ORKS 101: THE SMARTEST FACTION? | Warhammer 40k Lore Explained For Beginners |

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hello guys and gals my name is isander and I'm Coda and thank you for tuning in to this episode today we're going to be covering the Orcs the Orcs there's a lot to cover yeah as with everything more hammer on it so you're just gonna hear that at the beginning of all these videos so let's just jump in there's a lot just the huge yeah for all of them and like whenever we use whenever I'm researching these obviously even though they're not my favorite faction I will always try my best to like get into that headspace which usually leads to them becoming one of my favorite factions yeah but the Orcs are already up there for you weren't they they kind of weren't and then I read board I'm like oh yeah you're gonna hear that so we're gonna pick a weird place to start We're not gonna start in the beginning we're going to start in the middle but uh stick with me through it it makes more sense this way you start in the middle yeah yeah um this is the Star Wars honestly kind of all right so we're gonna start in the middle of the orc story um which is one of their least flattering periods uh this is when they're absolutely bodied by Horace and biggie I mean I just a massive L yeah right um so during the Great Crusade you know we covered this in our last episode which you should watch on the primarks slightly touched on this uh the emperor United all the sons together right for just War basically reconquer the universe yeah and uh bumping into them uh they bumped into the Orcs right and they proved to be a real Menace like so much so that the ad the emperor's full undivided attention as as Orcs usually are in any piece of media and horus's attention too um yeah so it's just everybody needs to be on this basically everybody was good at this it was an all Hands-On deck now don't get me wrong you're soon gonna find out they're really strong but those two together it's a lot that's like the Dream Team yeah that's a Katie and Kyrie that's just it's not there's you can't beat that right to make a long story short they'll reduce the numbers so small that they're considered a broken force made of vermin yeah the Imperium that's a quote that's what they thought right really yeah and that's the biggest problem right there uh you never understood it works you never underestimate Orcs because they're like they're really horrifying when you come to grips with what they are but at the time they just saw them like fantasy work so I guess they're just like oh these guys they're big generic big bad number 147. yeah so it's like they're nothing now we like yeah we don't need to worry about the Orcs they're like basically extinct right Orcs yeah but these Orcs And 40K have weird hazards about them right which make them very different from like your normal Orcs right Hazard number one they're vegan they're vegan yeah um it's kind of like the those Beyond meats you see on shelves they're they're plant-based yeah right I'm a pescetarian I do in fact eat those plant-based Meats Orcs are the same thing basically yeah they're like part mushrooms so like Orcs don't like get rid of cannibalism most plant-based meats are mushrooms yeah no they're part mushroom right so like Orcs to make an orchid they don't get groovy they just kind of die and release spores everywhere and um fungus man those fungus slowly become like full-fledged Orcs underground as with most fungus if you feed it dead bodies it will grow faster Orcs leave a ton of dead bodies in their wake and so they have this perfect environment for regrowth yeah but um that's that's just moderately annoying right but because they're plant-based they have like weird like I'm not gonna say they have empty space in their bodies but they can make do with a lot of not many vital organs right like you can hack out a lot of an orc and you'll keep going right like you've heads have been cut off and they've just been stitched onto new bodies it's like the Krogan from Mass Effect but the opposite way around because they're Krogan have too many organs so if you remove one uh not a big deal the Orcs are more like they don't have a lot going on so if you remove something I mean you you took out an SD card yeah like good for you yeah so you can just like rip the head off one stitch it on another and there's a good chance it'll just wake back up like it's just it's so weird right um and again pranks with the boys head transplant honestly right and then again because it works they leave a ton of bodies everywhere and um that causes them to make more yeah so it's just it's like a perfect endless cycle breeding ground for fungus so you kill them and then bam like in a few minutes well not minutes but like eventually if you Slaughter enough Orcs right there's gonna be a new ore band out of door where'd you come from yeah like like it's really hard to get rid of Works once they're Infested on a planet right but uh that's just one of the hazards anybody who's dealt with a black mold infection in their house you know what fungus does exactly yeah the second Hazard the weirdly powerful whenever it works usually are in any piece of media these ones are different whenever enough Orcs get close together funkiest stuff happens right what do you mean by funky stuff the best I could describe is it fungi stuff [Laughter] anyway the best way I could describe it is basically every Orc in 40K has deeply read and internalized secret which I don't know if you know what that book is but basically it posits if you believe hard enough and like really really believe hard enough the universe will like Bend to your Wilderness you've told me about this yeah right right so Orcs like read that book in like this is fact right this is how it works right they said mansplain manipulate manifest Orcs are the biggest manifesters they're the biggest don't know how well the secret works for us but I know it works really well for them do you think the Orcs have a crystal collection it's possible it's possible it's possible no I don't actually actually we'll get to this later they do have big rocks they like yes well we'll get to that later this just in the Orcs are astrology girls Jesus yeah but but um so I'm not sure what the secret works for us but I know for the Orcs It's very effective like for example if you were to take a work and like let them loose in Walmart he like B-Line it for the toy aisle staple like three Nerf guns together and then fire very real bullets out of it oh yeah oh yeah oh and I mean like every Barrel's working as it should like a gun and you're like where did you get this you just dropped three Nerf guns together right every group that manage like every every faction across the board that manages to grab architect is just like scratching their heads and they're just like how does how does this work orc tanks have been captured with I've seen a model I've seen because I've gone to a game store before and I've seen a model for their their jet planes there's no engine there's no engine oh why why would you need an engine they just believe it flies there's Wings there's wings that's what you need there's wings that's how planes work right yeah actually my favorite thing about that unit is it has a move called the flying headbutt and the Canon reason that happens is because the orc genuinely tries to head butt but he forgets he's in a plane and so he just like kamikazes into something and I'm not sure if this is Canon but if it survives it'll just attach Wheels to what remains of the planet in the cigar now that's so stupid I love that because the wings are off there's Wheels now that's simply how your cars wore wheels on a box it's a car yeah right so um work tanks have been grabbed with engines just seized there's no fuel anywhere and it was just running fine yeah a few minutes ago right um and they they have like a genuine deep held belief that like every fight makes you a little bit like you know you get bigger for every fight right and the biggest orc is the one that's been in the most fights so you should always listen to them right it's the sword logic from Destiny sorry to reference other pieces of media but like I mean I don't destiny I have other pieces of media in my head it's easier for me to go like oh this is this that's exactly right I'll be honest with Destiny's setup I like the game I love the Aesthetics I love the lore I hate the game but man is it a grind it is like I said I love the lore of Destiny I hate the game read the books of sorrow and then drop the game right but it's just it's painful but anyway anyway right so the biggest one is the one you listen to right so like instinctually if there's a bigger orc they'll always listen to them this kind of makes it easy for them to regiment unless there's two Orcs that are the same size and it's a problem yeah it's just like the battle to the death to figure out who's who but like if an orc order like walking or kindergarten and like punt a five-year-old you get like an inch taller like visibly like you just walk in back and just because it's a fight it was a good fight it doesn't have to be a hard one it just has to be a good fight this is uh now we need to ask question Cannon Orca beat five five-year-olds that's like that that one question wow what is it like the sun or 10 million Lions which is stupid the Orca 5005 year olds I need to see that made but yeah and that's unsettling enough with just a few works the funkiest stuff begins happening when you have like a bunch of them together right like um there's some things they believe in across the board right like they don't need to be grouped together they just all believe in a couple of things yeah like for example um they have like a color theory a color theory color theory like the color wheel like uh tertiary analog I wish they put that much thought into it um so an orc will paint a car red an oracle painted car red because the fastest color they'll put red racing stripes on a car and it will genuinely go faster okay I can't fault them for that because to be fair humans do that I I can't right right and humans do that have you ever seen somebody with a clapped out Acura and they put red racing stripes on it it's like five horsepower yeah it's like five extra large every sticker is five extra horsepower everyone knows this right so they paint their cars red because the fastest color right um they paint them their machines and themselves blue because that's luckiest color blue is the luckiest color blue is the luckiest color not green nope no no no no no green is the best color because Orcs come naturally green it's the best color the best color it's literally the best color right um depend anything they want to explode bigger yellow because yellow makes explosions bigger and it's also the the color uh that's associated with wealth for them so it makes things worth more because uh yellow is a color of their teeth every orc has a grill installed at age five that's my new head Cannon little things like diamond fangs going on oh Jesus um and then um my favorite is the stealth units are all purple because have you ever seen a purple orc [Laughter] have you ever seen a purple orc oh I've never seen her okay sneakiest color all right and black and white makes things tougher and this one's actually interesting because uh it comes from this one was in one of the newer books right it comes from the one time they bumped into Horus and he spanked them thrashed them because he's the war Master this is his thing yeah this is his yeah did he crush them but he went back with fire to make sure there were no spores and like like clouds onto the Earth like it was a brutal beating yeah right and so they were like okay it was the black and red I mean it was the black and white that did it nothing else he did mattered it was that black and white it's the black and white paint copy that would be tougher and they believed they'll be tougher and it genuinely makes them tankier it's the most infuriating thing that's hilarious yeah and so so it's just it's Orcs are so much so much fun right as I'm sure you can tell and my favorite little theory for them right is um they're more in tune with the universe than any other race in like a weird portion like a bell curve kind of thing no a horseshoe where it's like they're so stupid it like wraps back around and they're like more in tune than anybody else and really all that sounds stupid to you but I raised you this right why is every fast unit in Warhammer red not just Yorks the white scars have red stripes the towels fastest units are red oh jeez how else do ultramarines get away with what they get away with if blue wasn't the luckiest color well I guess I'm converting to orcism I'm gonna paint myself blue I love the Orcs so much they're just so much from levity right but uh it's not all levity right um they have these wide reading beliefs and there's quite a few of them right but like like I said the funkiest stuff happens when you like group them together you get like a bunch of them in an area code right and um at least just the biggest uh Hazard of them all right like the thing that makes them the most dangerous uh but before we get there uh if you haven't already please take a second to like and sub we're currently on the mission to monetization right monetization exactly and you guys have absolutely blown us out of the water with how much support you've shown um in fact if you can help uh your boys hit 10K by summer pretty sweet or winter for you upside down Australian boys we love our Topsy Turvy fans amazing things are going to happen you're going to be seeing way more content than ever and it's going to be wide reaching all kinds of stuff like maybe not like you'll just we will Broach out a lot right so the goal is 10 000 by the summer I think we can hit that yeah I think we can it's lofty but I wouldn't think we'd be this far this soon so I I got faith in us oh yeah you you guys have already helped us like shatter our goals that we had for just a month yeah it's insane I support you guys just keep up the good work you know like comment subscribe um again we mentioned this in like the housekeeping short but I want to mention this again uh thank you for everyone in there who's asking questions is new and then thank you also to the people who are deep in here like me right and they're just they're answering the questions and helping out yeah because I mean I read them all but I can't respond to them all per se right yeah and it's been so cool to see you guys just come out and like somebody will ask about a faction that I didn't even cover news bam there's an answer right there and it's just it's so cool there's never anybody like ragging on each other always just like super duper helpful oh yeah yeah so that's that's been so awesome it's really it's really been cool to see the community crop up around the videos like that's it's really really cool and uh obviously um like with the other one there's not gonna be like a firm pole but like put down in the comments what factions you want to see I do read through them and that does dictate where we go next right so if there's any faction you want to cover that we haven't covered yet or you'd like us to do deeper like for example I know a lot of you corvus boys wanted a deeper dive that's coming same with Magnus same with Thorne I've been hearing a lot about the lamenters that's all coming soon right so if you want something seen the best way to do it is just leave it in the comments I do read them all oh yeah we both like I'm I don't I don't respond as much because I because he hates you no it's not because I hate you it's because I know it's because I don't have um uh the the YouTube account won't let us have like both on the same time so like I'm lurking as an unknown profile around there reading all the comments yeah I'm always watching Jesus so just keep it up again I think we can hit 10K by the summer or the winter go upside down boys and um yeah let's get back to it uh with the biggest Hazard of the order hold on one more side track okay when you set the topsy-turvy I don't know if our Topsy Turvy fans have this I think this might be exclusively an American thing but there is um a weird invention that came out like 15 years ago called the topsy-turvy have you seen this thing it's a tomato garden it's a tomato garden that grows as a plant upside down and hangs from a patio ceiling why why not because America is weird so you're telling me for the low low price of 9.99 I could step outside and potentially be hit like with a tomato 19.99. oh Jesus just for upside down Tomatoes you could accomplish that with well actually be fairly difficult but like still it's just a little bit of hard the topsy-turvy that's a stupid thing but yeah this is a call to action topsy-turvy please sponsor us [Laughter] Topsy Turvy money if I get it let's get back to it with the biggest Hazard of the Orcs which is that they operate kind of like unstable matter right oh you mean because you need to really carefully and constantly watch them and what they're doing because if uh they're left unchecked they can unleash these things called was right was spelled w-a-a-a-g-h the silent G like yours truly oh uh what you need for all you need a couple things for a while right uh you need a ton of Orcs concentrated in an area and one orc that's bigger than the rest of them yes then all you need is to get this one big one really excited for a fight this can be caused by like a vision um Petty Vengeance right like somebody wronged them or something or just accidentally like playing the gym music playlist and just getting way too amped up all right [Music] the cause doesn't matter what comes next does somebody plays the stupid Sigma male grind set music and it's just yeah it's it's possible if you play like the sigma mail edits like God knows what you could cause right but um this excitement begins a reaction like where they just start like fighting hard even by orc standards yeah which is a lot right um they build these towering mechs that like Shake battlefields in the Visage of their gods which we'll get to later right and they become even more Reckless Again by orc standards more Reckless by orc standards yeah and all of this happening while they're growing faster than normal and remember those spores we mentioned earlier now instead of waiting until death they're just passively putting them out oh yeah this causes more to appear that then get excited Fight Hard releasing the same spores and if you don't catch this reaction fast enough it's entire systems literally they're like a nuclear reactor yeah yeah dude some of the biggest laws uh have caused almost like literally not like the the oh God what was it called not not chapters now but uh no the religions right then chapters I always I always get this mixed up somebody's gonna grab me in the comments right the legion is the big boy one commanded by the Primark after the horse heresy yes and then chapter the chapters are like the splits the sub yeah I don't want to divide it because no one should have the power of a legion all in one right um during some of the biggest ones entire like chapters have have almost gone extinct oh yeah no it's it's something that it's that like to give you some scale the horse hair so you got close but it didn't it didn't Massacre almost entire chapters yeah yeah so if all that wasn't bad enough um if all is more oh oh yeah oh yeah but I'm not done yet there's more all this like hype basically right yeah causes Insanity to get a very firm grip on reality that's the best way to explain it right oh like we start hitting the Gravity Falls everything starts turning upside down oh he gets weird everything starts breaking down everything's hitting a fever pitch right like all this weird energy and it's there's all this weird energy floating around right and it's all usually directed by the big orc who started it all so he just gets bigger like he becomes an absolute monolith yeah like the biggest one was 10 meters tall which is huge yeah right um and and since everyone believes he's the biggest and the baddest he's only getting bigger right so he's just progressively expanding yes and the larger he gets the more Orcs he can call and more and then the more Orcs get to like sport off yeah oh geez yes yeah and then and then on on top of all that right okay it gets like I said this is we keep having the Billy maze oh wait there's just wait there's more but wait there's more I know it keeps getting worse um there are these things called space Hawks right basically uh if you travel in the warp uh things can go really really wrong yeah your ship can be like rubbled and then like no clipped into a bunch of other ships fun right so you do these massive like hooks of like just tons of ships basically like clipped into each other sometimes rammed into each other forcibly that are just like floating masses filled with demons Orcs will find these and go that's a ship and despite the fact that it has no functioning thrusters and is full of demons they'll make it fly through space fun and the whole time they're fighting demons and they're like oh this is a plus a ship that comes with a free brawl let's go oh Jesus so the whole time on top of having the flood ships like from Halo just wandering around you now have them getting excited and probably causing a wah from inside it's maintaining it it's maintaining it like they're just getting hyped as they travel it's like a brawl happening in an Uber it's like a full-blown yeah no no that's left give Uber some class that's lift that's lift territory I'm joking obviously actually it reminds me of that one like video of God Uber drivers have it's so rough not one no I've seen so many videos of like Uber drivers getting throttled from behind like lifted out of their cars I've seen entire YouTube channels that are just dedicated to that yeah and let me just tell you they're not reposting each other's content it's all new they had no Uber drivers I they have my respect all the people do that gig work it's hard work is it really hard yeah so uh Uber drivers full of brawls just like raging our planets I know right and then like the this is gonna be the last time I say this so if all that wasn't absurd enough are we gonna have another but wait there's more moments but wait there's more because like like the biggest one ever recorded was able to accomplish War moons War moves where it's basically this massive Hollow Moon that's no moon basically that can travel faster than light they have no concept of physics they have no concept of mathematics so you're telling me that in the universe of Warhammer 40K there's just random moons flying around the Galaxy at faster than light speed because a bunch of mushrooms inside the moon believe that it goes faster than light yeah and like these moons like have like massive Jesus Christ and like it just has massive like fields of gravity like waving off of it so it'll appear of course gravity waves yeah I don't mean like the normal like I mean normally it will appear not close enough to your planet and things will get bad yeah there's now a moon way too cold in your in your orbit not just that they have whips of gravity they can send out yeah gravity waves yeah no no no no it's not like weird fluctuations of the moon this is they're like wow no I'm not talking about title I'm talking about gravity waves like something move and it just like has an entire like uh tide that like no it's emanates it's not like a tide it's like a whip of gravity okay yeah it's like it's like a line passing through space it just crushes everything that comes near it yeah it's it's it's not normal physics no so it's just massive waves of gravity wafting off this thing right um and on top of all that um of course because it Orcs it has the war boss's face on it because how else will we know who's running the show we gotta know what do they carve it into the face of the Moon well it's again it's not it's a hollowed Planet basically right so it's got that massive face on it and just just so many Orcs pouring out of it it's like so many Orcs it's like the it's like the weird hand Moon from um uh odd world except it's just an orc's face and it's just it's just so just like on an unrelenting tide or Sonic Adventure 2 but instead of instead of Eggman going I'm gonna piss on the moon it's a no horn basically and um all this like a course this all happened right and because Games Workshop treated the Imperium like they're the main characters for a while they beat it right and when they went to like figure out how the heck did they manage this again it's all scrap metal yeah so they really shouldn't have no nothing nope and they found like a portal that they were basically able to use like punch through Subspace with like scribbled on it they were powering this just by sheer height it was all powered by sheer hype imagine imagine what you can power with just sheer hype and nothing else literally it's it's just it's they read the secret and they believe it they just had a dream and a gun literally and it will never cease to crack me up then the thing that's closest to death stars came from the dumbest race in the universe that's even that's even farther than a death star because at least a death star it doesn't travel at faster than light it's pretty stuck oh no no yeah those ones just they just wait way way too close by the way again like their Orcs there's a chance we'll just slam into the planet honestly because yeah they'll just create more arcs they don't need to care those are their big rocks that they care so much about yeah it works are so stupid I love it exactly and so all that put together um meant that um while the Imperium was busy dealing with that whole like Family Feud right yeah um the Orcs were just off in the corner just getting hyped for a new battle unsupervised unsupervised the biggest war ever oh lovely they call it like the war of the Beast and it was led by the Beast the Beast they're very creative with their naming he was I think he was the biggest like orc right the the whole thing what do you mean or well because at this point both you and the listeners at home have probably figured this feels like they were made for this right this feels almost deliberate yeah right and you'd be right um the Orcs were not always Orcs they were once Orcs with a KR in front of them Crooks quarks and that's just because Games Workshop likes being able to copyright anything and everything they can so they copyrighted quark what right these these like previous Orcs right were way bigger right and smarts that sounds so so with all of the benefits of everything I just said but they're not idiots intelligent regimenting yeah and they were created with one purpose which is to uh pound the necrons into dust which goes to show you how powerful the necrons were and then to give you even further sense of scale of how big they were right um they weren't the only thing created to pound the necrons into the dust so or the towel they took different approaches like the Orcs went through like sheer strength and weirdness and the tower like technologically advanced and like speed right so two different approaches to grind those robots into dust yeah right um so that's what they used to be like right um we're gonna skip that we'll explain that more when we get to the necrons because honestly that makes the most sense to cover the the war in heaven is what they call it that's an event Stellaris a hard name of course it is a lot of sci-fi is all inspired by itself oh yeah absolutely um so we'll cover more on them when we cover the necrons eventually who are really close to winning the poll honestly um but yeah for the purposes of hoping for them oh don't worry he'll get them I like robots you'll get them I saw robots with again I cannot stress this enough as ugly as it is I love the black and neon green stupid Xbox aesthetic I love that so much so when I saw their robots that have that same aesthetic like oh yeah I'm like let's do this one oh yeah oh yeah let's do this one I want this one yeah um and we will we will um but yeah before the works there were Crooks and there were these much bigger much more powerful things they had power on them are there are there up quirks down quarks strange cork oh God that took me way too long to get charm quarks dork top and bottom corks what yeah I don't get it that's the six type of corks oh God and I get it [Laughter] cut I'm done no you're not okay um but yes so they used to be cloud and power armor more advanced than anything Space Marines have right now and it's a very good thing for the universe they don't exist anymore yeah but also goes to show how like ridiculous things used to be like they were created to pound the macarons into dust and they didn't win they didn't lose but they didn't win yeah again right I assume that is what made them what they are now which is less intelligent less regimented uh kind of but the way it works is um when when the Imperium ignored them right to again deal with the whole family feud this one Arc called the beast was able to like unite a bunch of Clans together yeah and just build that energy for a thousand years unchecked oh yeah it was awful right and it was like they built up so much energy not only this is when they reach those warm moons that everyone was talking about and they decimated a chapter the poor Imperial fists I love them so much but they keep being reduced by like 90 yeah it's so weird that's struggle dorns right yeah that is so he had the task of defending the Imperium from the Horus heresy I assume he got like his [ __ ] rocked because he's the first line of defense there no he's the last one defense because think about it think about it Tara is like where the emperor sits there's so many things you got to do before you get there yeah so he was a praetorian of Terra but like it took it here's the last line point being he has still got [ __ ] rocked well not him well again we'll do we'll do a video on the door and we'll cover all the times he has and has not gotten [ __ ] rocked right but um yeah so that's when they decimated the entire chapters Jesus it's just singular chapter they had these War moons going and the weirdest thing about this one is is it had been going for so long uncontained they were almost evolving back into what they were like like they they said they were becoming Court they sent an orc down and usually the Orcs speak in this crocony at this horrible Cockney accent I've heard I've heard it I've heard it every everybody and their mother can't resist to doing an impression of it and I will I'm trying hard but I will right I'm gonna make it through this episode without once going Cockney right but um yes in the groom I just said like a hulking chimney sweeps exactly proving just how Grim dark this universe truly is there are Brits running on chat they speak in this really really really bad version of [ __ ] English not great they say why they call humans humans they aren't known for long soliloquies full of poetry and negotiating right it'd be cool to see that though right of the Tower actually tried the tower super duper like they always try diplomacy first that'd be cool in any other Universe it doesn't work anymore they put in so much effort they learned like the weird orc way of talking they like genuinely came to them with orc teeth don't ask them how they got them don't ask them how they got them don't ask them how they got them and like they Bartered with guns for them like they tried everything and these Orcs looked at them said oh this is cool and I'll kill him get him yeah now get him get him like it's and immediately this one portal who like immersed himself in Orca culture which is really hard by the way right got bodied and came back in the Town Council decided they're the One race well one of them their own race where you don't you're never trying to negotiate yeah you just glass them they're just like no yeah no but during the war of the Beast they sent an orc down to uh Earth and he was able to like make a compelling case like they were negotiating now granted it's not like they were out there saying here are the Treatise and the terms of Your Surrender no they were like the Beast has you by the guts give up and they stay inside you don't and he rips them out your choice which again it's not like Shakespeare but for an orc oh it gets the point across or diplomacy yeah diplomacy and to be fair the work the the group The Beast did have them by the guts and he was going to rip them out what are you gonna do like it was really really bad but the the thing I love about this um and again this is another chapter oh I'm gonna cover because you guys asked for it and I want to the salamanders yeah the war of the Beast really lets Vulcan shine yeah he he's not the main character of it but like his personalities just there yeah for example the Orcs are sieging this planet and um the inquisite the inquisition's just like for the love of Christ just leave it leave it leave it we'll glass It Go deal with the Beast please please please please you're all we have please please please and and um Vulcan refused until everyone on that planet was safe he would not leave until that planet was secured you know Vulcan being an absolute just like Giga chat he's there for the people he's there he was holding the line the only reason he left is because uh War Planet appeared and he's smart enough to do some math and go that needs to get taken care of yeah right and so he did do his best to try and stop it and he did actually manage to stop the war of the Beast right um and in doing so if you want to read the war of the Beast this is a spoiler right um he discovered that the Beast was not one orc but six Orcs so this was a Shakespeare situation six Prime Orcs Prime Orcs Prime Orcs fighting a Primark I love warhammed so it's just Prime works so there was six of them and they're all really big ah it's not really clear if they were like a like a Megazord type situation where it's like all into one bigger one one six equally large ones what matters is these six were able to like group them and then like group them into like they grouped them into six groups and then group them into one larger group that's what matters right and they functioned as one War Boss Jesus yeah so Vulcan eventually stopped it um effectively channeling his inner uh his inner Almighty to get it done yeah like he he did some stuff but that's why we don't have Vulcan today which cop the poor salamanders they think he does he comes back then he thinks he does again now they're trying to refund like it's they never catch a break no they never catch a break they can't have this poor nice guy but this was able to be stopped but to this day the Legacy Still Remains like the six uh the six um primarks when they like died right I'm not sure if all of them died I need to double check but when the war of the Beast ended they did stay in those six Clans right so it did kind of stick around for that regiment that regimenting did stick around yeah but to this day we've never seen him get that smart again no which thank God like literally there's entire teams dedicated to just watching worlds with Orcs on them and make sure that six don't come together and fuse their Collective single brain cell well no just to prevent Wars in general because like the beast on it was really bad but like a general one's still really bad yeah like like it's just it's just unending it's just a pop a population control kind of thing just like ah how are they doing today yeah basically basically it's like it's like a reactor control technician yeah you're just making sure this doesn't run away yeah and unfortunately if it does start running away it runs away hard no you just have to Glass a planet oh like like it's either that or you very slowly and carefully kill them all in the double back with fire and then like plow like you have to be rude literally really are the flood from Halo but with a cockney accent yeah yeah they're just large Brits unchecked yeah if we have any voice actors in the community right now oh everyone has I would love to hear the grave Minds speech to the Arbiter and the Master Chief in the Orcs Cockney accent yeah and has its mind concluded [Music] this one is but flesh and faith and is kill me or Release Me parasite but do not waste my time with talk there is much talk and I have listened time and so that's that's the thing all those together lead to like Allah which is like the most dangerous thing and I for some reason none of that sunken basically it's like a pub brawl mixed with a holy Crusade basically how you boil water down so a pub roll every yeah basically just a moving right they really are British yeah but uh that that that's one of the more more notable ones uh in the current timeline there is a war boss who's like managing not quite the same feat is this time people are watching them very closely but he's he's getting the big one he's getting a big one together yeah right um but uh it's like I said it's not quite the Beast levels yet but there's a good chance his name is Gaz right he's a whole long name which I'm gonna say later but like right now just call him guys yeah for simplicity's sake again we're trying to make this as beginner friendly as possible yeah he's gasp um and he's getting together quite quite the wah um his his whole claim to fame is um he's got Visions from their gods gork and Mork gork and Mork which we didn't cover their gods um gork and Mork are very very fun there are two very large Orcs who have been duking it out since the beginning of time yes gork is brutal but cunning yes and Mork is cunning but brutal and they can never share an eye on this they are always fighting and the Orcs are like split on who's right one is brittle but cunning and the other is cunning but brutal so the way it's described is one will punch you out punch you out punch out and if you can't then I'll stab you in the back and the other will first stab you in the back and if you can no punch out Punch Out punch you out okay and he claims to be the prophet of both he's seen vision from them both and he's leading a holy Crusade so he's stabbing them in the back and punching them out at the same time that's gas is just going in his car like again it's a really big deal like when they when this happens those massive mechs they build are called like orconuts and Morgan knots they're built to look like gork and Mork and they're like hey he effectively they have a Voltron moment I love that so so it's it's a whole thing right now um but you know it's not all sunshine and rainbows they do have drawbacks uh firstly the most obvious they're so stupid yeah they're so dumb as established they're so like um a couple of times Orcs have been beaten by other people getting on their comms and talking smack and then they just turn on each other because they don't care they just want a good fight they just want a good fight yeah yeah so it's hilarious that blinding stupidity is one of their biggest cons but again we've seen if it goes long enough unchecked they can get that rained in yeah they get the whole law thing going on and then oh this is a bigger problem yeah yeah um and another big con of theirs is um they're weird Magic is not just for Orcs it's not normal like psychic magic like everyone else it's an orc specific thing it's a very orc specific thing like their gods are real gork and Mork are real in the warp fighting one is brutally cunning one is cunning but brutal and they can never agree it's real they manifest their own chaos Gods I don't I don't remember it's a chicken or an egg situation but yeah yeah exactly so they're very real and this this weird stuff they have going on does have tangible effects the question is did they figure out what's already happening or did they cause what's happening right now like was red always fast in 40K or did they cause red to be fast either way if you're around them and like let's see your blood Angel you'll suddenly be moving twice as fast yeah if you're an ultramarine you're just like how often things are gonna be going great for you how's the blood angels not figured that out then and it has like a single like Spore like mounted in their chest again it's like a group thing like the more there are stronger it is yeah right so like like um the ultramarines around them you like trip and win the lottery like you're just so you're just that you're just that lucky you're just that lucky dude like you will fire in a bullet we'll go through an orc bounce off and kill 10 more that's hilarious it's just it's your day right yeah if you're if you're like one of if you're wearing black you're just gonna your arm is gonna be far more effective for some reasons why not just why not why not and so it's a really double-edged sword like sure it makes them do the impossible but it can also make your enemy do the impossible yeah the Imperium has held them back for so long right it also has led to some of the funniest characters yeah like Sebastian yarick Sebastian he's not an orc but you gotta cover them if you're talking about works okay Sebastian Eric is a guy who I was able to grind gases to a halt as a person as just a guy and he did this by just being brutal was he a Space Marine he's just a guy like commands like an orc he's so brutal he doesn't care yeah he will throw wave after weight like Guardsmen don't care yeah Derek doesn't care like it's amazing yeah he's able to like he he was able to he didn't win because it's a whole while it's a while but he he held it he held for quite a while Hive City Hades is what it was called for a while like until Space Marines got there he was able to and so all the Orcs believe him to be like one of the best humans yeah you know the best at fighting right and so like he lost his arm in combat he like picked up an orc one in theory like like one of their orc like weird Mech arms it shouldn't work yeah and it works for him just because they believe he's so good all of them believe it yeah they thought he had a laser eye so he got one and it starts working yeah like Orcs will genuinely like walk up to Arc and meet him and they'll be shocked that he's that small yeah because I think everything operates by our cruels if you're that yeah you're that guy you have you should be towering over me yeah so let's just look at him slack jawed and he'll just kill him and it'll just contribute to the myth of nobody who's ever seen yarick lives yeah like so so it can really like cause some weird stuff it's so much fun they've gotten them yeah they've properly captured him dead to rights which again he's a person he's not a Space Marine he's like an enhanced person like I wouldn't stand a chance again but like most Orcs will bother him if they're really you know yeah because they're they didn't capture him that's right I got him and then they brought him to gas and gas like looked at him go go like they had a ship ship prepared for him and everything and he's like what's going on and Gaz just says good enemies are hard to find keep going keep going you little Scamp that's adorable and I'm like I I love Orcs And yarick they're great unfortunately yark's dead as [ __ ] oh um we're not sure how and I shouldn't say very dead because he's not like [ __ ] is dead where it's like oh for sure oh his soul is sucker it's just it sounds like he died in the most recent books and then anger on showed up with a skull that looks like yarex a lot down to the metal eye so everyone thinks anger on killed him including Gaz and this is my favorite thing Gaz has stopped his entire wall and is directed it at andron now oh because you killed yarick you killed yarick he was a bit no if anyone's gonna kill York Who's Gonna Be Me God damn it and so if I can't kill Yak I'm gonna kill a guy who killed Yark so now he's gonna fight the uphill battle against angron it's not as our pill as you think really gases a lot of Works think gas is strong he's got space hooks just wying through the universe like I'm not gonna say that girl's gonna lose but it's not gonna be quick it's not gonna be fun it's not like it's not gonna be like yeah right so so currently the thankfully for the Imperium the entire walls kind of hit the brakes yeah it's not focused on angron getting rid of him yeah and um part of part of it is you know like it is genuinely difficult for Orcs to find somebody who's like going up against because York fights hard yeah right so there's that respect for him but also Gaz realizes he's a pretty smart work like that's why he's such a problem like he's he's not I mean he was able to like regiment a bunch of Orcs together into not as good as a beast but like he's still he's still getting there he's fairly smart and tactical so I'm not sure if it's a gut feeling he realizes this or this is planned but he knows by keeping yarik alive and having that thing to constantly fight against it's constantly adding to his myth because there's Yark he's the best fighter of them all he kills any orc except for gas they go even oh so the stronger they think yarick is the stronger he gets yes and the fact that they killed yarick now so part of it is a sentimentality if that's a good like you know it's hard to tell if that's that's because it's a good you know a good fight or because like hey hey he was boosting my power I know right it's really hard to tell um I kind of hope York's not dead I'll be honest because I really I love this Frenemies situation it's hilarious well because it's like it's like um the orc symbol for like um my Nemesis is the same as my best friend he's just a guy I meet all the time he's the bro he's the dude he rips my head off they're just they're just best buds yeah so I really I kind of hope he's not dead but like knowing GW especially since they're claiming angron did it he's probably dead he's probably dead because if they're gonna kill him they're gonna kill the main character and ingrown's very much so a main character yeah so bummer but it's gonna be really interesting when those two Clash yes when those two meet right uh so that's where gas is right now it's kind of the Mayhem yeah that Orcs have gotten up to fun the most impressive thing about Gaz is he's kind of taking on the title of uh that the Beast had right because the Beast had this long title he's the Beast too no no he's not called the beast his his full name I know but I was making a funny joke he's the Beast too he's the two he's the evil within two favorite fourth wall break but yeah his his full title is like gat hold on gas goal mag orca if you have a hard time remember I think if you have a hard time remembering that oh wow that mixed me up if you have a hard time remembering that you can just think of Miss gas goal Margaret Thatcher okay now this isn't true at all but like a lot of people found like mag or kraka Margaret Thatcher and if you put a picture of him side by side with the Iron Lady you can see the resemblance yeah so you're saying that when when guys when you guys dies people are gonna start pissing off oh like uh she chose to wage while on school children he chooses it on the Galaxy same death you know one of the funniest things I saw recently is a statue of her got um I got uh put up in a random Township and within three days God somebody had um taken a uh suction cup adult toy oh boy I'd gotten it on top of her head people hate murder people hate such a weird thing I think my favorite fake quote about her is the problem with pissing on My Grave is that eventually you'll run out of pictures eventually he'll run out of this laughs I'm just so true though it's so true she definitely didn't say that I love that I love that not quote Yeah that's one of my favorite not quotes I'm pissing on My Grave is that eventually you'll run out of piss yes so that's that's so he's inherited that title from um from the Beast and he's currently waging quite a lot of Across the Universe there's a lot more um named orc characters right um and we're kind of gonna I'm torn I'm torn because these are really cool and there's a bunch of fun stories about them but they're also not necessarily like a full video so I think I'm just gonna like uh rapid fire through them right it's just a few of them and then if you want to see more of them you can just let me know and I'll make a video but I'll do like we'll do like many episodes what's gonna be like the greatest hits kind of thing well yeah but like my one of my favorite Orcs for example is uh because I love how ridiculous they are um Orcs are some of the happiest they're the happiest faction in 40K they just seem like they just they're just Bros like they're not evil per se they're just doing what they were made to do and they do it really well the problem is it's violence on a known scale but like um the like Orcs are the only character in 40K to have canonically made it to Heaven oh yeah like like there's an orc who had a vision and let him wall right into the warp oh oh you wind up in Corn's realm and like it was just causing so much chaos corn like look at him he was like oh yeah oh this is gonna be fun and so you set up like an eternal Coliseum for them and they're just forever fighting demons that's that's orc Heaven everyone in this relationship is happy though the Orcs that went there oh they're still there so much fun porn stoked an eternal brawl the demon stoked an eternal brawl like this is a win-win-win-win nobody's unhappy in this match for each other yeah so that orc literally a little while right it wasn't like a big one but it was a loss still random warped he just went in there and now he's in the return only fighting and he's happy he's having a blast he's having a ball right that's the only orc that's like truly anti-chaos I mean except for gas now but like that's not chaos it's angron right um there's also the story of an orc who went back in time and killed himself to have a copy of his favorite gun which caused all kinds of confusion and fizzled out his wall well because he saw himself in the past he's like that's my favorite gun and he's a kleptomaniac so he just shot himself and then he just faded well he didn't fade it just caused all kinds of confusion which one's the real one until the wall kind of fizzled oh because the way because the way they work is it's like it's like it's critical mass thing yeah right it can go overboard and a bunch of Orcs heads explode right or it can like fizzle out because wait what are we doing here what what just happened yeah we're about to die they had the Moment of clarity and they're like wait a minute and not fizzling just enough to break it it's kind of like a focused thing and a weird dumb dumb way right yeah give a give a um give a bunch of Orcs some Ritalin see how much they focus and they just oh God lord and Orcs also have some of the best stories around them right someone true some are not some are fluff but it helps it helps yeah no it it really does them like for example it's fun my favorite one is a bunch of Guardsmen are facing a wa in like three hours in they're like out of ammo they've shelled it they've done everything out of ammo deck we are boned yeah and the company Commander like looks up he's like freaking out he's like oh God oh God oh God it's just green tide is just rushing at them right and he's just like moment of Justice moment of desperation holds out his gun and mimics the noises that Orcs make because again I skipped this one over Norco fires a gun he goes DACA is that where the phrase more DACA comes from oh yeah because you can always have more DACA so every time an orc is like firing a gun it's a bunch of toddlers just yelling that over and over it's great but like in a moment of cleared aspiration he looks like he knows bam and like an orca has a hole punch in its chest and it dies and then like everyone's looking around like just like going for a couple more hours and they see this group of Orcs in perfect like almost to Studio formation like just running at them like going going nothing's happening yeah they keep going they keep going they keep going nothing's happening right and then like as they get closer they can finally make out what they're Whispering under their breaths and it's just I'm gonna take I'm a tank I'm a tank I'm a tank an attack so not true but that gets their Spirit down they are a tank yeah that gets their Spirit down pat right the looted Lehman Russ where this is wreaking havoc through the battlefield right and they're finally able to stop it and like the killer Works inside they get in and they find like a cardboard box with an engine drawing like it's so befuddling the the mechanicus who we haven't covered yet they basically believe that there's a machine spirit and everything like if you pray to your freezer you've got a couple degrees colder you're prettier toaster you'll finally get something that's not charred but also not so pale yeah you want free food to stay you go there and you kneel in front of your fridge and you give it some good prayers incense I'll be honest your food will be sometimes when Premiere Pro is giving me trouble I genuinely I genuinely pray to the omnisaya and then it exports yeah yeah and so like their best explanation is they have their own version and it works for them yeah that's that's their best that's the best thing to say God they expect to have their own omnisaya they have their own and he works in ways we cannot understand let's just pray to ours yeah that's it that's how they explain away all the orc inconsistencies oh they have so many fun stories around them right and so if you kind of like a happier happy but war crimes I'll be okay no I will be fair to the Orcs from what I've heard they literally are the happiest oh yeah they are the happiest tour just like bugs like it's an ant yes but the the tyranids from what they're smart but like they seem more like just the the unending uh hungry tide they don't they don't have a hive Queen they kind of work like bees yeah yeah but then you know I can play a hive mind and Stellaris and they're not happy they're just doing what they're doing and then the tower like peaceful but I wouldn't say they're happy because they go through a lot they're they're peaceful but like also I've heard they have gulags we'll get to all those later but yeah the Orcs are like the happiest despite you know being in Warhammer and committing war crimes because but the war crimes are so fun yeah they're war crimes [Music] yeah so if that appeals to you they're really really fun faction obviously I'm glossing through a lot the war of the Beast is a lot so you're probably gonna see a video on that if you guys want um you're also gonna see a video on gas probably because he's he's a big enough he's a whole he's his own like whole dealio yeah yeah exactly so you're gonna see that but at the end of the day the Orcs are really really interesting like they're not like very cut and dry like for example they really respect the emperor yeah not because he's the Emperor or anything but he's because he's the biggest and the strongest huge he's the biggest and the strongest one sounds straightforward he's the biggest heyumi yeah no that's you didn't make it you broke we were so close uh so it was so awful though oh God yeah so um thank you guys for tuning in to this episode of the podcast before we head out one thing I remembered because Yorks have so many fun stories and they'll be covered as we go in depth on them yeah yeah one things uh number one Orcs are kind of immune inflation or sorry immune to inflation their currency's teeth their currency is teeth there's a finite number of teeth and they will leave the economy at some point yeah because they rot away so you gotta spend them quick yeah so they don't feel inflation I've heard that no I've heard that was a rule that they enacted to learn more look up rule 34 conflictions haha oh you opportunists uh thanks for listening to me and Coda go for about an hour um we will see you next week Saturday for a video on the faction that uh wins the comments for this one um please please let it be the necrons I want I want my Xbox robot there's a good chance it will because those guys came out hard and I no I noticed in fact I was watching you to start tally polls and I'm like it's gonna be them it's gonna be them it's gonna be them and then the arms came out of nowhere with an RKO got out of nowhere actually real talk Tick Tock carried the Orcs on the comments Tick Tock carried the Orcs Victory like it was close on YouTube oh that Poe was close to and then Tick Tock just just rammed right through yeah so it was it was ridiculous um yeah but please let me have so leave in the comments around let me have my Xbox robots please yeah leave it in the comments with faction honestly this time I'll leave it open and I'll just tell you whoever wins the most by Monday night like midnight yeah whatever midnight is free everyone right midnight yeah somewhere yeah exactly midnight and and undisclosed location [Laughter] thank you guys for tuning into this episode we'll see you next week for the next one
Channel: Isyander & Koda
Views: 206,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, Daemon Primarch, Primarch, Imperium of Man, Space Marine, Primaris Marine, Primaris, Legion, Lore, 40k Lore, 40k Explained, 40k For Beginners, Warhammer Lore, Games Workshop, Tabletop, Gaming, Orks, Waagh, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, The Beast, Vulkan, Salamanders
Id: vJH-xjZ1iqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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