4 Horrifyingly Close Calls with REAL Psychopaths

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number one when I was 16 years old I was at a very low point in my life and I ended up getting hospitalized for four months over the summer the doctors were afraid that my heart would give out if I did so much as walk so if I wanted to go anywhere I had to call a nurse to take me in a wheelchair my mum and dad visited me every day not always together whenever my mum came alone she would take me out in a wheelchair to the beach access behind the hospital so I could get some fresh air and look at the lake one day my mum had come by to visit and she took me out to the beach as usual while we were waiting for the elevator down from the ward a man stopped my mum and me your daughter has such beautiful black hair the way he said it gave me chills kind of in a buffalo bill esque I want to wear it kind of way my mum thanked him and chatted a bit but I just looked the other way and ignored him I could feel his eyes on me though we all pile into the elevator and as soon as the doors closed I feel something tugging at my hair I glanced over and I realized that the guy is playing with my hair I'm pretty creeped out here but I don't want to cause a scene just in case he has a mental disorder and can't help himself so I just leaned over as far as I could in my wheelchair so that he couldn't reach me without alerting my mum anyway we reached the bottom get off and my mum and I start wheeling over to the beach while the guy just stands there by the elevator and watches us go I told my mum what he did and she said that she would make sure to do something if we ever saw him again now after that we kept seeing him always by the elevator he'd make a comment about how beautiful my hair is and my mum would nod politely we'd get inside the elevator and he'd try play with my hair but my mum would move in the way so that he wouldn't be able to we get off and he'd just watch us roll out this happened quite frequently it was creepy but we decided he was harmless that was until about a month later we went down to the beach as usual and this time we didn't see him at the elevator but we didn't think much of it at some point my mum had to use the restroom and it was mutually decided I was old enough to take care of myself for three minutes I was sitting in my wheelchair looking out over at the lake and enjoying the Sun when I started getting pushed thinking it was my mum I turned around to ask for five more minutes but no it wasn't my mum it's the [ __ ] guy he's pushing me towards the bushes and the look on his face is predatory I scream but the only other people out there are in a canoe in the water they can't hear a thing so I make a decision I decide if I'm going to die I'd rather it be a part failure then buy this dude's hand so I get up out of the wheelchair and I start sprinting towards the restrooms I look behind me to see if he's following and fortunately he's not he's just standing by the wheelchair looking shocked I guess he thought I was paralyzed I make it back to my mum who'd run out of the toilet as soon as she heard me screaming we both look back and the guy is running away like there's a rocket up his arse my mum carried me on her back to the wheelchair and then we rushed to inform the hospital staff they put a watch out and for the next few months their security hanging around the elevator on my floor but he never came back number two back in 2009 I lived in the Greater Cleveland Ohio area I was really into the car game yu-gi-oh which I'm sure as you all know is an animated TV show as well for the few amongst you who don't know it's your standard fighting deck-building car game but that's besides the point I used to go to yugioh tournaments with my older brother at my local game shop and there were a fair share of odd people who went most of the people who attended weekly had nicknames because that's what it was like on the TV show my brother got the nickname igloo because he played a penguin deck and he was super pale one time I went to the tournament without my brother I played this older guy whose nickname was the mermaid the mermaid was relatively short heavyset and usually very quiet from the moment we started the first game I knew he was strange he kept telling me how good I was at the game how he liked my die set and a lot of weird things unrelated to the game I lost the first game and he was pretty pleased with himself for beating a thirteen-year-old but I wasn't gonna whine about it the second game though I absolutely crushed him and he seemed pretty pissed right before we started the third game things got uncomfortable he talked very quietly as he held my hand in a very tight grip how about we make a wager or something you mean four cards I replied breaking free from his hand he spoke softly if I win I'll Drive you home and if you win I'll buy you a booster pack I wasn't a stupid kid there was no way I was going to get in a stranger's car and besides I lived three blocks away before I could say anything the owner of the store came over to our game and asked him what he was doing the mermaid went silent the owner whispered in my ear if he gives you any more trouble come to me and I'll kick him out for good I won the third game thus kicking him out of the tournament he left right after the game after he was gone I asked the owner why he was called the mermaid oh him his first names Ariel like in the Little Mermaid it started out as a joke and kind of just turned into his nickname I thought nothing of it until May 2013 when three girls escaped the house of a Cleveland man who had been keeping them in captivity for years his name was Ariel Castro and I could have been the next number three this is a story that I've heard from multiple members of my family I don't know the timeline or any details about the case but I know that it's definitely true I had an aunt who lived in Cleveland Ohio and worked for some sort of agency helping convicted criminals rebuild their lives after getting out of jail I don't know the name of the place she worked but I know they were involved in the employment of felons as well as lower criminals my aunt worked directly with the clients finding out what kind of things they were qualified to do what skills they might have what they enjoyed that kind of thing she had a lot of experience talking to people who had done terrible things in their lives but she never judged them for it nor did she ever assume they would continue with their criminality the agency had a check for the clients to see if they were genuinely interested in changing their lives so most of them really just wanted help in becoming legitimate she had one client who had a very hard time with transportation he didn't live anywhere near a bus station and thus had a hard time getting to and from the agency as well as to any job in the months that my aunt worked with this man they became friendly and at one point she offered to help him with transportation when she could this is how she ended up picking him up and dropping him off at his own house I assume that wherever they found a job that this guy was close by to where my aunt worked so she would just take him on her way home she said that he was always nice enough kind of quiet and eccentric but nothing too strange at one point when she dropped him off he invited her in for a drink or something but their professional relationship disallowed her from doing so after a while this guy apparently got on his own beat and left the agency fending for himself my aunt pretty much forgot about it after some period of time I'm not sure how long exactly perhaps anywhere from a few months to a year or two my aunt sees this guy's face on the TV the police had stormed his house after some complaints from his neighbors and found a horror show inside he had murdered something like seven girls and women and hid their bodies beneath his floorboards according to the forensics his victims had been killed at different times ranging from the very recent to before my aunt had even known him this guy was actively killing at the time she was driving him to and from his house I don't think my aunt would still be alive today if she had actually taken him up on his offer for a drink inside number four this happened about a year ago from 2013 to 2015 I work night shift security at an RV resort I was on my way to work one night when my front driver side tire blew out on a long narrow dirt road it was around 10:30 p.m. so it was pretty dark I live in a very secluded area in upstate Florida and this road wasn't near any neighborhoods and had only a few streetlights my shift started at 11:00 so I called up the manager and told her I might be a little bit late because I had to change the tire after I got that squared away I pulled out my car jack and started to position it underneath my ranger I was about to start cranking away when I saw the dim glow of some golf cart headlights approaching me from down the street in the direction I had just come from I was thinking that it was probably a local wondering what was going on and maybe they would be nice enough to give me a hand the golf cart stopped behind my truck I stood up from where I was crouching and said hey there one of my tires just blew out you wouldn't mind giving me a hand would you I'm kind of running late for work the person in the golf cart didn't respond and then I heard them exiting the golf cart the person came within the headlights of their own golf cart the light was so dim it was kind of hard to see but he looked like a middle-aged man with no shirt on so I could clearly see his beer gut I could also make out that he had hairy legs and I could see that something was dangling under his massive stomach turns out he was completely naked that's something I could have lived my entire life without seeing but the man seemed to be holding something in his hands I only caught a quick look at the object but I could tell that the thing this man was holding looked like a machete the man didn't say a word as he started to slowly walk towards me I quickly jumped back into my truck started her up and note the buck out of there I didn't have time to grab my carjack so I just left it behind my truck was lopsided from the deflated tire and it awkwardly excelled forward I could see in my interior mirror that the headlights of the golf cart were close behind me despite my truck having a flat tire it was still going a decent speed but so was the golf cart that was tailing me so in a split-second decision I slammed the brakes of my Ranger and not even a second later I heard and belt the golf cart smash into my rear end I rolled down my window and shouted [ __ ] you creep and I sped off into the night I managed to get to work on time I [ __ ] up my rim pretty bad though I explained everything to the manager and the cops were called they searched the roads but found no signs of the guy or his golf cart but they did find my car jack which was returned to me other than a few minor dents the back of my truck didn't look too bad at all I'm sure that the golf cart had it 10 times worse he had to be going full speed when it crashed into me I'm surprised he was able to drive away after that I've come to the conclusion that this weirdo must have been on a serious meth eye because that area has that kind of reputation I no longer own that truck or work at that site anymore so bare arse overweight machete-wielding psychopath for the love of God put on some [ __ ] pants hi guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening if you missed it I released a Q&A video a few days ago so be sure to check that out if you feel so inclined it does get a bit ridiculous but it was a lot of fun to record so thanks for all the questions you guys sent in if you enjoyed this video then be sure to smash that like button and you'll hear from me again very very soon stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 879,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary, creepy, disturbing, horror, true, real, best, new, most, caught on tape, of all time, ghost, ghosts, haunted, psycho, cult, 4chan, 2chan, reddit, story, stories, top 5, top 10, dead, death, love, romance, lyrics, song, music, baby, fnaf, creepypasta, audiobook, Halloween, how to, why, who, Valentine's, summer, terrifying, shocking, before bed, nightmare, meme, evil, blood, crazy, fails, drunk, obama, trump, photos, pictures, from hell, ex, funny, scariest, creepiest, video on youtube, deep web, party, rob dyke
Id: yePrQmut2jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2016
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