3 Creepiest Encounters with Freaky Children

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number one so this happened about nine or ten years ago but I will never forget it at the time I was an 11 or 12 year old female I was a competitive softball player and my team was nationally ranked so we traveled all over the United States to play this resulted in long car rides sometimes through the night one night in particular it was about midnight and we were on our way to a tournament in who knows where I'd been asleep in the car when we stopped at a gas station for a bathroom break my teammate and I decided to stay in the car while our moms went inside because we really didn't need to go a few moments after our moms had left and locked us in the car I noticed another car in the parking lot it was a few spaces over and was the only other car at the station at the time in this car was a middle-aged man and a little girl who must have been between six and eight years old who I assumed was his daughter because she looks strikingly similar to him I met eyes with the daughter and she smiled at me I smiled back and waved because she was adorable the little girl then said something to the man and he looked at me and smiled too I went back to minding my own business as the man went into the store and left his daughter in the car when I looked back at the little girl she was looking at me with a scared look on her face she started hitting the windows and motioning me to come over to the car instantly my adrenalin went into overdrive this girl was really acting like she needed my help my mind was racing what if this man had kidnapped her and she needed my help my initial thought was that he was her father but you never know I just had no idea what to do I turned to my friend who had gone back to sleep and tried to wake her up but she just shot me a dirty look and went back to sleep again turning back to the girl I was about to get out of the car and go and talk to her when I saw she had made eye contact with the man in the store who was just standing there watching through the window he smiled at her and nodded his head she smiled back at him and then turned back to me and instantly went back to trying to get me to come over to the car after seeing that exchange I felt like something was off it seemed like this girl was acting in the direction of the man I then decided I was not getting out of the car and would just tell my mum about it when she got back because hey I was aware that I was a little girl too and what the heck could I do next thing I know the man is returning to the car he hadn't bought anything and had basically just been standing in the window watching the whole time when he got in the car they started having a conversation occasionally glancing up at me eventually the little girl shrugged and he patted her on the shoulder they started to pull out of the parking lot and I glanced at the girl one last time and saw she was looking right at me with a huge smile I was so creeped out but I didn't tell my mum when she returned to the car because I was still so confused and shocked about what had just happened but thinking back after I had got over the initial shock I concluded that the man was using his daughter to try and lure me to the car by making me believe that she was in some type of trouble who knows what could have happened next but my guess is he would have run from the spot where he was watching us and put me in the car and drove off with me the creepiest thing is that it seems so orchestrated that I'm sure this was not the first time they have done this number two I was working 12 hour overnight shifts in a nursing home I was on the general unit that night and one of the residents was close to death when I arrived at about 6 p.m. I got a report from the day nurse who told me that Mary was circling the drain she also told me that Mary suddenly had family showing up now that she was dying unfortunately this is very common some residents live with us for years and we never saw a single one of their family members until they were dying our residents were all private paying folks that could afford 8,000 to 10,000 dollars a month for high-end nursing home care the rooms themselves look like Hilton Suites when someone was close to death family members would crawl out of the woodwork to prove how much they loved grandma and all of her jewelry apparently Mary lived with us for four years and I honestly didn't even know she had family her attorney visited regularly but he was being paid to oversee her care I went to meet the family there was a son and a grandson sitting in the room and a little great-granddaughter that must have been about seven or eight years old sitting on the floor outside of the room in the hallway the adults sat in Mary's room sleeping or playing on laptops and let the little girl run all over the unit without any supervision it was a long night the little girl wasn't afraid of the elderly residents at all I first caught her standing in another residence room stroking the face of an elderly woman I thought it was sweet that she was visiting other residents but stepped into the room and asked her to leave I told her to please go back to her great grandma's room and to not go into the other residence rooms she smiled prettily and said I liked the way her skin feels as she left the room okay so the kids a little creepy she goes back to Mary's room and I go about my duties I don't see the kid for a while and it's super late so I'm assuming they took her home about 1:00 a.m. I come out of the medication room and I see the kid standing in the hallway all by herself she's staring into another residence room but not going in I walk down the hall to send her back to her great grandma's room once again this time I'm really annoyed that her family is letting her run around at 1:00 a.m. at her age all by herself in a nursing home as I walk up to her before I can say anything she smiles at me and asks do you like to touch them completely forgetting what I wanted to say I just stare at her and say what she looks into the residence room she was standing outside of and says the old people do you like touching them when they're dead I mean I don't even know what to say to this it's dark and this kid is creepy she is way too articulate for how young she looks when I don't reply she asks does their skin feel any different when they're dead not knowing what to say to a smiling kid who just asked me if I liked touching dead bodies I just tell her again to go back to her great grandma's room she glares at me and looks angrier than I thought a kid could look but she walks back to her great grandma's room Mary died at about 4:00 a.m. I didn't see the little kid again but I was afraid I would see her in there rubbing Mary's skin the son and grandson left before the funeral home arrived to take the body but I didn't see the little girl leave with them I assume they took her home after we had our enlightening chat about how dead people feel it gave me the creeps that I never saw her leave I kept looking over my shoulder the rest of the night for that damn kid the next morning I told the same day shift nurse about how creepy the little kid was she told me I'm glad she wasn't here when I was on my shift I just had the son and the grandson she swore that the little girl was not there on her shift I guess she must have arrived after my shift started then it was as I drove home that I realized that I had not seen anyone else interact with this kid all night except for me I never saw anyone else talked to her and I never actually walked her into Mary's room I also didn't confront her family about the kids actions because I didn't want to seem rude complaining about their kid when their loved one was dying the family had never mentioned the kid at any time when I was in the room caring for Mary and nobody saw her leave with the Sun or the grandson needless to say I didn't sleep well that night every night at work from then on I always keep an eye out for creepy little girls kids and hospitals and medical facilities still creeped me out to this day number three please note that articles about this final story can be found in the description of this video this story didn't happen to me personally as it happened right around the time I was born however my mother and a number of my other relatives experienced this encounter and it's certainly spine-chilling enough to write about in the late 80s a teenage boy would pass by my family's house every day on his way to and from school he lived a few blocks away from my family's house he was never seen walking with another person according to my mum he always appeared to be extremely lonely and sad and she felt really bad for him he was my cousin's gym locker partner at school as well and my cousin apparently confirmed the general perception that this kid was very quiet and isolated from virtually everybody then one day a friend went to visit the Saboo house where he lived with his cousin in his aunt the friend left the house in a panic and went straight to the police department with an interesting souvenir a severed and skinned human head the culprits the sad boy and his cousin it turns out there was a runaway girl living in their house and thus a boy suggested over breakfast one morning that they kill the girl so they laid down newspapers in the basement and the sad boy stabbed the girl while the cousin held her still and then they dismembered her the cousin even cut off one of her index fingers and wore it as a charm around his neck then they showed the aforementioned friend the decapitated head god knows what prompted her to physically bring the head to the station shop can do some crazy things to the human mind the sadboys cousin stated that they were involved in devil worship but that the girls killing was not part of a ritual or anything like that they just did it on a whim it terrifies me to this day that this boy who while eating breakfast came up with the idea of wantonly killing someone walked by my house every day for several years I can't stand the profile that lonely or quiet people are dangerous that is absolutely utterly untrue however in this case I think the sad boy obviously had some serious serious issues going on which contributed to his overall demeanor hi guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening video production has been quite slow lately but I plan on stepping it up again and I'll have another video for you guys very very soon stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 607,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creepy, scary, true, real, dead, death, love, romance, new, best, most, horror, audiobook, Halloween, Valentines, date, dating, lyrics, song, music, fnaf, freddy's, minecraft, disturbing, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, photographs, girlfriend, baby, obama, crazy, blood, fails, drunk, deep web, gone wrong, internet, top 5, top 10, creepypasta, 4chan, reddit, list, countdown, god, before bed, nightmare, who, how to, lazy, cults, scariest, encounters, Survival Horror (Media Genre)
Id: dNqhlK8HEqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2015
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