How to get to the Next Level in your Life - Grant Cardone

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you may not know this but i have a big sensitivity towards women because i was raised i was dependent upon my mother my mother took care of me and when my my father passed i remember walking i'm like this tall you know i'm like sabrina's size or scarlet size and i would wander into my mom's bedroom and and i would just stand over her and to make sure she was still breathing because i just lost my dad so i'm just like am i going to lose my mom too right so i had this tremendous dependency on this woman that would raise myself my twin brother and three other kids and so i've always had this connection with women i have two older sisters that mentored me me and guided me and when i was lost and struggling and wandering around they you know one of my sisters came up to me and said what are you doing you know and just like oh because and i didn't even have an answer for it so i went about putting my life together at 25 and i would not meet elena for 20 years is that right elena 20 plus years and and and when i met her i by the way i met a bunch of women along the way that that that i wanted to be my wife but i wasn't ready and elena's probably talked about this about you got to get you ready if you're getting junk in your life is because you have some junk in your life and nothing bad happening to you it's happening because of you you know it's basically oh wow it's just a reminder you hate it but like wow god damn why did that guy do that to me why did that person do that to me why did that person rip me off because because you still have some of that junk in your life at least i did maybe you don't maybe bad it's just happening to you you're just a victim you know well i decided i didn't just want to be a victim that it was actually better for me to be in a position to say oh no i'm making that happen to me because if i'm a victim oh my god i can't even change it so i couldn't find the right woman and trust me ladies i was trying but but it was but it was mostly like i was literally just trying to find this woman that i could do something with keep in mind i didn't have kids until i was 51 years old so so i knew i didn't have kids because i knew i wasn't ready to be a father i was married to this business to this dream that i had and when i met elena i you know and i always talk to you guys about man to get somewhere else you must leave where you are you will never you will never and i'm going to tell you this for everybody in the room you will never ever experience great change in your life unless you're willing to give up something that you have right now every single time in my life i have had to give up something i wanted some i'm not talking about getting rid of the bad stuff you got to get rid of something that you actually worked for to get might have been the house it might have been oh my kids are in the best schools now it's gonna be something painful for you to get to the next place you have to give up something that you worked for really really hard so i sold my house one day i had this cognition hey to get what you want you have to give up what you have that has been true for me throughout my entire life i had to leave lake charles louisiana went went to houston had to leave houston once i got comfortable with my community and my friends had to leave san diego had to go to la la is a pit compared to la jolla nobody goes from la jolla california up to los angeles nobody does that you'll leave kansas city to go to los angeles because you want to be an actor i met elena within five minutes of arriving in l.a i sold my house i sold my house i didn't leave it vacant as a backup plan i left this house okay like i couldn't buy this house today if i wanted to it was so like it was a precious little treasure i had to give that up by the way i had to give up being the mayor of my little town everybody knew me it wasn't a restaurant i couldn't walk into i could always get a seat i could always get the best seat i had it right in my hand this is what i'm telling you guys you have to be willing to give something up and the moment you do you better have your partner on your side whoever's in your life mom whoever's the big influence that significant other person in your life that you're going to consult that everybody's going to consult every one of you are going to hey what do you think should i you better have that person on your side in my case i was by myself so my consultant was like you gonna do this dog i called my buddy dale dale you think i should he's like you're miserable bro you got everything you want and you're miserable he's like what do you have to risk sold the house went to los angeles lived in a hotel i went from a house on the ocean to living in a hotel uh the hotel room was probably like i don't know maybe the size of this stage so please please do whatever you got to do this weekend to figure out whatever you got to do to get rid of whatever is holding you back most of which is something you worked hard to get okay maybe before the weekend's over you could write down two or three or four things you worked really hard to get that you think you're supposed to keep you got them already you got it you already did that you don't have to keep it that thing that you're trying to keep may be keeping you away from the thing you need to become thank you so much for having me here elena i love you to death thank you [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 63,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, 10x, money, finance, business, sales, motivation, yt:cc=on, WeAre10X, 10XNation, 10XStrong, 10XLife, 10XEverything, goals, change, inspire, next level, life goals, career goals, big dreams, inspiration, motivational, relationship goals, ideal relationship, sacrifice, compromise, relationships
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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