4 things that will change your life - Grant Cardone

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four things i want to share with you that changed everything for me number one i started studying super successful people not mediocre successful people super successful people because prior to this i had been studying anyone that had any level of success now i grew up in the middle class how many grew up in the middle class good i grew up where we had bicycles my mom had a car we had gasoline in the car we had food i had i was fed three meals a day my dad died when i was 10 years old my mother was there to take care of me i came from a really good household okay there was plenty of love there was a lot of nurturing there was plenty of food there was something in the refrigerator at all times there was some guidance you understand what i'm saying so the first thing i did was i started studying successful people and i discovered something at 25 years old when my life when my life and my business weren't working well that that that super successful people was they they used a different way to build their business than i was using i was stuck mostly in a sales cycle from the age of 25 when i started my first company at 29 actually until the age of 45 for those 20 years i was stuck in a sales cycle and what i studied about super successful people is they spent a lot of money a lot of money marketing and advertising okay [Music] now my mom was telling me not to do this my brothers my sisters the people surrounding me the people i work with were not spending money on marketing and advertising okay number two successful people successful people are not seeking money they're seeking freedom [Music] i'm talking about the top of the food chain you guys should be studying the top of the food chain you should not be studying your buddies study the top of the food chain they are available for study read everything they've done if i read warren buffett i take warren from the beginning to the end and i read everything he's done i go i go deep on one guy i don't study a bunch of people in the beginning i'm like is the dude about money no the guy was about freedom what is freedom freedom man i get to do what i want when i want as long as i want how i want i get to say what i want to whoever i want and i get to cut a customer out of my face if i want to how many of you like to get rid of some of your customers like get out of my office leave my office i don't want to do business with you okay i want i want to do business on my terms not your terms and not the marketplace's terms and i don't want a competitor pushing on me i want to have enough flow coming in that i get to say i don't want this business anymore i want this business everybody with me okay that's freedom financial freedom is not about money three the third thing the super successful do is they master income creation i was asked this morning i left my home at four o'clock in the morning i was on a plane at five okay and a guy asked me he's like dude why are you still cranking so hard because i don't have any money i'm always broke i reinvest all the money every time i get any money sitting in accounts i take it and invest it in hard assets illiquid assets illiquid so that i cannot get that money that's what keeps me motivated folks i get money liquid money if it's not used what it's useless take it and i buy a hard asset that produces income i'm broke i gotta go hustle again okay the fourth thing to mastering income is this and this is the holy grail the holy grail of your business if you want to grow your business learn to follow up follow up follow up way more than you ever imagined follow up i'm talking 12 follow-up calls or 25 follow-up calls [Music] i'm talking calling somebody every month or even twice a month long after they weren't interested you would keep following up do you have a good product do you have a product people need do you have a service people need do you have a good company yes then learn to follow up nobody taught you guys how to follow up in fact you were taught not to what were you taught don't bother people you don't bother anybody don't pester people right or wrong okay you don't want to nag people you don't want to beg for the business but what happens in most cases people just don't they look like they don't care because they don't follow it think today when you leave here hey how do i grow my business ten times not one or two times how could i scale my business out so that i have maybe you have a hundred customers or two hundred customers how could i have two thousand customers you got two thousand how could i have twenty thousand customers this is what the big companies do you got four employees that you don't like how can i have 40 employees and have somebody else handle the 40 that i don't like because what's happening right now is people are scaling down when they should be scaling up [Music] you got people trying to be solopreneurs how many of you you got a small shop it's just you and maybe a half a person anybody in the room you can't you can't can't survive like that [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 179,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, 10x, money, finance, business, sales, motivation, yt:cc=on, WeAre10X, 10XNation, 10XStrong, 10XLife, 10XEverything, life, success
Id: ppp0YeI38lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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