40k's Oldest & Newest Faction: Leagues of Votann

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what every time you start with that laugh I get scared the episode may start with that laugh honestly I wouldn't mind it because if that laugh starts and then it goes into the line which is people under five2 continue to catch Strays because today we're going to be talking about none other than the leagues of voting yeah I'm a dwarf I'm digging oh of course of course DIY Diggy Hole I am isander I am k and that was a joke by the way you're all you're all fantastic despite the great moral failing of being beneath 6 foot you can't help it it is what it is it's okay short kings and queens we still love you the fixation on height has never not amused me it's hilarious and it's it's prevalent in 40K too because these guys are either the most and the least requested at the same time they had the most votes every vote against something was the space dwarves pretty much they just had so many votes everywhere else that it overwhelmed them also is cuz they're the newest thing they're the shiny new thing you guys do get to decide what these episodes The order they come out in or if they come out in at all there are only two choices left it's the ab humans and the Rogue traders who have a game coming out next week I think so those are next week I think I'm not sure streets are saying apparently streets are saying so you sound off in the comments it is all up to you uh as always we are on a mission as a legion we kind of move as one so the next goal is going to be 250k so if you want to help us hit that just make sure you hit that big button and then the real subscribe button to the right of it because that's how the system works the machine God's a scary thing we also have a patreon where you can get twice as many episodes of what you already love as well as priority voting access to the Discord and a bunch of other perks while helping us keep all these various lights on so thank you to all of those signing on as I speak and thank you for those of you who've already who've been there some of you have been there from the beginning and now let's get back to today's faction who is the first to have a hard time passing gdubs you must be this tall to get L sign you think you think I'm joking the emperor's huge he's got entire volumes dedicated to does does lore scale with height in 4 dek the emperor his sons the Orcs so even the yeldar Fairly tall do the writers at GW have a complex they're basically saying if you're below 68 you're not worth anything if you're a guy and you're below 68 hit the bricks it matter don't listen to them we still love you here and they are like I mentioned the newest kind of because they did exist in 40K Way Way Back uh when it was more tongue and cheek and very very silly 40K used to be really weird and I kind of like how weird it used to be um back then when they first came out they were quite literally just fantasy dwarves in space that was it we had the space elves the space Orcs space humans space dwarfes yeah it was just fantasy in space and it was silly and it was all very brightly colored and it was a bunch of short squat Stout men on bikes for God's sake it was the most ridiculous looking thing you'll see but it's endearing in that way you know it's just like that's on bikes you say yeah it was like a biker gang yeah no it's a very specific aesthetic all I can think of is uh torbjorn from OverWatch and that weird biker skin with the like huge Harley with the what do they call them uh AP Hanger handlebars where they're just like 2 feet in the air when you're finding art for this you will see that that's basically what they used to be and if you don't believe how much of a gag they they were their scientific name in Canon was Homo sapiens Ro rundas I I love old GW they were they were weird um they were also fairly popular even back then however they didn't get axed really aggressively that's unfortunate and that's because of this um you know when something wants to to grow up and so there's this very edgy phase where it takes itself way too seriously evil Superman we're getting to that it's a vicious cycle you see all the time with you know like every Disney star ever wants to leave Disney and so they do the hardest pivot you've ever seen the second they're done like the whole good girl gone bad routine and some some make it a lot don't that Disney schedule is brutal so this video should have started with what do space dwarves evil Superman and Miley Cyrus have in common yeah pretty pretty much it's a phase in every it's it's it's a phase in every human life I mean even even we do it right and uh it ends when you finally Zen out and you realize being an adult isn't burning everything that makes you feel like a child but it's just being a reliable responsible person who does the best they can every day that's really it I don't care what you do for your spare time as long as you're those three things as an adult you're functional that's really all it takes um because if you try and ignore and stuff away that very cringy kid who ran around in an N7 hoodie all through middle school and freshman year of high school we would not get the very cogent and artistic and fun human being we have today that hoodie was that was a phase that hoodie is still packed away somewhere I say do you still have it yeah okay well we might have to bring that back someday uh but it's not just people who do this companies do it too Comics did it in the '90s it's where we got have you seen that version of Batman where he's wearing a skin tight suit and like 10 utility belts and he's got these massive shoulder pauldrons that are spiked too have you seen that variant that's when that's when that came out um and every new hero had to have the superpower of Glock and kitchen knife the '90s were Rife with Heroes that had names that were like blade War Blood Sport and Carnage for God's sh Shadow and they weren't it's like dude my favorite is Shadow holding a real gun my favor real I think it's like an an MP5 my my favorite thing my favorite thing is shadow shadow no I think or was it a shotgun no it wasn't a shotgun but I can I can understand how you got to that conclusion I think it is either an MP5 or or an HK something because he he shotgun coxic it's an MP5 cuz he it and I remember that pisses me off I swear that yeah no cuz he puts the banana maggot and then yeah and it's like why why did you an MP5 it was a weird era it was a lot everything was really in that angsty phase and during that time Superman could no longer save the day he could no longer do any of that with a smile on his face he had to be a dark and twisted individual who only pretends to be good and drinks mother's milk I guess cuz homelander is a riot yeah ick and to this day DC movies are still going through that because I will sooner lose my arm than they realize you can light a scene with a man who wears red blue and yellow and it look fine like heaven forbid he crack a smile and Henry cavl can smile we've seen it I really I really hate I really hate I really hate the new Man of Steel and Justice Leagues because they they they just ruin they just trash the characters absolutely especially just make them so miserable they took the most creative way you could do an evil Superman where it's just like he's not evil but he may like get about like uh beating the criminals up in a sketchy Manner and everybody nowadays has cell phones running around but they don't do that they they they don't do that they use the oh we got Superman on a cell phone video once and it's not for H they just make him evil because like he got revived I don't know and he's only evil for half a second till he sees the sun and the curvature of the earth and he's like maybe I shouldn't you know bash it all up it's like I I hate the DCC who it makes me unhappy they have very good characters that I just can't seem to translate onto screen and I don't know what the issue is DC they have good directors they have fantastic casting I can't like gadoo is Wonder Woman Henry caval is Superman it makes sense the one thing that I can think of is uh these movies are written by a boardroom instead of writers I I don't I and so and so like all of these board members like are like designed by committee kind of a situation A designed by committee kind of a situation where it's a committee of like fat cats who are just like whipping the writers no it needs this to be a good movie no it needs this to be a good movie come on writer write no you must understand Superman's movie needed the giant beam in the sky that was prevalent in every hero movie back in the day regardless I hate designed by committee things regardless my grievances about me never getting my favorite character done well in anything outside of Animation aside 40K does this too even though they're bathing an edge yes even they had a serious phase and during that time they basically fired every like they they cut the entire silly department and left it to the Orcs And in that that's how we lost the dwarves that's how we lost the D because we don't didn't allow them to be silly yeah because things are getting Grimmer and darker and there's no room for a weird biker gang floating around in Sp like come on it it sticks out like a sore thumb just just again I come back to this do what Deep Rock Galactic did make them like a weird Corporation this was the '90s like I said this this was that well yeah it was the '90s yeah I think uh regardless it's not that they didn't sell well cuz people from GW have come out and said that it's just that they felt like they could make everything its own thing while making it edgier because that's what it's it's the Grim dark it's edgy it's got to be edgy it's so edgy and that's on purpose that's the fun of it uh and they they could make like you know they could make uh 40K humans different from fantasy's humans by you know bathing them in that darkness and stuff but that nobody at the time at least according to the sources I could find could find a way to do that well for the for the space dwarves so it left them as just a caricature where they had like the book of grudges and it's just like they weren't a real thing it was just like a a Mickey Mouse suit basically it was just every it was the greatest hits of everything dwarves do let's keep it pushing they didn't feel distinct in their own way and nobody really had the fuel to make them that these are dwarves say hi to your dwarves okay the dwarves are going to go do their thing let me tell you about um uh some guys painted in blue yeah pretty much this is a great time uh and they didn't because it's 40K you can't just what dwarves they never existed so uh they made them bump into the tyranids where they lost 90% of their Survivor was yeah they committed committed them to death by tyranid I I'll be honest if I was a GDB Rider and I needed something to go away through the such a good consist the tyranids or the Orcs maybe yeah um so they were eaten with zero problems and after that they were also kind of hard black bagged there for a little bit too like they reissued books and they were C books that had them in them and they were nowhere to be seen yeah so they got memory hold for a few moments there that's real unfortunate uh but but not always there have been rumors it was a meme for a while that they'll be Canon again and recently last year they are Canon again they're Canon again yes we now have our space space dwars back yeah and they're now called the leagues of votan because trademarks it's truth like I mean you do the best you can with them but that's the real reason also I can imagine GW is just like well okay The Hobbit movie just came out a couple couple years ago we can't have our dwarves being associated with their dwarves well our dwarves are different well part of it again they were never unpopular and even when they were gone they were always people who remembered them and talked about them all the time so jdub was kind of leaving money on the table because there were people who wanted them wanted their space no shortage of people who want space dwarfs so GDB was just kind of like it was it was there in a pile waiting they just had to make models so they did I mean come on there's only so long you can ignore it and they actually did a good job of bringing them back balancing all the things they had to do because it is kind of hard once you write something out to put it back in without breaking everything all at once like come on you're telling me a major faction has been here for the last 10,000 years and nobody noticed hey we're hanging out under Mountains close close close um they they called it a mine they tend to the the reason they called the leagues of voten because it's it's a bunch of it's a league of dwarves basically around these things called voten and they are the most terrifying things in 40K kind of because it's this massive AI Core that has knowledge on science engineering military Theory strategy philosophy anything you need to know you can ask a vent and it will tell you H it just may take a little bit but it will tell you these things it even has the ability to make stc's for those of you that don't know it's they're basically 3D printers that you'd ship out with people and you wanted them to take over a planet and it could make anything they would need out of the materials available one has been found before and all it did was make slightly better knives those people who found it got entire planets to rule over huh they are taken very seriously it is some of the most advanced Tech in the Imperium and they want it bad and the leagues of vote and have a thing that can make those things I'd imagine they are beefing so hard with the mechanicus no it's actually very funny um they are fantastic thespians around the mechanicus because what they will do is they will so they board the ships right for for trade and all that and when they board the ship it's like slightly off keel it can never get balanced properly there's a bunch of dwarves just performing percussive maintenance on random things there's the the captain of the ship is literally rubbing like three stones together going bam and that's how they figure out where to go and the mechanicus looks around and goes oh so they're stupid there's nothing intelligent they're just stupid and they can mine through sheer muscle o just give us the just give us the resources let's go and then the second the mechanicus leaves ship corrects itself all the Holograms pop back up they immediately start fixing all the things they dented and they fly away it's so much funz cuz if the mechanic is knew it's a war it's a huge War it's an allout War there's almost no debate there's nobody in the Imperium who could stop the if the mechanicus finds out those are there they are immediately turning their full Focus their entire yeah and the Imperium kind of needs the mechanicus so they'll go help them with the war so they get back to gun making that would mean the leagues of otana are probably going to just go bye-bye cuz they are probably more technologically advanced than anything they Imperium has but uh Space Marines are a lot there are a lot Space Marines are a lot there also so many of them yeah actually my favorite thing is they have tiny baby bolers they use they they still hit as hard as Space Marine ones voting are very good at assembling things and giving you the blueprints you need to make anything including a Bolter but smaller that's funny a Bolter but child sized yeah there's so much fun and every every every every toddler must be armed with a Bolter yeah and uh that so that's how they keep it secretive and that's how they're survived so far um I also critically said that there are there's multiple have things there's plenty of voten floating around I heard I heard the S at the end of there exactly and so you can see why the leagues will do anything to protect them from the outside world while also keeping them completely Secret nobody would know they exist except for them that's pretty much it they don't they don't tell anyone that these are a thing another reason they really don't like to share any information on those AI cores is because of the emperor kind of so you know he's currently stuck in a chair after being hit by Sweet Chin Music like come on you know fat geralt appeared and hit him really hard that's what happened to the emperor and he can't do anything except for past the time acting as a massive psychic Lighthouse that can be used to navigate from any part of the Galaxy he's that bright and that powerful even in death kind of that weird in between period exactly however he's not the only such Beacon because apparently those AI cores put out a similar effect passively they too were that powerful huh yeah it's not it's not as bright it can't be seen from everywhere but if you know what you're looking for and also key thing there are multiple of them there is only one Emperor yeah and this actually ties into how they brought the leagues back and made them Cannon because they made it so it wasn't all the space dwarves that bumped into the tyranids but one league in their voting and they like I said they will do anything to protect them and as far as they were concerned this new Force bearing down on them wanted to get that core behind them so they laid down everything all their lives trying to defend this thing which is critically why they didn't run away you know because it's like you've lost 90% of your forces at what point do you consider to run they would never so they go basically Edge of Tomorrow style Live Die Repeat Live Die Repeat over and over completely outnumbered and the they figured out fairly quickly that the tyranids Thrive off of feeding bodies from the field so what they did is they started feeding their fallen into their voten so that the memories of the Dead could be used to try and find a new way around to this like we need to find something right they they they fought fire with fire yeah so they just started stuffing all their fallen into the core breaking their bodies down and having all those memories just stuffed in hoping they can find a weakness in this unending tide that just came up one day and is not leaving it's stripping the very minerals from the soil itself it's the end of days as far as they were concerned and this would continue over and over and over the tyranids weren't getting any stronger because the bodies were being yanked out all the time however that's still dwarves just folding at a rate well above replacement that's a lot of that's a lot of bodies going down and So eventually all of the league was gone and all that was left was a core spattered red with every angle of a tyranid invasion in its head and as fast as they came they rendered the whole world dead and they left they didn't take the core with them did they the tyranids want the meat in the fridge they may rip the door off the hinges to get it but they're not going to eat the whole fridge this just there I can't eat a machine yeah what am I supposed to do that so they could care less and they left that core there to sit and think on a dead world alone just watching angle after angle after angle of its League folding trying to protect it and this eventually drives it insane I was going to say this machine grows a personality and has a joker moment doesn't it yeah yeah it it it has it has felt an enemy that even it cannot beat it is a cosmic thing that will end everything it has ended everything it held dear and it just becomes you know the way it was a beacon in the warp before it now becomes this Hazard for anything traveling near it it's a corrupted variant of that Beacon it's literally called The Mad core and it's just howling Into The Ether yeah yeah that thing's just there they it's so bad every single league is told avoid that area yeah that that is the deadest Zone just a dead zone it's a deadest Zone yeah it's like if the Bermuda Triangle had like a hurricane around it at all times just avoid It Don't Go Near it we're done it's it's over just charge that whole section of sea we're not going anywhere near it and so that's just something that's there and hopefully nobody finds it because who knows what that'll do critically could be the most helpful thing against the tyranids cuz it's seeing every angle it's only been watching that forever now it may have come up with a counter strategy at some point that's yeah if you can get through the insanity but yeah um those cores are nothing to joke about and I love how they still canonized it they still made them bump into the tyranids but instead of everyone it was just one it was just that Legion very very unfortunate group however I know what you're probably thinking that explains how they didn't die out where have they been because again a major faction coming out of nowhere and nobody noticed them at all and that is because they have been right under our noses the entire time they've been under Mountains they're dwarves kind of um in their past and it's it's really I'm talking before the emperor passed they were sent yeah yeah they're old um they were sent to go to the galactic core itself on a mission that has the same odds of success as Copus pushing the boulder all the way to the top only to find Einstein waiting to tell him I'm your father I've missed you this whole time and then everyone claps it is an impossible area there is nothing you can do in there that is safe I mean in our world the center of galaxies usually has a massive black hole in the middle of it surrounded by by pockets of more black holes that actually sound very terrifying apparently at these perasa black holes sound like what You' think which but H because it's 40K it's got to get worse it's got to get much much worse so instead of one or a few black holes it's multiple super massive ones just kining around all the time they do as if that's not bad enough it's extreme there's extreme radiation everywhere massive gravitational waves that just rack everything in space uh moving singularities which is the center of a black hole that nothing can escape just roving around faster than you can do anything about sentient nebuli just running around which I can't fathom how a cloud that makes Stars would be sentient but also it's a cloud that can make stars so I don't want it to be have a bunch of um what's his name from League of Legends running around aelian Soul yeah yeah it's terrifying and that's just the stuff we know that you can observe from far away because nothing that goes in comes out and so that is where the dwarves are sent because everything in there is untouched and because of its extreme environment that just because you know to make a diamond you need just an obscene amount of pressure a lot of valuable materials require very very difficult situations to replicate on a planet that is compatible with Life let's say so there's just treasure troves floating around in the most dangerous place possible so they were sent there hopefully to figure that out it wasn't like these ships were stupid fast or anything they were pretty slow actually it's the generational kind of ship where you're born you die you're born you die over until you get to where you need to get to and over time they slowly prepared themselves and adapted to the situation at hand um with the help of those AI cores I mentioned earlier um they got shorter and for lack of a better term denser um bones muscle I mean bones made of iron Steel in their bones it's very very like they got compacted down basically this is the stupidest way to justify dwares the coolest way to justify having dwarves in your setting this is why I love 40K it's so over the it jumps the shark does a backflip while holding two flamethrowers and you can't help but think it's cool did it still jump the shark yeah but it's so cool look at wasn't that just cool right uh their their red blood cells and white blood cells shot through the roof and their skin became so tough in some of the models it looks like Stone just to plausibly survive it and all of this was done love and I hate this all at the same time it's so great you may be wondering how the hell do you make changes like this happen everywhere all at once and that's because they do not shag they're all clones oh there's there's no funny business okay so for all you artists put the pens down that's not canon good that's s it's true it's not put your drawing tablet away Steve yeah doesn't count uh so yeah they're all clones and the way the they avoid uh the the whole hapsburg situation or the becoming as inbred as pugs are is it's not just cloning the same dude a hundred times but there's this massive store of their genetic data that this core can basically mix and match make a person mix and match make a person mix a match make a person and so they're still different and because they don't again they don't check shag so it's once they die that's it you just put it back where it came from mies a match make a new person and so it it just kept playing that game until it figured out well we can fit more people on a ship if they're short and stout and that's how we got space doors I am not kidding and that is also how they're varied enough to avoid the Crimson Chin because they're all clones too they almost don't exist to chaos they can't perceive them they can but you got to be looking really close well how do you mean well it's like the tower they're it's very suppressed presence in the warp almost none so I mean they're clones for God's sake just think in Star Wars did you ever see a clone use the forest like come come on no because they don't clone them with enough medoran sensitivity oh God here we go no we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving I thought that'd be a quick in- and- out it's not we're leaving um with the help of their cores and the purpose they were literally built for the job they're built for tough they they were able to strip mine the galactic core with a success rate that nobody has been able to replicate they what yep they have massive excavators that can disassemble Stars they can refine elements that can't exist outside of this terrible environment that they're in and over time they began trading with each other because it's the leagues of voton there's multiple voton running around so you know they started like hey you got the star disassembler I got the planet gibber let's you know let's trade we're rich rich rich we're rich we're rich we're rich yeah where rich they they're doing the whole dwarf routine it's such a fun way to justify stupid dwarfisms I love it oh instead of the heart of the mountain you've got the core of the star if you were to do dwarves in space it would be the core of a star I love it somebody at GDB clearly loves them and I'm here for it um as they were developing they also started building uh settlements holds as they were because you know dwarfs need their Fortress come on it's it's it's in the label and Dwarf Fortress like the video game yes I know that was the point okay whatever you're subtle as a stop sign sometimes uh each hold looks vastly different and so you have some that are these underground labyrinths that span right beneath the surface of an entire planet just all over the place some are these massive asteroids with like you know like those domes in every sci-fi that are that basically make a livable space on an unlivable space like population domes yeah yeah exactly surviving Mars is full of them exactly asteroids full of those that are like chained together into this network it's so cool it's so cool my personal another one is uh like if the ISS could drop rods of God basically it's others and my personal favorite are these space-based factories that um it just looks like a normal Fortress floating in space the usual stuff right so the way they defend themselves is they are right on the edge of the Event Horizon for a black oh and I'm talking this close before they cross it and they've just mathed it out they figured out the exact amount of pool that exerts the exact amount of push they need to because they're good at their jobs and so they are perfectly there and anyone who wants to screw them has to think is it worth it for me to try and figure this out where I'll possibly fall in and die or do I how far do I go into the event horizon or how much time do I have to waste because of special relativ relativity it's not worth it it's not worth it it's not worth it so the amount of science they have going on on that cuz they have years and years and years shrunk down into I love them now do you see why I love that one a lot I like that one a lot right um the holds can be anything you can imagine though I that's the thing I enjoy the most about them is whatever you can envisage surviving in this horrific environment that they inhabit probably probably exists in some form um but it's not just the dwarfs raising their pi and their voices together because it's their robots there too and I'm not talking like oh you know like CU you know 40K they' got like Mech suits and stuff right no I'm talking autonomous robots that can think and plan and strategize and work and I can the Imperium would hate those wouldn't they dude the Imperium had these things called men of iron oh the things that knock go well for them cuz they did not treat the men of iron right so they definitely they had the robot Uprising yeah exactly they did their own mini Detroit become human yeah um but lar and Jihad yeah the leagues the way they've avoided that is they're straight up equal huh think about it I mean we're clones they're robots we all come from an assembly line 50/50 what does it matter it doesn't matter it I will be disassembled turned into goo and put back into that vat you'll be disassembled and turned into a new robot doesn't matter does not matter it's I I mean pure equal under the like it's not just o that is another person right it is oh God that guy got stuck there and now they pull a full-blown like Escapade to save him from a cave in and it's a robot that they're doing that for and vice versa too you made me like them a lot right like they they will they will go down into the deep with zero faar fear of what they'll find beneath cuz like Phil is down there and who cares if Phil is a robot we like Phil yeah we like Phil Phil's great what he he's the only one who can fill the tanker just right we got to save Phil like come on and so think of his extensive baseball card collection who will that go to we don't have family line so it's not like he's going to give it to his kids yeah I love the I love them so much um but it goes even further than that because it's not just a superficial like oh yeah we're co-workers brother like they are full-blown like unionized they're they have these guilds that are industry specific and so the way they work is those guilds will represent their industry right and like in their version of like the Senate but like shorter it's really it just imagine the Senate but Boop that's all and that the reason I love the guilds so much is because it gives this it's it's a Vibe I don't see often enough which is futuristic blue collar and I really really like that because the people in charge of the guilds it's a like they have work and quality quote they have oh we need to do this much at this time they will like bargain for speci it's a it's they're doing a job now it's cool to see that they're uh you really can't translate the uh the de Rock Galactic to this cuz they're unionized deep rock is not no no they're very very not yeah and I I like it because it it's such a stark difference because a lot of the future is usually like white col work it's an administrator or a manager which I I still love I'm a huge Gilman fan I'm I'm all for that but I I I I need more of this like the future variant of the Workin Man kind of a situation basically if you took Ford's aesthetic and I say aesthetic specifically because we've all seen the pavement princesses running around I know that bed hasn't seen any sheetrock and I know those tires haven't seen any mud that's I know those dues don't do any any hauling I stra spotless I respect the people who buy them and use them and I also just respect the people who admit hey I wanted I wanted it it's cool and I was yeah okay cool i' I'd be in the same boat do I need one no do I want one yeah but that you don't need it I don't need one at all they're so cool though I'm with you uh and so that specific aesthetic that they have and you just slap it all over the future I mean it's just a hardworking man running the show it's so great that's dude they they will cooperate and organize across various uh lead like various leagues to accomplish things and while they don't they don't all get along promise you that right now they do not all get along they will at least put the guns down and then a bar fight will break out and then winner buys a loser I mean losers buy the winners drink it's how they solve problems it's a it's a friendly rivalry yeah exact well unless unless unless this has to do with their with their core their their voting oh then it's it's all I will I I will strangle you it's a no hold part yeah it's no they you don't matter anymore if it's if they have to choose between another league and their core mine specifically yeah no they're gone I'm sorry they can figure it out they should have been more prepared I'm sorry my core helped me get prepared did yours that sounds like you problem they also have a very interesting disposition because of where they've been because they don't have jail they don't have prison they don't have courts if if you cuz first first of all they're clones so they're usually the same page it's clones and robots there's not much disagreement to be had there okay but um but if somebody does because some people do do things and they betray the core they they call it like the ancestor core AI Core voting whatever the hell you want to call it if you commit a crime against it and you break that close-knit bond that has been the only thing that has let them survive in these terrible conditions they will just Exile you not even disassembly no because you don't understand it's first of all they're exiling you to Brave the horrors of deep space alone so you a you won't and B they will go back to the voting and tell them your true full name so that it knows that you have failed them it will like Mark your codes specifically and forbid you from joining any other Legion ever or any other league ever huh yeah they don't want you abandoned us something was wrong with your code we don't want it back damn yeah damn they are I mean it's dwarves they have a long memory the book of grudges come on do you really think they they have no quarter for that kind of stuff um they also have a bunch of um it's not just the the work in man aesthetic that they have going on they they really do think and act like that my favorite saying they have is luck has need keeps but toil earns toil toil yeah oh I love it because a it's just a good saying like you could put that up on like a factory wall and I'm sure there's one that has it but B it's slightly Insidious because you can twist it and go you only have that because you're lucky I need it so I'm going to keep it and I'm gonna earn it and they have the work ethic to back that up they have the work ethic to back that up so yeah you don't play with them uh they also have love to say like the the ancestors are watching a because they wouldn't be here without their ancestors and in some way they are the ancestors just recombined a bit so they they do have that as a saying they really value honoring your ancestor they really value living to the most that you can that way when you're added back into the database you've added a ton you've added so much and you are now the ancestor who's watching you know that really that that's a really cool concept to me because it reminds me of um bethesda's Dark Elves who have like a a I'm I'm going to say just because it's not at all fleshed out from what I've seen it's like a gesturing at the ancestors I that could be wrong I could be wrong I could be wrong I have not yet finished I've not yet finished morrowwind I know I'm like 20 years too late for that I will get around to it uh but the the dark elves kind of like they're all about like oh yes for the ancestors or like I have my ancest Spirit right this is like a really good like sci-fi translation of that CU it's just like my ancestor's DNA is literally my DNA no I don't mean I'm descended from like it's it's in there yeah you see this weird mole on my hand yeah got got it from the same place same genetic code and I love it because you can also use it it's you can use it as a battlecry you know like fight good the ancestors are watching you can also use it as a warning like hey buddy the ancestors are watching you know it's it's got very it all depends online delivery for that one I love it so much um they also hate wastage period I would imagine that's that's in keeping with dwarves well yeah but also think about it they are in the galactic core uh yeah you threw that screw away but now that panel is barely holding together and we could have used that screw you saw 12 months ago so why didn't you stash it like they they will hang on to pretty much anything and everything because they will find a use for it and if they can't they'll go up to their air core and go what can we do with this and it'll just sheet metal and that's what they use it for um they you you may be noticing at this point though that uh they a this is this is very cool but why the hell are they back now because I mean that's where they were they were just chilling in the galactic cor why would they ever leave they were getting the best checks imaginable and B all of that seems very sensible and not Grim dark in for 4K like that seems just functional yeah so which is rare for this setting exactly and you'd be correct on both counts because it's not all sunshine and rainbows uh those tell me what's the catch the cores that they're formed around the various leagues are formed around um it's a class of all knowing Machinery that is going scile ah because what used to take it seconds to answer is now taking weeks some have been recorded as taking centuries to answer questions ah um the classic case of hard drive failure uh yeah because back in the day uh like when they bumped into the tyranids it was a last ditch survival effort to Chuck bodies into that thing so it would have its memories and we could keep it pushing right however now it's become almost a ritual and a spiritual thing so they just keep chucking bodies into it over and over again it means it's getting a lot of data right but a lot of it's filler oh because they're hitting they're hitting rampancy yeah because let's say you and me are stuffed into the gibber let's call it and all of our memories are put into the machine that is really really useful stuff don't get me wrong however while it may have gotten all the knowledge I have and all the knowledge you have and that's all the useful stuff it got every conversation we've ever had together from both angles and those can't be deleted it has your childhood memories of you bumping around all the breakfasts you've ever had just staring out a window all the long bus rides it has all of that and no it's not all relevant they're hitting rampancy yeah that's exactly right it's you've just opened new tab after new tab after new tab after new tab over and over and over again and this is a machine that was designed to to do a lot it was designed to help them survive the galactic core learn from that environment and help them adapt to it it's very good at that it's been 10,000 plus years it's thinking itself to death yeah and it's never been turned off and it knows a lot there are limits to repairing something like that you know the way like science Advanced enough is indistinguishable from Magic is the the whole quote right yeah that is basically magic to them you know they they can understand a lot it can help them understand how to make it's like if a real wizard appeared and he could teach you how to make a fighter jet and that's so cool but you're not going to learn how to cast Thunderbolt that's not how that works there are limits and that's the biggest problem here so glitches are coming out and on top of that some of them are even getting things like personalities like that mad one I mentioned earlier or some are or giving answers but they're have like Sphinx like situations or I riddle that you have to solve yeah or just you know the worst case scenario it takes a century to get how do we make a toaster Computing and then three generations later it tells you exactly what you need for a toaster it's it's well thanks I've been dead for 300 long years and it's only getting worse and it's all my toast is still in fact my toast is moldy cuz it's been 300 years dude yeah and it's nobody's fault but their own nobody made them do this no body taught them how to do this this is all them they should have stopped but they didn't and now they're reaping the consequences but that's not the only reason they're leaving because for those of you that don't know 40K is a Galaxy a lot like ours it's really cool kind of looks like the Milky Way it's split in half right now and the way tearing something in half works is it goes right through the middle so the galactic core is now even more dangerous whole leagues have just gone well because I assume the line cut through them that's it same thing is what happened to that one sister's battle Legion it just cleaved right through them and whatever was there in the middle you just and the storms in the core have gotten worse everything in the core has gotten worse the black holes have gotten unstable it's it's gone from unsurvivable to inhospitable well yeah because you take the black holes and then you add the literal chaos of chaos andh everyone on 40K everyone in 40K except for the chaos and the tyranids is on the roope and so they've had to leave they've had to interact with others or they may not be around anymore no and so those interactions have been fairly interesting the Orcs oh D they hate the Orcs they're the first ones in the book of grudges really um because they're very conservative they're very stubborn they don't like change and they they hate wastage right and the Orcs we'll just fight the Orcs are like the most wasteful things opposite of that and on top of that because because the Orcs are no like they're jokes they're very funny but they're effective jokes right so they've taken out a league and its voting before which uh they then proceeded to counter that by spending the next couple hundred years slaughtering every orc from that Clan until there was none left as an answer for that insult yeah they did not take that sitting down no they did not they they that is one of the few AI cor no you don't get that even if it may not have been mine personally I'm getting involved now MH so that's a big you're not allowed to do that yeah yeah uh they're also not fans of chaos because it makes no sense at all and it's ripped to their home in half so for obvious reasons something walked up to my house and somehow ripped it in half I wouldn't be concerned about how it ripped it in half I would say why' you rip my goddamn home in half yeah and instead of like you know it's just raw ripped in half there's just a little bit of Hell there a little smooth bit of Hell paved in you're like you brought the demons into yeah uh they hate the necrons because they keep stepping on the landmine that is sleeping necrons they CU I'll be honest these guys they they like to diggy diggy holes that's what they're good at it's what they're best at and so when they arrive at a planet it's very loud it's very sudden and it'll wake up anything sleeping and the ne necrons live in holes in the ground Neons hate being woken up early so they they usually will step on a planet and then immediately suffer for it so they're not fans of that um they actually hard fear the tyranids and not the usual oh you know it's the tyranids quake in your boots it's almost like a prey reacting to a predator it's on a different tier than them and they understand that because the the leagues there's a lot there's a lot of them if you they're all clones and you're also GNA count the robots because they're voting member and their family so if you put all those together I remember reading they have more combined than the elar and the TOA like there's a lot of tiny dudes running around huh there's a lot of them running around still critically less than humans because humans are borderline the rats they're the scaven of 40K there's so many of them there's so many of them nothing's even close but there's quite a few of them there's quite a few of these guys however they they fear the tyranids because the tyranids are they're bad it's not even like okay those guys want to hunt me for my technology those guys want to hunt me for my technology that one just wants to hunt I'm food I'm food why are I food I don't want to be food so yeah it makes sense why I mean to most things the tyranids are their natural predator honestly even Space Marines see any new trailer it's just how it is they're kind of the that guy of this setting uh or this moment right now the Imperium will work for these guys but that's usually because they pretend to be like oh yeah you know they're just they're the dumb guys who come back with my like come on they got all the supplies we need right and um that's how they operate usually um they are seen as zenos they have diverged so far from the human genome that they're seen as something alien so the inquisitors don't like inquisitors are not fans of them but inquisitors aren't fans of anything from what I've what I've heard the inquisitors are on thin ice with the ab humans so oh thin ice and they're they're not they're not even AB humans they're outright aliens yeah they're in the same category as the elar and stuff they're that distinct so yeah oh they which is funny cu the Eldar just look like twinky humans and the dwarves just look like stockier humans yeah pretty much but no they're alien kill them uh they are so so with the mechanicus because they do fuel they do fuel the mechanicus by giving them minerals and the stuff they use to make Machinery however they must always play incredibly stupid around them which is kind of a big pet peeve and it's also they have to act stupid around these people who they feel are Dumber in a sense because we may not know how to repair it but we have a person we can talk to who will teach us how to repair it and you just rubbed incense on the microwave and glued the air fryer to your junk we are not the same see as somebody who's worked a service job before I can relate yeah I that shouldn't make sense but it makes sense to anybody who's worked a service job I'm sure they'll agree promise right now they will agree and then the last uh or the town and the art they're they're fine the art they're all hoyy and toyy they they think they're that they think they're the hottest thing in the galaxy and that's because they were for five minutes there so they treat them in the same way and the TOA the TOA want to work with everyone if they can um so the tower just chill yeah there's actually a small subset of them that was kind of floating on in Canon not canon Canon not canon within the TOA Empire really yeah huh yeah so kind of as equals or as like uh uh Associates because I know the to can get weird about the people that they bring into the empire they're not jibbing you on the spot okay is my answer okay and that's kind of what we know for now they haven't had a lot of time to interact in fact a lot of people are chafed about them because uh a a lot of people feel like it's it's the TOA again where they're coming in and they're not that Grim dark and they're also doing the thing the TOA did which is being unconscionably strong on the table no like ridiculously strong i' I've heard people I wasn't obviously in the tabletop Community around the time that the tow were brought up but I've heard the tow were just like a menace to be against these guys were a menace and then GW overcorrected and now they're at the bottom now they're like okay I think is is I don't keep close tabs on that but I believe that's where it is as of recording um also like I said they're very new they're only a year old uh they came out last year a whole new addition came out in that time and they have not gotten many updates there's a book allegedly somewhere maybe possibly isn't there a coming out soon it's a rumor maybe maybe so we're we're obviously going to learn more about them as we go but that's kind of what we know for now there everything that's that's the stuff that will not change that's you you have the basic premise it's the Working Man of the future it's so great I love them so much they value just they listen to grind edits I know they do I know they they listen to like you know those those channels that pop up like it's like money motivation I know they're listening to that as they're digging a hole they're they're listening to nomy motivation to sleep/ study too pretty pretty much money pretty much all I care about is money I'll be fine as long as I have enough money yeah uh what do you think of the the space dwares they are space dwes I I okay I love I didn't used to love dwarves as much as like I do now but like rocken Stone obviously again I may not have as much experience playing the game of Deep Rock but I love the aesthetic of Deep Rock and that has just I the let's go dig a hole and find as much stuff and money as we can just it just makes me very happy if they're just some silly little guys digging a hole they fulfill it in a fun and unique way that only 40K could I oh learning about the also want to build a very short the weird AI Core thing I like that I like that a lot I want the wrong person to find the Mad one I want the worst person to find that that sounds like it'd be a good how old do you think angron and that thing would get along it's depressed more than anything else it's not it's not furiously screaming it's it's it's it's a different thing's angry all the time this is driven insane it's in the corner and it's whole just screaming all my friends are dead yeah pretty much you weren't wrong when you said it was basically having like Joker moment one one bad day is one really bad day just in the corner listening to lucid dreams on repeat yeah yeah and that uh brings an end to this episode again your choices are the ab humans and the Rogue Traders that's it I mean not one of them will make it one of them won't this is a Hell in a Cell Grudge Match not to put my thumb on the scale but I would love to see more about the ab humans I'd love to learn learn more about the ab humans just cuz you said that I think the Rogue Traders are going to win that's real unfortunate and they are going to get a video game soon so I'm sure the hype Is We I don't know we we'll see we'll see either way thank you as always for watching thank you for that cool thing that's now right behind us it's right we updated the set a little bit for those of you who watching the video if you're listening it's a plaque baby it's a cool one with our names on it and they're in the right order right and left and everything too it's great oh I love oh my God that does work out PR I got I got specific about it to make sure one of these days we're going to switch AO just to make people anxious oh yeah I've heard it does every time we do and I love it to no end but that does I'm still proud of the one bit that we did when we were like doing information on the alpha Legion I'm so excited I saw people praising us for committing to the bit for switching shirts for that and like oh God yeah such a good bit I cannot wait for the alpha Legion episode it will be it will be confusing I promise you right now it'll be the most useless episode I ever came out I'm telling you right now when I do an alpha Legion episode the goal is you walk in thinking you know about them and you leave knowing nothing I want you to conf I want you to wonder whether it was the baron Stein or the baron stain Bears levels of confusion this will be this will be the I want uh did Mandela die in prison the Mandela effect uh the video oh God one can only hope but that brings an end to this one and we will see it's actually not a very short video I was going to say short but it's not and uh thank you for that and thank you as always for being here [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Isyander & Koda
Views: 148,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vzyYh5baFYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 17sec (3617 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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