How I went from $3,000 to $2.5 Billion in Real Estate - Live Training with Grant Cardone

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[Music] hey welcome and welcome and happy fourth of july to everyone real quick while you guys load up and here i just want to talk to these people on instagram my friends on instagram uh happy fourth of july everyone hope you're doing well today a lot of people thought including my staff that i was just going to re-run a recording of an event i did two weeks ago 118 000 people showed up for it if you're on instagram i'm about to i'm not about to drop into a real estate free real estate webinar training and i'm doing this on the 4th of july weekend everybody's like why would you do it this weekend hey look you got to get your money right you know in the united states of america this is a very very special day it's about independence um and i'm gonna take it down here in a second johnny it's about independence but the truth is just because you live in this country does not mean you have independence the only way to truly get independence is financial freedom you get financial freedom and you could literally almost probably have independence on anywhere on the planet if you had enough wealth enough assets if you made money in your sleep if you could figure that game out and i'm not saying it's easy but i will tell you it's worth figuring out because if you can't figure this game out how are you going to figure out how to live a life without money and without money making you money while you're sleeping it's very very difficult to live on this planet to get along on this planet to take care of your kids your family to take care of your own personal health to to keep a marriage going to keep a business going to keep a position going dude it's tough to do it if you got money it's almost impossible if you don't so what i wanted to do today for you guys on instagram i'm going to shut this off here in a second but i'm going live i think there's a link below that you can come spend two hours with me if you could spend more than two hours with me cool but if you could spend 30 minutes 60 minutes two hours with me there's a five hour webinar and i'll give it to you if you can stay for the whole thing if you take advantage of our offer at the end i'll give you the entire recording you can go eat it it's your own consumption plus i'm going to add 16 hour video program if you want to take care or take advantage of the offer so many people responded to what i did three weeks ago that i'm doing it again today and i want to make sure that you get it that you hear it that your family has it and that you get a chance to do this because the truth is july the 4th you guys been burning hot dogs and hamburgers uh for barbecues getting drunk on the weekends you've done it what 30 or 40 times like when you when you're gonna when you're gonna up the game and break the cycle of financial poverty when are you gonna break this mental the cycle of scarcity in your life and the only true way to do that is to have assets to have assets that create financial freedom for you and your family not work you cannot create wealth through work or commissions you can be the greatest salesperson in the world most of them do not get wealthy they get rich okay they don't get wealthy and they're worried the whole time so the way to create wealth what i'm talking about is wealth wealth comes from the word health that's where the word comes from actually health comes from wealth these words were combined back in the day meaning i needed i needed a money and assets in order to provide me with a well-beingness that's where the word wealth comes from so you guys on instagram hit the link below rei i'm gonna eliminate this now and go straight to uh this presentation uh so please take advantage of it if you don't want to do it for yourself man do it for the people you love if you're like man i can't i can't do this do it for your damn mom and dad do it for your last name do it for your kids you don't have to do everything for yourself do it for your church or your charity do it for do it to be the example do it to become a hero in your in your family so people ask me man what superhero would you be man if it's superman batman i'd be bruce wayne bro i got a better chance of being bruce wayne than i do superman because kryptonite don't exist that that that planet don't exist what was bruce wayne's superpower what's batman's superpower rich period and the the money that he had he used to buy the tools that he needed in in the mythological batman so the point point of my story is you got a better chance of being wealthy than you have do it being wonder woman or superman because those are fictional characters as is batman but there are some rich people on this planet and you could be one of them you ain't gonna be lebron you ain't gonna be a-rod i don't know that you want to be you're not going to be j.lo don't know that you want to be her you're probably not going to make it to the kardashian level but you could you could do what i'm going to share with you or here today even if you have no credit and no money i can show you how to start the real estate game and create wealth at it okay all right let's do this okay so hey welcome aboard everybody that came here today i'm a couple minutes early uh we promised to start this at 12 o'clock happy fourth of july independence day in america okay i want to tell you a little story real quick uh some of you that might have been with me three weeks ago i am doing this again today because the response from the audience was overwhelming like we have never done an event where people are like hey bro i couldn't be there hey i i thought you were going to do like an hour and i couldn't uh you did five hours and i couldn't be there the whole time so i want to make sure you and your family get this information but first i want to tell you a little story okay today is what july 3rd tomorrow's the 4th yes 17 years ago i was getting married this weekend right 17 years ago yeah 17 years ago elaine and i were getting married uh 17 years ago many of you didn't know me 17 years ago 2004 i had one house i had three employees one house and i had two apartment buildings this is 2004. i was getting married that day man we were in bliss we were happy uh you know we were like elena's crying and i had finally scored my queen and we did it at the house didn't go to a hotel had a bunch of friends over there and i thought i was doing pretty good in my life back then and and we had a great house i lived up in hollywood hills in los angeles no kids at the time bunch of friends cool man thanks johnny thanks for that shot man i'm looking my my hair is all black okay and and uh god i remember buying those earrings for elena man they were like i don't know like 600 bucks i was terrified to spend 600 i owned one house that i had that i had dead on and i owned two apartment buildings two little apartment deals they were really tiny apartment deals like if you would have told me in 2004 that in 2021 i would own 10 000 apartments two homes uh i don't even know how many companies that we have today seven businesses five thousand one hundred and thirteen investors that we send money to every month like where my life has gone from then to there in only 17 years 17 years is not a long time folks i know it might seem like a lot if you're 17 years old you're like oh 17 years a long time trust me bang you're gonna look up and you'll be like i'm 34 years old that guy that guy told me it was gonna fly by that fast if you knew if you could go from where i was then to where i am today if you did every single thing that i had done over the last 17 years i guarantee you you would go from where i was and you probably go further than where i am today and i came here today on my july 4th on my wedding anniversary weekend i came in here today to do this for you because i know how important this information is for i don't know 35 years i've been working with companies teaching salespeople sales organizations sales strategies the most important thing i am doing in my career today is two one number one taking care of my personal self number two taking care of my kids being a good example for my kids and the third thing i'm doing is teaching this thing called real estate this real estate thing i'm telling you it's the most important thing i'm going to do in my lifetime because it's going to create wealth one of two ways for you either you're going to invest you're going to learn how to invest you're going to learn how to invest in real estate yourself i've been i've been banging on this real estate thing now for the last i don't know i've been telling you guys to buy real estate for what five or six seven years just go back and look at some of the old stuff five six seven years ago i was telling you what was going to happen in real estate i was telling you about uh income investment properties i was telling you about cat the importance of cash flow over and over again 17 years ago i owned two apartment buildings today we own i don't even know how many units i mean how many different buildings i've done 50 some ideals three billion dollars worth of real estate okay 2004 to 2008 me and elena were just in bliss in our relationship that was that early honeymoon stage and then 2008 came okay which all of you guys remember is the housing crisis the biggest housing crisis in america's history well what you guys don't know is that real estate that i own those two apartment deals if i would not have owned those two apartment deals i would not have gotten through 2008 the apartments that i owned the cash flow apartments that i owned actually allowed us to get through 2008 9 and 10. okay and what i did back in 2000 2008 is we went from two apartments to i think we own 26 20 20 28 apartment buildings uh 10 almost 10 000 units uh two point probably 2.5 billion dollars of value today every one of these things cash flows all 28 apartments cash flow some of them cash flow uh 100 grand a month some of them throw off hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars every month and they have done that for 17 years do the math on that okay just think like this think you got it you got to start thinking about where am i going to be five years from now three years from now where's my family going to be i mean do you really think that the income you earn this year will pay you income next year it doesn't work like this okay you earn income government hacks it by 50 in most states okay after the federal government and the state some places it's 63 percent so if you earn 10 000 in new york city you end up with forty three hundred bucks or uh forty seven hundred dollars out of ten thousand now here's the worst part of that i can hear you guys the worst part of that i can hear you the worst part of that is the 4700 earns you no money next month okay you don't get more money next month from that forty seven hundred you live on that boom you probably spend it all see in real estate what happens when when i take ten thousand dollars and i invest ten thousand dollars into a real estate deal and let's say it pays me 470 next month because i made an investment of 10 grand whatever i'm just making up a number or 47 or four dollars or whatever it's going to do me that in august september october november and then all you got to do is start adding years 21 22 23 24 25 and the rents start going up so by the time i get to year 2024 the rents have doubled maybe every 10 years in the state of florida every 10 years for the last five decades in the state of florida multi-family apartment buildings have doubled in value why do they do that because real estate's hot no not really they do it because the rents go up when rents go up the value of the property goes up and i've been telling you guys this story now for a long time in your backyard in your neighborhood within three miles of where you live if you just take wherever you are right now and maybe you're renting and this is you and if you just draw like a three mile radius three to five mile radius i wouldn't i'd go three miles three mile radius around you i'll guarantee you there's a deal you're living in an apartment right now and you're paying 1200 bucks a month it could be to deal you could be the place you're living in right now somebody who owns the property that you're in right now first deal i ever underwrote was the deal that i rented i rented for 275 a month the first single deal that i ever underwrote uh was the deal that i that i rented when i was out of school in lake charles louisiana i rented from charlie whitman and i tried i underwrote the deal to figure out what charlie was making on the deal that i owned i think he paid like ten thousand dollars for the apartment he paid ten thousand dollars so this is this is how you can start start where you are start where in the market where you are with where you live with whatever finances you have you have no money you have no credit no problem people every day buy real estate with no money and no credit you can't you can't go get a business loan with no money and no credit but you can buy real estate with no money and no credit happens every single day of the year and most people don't even know this so watch it he paid ten thousand dollars for that unit and he rented it for 275 a month times 12 months and still owns it this is 40 40 years later so i don't know what that paid him 275 a month times 12. in the first year he made 3 300 in in 10 years he made 33 000 if the rent was still 275 okay but the rent's not 275. the rent on that duplex that i used to live in today is 1200 a month 1200 times 12 14 000. today he makes 14 000 still today 35 years later 40 years later he makes 14 grand a year on something he paid 10 000 for 40 years ago this has been going on for 40 years just multiply that number times 40. let's take 12 000 times 40 okay 12 000 a year times 40 years oops 12 000 times 40 i mean we all know what that is right it's a half a million dollars that's what he's earned he was a teacher that's the duplex right there johnny thanks for finding that and appreciation dude he and who knows what it's worth okay now that's just the first part of it that's the cash flow but there's so many other benefits here what we got johnny what we got can somebody give me a number uh uh maybe send it in on a little notepad um so so that's just the first part of it okay one part of it is the income that little duplex that johnny just showed you okay okay one is the income okay two is forever income this isn't like this isn't a job real estate's not a job real estate is owning an asset this is forever income you understand as long as you own it and take care of it take care of the property take care of the tenant take care of the debt this is forever income and so when people talk about passive income i'm like passive income is not important passive income forever is important i die right now i got 10 000 apartments times eighteen hundred and fifty bucks a month and going up the rents are going up not down so well i don't know what that is do the math ten thousand times eighteen fifty it's uh whoa it's 18.5 million dollars a month do you understand that in 10 years that number is going to be more like 30 million a month and my debt's not going up my debt's staying here but the rents are going up so the income just see this right here this is how you create wealth man it's called the delta the delta between the fixed asset debt and the increase in rents we all know rent's going up there's no way 10 years from now the rents are going to be less on the properties i own than not that's what i'm telling you please pay attention today okay now what i'm going to do is i'm going to give you five hours of content right now i know you're not going to be able to eat it all i know most of you will be like man i can't stay that long that's cool that's all right but understand i get the income i get the forever income i get the tax write-offs you show me a wealthy person doesn't know this part of the game you won't you don't have there's not one person that creates wealth without one having assets that create wealth and number two that know how to freaking jam the tax code most real estate investors that i know if not all of them they will all tell you okay the reason they love real estate is the income's forever it's a real asset and they're always going to say this dude those tax write-offs like it is the best freaking thing in the universe remember this when you have income okay your biggest expense once you have income the next question is going to be expenses okay what's the biggest expense to every household in america and around the world if you live in france what's your biggest expense if you live in the uk canada you guys just to the north of us what's your biggest expense it's not bread it's tax it's taxes okay people like man inflation man bread's more expensive don't worry about the bread man you gotta eat you need to worry about the damn taxes how they steal from you okay how the government takes your production and charges you for being better they literally take from you if you get better and earn more money when my real estate goes up in value you know what i get i get tax write-offs because i pick the right stuff so look july 4th weekend is about independence this is independence day okay the most important movie i ever saw in my life was made today independence day with will smith i've seen that damn movie i don't even know how many times him dragging that alien through the desert so look i want to help you guys with this okay i want to help you and i want you to make sure you understand this game if you have no money no problem if you have no credit no problem if you have no knowledge you got a problem i know people that have done this with no money and no credit and have created wealth for themselves and their family so a couple things today we're gonna make you an offer everybody just understand there's i don't know five or six thousand people in here right now i'm gonna make you an offer today it is an insane offer it is so insane that if you don't take advantage of it okay you really need to go check yourself because this is an insane freaking crazy offer the website is grant forward slash invest i'm going to give you my 16 hour complete video series it's 10 000 on my website i'm going to give it to you and then 30 days from now no no 25 days from now 23 days from now you're gonna come to miami or you're going to join me online and i'm going to deliver a three-day event to you where i break down all of the strategies in investing in real estate i'm going to give you 16 hours so you can start today i'm also going to give you a recording of what i'm going to do today that's five hours and 20 minutes so that if you can't sit down because you got family or kids or something's going on you had a commitment or a customer that you have the five hours today plus the 16 hour full video series a book about this thick to go through that i'll deliver to you online and i'm going to give you coaching calls between now and uh the event okay there'll be four private coaching calls uh not six as this was reported so i just want to be completely clear to everybody i'll probably throw a couple a couple of extras in there if you guys want to attend so don't worry about that but i'm gonna support you over the next three or four weeks because at the end of the month the 23rd i think of july if you want to fly to miami cool we can do it in person and you can be here there'll be about a thousand investors there's going to be a you know lenders in the room there's going to be super super high qualified joint venture opportunities maybe you have a deal that you can't get the funding for i'm going to have lenders in the room that you're going to meet you're going to get to meet some lenders you're also going to see sellers in the room people that actually have property and they're going to talk to you about what they look for in a buyer how you need to talk to them approach them call them what you need to say what an loi looks like how to underwrite a deal how to get debt on a deal how to pick the exact right bank for your deal how to actually bring investors together so that investors can invest with you if you don't have money so i'm going to do all that for you for what is it 9.97 it's a stupid price i think they even have to pay option on it if you can't pay all of it today whatever okay it's a it's got a money back guarantee everything you're cool in this deal don't not do this deal i'm telling you i will never make this offer again ever and i came in today on my wedding anniversary on my july 4th just like your july 4th because what i'm going to share with you today is a game changer for you and your family i would love to i'd love to meet you at the end of the month i'd love to do a deal with you i can't do deals without partners okay last thing i'm going to say before i start before we lock into this deal real estate is a partnership game real estate is not go by yourself game any of you out there i'm going to do this deal by myself i want to do it by myself nobody owns a 100 of the real estate ever so quit thinking you're going to be the only owner you need debt you're going to have this is going to be your biggest partner right here your biggest and cheapest partner is your lender okay it goes like this most important thing is the deal then the debt then the the the equity or cash most of you do this out of order you go try to find the money first no no you find the deal first then the debt then the equity okay the tenants is the last thing i need to worry about tenants come after this properties are built you don't even have a tenant what you have is the deal the location then the debt then the equity this is exactly how the big guys do it i'm going to show you today how the big guys do it don't you don't need to follow what the little guys do man follow what the big guys do they never fail so then we get a tenant so i'm going to show you in this order today most important thing is you get a deal the debt follows the deal this is a key partnership the second thing you need is investors in your deal this is mom dad uncle brother if you don't have family that has money like i had family my family i couldn't even call my family because my mom my mom said don't do business with family so it's a shame because when my family finally got on board i made them rich so i should have been pitching my family because look i still own real estate i got real estate i got real estate today that i've owned i mean we've paid it off twice refinanced it we don't have any money in it the returns on her are infinite like like like it's like it's it's the single best business that i own because it keeps paying you forward keeps taking care of you keeps funding your activities it works when you sleep this stuff works when you die warren buffett said man you got to learn how to make money when you sleep you need to learn how to make money when you're dead okay all right so that's what sam walton sam walton still got six of his kids or on the fortune 500 list every damn year and sam has been done for years look at walt disney okay walt disney was a damn real estate pay howard hughes howard hughes has been dead what 40 years howard still owns half a damn las vegas so look you cannot show me somebody that hasn't create wealth that doesn't store some of that money in real estate the difference today is real estate today particularly in america can provide you and your family with cash flow passive income forever okay so we want i want to show you how to get partners how do you get partners get around people come be with me in july i'm going to show you debt partners i'm going to show you investor partners and i'm going to show you if you would bring the right deals to the room bring the right deals to the room i cannot do deals in tulsa and oklahoma city dallas fort worth i cannot do deals in covina california or new jersey without you if you're in new jersey and you know the market and you're getting deals bring me the deal i need a partner on the ground that can manage the property fill the property handle the property underwrite the property do the due diligence but you need to know how i look at deals i can get the money i can get the money and i can get the debt but i need somebody on the ground that can get the deal i got 10 000 apartments right now i want to go to 50 000. like to go to 100. so that's why we're doing the july event the july event is not a sales event the july event is a get together networking event so you and i can do deals so you can meet the right lenders find the right deals get the right money if i don't do your deal there's going to be other people in that room that can do deals there's going to be a lot of big shot apartment people big thinkers in the room so take advantage of the offer today forward slash invest it's a stupid offer invest i'm going to give you the introduction course the real estate summit the ultimate real estate resource book i don't know if we have the real estate resource book here um but it's like this thick like of of underwriting psas due diligence of points uh lease agreements uh even a list of all the places to find deals when i go to call a broker where to find the deal that's in there as well as you spend three days with me if you can't travel don't want to travel scared to travel stay home i'll zoom it to you the whole three days and i'm going to give you today's five hour and 20 minute recording okay get your get yourself right now and if you don't want to take advantage of any of that no problem take advantage of today if you don't want to take advantage of anything i just offered no it's cool it's fine okay if you knew what i knew you would know that it's a mistake but it's cool i understand you don't have to do anything today i'm encouraging you to it's got a money-back guarantee if you don't like it boom i'll just send you the money back not a problem but if you don't do it grab a pen right now get up get up get a legal pad tell your kids to leave you alone for the next two hours say just leave me to hell alone give them something give them something to go play with and and and put your full attention on what i'm about to share with you because i believe this event that i'm going to share with you right now the information i'm about to hit button on is the most powerful wealth advice that you will get in your entire lifetime and it's around you buying real assets that have proven themselves for 2 000 years on this planet to go up in value over long periods of time provide income passive income for you and your family and create massive amounts of wealth for people that do it right okay johnny let's go live hey welcome to the real estate what did we call this what is the name of it this is the how to make a bunch of this is a live real estate live chat yeah so welcome i want to welcome a hundred and four thousand can you give me an updated number so so i know what the number is it's a ridiculous 106 284. how many 106 284. 106. jared i love you 284. i just want to welcome and give give the 106 000 people an opportunity to come in and show up hopefully you guys have registered congratulations that you were able to show up and see it all the way through so many people commit to stuff and then don't do it which means they really didn't commit my name's grant cardone if you don't know who i am thank you for signing up i guess we found your you know you hit some link and said hey i want to see this real estate thing what i'm going to be doing over the next two hours uh and you need a lot two hours for this at least two hours uh i'm going to be showing you my goal is to show you how to find one deal one deal in your city where you live right now this year before the year is over how to find one deal that will change your life forever and i'm going to show you how i've done it i'm going to show you what i've learned i'm going to i'm going to share with you every secret that i have learned over 35 years of buying real estate just so you understand why i'm qualified to do this is number one i want to do it i want to help you uh i'm interested in helping other people i've always been a teacher and educator and uh the more i give to other people the more i give back the more i give back to other people the better i do in my life the better i feel about myself so um i have bought today we own 2.5 billion worth of real estate i'll show you that today you want to introduce your sidekick for the day oh yeah my sidekick is jerry glant i forgot about my sidekick don't want to leave him out i'll be here today narrating today guys okay jared's going to be helping me 2.5 billion dollars worth of real estate is what i own today what a lot of people don't know is i have sold 400 million dollars worth of real estate okay that that by the way that real estate today is probably worth 800 million and i sold it it's a mistake i shouldn't have sold it but there's a reason i sold it and there will be a reason why you have to sell stuff along the way that i'll go over okay now we're not going to start with big deals today i'm going to start with little tiny deals because so you can get your head wrapped around it i'm going to show you exactly how you can do this right now in 2021. what i'm going to be sharing with you while i'll be talking about some of these deals i just want to tell you that i did not start in the real estate game thinking about 2 billion i started in the real estate game thinking about basically i wanted ten thousand dollars a year in passive income that's how small i was thinking in the beginning i just want an extra thousand dollars a month in passive income my first deal my first deal okay would not have achieved that but almost that my second deal my second deal achieved that i did two deals with almost no money that would have got me to ten thousand dollars a year that's a thousand bucks a month doesn't seem like a lot of money okay this was again 25 years ago so that's that's like 36 000 bucks a year right because of inflation i'm going to show you how to do this in 2021 i'm going to show you how to get passive income i'll show you i'll be talking about investors today how to get investors i'll show you how to do it with no credit i'll show you how to do it with no money i'll show you how to do it in your backyard i'll show you on market deals off market deals and i'm gonna go on my computer everything i show you today will be validated in real time on my computer showing you this isn't some fluff and this isn't something that happened 50 years ago i i was doing deals last week we closed three deals last week so there's a lot of real estate educators out there and you guys should study you should tap into them you should learn whatever you can from them there is no one in the marketplace today teaching real estate that is doing more deals than i am doing okay nobody we did last week we did last week now remember i started with 3 500 my first deal was 3 500 bucks i'll be going over that deal today my second deal cost no money and was 125 000 that deal that deal today that deal today is worth over a million dollars it's probably worth 1.4 million dollars okay and i shouldn't have sold it but i had to because i needed the money to do more deals i'll explain that that deal i'll promise you that deal is available in your city today is it raining no okay i can find that deal in your city right now today and buy that deal with guess what no money i could buy that deal with no money down today and i'll show you how to do that deal i know some of you think that's impossible no it's not so a couple things i need you to do one have an open mind today number two i need you to put your excuses off to the side okay the two excuses that most people have have is this number one i don't have any money and number two i don't have any credit i can do these deals with no money and no credit okay so put those two excuses aside and just be committed to this one thing because there's one thing you have to have to do real estate you need information okay you can do it without the money and you can do it without the credit you cannot do it if you don't know what the hell you're looking for all right so a couple things we're going to be doing today for some of you here that want to go deeper with me than the two hours we want to tell you that we have put something together for you if you want to take advantage of it take advantage of it it's stupid ridiculous offer you need this it's a ridiculous offer and i'm going to be giving away hats today so stay i'm going to be giving away hats all kinds of stuff for people to stay till the end we said we were going to give away 10 10 trips on the helicopter yeah you guys have stayed to the end we're going to give 10 or 15 maybe 20 people a free trip on an augusta 139 to look at deals can you show a clip johnny while we're waiting for people to log in can you show this video this thing is a beast this is what i used to tour the city to look at real estate deals oh my god that is so ridiculous and that's right there outside my condo right there i think i threw a cup of coffee at them yeah so you can see 10x under that that's a real helicopter that's not a photoshop those are real those are 45 foot wings two engines 195 miles an hour three and a half hour range it can pick up its weight it could pick up another helicopter its size and carry it around okay so we're going to give away you guys just stay to the end stay to the end if you're on the end we're going to call your name out at the end if you're here and you're you're on the call then we're going to give you the trip if you're not on the call uh if you couldn't stay whatever uh we're gonna um go to somebody else so if you want to take advantage of this offer right now it includes the um you don't have to buy the offer by the way you don't have to buy the offer this is just because we know that people want to go deeper faster people that trust you people that and they've just been waiting for this program uh to get to put get putting an offer together like this this is the introduction of buying apartments about a 20 hour course where grant's going to go through how to find deals buy deals what price to pay how to get money from the debt uh from the bank or hard money lenders or your family or friends how to increase cash flow the mistakes people make when investing how you profit from deals it's it's literally a soup to nuts program from a to z in addition uh for the first two weeks i've never done this before go ahead yeah for the first 250 people that take advantage of this we're going to include a live seat at our real estate three-day summit where grant's gonna live in at the jw marriott here right down the street grant's gonna deliver three days of training on real estate um and you're gonna get uh access to a live seat from that every last seat so so so everybody can take advantage of this today we will talk about this offer later but before we start it's only 9.97 you get the resource book the ultimate resource book this is like like every tenant docs gl codes underwriting formulas settlement agreements even every broker every major broker in the united states and their phone number how to call them the scripts how to talk to them the due diligence how to underwrite a deal everything i used to underwrite and buy and there's probably 50 grand worth of attorneys fees that you would pay to go get some of these documents this is the resource book for for instance this purchase and sale agreement in here that and i'll be talking about some of this today this purchase and sale agreement i paid upwards of 50 000 to get a lawyer to to create this one purchase and sale agreement these are massive deals but i want to give you this so you can go to your lawyer and say basically just emulate uh and copy this okay and a three-day live summit now we only have so many of those seats so i can't like i can't give away these forever so it's first come first serve anybody that wants to take advantage of that before we start this is uh this offer would be like 21 000 if you bought everything individually it's only 9.97 uh if we don't have to explain it okay all right now let's move into why real estate and why now and why it's a good deal and why you should be doing it let's go dude this thing i'm calling you guys guys and gals ladies and gentlemen please listen to me when i tell you this i have been screaming from the top of my lungs now for some time about real estate why buy real estate okay like i don't look at bitcoin i own some bitcoin i don't really look at the stock market even though i have a couple of stocks i only buy stocks when i know something about the company i know something because i'm working with the company there are 12 major reasons that you should be buying real estate today number one it has been time tested for centuries centuries it is time tested okay against gold and silver it has been around longer than stocks okay it has been used as a place to live since the beginning of time man man has looked for housing before he looked for gold it is where he brought his food home to number two we are in the hottest real estate market in my entire lifetime is this a split screen johnny can we do a split yeah there yeah that's better okay uh unless yeah i don't need to go to the board for this i'm gonna go to the board for the numbers three three real estate is the is one of the investments on the planet today that democratizes the wealth game better than any other game that i know of the reason i say that to you is because look with real estate and i know some of you some of you crypto freaks out there and look i'm all for it i'm like look anything that works i'm good for i hate us dollars like hate them despise them let me see your fiat can i say your money i hate it like so all of you out there thinking oh cardone's hating on crypto look i hate on this more than anybody there's nobody that thinks this is more garbage than i think it is us dollar the pound the peso it's all okay real estate democratizes wealth more than any other single asset class including the cryptos why is that okay because i can buy it with no money down i can get a loan on it easier than i can my own business you can get a loan you can get a loan on real estate easier than you can get college debt a visa card a mastercard or a car loan okay you understand that why because it produces income okay i don't have to go start another business all of you out there doing the side hustle if you're taking notes you're worried about a side hustle learning a new game going to do this going to do that working this i can buy this piece of real estate with no money down with a new loan with bad credit and have instant income i can literally buy my income number three it's there forever and appreciates over time okay and number four number four democratizing the wealth game you're living in it anyway you got to have a place to live so do why not live it live in it put yourself in a position with an airbnb or just a straight long-term rental or splitting up rooms i know guys right now that are buying a duplex splitting up into eight rooms eight beds and renting by the bed i know big big projects today like that 600 unit deal that we're doing right now how many of those units are or the the the single bed rentals 200 of the 639 units are being turned into bed rentals okay so there's a lot of different ways to play the game it democratizes the wealth game number four it is the ultimate way the ultimate way to build net worth there is no asset class on this planet that can build net worth faster than real estate now if you google my name grant cardone's net worth you're going to see a number that's so much lower than what my net worth is okay and the reason it is okay the reason is one by the way i want to congratulate congratulate everybody that took advantage of the helicopter trip uh yeah that took advantage of the uh the offer see that's trust right there you know see see this is again this is like like why does this build net worth okay let's say i find a building let's say i find 125 000 unit building or or 250 000 whatever the number is it doesn't matter i can take these numbers to 25 million if you want to the numbers are the numbers right so let's say i take 125 000 asset that produces 12 000 worth of cash flow a year positive cash flow after the debt i go to the bank and i say look i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna borrow 125 000 from you that loan's gonna cost me about because money is so cheap today i'm gonna show you how to build net worth you guys are chasing your credit you know you got you you're spending money you're spending six thousand dollars trying to fix your credit the way to fix your damn credit is to increase your net worth i never worry about my credit i don't even know what my credit score is nobody gives a about my credit score they look at my net worth they look at my cash accounts and they look at passive income so if this deal let's say this deal produces twelve thousand dollars of neg a positive net flow cash flow a year okay after the debt the bank's like you're earning 1 000 so let's say this deal produces let's see what's 125 125 125 at four percent money oops 125 times 0.04 i should know this that's the debt the debt is going to cost five thousand dollars a year okay and let's say the income is 17 dollars a year it's not hard to imagine that okay and and and i have twelve thousand dollars of positive cash flow after the expenses so this is called the noi the gross income the rent less the expenses and i end up with 17 and i got my debt i make 12 grand okay let's say i put three thousand dollars down to buy this deal that means three thousand i can do this deal am i right right no maybe six thousand let's say i put six thousand dollars down to do this deal and it makes me 12 grand the first year i made 200 of my money 200 of my money on my down payment and i have an asset that is worth something now watch what happens okay remember i paid 125 000 let's say over the next two years the cash flow goes from 12 000 to 17 000 because the rents went up because that's what rents are doing they're going up everybody agree so watch now the the bank's like okay wait a minute your your noi went up uh 17 your your noi is now 22 thousand dollars the debt is still 5 000 the debt didn't change i didn't go borrow more money to do this what i did was increase the rents you follow me what am i doing i'm increasing rent so i increased my net worth now this deal is worth seven it's got an noi of 17 000 dollars and this thing that was worth 125 is now worth 283 thousand dollars i didn't pay any more money for it i just increased my net worth by 170 000 and i didn't do any work all i did was wait for the rents to pop okay this is the ultimate way to build net worth it is the way in which and look i i own seven businesses i'm working my ass off every single day i'm working i'm trying i'm working hard right now with you trying to get you to see the see what i see when i come to cleveland when i come to chicago when i come to cincinnati when i come to kansas when i come to houston or austin or miami fort lauderdale or new york new jersey los angeles when i go to sydney australia when i go to dubai when i go to singapore i'm like i see the same thing everywhere i go i'm like god damn there's real estate here to build network to build passive income and the screen went blank on me so i don't know why okay number five these real estate in every country on the planet provide the biggest tax benefits in the world okay the biggest tax benefits in the world come from this real asset okay now it was that is that that one right there that went blank for a second every once in a while it pops okay bang don't worry about it everybody's telling me don't worry about you guys having fun man throw it down can they throw something in the chat box yeah there's a lot of people chatting from okay so look biggest tax benefits in the world and guess what check this out it works when you sleep okay when i go to sleep at night they say you sleep good yeah i do you know why because i got check this out how many units we have now right almost 10 000 units the rent at 10 000. what's the average rent 1800 1800 i'm gonna do 18.50 because it can't be 1800 right so just do the math on that folks i started with one deal one unit one unit became next two units two units then there was 38 units then there was 68 units then there was 90 units and then was like god dang man i'm actually i'm becoming something so and the best part is even when i wasn't on the road working you know slinging selling pitching okay i'm showing up for meetings people don't show up at the meeting people don't pay me i sell something and they pay me late they about it they scream real estate never let me down through 2008 didn't let me down when the whole world was going bankrupt my real when the banks were going out of business my real estate was sitting there just bang bang bang check this out during covid not only will real estate make you money while you sleep the right real estate will make you money through kovid 19 okay through the fruit through the wuhan through to whatever that was whatever the hell happened 94 percent was our occupancy through covid it was just as good as before cobit across the whole portfolio huh across the world across 10th almost 10 000 units at the time i think was 9 000. actually our occupancy went up our collections regardless of what you heard in the news i don't know maybe everybody else was losing their but we weren't because we were probably what on collections 95 to 98 depending on the ass the location of the asset the the news were reporting oh my god the world's going to come to an end number six real estate works when you sleep and real estate works best through a crisis number seven this is the single best inflation hedge there is on the planet you're going to see inflation in the news every single day promise you the net for the rest of the year throughout the rest of the year if i go google hey johnny can they can they see my computer here yes sir i'm going to go put inflation in the news an inflation storm is coming to the u.s housing market that looks like a bad news it ain't for me i'm like please come and please bless my okay because the inflation when inflation hits what happens is this gets cut in half and then it gets cut in half again and then it gets cut in quarters okay and then it's like it's nothing it's garbage that's garbage don't worry garbage was gonna pay for a bottle of wine tonight but that was really nice we need to get some tape we gotta get some tape can somebody put that we need to get some tape i know you can put that back together you know somebody okay so look look this is this is this is garbage okay uh by the way anybody that signs up for our offer today at grant forward slash rei i'm gonna i'm we're gonna pick one of the people forward fashion best i'm sorry grant cardone dot com forward slash invest what i'll do is i'll sign these little pieces and and we'll give it to you because then this with my signature will be worth more than a hundred dollars okay so i'm to go ahead and sign one of these right now i'm going to sign each one of these okay annie and then and then we'll give we'll give away these to to some people that take advantage of grant invest okay because look it's worth nothing okay this is the single best in flight a hedge against inflation if you looked at inflation can you explain what that means because i don't think people understand like what what the effect on money inflation is and where you want your yeah so if you go back to 1945 and you look at the the value of an hour let's say a hundred dollars was actually worth a hundred dollars back in 1945 which it wasn't i think that that money has lost 90 percent of its value that's the last thing i saw 90 of its value is basically worth 10 bucks today since 1945 in buying power so so for for instance it's not that the dollar went down right the the hundred dollars is still a hundred dollars it just takes uh it just takes um you used to be able to buy a loaf of bread for a nickel and now the same loaf of bread is five you know five or six bucks yeah yeah the the price of goods and services went up okay so the rent when i started renting it the rents were 275. i'll show you the perfect example of inflation and and the government's lying to you about inflation because they actually don't use housing in their inflation indicators oh uh inflation slightly up when it hits housing and it's not included gas is not included in the inflation uh in the inflation indicator wow okay so watch what happens there's a lot of different things warren buffett said there's only a handful of people on the entire planet that understand the effects of inflation he said he was not one of them wow he only knew that if you bought something in the past if you just wait as long as it's still around and it's not beat by technology okay because like like apps apps are not infected by inflation because they're cheaper they got deflated you can download music for less today why because they want you to listen to the ad i don't need to pay to listen to the music as long as i'm willing to pay for the ad so that's a form of deflation however that phone costs more money today than it did 20 years ago they just tell you it's better so that you want to pay more and it takes more dollars today to buy a phone than it did back then okay now watch this rent was 275 when i was uh 23 years old that same house today if i rented that same house today would be 1750 bucks that's inflation right there it's the same damn house the same neighborhood it's the same house it's been there by the way the entire time i know who owns the house okay uh the house i bought uh the first house that i bought in uh bel air texas when i was renting that house the rent at that house was 600 bucks that's what i rented it for no no 475 it was 475 is what i rented it for i think my payments were like 250. that rent today is about 1800 bucks to 2100 depending on who they get and it might be more than that they might be able to get a thousand dollars a week elena elena's in tampa and clearwater she just rented an old house in tampa for 2700 bucks a week in clearwater florida wow wow that did not exist that did not exist you could have bought that house i'll bet you could have bought that house in 1980 for 10 000 bucks for nothing okay you guys all know that story okay that in real assets a real asset wood glass concrete cement even if it's got a cracked foundation crack foundations go up in value even though you're going to have to replace them okay number eight refinance capabilities and and i'm gonna be talking about financing a lot today please take the time please kill your netflix kill your instagram right now if you guys are on clubhouse right now pay attention to this okay because some of this gets a little complicated not because it's complicated but actually because it's so simple you can't wrap your head around it you're like this is impossible it's so simple it's so simple that you're like this can't be true i'm going to show you this right here okay so i buy a deal i buy a deal jared actually was on this deal with me okay i'll be going over this deal later today make sure i do this again okay i buy a deal with four hundred thousand dollars okay now 400 grand seems like a lot of money but it was a five million dollar deal the deal was five million dollars i put 400 grand down okay now i had to get the 400 grand so i didn't have the whole 400 so i went to some friends of mine hey man you want you gotta want a little of this boom boom boom so we put together the deal that deal jared how long were we in that deal before i went and refinanced it six months okay i went in the deal we repainted it because it was an ugly color first thing you do is some landscaping and some paint we spent almost no money the 400 grand by the way was just to repair the property we didn't even spend the entire 400. we increased the rents 200 on this particular unit i'm going to show you today there's a number 32 and 200 if you could put 32 and 200 together you'll make a million dollars okay this was 104 units we increased the rents 200 refinance the property it's worth 14 million dollars today i got my 400 grand back that we spent on the rehab plus uh we took out 7 million 8 million million dollars in cash i got a check for that that's a non-taxable event this is called a refinance exit no exit it's what i call the exit no exit the ene baby and the e-n-e if you do it enough times they'll make you a 189 and you don't okay and you don't pay tax on it because you put new debt on the deal yeah it's not like you're cashing out the deal yeah this is why dave ramsey hates me so much is because dave ramsey only understands consumer debt and i'm not talking about consumer debt i'm talking about investors debt the same investors that the google that apple that netflix caterpillar the caterpillar the coca-cola they all use it if you want to create wealth for your family and financial freedom you have to learn how to use refinance exit no exit capabilities number nine real estate why real estate why now it is the single best way to rebuild your credit if you have bad credit the way to rebuild your credit is through real assets okay not by uh borrowing money to for more consumer that does not rebuild credit that just gets you strapped more okay you want to buy something a real asset that actually provides you with income number 10 dude this is the easiest game in the world start with no money down it is the easiest game in the world to start with no money now many of you that's impossible you don't even have to be a vet to do this if you're a vet it is a no-brainer okay but if you're a person with a job you probably need a job right and you know how to pick the right piece of real estate and then know the right bank to go to it might not be your local bank uh i got i've gotten no money down loans as since 2008 i mean a lot of people think these loans are gone they're not gone i'm telling you they're here right now okay number one do you want to just say one thing about this that you you say is like the way a bank looks at a real estate deal and how they lend on it versus a car or or something like that like yeah so so like they won't lend you money to buy the stock their stock right yeah yeah so look if i go to bank of america okay i go to b of a or wells fargo and i say they both have stocks uh i don't know what b of a stock is right now maybe look it up they got stocks they got they got a financial statement i mean this and what jared's bringing your attention to 41 a share it's 41 a share okay companies worth billions and billions of dollars they got 358 billion they're worth 358 billion dollars just keep that in mind i'll go to bank of america and say i want to borrow money from the bank of america to buy stock in bank of america you know what the answer will be no we don't do that i go to bank of america and say hey by the way you have an uh 21 20th 91st street you have a bank of america building one block away there's a duplex and this duplex is worth 375 thousand dollars it's got two units i'd like to get a loan on it i'm gonna live in half and rent the other half they'd be like yeah man you need to put fifteen thousand dollars down we'd love to give you a loan you put 17 grand down on this deal we'll give you a loan right now why would the bank of america give me a loan to buy a place one block away from their location and they won't give me a loan to buy their own stock if that doesn't explain everything to you guys okay that's as simple as it gets can you get a loan on on bitcoin no not to buy bitcoin you can't can you get a loan to buy that stock no you cannot but you can get a loan to buy a real asset it is the easiest class because of this it is the easiest single class of assets for you to build a portfolio and attract uh investors in the last uh what two and a half years we've raised 580 million dollars from investors so if you guys want to grow and scale your business i can show you how to do that today as well and number 12 is the power of leverage okay leverage is this and i'll be getting into it in our first deal but if i can take seventeen thousand dollars by the way that's not a lot of money i think everybody would agree i don't have 17 grand well good if you're committed and the deal's right go find it from your brother your uncle your mom your dad somebody will lend you 17 grand it's not a huge number i can show you how to get this 17 grand i can show you a list of people that would lend you the 17 grand to buy the pizza real estate that's the business they're in they'll probably charge you 10 percent for the down payment okay now you got a 375 000 asset right over here you use somebody else's money to buy this you owe them 10 you owe this deal three to four percent maybe five percent and you own a piece of real estate your job now is to improve the value of the real estate basically this is called leverage okay now you can over leverage that might not be over leveraged it depends on the deal the amount of leverage how much over leverage depends on the type of real estate where it is what it is how much income it produces and what you can do to improve that and that's where the know-how comes in okay so number one you don't need money you don't need credit you do need to know what you're looking for harbor palms realty asks do you need a real estate license i don't have a real estate license i don't know why you go get one of those okay okay now monopoly this is monopoly folks if you've ever played monopoly one of the best selling games in the world why do you think that is because real estate is real to everyone everyone has to live in it the affinity and the reality of real estate as a monopoly game cash flow you want to write this down cash flow the same thing in the game of real estate cash flow who wins the game the cash flow plus time this is the formula we use time by the way is the most valuable thing in the real estate game times leverage okay really number of units here okay equals appreciation man there's some great questions in here okay the appreciation is the increased value of the property then we're going to refinance because we have an increased value based on new income not some fantasy well what's apple stock today 216 what is it i don't know 116 or something 127. i don't know what it's worth okay it's basically a trillion dollar market it's a two trillion dollar market cap every person that works at apple i'll guarantee you live in a house or an apartment all right okay let me show you my first deal and i'm gonna show you how you're gonna get in the game don't let any of this overwhelm you save your questions for those of you who are going to take advantage of uh of our our offer i want to tell you that on monday i'm going to invite we're going to create some situation where on monday you can bring me your deals every monday at 12 p.m so for those of you who want to sign up and take advantage of that i'll support you each monday for the next five or six weeks find your first deal let me tell you about my first deal okay my first deal uh was bought i forget what year this was but 1986 1986 1986 the deal was 78 thousand dollars i lived in houston texas and i was starting my business i was starting my first company nobody knew grant cardone uh i was just i just moved from lake charles louisiana i had not my seminar business was not going there was nothing really happening i had to go to the bank and get a loan i did not have 78 000 i found this little house it's on 1117 sheffield let me see if i got it here so you guys can see this is real i'm going to google this 1117 sheffield johnny can you see this see there's the house that's that's the google as of today 1117 sheffield now it's got a red door it's the same cedar shake on the outside same oak tree that was there okay i bought that house so again real estate is real everything i tell you today somebody's telling you about real estate they're telling you about a deal show me the deal show me the address because there's a record every real estate deal has a record there's a lot of going on the internet and i just want to make sure you guys understand when i tell you to be transparent and authentic and honest you have the right to ask me show me the deal i show you the deal every time okay if somebody won't show you the deal why not there's got to be something wrong okay now i went to the bank i didn't know what i was doing 28 years old i was what was i doing 28 years old was i still selling cars no no i was in houston so i wasn't selling cars i just started my own business okay no no i was working for a guy named tom stuker i hadn't started my own company yet and i was traveling all the time so i bought my first deal i had a little job i think my job was i was making like 6 000 bucks a month 72 grand a year and i went to a banker it was a new job it wasn't i was only there a year and a half at this job and i went to the banker and i said hey i want to buy this house 1117 sheffield guess what he did he pulled he pulled up 11 17 sheffield in his record and said we'll have to go praise the v the house why do they want to praise the house because it's a real house you wanted to praise okay so seventy eight thousand dollars they said grant we would need thirty five hundred dollars down i think it was a three percent loan we need thirty five hundred dollars down first time home buyer or something yeah we're gonna finance seventy five thousand dollars you can do this 10 times in most markets right or in all markets for the first one you can do three to five percent then they want 20 okay then they might they might increase it okay so the payment on this deal was 375 a month this was the payment i rented the place for 575 a month i was making 200 a month 12 months 2400 a year look at the return right there 2400 divided by 3 600 or 35. that's a 67 return on my investment in the first year freaking crazy right crazy now this is what happened okay i sold this place because i got scared i didn't know what i was doing i didn't do any homework i just like most things that i do in my life i just kind of go half i did it i did it with some palm trees recently so [Laughter] um but you know whatever right so so huh turned out good but but yeah there you go so yeah thanks johnny so so um now let me tell you what i did wrong on this deal because i made some big mistakes on this deal number one mistake i made was i did not go do this ten times i got scared because the tenant moved out and when the tenant moved out i didn't have a long-term vision i didn't have my blueprint i'm gonna give you guys the blueprint so that you don't get freaked out because i shouldn't have sold this deal two mistakes i made i should have done this ten times not one time and i should have done this uh i shouldn't have sold the property bottom line okay so watch this rent today this rent today is seventeen hundred and fifty dollars i think that's what it is let me just see let me go to zillow it's one of the resources you can use 1117 sheffield let's see if this is being rendered today wow the rent on this property but i i i i have seventeen hundred fifty dollars there i'm a little wrong wow the rent today on this property is thirty one hundred and fifty dollars compared to what was it before 575 and i was freaked out okay do you guys understand 1986 right savings and loans crisis 25 years is it 25 years now no it's 1986 30 30 30 35 years 20 21 35 last night 1986. 35 years okay let's say the last 10 years just the last 10 years let's say it paid it was 3 100 a month 120 times understand we're talking about 36 years i'm just going to use the last 10 years 120 months times 31.50 if it had been full the whole time would it produce 378 thousand dollars of rent the property was seventy eight thousand when i bought it in ten years i would have made three hundred thousand dollars now now if you wanna understand the crazy part of this okay my numbers are wrong way wrong on what i did here because what i wanted to show you was the neighbor if i google this and i go see this neighbor right here i'm gonna back out of this picture this is a live picture that neighbor right there that that house right there is almost two million dollars next door to it wow okay the house next door to it was exactly the same as the house i have they scraped the house these are real time pictures they scraped the house and built a two million dollar house right there so somebody bought the house for 400 scraped it okay so today let me just show you what that would have been today the neighbor's comp is 1.15 million the last time i did this i think that's a two million dollar house today the rent collected versus the price price paid 30 years for you conservative skeptics out there let's say the rent averaged one thousand dollars a month how much of the rents right now it's 3 thousand so it's three thousand twenty five hundred if i take a third of that and say the rents for the last thirty years were only average to thousand dollars a month which they haven't that's four hundred and twenty thousand dollars worth of gross income gross income okay the rent collected over the last 35 years 30 years times oh no this is the net number we're doing a net a net cash flow here okay free cash flow you would have made 420 000 out of 735 000 and i was only figuring rent at 17.50 okay so you understand what i did right there i'm just showing you had i known and had a blueprint said okay rents are going to keep going up rents are going to go 575 800. you guys have seen this happen in your marketplace 1100 1200 stop they're going to go flat then they're going to go 1500 and then one day they're going to be 3 150 if i take this same house drop this same house in silicon valley across from facebook the rents on that same house will be 9 000 a month or more and that's happening across america you saw that you saw that news flash that i showed you earlier look at this an inflation storm is coming for the u.s housing market you guys think that rents are expensive here but you need to go to singapore dubai and sydney you need to go to hong kong and see what rents are you could be like dang rents are cheap here man go to new york city okay the fed could be facing a jobs headache in the inflation light this this is all this week where inflation is taking a breather your doctor's office okay good you know why because you probably ain't going to the doctor's office because he's going to want to put something in your nose when americans took to the streets over inflation the dutch deutsche bank issues dire economic warning for america these are all this week inflation's surging what is inflation inflation on the rise in metro denver inflation oil hit 2018 high and third week of gains wall street week ahead fed meeting loom for stocks as inflation winter worries collide with goldilocks market like it's all over the place so what does inflation hit first typically it hits housing you're either going to be affected by it because of where you live or you're going to be affected because of it because you own it and want to affect the rents of it okay now what you need to look at here and jared asked me to explain this the inflation is not on the value of the house in rentals it is on the value of the rent the rent is what determines the value okay so you're not looking at i don't really care about the appraisal on the house i care about the rent on the house because the rent if i can drive the rent it it pulls the value of it for when we want to go refinance it okay so if i would have known 10x back then and by the way this is the research that's easy today you can go research this property 1117 sheffield here's the research belair texas there's a video on the right that's there that shows the live yeah so show the video should you click it when you click it again oh i got to click it yeah i made this there you go right there oh it's it's live so so this is a lot this is showing the listing yeah yeah it was built in 19 what 19 what does it say 1905 no it couldn't have been 1955. it's been there the whole time look it's showing you all the tax assessments over all the years what it's worth i think the last time is worth 452. i paid 78 grand folks you're like oh 78 grand to 450 000 that's a 5x return no it's not a 5x return i put 3 500 down 3 500 divided by 458 000 458 000 divided by 3 500 is 130x 130 times you've got that book running man that doesn't count the cash flow that didn't count the cash flow okay you got to remember the cash flow the three thousand dollars a month in the last 12 months alone times 12 months the cash flow would be a 12x return on my initial investment in the last 12 months in the last 10 years it would be it would be a hundred x return just the cash flow so the appreciated value is 135 times the cash flow is another 100 you're talking about a 250x return on one investment had i done this 10 times uh because the mistake i made was i didn't scale this portfolio i should have done that one i should have done the neighbor i should have done the neighbor i should have owned the damn whole community and i could have because nobody was paying attention and nobody's paying attention today okay so let me show you the numbers on this had i stuck with this one simple deal who's got 3 500 come on everybody's got 3 500 if you don't have it man you got you got go go to mama she's got it steal from her it wouldn't be the first time you stole from her had i done 10 of these had i done 10 of these it would have cost me 35 000 had i had a bigger plan based on the price then the 10 properties would have cost me 750 000 i would have immediately over the next two or three years if that's what it took had a net worth of 750 000 i'd almost be a millionaire for 35 000 but where would it have gone today that would be worth 4.2 million dollars now i am a millionaire okay the cash flow would be 12 000 a month i could use that 12 000 every month what did i put down 35 000. in three months i get my cash flow every three months i get my initial investment back my annual cash flow would be 144 000 a year i didn't take a second job by the way i can hire a management company to collect the rents my three years my 30 years of cash flow would have been 3.7 million dollars you guys understand i have a property that's worth 4.2 million dollars these are based on 1700 rents not 3 000 rents my cash flow is different than the asset value this is the asset value of the 10 properties 4.2 million dollars this was the cash flow over the last 30 years okay it's freaking stupid this is 7 million 7.9 million dollars asset value the banks start appreciating you more it's not a one-off deal for those of you who think oh my god it's just one deal one deal you can't find another deal like that the second deal that i did and i'll show you in one second the second deal i did i did with no money down and it was 125 000 okay now the exit no exit that i talked about earlier the real way to create wealth and i'll be sharing all this with you showing you exactly how to do this in fact this is in my home study manual is the refinance exit no exit okay and the re today if i went back to the bank today and put those 10 deals together they like 10 deals more than one deal they actually think you somebody when you got 10 deals 4.2 million dollars that's if each house is worth 420 000 bucks i don't know what what did zillow say that the value this house was did they say yeah no they say it's worth 461 000 and it's an off-market deal we bought two off-market deals last month okay they say it's worth 460 of 460 000 so my portfolio would be worth 460. i'm sorry 4.6 million dollars i would go to the bank and say i want a loan i want to borrow against this portfolio 75 percent of the value of the of the of the portfolio four point let me just use the four i'll use this four six times seventy five they would give me three million four hundred and fifty thousand 000 they'd write me a check for that you understand here mr cardone they'd probably write me 10 checks okay because there's 10 deals the property would steal cash flow at thirty one thousand dollars a year the ten properties three grand a month bang bang bang but i take this right here this three million and my tax on that 3.4 million dollars is zero okay zero if i take these numbers down that's that's the message i got for the irs okay right there right there okay okay you understand 3.4 million dollars the bank would give me i would still owe 1.2 million dollars no no i would have cashed out it for the 1.2 okay you understand the value this is 4.6 they would have given me a loan for 3.4 they give me the 3.4 million dollars i still have 1.2 million dollars of equity trapped in the deal okay this is the debt they give me that i owe them that and because i owe them that there is no tax event and this is how wealth is created this is what the people in new york do every day is why apple computer who owes 212 billion dollars in cash that's what they have in cash that's why they borrow money from japan or the bond market they borrow money they don't use their own cash and they go buy their own stock pack okay it's a tricky ricky game it's so simple it's complicated okay so you could you and your family would get a check for 3.4 million dollars if you'd have done this 10 times your your family would get a 3.4 million dollar check you would not have a tax bill and you would still have 31 000 to 50 000 a year in uh annual income okay all right i'm going to show you one more deal here jerry you want to talk about uh uh for those who want to get involved in learning this material yeah so look that we've put together a program that includes uh our most comprehensive real estate course it's called the introduction to investing in real estate it's a 20-hour video program where grant covers in-depth all of the things that you're hearing in addition to i went to this was actually shot in turks and caicos it's a beautiful setting great video great editing material almost what's got to be 10 plus hours almost 20. johnny what is it 16 hours of me walking a b c d e f g i actually go over there's a thing a to z you take the a to z my a to z what you're looking for in a deal the per you got to create you got to get the i you got to know like i got the i okay i know boom that's the deal that's the deal right there i know that deal will work i can increase the values i know that neighborhood like you gotta have the a through z checklist also i'm gonna give you our real estate uh resource resource book okay the resource book has every commercial broker in the country underwriting models letter of intent templates so you know how to make the offer the due diligence checklist tenant notification templates everything that i've learned in the last 35 years literally i put it in your hand with our ultimate resource uh book the monthly reporting checklist property budgets i thought we were going to say that we're going to do it now you're already going to do it no don't do it don't do it don't do it we don't need to do that property budgets agreement purchase and sale agreement and check it out if that's not enough no man you can't can't don't you you save that and don't do that man okay why alone the psa the psa and the loi the loi is the letter of intent how do you write a letter of intent okay how do you write it and then all this is in video by the way plus the resource book we give you a physical copy if you're willing to pay for the shipping otherwise we give you a pdf and if that's not enough three day a three day real estate summit the first 250 people that take advantage of this you can come live and sit in the audience here in miami we're limited on seating that seat's going to be sold for 5 000 bucks we're going to do this whole package for the course the 16 hour course the resource 10 000 bucks on the website and home study manual you can find these on my website right now 2500 for this book you're not paying for it but 9 000 for the course you're not paying for it five thousand dollar ticket three days for the summit that's a five thousand dollar ticket the entire thing we're going to do for a thousand bucks 9.97 okay 9.97 so take advantage of that the website's grant forward slash invest or there's a little button right and also i've had i've had a few let me just say one thing real quick about that guys if 9.97 is too much money for you just understand titles that's going to cost you something title search is going to cost you something the account is going to cost you something the management company is going to cost you something setting up an escrow account is going to cost you something like things cost money right if you're going to do real estate please don't let a thousand dollars get in your way because you're going to spend hopefully you're going to spend tens of millions last year just so you put it all in perspective last year uh last year on 2.2 billion dollars worth of real estate we probably paid 44 million dollars just in property taxes so don't let a thousand dollars get in your way of a billion bucks you know what i'm saying some people are asking about about payment plans okay uh they're you know they they want to do it but they just were asking about it so we will give you on the page grant forward slash invest there's a two-pay option so if you can only come up with uh some of the money now there's a payment option uh that will take care for you there yeah i think the most important thing though guys if you're gonna get on the payment plan you need to get your payments done before the event the summit's july it's a three-day summit i'm there the entire time i'm going to bring some of my friends in to talk about debt i'm going to talk about refinance options i'm going to talk about real estate in markets across the country it's going to be a phenomenal summit held right here at the jw marriott jw marriott turnberry it's a fantastic hotel you'll get a chance to see our operations you get to meet me uh it's going to be a really super cool deal we're going to make sure that every the first 250 people that take advantage of this get a signed copy of my cash flow hat which we can't even keep in stock so if i run out of these it's first come first serve i'll make sure to sign a bunch of these before the day's over and uh what else jared do it yeah do it okay it's tax deductible if you're not happy with it call us up no problem whatever like everything we do here is kind of money-back guarantee okay let me show you the second deal that i did um what's the website though forward slash invest okay art below also click the link okay good so i promised i wouldn't try to sell you something and so i'm not okay now let me show you my second deal my second said this at the deal i don't think people can hear you are you on are you on a one deal one deal can change at all dude one deal can change your life folks that one deal got me started that one deal got me started that one deal got me like okay whoa well i got something here stupid thing is i sold the deal i shouldn't have sold the deal i should have moved on to the next deal okay uh i didn't have a plan i was just kind of like ad hoc so i'd get scared right the second deal that i bought because i had a little i had a little bit of information now uh with the banks i had a little confidence and just just so people are clear like these first deals that you're seeing here there's nothing special about these deals like these are not deals that grant selected because he had some eye for real estate and you know these were deals that he just all i did was on the weekends i would literally like if i wasn't working i would drive around in my car and i'd find neighborhoods like neighborhoods when i drive down the street i'm like oh my god this street is awesome if the street didn't feel awesome i'd be like like if you drive down this street right here a braeburn in bel air you're going to see these big monster oak trees now because i've been doing this so long i've been collecting information and you know what i know today is man when there's big wood there's big wood you know if there's big trees there's big wood to be made wherever there's big trees you're going to make big money i don't know why it is but there's something about this damn big like you drive down this street what you're going to see is these massive oak trees that basically um cover the street create an umbrella for the entire street all the way down it well when i was there i lived in bel air i lived you know up the street i had a little office and i'm like i'm gonna go buy this house ninety two thousand five hundred dollars i later sell the house for a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars three years later three years later i made thirty thousand dollars on that house and i put no money down what's the return i know infinite it's an infinite return it's unmeasurable i didn't have any money in the deal okay that deal is sold twice in 22 years this deal never trades today that house let me just go to zillow what's it worth let me find out what they say it's worth they're always wrong by the way they're way behind the curve okay here it is right here the zelo estimate on that house today there it is there it is let me see zillow 5422 just do it in real time for you 5422 braver in texas okay now you see that house right there now i'm gonna go look at this one zillow let's see what they say it's worth they say it's worth 1.5 million dollars and notice the difference in the pictures johnny i don't know if you can go back and forth on these oh you know why because the house ain't there no mo somebody bought it for me from 125 scraped it to the ground and built a 1.5 million dollar house there it's probably not 1.5 because if you know anything about zillow they're typically about 50 behind whatever something's worth i'll show you the house i just bought uh what's the address on my house 605 ocean let's see what zillow says about my house huh jared's on fire today is he yeah why'd you say that you said what's the other thing at 605. man he's on his game huh okay it says this house is worth 20 million dollars well i know for sure it's worth more than that there are only 10 million 10 million below what that house is actually worth today okay i know what that house would sell for right now i paid 24 for it i paid 24 23 24. yeah 24 million so i know it's worth 24 because there's at least one idiot to pay 24. guarantee you as i sit here before the end of the year this house will sell for 32 million dollars maybe 34. okay so i know zillow's wrong the estimated rent on that house they say is 70 grand a month that's wrong too my condo is going to rent for 50 grand a month the rent on that house will probably be 70 000 a week so and i'm just completely bragging right now all right i'm just but i'm also using real life situations to show you zillow is wrong and way behind the curve on most of these estimates okay back to our deal back to the deal i bought okay 33 000 and uh i made 33 000 on this deal in three years today's value is not 1.1 million dollars today's value is probably more like 2.1 million dollars and that house would probably rent for 40 to 50 000 a month it would make the owner 600 grand a year doing an airbnb okay so if i'm going to houston and i want to spend three months in houston maybe we go there all the time i'm like hey let's just get a house rather than staying at the post oh what do we pay at the post oak a night thousand bucks you know i'm not the only guy going there staying for a thousand dollars a night okay there's other people okay now that's my second deal i shouldn't have sold that deal i should have added that deal to one of the many deals that i ended up buying okay but i didn't know any better okay that deal today could be refinanced remember the refinance the exit no exit the exe equals one e9 okay if you don't know what that means figure it out okay emd by the way if you get enough 1e9 okay so check it out the 1.4 million dollar house that house is probably worth 2.1 million dollars today if it rented for if it rented for even 25 dollars a month i think that house would rent for 25 grand a month which is the braeburn house no 5 000 maybe maybe 10 000. 10 000 a month 120 000 a year of income uh let's see 120 000 of income you're going to have you're going to you're not going to keep the whole 120 you're going to pay out one month so you're going to have 108 000 of income a year you're not going to have the renter's going to pay all the expenses divided by 0.06 you're going to get a 1.8 million loan on this house i just know the math i share the math with the in the course by the way the course is how much debt can i get on this deal i'll get one a one a loan for 1.8 million dollars get the entire check for 1.8 million dollars my tax bill will be zero and it will still make me 100. 10 000 a month 1.8 yeah but now i got debt oh battery's going out on this times 0.0 1.8 1.8 it's nothing times point it's making 72 000 is going to be my debt i'm going to make forty eight thousand dollars a year four thousand dollars a month after i take out a check for 1.8 million dollars so how would you like to have one property find one property in your neighborhood buy it with almost no money do what you need to do to get it improved in value and rent rent it rent that property and then cash out of it in a year or two pull 1.8 million dollars out put it in your pocket for your family i could have done this if i had a plan and then get paid four thousand dollars a month and maybe you can't do it in one or two years maybe this actually takes you three to five years oh woe is me okay maybe maybe it takes you 10 years maybe it takes me 10 years but you get paid 10 grand a month okay but you're 25 years old right now and you're maybe it takes when you're 35 years old you get to go refinance this deal okay you need a plan you need the information and you need the confidence the thing that keeps people from buying real estate is they don't have confidence let me tell you about my third deal my third deal was my first apartment deal and this is where it really gets exciting okay now i'm showing you these deals not to brag with you but to show you this is available to you right now okay my next deal because now i'm getting a little bit of confidence i'm starting to get a little swag i bought one unit about one one a single plex what do they call those no it was a it was a single unit it was a yeah sfr is what they call that i bought one and then i bought a second one okay had a little experience with that i'm like hey man why don't we put this game on steroids okay i'm gonna buy 48 units at one time so i was in san diego california i'd moved from houston sold the two houses actually kept the braeburn house the big the second house moved to san diego had a renter in it i was in san diego i just got rent checks every month i didn't worry about the house and then i'm like i'm gonna go ahead the next time i buy something i'm not gonna buy one unit i'm gonna buy multiple units and i started looking at fours eights sixteens thirty twos i started studying the most successful real estate people in the world and i noticed they weren't buying single family homes they were buying communities donald trump's father donald brendan orange county california he's the richest real estate investor in in the united states of america owns more real estate in america than bill gates does okay he he owns orange county he was building multi-family lots of units that people could live in so i'm like i'm going to follow donald brynn rather than just making up i spent three years three years every weekend walking property i have no idea what that's worth i know it's made me hundreds of millions of dollars doing that homework i don't advise you do that homework that slowly get get something that you can read and know what the hell you're looking for because i didn't know what i was even looking for no know the questions you're going to ask the brokers i was i sounded like an idiot with everybody okay so after walking properties for three years between the houses in houston and the next purchase it was three years before i would buy anything don't recommend that i'd like to help you buy something this week in fact monday i'm going to have a call with some of you to show you deals and to give you the support maybe even the money and the financing to get the deal done this third this third deal my first apartment deal was 1.9 million dollars i put 350 000 i think it was 1.950 i put 350 000 down oh my god where am i going to get 350 000 i borrowed most of mine from friends and family i would later sell that deal for five million nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars a profit of four million bucks how long did you own it thirty thirty what was it 30 uh how long did i own that deal mate almost four years about 46 months okay i made 168 000 of free cash flow while i was there plus four million dollars of profit so you're getting paid to wait i was paid 168 divided by 40 46 months i was paid thirty six hundred fifty two dollars a month okay one percent of my down payment i was paid every month i was making twelve percent a year one percent a month your bank does not pay you one percent a year your bank pays you a half a percent maybe a quarter of one percent per year i was making one percent on my money every month to wait to make four million dollars now folks this is not again like for for those of you out there that are negative not negative but you're skeptical you've been ripped off you don't trust people there's whatever you mean here that she's she's in real estate she's 60 years old she says she's a badass but she and she knows she needs to invest she's just terrified to start terror man tara's going to cost you millions the reason you have tara is because you don't have information okay the right the way to reduce the risk warren buffett says the way to reduce the risk is increase the knowledge if you know what you're doing there's no risk that's why when he buys a company he takes a big position not a little position he doesn't he doesn't dabble into the investment i don't dabble into real estate anymore like i buy these massive deals because i don't have tara i know and this is what jared said i'm being paid to wait i'm being paid one percent a month one percent a month 12 a year i'll show you deals today that will make you 12 percent this year 12 a year to wait for 4 million and that happened in 47 months jared said 10 years that deal happened in 47 months okay so my first deal that first deal that i bought i sold that in five months three thousand bucks is what i put down seven thousand dollars is what i came out with i made a hundred percent on my money wasn't a lot of money but i got my first deal under my belt shouldn't have sold it but i did make money okay all right watch this deal cedar woods apartments let me just show it to you just so i can validate that it's a real deal it really happened it's not a fantasy cedarwood apartments put it into my website right here there there it is there it is cedarwood same color as when i bought it when i drove up on it okay here's one thing you want to write down in as you're taking notes dude it should hit you like in the heart when you drive up on it i got to buy this like you should want to buy it before you even have the numbers on it it should just hit you like i know there's a deal if that if you don't get that feeling you either don't have enough information yet you don't have enough certainty you don't have enough confidence you don't have the eye yet you should be able to know right away i'm buying this deal every deal we buy today still today three deals we closed on last week i knew the second i saw him the first second i saw him i'm buying that deal that's what he told me too what on ubs on camino houston too you're like i'm buying we're buying that deal we're gonna we're gonna close we're gonna buy a deal i'll be awarded a deal next week i knew two or three years ago first time i saw them i'm buying these deals i just so when do i buy them when they sell them okay i've been trying to buy that deal for three years i bought the office building next to me i knew the first time i saw it i'm buying that deal we're gonna own that deal the condo that i'm in today we knew it when we walked in we're going to buy the deal the house i bought in los angeles i'll show you in a second first time i saw it i'm going to buy this deal you should not have to keep looking at the property if you got to keep looking at it dude there's something wrong with either the property or what your knowingness is and if it's tara the way to get rid of the terror is to get somebody on your team that can tell you no to that deal okay would you wait for four million dollars to be paid 12 a year what if you didn't get the 4 million dollars you'll get the 4 million if what if you know the rents will go up if rents go up so does appreciation okay it's this rent plus times times units equal certainty this is your formula right here the rent how much is the rent can it go up plus time i need time and times the units the most important number in all of real estate is the number of times you can do something because watch this deal right here one deal remember i did two deals made a little bit of money one deal okay the income from this deal while i owned it was 878 000 the expenses were 300 grand who paid for the expenses the income on the property okay it was 48 units let me just also say to you this loan was easier to get than the first two loans when i did this alone on cedarwood i think it's still the same name same name same color paint same location shit's crazy the only thing different about this property is the people that rent there and even they seem to be similar to the people they were 30 years ago okay property's still there it's been through the savings and loan debacle it's been through 2 000 dot com bust it's been through the cr the housing crisis 2008. this property got me through the housing crisis when my other businesses were folding this discontinued around went through covid just fine the expenses were 300 grand the debt on this deal was a hundred thousand dollars a year who paid the debt the property i'm not paying it okay tax deductible tax deductible love that the cash flow in this deal if you do the math was 478 thousand dollars a year i put 350 000 down he's like i can't i can't get 350. if you knew you could make the 350 back every year would you figure out how to get it paid me 39 000 a month today's value on this property 14 million dollars maybe more than that i wonder what this thing says it's worth well they won't say what an apartment's worth is will they the monthly rents on this apartment are sixteen hundred dollars a month that doesn't seem right see i could go back and buy this deal again today look i'm looking at this deal right now saying i know this property i know that huh i know the rents on this deal are to be 3 000 a month so this is some guy that bought this deal a long time ago that doesn't need to change the rents so anybody that lives in san diego i won't go back to the communist land but any of you out there that want to go like i would go look at this deal right now because if you can raise these rents i'll show you this deal right now if this deal is worth 14 million dollars today if the rents are 1600 bucks yeah yeah if the rents are 1600 you could take them to 2000 bucks watch what happens that's 400 48 times okay 48 times 400 times 48 if you can get it times 19 200 times 12. uh 230 000 in new income a year okay divided by what an investor would be willing to pay for the new income divided by .04 really i would cr i would create another five million seven hundred and sixty thousand dollars worth of value on that property so i could buy it i could buy this property would i say 14 million dollars it'll sell for more than that 14 million divided by 48. see you guys think it's too much money it's 200 237 000 per unit for for for for a 1980 asset and you're like oh it's too much money you're stealing it and you don't know it this is where your terror comes from because you don't know what you're doing you're like oh my god i could have bought that back then for for for five million dollars you could pay 14 million today and it's worth it every penny of it because it's probably really worth 20 million dollars it's probably worth 20 million dollars if you just simply do one thing and it doesn't even include paint raise the rents we just bought a deal closed on it one week ago what are we changing the ranch right now 250 without doing anything we're not doing anything it's a property right here in town the rents are going to change 250 per month if you don't want to pay it you get the leave we'll find somebody else that wants to live there it's a great property great location it's sick how many units 235 times 235 do the math on that times 235 units okay we will get it across every unit and i guarantee you by next year those rents will be up 400 not 250. that will be 58 750 if i'm going too fast folks just get the course okay don't kill yourself here he's like oh i'm getting confused get the damn course invest grant forward slash invest forward slash just put the forward slash and put invest get the damn course if you need to make payments there's a payment option on the page yeah yeah uh 58 750 times 12. it's 17 million times 12 times 4 percent cap rate 70 000 is that 70 thousand dollars a year no a 705 000 a year new income new income now i didn't do anything to the property we're going to power wash it we are you know what power washing is i power wash my place this weekend for 2 500 bucks okay we're going to power wash the damn thing i'm going to divide it by 3.5 because 3.5 is the cap rate that that an investor would be willing to buy a deal at that represents a new value of 20 million dollars don't worry about what i paid for it don't worry about it i'll tell you what i paid for it but what i'm telling you is if i increase the rents no matter what i paid for it the rent increase is what the next guy is willing to pay for do you understand it's the rent increase that increases the value unlike a house when i increase the value of the rents when i increase proven rents what happens is it pulls and lifts what the next guy can pay the next guy or gal can pay for the real estate asset and what's crazy is because we understand this i went to some of my friends and said hey guys i'm giving you money right here i'm going to give you money i'm going to give you a bunch of money here do you want to raise money how much money do we raise on this deal we raised 24 million so we were over by four million in seven days in seven days hey guys here's the story here's the real estate i'll just show you a picture of it since i'm talking about it there it is right there gorgeous voted off market never even hit the market called the guy and said hey i know you own this can i buy it from you sure man one of the easiest deals i've ever done in my life i always talk about it's never easy but this was easy if we raise the rents only 200 that property will not be worth 69 million it will be worth 89 million dollars okay i'm so confident on that asset i paid cash for it now you're like oh my god i can't do all that remember where i started first deal 3500. second deal zero third deal 350 000. okay let's go back to my cedarwoods deal johnny okay today's value that deal's worth 15 million bucks today maybe more i don't know okay if i took that deal remember my exit no exit remember the exit no exit don't kill yourself folks you're killing yourself you never get rich working you cannot get rich working okay you cannot increase your net worth working you cannot even fix your credit score working i'm gonna pay all my bills i'm gonna be a good person none of that matters man you can pay all your bills and be a good person my mom was a good person paid all her bills and if she can't if you don't increase your net worth you cannot get in control of your life okay the game is an asset game not a money game okay today's value if that property is worth 15 million dollars today i'm telling you if you could buy this deal for 15 million go buy it today okay you could refinance 10 million dollars out of the deal right now today if i'd have kept this property i could take 10 million dollars in cash actually 10.8 million dollars in cash i would only owe about 400 grand at this time if i'd have financed the whole time it would still cash flow 125 000 bucks a year or thereabouts it would still pay me 10 000 a month i would get a check from the irs not the irs but the bank but i would have a little message for the irs okay okay basically hey i got my 10 million state of california there you go federal government i got another hand for you you guys get nothing i get 10 million dollars one deal one deal can change your life the reason you don't see these deals is you're not looking for them you guys are you're going on you're looking at ethereum and dogecoin and tesla and you're looking at all this stuff that's not even real it's not real yet it hadn't been proven this is 2 000 years man before jesus people were building real estate looking for a place to live i've got a question um which one of it was your one of those real estate deals um that lost half the value in in a week which one of your deals did that which none of my deals have ever lost half their value in a week oh the bitcoin oh that was the bitcoin thing that was the doge okay a house doesn't lose 40 percent of its value in a week if so you're picking the wrong markets the way to know the right market to pick is to be in the market and know the market in every city including flint michigan detroit michigan uh what's some dead markets people markets lake charles louisiana there's parts of lake charles louisiana that are booming there's parts of lake charles louisiana just got slaughtered if you live in the city you go where the jobs go man you don't fight the trend just know what you're doing have knowledge about a market all this information is accessible on the internet by the way called job migration where are the jobs going okay who's hiring what is the average wage what can somebody actually pay for rent all right okay let me show you a single i'm going to go from multi-family to a single family deal and i'm going to show you how a single family deal while it made me a little bit of money this one deal when i knew what i was doing this would be my fourth deal would end up changing my life forever okay the first three deals definitely affected my life gave me some confidence this next deal this next deal took everything to another level okay so you're gonna have to do more than one deal unless you get lucky unless you're luckier than i am and you're like one deal first deal boom i just killed it and i became super real so now we're talking about a period of time here between 1986 from first first home purchase yeah to 2000. yeah i found a house i lived in the neighborhood exactly what i'm telling you right now i lived in a neighborhood i knew this neighborhood was strong i knew there was something positive happening there many of you maybe you're in denver today or you're in detroit and you're looking around saying dude there's something happening here maybe you're in miami fort lauderdale maybe you're in denver or austin you're in houston parts of houston you're like something is happening maybe you're in los angeles right now california there's actually great things happening over there even though the government's doing everything they can to run the place into the ground maybe you're in scottsdale arizona you're like something's something something's happening here you're in salt lake city man boise idaho i can go over the whole list seattle washington uh i can go out to the outer parts of washington some of those little tacoma tacoma tacoma tacoma yeah tacoma tacoma uh maybe you're up in uh where uh glenn stearns was up in uh uh where did he do his show undercover billionaire uh erie pennsylvania pennsylvania you got these little pockets maybe you're in baltimore you're in parts of maryland you're like something's happening here man okay when you see that okay you can buy anything a house duplex fourplex eight plex 16 units i bought i found that happen and that happened for me in los angeles california i just moved to la i've been in la maybe seven days and this woman mimi starrett shows me a house she's like grant i know it's more than you can afford no this is the lawyer house yeah no i'm in la jolla california uh anna marie not mimi anna marie i was going out with her she's like man there's this this house you know on camino de la costa i said i know camino de la costa and she's like how do you know what i said i live on camino de la costa and she's like there's a house for sale on camino de la costa 64.50 and they just gave the la jolla agent of the la jolla it's a la jolla house and they gave it to an la broker i'm like oh i said anne marie who is it anna marie gives me the information i go look at the house i look over the fence i'm looking at the house right now i look over the fence true story i can't be more than 35 36 years old i look over the gate i'm like i'm buying this house okay they wanted five million dollars for the house okay now you gotta have tails in poker there's tails in real estate there's a lot of tails okay the broker the real estate agent is a tail okay this is a la jolla house listed by an la broker the moment i saw it i'm gonna steal this house okay if you're in la jolla okay first of all if you're selling your real estate do not sell it yourself sell it with a broker if you don't use the broker the local the best broker in town by the way pay them whatever their little fee is because they will give you the stamp that you're cool and that you're the house otherwise then they stay in back they'll bad-mouth your house house for some reason this guy this house had only sold two times in its entire recorded history ocean front like crazy crazy location and they wanted five million dollars for it and they had already moved out of the house so the house is vacant so this is another like so number one a tail agent from out of the area number two they had already moved out of the house so i go to the house without the agent the agent gave me the information she wasn't the listing agent she was in point loma i would not talk to her about this later i'd sleep with her but i wouldn't talk to her about the house oh wow okay okay so so i'm just keeping it real okay but but but you know you get your information from a lot of different places so so um i go to the house and i ring the doorbell sheree comes to the front door sheree would end up working for me sheree was the house the the house sitter of the house she's the one that managed the estate and i said cherie and i started doing the razzle dazzle with cherie right there you know what you're asking this the sweet talk you're awesome you know i thought when you looked over the fence you saw cherie no no i buzzed the door i still remember the buzzer right now and you know i remember the whole house i remember every detail about it right so i buzzed the house she comes out i'm like hey i live in the neighborhood and i heard maybe this house is for sale she's like oh it is for sale i said where are the people and she's like they're in los angeles and i'm saying you know how long have they been here she told me how long they've been there i'm like well i mean do they love the house they're like no they're done with it okay this was at a time right after 2000 what was the day 2001. dude internet had busted world was coming to an end negativity was everywhere okay they wanted five million for this house i paid them three million dollars for this house i went to merrell lynch where i had a i think i had two hundred thousand dollars in a in an account with merrill lynch and i said hey would you guys give me a loan on this house sure man you're gonna live there yeah i said how much you give me just just keep the account with us and we'll give you three million dollars i'm like you gotta be kidding man okay this is before 2008 but this is seven years before 2008. so i said well i got another house here on the street across the street by the way and and i need to sell that and they're like no we're cool man you're good you're working you're making money you're you're a good person you pay your bills they looked at my they looked at everything they're like you're going to live there we love this street you're buying this house for three million this house worth five or six million bucks easily so they're like we'll give you the loan why because if you default bro we'll just take the house okay the house was listed with the wrong broker if you can find a house with an out-of-state broker out of location broker or a broker meaning nobody knows that broker they don't know what they're doing you just dealt with that recently okay no offense i hope they hope they didn't hear that but look if they don't know what they're doing they don't know what they're doing okay now i took this house i paid three million dollars for the house i put no money down i would sell this house for eight point seven million dollars you just go on the internet uh july 18th of 2002 it was sold for 8.7 million where are you selling i'm looking at it on zillow in a tax record yeah so you can go only one year later you sold it for 8.7 no no this was uh probably four years later because i had a lot of fun there oh wow now zillow's saying this house is worth 5.7 million dollars that's so stupid the tax assessment in 2020 was 10.9 million yeah now now you're like why'd you sell that house because it was time for me to go okay now i'm going to show you what the most important thing in this house is when i sold this house for three point i'm sorry a 5.7 million dollar game because i owe 3 million when i sold this house i did what's called a 1031 exchange okay now i got away with something a little tricky here okay because i bought what's called a light kind exchange and i bought this other place called 1401 oriole now this is a little more complicated i'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about how i pulled this off but it's called the 1031 we explained it in our course i spent two hours talking about just about 10 30 once and i took the entire 5.7 million dollars exchanged it into an 8.3 million dollar purchase is that about right i'm doing a lot of this off of memory now let's see what i paid for that beast uh 7.35 oh wait wait uh yeah that's that's probably right seven point three was it 1401 yeah here it's in here uh i'm gonna i'm gonna show it right now jared okay let me just get here probably get that quicker okay yeah seven million in 2003 i traded this 5.7 million dollars i created a an exchange account and i bought a house for 7 million 350 000 let me tell you the story how about this house guy bought a house he sold a production studio in london he was dating this pop star i'm not going to give you her name but you guys would know it he's dating a pop star they move into the house no furniture they're all in lovey lovey doing all the kissy face and stuff they're freaking loving each other they're artists they're into the whole art thing they're putting art on the walls okay literally i saw the house with the art on the walls i don't mean art on the wall like buying art and putting it on the walls i mean drawing art onto the walls okay a mouse runs through the house freaks the chick out she will not go back to the house he's already closed he puts the house in the market i have to sell it i'll sell it for what i paid for it okay i make a run at him at i think six and a half million he's like if i don't get the 73 i'm not selling it he just sold his recording studio for a couple hundred million he wasn't in a rush my wife is telling me at the time my girlfriend elena is like this house is a steal me me stare it this house is a steal i'm like i i just can't imagine spending this much money on a house elaine is like you just sold your house for 8.7 million move the money from that house into this house lionel richie lived in this house before this recording studio guy the mouse got me the deal at 7 350. okay i would end up selling this house for 17 million dollars to the waltons okay before the walton's made an offer roman abramovich tried to buy the house roman abramovich is one of the dark shadow richest people oligarch russian oligarchy he's one of putin's guys he's worth who knows 300 400 billion dollars who knows what he's worth he's worth nuclear arms money so he makes an offer on the deal uh because he bought the neighbor i won't sell in my house he gets pissed off says you literally sends a message you buys a house this is a rich neighborhood lionel richie's uh leonardo dicaprio is my neighbor dr dre is in front of me keanu reeves is behind me what's her name uh the hot chick uh that was in the james bond movie halle berry she lives there like it's it's a neighborhood of star-studded people and then me okay and and so so abramovic sells the house to sally walton is it sally or alice alice walker she's one of the on the forbes list she's a she's a multi-billionaire she pays 23 million dollars for the house next door i put out i put out news that i'm going to re put a mega house on my place she makes me a full price offer on my house we sell it for 17 million i make 10 million okay so what have i made i made 10 million on this one i made 5.7 million on the other one i have 15 million dollars of money guess what i do a 1031 the money i talk about it in my course folks people pay hundreds of thousands of dollars hundreds of thousands of dollars to lawyers to set up these 1031 exchanges i'm giving you this information for a thousand bucks in this course if all you learned is the 1031. i take the 1031 money i get an agreement from elena we're done with houses we need to take this money she's like you've made so much money on these last two houses i'm like we are fooling around this is stupid we need to take this money and buy apartments and we buy a 58 million dollar a real estate portfolio and my entire life changed okay we took these two deals 15 million bought that asset right there a thousand units okay this is what year now they tore the house down they rebuilt the house yeah you see it now yeah look what l.a and oriole yeah oh no look they changed the they changed yeah they didn't tear it to the ground though they gutted every wall though yeah they're rich man okay that's why i tell you guys never compromise location ever ever notice the thing about each of these assets location is stupid the the mesa the mesa deal that i tell you the vista mesa deal that i told you about that i bought that apartment deal if it's 15 million bucks today because i know the location i would go back and buy that deal today if i was willing to be in california because i know the location so the first thing you never want to compromise is location and location location location they scrape dr dre's house yeah i think that's 60 million jeez okay so i should have bought dre's house because i knew that i knew the name it was crazy right so and this is about you guys this is not about me this is about this is available in your marketplace right now wake up wake up folks i want you to go out today when we're done here i want you to go shop your neighborhood and i want you to say hey do i get the feeling if you don't get the feeling keep moving i promise you cherry creek colorado south of denver all you got to do is drive through there and say god damn this feels good okay look at the infrastructure okay and and mr biden is going to dump trillion dollars into the u.s marketplace fixing infrastructure this housing boom is not over we're the beginning cycles we took this and bought 1 000 units in florida i think it was 2013 or 2014 right uh it was 2013. 2013. eight years ago i bought a thousand units with the money i got from the sale of these two houses this would change my life forever now all these deals mattered okay all these deals mattered a lot what are you showing johnny pictures of the house no that's just the video yeah it's just good sorry um god i forgot about that deal summerstone which one summerstone oh my god in between these deals yeah between these deals i get a phone call while i'm selling my house i don't have the money yet i get a phone call i'm in los angeles i live in los angeles and i get a phone call because i'm looking at deals every day in our resource book i'm going to give you i'm going to give you in the front uh the names of the real estate brokers i've done business with every one of these guys know me there's three pages of real estate agents were you calling brokers and yeah i'm like hey guys i'm every night i'm on the internet looking like i bet you i've looked at easily hundreds of thousands of deals individual deals not units i'm looking at them all the time when i'm up at night i'm looking at deals okay when i'm on clubhouse i'm looking at deals when i'm on instagram live i'm looking at deals i guarantee i'm looking at deals i never don't have a browser open with deals if jared opened my my computer right now and went to my computer for sure he'd find open deals sit in my computer right now so this guy calls me from charlotte north carolina says hey man i got a deal let me tell you right here you got to know the broker okay in commercial real estate you have to know the broker you cannot do this without a broker you've got to know the guy the guy calls me and says just so just because this is important yeah so what does that mean that means you have to get out and start talking to these people like what grant did so like you got to know the broker you've got to get a relationship with them because they're the ones that control the deal so you got to make the phone calls you got to be in the market if they don't bless you you're not buying this deal okay all they want is their fee on this deal and and and right now this is what you're doing by summerstone this deal becomes ridiculous by the way this is only because i'm playing the game this is not the deal that makes me rich but this is the deal that just happens because you're in the game and that's why i tell you guys like right now man why would you go worry about having a place to live at and put palm trees in and when you guys can get rich right now this is a super cycle for real estate we've been joking about it for a long time but the joke's becoming a reality okay this is going to happen we have printed forty percent of all the us dollars in circulation rate forty percent almost a full forty percent did not exist twelve months ago this is happening right now okay so that means the dollar the dollar becomes worth less no the dollar needs places to go you need places to go so what happens is asset values go up because more you have more money chasing right you have money chasing assets so you have more competition for the asset itself so i get a phone call grant 7.8 million dollars buys this deal it was uh 360 units it was 70 occupied 70 occupied now i know how to do the math okay i'm going to give you the math in here how does the math work uh to do the deal okay i i knew a bank that would give me a loan on what's called an unstabilized deal at 70 percent of cash flowed okay it actually would make me 10 on my money i knew if i could get it to 90 percent i'd make a little bit of money on it i just didn't know how much money okay so i knew how to get a loan on this deal with 400 grand i'll show you exactly how to do this i financed 7.4 million dollars it was a short-term loan was that a long-term loan it was short i'm not sure yeah okay i kept this deal for three years took it from 72 percent to 95 percent that deal sold for 23 million dollars while i was working out this portfolio deal we made 14 million bucks on that deal i i wasn't even planning on it like it just like pop here you know the reason i was able to get it with so little money down is because they had a bad loan anyway they're like do we rather give it to you then give it to them okay now i'm gonna go to i'm gonna go to this deal just to show you this is real folks you don't have to be a genius to do this you don't have to go to college to do this um this this building was yellow when i bought it it was 36 acres of land i'm driving on the property as soon as i drove up guess what happened i'm buying this deal like my heart i showed up at 6 30 in the morning and i drive up on the property i did a red eye got out i told the guy on the phone hey bro i'm taking a red eye to come see this deal he's like oh red eye i said yeah you picked me up in the airport life life before the jet oh yeah i got an american airlines through into charlotte guy picks me up at the airport he's like man you you kind of like like i talked to you yesterday you here today that's a game baby that's the game okay now why is that important for the price man i'm showing urgency man i'm and i got telling the story like you guys got to learn the story i got 16 hours of video where i teach you the story to tell and the story is i need this asset i got a bunch of cash i got to get into an asset right now the clock is ticking i got a 10 31 going or i got cash that has to get placed before the quarter i'm telling this story to get the the broker pregnant with me as a buyer okay i'm literally impregnating the broker because the broker's gonna pass the story on to the seller i got a guy on the hook he's flying in tonight okay i'm not talking to him on the phone bro i got on a plane through from la to there this one trip would make me 14 million dollars i left my family my daughters i got to go got on a red eye spent the time got there you're like i'd do that for 14 million too but i didn't know it was going to make me 14 million this is what i knew i knew i would be paid to wait i put 400 grand down made 40 000 bucks a year to wait for 14 million bucks i was paid to wait okay you guys are paid to trade time for freaking pieces of paper okay you're paid for your time i was paid to wait you're paid to work i'm paid to wait so i'm willing to be paid to work i'm willing to go to work and get paid but i need to take the money that i get paid and then i need to put it to work and i wait and i wait for the rents to go up okay now this property today when i bought it the rents were under 500 bucks let me just see what summerstone rents were today because the guy the guy that bought this from me he's probably going to make 20 million too yeah that's crazy thing the rents on this property today 1200. 8.85 i'm looking at them right now to 17.50 a month okay so watch 8.85 wow to 1700 a month i know what you're thinking right now charlotte okay my rents were 600 bucks when i bought it 2013 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 90 what is that nine years nine years the rents have gone from 600 let's split the difference let's say they're 1300 bucks now they doubled 700 okay so literally the guy that paid 23 million dollars they did a good job with this exterior too they made it look good man looks good landscape looks good it's 36 acres in charlotte oh nice yeah um let me see so how many units was that 360. so watch these on this remember i said 200 your number yeah 200 and what rents 200. look for 200 rent increases look for the gap so they pick up 700 in rent so 700 times 360. 360 times 12 12 divided by point three million dollars in new income a year let me just do the math again so just like so you guys understand how fast this gets big nine years okay let's just do one year let's just do one year okay the rents were 600 now they're 1300 700 times 360 times 12. 360z units okay but let's just do let's just do the all you got to do to figure out the new valuation is the one year but you guys got to know the math you have to know the math to do this this simple math it's always the same kind of math multiplication and addition i'm sorry multiplication and division it is never adding and subtracting okay 700 times 360 times 12 is three million new income per year per year three million twenty four thousand dollars divided by i'm going to do a six cap you got to know the cap rate if you're taking notes there's cap rates with different markets probably a five cap for sure maybe even a four and a half yeah i'm gonna do a five the new the new the new makes me sick too ryan's over here getting sick the new value of the increased rent would be 60 million now you're not going to keep the entire three million dollars you're probably going to keep 60 of it because some of it's going to go to expenses they had to do something to improve the property so i'm just going to go ahead and gut this and say it's 2.4 million dollars still shouldn't sold this still 45 i made 23 million i shouldn't have sold the deal still 45 to 50 million bucks 48 million that means the guy that paid me too much yep is going to make another 48 million double up he's going to double up now i know some of you think of right now no he's not going to double up because he didn't put that much money down got it he put six million dollars down he's going to make 12 x on his money [Music] and i guarantee you the guy that bought the deal for me raised the money from investors so that's the other thing you all need to understand the easiest money to raise on the planet worldwide crowdfunding investors has proven to be better and easier in real estate than any other asset class including technology okay uh i should be getting your attention right now for those of you who think this is a scam this can't happen i just included in here every deal i've ever done here's my current portfolio this is public documented information as of june 10 2021 there's our current portfolio that's my current portfolio all has very conservative valuations for probably 300 million low lower than it should be okay there's a real estate graph right there of the units that we bought timing this is all public data i know there's a bunch of skeptics out there you're like man this kid this is too good to be true might be too good to be true folks but the thing about real estate is it's real [Music] okay and if it's real it's documented there's a recording a record what's it called public record there's public records of every close i've ever done okay so it's not too late this is what's happening it's hard to fake a sign that says 10x living in front of these deals too we have 10 almost 9 200 units 9 218 units right now it's got 2.2 billion probably i think this is this is super important for people to see yeah and i'm sure if anybody's seen uh warren buffett's wealth graph of of basically how he makes how he made his fortune it looks very similar to this yeah it goes like this like all this started for me when i was i mean the real wealth that i've created has happened in the last 10 years not the first 25. the first 25 was me learning the game and having the confidence so but the information i'm sharing with you right now i would i would pay millions of dollars millions of dollars for what i'm giving you right now because i know that everything i'm telling you right now happened it's real and it's really happening it's happening right now it's gonna happen bigger now than it's happened in the past 20 years some of you some of you're going to miss this just because you're like i'm too late that's the story you tell yourself over and over your mom and daddy did it too and so did your grandparents i'm too late man i'm too late okay the guy that rolled with jesus i'm too late like everybody thinks they're too late and then i'm like bro you should have been buying this the entire time in fact you should be buying it on the way up not on the way down and that's the problem with some of the teachers and educators out there they're waiting for you to do it in the crash that's not when you make the cash man do it when it's on the swoop okay all right uh another deal or do you want to tell them about the offer because i feel like i feel like this this i'm just overwhelming yeah we do have some overwhelming deals because i'm trying to show you guys a bunch of different deals i showed you one single family mm-hmm a dude a single plex that i that i for single families four singles i showed you a second single family that was in houston texas that i bought at the same time and i lived in and made 30 000 bucks on that the third deal i did was the 48 units it's the first multi-family deal i made 5 million bucks 4 million is what i netted out of that deal plus cash flow fourth deal was a back to a single family house the fifth deal was a single family house the sixth deal was a 360 unit apartment complex i had never bought one of those that big that's a big jump okay i showed you what i made on it and i'm showing you what the next guy's gonna make on there's probably been two buyers since me on that last deal here's a deal that jared and i bought just five years ago freeze this is after i bought this big portfolio i found this piece of garbage this guy calls me hey man i got something in stuart you know stewart yeah i own a bunch of store i own a thousand units to secure it bro okay seller wanted 6.1 million dollars i paid him 4.8 okay always okay you want a broker on the deal find the wrong broker you get the right deal okay so we raised we took i put 400 grand down on this deal all i did was a rehab right sure i think on this deal we raised the rents on a line of credit we rehab the the property we use the rehab loan it's a simple rehab loan i'll explain the whole thing to you we raised the rents to a thousand bucks from 800 remember that 200 look for the gap look for a property where you can raise the rents 200 bucks a month and typically to find a deal like this it's like maybe it's been owned for a while yeah yeah like it's very it's almost 100 occupied yeah it's 100 occupied maybe it's in a kind of a crummy neighborhood the property has been you know defer deferred maintenance meaning we're not paying attention to it anymore uh the guy's cost basis is really low maybe he's an older guy and he's just not interested anymore or you know like he doesn't want to work the deal no he doesn't want to work the deal he's a real estate guy that's made a bunch of money he's making a bunch of cash flow every month and he's frugal that's the other thing you're looking for a seller that's like he's not driving a rolls royce he doesn't want the lifestyle he's not flying pride but he's not going on trips dude he's rich and he still shops it it at walmart like he like he goes there by the way he doesn't buy online yeah he doesn't do instacart like ryan does ryan's never been in a grocery store by the way three years okay and so because this guy wants to go to home depot he's going to actually change the labels and the prices of that's weird he's rich but he's a mooch right when you find that guy you can steal his real estate he's rich he's a mooch he's cheap he won't even lend his nephew a hundred bucks okay everything to him is like if the government comes out with a program he's the first person he could be getting food stamps and be a rich guy i know people like he's doing maybe some section 8 stuff he's doing some city stuff everything's an opportunity for him everything's a shortcut there there's a type of people like this in real estate and there's a bunch of them okay so we took this property over all we did was paint it we painted it and put some gates on it put put we changed the balcony remember okay i paid what did i pay for that deal six one nine four point eight four no no i paid four point eight million dollars i got a local loan for with 400 grand i took the 400 grand i said i'm just gonna rehab it this is not a hard loan to get on multi-family as long as it's producing income okay remember the 200 we took the rents from 800 bucks on this property to a thousand dollars like instantly we went back to the bank couldn't have been more than nine months it wasn't it was like six months okay nine months six months to nine months later we went back to the bank based on the new income it was 104 units so 200 times 200 it's 20 000 a month new income 21 000 a month new income times 12. so you're looking for a gap maybe you're in detroit and you're like hey there's a 600 rental and i think the rent should be 800. okay good you love the property when you drove drove up number one you liked it number two oh the rents are probably too low because the guy bought it back in 1995 and he hadn't moved the rents much or maybe he moved him from 450 to 600 and quit raising the rents like rent should be moving right now and they're not okay so we found the deal uh the two that twenty thousand eight hundred dollars that's free cash flow times twelve it's 249 thousand dollars of new income 240 000 in new income okay what did i put down on the deal 400 that's new income it was already cash flowing okay we refinanced that deal for what i forget 15 million bucks i think it was 80 10 what's it on my books for yeah i got a loan for 10 million dollars on this deal what did i put down 400 grand i owed 4 million didn't i owe 4 million 4.4 4.4 i got a loan for 10 million dollars we took out we took out 5.6 million in cash the tax on that was zero wow i met so just imagine me like what's your checklist uh three thousand dollars he gets three thousand dollars a month i get thirty thousand dollars so that deal so that deal imagine this so i'm just starting investing with him i put a hundred and fifty grand into that deal this charity uh he gives me he gives me a hundred and fifteen thousand dollars back six months after we he bought the deal he put down and then and how much you put down 150. he put down 150 i give him back 116. and then and then uh two years later you gave me like 400 grand he got okay so he puts 100 this happened okay and by the way if you guys don't want to learn this game investment would be at cardone capital that's what i did our minimum investment of cardone capital right now is a hundred thousand dollars okay anybody who puts 100 grand in today i'll give you the course the 997 course for free the offer for free we'll just take it out of rhyme okay but you got to get the money in today you do the money today your other choice is pay a thousand dollars for the course and learn this yourself or give us a hundred grand today and let us put it to work if you need payments we can break it up into two payments and it's 100 money back guarantee so if if it ain't what you think it is then we'll give your money back on what not not only a hundred thousand dollars on the course yeah yeah wait stay with me man don't don't talk about money back guarantee on on a real estate investment okay because you guys could be sitting there for a second some of this takes more than four months it's just window you're getting paid to wait we expect like a four to six percent return on most of our investments while we wait for a 2x to a 3x return that's what we look for on every deal so if you want to do it with me you can do it with me minimum is 100 grand you want to do it on your own it's going to cost you 9.97 okay forward slash invest all right so watch what we did with this deal this deal is worth 14 million dollars today jared put in a hundred grand i gave him back 116. no how much did i give my first 150 in 150. sorry he put 150. he he was a 1 owner in the deal i give him back 116 on the first re-fight the exit no exit that was in six months we still own this deal yeah we've refinanced it three times now okay second time i gave you what uh 430 i think 430 000 how much money is jared having the deal now he put in 150 this is the only money he gave me was 150 i gave him back 116. he's got 34 000 left in the deal i gave him 430 he's got 406 000 dollars negative right 400 and i've got now i've gotten plus yeah he's plus plus plus now he's got 400 grand a gain and that happened what's your tax has been on this zero and what do i pay you every month uh between two and three thousand bucks a month and he gets three thousand bucks a month he gets thirty and and he's in like under 13 of my deals the deal that's one deal the deal does 400 grand a year still okay the deal is worth 14 million dollars today does how much a month for 400 grand a year four hundred thousand dollars a cash flow 35 35 a month okay and i already took four million out so you guys are like man how's cardone buying jets and because i buy jets i buy stuff once i get enough of this money this refi money you shouldn't go buy a jet right now what you should do is take this four million dollars by the way and go buy another 16 million complex and that's how i've been buying real estate okay we refinance we exit no exit we don't sell the asset we refinance the asset reinvest the money okay all right uh the these are the deals i've sold i shouldn't have sold these deals entire list public information herron point realm tennessee portfolio summerstone claremont greentree pueblo villas sunset view vista montana west gate park villa west wilmot vista i love that deal i shouldn't sold that deal barcelona san diego california camelot chula vista california kenya point tucson arizona catalina mission tucson arizona desert tree palms la mesa arcadia park i knew that deal when i saw that deal i knew i was stealing it where was that at uh tucson man i drove and it was in late in the cycle this is this is right before 2000 uh the the crash okay uh it was one of the last of the uh what's interesting about that deal was it was one of the last assets i bought in tucson i had already bought 2200 units added those that was the best of the whole it was the in the tail of the cycle and it was the best deal cedarwood palermo neptune those are all in san diego la mesa f street monolina austin texas i mean four million dollars in that deal in four months no it was 30 days okay well i mean by the time a million and by the way because you that asset today is probably worth 50 million bucks shouldn't have sold that i remember that deal because you bought it you listed it yeah the day you closed you listed it well i went and took a piss on it and he literally did nothing with it relisted it after he closed and then he put paint it literally a flip it couldn't have been 90 days whatever period of time it took because the broker okay that's all this is happening right now okay now for you guys i'm done talking about my deals look i can go fine because i know a lot of you out there like oh my god this can't happen today right now today in alabama birmingham alabama i did this this morning i went on a loop net search and i found deals available right now you guys are in birmingham who's in birmingham today you're in mobile birmingham daphne alabama fair hope uh i don't know uh what's that other place in alabama i used to go to all the time um huntsville huntsville dude those markets are on fire man mobile uh the the the mo not the mobile the the the south foreign panhandle montgomery the panhandle yeah okay there's a deal this morning i looked at 10 units 350 000 somebody doesn't go buy this deal something wrong with y'all i mean something's just wrong with you no dude this is we looked this deal yeah we looked this deal up yesterday we put this in here today it was it was sold it's not well i i wouldn't i wouldn't i would not i would not throw throw the deal away i would keep y'all need to find this this deal go on going as a backup going as a backup offer bumper just offer a good bailout or maybe you offer the guy another 50 grand just to take your deal and move on with the thing you this deal 50 grand or 15 grand you could probably buy it with 15 you finance 300 000 bucks okay the loan on that's going to be 9 000 a year how the hell is that a bad deal 10 units 10 units man i almost don't even care in the location even if the rents were 500 or 700 bucks do you understand the the payment on this place for 10 units the payment per month is that right we don't deal with these numbers so the payments are 800 bucks a month for the whole 10 units wow so i took you guys to big now i want to take you back i want to take you back to get you started okay your payments on this would be less than where you rent for 10 units in birmingham alabama and birmingham alabama has been in birmingham ever since i've been alive it's been there the whole damn time it's been there through the civil war people lived there too people live in birmingham some some people live in birmingham they've never left birmingham the entire time okay they've never even been on a plane okay the now in this deal would be thirty thousand dollars a year your payment would be nine thousand bucks and your cash flow would be twenty one thousand bucks a year you would make a positive cash flow of eighteen hundred and fifty dollars a month now what you need how do i make the call how do i write the loi up what's the psa look like how do i do my due diligence all of it's in the resource book all of it okay i give it all to you why are you doing this oh because i'm a good guy that's why i'm doing this why am i doing it on a saturday because my wife's in tampa with the kids i'm here i'm like let's do a webinar for real estate okay 118 000 people showed up for it all right grab this folks introduction to my course 16 hours of video the real estate resource book this is the most unbelievable resource book you will ever get in real estate and a three-day summit all this would pay it would cost you 21 000 to buy this for on my website you can by the way you can buy it individually you don't want to come to the three-day summit you don't want the resource book you don't want pieces and parts of this you can buy each of these individually off my website the introduction course is 9 000 bucks the res the real estate book at my website is 2 500 bucks go look at it right now the summit can they buy the summit yeah how much is it uh the the retail price five thousand bucks five thousand dollars you can buy three days with me in miami uh five thousand dollars or you can get it all here today for only 997 and check this out i'm going to give you a little bone because people like bones some people like them more than others the bonus for today is going to be we're going to do six private calls starting monday at noon six private calls where i'm gonna actually do a zoom with you i'll be uh taking your questions and looking at your deals so if you got a deal you can't get the funding for it you can't get the debt for it maybe the deal is too big for you you're scared of it i'll underwrite the deal with you on the call the only people that can actually ask questions in this call are the people involved in this coaching program so we'll do that for everybody that's already signed up we're going to give everybody that signed up the bonus i think we had some people already hook up on this yeah the website is grant forward slash rei you get the introduction course the real estate summit three-day livestream fest is it investor rei i'm sorry so just congratulations to julie daryl fernando mark jorge ronnelle federico powell wade joe josh michael sheldon ken kenton michelle leonardo henry maria jason they're going it's going and going they're a lot of people everybody congratulations don't have to stay here okay because i want to go over some of these questions they have you know i don't have thanks but this is exciting for us too yeah the ultimate resource book you get that for twenty that that's included six private coaching calls i mean they show that as five thousand you can't buy it okay you can't buy this you can't be part of this unless you do this uh the retail value is 22 491 you want to take advantage of it you want to get started in real estate you want to get certainty you want to get confidence you want to know you want to get the eye dude i got the eye yep ryan told me the other day you say man you you got the eye bro your picker i'm a picker bro you're a picker some of you pick your nose i don't i pick real estate okay i pick real estate that'll make me money but but this but this how how simple you keep it grant because the two things i got stuck on is how do i know what's like what's a good deal yeah and so once i found like a deal that i wanted i didn't know how to write an loi so just those two things alone so look first thing about a good deal is the location it is not the asset itself oh my god i love the kitchen dude kitchens are nothing all kitchens get replaced locations cannot be replaced anything you can replace do not value it and the doors the walls the paint the curtains it's all so what i was going to say the one thing that you say all the time too is you like there is some bad information out there because some like one of the things that i used to always hear was buy the cheapest home in the nicest neighborhood yeah i wouldn't do that i would buy the best location the home wouldn't matter to me i would buy the biggest lot in the juiciest part like a vein real estate's like veins right when you go get uh when you want to get a shot or you want to get uh an iv an iv they're looking for the vein they're looking for a vein to hit right into the main vein if you wanted to kill somebody you just find that one artery right with real estate if you want to kill it you find the best part of that block and you pay up pay up for that location never compromise okay now look i mean i know a lot of guys are teaching this other thing because you've been to those classes for sure none of them own more real estate than i did nope you can take all of them together combine all their the they've ever bought and i still own more real estate than they do so i'm just telling you there's a lot of ways to play the game and i'm not the biggest guy i'm just telling you the black stones of the world they own the best stuff the jp morgans okay it's not it's not the roberts and the and even the grants it's it's not the grant of 20 years ago it's the grant i'm becoming because i'm studying the black stones that jp morgan's them the big the big the whales and so like just so people understand like the amount of money like trillions of dollars because they're in real life like there is 10 trillion dollars sitting in home equity wow dead money this is dead money this is one of the great the great uh black holes in america today this is a shame that this is happening you guys are proud of your equity it's stupid this is ridiculous don't tell anybody you got your house paid for it's freaking stupidity okay you shouldn't have the house and you shouldn't have the equity that equity should be converted into these assets that i'm talking about so number one never violate the location never compromise location ever ever so whether you're a car dealership or a starbucks or you're buying multi-family never ever pay the extra rent or the price to have the better location because you'll always have that traffic okay number two ideally you're looking for 16 units remember my goal was to make you guys a million dollars okay the reason i've always hung on the 16 to 32 is because i know a lot of people like oh he only wants about 16 and 32. he's he's a he's an entitled person the reason i want you to keep that number is because if i can get to the 32 you make a million bucks you guys want to make a million dollars that's the math 200 times 32 is a million dollars a new value every time okay so the third third thing you're looking for is you're looking for the gap uh you're looking for the uh what's it called in wall street it's called the delta the delta hey that's a it's an 1100 rent and it should be 1 300. if you know that's real and that's easy to substantiate apartment finder loot net i give you every website that you can go to um we pay what do we pay that group for uh for for all our databases 70 grand a year rca is yeah it's 67 i'm going to give you access to the information where you don't have to pay 70 000 a year for the same information that we access okay so you're looking for the gap and the gap's 200 right so if i take 32 let me just do the math 200. and the gap's calling the neighbors too i mean pick up the phone and just call the neighbors that's what you do yeah 6400 times 12 is what is that 80 000 bucks a year i mean let me just do the math 200 times 32 76 80 76 000 so it's almost 76 800 a year divide that by six i'm just going to take a six cap rate 1.2 1.2 million 1.28 1.2 i tell you if you find 32 units increase the rents 200 bucks bang you'll make 1.2 million dollars so just like you want to become a millionaire i just showed you exactly how to become a millionaire so just a super quick find find a sleepy broker find a deal that's been owned by the same guy for a long time that looks a little tired but it's in a great location look for something that's 32 units and look for something that's probably 200 dollars a 200 dollar ticket okay 200 delta so like here here's the deal i'm gonna show these i'm gonna show them this dylan baker's pill cause a lot of you guys in california oh it's all over in california you're so so ridiculous every thought that you have this negative understand there's 30 million people in california that think exactly the same way there are only a handful of people that own all the real estate in this country i'm one of them and i and i and every day i wake up sick of myself every day ryan can tell you goddamn we only own 10 000 units i'm going to own 40 000 units one day so again the number of units is the most important thing but here's a deal in bakersfield i found this deal this morning okay bakersfield california i went on the loop net right here and i'm like let me look at bakersfield because somebody showed up in our registration that was from bakersfield and let's see if i can find 308 south chester avenue oh man i don't want to be in bakersfield okay well good so you don't need to leave people live in bakersfield you don't need to live you don't need to live there you need to buy there and rent it to to the crackhead that's going to live there okay if you got 15 000 you can buy that deal did i say crackhead you did okay because i can't say cracker anymore okay you're going to finance 330 000 the payment on 330 000 how much is that 330. i bet you i can borrow that money for 4 today you think you think right oh yeah times point oh four thousand bucks 1100 bucks 13 200 i mean we we i get loans that are interest only for five years on this deal 13 200 the rent what's the rent on this beast i'm gonna look up the rent right here the rent's right there here it is on the site uh price per unit it's 86 000 a unit you can't build this folks just so you understand in bakersfield california to permit that property it would cost you 40 000 in paper fees it would cost you 40 grand before you put a stick up a piece of concrete or those bricks before you put that little flower garden or that air conditioning unit in that window you would pay the state of california forty thousand dollars for times four for permits so you're gonna spend forty thousand times at least four maybe more than that 160 thousand dollars i'm buying the whole place for for for double that and i get cash flow the first day that's what i'm doing in the beginning don't build it man buy it okay so you would have about five thousand dollars cash flow from this deal in year one what did you put down okay your capital is paid back in three uh in three years now when you look at this place when i look at this place i don't know the location of this place but i'm just telling you just looking at this johnny can they see what i see johnny talk to me man every once in a while okay so yeah i see what i see what you're saying okay so when i look at this place the first thing i see is okay i'm to paint it okay i'm going to put i'm going to put i'm going to put some fake grass along down that driveway and i'm going to put a big plumeria tree plumeria plumeria okay let me show you plumaria plumeria man i tell you if you guys knew that grant had a superpower other than real estate and if i told you it was trees and flowers you would yeah he is he's a green thumb he's a genuine green thumb he's a landscape so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a plumeria can you show them my plumeria tree john i got to see what this plumeria tree is dude i'm going to put a big plumeria tree they do great in california i'm going to put bougainvillea in that in that brick never have to water it it won't be a watering bill i'm going to keep it trimmed it's going to pop hard red then i'm going to put a white plumeria tree in the front yard a little curb appeal a little plumeria curb appeal this tree right here in fact i'm going to go find this tree somewhere and rip it up out of the ground johnny show them this tree this exact tree john i want to because this tree is a beast see look at that tree okay that tree is beautiful you can't see it it's behind it oh this one right there okay got it little little white flowers look at that looks like that in front of there bang shebang diggity dogs we got to paint this thing white the trim needs to be gray blue blue or grey a nice blue gray get rid of the the metal fence getting rid of helps property okay getting rid of stuff take the satellite piece at the back on the front put it in the back would you do anything on the side of the house on the driveway there yeah i would plant i would plant it's in the shadow right now i would put artificial grass along the side right there i probably put a little a little header above the windows but dude it's about curb appeal man it's about you know it's about popping the place okay now now if i raise the rents 200 bucks let's see how much money we make because right now all we know is the cash flows so there's two games to play here one is the cash flow and the other is the app or the appr okay the appreciation so i know i got the five thousand dollars a year cash flow let's see if i can appreciate the place and increase the cash flow so let's say i can raise those rents because i did some cool stuff to it i increased the rents 9 600 bucks a year now for me to change the rents 9 600 bucks a year the plumeria tree is going to cost me 1 500 1500 bucks let's go buy a nice one the bougainvillea is going to cost me 200 bucks the artificial grass is gonna cost me three or four hundred the paint's gonna cost me twelve hundred dollars i don't know what the inside looks like i don't really care right fix the outside before you fix the inside okay it's what everybody does the whole world's fixing our outsides ain't nobody fixing their insides we'll find out that that was a deep cycle yeah lipstick lipstick on a pig lipstick on a pig hair whatever confusions you know whatever muscles whatever whatever ryan's doing we'll do okay it works so 9 600 we got 9 600 in new rent is that new rent divided by 0.06 in bakersfield i just increased the value of the property 160 000 what did i buy it for 345. it was 345 thousand dollars i put 15 000 dollars down i increased my net worth 160 to half a million dollars down okay i took 15 grand and 12x it all i did was move the rents up okay now what you could do is put a short-term loan on this one deal don't put get a local loan on this say you're going to move into it then don't move into it there's nothing wrong with doing that change your mind any time it's free to change hey man we were going to live in it man wells fargo we were and then this guy came to me and said we we we want to rent it from you and when the guy said we want to rent it from you we said i said honey you want to run into them and honey said yeah we should rent it down and so we rented it to him and he's a good guy too he's a chiropractor in town and and we're going to rent it to it it's cool to rent right and people want to rent stuff so dude you might be able to change the rents 800 let's see what the rent is on this place see so i started looking at these deals and i'm like god dang how many deals are like this around the country how many you think ron thousands tens of thousands every neighbor every neighborhood has them yeah see right now this deal does fifteen thousand dollars a year in noi the debt would be ten five thousand so if i increase the rents down watch what happens now let's say i increase the rents 9 600 bucks now the rent is 15 000 a year what did i put down 15. oh yeah i got all my money back in the first year and i own an asset yep okay now watch watch what i'm gonna do now 345. now it's worth 500 000 because of the rent i'm gonna i'm gonna go back to the bank up and say i want a 75 loan not a five percent loan that's how i'm going to get to ten of these i'm gonna start replacing the the old one with a commercial loan i'm going to take out 75 400 i'm going to get 375 000 worth of debt on the deal it's worth 500 i'm gonna get 375. what did i owe i owed 330 i'm gonna put forty thousand dollars in my pocket i'm bringing everything back down to numbers that you guys can still cut i'm gonna put forty thousand dollars of cash in my pocket i'm gonna put a commercial loan on it then i'm gonna go buy another house with five percent out and i'm gonna keep doing that i'm gonna replace my home with a commercial piece of property okay i'm gonna buy it as my home i'm gonna flip it to a commercial refinance it go buy another house so this is gonna take a second to build this out until you know what you're doing and then you're gonna be like okay i'm gonna start telling this story to my brother my uncle my nephew the more that you understand the market and the more you got a bigger plan about doing this the more people are going to want to invest for you invest with you you guys in scottsdale arizona that think oh my god everybody from california is coming over here you know why they're coming over there because you guys are stupid you're looking in the rear view i didn't mean to say that i'm just telling you when you look back you will say this about yourself in 30 years you're gonna be like i was stupid so i'm gonna call you stupid before you do it 30 years from now and it's too late okay i'm from scottsdale i was stupid stupid stupid you know who's buying arizona right now california not arizona oh my god it's overpriced now i remember when me and you we were looking at deals over there i remember when you talked us out of that whole portfolio i i take full responsibility yeah okay so there's a deal in scottsdale right now we've been there what five times now well the reason people sell their home in california and they pull out 500 600 grand of equity and they go pay cash for something yeah look real estate is a forward-looking thing not a backwards looking thing so you're not going to you're not you're never gonna buy real estate look in your rearview mirror you gotta look forward please folks do yourself a favor today don't do me a favor do yourself a favor grab this course forward slash invest for get the course what's the biggest risk you have here one thousand dollars the biggest thing that happens here is you got a thousand dollars the only reason you won't do this is you don't trust yourself you i know you trust me you're spending two hours with me you trust me i've done this i've done it almost three billion dollars worth okay so i know you trust me it's you you don't trust you so if you don't trust you enough right now trust me and what i'll do to make sure you use the program is i'll do two things for you one every monday we'll get on a call okay number two you got a money-back guarantee for any reason you just say man it's not whatever good i send you money back it's not a problem i'll always have the money to send it back to you okay but there's a deal in scottsdale right now i can't go buy this deal i got my hands full with buying deals right now okay there's a deal in scottsdale right now i got it on the screen 360 000 it's got a nice swimming pool this is a house i think this deal this is a single family yeah i want to show you how to go back from the four units back to a single family and do an airbnb on this deal so i'm gonna show you a different angle on this deal because scottsdale would be a great airbnb market okay uh i don't think that bakersfield would be an airbnb do you ryan i don't i think scott yeah so you're going to go buy this as a home you're going to put three percent down percent is about uh really eleven thousand dollars eleven thousand dollars you're gonna finance three hundred and forty nine thousand dollars uh the note on that's gonna be 349 times four percent it's going to be 14 000 bucks a year on your debt and you're going to see if you can get 1 000 a night for it half the year 180 000 bucks whoa think it'll rent for a thousand bucks a night um it's a whole house bro it's four bedrooms where can you get four bedrooms in scottsdale uh let's just say let's just say it was 500 a night and look at the math then the math let's do a thousand dollars a night let's do let's do this math because i think it brings a thousand bucks a night i know what i pay i've done a lot of i've rented a lot of houses mm-hmm haven't we annie oh yeah i've never paid a thousand dollars a night thousand dollars an hour so you know i mean we we we've had some nice houses so like i don't know i've been i've been in scottsdale a bunch of times i've never paid to to get a hyatt hotel it's going to cost 300 or 400 bucks a night in a scottsdale high for one bedroom so if i want to bring sabrina scarlett elena the nanny i got and if one of you guys are going to be there with me if we're going to bring a tribe i need bedrooms so this would be cheaper than being at the marriott and i got my own swimming pool okay so let's just say you could do that let's say you trick out the house and make it really cool put in some palm trees put in 25 000 worth of palm trees in that backyard so i'm gonna spend another 25 right here in rehab i spent 25 on rehab before okay uh let's see i'm gonna make a hundred and hundred and thirty six thousand dollars wouldn't i put down eleven is it 11 grand 11 grand yep okay so eleven thousand dollars 136. yeah that's 164 right grant 180 minus 14 or 25. i just made 12 times on my money and you're one yep 12x okay now you're like oh man i don't the question is can i get a thousand dollars 180 times a year if you make the place trick you can if it looks like a garbage dump you got to lower the price so maybe what you're better off doing is getting a little more money like figure this out man can you could you borrow 25 grand to put in some palm trees to put in some chase lounges to put on new paint to increase the interior maybe you got to spend 50 or 60 000 on the interior you go get a damn loan just like you did to go to college that didn't do dick for you okay and then you fix up this place you borrow 50 or 60 000 look what you're going to make the first year 10 000 a month you guys got to quit saying no and say how could i how could it work what would i have to do okay on this deal if i got creative enough with paint colors there's hgtv every single day somebody flipping a home on hd oh she's so smart my elena and scarlet watched 50 of these shows oh my god you see what they did with the patio i'm like quit watching that and do it to our property okay okay here's a deal i'm going to show you a different way to do a deal i'll show you guys so many ways to slice this d slice this deal we've done this so many different ways there's so many cool ways to do this the first thing you got to do is you got to get committed you got to say man do you even want to do the deal okay like rather than the excuses don't be so committed to your excuses here's a deal a commercial deal i think this is san antonio yep i found this deal in san antonio see if i can find it here yeah here it is san antonio texas look i wanted to pick out a variety of markets because they're all hot they're on fire oh let's see and by the way i want to congratulate everybody that took advantage of of coming to to uh coming to miami we're going to give you that seat this is going to be a three-day summit brandon rife mallow carlos leonardo liam in july we're gonna do this in july at the turnberry so um come hang out with us if you can't be there we'll zoom it to you we're gonna we're gonna video to them right if they don't wanna travel if they don't if they don't yeah we can do virtual if they don't want to travel okay and and so uh and i don't know how many spots you have for that jared what we're limited to so i think it was the first 250 yeah how much room you got we we we we don't have a whole lot more room well you got to tell people you got to tell people like guys i'm telling you like we want you to come here i want you to be here it's going to be first come first serve on the hats first come first serve on the helicopter first come first serve on the on on the location so if you know you want to be there you need to make sure you tell somebody dude i want to be there in person take advantage of this now to do that grant invest because i don't want so many people that want this and i'm like uh i can't how much room we got like 32 seats left okay okay that's what i need to know okay that's what the people need to know too man don't hold me out in purgatory i don't mind if i am i'm in hell i just don't i just want to know how long i got to be there it's like all the deals i do i'm like okay how long do i got to wait before i know i'm in a deal i don't mind going fishing and getting sunburned i just want to know we going to catch something because i don't want to be out here drinking beer and i ain't going to catch anything okay joint venture these new bottles are so hard to suck on and it's it's impossible it's a terrible product yeah it looks difficult how many did we buy yeah the straw is like i don't know what it is but i mean if you get good at sucking this you're going to be good at something okay uh it but it's tough okay okay so you're going to need to get sucking cash flow off these real estate deals i mean it's hard right it's you haven't gone through any of it i thought i was i thought i was there's got to be an event in there that's not open i thought i was maybe you want me to visit for you pass it over it's it's it's gone next well maybe it's the top thing maybe the top thing is maybe the top things look see you got to know right you got to know what you're doing otherwise the simplest thing can be a problem watch he's going to stab that did it go in yeah i bet that's the problem see seeing them watch see i don't know how to drink water but i know how to buy real estate so look this deal right here this deal i'm looking at right now this deal you will not be able to do with three or four or five percent down i told you guys i'd show you how to do deals with no money down see annie you should have fixed that for me no money down a little money down and i'm gonna show you a bigger deal but i'm gonna show you how to get this money from the investors i need you to have 20 grand oh good job i need you to have 20 grand or nothing at all frankly i need you to believe in this deal if you don't believe in the deal don't raise money for a deal but if you know the deal what at first number one location number two income number three the gap was that 1700 still yeah you guys on instagram man y'all need to take advantage of this i don't know why you like you need all the math here man yeah you guys on linkedin man it's pinned on invest grant invest take advantage of this guys this ends today i'm not going to do this again like this is going to be over last time we did this 2 000 people bought this program yeah the first time i ever talked about this 2 000 people i cannot have 2 000 people at this facility we don't have the room for it so like don't don't don't like let let my team know hey i want to come and i want to be there or that's cool stay where you are and i'll push it to you if you guys are outside the country this all this everything i'm sharing with you right now exists in london sydney uh south korea i don't care i've been every place i've ever been i was in 19 countries in 2019. it's a real deal everywhere income is income anywhere in the world okay so this deal would be 9.50 i put 200 grand down the noi on this deal i've already researched the noi the noi on this deal on 10 units is 30 000 bucks a year oops okay the debt on this deal 750 750 it's about 30 grand can't be right huh the debt on not that 750. let me just see okay let me go through my deal here i got something wrong here how many units is it it's ten ten units located in prime tobin hill if you guys don't know where tobin hill is i do uh price per unit's 118. it's a cap rate of four six two now some of you would be like oh my god i can't believe san antonio under a five cap told you i told you guys a year ago austin's a three some of us busting through the three 290 okay so there's eight units on this property um what's the rent thousand unit mix is eight units 900 bucks a month okay so i got eight units at 900. this is the exact deal i'm telling you guys about times 12. so i'll just do the whole math eighty-six thousand four hundred dollars i give you the math in the course i'll give you the math i'm gonna give you some simple math right here let's say it does forty six thousand four hundred dollars in no i think it does more than that i think it does closer at fifty five thousand but i'm just gonna be i'm gonna do a 50 50 debt 50 50 means income 50 expenses 50 noi so i have a 46 400 noi and my debt is going to be 23 000. is that what it is well that's half no no my debt is going to be uh if i pay the full price on the property which i don't mind paying full price thirty thousand dollars is the debt okay sixteen thousand dollars is the income i'm sorry the cash flow what we call free cash flow free free to distribute to our investors okay what do we put down 200 grand what do i tell my investors you got an eight percent return on your money eight where can you get that jacko you can't get it anywhere okay so you tell your investors i got an eight percent return what's the bank paying you oh excuse me the bank the bank is paying you point zero one five percent they're paying you one eighth an eight ball one eighth of one percent of one percent one eighth of one percent okay i am going to pay you eight percent in one year okay right here eight years eight years to get one percent no no i'm sorry not eight years yeah no no twelve years twelve years to get one percent over here eight percent in one year you gotta know how to tell the story i'm gonna show you how to raise a money from your investors 1 divided by 8 equals times 8. yeah yeah this is 1 8. this is 0.12 percent times eight years get you one percent it's a slow game oh compound interest compound interest is one of the great miracles of the universe through compound interest at 0.18 is never going gonna compound anything you need eight percent to start compounding when money compounds at ten percent a year and i'm gonna show you how to get the ten here very quickly when money compounds at ten percent a year it doubles every seven years you got to learn about money man every 10 if i can get a 10 return on my money every year every seven years my money doubles so if i have if i have a hundred million dollars at work and i know i can get a 10 return you don't need to be greedy man like you guys are looking for bitcoin money i'm not looking for bitcoin money i mean that'd be cool it'd be cool if it happened right sure be cooler if it did it'd be sure be cool if it did but the problem is i ain't going to be invested in it because i'm terrified of it because i don't understand it so i'll never take a bet big enough so what am i going to buy a thousand dollars worth this real estate stuff i can take and put all my money into it so when i talk about 100 million or how about 300 million or how about 500 million i'm like i'm gonna take the whole 500 million i'm gonna double it every seven years okay 500 million becomes a billion and i kill a billy but but i can't do that if i'm okay i'm gonna put a little bit over here a little bit over there and a little bit over there i got a plan you need a plan for financial freedom and the best plan that i know in the world is the one you're already gonna do anyway which is you gotta live someplace you do not have to buy bitcoin you do not have to buy ethereum you do not have to buy the stocks you have to buy a place to live in so if you're going to buy a place to live in why not buy it live in it flip it buy it live in it flip it buy it live it upgrade it buy it live in it refinance it switch it over to commercial rent it and keep playing this game a monopoly man this is a monopoly game okay i'm gonna own park place then on my own boardwalk then i'm gonna grab the purple then i'm gonna grab the red stuff then i'm gonna grab the green stuff i'm gonna leave the yellow for somebody no the yellow shit's atlantic but i'm gonna leave some of that purple purple stuff both the railroads but uh no the railroads i'm buying a railroad okay give me my truck understand but it's a game and why do people play monopoly okay by the way in monopoly it is okay by the rules for the bank to refurbish everybody on the table in the rules of monopoly it says in the rules at any time that the players decide that they want to infuse the board with more money they can that is the economy we live in ladies and gentlemen that's exactly what the u.s government is like the usa okay so so watch when you can get money to double every 10 years i'm 10 if you can hit a 10 percent every seven years if you can hit 20 it's three and a half years okay if you can hit 33 percent and we do that on a lot of our deals it's every year to two years you're doubling money if you divide if you divide the interest rate by 72 yeah that gives you that yeah if i get 33 amount of time you need to double it it's called the rule of 72 okay so i need four and a half years if the if if it's uh if it's uh three and a half if it's if it's uh 30 30 okay now you're like 30 how can i do 30 i showed you deals today did 67 now watch back to the deal that i'm looking at right now these are eight units you're going to jv the deal okay the rents on this property are 900 these rents should be 1400 bucks a month right now how do i know that because i know this market okay we're in the market looking so let's say i get 500 a unit times eight units maybe i need to paint it i mean i think this place looks pretty cool myself like i like it i like the little fence out in front i put the little bike station you know our little bikes the fake bites a plumeria tree no i wouldn't put plumaria here what about a ficus no i'd put a big taco okay a who big giant taco plant that's real yucca oh nice okay you know yucca that's 4 000 bucks a month right there times 12. it's forty eight thousand dollars new income this is a five six cap right here that's what it says on the report it's trading for a five six okay divided by point zero five six i just increased the value of the property 857 thousand dollars bang double up that's the new value okay this is my daughter hey buddy hey i just finished my course oh that is awesome man did you learn something cool yeah like i can totally accurately like tell people like things and like i can do like hypnosis and i can like go like one half a half a ton yeah what is my tummy what is my tone level for sure serenity of beingness wow that's way up there i love you wow she's so smart did you get some good news today hey okay so so 857 000 uh of new value what was i earning on the proper on the property 16 thousand originally yeah wouldn't i pay for it eight fifty okay nine fifty nine fifty okay so i go back to the bank cash flow is eleven thousand i go back to the bank i go back to my partners and say guys i'm going back to the bank i increase the value of the property by 850 000 real estate is the single best way to improve your net worth cashing nobody values your cash or cars okay so watch now the property's worth one million eight hundred thousand dollars why is it worth one million eight hundred thousand not because somebody was willing to pay that it's because the income of the property the income is the bones of the value of the property it's not a comp to a neighborhood this is where people get confused they're like well what's the comparables in the neighborhood that's not how commercial real estate works commercial real estate works based on the income is the infrastructure of this property is not what's the refrigerator inside of it it is or the floors or the walls it is the income of the property is substantiated so watch what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna go back to my partners i'm gonna say guys i'm buying you guys out okay i'm gonna buy you guys out i delivered your 10 or 12 or whatever you wanted eight percent whatever the number was i'm gonna buy them out i'm gonna go back to the debt market how much do i owe in this deal oh 600 645 and put 200 down i'm going to get a new loan 75 i'm going to get a loan for 1 million 350 000 again i explain all this 16 hours grant forward slash invest look at it at your own leisure you own this for a lifetime by the way you own it for a lifetime okay it's 16 hours of video three days with me and for the next six weeks we're gonna do a private exclusive call every monday at noon we'll give you a link and then we'll probably we'll probably throw in some other nights uh uh for for those of you who want to do things at night so this is going to be i'm going to have 450 000 in in cash left over watch what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna call my investors go ahead so so so so it's one point eight yeah yeah so so right then one point three so you owed 650. yeah you're right you're right 1.8 so it's actually 700. yeah you're right you're right watch what happens you're right ron 1.8 million is the value i'm sorry i confused this number i'm going to get a loan for what how much run did i say 1.35 135 1350 thanks ron i owe remember my debt my debt is 645 i think right yep that's my debt so that's the first loan i got to pay that that that off okay i'm gonna have 700 and 5 000 left over i owe the investors 200 grand i'm gonna pay them back their 200 000 here guys here's your money back we're clean we're good okay i have 500 000 left over for who is that me my favorite person i'm gonna collect my 500k that's a non-taxable event actually this would be a taxable event if you sold it yeah this would be no no if i refinanced it this would be a taxable event on my 500 because i didn't put money in the deal okay this is called the jv it's income syndicated jv syndicate syndicated jv this would not be a non-non-taxable event this portion of it wouldn't this would now your partner's gonna be like hey bro wait a minute why are you kicking me out we don't kick people out here we keep our investors stay with us okay so we don't we give money back and then keep everybody in the deal but you could find investors they're like dude i want eight percent and and and i and i wanna i want you to guarantee me eight percent for the next two or three years and i don't i don't care what you do with the deal there's plenty of people out there today that want eight percent they don't give they don't care about the future of this property if you could set up that jv structure you would pick up five hundred thousand dollars in new income you would now own a 1.8 million dollar worth of asset you put no money into it and this thing would still make you what's our new cash flow now 1500 48 plus 11 right so 56 per year yeah so 1350 times .04 54 000 what was our noi on this deal it was 30 000 oh god go back one more it was uh i'm lost um it was 46 000 yeah no it's 48 000 plus it was the five percent the five percent on the the nine fifty forty five thousand so forty five thousand it was you know you still got seventy thousand dollars you're going to get six thousand dollars a month plus i've checked for 500 grand plus you own a 1.8 million dollar asset you have no money in your partners are gone infinite return infinite into the world of how do you how do you own all this real estate because it's real it's real estate okay this is not like you guys you guys 99.99 percent of you are not going to go start a spec you're not going to go to goldman sachs and sell them some tech company and even if you if you know how to do that be doing this on the side this is happening in your backyard right now i'm showing you deals from all over the country right now so let me show you the next deal okay uh i'm gonna show you let me let me let me just let me just drop in rather than showing you another deal i'm going to show you a deal in a second that we just did off market and how to do all market deal but i want to first show you my unbreakable rules hope you guys are enjoying this today by the way i know i'm enjoying being with you how long we've been on three you guys want to go a little longer what do y'all want to do i want to go a little longer you want you want to call it a day no i said two hours i'm at three hours right now no dude i think i think people want to take as much yo but you got you got to get the people to tell me what they want to want to keep doing it you want to bring some calls in talk to some people you want to bring hey what's up what's up where you at i got a deal hey let me just tell you something okay if you have a deal this 200 units are bigger and you can't do it by yourself and it meets the criteria how many we do last time and remember yeah and it meets the criteria uh how many do we have one yeah uh it meets the criteria of the things i like the location's great uh it's already got occupancy you think there's a gap you know those three things i shared with you dude i'll buy the deal with you let's come up with a deal let's do a deal i'll do a deal with you i'd love to do a deal with you for sure i don't care how big the deal is by the way we're doing a deal right now for 235 million dollars one deal while i do that deal i'm gonna do another deal up the street for what's that deal up the street what's the world the street which one the the the oh 639 600 no but how much money oh uh 265. it's 265. so i'm going to do a 265 and a 235. and we can have a quarter and we can add something that's a half a billion dollars what man why are you making such a commitment because i know that half a billion is going to be a billion dollars like i know for sure i don't have any doubt you're the one with doubt not me if you don't have the knowingness you are going to have the doubt like my daughter just called me oh my god pop i just finished now i know how to tell who people are i know who to trust i know what their tone level because she got educated right same thing about real estate i know that you know real estate is a good thing that's why so many people signed up for this you know in your heart of hearts that real estate will be there five years from now 10 years from now 15 years from now 20 years yes or no yes yes do you believe the rents are going to go up where you live yes or no do you believe that there's pockets in your market that are better than other pockets that will live on into the future better yes okay now now we just got to figure out okay how do you find the deal call the deal buy the deal negotiate the deal the psa on the deal the debt on the deal we got to get your certainty up so that you can make the right pitch to the group okay so here's my unbreakable rules when i'm buying a piece of real estate you want to write these down we'll go ahead and spend a few more minutes by the way those those of you who stay till the end we're going to give away like 10 people in the helicopter and by the way another thing that we're going to do in addition to the course i just saw some people asking about this it when you invest in the program today grant forward slash invest we're going to take this whole program here today this was going to be live we weren't ever going to play this again but we're going to take it we're going to give you this so you can go back through and you can watch this whole thing again nice that's a great yeah that's a great thing so we're going to do that this will not be for sale any other place you're not going to be able to buy this tonight uh you don't pull the trigger today don't call my office tomorrow sorry i'm gonna go ahead and punish you a little bit same thing with real estate you get punished in real estate you wait that deal yesterday i showed you the deal yesterday gone where was that that was in um birmingham birmingham alabama but off the list today it's not available today like this happens every day it's happening in your city right now post by the way uh in the chat you guys can see it i can't see it but what city you're in right now because i want to shout out some of these cities that are like smoking hot on fire boise uh barrington our our portfolio is probably up 20 because rents are starting to do this i've been saying for the last two or three years rents are going to stay flat when kovid went away nobody predicted the government was going to infuse people with money uh fort lauderdale we thought fort lauderdale was overbuilt they're having trouble finding places for people to live in fort lauderdale yeah like this is happening over the last six months we didn't know people were gonna leave new york chicago northeast and come down to fort lauderdale and start living here both homes that i tried to buy in the last you know you know my whole deal like in the last 45 days both the homes the people that were leaving those homes were terrified that their house was in play because they couldn't find a place i can't find a place to go to inventory shortages so what happens i can't move anyplace so what do i do i'm going to go rent so now the guys that own the real estate that's why i'm such in a hurry to try to get more real estate and i'm in a hurry for you to this weekend today when this is over today you need to get your car and start driving around looking for stuff to buy okay then get busy on this course the course tonight when you start getting on it rather than going to netflix and watching startup or your new hot show man dig into this material let me get in your head about how big of an opportunity this real estate thing is okay start with these unbreakable rules number one i mentioned earlier never compromised location ever i've done it before i went for the lower price if i looked over my entire career had i never compromised location i would be worth three times more than i am today do not compromise the location do not listen to these amateurs they're like oh buy the lowest buy the worst house buy the ugly duckling on the good street dude buy the best damn place on a in any given block i'll bring you to because alice walton's going to come in and take every penny alice when roman abramovich bought next door to me in in at 1401 orioles he did not want the house he wanted three houses he did not come there to buy he never buys one of anything the guy these people are so wealthy and that's the dollars you're going after today go after the best because the people that have the money will pay the premium that's why malibu beach you go to carbon beach man you buy the freaking you buy the heart of the vein of that beach dude you'll always command the money otherwise you've got to explain your location if you've got to explain your location your price goes down the interest goes down and the number of buyers go down when the brokers are brokers are basically you know they're they're fairly lazy people okay so you know there's a lot of brokers so you you the bro when the broker's like oh my god this is irreplaceable like when you got that broker and every broker saying the same thing then you get your price premium okay um let me just show you this one house of 64. see the braeburn house okay the braeburn house i showed you earlier it was the wrong block second deal i did it was the wrong location it was two houses from a bad street had i moved down okay but i couldn't i didn't understand i didn't know yet had i moved two blocks i needed to be a full two blocks away about seven houses the if i bring you down this this street let me just go to zillow right now and show you what i'm talking about uh if i go down this street the the prices just start going up almost 30 percent just by moving back toward um yeah let me see if i can show you this braeburn braeburn all this information is available i mean see these these homes start getting big and sassy i mean they go to like uh 1.2 what am i looking at here 1.4 below texas i'm on luke that zillow right now but you could be a loop net you could be see watch this watch this neighborhood it's going to get crossed i'll go back see see look at look at how much nicer that home is okay see the neighborhood starts getting crazy see watch i'm going back down toward my house now i'm gonna go the other way see this is the neighborhood i told you about okay watch look at these homes now watch they just stacked see the difference in the neighborhood so the point i'm making is people are investing bigger money in that vain part of the neighborhood so number one never compromised location number two the one percent rule the one percent rule is such a simple rule now the one percent rule can be violated it's just a rule it's not an absolute okay the one percent rule basically suggests if the rents are a thousand bucks you can pay a hundred thousand for the unit if you see a deal where the unit's a hundred grand and a rents are a thousand that's one percent one thousand is one percent of a hundred thousand dollars if you can find something that hits the one percent rule don't buy it by as many as you can because you probably can't even find this deal today these are impossible to find today so like if the rents on my property are eighteen hundred bucks and i could find something that sells for a hundred and eighty thousand dollars i'm not buying one of them i'm buying the entire neighborhood so if you can buy something that's a half of a one percent uh you're probably still pretty good would you agree right oh yeah okay so it's called the one percent rule for every thousand dollars you can spend 100 grand on the unit okay for every two thousand dollars three thousand dollars for three thousand dollar rent i could spend 300 grand and i'm gonna get rich three units the number of units allow you to scale two times a thousand is not twenty times a thousand the big the bigger the units when the units get bigger everything gets easier the number of units 200 is better than 20 20 is better than two and and the bigger the units uh the bigger you can scale the less you have to manage number four always use debt these are unbreakable rules when you abide by these rules you cannot get broken always use debt never pay your stuff up you're like man that's completely contrary to what i've been taught okay the wealthiest companies in the world use debt they all use debt the wealthiest people in the world use debt they all use debt you cannot show me a billionaire that doesn't have a bunch of debt they all have debt number five look for barriers to entry barriers to entry is i can't get into that market okay uh golden beach the house i just bought i'll show you there's a lot of definitions of a barrier to entry i'll show you one right here uh let's see if i can do this another way 605. there's a lot of little different angles on of barriers to entry i'm going to show you one right here by going to the map i use maps all the time you probably do too but i just use them for real estate okay so this is golden beach first of all the entire neighborhood of golden beach uh in florida has a a barrier to entry nobody's seen it because everybody said their attention on south beach for the last 20 years in miami so this market first of all there's only maybe what is that 30 homes on the ocean there's no oceanfront property anywhere in miami is there no where where do you go from there like there's one area in surf side in north miami beach right by our old office there's like there's like four homes or five homes on the scene so the first barrier to entry here is i got beachfront if you want to live on the sand in miami golden beach is the place okay so this is buried entry okay i just bought this house and you guys know how i feel about single family homes i'm not i'm not i don't feel great about them but let me see which one of these do i want to hit together go to the you want to go to the big boy no i want to show i want to show this i want to show this little hut oh you guys are on a different map you didn't sign me in so i can't get to this little see this little hut right here this little there you can't see it it's underneath the trees right but how can i spin this thing around guys why i want to go 3d yeah i want to go 3d but there you go a little 3d watch this see this little house right here first of all you see this house right here on this guy's where's my house at there it is there it is okay see this little house right here now when you guys see that i paid 24 million dollars for this house actually i didn't pay 24 million for the house i paid 24 million for that house that little of the house that's called the barrier to entry that house could never be rebuilt you can't build it i don't care carlos slim lives down the street from me so a couple things i got going i got i got four block four houses over it's a billionaire i got the guy next door to me that's almost a billionaire israeli billionaire and i got carlos slim six houses from me i am the only one the guy next door to me he's in commercial real estate this guy with this big freaking mausoleum they tore down their grandfathered surf shack because he didn't like it i bet they're regretting that like what bro what are you doing i didn't like looking at it i'm like oh my god bro that house like you come to my house you're gonna love my house you're gonna love the pool you're gonna love the palm trees but everybody when they get in that surf shack they're like that thing is sick can't build it it's on the sand you can never build it again um these are called barriers to entry this house right here this little narrow house that they're building right here this house right here it is a third of my lot size it'll be 35 million dollars okay these are barriers to entry right so most of these houses are not trading this lot right here is 24 million dollars that lots more than the house if everybody's like oh yeah tommy killed you tommy didn't kill me bro guarantee i'm gonna make 10 million here that is this in your in your market what are you looking for never compromise location look for the one percent rule units allow you to scale if you're not buying if you're not buying by the way uh income property like this house i bought is not income property there's no one percent rule but there is the airbnb game and there is the new game that did not exist when the one percent rule came up is the airbnb game what do you think uh golden beach would uh rent for it if you're in the 605 your your house i mean there's one look at look at the one the 20 grand look at the one that's for rent right here okay what's this this one right here is 130 000 a month yeah for 7 000 square feet three bedrooms seven thousand i'm 14 000 square feet so let's say i get 20 dollars a night yeah we pay 20 grand a night for a house sure right yeah so let's say i get 20 grand a night let's say i only get that for two a hundred nights a year two million i know these are crazy numbers you're like oh we do okay what johnny oh yeah you're showing the house johnny is that the shack johnny is that me talking about the the shack's stupid okay i'm gonna make a lot of money in that chat i'm gonna raise a billion dollars in that shack okay so because when people feel something they pay whatever once you feel something man that's why you want to look for barriers to entry look for things either the block the neighborhood the police like they have their own private police here miami is not does not have a good safe kind of uh optics reputation right so golden beach golden beach i'm telling you you go 35 miles an hour in golden beach you're going to get a ticket you go one mile an hour over the speed limit they're going to freaking bust yet unless you live in the neighborhood yeah exactly if you if you're in the neighborhood they're like yeah yeah cool man yeah man thank you for seeing that gee hey grant what's up man what's up man i i mean we had three policemen in my house like is private police right this is going to become an extremely wealthy neighborhood this will be billionaire row for sure look for the barriers to entry barriers to entry are like the shack can't build takes three to four years to build there that's a barrier to entry also the cost to buy there is a barrier to entry so you want to look at choking people out that's actually good for a neighborhood okay number six you want to buy below replacement costs people think that paid too much for the house i'm like you can't build it for 24 million and if you did it wouldn't be up until 2025. so replacement cost for rich people is not money it is what time i want it right now okay number seven under right to worst case scenario how do i get out of the deal uh what if me and elena don't want to live in uh uh ocean uh ocean beach what if we change our mind okay if i change my mind i'm gonna rent it 100 days of the year for 20 grand a night i'm going to earn 2 million bucks a night a year okay what's my note going to be if i finance 24 million dollars if i could get a loan for 24 million is it 2 million or 20 million 2 million for the income got it times 0.04 percent my loan would be how much can i get a loan from the bank three monday and a quarter three three percent my my loan's going to be six million dollars a year okay i paid cash for the house but i'm just saying like if i wanted to i could earn 14 million a year renting a house out is that right no no 1.4 million dollars a year no no no no no no i can't earn 20 000 a night times a hundred nights it's two million right yes two million dollars yeah two million okay two million dollars so um i paid 24 2 million divided by 2 million divided by 24 is an 8 return on my money so worst case is i get 8 on my money and don't use any debt owner i paid cash for it but i could go to my bank and say hey i want to borrow money i want my 20 million back three times what is it 50 55 60 grand that's 600 grand a year not 600 grand a year is the debt the debt so cheap today is stupid right i would make 1.4 million dollars a year i mean obviously i got to fix you know pay for stuff they're going to mess stuff up but most of that comes out security deposits they're freaking enormous i'd make 1.4 million dollars i would now have no money in the deal i'd make another 100 grand a month net and rent it out to other people and sit and wait okay taxes are paid interest is paid maintenance is paid brokers are paid i'm just saying look for your worst case scenario maybe your worst case scenario is the rents get flat maybe the rents go down like i always look for worst case scenario on on multi-family units and again this is all in the course we look for a break even as worst case scenario okay extremely conservative we look for what is my break even on this deal if i go from 95 occupancy down to that's why i only used 100 days of rentals i didn't use 360 days of rentals what if i rented it for 360. this is what people do i'm gonna rent it every day of the year for 20 000. okay well probably not right okay there's probably going to be somebody that doesn't show up right but if you did that six million 365 times 20 thousand dollars a night almost almost eight that's 7.3 million but you're not going to rent it every night of the year because you got to fix it turn it fix it clean it blah blah blah okay okay you get the point uh maybe the world comes to an end tomorrow and people quit doing airbnb north korea goes nuclear world comes to an end and boom number eight look if it don't cash flow say no he she it if they don't cash flow so you don't go hey can we go over here does the cash flow say no if if they say no say no okay if the deal don't cash flow just say no no okay number nine price is the least important metric in buying a piece of real estate quit hammering your seller over five grand you guys are playing games over nothing now you gotta fix the toilets oh my god something came up in the inspections you have termites and you need to pay for it bro you're going to have termites too if it's wood it's going to have termites okay number 10 know your exit know how you're gonna get out how are you gonna sell what is your story why would somebody buy it from you if you don't break these unbreakable rules we never break them here i know when i buy who i'm selling to i used to believe that the purchase the money was made when you bought it the money is made when you bought it only if you know how you're going to sell it okay number 11 refi and never sell i wish i had known this 800 million dollars ago okay okay you guys don't have to stay by the way man i know this has got to be exhausting for y'all to watch really don't worry about it thank you so much oh you are and and and so don't break those rules okay you got them you do you guys got the rules you got the last one refine that bad boy and never sell it you know what i'm talking about the debt okay i'll show you what i'm talking about remember that deal that i told you about i took 15 million dollars at 1031 money i never finished that story and i wouldn't bought a thousand units i know these are big numbers don't let the big numbers throw you off okay you're like oh my god the numbers are so big they're just zeros this is the first port for this is the portfolio when we moved to florida this is when grant cardone became grant cardone okay this is when you're like i'm a bet i'm gonna make a bet you don't need to do that on your first deal but at some point in your career start getting deals under your belt i'll help you i'll help you get the deals under your belt get me in your ear first and then i'll get under your belt okay i'll get on your side not under your belt but i'll get on your side i'll get on your side i'll be i'll be i'll be at the hip i'll be at the hip i don't think i'm gonna get under your belt but i would if i could i mean it'd be cool if we did right okay okay but but if we can make enough money it i'll i'll get into you okay so so look you take i took 15 million dollars at 1031 money which means this was sheltered basically from a tax or it's called deferred tax the taxes were deferred to a later date which i want to keep doing until one day i'm not around anymore okay i take the two buildings and i trade it up 500 times i went from two houses i went one house traded into a second house remember that i went from la jolla to los angeles did 1031s in one house to one house and i told my wife i'm like this is stupid we can live anywhere let's let's get wealthy now she's like what do you mean i said let's trade our house i've done a la jolla house it was awesome i did that me and you lived here in lionel richie's house that was super cool we had a lot of fun let's go get wealthy and she's like what does that mean i said look when you if we want to create will real wealth for ourselves from real financial freedom we have to give something up and say okay i'm listening she's like i'm willing to give up something and i said we have to give up having our own house we're going to take this money right here this 15 million dollars and i'm going to trade it into a thousand units that we don't live at we're going to go rent where we live we did we moved to miami ranch huh canyon also we left the state of california so they quit hammering me on taxes we went and rented a canyon ranch some of you if you were following me back then you remember me shooting videos from canyon ranch and i bought a thousand units for 58 million dollars i traded the entire 15 million dollars this is what i started today i said one deal can change your life one deal one deal ladies and gentlemen i want you to write this down i want you to keep it in front of you get a little index card throw it on your wall one deal can change your life and you should be waking up every morning looking for that one deal okay it might not be the first deal it might not be the second deal but you need to keep and any of you that are willing to do this let me know i want to see that index card throw it up on twitter one deal can change my life at grant cardone just give me give me credit for it and then throw it on your damn because i'm pulling for you to find that one deal this one deal changed my life okay we went and bought this deal for 58 million let me tell you why i bought the deal number one it cash flow number two 26 other people were in the final offers you always want one of my unbreakable rules always always always have competition on a deal almost always like you want other people that want the deal okay uh we were definitely under the one percent rule the one percent rule is what uh the rents were 600 bucks and i was paying 58 000 per unit i'm like i'm way under the one percent rule those rents today are 1200 bucks across the entire portfolio do you know what that did for the portfolio the rents were 580 when i bought it okay the rents went to to to up 700 600 hundred bucks times a thousand units times twelve that's eight million dollars in new income if i keep half of it remember the fifty percent rule shared with you earlier you might have missed it that's four million dollars for the new noi divided by five it's 84 million dollars okay and just so everybody understands that i have 84 million dollars of new money on top of what i paid for the deal okay which was 15 million which was because it's 58 million but you got 15 million in it okay but that portfolio today is worth 225 million dollars because the rents did not stop okay 15 million dollars changed my net worth so when you guys see the 300 million on google dude google doesn't even know about this one portfolio that's one portfolio i got another 9 000 apartments okay i got 10 000 apartments that are doing this so if you take the 225 what did i pay for the property 58 million with 15 million down i put 15 million dollars down i let my brother my sister in this deal did you get it and jared i told a handful of people about it i think i told johnny get in this deal okay maybe not johnny but whoever listened to me got rich on this one deal one deal can change your life okay watch what happened okay i think i put 12 of this in the rest of my family put in 3 million i get paid a percentage of their upside i think it's 65 35 or something so i do good off of their money but i gave them money okay so when you ever call here and i'm like i'm giving you money understand i could have done this deal without their money so watch what happens remember i paid 58 million for the deal i borrowed 45 million dollars that was the first slug after i owned this property for five years i went back and borrowed 108 million dollars against the the the value at that time this is today's value this is i mean we're moving into insanity land now but i know i could sell that i could sell it this weekend for 2 25 and and somebody wrote me a check monday morning okay so i'm not exaggerating here we've got a new loan for 108 million what did i owe 45 million dollars this was 2017. i got a check for 63 million dollars let me just do this appropriately i got a check for 63 million dollars i gave some to jared what did i give you uh 435 did you put it how much you put in 150 but that was after we refinanced it the first time okay so no no no this is the first refinance so i give him 400 he put in a hundred i gave him four times his money back i gave my sister a freaking slug of money more money than she'd ever seen in her entire lifetime i gave my twin brother a slug of money i think i gave my brother three or four million dollars back and i kept 55 million dollars for myself 55 million one time bam i'm like oh my god i've never seen that much money in my lifetime okay the reason i never made that much money in my lifetime i have never ever at one time earned that much money why because you really can't a person can't earn that much money unless you're the ceo of uh amazon an amazon or or an apple or facebook your you cannot do it nobody you cannot own a restaurant that's gonna pay you that much money maybe the prime 112 and you're going to make 50 million bucks a year maybe until kovid comes and then you're shut down remember kovitch shut down restaurants churches retail centers car dealerships cars night clubs no no apartment buildings no housing was shut down carnival cruise lines got shut down so they had a bunch of dough until they didn't right so i get a check for 6 50 63 million i parcel it out with all our investors we still own the property this property today okay now we have 108 we still have 117 million dollars of new equity equity increases our net worth this is shared amongst amongst our investors this ma just that one portfolio that's 1 000 units of the 9 200 i own has got at least a net worth of a hundred million plus what is what is that thing i think cash flows probably four million a year is my portion so every month i get a check for 300 grand out of that deal how much money do i have in it i don't have any money in it not only do i not have any money in it i got my 15 million back plus i got remember i only put 15 billion million to buy the deal i got my 15 million back bang plus i think i had 55 out of this plus 40 million dollars in cash and i still get non-taxable event and i still get 4 million dollars a year okay so what did i do what is the point of that story why am i telling you that dude take the equity that you have in your home i know many of you are probably asking the question online and maybe we can look at some questions jared let's say you got a house today that's a that's worth eight hundred thousand dollars and you owe 200 grand on it which first of all you shouldn't own 200 you ought to own 750 because you can write off up to 750 000 worth of interest so you ought to max out the interest on it because you want to write it off but you got 600 000 what you ought to do is you already go back to your bank if you want to stay in your house and continue to either live there or start renting your house out and borrow borrow 600 000 in your house borrow the 600 pay off the 200 okay pick up 400 keep the debt on the house and then go buy some real estate with it that's what i would recommend you do if you have equity debt equity in a home okay all right um asset classes you should be looking at today by the way the website a lot of people are asking about what is the website what's the what's the exact link jared grant cardone dot com forward slash invest okay this is going to end when i end folks grant forward slash invest grant forward slash invest you get the resource book you get a full guarantee if you're not happy just call my office they'll send you the 997 back 20 20 or uh 16 hour real estate course 16 hour real estate okay i shot it i'm the only instructor in the entire 16-hour program you get your home study manual you get the ultimate resource guide multi-family brokers underwriting models letter of intent templates due diligent checklist tenant notification rental renewal templates monthly reporting checklist property budgets agreement of sale uh purchase and sale agreement 1031 property information that i was sharing with you earlier plus you get if you want to come to miami uh i'll give you a three-day class a seat there's a 5 000 seat we're going to include this for the first or next how many how many can i do this for probably 18. 18 people that take advantage of this grab this as fast as you can uh if you don't make the um come see it in person we'll if you don't make the first come first serve on the uh if we run out of seats there we'll get you the virtual virtual if you decide you don't want to come for the seat i'll send it to you virtual however you want to do it okay so you got to guarantee also if any of you need a payment plan okay jared said he's going to put a plan together for two but your two payments have to be done before you come down here in july by the way in july in july part of what i'm going to do here is i'm going to take people that are bringing deals here and give some people an opportunity to pitch their deal to the audience should be a thousand people here maybe a few more than that guarantee it'll be a great event just to come to the summit would be worth if you bought the tickets five grand so we're giving you the ticket today basically so if you don't come to if you don't come to the event don't don't ask for your money back because yeah you didn't pay for the event i'll give i'll give you money back for stuff you paid for but i'm not going to give you money back for stuff you didn't pay for so i'm giving you that also starting monday at noon i'm going to include six exclusive private coaching calls you can't buy this you can't purchase it it's not on my website there's only place to get it is right here and i'll give you six weeks of coaching calls noon mondays uh and i'll and i'll and the only people the only people that can ask questions in that call are people that are part of this exclusive exclusive coaching uh call program okay so uh assets seven reasons you should be buying real estate now right now number one and i mentioned this earlier it's a proven asset class what's that the rest oh really okay proven asset class number two capital preservation don't lose money folks i talk about this all the time i didn't know i had that much to go don't lose money don't lose money and don't lose money man i never lose money i've done this for 35 years i have never ever ever ever lost money in a real estate deal i've lost money on stocks i bought lehman i bought twitter at 52 i watched that thing sink to 19. i got scared a guy bought facebook at 35 watched it go to 14 got rid of it watched it freaking zoom to like 215. i got scared i don't want to lose money man i hate losing money so capital preservation protect your capital inflation is going to slam housing three actually i met with blackstone the other night by the way let me just tell you about this capital preservation blackstone told me we're buying anything housing if somebody who doesn't know what blackstone blackstone goldman sachs jp morgan these are the biggest real estate investors in the world it's not me trillions in real estate trillions not the these companies could gobble apple they could eat apple and amazon okay these are not this isn't jeff bezos money this is the biggest money on the planet so blackstone races 800 million a month they raise that much they go out and buy companies they don't start companies stupid to start a company it's like it's buying a piece of building a piece of real estate rather than why build it man why build it just buy just buy what's there free cash flow when you sleep or die you're going to sleep and you're going to die why not take care of your family when my dad died my dad did not have us set up to be taken care of with income he had a he had a set up with insurance but the insurance he dies the insurance pays then what i need income man my mama needed income okay because if you just get a big payment i'm doing my estate right now right and they're like hey what do you want to do in case the kids give them income don't get money you give you give you give a kid a big chunk of money they're like oh my god what am i gonna do with this it's like taking care of a car all they needed was a ride i need a class i don't need the school okay four real assets versus what what are you guys buying do you even know what you're buying in the etf you guys that have ira money 401k money retirement money you got money sitting at charles schwab or fidelity you don't even know what you're invested in it ain't real okay i always say man never trade paper for a piece of paper okay this th this is education right here a stock certificate if you buy if you buy uh uh 10 shares of facebook you're just going to get a piece of paper you don't own any of that company you own a piece of paper that represents don't trade paper for paper get real assets that you can touch number five get a real asset that provides you with a tax advantage okay you got real estate okay you got btc and you got stocks or you got cash which one of these which one of these is real not real not real not real okay you're like oh no bitcoin's more real than cash that's the only argument you can have with me by the way i agree with that okay but it's not more real which of these four if you can only answer one which of the four is the most real okay this is code this is code created by someone these are stocks total right here and this is cash complete fiat garbage with lies all over it i mean it's lies all kind of imagery like god's gonna protect you and god's got something to do with money this is real it's called real estate it's real e-state okay also now number one this has the real estate the real advantage number two does it have which one of these four has a tax advantage do you get a tax write-off when you buy bitcoin no do you get a tax write-off when you buy a stock do you get tax write-offs when you have cash cash and stocks are taxed this has the biggest tax loopholes in the world in every part of the world australia to sydney sydney to cincinnati it's got a tax advantage number six long-term appreciation it's not quick it's not going to go up a thousand percent overnight unless you can raise the rents long-term appreciation number seven the leverage like we expect 15 to infinite returns we don't tell our investors we expect infinite returns but i can tell you the deals that you're looking at right there that i'm showing you pictures of right there that panama city deal that i bought i i projected a 15 return our investors don't know it that property right there that was 360 units i think what does that say 380 360. yeah 360. i bought that property for 190 000 a unit 250 times 360. i know it's worth 250 a door right now i bought it less two years ago that property's worth 90 million dollars and i paid 68. 68. okay 68 68 million we put uh 24 million dollars down on the deal i could sell that thing today pick up two 22 million okay i'm probably 100 return on my money on that deal right now what what what deal is that is that breakfast point uh pcb or retreat uh which one's the biggest uh retreat yeah that's the 68 number i gave you yeah 68 million dollars is what i paid i could probably sell that deal today for uh 20 uh six uh 90 million dollars um is that 22 million 20 i'd have a profit at 22 million dollars i only put let me see when i put down that deal 68 i'm so conservative now we put 20 uh 23 8 23 8 i'd have 100 return i've been in the deal i've been in that deal ladies and gentlemen three years it's 100 plus the cash flow divided by three that's a 33 return on on the investor's money 33 what did i tell them it's going to be 15 i'm double now what i'll probably do with this deal is i won't sell it guess what i'm going to do it refi oh yes i'm going to refund it i'm going to go back to the bank i'm going to be like bank bank i said bank bank once you give me a loan once you give me like a 75 loan on that bad boy times .75 okay i'm gonna get a 67 68 million dollar loan uh i paid 68 million check it out i paid 68 i put 22 down i finally it's 46 million they're going to take a pay to 46 million what are they yelling about okay i'm gonna walk away i'm gonna give the investors back i'm gonna pay the loan off i've got the loan paid off i'm gonna take a new loan out i'm gonna pay the investors back their money 100 of the money back to the investors and we're going to own 360 units 360 units okay the rents at that property right now probably 1500 we're going to own these for who knows how long okay and i'm not going to do this deal watch what's going to happen i'm going to wait until these rents are 2 000 and i'm gonna i'm gonna probably go back to the bank and do it again 360. okay that's another 180 000 a year this never stops by the way this isn't like me i got to come up with a new funnel if i can do this if i can increase if i can increase the value of that property another five hundred dollars per rent go from fifteen hundred to two grand to live close to the beach in panama city i'm going to create another 36 million dollars worth of value how much money will i have in it right here zero okay now the reason i'm telling you this is what are my returns we're land we're into the land of thunder bunnies and fantasies and unicorns and because the end the return is infinite what do i project to our investors 15 that's our public proclamation look man i'm gonna do 15 percent targeted we're gonna do five or six percent cash flow okay my target is 15 you know what my fantasy is infinite returns we literally own the real estate we return the capital you cannot do this in any asset class unless you bought something where the value shot up so high that you're like i'm just going to get i'm just going to sell out one share and pay back my initial position okay all right um okay the priorities when you leave here today what are you doing when you leave here if you don't have anything to study you're not going to do anything you're going to be like okay that was good what do i do now off to the next thing now you're going to go to the clubhouse you're going to go to the trap house you're gonna go to the what are you gonna go do now you need information okay you need information okay you gotta understand in real estate there's priorities okay the priorities go like this number one the real estate is senior to everything so what do you need to do first the first most important thing you need to do is you need to understand that the real estate not the numbers this is the most important thing that's why everybody's like what are your returns bro look that i appreciate the question i got it i know you're interested in the cash flow the expected anticipated uh uh upside bro why don't you ask about the location you know we never have investors tell me about the real estate grant they're all asking about the numbers what do you think drives the numbers so understand that in real estate the priority is number one is the asset class you're buying okay what is the real estate what is the property what is the location what is the possibility where is it located i'll show you a deal right now we just bought that it's just a ridiculous deal in the hottest market i have ever been in my career and we found a deal off market number two what is the underwriting for the deal okay you've got to know how to underwrite a deal without me calling the broker worst case and saying i need to see your financials i write i write deals every day where i don't have the financial i had a guy write me the other day hey man we got 200 million dollars and we're interested in buying part of your portfolio i'm like okay good underwriting he's like i need to see your numbers i'm like dude if you can't do the math of my then you're not real i can do the math on your you give me any building anywhere in america okay unless i don't know the market you give me a deal in san antonio you give me a deal in austin give me a deal in bakersfield california or los angeles hollywood sacramento uh boise idaho i have to do a little research of boise salt lake city philadelphia pittsburgh boston man you just give me five minutes you tell me how many units i'll tell you what that thing's worth you don't need to tell me anything else you give me the address of the property you took houston texas uh tell me north bay tell me miami fort lauderdale tell me homestead you just tell me where the damn thing is birmingham huntsville atlanta outside of atlanta savannah georgia show me the deal bro you tell me how many units just give me the freaking address i don't need to know anything else and let me see your rent roll you need a rent roll i don't need one i need some toilet paper i need to i'm gonna take a and underwrite this deal on a piece of toilet paper by the way i underwrite my all my deals are underwritten on a piece of paper like this if somebody here's got a deal with over 200 units we got a phone number what's the phone number johnny would they bomb us right now yes yes if you got a deal over 200 units that you know you can get 305 865 8668 i'm going to take one call and we're going to underwrite somebody's deal i don't need to know anything i don't need to see your financials you guys use that i'm waiting for the guy to give me underrate that's stupid man that's not the market you're in okay you need to underwrite a deal for worst case scenario and you need to do it be able to do it on a piece of paper with a pin without a bunch of data number three how do you communicate with the buyer this is so so important the com with the broker not the buyer with the broker unless there is no broker how do you talk to buyers i'm sorry not buyers sellers okay communicating with the broker is everything how do you set the hook in this doc one of the things that i talk about in our course forward slash invest grant forward slash invest grant for the one of the first i think it's the third chapter of the 16 hour course i say man when you call the broker the hardest part of a deal is getting the broker to call you back believe it or not once you find the deal and once you underwrite it guess what you can't link that up without communication i got to get the guy on the phone and say i'm your boy i'm your guy okay how you communicate with the broker is going to determine whether you get the deal or not you want to write this down you can't make money on a deal you don't own man i'm glad we got this fixed i feel good about this right you cannot get a deal you don't own okay let him in johnny okay yeah i know louisiana so tell me about your deal and raise the volume johnny you there hello yes sir tell me about your deal i mean i called today to ask you guys if you guys have any advice i don't have any bills like this to 18 year old kill off kill it kill it john you got to screen the calls what's the deal johnny what's the deal what's the deal don't jack with me man come on man this is real deal guys look look look like that call right there let me tell you something you do that with a broker they'll never call you back again and this is what a lot of people are doing in real estate today you guys you guys are flat you sound flaky when when you make the phone call johnny turn you might call you guys sound flaky when you make a phone call i remember when that hurricane hit uh houston what was the name of that hurricane you remember katrina no irma was it irma i think it was irma the floods you know what happened people started calling uh houston hey i want to come in i want to come into houston you know why they want to come to houston they thought there was a bloodbath in houston and they all sounded like idiots i had brokers tell me that man every day we're getting phone calls from these bottom feeders so when you start getting those phone calls you start sounding like you're a bottom feeder nobody wants to talk to you okay number four number four uh oh johnny i went black okay number four writing a compelling offer how do you write a compelling offer is it an loi or is it hey guys or is it is it a psa okay how do you do that who do you talk to every seller wants something different how do you find out from the broker hey dude what's a compelling offer other than price i'll give you some of the clues like i'm on a call with a guy hey dude other than price what matters here okay powerful question other than price other than price what matters to you most you got somebody we got gabriel from san antonio texas gabriel do you have a deal gabriel you there yeah this is me what's going on man you got a deal i do uh it's a 262 unit deal south houston i'm actually on my way to go look at it already underwrote uh rent for an average of about 1100 bucks per unit okay and uh pulling up the address right now yeah and then how close is it to hobby airport uh you're looking at about 10 uh within 10 miles okay good good give me the address uh 535 nafta road in western texas i'm pulling it up right now in one second five five it's five three five so what i'm gonna do guys is i'm gonna underwrite a deal that i don't know about okay 535 nassau road in houston or is it some somewhere out of houston it's going to be somewhere about it's a 535 yeah west nasa parkway webster texas seven seven five nine eight okay lab corp three nasa nasa nasa yes but make sure it's west and not east yeah so it's nasa not nassau it's nasa how do you spell yes sir nasa yeah and that's in webster west west parkway yeah webster texas western texas webster webster yes correct seven seven five nine eight okay is it solano apartments let it spread yeah man wow man it's cool man it's a cool place okay jerry that sounds like you don't in jerry it does man it does man that's cool man it's cool man that's a cool deal i'm looking at okay so i went in here i'm looking at it okay let me see what the rents are you're saying the rents are eleven hundred huh yep yeah nine fifty nine hurricane harvey hurricane harvey didn't hit that area yeah yeah that's cool that's not too bad yeah that's what they do that's what hurricanes do they hit places that's what insurance is for that's what that's right man that's right so look let me you know you know what they want for the place right uh we already have it under concrete oh yeah okay hold on don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me okay all right i won't tell you let me see how close you are let me let me see how close i can get okay yes sir i see how good i am man you think it's trading four and a half cap uh how much information you want me to give you just give me that just give me that a little higher than a four and a half how old is this thing is he hotter is he warmer or cold 47 1980 1980 you're right you're right in there you know your houston market i've been falling for a while yeah 30 39 million 963 thousand dollars hold on say that one more time 39 million 963 000 40 million bucks okay that's not what we i i don't want to i don't know if i should give away what we have it under contract for yeah did you go higher than that you could have way lower oh yeah how low well uh we're at 27. wow wow raising 9 million wow that's awesome dude 27 million dollars so divided by yeah well you i used 1100 rents though are you using 1100 uh that yeah that's where they're at right now yeah but when we got it we got it off market it was owned by a family for 20 years and uh it needs some rehab yeah it needs a tenant turnover yeah yeah uh so it's not it is not a it's not turnkey but it's doable yeah yeah yeah so you're paying a five cap right we're right there yeah yeah dude this is a screamer it's a screamer deal for you like i used a four and a half cap if i had to use the five to come up with 28 million dollars so the point is the point is he called with a deal i don't know i haven't seen it right it at least gets me in the neighborhood then i'm going to go over my scratch paper my tablet and i'm going to keep playing with it until i work it out and do some due diligence but at least now congratulations on this deal for for yourself by the way um you want to do some some funny math on that and see what what could happen for him how much money he could make on it yeah so so do you think it's under rented right now what's occupancy i think i do think it's underwritten i think that just by cleaning it making uh putting up the gate putting up the cameras making sure the management's better for scale of economy uh we're gonna get at least uh a 50 to maybe even 100 rent bump right away yeah um we do have this is a good looking deal man this is a good looking deal we got just because uh we got some uh tenant change out but i'm okay with that yeah so how many of the units have they have they value added because i see some of these kitchens have the the backsplash and the new wood floors and the new appliances you're looking at 40 okay so what what he's going to do if he if they if they're averaging 1100 bucks a month okay i'm thinking they're gonna what do you think you're gonna spend to rehab uh right now this is a stinky buffer we priced in 1.5 just in case we find some stuff that wasn't fully uh discovered so what do you what do you think oh 50 you think you're going to spend six grand a unit right there yeah yeah so so what happens is they're going to spend 27 million on the property okay let's say he spent 6 000 on all of them he won't by the way it's 1.5 million uh he spends another 1.6 million dollars on rehab so he's in at 28.6 okay now watch what happens let's say let's say the 1100 263 let's say it let's say it takes him 28 months 30 months 36 months good job johnny uh that's kind of call i wanted thank you thank you for calling in by the way let's say let's say yes sir you're welcome he takes two or three years and and let's say the rents flatten out but because he he puts in the backsplashes the new floors people were like dude i want that that's a cool thing okay you would never for you real estate renovators you would never ever renovate the entire property ever you might renovate 60 or 75 percent you always want to leave a piece of it for the guys like uh i can't pay 1300 okay but you could pay 11.75 couldn't you i just raised the rent seventy five hundred seventy five dollars on the ones i didn't fix so you always wanna keep you always wanna keep like 20 or 25 percent of your property for the budget the budget buyer okay so um 300 but let's say we got the whole place up times 200 bucks times 12 times 0.90 because i'm not going to get it across the board i will have some kind of vacancy that's two million dollars 200 bucks 200 across 90 percent of the portfolio results in 2 million 800 000 this is a screamer he's buying it's one of the reasons i'm so excited about houston right now we're about to make some announcements about houston divide that by the five cap that he's paying no no stupid yeah is that right i got the same thing 50 million that can't be right i mean 263 times 200 what's the noi on the deal right now he's probably did we lose him yeah no it's 12 million dollars it's 12. i got 12 million dollars in new valuation i got 630 000 worth of new noi it would increase the value of this property by 12 million he's got a 27 million dollar deal that they're gonna put eight million dollars down on maybe another million they're gonna double their money just by doing this they're gonna refund the deal do exactly what i told you to do okay so he knows how to make the phone call he knows how to find the deal he's in the market he's tuning in today learning stuff and he's buying big deals so congratulations man sounds like a great deal if you guys find something else over there um i'm i'm about to make sure you leave your phone number with uh with johnny okay cause i i'm maybe i'll call you um did you did you take advantage of our offer today uh i'm going to think about it yesterday yeah well i look forward to seeing you in july make sure your name last name make sure he gets a first name a seat to the live event johnny okay cause you and i could do some deals together one of the reasons people people are asking why is grant doing this today there's a lot of real estate investors here guys i want to expand my real estate portfolio when you registered to do this i now know you're interested in real estate and out of the 118 000 people that registered i'll bet you there's a thousand people that i can do business with not not a thousand people that buy our program today i'm talking about a thousand people that i can buy deals with okay i don't want 9 9 000 units i want to go to i want to go to 40 40 000 units how am i going to go to 40 000 units i'm going to do business with people that are buying units this gentleman's buying units he's raising money he's in the market i can't be in every market i'm in miami he's in south houston okay number six you got to know how to negotiate the deal seven you got to know how to add value we're just talking about adding value to this property how much money do i spend you know if i gotta spend six thousand dollars if i gotta spend six thousand dollars uh to do kitchens and floors uh and it gets me twelve hundred dollars it gets me twenty four hundred dollars more in rent that's basically a forty percent return on my money would i do that would you spend six grand to make twenty four hundred okay that's how you add value that's how you make a decision number eight selling the deal or the refi you got to know this part of the game the priority is to exit no exit or do you sell it take your money off the table okay why aren't you buying real estate let me explain to you why you're not buying it man i got to pee so bad made it you want to take a second yeah just take a second go over what you went over and let me take a a and then i'm going to get into why people are not buying this stuff right now don't get over that jared just maybe take some questions and cover some stuff okay all right so um uh for those of you guys who don't know me my name's jared glenn i'm i've been with grant for 10 years he's coming right he's coming right back he's just got to go he's got to go take a break man i got i've been in here how long uh four hours i told him he's got to go to the bathroom real quick so i've been with him for 10 years and i got to see like all of this how all of this stuff kind of works behind the scenes and frankly like it's very simple and and and it's but it's still intimidating so for me like i chose not to go out with the money that i've made and buy deals i just like i'm just like i see this guy continues to score massively over and over and over again like like you're spending time today with a guy that in the next two or three years is gonna be a billionaire like uh this is a an incredible experience that that we all get to share with um but i get to see what happens behind the scenes i'm just like dude this guy keeps keeps scoring i keep throwing my money in with him but like a lot of you um you probably didn't grow up with you know people talking about stuff like this you probably didn't grow up with rich parents or blue blood or you know my parents i mean you know they thought that the house was the best investment that you could make right and that's what a lot of us have been told um but this is a completely different game and what i've seen for me personally is that when you take um you take a long-term viewpoint of of of this like i remember the first deal i invested a hundred grand in and at the time i gave him a hundred grand and then i started getting like 800 uh checks every month and i was like dude this is a terrible deal like i want that hundred grand back he's like you can't get it back man it's it it's it's in for a while um and i started getting those 800 checks and and i was just like it's nice but it you know at the time i was like it's not a life changer for me um nine months down the road he refinanced that deal and wrote me a check for 45 000 bucks and i was like whoa i felt that and so then i took that 45 i took another 105 and that was the 150 that he was talking about earlier um in the deal and i had that 150 000 in the next deal and then six months later i end up getting about 116 000 back again and this happens in like a three year period where this refi don't sell thing happened a couple times to me and i'm just like at this rate i'm gonna be retired in five years because the money that i put in had come back to me already the deals were still paying uh monthly cash flow and i was still going out and taking that money and making money and then going out and and being able to buy more uh invest in more deals and so i think that the the tendency for a lot of people number one is they get overwhelmed um and they don't do anything that's the worst thing that you could do um the second thing that they do is they try to do it on their own like what i would advise you to do like number one get the course so that you can learn and understand this grant forward slash invest like get the course so that you can figure out how all this stuff works because you got to hear things like i got to hear something like this like probably five or six times before i'll actually understand it like i saw in the comments everybody's like man how do i get a recording of this like just to go back through over and over again and and hear the information again it that's just how i think so i need i need to hear stuff multiple times but like what happens is you take a long-term viewpoint you don't you step out and you say okay hey i'm just going to be committed to investing in real estate rather than i want to put 100 grand in and i want that to be 150 grand next year uh or i wanted to pay me 25 grand or 50 grand in the next 12 months a lot of us are conditioned to look at investments in a way where we don't have a long-term play we're trying to get conditioned to chase after the meme stock or the dogecoin or the whatever like because we're impatient and and you know grant has a saying that is like the this should be the the dagger right for you like don't get rich quick get rich for sure and and this real estate dude like when you start getting behind the the scenes of this this is how people get mega rich it's like magic and um this program is is 30 years of grant buying real estate it's put into a video program where it's really easy it's digestible uh it breaks all this stuff down you can stop and rewind and fast forward and look up definitions if you don't understand stuff online um this it's a six it's a 16-hour course yeah it's rather than four i mean i've covered a lot of data in four hours how to analyze deals risk versus stability what market to to enter understanding your neighborhood finding a property manager uh disadvantages of all forms of real estate uh you know partnerships raising money cash flow statements i mean it breaks everything down in in a much more digestible format so in addition to the course 16 hours of training you're also going to get the resource book this is the lois this is the purchase and sale agreements this is due diligence checklists like literally everything that he on every deal he's he's paying 20 30 40 50 000 in legal fees to have this stuff drawn out with a deal that's got uh 260 units you know we're gonna pay seven thousand dollars just for due diligence checklist so in the beginning you can't do that because you don't have the money to do that so when you have the checklist and you got four units or eight units nobody's gonna go out there for for a thousand dollars and do your due diligence if you do don't trust them because for a thousand dollars nobody's gonna do anything serious so in addition to the resource book the course you're also gonna get a ticket to come see me man the summit come hang out three days three days we i've never done three days on a real estate course ever yep yep so this is gonna be like this over a period of three days so you have a lot more time to breathe questions you can meet other investors meet other players bring your deals with you we still have a couple more of these summits great place to network oh my gosh this is going to be an incredible event super excited about it um and then in addition to that you're gonna get a private coaching uh call for the next six weeks mondays at noon great job john you're gonna come in you're gonna bring the deal bring bring deals bring questions and uh you'll get to call in and and ask grant your questions have him look at deals that you're doing uh there's a 23 000 program to get all this stuff today you can get it for 997 grant forward slash invest and guys i'm in a position where i could just give you guys these courts just give everybody the course but you know and i know you you know and i know if i just gave this course to people and said oh yeah just go watch it that's exactly what they would do not watch it okay because if you don't pay something you don't pay attention to much and um i want i'm truly committed and and want you to start playing this game beyond the house you live in okay just think about this think about think about that house that you bought okay you're looking at a house maybe let's say the house is eight hundred thousand dollars and you're gonna go live in the house let's say the house is four hundred thousand dollars okay you're gonna live in the house you're gonna pay twelve thousand dollars three percent down you're gonna pay twelve thousand dollars you're probably gonna have to put eight right now in this market this is probably what's gonna really happen in this market uh in different parts of the country you're probably going to have to put what are they going to put down on four hundred thousand dollar house can they put three percent down right uh if you're a first-time homebuyer and it's under yeah it's four hundred thousand yeah twelve thousand dollar down payment unless it doesn't appraise let's say it appraises for 380 because somebody jacked it up plus you're gonna have to put the 20 uh let's say it went up 20 000. you're gonna have to put up the difference right here the gap between the appraised value because the market's kind of going nutty right now right so you got to put 32 000 down whatever whatever then you're going to finance 388 000. you're gonna pay three to four percent interest plus you're going to pay the pmi plus you're going to pay the insurance plus you're going to pay the property taxes on top of that note so that note is probably going to be a 0.0575 that's a rate factor i use this built into our program times the 388. it's 22 000 200 bucks a month 2200 bucks a month for everything now you got to get furniture here's the problem with this purchase okay you're paying the rent you're paying the rent they're not nobody's paying the rent you're paying the rent so not only you pay 400 000 plus the the the um the apprecia whatever the the market went crazy and the guy added another 20 grand you've had people add how much 500 500 grand to the price it didn't appraise the deal didn't appraise so not only you're paying a premium in this market you got to make the payments in this market and you're like this is the best time to buy a home no this is the best time to buy real estate that people rent from you okay rent where you live and own real estate where you can rent it to them and they can pay all this stuff now you don't mind overpaying don't you understand overpay what you rent okay you got to pay 1200 bucks or 2200 or 2500 in rent buy this house if you love it so much turn it around and rent it to somebody else okay so this twenty two hundred dollars a month in rent if this is a super cool house rent it for three thousand bucks or more or airbnb it don't live in it pick yourself up 800 bucks a month times 12. pick up 9 600 a year uh what did you put down 12 000 plus the 20 to cover that so 32 9 600 9 600 divided by 32 000 you're making 30 on your money 30 on your money i told you earlier if you could make 30 of your money you would double money every four and a half years two two to four and a half years depending on the return you would start doubling money the reason it won't compound for you like that here is because you're not reinvesting the 30 every year but if you would if you did i do i get passive income and what do i do i reinvest it and buy a new real estate so my returns become like was it 60 how did you get 60 of that money you got to understand i took my first investment 3 500 i want everybody to clearly understand this it bought a 78 thousand dollar person piece of real estate that has turned into 2.5 billion dollars worth of purchases i would not have done the first i would not have gotten to the 2.5 billion dollars if i wouldn't have done the first investment okay so just take two five two two billion five hundred thousand three six divide that by 3 500. [Music] 714 000 x 200 714 285 x that's my return on that first investment if you invest a thousand dollars and get anywhere close to what i did okay do you understand that if you take a million dollars if you take a million you make a million dollars on one deal i can show you how to do that a thousand different ways divide that by the one thousand dollars you invested that's a 1 000 x return and you don't need to wait you don't need to wait like this isn't this isn't like it's gonna happen you guys know i don't need to sell you on real estate these are real things okay you you say this uh the va real estate doubles in value every ten years every seven years and it's done that for the last 50 years yeah if you look at rent since 1945 which was the end of world war ii you're going to see rents dub the rental properties have doubled every 10 years they've 2x every 10 years so 45 to 55 2x 55 to 65 2x 65 to 75 2x you're talking about like and by the way they were cash they were cash flowing the entire time so 45 55 65 75 85 95 205 215 boom we're moving into that's 10 times doubles that's 20x plus the cash flow plus the the the the tax deduction plus the leverage see the other thing is a lot of people don't understand this like if if if if a one million dollar asset doubles to two million dollars and it becomes two million dollars in the game that i play i only put 200 grand down so i don't need a double gets me 5x return and and leverage is also something that people plus the cash flow so do you understand this is like algebra this isn't math this is one million dollars a one million dollar property becomes two million dollars but i only put 200 000 down i didn't pay 1 million i paid 200. okay the 200 becomes 2 million i'm sorry 10x excuse me 10x plus uh let's say i earned let's say i was smart enough to earn a hundred sixteen thousand dollars a year let's say this took five years uh and that's another ninety thousand dollars so i got 10x plus i got 90 grand to wait and that's what you don't get when you buy a house that's what you get you don't get when you own a business frankly when you own a business typically in the first two or three years of owning a business you can't pay yourself anything right the real estate pays you now you were gonna say something no i was just gonna say like people hear about leverage like that's how people on wall street get rich yeah that's how banks banks use leverage uh like and they use more than anybody else and they use the tax right on the difference is most the time they're putting they're using that leverage to buy things that are not as stable and secure as real estate and that's why people lose a lot well that's why they'll have a hundred hundred different investments sitting in one one uh tech fund because they know 95 95 of them aren't gonna make it but what do they care it's not their money they're they're making money on the leverage of your money okay they can't borrow money against this stuff okay why are you not doing this let's cover that let's talk about when you leave here today okay when you leave here and then we're gonna give away some helicopter trips all right when you leave here why are you not doing this did we give people an opportunity to upgrade to like some 25 000 thing in here i don't think we did no we should have man that had been really cool okay why aren't you buying real estate number one you don't fully understand value okay i'm going to help you in our course forward slash invest i'll show you how to understand the value of a piece of property why have i never ever not missed why have i never not won a deal why have i never not like every deal i've done i have made money on why they're like that's impossible you can't make money on every deal yeah it is possible to make money on every single deal why because when you understand that it cash flows and that you have time on your side and you bought the right location and you didn't compromise it and you know what the a to z's are okay the alphabet don't violate any of this a to z you're going to make money in the deal number two you complicate the deal with a bunch of legal okay i'm i'm trying to buy an off-market deal right now i've been trying to buy it for three years i get a phone call because i know these brokers and i'm staying in touch with them i'm gonna show you little tricks i do in the video show you little tricks that i do to make sure the broker is like i'm gonna call that dude cardone okay one reason they call me is i never ever let legal mess up my deal or f up my deal ever never they i've messed up one deal for me in my career and i've never let legal do it again okay see what you guys do is you got am i gonna should do i need an llc don't worry about it man the bank is gonna tell you what you need it's not what you need it's what your lender needs and your lender is your buddy in this deal this isn't like buying a ranch in the 1800s and the bank wants to seize your okay they don't want your stuff trust me they want the income from your stuff they want to lend you money only they do not want this deal to go bad so two don't complicate the deal with a bunch of legal this portfolio i was trying to buy i'm gonna give you two deals these are off market deals this is a massive deal massive big big okay uh let's say it's 140 units but i want you to add a zero but i'm not going to do that for the video because that's how big it is and i know these guys want 26 but i want you to add some more zeros like get as big as you can think because they ain't 26 million either and i'm like i want to go buy this deal i know what their target is i think their target was 230 2 2 23 something add a zero okay i'm like guys i'll just buy the deal no legal no p like like tell me what you want tell me what you need okay i know i want the deal i know i want it i know the location i know the rent i know the pro do you need to look through it no i don't i know what i'm gonna get i'm gonna get and bed bugs and mold and all kind of problems i know when it was built i've seen the properties i know where they are i know what the rents are i know what i can do with them i know what i can spend there's zero the seller's like whoa you you're ready okay i'm gonna get this deal i'll be able to announce it probably next week if i don't get this deal i'll be shocked it is massive it is a big an apartment deal this is the biggest deal you've done it'll be the biggest deal i've ever done and i did it exactly the way i'm going to teach you in this course so if it works on the big deals how the hell is it not going to work on a little baby deal okay and you got to start with the baby deals maybe you need to do that because you doubt yourself number three you doubt yourself so you don't do the deal what i need you to do this weekend is start walking properties hearing what i told you and start hey do i get the vibe do i get the feeling okay good what's the cash flow because that's the next thing you need to know how many units are there do the math number four you're missing deals because you guys aren't willing to pay enough i'll bet you 75 of the audience watching right now 75 of you have tried to buy a deal and you lost it because of price because you weren't willing to pay enough you weren't willing to get go the extra dollar remember this you will never make money on a deal you don't own you will never make money on a deal you don't own okay most people are simply not willing to pay enough to get the deal you're missing a deal over five grand or or some cabinet okay or oh good there's a plumbing leak you got to fix it it's 800 bucks dude it's stupid if you're in the deal for 800 bucks or five grand why are you doing the deal you can get a job you can go you can go you can go do something this weekend for 800 bucks i guarantee you in every corner every downtown city in america anybody you want eight hundred dollars back now you can get it okay number five you worry about the wrong things y'all worry about the wrong thing what about this what about that that shit's gonna happen i remember when i started getting in real estate my mama told me never forget her you're gonna have people calling you at midnight i'm like i hope so she's like why do you want them calling you midnight because if they call me at midnight they rent from me mama okay that was 2.5 billion dollars ago my mama told me not to do real estate because she knew people that did real estate but they never did it the right way okay nobody's ever called me and said my plumbing broke you know why i had a manager take the phone call i'll even show you how to structure a manager to take the calls to do the leasing to handle the tenants to handle the problems and there will be problems okay six you're not doing deals because you misunderstand the power of debt somebody told you something about debt and you misunderstood it you're like debt is bad some debt is terrible and some debt is freaking awesome okay i think that some debt was created by the devil and i am convinced that the guardian angels if not god himself created some other debt and the good debt the godly debt is the kind of debt you want the devil's debt leave it alone okay it's consumer debt it's credit cards it's uh to buy stuff it's to get a buy a car or buy a gift or buy christmas presents and and that's not the kind of the kind of debt you want okay that's the devil's debt okay number seven you guys don't buy deals because you don't know how to negotiate y'all terrible terrible awful negotiators ryan secco if ryan was here um he would tell you when he got here he had done a couple of courses and these courses were keeping him from buying deals because he was calling people up saying you got this problem and you got that problem and how much do you want and the price is the mo dude the price is not the most important thing the price is the least important thing i know we can come together on the price by the way i'll pay you what you want uh i bought a deal camino rielle i'll show you the deal right now it's not slide deck it's it's okay johnny it's this it's the second to last slide that's all right don't go there yet johnny don't go there i'm gonna just talk about it this deal right here that i'm showing you on my computer i bought off market i called the guy up he had bought 14 000 units in one portfolio that's a chunk y'all think i talk big this guy's late jonathan morgan massive dude second largest apartment owner in america private private owner in america today unbelievable guys sold him i sold him some real estate these are the kind of people you want to know and when you guys come down to miami for the summit when you come down to miami for the summit you're going to get to meet these other players get around the players you cannot do real estate by yourself that's the one thing about real estate it's a very closed network of people you have to do deals with other people this isn't like being an e-commerce person and you're sitting at home selling stuff in funnels you know what i mean you got to call somebody talk to somebody to get something okay you're not selling stuff on instagram you have to go get a deal so you want to network it's a big networking opportunity i'm gonna have some of the masters some of the greatest real estate investors in the country will be at the summit in july and i'm giving you guys that ticket for taking advantage of this today and thank you all for being here by the way okay but this deal this guy had 14 000 units so when you buy a portfolio that's that big anything over a thousand unit portfolio particularly if it's a bunch of little stuff you're not going to want it all i called him up i said jonathan is there anything in your portfolio that that you would consider selling he's like yeah i got three deals i would sell i said great man i'll buy them all and i said where are they and he's like uh he told me boca uh jacksonville and i think there was one in uh mobile i said great give them all to me man i'll buy all of them from you i'll buy them all okay i gotta i gotta buy them this is the pitch i'm gonna give you a little i i spend an entire hour talking to you about the pitch to the broker or to the seller same thing in this case because he's he's not a seller yet this is an off market deal and the deals that are off market are not necessarily the best deals however it'd be cool if it was sometimes you slip i'm in the hottest real estate market in my lifetime and because i called this guy i said man you got anything you said i got a bunch of cash sitting over here and i got to get rid of it jonathan what you're basically doing is the victim plea okay it's like i need to buy something okay he's like i have to i got to i got to and i got to and i got to see you guys you guys treat real estate like oh you know it's like a hobby or maybe i got to see the difference i get the deal and you don't why because i got to i got to get the deal you understand i need to get rid of cash i don't want this i want information i want motivation i want inspiration and i want real estate more than anything i want real estate if i can do it without the motivation and inspiration i'd drop all that and be like i just want the real estate cause the real estate provides me with security and when i got security i can be inspired i can be inspired to run a damn red light run through a stop sign i could be inspired to leave the lights on when they say the lights have to be off after midnight otherwise we're gonna find you i'm inspired okay they get fines at golden beach man to keep white lights on i said i'm inspired how much is that fine 750 good i'm inspired by my real estate because the passive income is so enormous that i am inspired by the fine you understand what i'm saying so look this guy's like hey man i'll sell you boca jacksonville mobile i said send me the send me the deals just send me addresses he's like good because i don't have the books on him because he just closed on him so he didn't have anything yet i said i want to close i want to he hadn't closed yet he had final the psa had a contract too close i said i want to close simultaneously how do you say simultaneously at the same time see see real estate guys they don't have the biggest vocabularies we don't belong to country clubs i didn't get the highest grades in school it don't matter in real estate it don't matter whether you're male female black brown white it doesn't matter how old you are what matters is can you do the deal or not okay so he says grant i'm gonna give you all three of these deals he's like i'd love to get rid of this boca deal first great by the way the boca deal is the only one i wanted so we get to book a deal i don't have any financial zero i have zero financials all i did was i took 262 units i think that's what that deal is i did the math on it i said hey i'm thinking i make him a little verbal offer it doesn't say okay the next thing you know i got a contract with this guy for 69 million dollars now i was so convinced this deal was a good deal no no it's not that deal honey i was so convinced this was a good deal 235 235 units not 262. 235 all i did was do the math on it and i know that i'm gonna make 20 million dollars on that deal i guarantee you i guarantee as i'm sitting here jared i've never ever missed one of these deals i'll be low i could be low on this one by a 10 but i guarantee you i'll make 20 million dollars on this deal because of how i bought it okay now why am i telling you that i'm telling you that because that hits number one number two number three number four number five number six and number seven i understand debt i know how to negotiate i don't worry about the wrong things i am willing to pay enough i am willing to pay to get the deal overpay people have called you out they're like oh he overpaid oh i overpaid yeah until they're like hey can we buy that thing from you uh the the 58 million dollar deal i did seven years ago people said i overpaid for that it's worth 225 million dollars today i don't complicate kate to deal with a bunch of legal stuff i call my lawyer and say put the psa together you put it together in favor of the seller not in favor of me and you do not if i get one objection one complaint from the seller that you're being litigus and you're being too tough and you're being heavy-handed and you're putting a bunch of legal in there i'll fire you okay so i want the lawyer to help me get the deal i don't want the lawyer to stop the deal a lot of times you guys over legalize yourselves okay we're an expansion we're in a hyper supply being consumed faster than we can possibly consume it okay these are market cycles and what happens in market cycles is typically a market cycles go like this or they go even more like this like this okay and we're in we're in this market cycle right now that you're you're in the beginning stages right here of this cycle i mean it's super cynical you're probably coming out of this cycle this cycle covered recession yeah this cycle could look more like this actually okay and the reason we're in a cycle that will may never happen again in your lifetime and if i've ever stressed to you to buy real estate it is right now when we hit covid okay okay trump this is trump dude we were two percent unemployment i mean it was freaking insane and then something happened the wheels came off 40 million people lost their jobs right here the world went into panic okay the report everywhere was oh my god what happened everybody's going out of business carnival like we don't even know this happened anymore like we let go of 40 people in my office i'm back to over full employment okay you got people there's been so much money see this is what happened when 40 million people got laid off america infused i think we're 6 trillion right now 40 percent of all the u.s dollars some people say 40 of all the u.s dollars were not in existence in circulation right here never existed before this point this was only a year ago i was in pueblo doing undercover billionaire okay 40 you got 40 u.s dollars floating around is pushing assets asset values into freaking into the hyper fear now what what does that mean what does that have to do with you right now okay this is what what it means okay first of all you see that hyper supply typically more supply than desire that hyper supply just got hammered because when asset values go through the roof okay what what it means is that place on golden beach that couldn't sell for 17 million now goes for 24. and the whole street just follows boot like everybody just follows also the other problem that you have right now is the hyper supply that did exist you can't find any supply now you got people talking about inventory shortages not just of the existing housing but here's the other problem for one year china india europe where we get most of our supplies from we don't produce anything in this country you guys understand we don't build glass here okay we don't make iron here we don't make stuff we import all that and all that gets got stopped if you move to miami right now and try to get furniture for your house you're gonna be waiting three months at least three months for the furniture so like you can't get i'm trying to get a screen for a projector right now it's an eight-week wait for a screen for an umbrella it's a 12-week wait to get an umbrella why because copper glass cement construction goods can't get it if you can't lumber prices are up six and seven times you got people storing lumber i got lumber at my house the guy brought into the house he's like i can't keep this outside somebody might steal it i'm like what bro it's two by fours he's like somebody will come over here and steal these two by fours so like it's freaking insane now what does that do for you man when inflation hits it hits real assets it does not hit imaginary okay it hits every asset class that's real the more real it is and the more income it produces two things real and income ladies and gentlemen i'm begging you i'm pleading with you for your family do two things for your family get this course today and number two when you get it as soon as you get it and that can be 15 seconds from right now i need you to go deep with me i need you to spend you want to listen to this 50 times that's what i would do with it this this today what i shared with you today and also the 16 hour course i wouldn't listen to it when i was 25 years old i bought a 3 000 course that's 10 000 bucks today i'll bet you i listen to that thing i'll bet you i listened to that thing the entire thing at least 500 times i didn't listen to it once or twice you guys gotta you guys gotta like how many times can you listen how much value can get from it how many how much can you just spend time just listening over and over until finally this thing grooves in it's like a coconut tree put it in the ground just give it enough time and sooner or later it's going to root it's going to root and it's going to grab the earth and look at those look at those trees i popped in there you know i was out there watering the oh look at that tree all laying over like that listen i was what i was watering the old palm trees i was worried about them like they're not getting enough water the guy came out to me the other day's like bro what are you doing i said i'm watering the trees he's like you don't need to water these bro these are rooted these are reaching to the ocean sucking water literally moisture from the ocean you don't need to water these these things will be fine without you these things can live you don't ever need to touch them they can live in a desert now wow i'm like dying but at least they they i said well let's give them some water the new guy loves us he's loving honestly the new guys you got to water i said but dude if the old guys are living off the ocean what if we come hit them with some good aquafina let's hit them with some alkaline okay so look guys you're in the greatest real estate cycle i'm telling you we are across our entire portfolio over 95 occupied when you get over 95 occupied you know what happens next uh hey guys we got to raise the rents you know what i'm saying i mean you know see what happens in sugarland texas when the when the average house in sugarland is 800 000 one day and then the next day it's 950 000. by the way i think that's the price of the homes there austin texas when i bought in austin that across the street was 1.9 1.82 those houses where i own 456 units are now 1.8 million what's that got to do with my real estate you can't afford that anymore okay so when my rents were 1500 guess what when housing goes up like that rents go up like that because people got to live somewhere and at some point the american public will submit and go into apathy and just either become a consumer and pay rent shame on you do you got to get on the other side of this game like people are going to pay more in rent than i charge for this course and they figured out how to do it one they won't pay for the course and number two they won't spend the time learning it i learned the game i've spent 25 000 hours not 10 000 hours 25 000 hours playing this game and i want to share it with you and i feel obligated frankly to do this there's a bunch of you out there like you're going to be the next billionaires of real estate okay now let me ask you this for for somebody who's like it's too it's like there's too many people in real no no there's too many people in nobody there's no there's nobody in this game there's nobody in there ain't nobody in this game do you know that 118 000 people signed up for this thing what's the most number of people we had on here 14 000 118 000 showed up and 104 000 couldn't bone up today ain't nobody in real estate people wish people want to be rich people dream about being rich people look at other people getting rich people want to say they signed up everybody can sign up man everybody wants to go to heaven ain't nobody willing to die okay so everybody wants to say i believe in god you don't even take the time to pray once a week ain't a commitment okay so you can register for something and then not show up for it means that's how your life turns out okay you will become a consumer only look there's so many different ways to buy real estate number one you can do a single family home johnny let's give them this list because there's a lot of ways and this is not every way when you're buying a single family home you want to buy below not market you want to buy below replacement costs so that's one way to do it just one way to do it so so a lot of people like i i got to be under the market i got to buy low no no you got to buy under uh rc replacement costs okay that that house that i bought at 605 ocean you can't you cannot replace it for 24 million dollars it's impossible you you ca i mean you scrape the house then you got to get permitted you have three to four years of not even having a house just a blank lot and then you're gonna go build a house go through all three years of you can't even predict one right now what the concrete would cost on the house yeah so nobody can even bid the job out to you carlos slim spent five years building this house he's one of the richest people on the planet five years he has gone from a blank house to this monstrosity biggest house over there right now yeah beautiful okay two you could do single family homes rehab and flip them so these are different ways to do deals you could take the same home that you bought at market or below market or replacement value you could rehab it and sell it or you could rehab it and refi it which would be a smarter way number three you could do a flip you could buy it and flip it you could flip it before you have a contract and close or you could flip it after number four you could wholesale literally control contracts and flip it and wholesale them out to investors who are looking to flip or look they're looking at flippers basically your feeding flipper okay it's a food chain give me the noise johnny oh man but now it's not going to happen do it johnny you can make it yourself [Laughter] okay number five my favorite way is rental income man look as long as it's got income all you got to do is what jared said earlier you're paid to wait that's good you're paid to wait man i tell you what when i'm paid to wait it's like the golden goose it's like what do you want to do all you got to do is take care of the golden goose as long as the golden goose is printing eggs keep just those eggs just be like give it some protection okay number six distressed properties there are distressed properties in america right now in the greatest real estate cycle that i've ever experienced in miami florida where you can barely find inventory i'll assure you there are markets where i could go into that are distressed overlooked nobody wants to buy in them it'll be the next big thing number seven service providers service providers are basically people like that service provide for fannie or freddie when a covit happened fannie and freddie went crazy okay my apple id don't share it with anyone somebody wants my apple id right now and then uh banks and reo's okay i've been using number one number two number three number four number five and number six i have not done seven and eight just for for for cl uh transparency six ways to make money in real estate number one is cash flow there's so many ways when you get a job there's only one way to make two two ways to make money a job number one count your income number two may be a bonus [Music] two appreciation you got a job you get a bonus you don't go up in value sorry the only way you go up in value at a job is you got to take on more responsibility so if you're willing to take on more stress then you get more responsibility then maybe you get more appreciation number three in real estate real estate can appreciate without you doing dingo i don't have to do anything give me a dingo the sound of a dingo or give me some more sounds johnny goat i am the goat okay so real estate look i bought real estate before that went up in value i didn't even do anything nothing okay this deal that i just bought how many units was that 235 yeah i just bought this deal i'm going to raise the rents 250. and i'm telling the people that rent there if any of you are on here right now if you rent a camino real if you rent from the camino real property we're about to change the name of it i'm going to raise the rents 250 and i'm telling you guys right now all i'm going to do is power wash the building i'm going to come in there with some water i'm going to spray wash the building and i'm raising the rinse and if you're watching right now understand that's me doing that i'm raising the damn wrench you know why i'm going to do that because i'm going to make the property better i ain't going to wait until i make it better to raise the rents i'm going to make the rents i'm going to raise the rents now because one way to make the property better is to get the freaking mooches out of the building the people that don't appreciate and don't want to pay for the building need to go i'm sending a message out to you right now okay there'll be somebody to replace you so just tell all the renters there yeah grant cardone's coming he's raising a rents i don't want it to be a surprise okay i'm going to raise the rents i'm going to collect another 60 grand a month times 12. i'm going to increase the rent 700 and 5 000. and i'm gonna spend i'm gonna spend four thousand dollars to do that i'm literally going to go in there in what what i call urinate on the property it's a spray wash it's a and that's gonna i might even be out there in my white suit spray washing i just had a damn 400 um steamer what are they called the pressure washer yeah yeah i had i bought it from amazon you can see it on my amazon purchase for my new house i'm going to be out there spray washing you guys could fly over on the weekends or something i had that guy flying in his little thing he saw me out there spraying washing okay i'm going to spend four grand to have somebody spray wash the deal i'm gonna increase the rent seven hundred grand a year seven hundred thousand that market boca raton prime broken eisner park maine and maine meisner park i literally can walk to traders joe's okay uh the mandarin hotel is going to be selling 1500 a night hotel rooms across the street for me and i'm gonna i'm gonna i mean the location's ridiculous 23 million 20 million dollars if i do that if i pull that off right there 200. 250 bucks it increases the value of the property pretty good investment i spent four grand 20 million dollars i know you guys think this is impossible it's not impossible how can i come in here and say this over and over again like and show examples of it you know and then show examples divided by 4 000 that's all i'll spend on the pressure that's a 5 000 5000 x return it's freaking stupid okay when i do that i won't go sell the property because of what i know now what i'll do is i'll go refinance the property that's why i put a short term loan on the deal i put a short-term loan with myself on the deal basically what i did was this 69 million it's a little more complicated so stay with me okay am i going too deep jared is this too much guys y'all want me to let you go home okay do we you know they you've been on here for four hours let me ask you who feels like you got not a thousand dollars of value today yeah so look in the 16 hours that i teach you in the course i'm not even like i'm going hard on one thing at a time i'm not covering like deals i'm going i'm teaching i'm teaching you i've become an instructor a teacher okay so 69 million basically what i did was i put i i put personal debt on this deal i borrowed the money from myself at five percent i put a loan and then i and then we're going to raise 20 million dollars i'll keep all of this if i choose to this will be my equity i'll create a division that has basically debt i'll be the debt and the equity i need five million dollars of this 20 for rehab okay so remember i'm the debt now i didn't go to a bank i became the bank when i was starting i needed a bank on this deal i become the bank i'm my own bank here okay and i get the equity and i let some of my buddies come in this deal if they want to i don't need them i already paid cash for it okay i'm gonna spend the 5 million to rehab the property and then i need a minute to get these rents to 1500 bucks a month no no to 2 300 bucks a month where they should be on this property that's what they should be i'm it i'm at i think 13 to 1400 now we know there's a thousand dollar spread on these rents between what they are and what they should be what the neighbor literally across the street i could throw a rock hit the guy he's at he's at almost 1200 more in rent than i am i stole this deal okay this deal is going to refinance for 104 million dollars i got a 55 million loan i got to pay myself back there's 55 grants paid off non-taxable event i got 20 million worth of investors they're paid off and they'll be these guys will be paid off i'll probably get a 75 million dollar loan is that right i think that's right yeah i'll get a 75 million loan i'll give i'll give me my money back i'll give the investors their 20 million dollars back the rehab will be taken care of we'll own a jewel park place on the monopoly board in boca raton and have no money in it is the best leverage you can possibly have okay something fully valued not over leveraged that positively cash flows if i get those rents to 2300 where i think they should be times 235 235 times 2300 times 12 times point 90 percent equals times times point 55 i'll have 3.6 million dollars worth of the noi divided by 0.035 102 million 102 million 871 thousand dollar asset it's all based on numbers it's based on numbers it's not based on that scared me yeah that was a little aggressive that was that was incorrect that was out in here that was incorrect okay number three depreciation okay you guys want to see something sick this is ridiculous i mean this is this should be illegal i'm going to take this 69 million dollar asset right here i'll show you what i did at the end of the year at the end of last year i took 165 million dollar asset we put 65 million dollars down we wrote off we wrote up 50 of the 65 million dollars we put down 32.5 million dollars was written off and i only own the property for three days last year we wrote 32 million of the 65 million down payment and we only owned the property for three days of 2020 and wrote it off depreciation is crazy in these deals number four advantage and reason and way to make money is to 1031 money is to move from one asset like kind asset to another number five the refinance is the holy grail of profiteering okay and it's not just in real estate the big companies the big financial companies the carl icons of the of the world they use this all the time number six we can always sell it notice there's six different ways i can make money warren buffett says if you don't find a way to make money while you sleep you will work until you die ladies and gentlemen i'm going to work until i die either way and i'm going to work to be a good example to you for those of you who want to learn this game or committed to this game committed to your finance your family's financial freedom grab this course introduction to buying apartments 16 flipping homes buying homes single family commercial real estate shopping centers office buildings apartments that course is nine thousand nine hundred ninety seven dollars at my website the real estate course the ultimate course book is twenty five hundred dollars you can buy it on my website the real estate summit you can buy a seat there unless we're sold out already 49.97 you can buy each of these individually or you can get them all here today for 9.97 okay i'm going to give you everything i got here for 9.97 include six private coaching calls exclusive private for those who attend and sign up today i'll walk through your deals i'll assess your deals i'll underwrite your deals i'll answer your questions we'll do that starting monday so you got to sign up today otherwise you'll miss monday's call that's a super bonus and it ends today if you don't grab it today you miss it today period no exceptions don't call monday figure it out i give you a 100 money back guarantee you're saving yourself 21 491 dollars we have a two payment program right jared yep we have a guarantee okay you need a payment plan it's a hundred percent risk-free and i'm gonna give you my checklist check it out number one do you love it number two how do you rate the location these should have been these should have been as a bang bang bang uh number three i took it off that oh yeah how do you pro how do you rate the product a b c or d do you even know how to rate it i'm going to show you how to rate asset classes how do you rate locations i don't mean location rating do you love it is it an a a b a c or a d okay number four total price what is the total price uh that's the price i paid no that's not the price you paid number five what's your down payment going to be number six what's your per unit price number seven what's the cap rate what's the cap rated purchase what's the cap rate with the recapitalization number eight what's your rent multiplier or the one percent rule most of the time you will not hit the one percent rule some of my best deals some of the best deals i've ever done had nothing not even close to the one percent rule number nine the 95 6 rule do you know what it is that's 90 90 occupied 50 expenses and a six percent cash flow 10 p and i and i know how do you get the p and i how do you get the ino which one do you want tip i want the i know and that ain't iodine that's interest only loans i'm going to show you exactly how to get an interest-only loan eleven what are your per-door expenses in houston and why is houston different than sugar land and why sugar land different than miami-dade and why is miami-dade different than fort lauderdale same markets and they're different eleven what are your per door expenses number 12 what are your market rents actual events effective rents collected rents all that stuff you guys need to learn i can teach you all this okay never lose money in real estate man why would you you lose money in real estate there's something wrong with you two ways to lose money in real estate you want to write these down number one the biggest way you'll lose money in real estate is you don't buy the real estate number two you bought the wrong real estate it's the only two ways you could do it you don't buy or you bought the wrong stuff and trust me there is the wrong stuff out there miami is on fire and there's people that can't sell their real estate new york for years if you guys been following me on the cardone zone okay for years i've been telling you to leave new york silicon valley what else did i say leave california chicago leave chicago alone i've been telling you guys that for years okay pick great locations don't over leverage these are the things you don't want to do scale the units the more you scale the better off you are oh by the way when you scale do not cross-collateralize your assets don't cross them don't connect them the bank is your friend in these deals use a long-term strategy revert reserve funds for recap and capex one of the things we'll be talking about in our coaching calls as i mentor you is what is the proper amount to spend on capex and rehab and and the last one is know how to exit the property the exit god sorry guys keep my staff here all day it's saturday dude this is awesome dude so many people are getting like questions you got questions uh we're having a chat issue here okay when you exit how do you improve the noi and sell when you're determining your exit how do you do the exit a lot of people oh gotta make great pieces of real estate how you gonna exit how you gonna get out of it bro i'm just saying it'd be cool if you knew how to get out of the deal see some things man you get enough money you don't need to you don't need to you don't need to figure some of this stuff out i bought that big gorilla painting i didn't know where it was going to go but it'd be smart if you did because i didn't know where it was going to go i didn't know where it was going to go so when i bought that piece of gorilla i'm like where's the gorilla going to go well i don't know we were going to put it in my condo guess what it don't fit in my condo so it came to the office now where we're going to put it do we put it out there do we put it here we got to let it sit somewhere until i get a place for it to go two years later i buy a house we found the perfect place for the gorilla to go but you need time okay so one improve your noi and sell two a 1031 exchange three refinance and sell i'll go over all this with you i promise you i'll make you 100 certain on each of these exits the the most important thing for you to know right now is there's multiple ways to exit which is what you'd like to have okay now when you're underwriting a deal i just want you to make some notes for those of you who just want to grab as much free information as you can and you don't want to invest we're in crazy land right now for for free yeah i just want to just understand there is more and i'll be going over it in the program the 16-hour program and the three days time imagine just doing this for three days though three days you know that'd be crazy what would that be be cooler if you did it'd be cool if you guys came too okay number one never rely on the broker's performance never okay you can use it you can read it don't rely on okay two trailing three unless you have a covid moment cobit 2008 contraction something some some whatever the significant event is whatever the next event is there'll be another one by the way covid's gonna be so good for apartments it's gonna be insane we bought 600 million dollars worth of real estate during covet when you guys went to the sidelines i'm like lean in bruh okay i bought a deal during covid i paid 98 million dollars for it promise you it's worth 110 million dollars right this second i've been in it six months i bought it because everybody retreated particularly the big boys okay you want to use the trailing 12 you could go back to a trailing worst case scenario as well and then we take the worst case scenario and look at it so if it's an asset that's been owned i mean i wouldn't go back probably wouldn't go back 10 years now because it doesn't matter we're never ever going to return to 10 year ago ni rents it's not going to happen uh where are we at jared well we're right here why real estate so why real estate i started today why tested annie annie's parents live in real estate her grandparents lived in real estate her great-great-grandparents lived in real estate uh there's nobody with her last name that didn't live in real estate the indians lived in it tipis staying you all know anybody doesn't live in real estate do you know anybody that doesn't eat uh meat yes do you know anybody that's not on the internet yep yes do you know anybody doesn't have a phone yep billion people don't have a phone do you know anybody without checking accounts yep millions billions of people without checking the gallons can't have one do you know anybody that does not live in a piece of real estate do you know anybody without a car 1000 okay i'm just saying do you think amazon is going to suddenly get into the real estate business maybe could number one is tested it's not going away number two anybody can play this game folks if i can play this game at the level i'm playing out you don't need a degree you don't need a real estate license in fact in fact if you study real estate people they are less connected i mean i'm talking about like influential country club connected like blue blood they're not blue blood people you can't say donald trump and they're finders blue bloods they're grinders okay donald brin sam samsel these guys are grinders okay they're like tough people they're salt of the earth kind of people this is not you don't have to be sophisticated you don't have to dress up you don't have to be a tech guy you don't have to be smart you do not have to have an iq you don't even need money like i knew i met a guy once mario in san diego he couldn't have been older than 28 29 years old a hispanic background family came in from mexico they settled in san diego he owned a thousand units in chula vista chula vista like hood okay mario uh 700 rents in 1998. oh he's loaded now he was cash flowing a hundred grand a month net cash flow 30 years ago no degree half his family is you know came lived in another world and not the overworld okay leverage number three leverage all these assets because of the quality of assets remember what i said about the banks the banks will give you a loan on a piece of real estate and they won't give you a loan on their stock number four the tax advantages are ridiculous the only other place you can go for these kind of tax advantages is to buy either a business equipment aviation i don't think you need to go buy a jet yet okay number five passive income you guys like money when you sleep man i know i do okay if i died this second 9182 units if i died right now not one tenant would give a that i died their rents due they're going to pay the rent okay my average rent is 1850 bucks which produces 203 million dollars worth of income per year gross income if the rents go up three percent a year as i die okay i think i'm gonna have him do the ash thing with me the spread your ashes yeah yeah do you want to do it by the beach house throw them under the palm trees man yeah throw them in the palm trees maybe keep them in the keep in the surf hat in the surf house yeah yeah yeah yeah shacks if the rents go up 2 a year for the next 10 years every year go up 2 that means the rents here would be that 20 203 million dollars let me just watch what happens now if we don't even buy any more units two percent a year let's do three percent that's more likely maybe even four anyway the rents in 10 years my kids will be sabrina will be 22. scarlett will be um 19. elena will be remarried okay i'ma hate that guy uh you know if they're smart they're gonna refinance the properties they're doing 260 million dollars a year in gross if we don't even add anything is that right yeah 260 is the new income times i'm just going to do my math portfolio the noi of the portfolio will be 1 million 385 a hundred no no yeah yeah 135 135 million 135 million is that right yeah yeah 135 million divided by 0.0 4. yes 3 billion three point three eight nine billion you don't want to give anybody that much money don't never do that to your kids man or your your your wife no don't do it to people man but you could give them a drip you know you don't want a little trust you don't want to be like man i'ma give grant a complete like vitamin c right now just overwhelming says no man give me a little drip three times a week you know you can't pound the system that hard there's no reason to give somebody three billion dollars but you could give them you could give them the cash flow like a little ding ding ding ding hey how about i give you 100 grand a month or give your charity 200 or 300 grand a month every month because nobody needs that much responsibility except me okay because i can handle it not everybody can handle that much responsibility not everybody wants that muscle okay so tax advantages passive income and six what if this stuff actually goes up in value over time okay what if the rents go up more than three percent a year who knows three things you can do today ladies and gentlemen friends boys and girls investors and want to be investors amateurs and experts there are three things you can do today you could do nothing you could do it on your own or you could do it with me okay now i know this which one would be the most fun maybe you don't want to have fun but i'm going to tell you something me and you could have more fun together do bigger deals together you guys want to do deals with me you think i could help you with the debt i borrow money so you know this is why i did this today just so everybody here understands why i did this i am doing this today because i am looking for partners number one i want to help you but underneath that for those of you who sign up today i want to do deals with you there's going to be a roberto martinez there's going to be a ben alvarez there's going to be another one of your ralph or rob a shelly there's going to be somebody in here that buys this course and you're going to run into a deal and you're going to get a deal that you cannot close yourself okay i have partners on every single deal i do that's the thing about real estate real estate is a partner's game you can't do it on your own you can't do it there's no way to do anything on your own you need a seller you need fannie mae freddie mac or bank mortgage you need a mortgage a title company a lawyer you need an accountant you need a management team do they know doing anything by yourself so number one is out you can't well you could do nothing very difficult to do nothing after hearing all this because every time you drive around town today you're going to be like that's what he was talking about man i could feel it the vibration of that property you know real estate calls you it's like art a piece of a great piece of art will say you need i need to live in your home okay a relationship mate may call on you like that okay a piece of real estate real estate don't go psychopath on you when you follow not like a chick like a guy or gal does okay but a good piece of real estate if you go through the eighth they don't go psycho on you particularly if it's big enough because you handle the psycho over to the management company don't do this on your own folks nothing big ever happens by yourself jesus didn't go by himself martin luther king didn't john kennedy didn't ali didn't go by himself don't go it alone okay so and don't do nothing so your choice your only choice today is to do this course with me because i want to be a partner let's say you find 200 units and you're like i don't have the cash for it or i can't come up with the extra whatever call me please call me please tell me you've been through the material tell me that you understand it tell me you went through the checklist tell me that 80 of that checklist you could say check check check check check check we're good and i'm gonna buy that deal with you i guarantee you i will buy that deal with you okay because i'm gonna go to my bank and i'm gonna get money for probably three percent i've gotten money as low as two to six two percent two and a quarter percent interest only the entire time we had the loan okay i i'm looking at adjustable money right now that is 300 bips no 400 bips above labor uh that means that money would cost me basically uh under one percent okay i want to do a deal with you but i need you to learn the information i don't need you bringing me a deal the way you learn with dave or the way you learn with robert or the way you learn with whoever showed you how to do a deal i trust the way i do deals okay i know what i've done with deals jared's made money with me on deals i want to do big deals and i want to do deals with you i want to see you at the summit i want to see you on the coaching calls i want to hear you on the coaching coast i want to see what deals you're working on the coaching calls i want to mentor you on the coaching calls but most importantly in addition to seeing you at the summit and knowing you're going through the material i want to do a deal with you okay in july we have a three-day conference actually we have a six-day conference a business conference for three days when that's over with i'm gonna do a real estate summit okay it's limited seating it's first come what is it called first come on first come first served first come first served okay we will we will sell this event out i promise you i i sell all my events out our last event had 20 we had space for 2 000 people there was 2200 people in the room and there was another six or seven thousand people online okay if you want to be online cool i'd rather you come and be with me okay i'm just that kind of guy i want to be with you hear about your deals show your deals talk about your deals tell you why that deal works tell you why it won't work bring me three deals and we'll look at all of them and find the one to buy okay i hope you enjoyed today uh the website if you want to take advantage of this this ends tonight in 50 minutes they're going to close the website down forward slash invest grant forward slash invest forward slash invest i'll give you either a live seat an actual seat if we still have any of those left or we'll give you a virtual seat you just got to pick and they pick jared or what yeah we'll we'll we'll we'll have them select okay so uh grab what you want the virtual i give it to you it's a five thousand dollar seat i'm giving it to you free i'm gonna give you the resource book you want the pdf you don't want to pay the shipping i'm not shipping to to to um whales i'm sorry i'm not going to eat the shipping on that so this course is already cheap enough it's stupid ridiculous it's 21 000 course i'm giving it to you for 9.97 if you want the pdf copy boom print at your home uh if you want the actual book which i would get the book personally because i'm a book guy i like big books i cannot lie okay i'll send you the resource book you get the home study manual same deal pdf or hard copy either copy if they want to cover shipping yeah cover shipping the 16-hour video program will be dropped to you with a link you'll have that in 15 seconds you have 100 money-back guarantee you have a two-pay opportunity if you want it's a little premium on it right yeah okay i want to help you okay i told you i'd be here two hours i've been here five hours and 14 minutes because i give a okay there's no amount of money that we can make on this program today that can keep up with what i'm doing in real estate it's impossible so i'm not here for the money but look when you pay you pay attention if you pay 10 000 for this course 10 000 you pay more attention and by the way we would have done the same amount of money just want you to understand that we just made this available to more people by making it 9.97 i assure you we would have gotten the same amount of money had i sold this for 10 000 then i sold it for 1 000. the reason i did it for 9.97 is it democratizes the playing field it's more inclusive it makes it easier for those of you to do what you have to do today your only choice today is this do nothing do it on your own or do it with me your only choice is to do it with me okay i'm here i want to help you you actually give me you humble me with your grace to let me help you do this okay so join today i'll be on the call monday what money at noon yeah okay i put this together for you guys so when i tell you man you you grace me it's humbling that you allow me to do this you actually allow me to do what i'm supposed to do i'm not supposed to be just a rich guy i'm supposed to be a teacher okay i'm here to be a teacher i'm a facilitator a teacher an educator i love doing it jared can tell you like we're around the we're around doing something i just i'm a teacher kind of guy like i like to teach and i like to help people and i want to help you and and and i believe and i want to make you part of our family so um let's invest together let's do deals together i'll see you guys monday at 12. we'll give you the link for the coaching call there's six of those six of those are planned ten people for the helicopter let's pick some people for the helicopter jared okay uh uh jared let's see helicopter helicopter yeah yeah okay okay dave spiezak let's get david spiezak okay let's get david speedzak okay i see david on on on the clubhouse uh let's get david i'm going to pick some of these people bring it bring it over here david let me uh jared let me pick some of these people okay help me with this okay okay uh uh this is a helicopter ride we're picking out helicopter riders okay um it's a big list man there's a big list man there's a big list it's a big list this is a big list okay let me see here okay oh yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay oh man i can't i mean what whoa man who do you want to pick let's let's do this that's a lot of names let's just do this here's what i'm gonna do here because these people these people joined here you got to make sure we did it okay so i'm going to let's go with um david writer david writer r-e-i-t-e-r david david spiezak yep speed zack what's up bro jorge gutierrez jorge and if you're scared of helicopters just pass on it okay some people don't like to get him uh alma e don't know her last name shake sharp anastasia aver buch i wonder if that's about masseuse uh kalani vale darren whelan miguel garcia check these people for if any of these people are psychos okay yeah yeah britney bryant who was the one after darren uh michael creighton michael uh and uh mary roper how many people is that i think that was 12 13. guys look the helicopter's cool and everything man i'm telling you what's the cooler buying your own helicopter but but i want to put you in there that's why like why are you doing that man because man when you get closer to the deals when you get to put your feet in a deal you're like oh wow this is real okay the moment i got on somebody's private jet i was like wow this is real the moment i bought my first piece of real estate this is real okay once it gets real it gets real real you know what i'm saying so i want to make sure in the next six weeks we get you a deal and then in july when you're here in july grab this today make sure you get this today so you get to be here in july forward slash invest grant forward slash invest you get the home study manual the resource book the 16 hours the seat at the conference three days three days with me the entire time and the money back guarantee if you're not happy grant forward slashing best thank you for joining me today god bless you guys i'll see you at the summit i'll see you monday on the call good luck investing [Music] right [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 209,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, 10x, money, finance, business, sales, motivation, yt:cc=on, WeAre10X, 10XNation, 10XStrong, 10XLife, 10XEverything
Id: o3NibZ0q8Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 345min 45sec (20745 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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