest range as it's actively dying and you know what you really get that environment from everything they've done with it but like I'm going to be honest if dead cells or risk of rain 2 decided we're going to have a hyper realistic art style I'd stop playing the game it would look awful I'd stop playing the game and so this is a fact that Knights have internalized they have an aesthetic and it makes them so much fun to paint because you can come up with with your own knigh house you can give them any heraldry you want it doesn't matter how intricate it is and it could be Canon because if a knight returned home from Battle and there's a little bit of mud covering up their hery this must be cleaned immediately this was my father's Insignia and my father's father's before him I cannot go into battle without this being mended immediately gets the royal power washer yeah no like it's it's a whole like if their paint is chipped they are the guys who would go get it fixed before the next fight like I can't show up like this I'm judged by how I look I have to look great I mean I can't judge he's me yeah pretty much which is really funny when you consider these guys were very Prim very proper their armor is always you know like there's a lot of iconography on there there's very intricate pay jobs and they will grab your unit and crush it to death and then throw it at something else and it's okay well that's that's one way you could do it they also have these things that I mentioned in the beginning called drop keeps which are small castles dropped from orbit well I mean I've already seen drop churches so it's not too out of the ordinary drop keeps yeah the moment it lands every Battlement is autom automated and it just fires up and the doors blow open as just Titans start pouring out from everywhere and as they do they H Canon have speakers that play either triumphant music or hail their vict iies this is in a book I want to credit the book but I can't for the life of me remember it right now but it's it's a hard there's a scene there's a scene where there's a like a newish KN just sitting and waiting in there as he can hear the battlements fire up in the music and he's like oh yeah oh it's it's my time it's Hype music they they are playing the Creed soundtrack and they're about to see what I can do with that listen listen listen Tik Tok kids of today will listen to like uh um a whole lot of funk as somebody says something the most vapid thing you've ever heard these guys will get ready to prepare for battle with just like people chanting how many victories they won or or a funk track it's they're not above that either like if it's hype it's hype you think drop keeps would be playing Funk it they'd either be playing Funk or football highight highlight real music like can't be touched would be being blasted out of that imagine you just watch a swarm of Titans like pop out of this drop key and you just hear like drift Punk playing yeah no it would literally be something you'd see in a football highlight reel or something you would see in like an edit it is my triumphant music This Is My Moment this is my moment it's me I am here to save the day I love them so much and that's without me mentioning that you can imagine they're fairly large they're not very good at scouting so do you know how these drop keeps Scout how do they Scout as the mechs leave the front doors behind them hundreds of cherubs stream out of course they do and those function is both Scouts and heraldry of course they do they're so over the top I love it so how can you be mad at that no this is just such a silly Universe I love 4 dek for this and I I need a drop ke model but I also realize how unconscionably large that would be because it needs to be able to hold like five plus Knights all about 8 inches tall yeah it probably be the size of this table it would in fact be the size of this table yeah that there's your scale for a context this table is about 55 yeah it's uh it's it's no wonder these guys aren't question whenever they do anything because they're just having a day of it this is their world you just happen to be living in it they are the protagonists I'm sorry they they would totally I don't care if this has not happened I looked I couldn't find any examples but you cannot debate me that they totally would not like give a kid uppies on their giant metal arms like come on you cannot tell me they wouldn't like climb aboard little child and like have them like come they totally would everything about their personality reeks about it they have parades for God's sake like yeah it's again dri a board young Squire and then you lift yeah and again they would definitely tell you you know say your prayers brush your teeth you wind up like me they totally would do this stuff cuz it's so much fun remember an apple a day makes the doctor go away yeah pretty like I could so see a Titan like holding a class and this is how I defend the capital as he just lays into a tyranid they totally would do that they totally would do that I mean these guys if you do not think they're cool yet which I don't know how you don't for your average medieval peasant they don't have stories of Space Marines coming to save them they don't even have stories of like any Heroes descending from the sky they just have stories of these regular people like you or me right who have underwent training for years and were fit to Pilot these massive machines in these machines they've kept us safe while everything went to hell and back these Knights have done everything from slay massive beasts as they arrive to run across continents to deliver medicine they are the heroes of folklore they are legends and they just Tower over everything silently like they sure they're kind of you know can get affluenza and go a little crazy but to your average Joe these guys are they're the they're these are like the these are the Sci-Fi equivalent of the Knights of the Round Table you know actually that's a really cool way of doing that it's it's like very similar to um um the Scythe uh iron Harvest iron Harvest that Universe with the weird diesel Punk thing going on where it's just like you've got this uh really really late 1800s farmer peasant Vibe going on but then the huge massive mechs that are towering over I really love that genre or that like that Vibe of like low Tech really really really low Tech and then Hightech happening in the background it's why I get it I get it Horizon zero Dawn isn't all that good it's very video gamey but I do really really really love the absolute low Tech of all of these like post-apocalyptic tribal societies a spear and the really really Hightech mechanical beasts that they're hunting I really love that jux toos of high-tech lowtech and these guys do that oh no yeah they're these are machines that could destroy entire cities and they've seen it happen they know they can and instead of doing that these guys volunteer to joinan Crusades like years away like to you must understand to your average peasant there's nothing Kinder than a night like you see this guy agree and go off into the Stars to fight with machines even larger things even more legendary than they and when they're done they will come back like dude it's a really it's a really I love that it's so easy to see just why they're so exalted despite the fact that this is 40k nothing is without its mud they are the reason things are as bad as they are somewhat because when things went to hell the Nobles hoarded all the technology and the wealth because you can't stop a guy in a Mech Su but it was for your own protection trust me um they also sometimes lose it when they get their Max because it's kind of like how a prince will be trained all their lives to be king and then the moment he's King he can now do whatever he wants he can be now he goes mad with that power so sometimes that does happen rare but it's possible because again the the Mind melding does kind of prevent that in a way um they also I'll be honest like they'll put on like shows they'll like joust each other in these massive mechs like have blow for blow fights on worlds that can't afford to repair these machines so like they a big wasteful they're very let them eat cake Vibe oh yeah like they will have they will have bankrupt halls with Food they'll take like three bites that's enough and the rest will go away oh while people are starving outside the keep let them meat cake yeah so so it's 40K nothing's nice but these guys are still personal favorite of mine and I really really enjoy them on the tabletop they're actually believe it or not one of the cheapest armies you can can build yeah cuz you buy all of like seven of them and you're good two two you can get away with two if I remember correctly to dose yeah and now to be fair expensive is relative because you know in 40K you say it's cheap and everyone goes yeah but then you tell anyone I bought this thing for $100 you go what it's cheap relative to the Hobby exactly but again like oh I bought cheap car parts oh I bought cheap computer parts cheap car parts there's no such thing I promise you that relative to the Hobby as long as it makes you happy and you're not destitute because of it go for it that's my that's my exact philosophy if you can eat pay your bills and then do this who's who can judge you it's your hobby none of your business they make you happy this is between me and my wallet stay out of it okay so yeah you can you can field two of them and I think you you could probably play a game of two um I think the largest is I don't play tabletop so I could be wrong six I think that the largest is six you could field before you get to like the ridiculous other game that are possible and you know that's fairly cheap in the grand scheme of things and they're kind of complicated to paint CU there's so many little things but also kind of not because they're huge swabs of space sometimes I've seen I've seen people paint the tiny tiny tiny Miniatures and they've got the like the full like you know that this is a really really weird and deep cut but you know the Santa Claus movies which ones you know how vague the one where Tim Allen has Santa like uh fall off of his roof and then die and then he puts on the coat and becomes Santa himself because of a weird exit clause that's just like in the fine fine fine fine fine is it called is the movie called exit clause no the movie is called the Santa Claus never seen it okay like legal claw the Santa Claus and the the main plot point is the Santa Claus that you have to anyway anyway anyway there's this device you're about to give us a plot synopsis go on there's this device that the head elf uses and it's just like 20 magnifying glasses stacked in front of each other and oh the Spy Kids thing you could have just said that no it's more excessive than the Spy Kids thing oh really okay yeah and so I've seen people have to pull out like that kind of setup to paint some of the minis yeah yeah really good painters can accomplish things that absolutely amaze me to be fair with my horrible eyes I would need something probably probably honestly at night wouldn't be a bad place for you to start maybe it's so big how can I not paint within the lines no matter what you choose though guard players will always weep as they buy their 2000th model and H hundredth dice set because God the guard's painful I don't know how they manage I've heard of people going to tournaments where you need to toss the model if it dies Guardsman players must be weeping and also I'll be honest on the tabletop from what I was able from what I've heard streets are saying the knights aren't very fun to go against cuz they're fairly strong so it kind of well you're playing the versus boss mode when you're playing Oh no you're not they are scarier things than Knights okay never mind the reason I said they're cosplaying as the hero they're not there are scarier things um they're just a little strong on the tabletop from what I was able to gather and and it kind of feels icky when you have spent a lot of time painting like again you're a Guardsman player you've painted your 10th millionth unit to field it and then that guy's painted four and he's pushing you in and especially when they have like death grip mechanics where they can just grab something and start squeezing and it's that thing's strength versus whatever it's squeezing like a Space Marine is fine kind of because Space Marines are stupid strong but you're Guardsman and that thing's G R squish it's I don't think it's a contest no it's not no it's not or even if it's like your tank it's still not great so yeah yeah yeah not not pleasant but hey if you like them you like them say love you who who am I to judge a lot of people honestly buy models paint them don't play just like there's a lot of people who read books don't paint models don't play or actually there's people who read books don't payt models but will watch will watch gameplay and like that's the thing I love most about Warhammer there's so many different can enjoy you can enjoy it in almost any way you could just play the video games which they've been getting better they've been getting better for a little bit there they weren't but they've getting a lot better you could purely be a book enjoyer book Enthusiast I'll be I'll be honest I will be honest uh I don't exactly have the budget for a full Army yet and I have like for a long time been considering just like like buying a handful of models just as like little display things for either here or like right at my desk cuz my desk will cycle between infinitely clean or there's a bunch of kitschy bull crap all over it I need to look around because I've always wanted a Titan I I really have always wanted a Titan but a I lack the skill to paint it let me just start there the Titans get intricate some of them have churches on their shoulders and it's intricate like basilicas going on it's a whole thing and B I really need to find out if they would be like toddler size which is a problem or 5et tall which is also possible another problem and so yeah there's some digging that needs to be done before that happens and also it'd probably be stupendously expensive so we'll see if that ever comes to FR yeah um on that note I do have to turn it to you what did you think of the Knights of old I mean pretty much I pretty much been voicing my thoughts this whole time I really I really like them especially again that low Tech high-tech Vibe yeah the dichotomy the dichotomy between the two it's it's great I always loved that Horizon I haven't played Horizon for uh hidden West yet or hidden it's a PlayStation exclusive whatever it is no it's on the P the PC but I just haven't cared enough to buy it yet uh I liked uh uh zero Dawn though just because of that jux toos between the low Tech and the Hightech I really love uh uh um uh uh iron Harvest because of the like really low Tech really really high-tech it's just it's really really cool it it gives the same Vibe of like um like a PO post-apocalyptic like random Planet out in the middle of nowhere but you've got like this one one thing I think my f but I I will really always love Mech genres that dive into like Frontier worlds where you've just got like this is just a farming Society but then you've got like well that's the one like a plow Mech and then here's the one that we use to crop dust the fields like I know people hate Valkyrie in Apex Legends but I really like the the vibe that she has going on in her um cut scene where she's got uh her dad's old Viper Mech in in the barn but outside it's just like that's a scene out of like a western film that it's just nothing but agriculture Apex gets that a lot actually M like a lot of their Maps would be really Hightech thing and then like Farms to the left yeah it's it's great I love that ju toos it's awesome and these guys bring it in Spades pretty much more than anyone else and on that note we will be wrapping this episode up without a fracka because it's a longer one it is a longer one because there's a lot for the knights and it didn't even cover it all baby cuz there's still individual there's individual knigh houses there's individual like night Legends there's individual like patterns that have different weapons there is one of my favorite stories of the knights is a knight separated from his well a KN pilot separated from his Mech and he was being tortured by the iron Warriors because iron Warriors and uh hearing his distress his machine gained temporary sentience and fought to him he said protocol 3 protect the pilot it did that and then they busted their way out there there other ones of a Mech there's a Mech version of St Celestine running around like oh what only spiting the tow by the way y there's a Mech version of St celese that's just spitting in the to's eye you didn't tell me about this oh no that's just all have to be in a different episode there's L that better be the patreon episode there's a lot of stuff I had to cut because God there's a lot to the knights because they're really beloved by everyone and Games Workshop keeps giving us stuff so I can never be mad however we will have to wrap it here because otherwise it' be two hours uh thank you so much for tuning into this episode and thank you as always for being you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Isyander & Koda
Views: 140,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5wDuO2MwTbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 46sec (3466 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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