Galactic Council Shocked When Earth Attacks Back! | HFY Sci-Fi Story

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the galactic Council was shocked as Earth's massive rail guns tore through their Fleet like cannons through toy ships finally paying them back for thinking the humans were an easy Conquest in a dim smoke filed bar on a remote space station a grizzled old alien veteran named Nan sat hunched over a glowing blue drink next to him a wide-eyed young recruit named Zach gaped at flickering Hollow displays showing Fierce human soldiers charging into battle Zach's antenna twitched as he stared at images of human Marines storming a thoron Dreadnaught I thought the rumors about humans were made upan coughed out a harsh chuckle they're all true kid every story I fought them myself back in the day leaning in Zach fixed niran with a pleading stare how did A Primitive species from a Backwater World take on the council everyone said it was impossible niran side dragging a clawed hand down his battle scarred snout because we were fools arrogant complacent fools when the council first discovered Earth they thought it would be an easy Conquest March in plant a few Flags then add another trophy to their collection but we underestimated Humanity's most powerful weapon their guns their ships no niran growled his voice rough and low they unbreakable Spirit humans value Freedom over everything they'd rather die on their feet than serve on their knees so when the council threatened that freedom trying to fold them into our Galactic Community niran Made air quotes his tone dripping sarcasm the humans told them to shove it and that's when the real War Began Zach shivered mandibles quivering as he absorbed Nan's words the old Soldier was right Humanity's refusal had cost the council thousands of ships and millions of lives he'd seen the casualty reports if humans weren't stopped the council would crumble but as Zach watched footage of human Fighters chasing Zoran Marauders through an asteroid field he couldn't help but wonder if humans could bloody the Galaxy's nose so badly while outgunned and outnumbered what would happen when Earth really went to war Zach's jaw dropped at the Revelation they Flatout refused the counsel are they insane Nobody Does that he gaped at niran in disbelief niran shook his head taking another Swig of his luminescent beverage oh they did Council was pissed as hell first thing they did was cut Earth off no more trade No More Travel nothing thought they could bring the humans to their knees that way a Ry grin spread across the veteran face but humans are a crafty Bunch they buckled down rolled up their sleeves and got to work built up their own mines factories Farms hell they even started cooking up fancy new tech stuff we'd never seen quite seriously they managed all that on their own Zach leaned forward hanging on Nan's every word damn right they did Council about itself when they realized in just 10 short years Earth's economy was going toe-to-toe with the biggest players in the Galaxy niran let out a low whistle of appreciation his expression darkened of course Council couldn't let that stand they assembled a blockade parked their ships in orbit around Earth tried to choke took off the human supplies bring them to heal is A's antenna quivered with anticipation and then what what did the humans do niran smirked a glimmer of respect in his battle weary eyes they broke out a new toy something nobody had even dreamed of a real GameChanger leaning back Nan savored the suspense for a moment an EMP Cannon one shot from that Beast and the council's fancy ships were nothing but floating scrap metal she Shields weapons engines all fried in an instant Zach gaped at nairan his mandibles slack a weapon that can fry an entire fleet just like that he snapped his fingers for emphasis niran nodded his eyes distant as he recall the events I those Council ships hung dead in space not a single system still running Shields weapons engines all of it useless he leaned forward his voice dropping to a conspirator tal whisper but the humans didn't stop there they launched surgical strikes on the command vessels picked them off one by one leaving the rest of the fleet in chaos Zach shook his head in disbelief they crippled the whole Armada with a single shot they sure did niran confirmed a note of grudging respect in his tone Council had no choice but to turn tail and run but the humans weren't finished he took a long pull from his drink savoring the burn Earth sent the council an ultimatum lift the sanctions and acknowledge human sovereignty or else Zach's eyes widened and the council actually listened niran barked a laugh they were still licking their wounds from the thrashing they'd received didn't have much Choice did they Zach sat back stunned I can't believe it a single species standing up to the council and winning oh that's just the beginning nuran chuckled Darkly Earth's Victory sent Tremors across the Galaxy made other races start wondering if the council was really as tough as they claimed he leaned in his voice low and intense some even started getting ideas about breaking away from Council rule altogether rebellions began cropping up left and right Zack smacks the table in Surprise his drink sloshing over the rim of his glass what they invited the humans to join the council as equals he stares at niran in disbelief searching the old Veteran's face for any hint of a joke niran nods his expression deadly serious I couldn't believe it either but that's exactly what happened he drains the last of his glowing blue drink slamming The Empty Glass on the table the council realized that the humans were a force to be reckoned with they had technology resources and a spirit that couldn't be broken so instead of fighting them the council decided to bring them into to the fold Zach shakes his head still trying to wrap his mind around the idea but how did the other races react surely they weren't happy about a newcomer being given a seat at the table Nan Chuckles a low rumbling sound deep in his throat oh there were plenty of objections some of the more established races thought the humans were getting special treatment they argued that Earth should have to prove itself just like everyone else he leans forward his eyes gleaming with Mischief but the humans had an ace up their sleeve remember that grand tour they gave the council delegates well it turns out that the humans had been recording everything every conversation every reaction every little detail Zach's eyes widen as realization Dawns they used the footage to sway the other races niran grins showing a mouthful of sharp teeth exactly the humans released the recordings to the galactic media showing the the delegates glowing Praise of earth and its people they even included some Choice moments of the delegates criticizing the council's handling of the situation he sits back Crossing his arms over his chest it was a master stroke the other races saw the delegates reactions and started to question their own assumptions about the humans some even began to see Earth as a potential ally against the council's Tyranny Zach's whistles softly impressed by the humans cunning so what happened next did the council actually follow through on their invitation niran nods his expression turning serious once again they did the humans sent a delegation of their own to the council's headquarters ready to take their place as equals he pauses his eyes distant as he remembers the momentous occasion I was there you know I saw the human delegation arrived striding into the council chamber like they owned the place they were a sight to behold all confidence and determination you could feel the energy in the room shift as they took their seats Zach leans forward hanging on Nan's every word and then what did the council actually treat them as equals Nan's mouth twists into a Ry smile not at first some of the other races tried to put the humans in their place talking down to them like they were children but the humans didn't take that lying down he Chuckles shaking his head at at the memory they stood their ground arguing their case with a passion and eloquence that left the other races stunned they made it clear that they were there to stay and that they wouldn't be pushed around by anyone Zach nod slowly a newfound respect for the humans growing in his chest so that's how they did it they didn't just win a battle they won the whole damn War niran grins raising his Empty Glass in a toast damn right they did and now the Galaxy will never be the same Zach sits back in his chair his mind reeling with the implications of Nan's story he had always thought of the humans as a primitive backward species barely worth noticing but now he realizes just how wrong he had been the humans had proven themselves to be a force to be reckoned with a species with the strength intelligence and determination to stand up to the most powerful forces in the galaxy and as Zach looks around the bar seeing the other patrons watching the news feeds with a mixture of awe and fear he knows that he is not the only one who has come to this realization Zach stares at niran with bulging eyes antenni quivering hold on the council they actually invited the humans to join as equals he shakes his head in disbelief mandibles clicking niran rumbles a chuckle deep in his scarred throat yep sure did shocked the hell out of every everyone but the humans earned that seat at the table no question he slugs back a gulp of glowing liquor wiping his mouth with the back of a gnarled hand Council even asked Earth to share that EMP Cannon Tech Galaxy held its breath waiting for the humans response neron's yellow eyes glint plenty figured they'd tell the council to shove it where the stars don't shine keep their Edge to themselves you know Zach leans forward hanging on Nan's every gr word so what did they do the humans a slow grin spreads across Nan's craggy face they agreed on one condition he holds up a clawed finger Council had to pass new laws ones ensuring fair treatment for all species Great and Small no more throwing around weight and might niran sits back armor creaking Council saw the sense in it the humans terms perfectly reasonable so they said yes and the EMP Cannon specs went out to every member World Zach's eyes go distant absorbing the magnitude of the decision a new era he breathes led by the humans I never saw that coming Council didn't either nuran snorts humans kept surprising them first with their Spirit then their smarts never bet against human Ingenuity kid it'll bite you in the ass every time Zack shakes his head a new resp ECT Dawning in his gaze to think an upstart species from the galactic Rim turning it all upside down and after the council tried to conquer them humans never did what anyone expected niron says wagging a finger they're contrary like that stubborn independent it's what makes him so damn dangerous his eyes bore into Zach's driving the lesson home the council the thorens the zorin they all underestimated Humanity thought they could be cowed or controlled a rumbling scoff but the humans fought defied rose up and changed it all rewrote the rules of the game niran drains his glass slamming it down so here's some advice from one old Soldier to a young one never assume you've got the humans figured out the second you do he Chuckles Darkly that's when they'll fly in and blast your entire worldview apart and make you thank him for it after Zach swallows hard nodding the future looks very different now with Humanity ascendant as the bar patrons cheer an images of human diplomats shaking hands with the council Zach wonders what other shocks are in store because if there's one thing he's learned the universe belongs to the humans now and it's never going to be the same Zach scratches his chin mulling over Nan's words he frowns leaning back in his chair so let me get get this straight these free worlds types they didn't much care for the humans musling in on their Turf huh thought Earth was going to cramp their style niran nods signaling the bartender for another round got it in one kid see before the humans came along the rebel worlds were the biggest thorns in the council's side they liked being the only game in town when it came to thumbing their nose at the big boys the Veteran's eyes glint as he continues but suddenly here come these upstar Tern not only standing up to the council but actually joining forces with them the free world's crowd they saw the writing on the wall figured they'd better band together present a united front before the humans and the council decided to pacify their little Rebellion Zach drums his fingers on the table piecing it together and that's how the free world's Alliance was born as a way to push back against human and Council influence now you're getting it niran Chuckles the alliance they started rallying their forces gearing up for a fight wasn't just a ragtag bunch of malcontents anymore they were a real honest to star's military power spoiling to take on the council and knock Humanity down a peg niran leans forward conspiratorially Council higher ups were sweating bullets let me tell you they just put out one fire with the humans and now here was another one sparking up so they turned to their new buddies from Earth hoping they could could pull another rabbit out of their hat Zach's antenna quiver with anticipation and what did the humans do don't leave me hanging oldtime a slow grin spreads across Nan's craggy features oh they got creative all right see the council they were all set to go in guns blazing teach the alliance a lesson but the humans they had a different approach in mind the veteran snorts shaking his head damnest thing I ever saw instead of mobilizing the fleet and charging in the Tern invited the alliance to the table offered to break bread hash things out all civilized like Zach's mandibles drop open in shock they wanted to negotiate with a bunch of armed Rebels were they insane niran throws his head back and laughs ha that's what the council thought too but the humans they had a plan see they offered to share some of their Tech with the alliance worlds help them boost their economies rais their standard of living all they asked in return was that the rebels agree to play by the same rules as everyone else the veteran takes a swig of his drink eyeing Zachs over the rim of the glass damn clever move if you ask me the humans were betting that the alliance worlds deep down just wanted a fair shake a chance to stand on their own two feet without the council breathing down their necks Zach's eyes widen as realization Dawns and it worked didn't it the free worlds they went for it Nan smirks setting his glass down with a thunk most of them yeah the humans guessed right a lot of those worlds they were just tired of scraping by on the galactic Fringe the offer of a helping hand a seat at the table too good to pass up the old Soldier shrugs oh sure there were a few die hards who refused to deal but without the rest of the alliance backing their play they folded pretty quick the humans had done it again taken a powder keg situation and defused it without firing a shot Zach shakes his head in Wonder trying to wrap his mind around it all the human's approach was so alien so utterly contrary to the way the Galaxy usually worked but he couldn't deny the results niran watches the young Soldier a knowing glint in his eye see kid that's the thing about humans they never do what you expect they're always looking for another angle A Better Way Forward Ward and nine times out of 10 they find it the veteran raises his glass in a silent toast the council the alliance the whole damn Galaxy we could learn a thing or two from those crazy Tern they've got a knack for turning enemies into allies for finding common ground where no one else even thought to look Zach nods slowly absorbing the weight of Nan's words he'd always thought of humans as just another species one among many but now he was starting to see them in a whole new light they weren't conquerors or tyrants seeking to dominate through Force of Arms they were something else entirely a force for change for Progress for a better way of doing things and the Galaxy it seemed would never be the same because of it as the Two Soldiers sit in silence contemplating the future the bars Hollow screens flicker with images of human diplomats shaking hands with Alliance leaders ushering in a new era of cooperation and prosperity Zach's frowns mandibles clicking thoughtfully the draconus joined up just like that after attacking a human Colony he shakes his head anteni twitching doesn't seem right figured they'd put up more of a fight Nan Chuckles the sound like gravel in his throat oh they wanted to believe me their warlord was spitting mad ready to throw down but the humans had him by the short hairs and they knew it leaning forward niran lowers his voice see when that surprise attack failed the draconis realized they were in deep the humans new shields turned their weapons into scrap and that was just one Colony the veteran takes a swig wiping his mouth if the humans shared that Tech with the council the draconis would be neutered claws clipped and teeth pulled they'd be a joke Zach nods slowly so they they swallowed their pride and played ball joined the galactic Community to save their own scaly hides got it in one kid niran says the draconis are a ruthless Bunch but they ain't stupid they know when they're beaten the old Soldier grins of course it wasn't all sunshine and Roses after that integrating the draconis was a and a half centuries of living by the sword made a morner as hell Zach his head how' the humans handle that must have been like hering RX cats niran laughs slapping the table they started at the top invited the draconis leadership to Earth for a series of cultural exchanges showed them the sights winded and DED them the whole nine yards leaning back niran shakes his head but the real master stroke the humans brought in their historians had him give the draon is a crash course in human history all the wars the atrocities the cycles of violence and impression Zach splinks they showed the draconis their dark side why niran smirks to prove they understood to show the draconis that humans knew damn well how hard it was to break free from a brutal past that they weren't judging just offering a helping hand damn Zach breathes that's genius must have been humbling for the draconus leadership to see they weren't so different after all exactly nuran said says it opened their eyes made them realize that if the humans could change could build something better then maybe the draconis could too the Veteran's gaze turns distant it wasn't easy there was plenty of push back from the hardliners but bit by bit the draconis started to come around started to see the value in cooperation in setting aside old grudges Zach leans forward captivated and now how are they doing a slow smile spreads across Nan's craggy face they're some of the council's staunchest Allies oh they're still Fierce as hell you don't want to mess with a draconius warrior but now they fight for something greater than just their own Glory the old Soldier raises his glass in salute the humans gave them that a purpose Beyond themselves a chance to be part of something bigger he Chuckles softly guess that's just what humans do they change you whether you like it or not Zach sits back mind reeling the draconus transformed from fearsome conquerors to stalwart Defenders of the galactic peace all because of the humans and their unshakable belief in a better way it's a lot to wrap his head around but as Zach looks at niron sees the respect and admiration shining in the Veteran's eyes he starts to understand the humans are more than just another species they a force of nature a catalyst for change on a galactic scale and maybe just maybe that's exactly what the universe needs niran drains his glass setting it down with a thunk of course not everyone was thrilled about the draconis joining the council some folks had long memories held onto their grudges like prized possessions Zach his head and tenny quivering let me guess the zor bans they never did get along with the draconis a Ry chuckle escapes Nan's throat got it in one kid the zorin pitched a fit when they heard the news threatened to pull out of the council entirely leaning forward niran lowers his voice conspiratorially they even sent a delegation to Earth demanding the humans renege on their deal with the draconis claimed it was a betrayal of the council's principles Zach's eyes widen they tried to Strongarm the humans that's ballsy even for the zorin Nan grins his teeth flashing in the dim light of the bar oh they tried but the humans weren't having it they politely but firmly told the zorin to pound sand said that the draconis had earned their place on the council fair and square shaking his head niran takes another Swig of his drink the zans were livid they stormed out of the meeting vowing Revenge everyone thought that was the end of it a mischievous glint enters the old soldier's eye but the the humans they had a plan they always do Zach leans in hanging on Nan's every word what did they do niran smirks they invited the Zoran leadership to a summit along with the draconis and the thorens the bxs and every other species that had a beef with each other Zach's mandibles drop open they got them all in the same room without Bloodshed how by appealing to their egos niran says tapping the side of his head the human told them it was a chance to air their grievances to Hash things out like civilized beings and that if they couldn't well maybe they weren't ready for the galactic stage after all understanding Dawns in Zach's eyes they challenged them made it a matter of Pride Nera nods satisfied exactly and it worked like a charm oh there was plenty of posturing and chest thumping at first but the humans they just sat back and let them go at it let them get it all out of their systems leaning back niran crosses his arms and then when they were all tuckered out the humans stepped in they started talking about the future about the challenges the Galaxy faced and how we'd all have to work together to overcome them Zach shakes his head in wonder they appealed to their better Natures made them see the bigger picture Bingo niran says the humans they have a way of doing that of getting folks to look beyond their own own Petty squabbles and see the common good he sigh his expression turning contemplative it wasn't a quick fix mind you there was still plenty of Bad Blood to work through but that Summit it was a start a first step on the long road to reconciliation Zach's nods absorbing the weight of Nan's words and now how are things between the species a slow smile spreads across Nan's face better than they've ever been a sure there are still flare-ups from time to time old habits die hard after all but on the whole the Galaxy is a more peaceful place these days he raises his glass in a silent toast and we have the humans to thank for it their stubborn refusal to let us wallow in our own pettiness their unwavering belief that we can be better do better if we just try Zach sits back his mind whirling with the implications the humans through sheer force of will and unshakeable idealism have reshaped the very fabric of Galactic society and they're not done yet as he looks around the bar sees the Myriad species mingling and laughing together Zach can't help but feel a swell of hope maybe the old Soldier is right maybe the humans really are the key to a brighter future a future where all beings regardless of their past can come together in the spirit of unity and progress and isn't that a beautiful thing but even as the thought crosses Zach's mind a flicker of unease stirs in his gut the humans have accomplished so much changed so many lives for the better but what happens when they inevitably butt heads with a force that won't be swayed by diplomacy or appeals to reason what happens when the Unstoppable force of human idealism meets the immovable object of a truly implacable foe Zach has a sinking feeling that he might just find out and he's not sure if the Galaxy is ready for the Fallout ZX leans back his mind reeling from the Revelation the humans the Galaxy saviors had simply walked away it defied belief but what about all the progress they made the alliances they forged the Technologies they shared they just abandoned it all niran size swirling the glowing liquid in his glass they saw it as a necessary sacrifice the humans knew their presence had become a destabilizing Force a catalyst for conflict and resentment they believed that by removing themselves from the equation they could give the Galaxy a chance to find its own balance ZX frowns his mandibles twitching but didn't they realize the void they would leave behind the power struggles that would inevitably follow oh they knew niran says his voice grave but they also knew that the Galaxy had to learn to stand on its own to solve its own problems the humans couldn't be the Galaxy's crutch forever Zach shakes his head trying to wrap his mind around the implications so what happened after they left did the council hold together niran barks a harsh laugh hardly without the humans to keep everyone in line old rivalries and grudges bubbled back to the surface the council fractured splitting into rival factions vying for power and influence leaning forward W Nan fixes Zach with a piercing stare but that's not the worst of it with the humans gone some species saw an opportunity to settle old scores to take back what they felt was rightfully theirs Zach's eyes widen a chill running down his spine you mean War niran nods his expression Grim the Galaxy descended into chaos alliances shifted borders were redrawn and entire systems changed hands as the fires of conflict spread unchecked he takes a long pull from his drink his eyes distant it was a dark time kid a time of Bloodshed and suffering on a scale unseen since the days before the council a time when it seemed like the Galaxy itself was tearing itself apart Zach swallows hard his throat suddenly dry but surely someone stepped in tried to restore order niran shrugs there were attempts sure but without the human moral Authority and technological Edge they all fell short the Waring factions were too entrenched too committed to their own agendas to listen to reason he leans back his armor creaking some even whispered that the humans had planned it all along that they had deliberately destabilized the Galaxy so they could swoop back in and take control when the time was right Zach's antenna twitch with unease you don't believe that do you niran is silent for a long moment his gaze inscrutable no he says at last his voice heavy I don't whatever else they may be the humans are not conquerors they proved that when they walked away from power from the chance to rule the galaxy unopposed he drains his glass setting it down with a thunk but that doesn't change the reality on the ground the Galaxy is still in turmoil still reeling from the human's absence and there's no telling when or if the wounds they left behind will ever truly heal Zach nods slowly a sense of for boing settling in his gut the humans it seems had been both the Galaxy's salvation and its undoing and now with them gone the future looks more uncertain than ever as he sits in the dimly lit bar listening to the distant sounds of ships and the murmur of a dozen alien tongues Zach can't help but Wonder Zach sits back in his chair his mind reeling as he tries to process everything Nan has told him the idea that the human's departure could have actually been a good thing that it could have forced the Galaxy to grow and change in ways it never would have otherwise is almost too much to comprehend he looks up at niran his eyes wide with Wonder but how did they do it how did the council and the alliance and the draconis all learned to work together after so many years of fighting and mistrust Nan Chuckles his eyes twinkling with Amusement it wasn't easy that's for sure there were a lot of long painful negotiations a lot of old grudges and resentments that had to be worked through but bit by bit they found Common Ground he leans forward his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone you know what the turning point was the Zoran they were one of the most stubborn holdouts refusing to even come to the negotiating table but then something strange happened Zach's antenna twitch with curiosity what what happened niran grins a delegation of draconus diplomats showed up on their doorstep bearing gifts and an invitation to talk apparently the draconis had taken the humans lessons to heart and were determined to make amends for their past aggression he shakes his head still marveling at the memory the Zoran were shocked they had no idea what to make of it but the draconian were persistent and eventually the Zoran agreed to come to the table Zach's eyes widen in disbelief and that was it that was all it took niran laughs oh there was still plenty of bumps in the road after that but that one gesture that one act of Goodwill from a former enemy it changed everything it showed that change was possible that Old Wounds could be healed if people were willing to try he sits back in his chair a look of contentment on his face and from there well things just sort of snowball more and more species started coming together finding ways to cooperate and collaborate it was like a dam had burst and all this pent up desire for peace and unity just came flooding out Zach nodd slowly trying to imagine what that must have been like and the council how did they handle all of this niran Smiles they adapted they had to with so many new voices at the table they couldn't just keep doing things the way they always had they had to learn to listen to compromise to find solutions that worked for everyone he Chuckles softly it was a big change for them I can tell you that but they Rose to the challenge and now well you've seen how things are the council is more representative than it's ever been with every species having a say in the decisions that affect them Zach sits back in his chair his mind buzzing with new ideas and Poss possibilities he had always thought of the council as this monolithic entity unchanging and unassailable but now he can see that it's so much more than that it's a living breathing thing constantly evolving and growing just like the Galaxy itself and at the heart of it all the guiding force behind everything are the ideals and values that the humans left behind their belief in equality In fairness in the power of cooperation and standing Zach looks up at Nan a new respect shining in his eyes I never realized he says softly I never knew how much the humans had changed things even after they were gone niran nods a gentle smile on his face that's the thing about Legacy kid it's not always something you can see or touch but it's there shaping everything around us even if we don't always realize it he reaches out and claps Zach's on the shoulder his grip firm and reassuring and that's why it's so important for folks like you and me to remember to carry on the human's Legacy in whatever way we can to keep fighting for a better Galaxy a more just and peaceful Galaxy no matter what Zach's nods feeling a new sense of purpose welling up inside him he may just be one small soldier one tiny Cog in the vast Machinery of the Galaxy but he knows now that he has a part to play a role to fulfill in the great unfolding story of the universe and with the human's example to guide him with their spirit and their courage and their unshakable belief in a better tomorrow he knows that he can face whatever challenges lie ahead that he can be a force for change for Progress for Hope just like the humans were and just like the Galaxy itself forever changed by their presence forever striving towards a brighter future one step at a time Zach leans forward his eyes shining with a new fire tell me more he says eagerly tell me everything you know about the human's Legacy I want to learn I want to understand niran grins settling back in his chair and signaling for another round of drinks all right kid strap in this is going to be a long night and as the Two Soldiers sit there in the dimly lit bar swapping stories and memories and dreams for the future the Galaxy spins on around them a vast and wondrous tapestry woven from the countless threads of history and hope our galaxy forever changed by the humans and forever grateful for the gifts they left behind Zach leans back in his chair a thoughtful expression on his face you know it's funny I always thought the humans were just another species no different from the rest of us but now I see that they were something special something unique niran nods a hint of sadness in his eyes they were and that's why their loss was so tragic Zach's antenni twitch with surprise they loss what do you mean niran size his gaze distant a few centuries after the humans left the galactic stage a great Calamity befell their home World Zach sits forward antenna quivering what happened near and takes a deep breath a massive asteroid undetected by their early Warning Systems struck the Earth with devastating Force the impact triggered a global cataclysm wiping out most of the human population and rendering the planet uninhabitable Zach's eyes widen in shock his mandible slack that's terrible did anyone survive niran shakes his head grimly a few scattered colonies perhaps but they were cut off from the rest of the Galaxy their technology resources limited over time they dwindled and disappeared until the humans were nothing more than a memory Zach slumps back in his seat his carpes suddenly feeling heavy I can't believe it they're really gone all of them as far as we know niran says softly when the council learned of the human fate they were devastated they mourned the loss of their greatest allies and friends and vowed to honor their memory by upholding the principles they had fought so hard to establish niran looks up at Zach's his expression serious and that's why we're here today my young friend to remember the humans to celebrate their achievements and to ensure that their legacy endures even in their absence Zach nods a lump forming in his throat I understand now the humans may be gone but their Spirit lives on in Us in the Galaxy they help to shape niran Smiles a hint of pride in his voice indeed it does and as long as we remember them as long as we strive to be the best versions of ourselves the humans will never truly be gone they will live on in our hearts and in our minds forever with that nuran raises his glass in a final toast to the humans the greatest species the galaxy has ever known May their memory endure and may their legacy Inspire us for generations to come Zach's raises his own glass joining in the toast to the humans he Echoes his voice filled with reverence and respect the two aliens clink glasses the sound ringing out in the dimly lit bar around them the space station bustles with life a microcosm of the thriving Galactic Community the humans helped build but even amidst the chatter and laughter Zach can feel the weight of Nan's words the Bittersweet truth of the human's fate it's a heavy burden knowing that the species he admires most is gone forever and yet as he looks around at the vibrant tapestry of alien life at the bonds of friendship and cooperation that tie the Galaxy together Zach can't help but feel a flicker of Hope the humans may be gone but their Spirit endures a Guiding Light for all who come after it's a legacy worth fighting for Zach realizes a legacy of Courage compassion and unyielding belief in a better tomorrow and as long as there are those who remember who carry the flame of human idealism in their hearts that Legacy will never fade Zach sets down his glass a new sense of purpose kindling in his chest he looks up at niran his eyes are light with determination if you finish this story please subscribe and like the video then leave a comment that says I like the story and I will heart every single one of them it really helps me thank you for your time
Channel: HFY Sci-Fi
Views: 23,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nE1FYJ1SW98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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