After the Dust Settles... Hope is Alive | Jim Raley

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if you're ready shall bring it on listen i've came today to release some hope in the room and as we approach resurrection sunday we're actually going to theme this season living hope and i'm telling you hope is alive and when people see us i want them to see us not dying in desperation but living in hope i want them to understand that god is greater than any dilemma that they would ever face so i'm coming for you today i'm telling you i feel like preaching okay i got about 13 people out of this big crowd that's ready i said i feel like preaching anybody hungry i love you so much you by live stream let's look at the second samuel 16 second samuel 16. through this teaching today i'm going to do a little i'm going to do a little teaching a little preaching remember teaching is telling it and preaching is yelling it so i'm going to do a little treating today but i want to i want to deal with every hope devourer that has launched itself against your life here we are in second samuel 16 verse 5. now when king david came to berharam there was a man from the family of the house of saul whose name was shimiai the son of guerra coming from there he came out cursing continually as he came and he threw stones at david and all the servants of king david and all the people and all the mighty men were on his right hand and on his left also shimmy i said thus when he cursed come out come out you bloodthirsty man talking to david you rogue the lord has brought upon you all the blood of the house of saul in whose place you have reigned and the lord has delivered the kingdom into the hand of absalom your son so now you are caught in your own evil because you are a blood thirsty man then abba shaya the son of zariah said to the king why should this dead dog he was from southern israel come on why should he curse my lord and king please please please please let me take his head off let me let me deal with him but the king said what have i to do with you you sons of zariah so let him curse because the lord has said this to him curse david who then will say why have you done so and david said to abishaiah and all his servants see how my son who came from my own body seeks my life how much more now may this benjamin let him alone and let him curse for so the lord has ordered him it may be that the lord will look on my affliction and that the lord will repay me with good for his cursing this day and as david and his men went along the road shimaya went along the hillside watched this opposite him and cursed him as he went through stones at him and kicked up the dust now in that moment david may have thought it was over shimmy i knew for sure that it was over and he was kicking up the dust but i came with the word today for somebody maybe not everybody but certainly somebody i've come to tell you it's not over the enemy was kicking up dust and i'm going to preach for a few minutes along these lines after the dust settles after the dust settles you're going to be where god said you'd be after the dust settles you're gonna have what god said you would have i come to promise somebody that maybe the attack has been intense but the dust will settle if you're ready for some things to get settled in your world open up your mouth and give god a mighty praise right now settle it lord lord we slip up our hands and we ask you to have your way leaders speak to us and feed us in jesus name now before you sit down tell somebody around you after the dust settles yeah yeah after the dust settles hope is alive if you think i praise him now wait till the dust settles if you think i'm radical now wait till the dust settles if you think i'm loud now wait till the dust settles if it worries you to sit by me now because i'm a little bit beside myself once in a while wait till my daughter is delivered and my son is sanctified and things turn around [Applause] let's hang our hat right here at this text for just a few moments this is one of the most heart-wrenching stories that i have personally ever read in the bible it's one of the most intense narratives in god's word this mighty king this amazing warrior this man after god's own heart king david he is now fleeing jerusalem his heart is broken his family is torn asunder and he is experiencing the absolute worst betrayal imaginable david now has been betrayed by his very own son absalom absalom didn't only steal the kingdom from david he defiled his wives and it was such a hurting time in david's life his son absalom had rebelled against his very own father and basically hijacked the kingdom of david absalom became a literal juggernaut of of of problems and heartache and trouble for david he led what i described in a book that i wrote a while back called hell spells he led what i described in a chapter as a smiling rebellion he smiled at david but there was wickedness in his heart have you ever known people that looked at you kindly but the reality was they were against you he led this rebellion against david absalom was a masterful deceiver even his name was deceptive because when you define absalom's name absalom's name means father of peace but absalom truly was anything but a father of peace he was an instigator of treachery he was an instigator of war against his very own dad a dad who had provided for him a dad who had loved him a dad who had forgiven him and restored him even as he plotted against his own brother and murdered his own brother this man excellent had hurt david so horrifically but finally david had restored him and invited him back in but that was not enough i've come to tell you there are some people in your life it doesn't matter what you do for them it doesn't matter how kind you are to them it doesn't matter what you bring to them or allow them to have nothing will ever be enough because here's the issue absalon wanted his dad's crown but the truth is he would have eventually got his dad's crown it was going to come to him but he wanted what was his at a time when it was not his to have and there's nothing wrong with getting what is coming to you but you need to understand the timing of god because you can desire a wrong thing a right thing and get it at a wrong time and it wind up being disastrous because god is a god of timing god loves you too much to give you what you're not ready for some of y'all think god is holding out on you no god is not holding out on you he's preparing you oh jesus so he hijacked the kingdom and the bible said that absalom this father of peace who was an instigator of rebellion in all realities stole the hearts of the people it seemed like much of the nation had followed him into this rebellion even even the military even it seemed some of david's very own family it's hard when people who have your last name betray you come on this awesome king then here he is the soldier soldiers isaiah's uh are israel's greatest warrior their greatest king in all of their history is now running for his life and his own flesh and blood is the one who desired to take it here's what i've come to tell you i'm trying to instill hope in you today i'm trying to help you find hope because we're going to be living hope and this is the season as we approach resurrection sunday that we want to release hope in a world that seems so hopeless but the truth is nothing robs you of your hope as being let down or wounded or attacked by someone you've helped and someone you love see when it gets close to you when it's people that you've been there for when it's people that you've fought for when it's people that you've given to when it gets personal that's when it's a whole nother level and david finds himself in that situation can you imagine he must be utterly defeated he is riding out of town and all hope is gone here he is now running to hide in the desert he's running from his kingdom running from his crown running from his call it seems like it's all over and just about the time that you don't think it could get any worse it gets worse have you ever been there have you ever been traversing tribulation and going through tough times and you say surely it can't get any worse it seems like everything is coming against you you turn to the left to the right behind you before you everything's being thrown at you everything but the kitchen sink and then you turn and look and there comes the sink come on somebody when it seems like it couldn't get any worse it got worse and just as david he's encountering his darkest day he comes into bahrain and there is a man from the family of saul named simeo who came out to curse david he didn't come out to meet david he came out to curse david and he began to pick up rocks and he threw them at david and he starts kicking up the dust he attacked david to discourage him and i'll tell you what some preachers won't tell you there are some people in your life who are on assignment from the enemy and their only assignment in your life is to discourage you they're on they may not even know it but they have been strategically placed there by the enemy to get you to want to give up on your family give up on your call give up on your breakthrough give up on what god said but i have come to let somebody know that you cannot let anybody have the authority to tell you that god is not for you god is on your side and even in this critical moment of attack everything david ever was he still was that very day and god was still falling [Applause] he comes riding his horse and shimmy out a member of saul's family runs out throws rocks curses him and kicks up the dust shimmy i the fact is in reality there wasn't a lot to shimmy i he wasn't a man that had a lot of influence but if you define his name i've learned to look behind the text because often god is saying more than we think he is if we'll really look at the text this man uh shimmy i his name actually means renowned renowned means important renown means powerful now this little guy who was really nobody in that moment because of the depravity that david found himself in the low place that david was in this man even though he really was not that much of a man with no influence at all in that moment when david who was king who was a giant killer who was the great warrior in that moment that little man whose name was renowned seemed overwhelming because you can read the context of the text and see where david was literally discouraged and said let him yell at me let him kick up the dust and in that moment that man who was who was really no big deal seemed overwhelming he seemed powerful and he seemed important i want to tell you something wherever there is a lack of hopes we lose our discernment and we often perceive as what's really weak and unimportant to seem really strong and immensely important in those moments when we are under attack in those moments when we are hanging on to heaven with hell on our back it can be a facebook post that will discourage us it will be the look on somebody's face it'll be the fact that they didn't shake your hand it'll be the fact that they'd ignored you when you came to church and it'll drain all the hope right out of you it's not even a big deal but everything is magnified i wish i could find the real people in church today i didn't come for the religious folk i came for the real people who would admit that there have been times when stuff took me out that shouldn't have took me out and there were seasons when stuff that shouldn't have discouraged me discouraged me who would be willing to admit pastor i have been on that journey before so i'm thinking about shimaya and when i'm thinking about shimmy eye i think of the word shimmy now shimmy means to shake come on somebody and shimmy i was shimmying and it reminded me of the junker cars that my daddy used to drive my first car my dad bought me cost a hundred dollars i used to ride down the road jamming to the am radio come on y'all it was a 1971 plymouth fury three big long and green come on y'all four-door look like the batmobile can i get a witness had to have hinges on it to turn it like a door it was so big y'all but my dad would buy these junk of cars and we would ride around in junker cars and they didn't have bucket seats in the cars you had like a whole couch all y'all ain't 12. some of y'all know what i'm talking about you would get in and sit on the couch and you didn't have like these real fancy seat belts you had one seat belt that came right across your waist and nobody ever wore it but the truth is my dad would when he wanted to pull the seat forward you didn't hit a lever on the side and it did go forward he would reach under there and grab some kind of something under the seat and he would start rocking my dad was a big man he would rock back and forth he said we're gonna move this seat forward you're ready one two three and you'd slide up but because my dad was so big and we were so little he would slide up and the front part of it would be up and part of it would be back and he would get mad and say i told y'all we were sliding up come on some of y'all don't know about who knows about them kind of cars wait that man i thought so trying to act all young up in here come on but here's the deal i would get in my dad's car and i would look in the dashboard he would have all these wadded up pieces of paper he would wad them up and stick him in the dashboard and i would say dad what are you doing with all this paper watered up in your dashboard he said son there's a shimmy in my car my dashboard is shimmying it's shaking y'all don't know nothing about cars like that the kind that when you would turn them off they kept running you know come on y'all remember those kind of cars my dad said i put that in there because the car is shimmying the truth is i started thinking about the fact that the dashboard would shimmy and my dad would stick paper in it to stop it from shaking and shimming understand me there now understand me it drove my dad crazy it bothered him but it was not enough to hinder him from getting to his destination oh i said it may have bothered him but the reality was that it wasn't enough to hinder him from getting to his destination but what it would do sometimes is caused him to get his eyes off the road and if he got his eyes off the road he wouldn't get to his destination god brought me here to tell you that there are some shimmy eyes in your life that have been shimmying but if you'll handle it right it ain't enough to stop you from getting to your destination you are still gonna get there i need only about 50 people to give god a mighty praise if you're not going to let the shimmy on you're still going to make it i said you're still going to make it i said you're still going to make it so shimmy i is shimmy iron he's shimmy eyeshimian and and then he takes the attack to another level and he says to david the lord has brought this upon you he was basically saying david you're getting what you deserve he said david this is happening in your life because you deserve this terrible thing you stole the crown from saul and now it's coming back around and shimmy i was a tool in the hands of the enemy because he told him god is just getting you back you had this coming all along you had this coming and god's not for you anymore the lord is not on your side anymore you thought you were all that giant killer but you ain't nothing now where's god now who you think you are now god is against you he's not for you and there is no greater sense of hopelessness than feeling like god doesn't love you and he's not for you because of a tough season that you find yourself in maybe somebody hasn't said this to you but the enemy himself will send the spirit against you that will tell you masterfully that the lord doesn't love you anymore that he's not for you anymore that god is trying to get you back for a failure you had god's trying to pay you back for an indiscretion you had he's taken vengeance on you but listen i i need to tell somebody something even when folk tell you or the enemy tells you you're only getting what you deserve i'm standing up here today and i want to be the first one to testify and say i'm so glad i never got what i deserved y'all don't y'all don't say nothing just look straight ahead if i got what i deserved i wouldn't be here today if i got what i deserved i wouldn't be preaching the gospel you don't know the pit that god brought me out of but i'm here to tell you today that he never gave me what i deserved his grace was greater than my struggle somebody open your mouth and give him praise right now [Applause] i need to tell somebody here i say it over your children i say it over you i say it over those precious to you god doesn't want to get you back god wants to bring you back tell your neighbor say god doesn't want to get you back he wants to bring you back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he'll bring you back to peace he'll bring you back to joy he'll bring you back to breakthrough he'll bring you back to victory god's about to bring somebody's family back god's about to bring somebody's hope back don't allow the shimmies to the enemy to speak into your ears and rob you of your hope remember who you are in the lord the psalmist said for you o lord of good and ready good and ready when does god forgive us when he gets good and ready oh jesus you missed it i said when he gets good and ready aren't you glad he's good and ready you're good and ready to forgive and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon you i want to grasp hope today because the bible said he's full of compassion and he's ready to forgive let's put it like this the bible said he's long suffering but with some of us he hasn't just been long suffering he's been long suffering y'all kept me holy spirit i better preach to this side because that sounds ignoring me i said he's long suffering how about it over here are y'all awake is he is he long suffering has he has he put up with you even when you lost your mind has he put up with you even when you wouldn't praise him you wouldn't give you wouldn't pray you wouldn't seek his face did you have seasons where you were distant from him but he was never distant from you if he's ever been long suffering in your life why don't you stop right now and give him a little bit of praise and say thank you no no put your gratitude has an attitude why don't you put your gratitude on the display and say thank you that's your long suffering so so watch this you got shimmy i shimmying running his mouth attacking the greatest king who ever lived next to jesus come on the greatest king israel ever knew and then there emerges on the scene a man named abhishaya then abbashaya the son of zariah said to the king why should this dead dog curse my lord the king please please please let me go over and take his head off he said please let me hit him so hard when he wakes up his clothes will be in style come on y'all let let me let let me hit him so hard when he wakes up he'll have to brush his teeth between his legs come on somebody let me take that joker out please please please let me take that dead dog's head off it becomes even more powerful when you define the name of abhishaya abhishaya's name means my father is a gift now don't miss this the bible theologians and historians tell us that abu shayah was actually david's nephew and and i don't know where david's sons are i don't know where all the people are that david had done good to but his nephew loved him and honored him as a father he understood his name means my father is a gift he recognized the gift still in david he recognized the anointing still on david he recognized the call still that david had even in david's mess even when david's own sons missed it god put a man named abishai in his life who who who was able to identify that the lord was still on david's side i stopped by to tell you that god has a way he has a way y'all i don't understand it i don't even know how he does it but he has a way of putting people in your life who believe in you even when it's hard you'll put people in your life that believe in you when you don't believe in yourself you'll put people in your life who speak to you and encourage you when you are at your very lowest see god will put people in your life who have hope and believe in you when you say i don't even believe in myself i've lost all my hope see do you have anybody like that have you had some people in your life who have believed in you has god ever brought allies into your anarchy has he ever brought people into your life who believed in you and stood with you over the years and here's what i came to say instead of allowing the devil to convince you that you're a failure and no one's for you why don't you stop right now and begin to thank god for the people in your life who have been your friends and your allies and they are right now y'all i got to finish this thing but i feel like we need to stop right there and give god some praise for the folk that he put in our life that believed in us that stood with us sit out there and be cute and act like you made it by yourself but the truth is none of us are self-made especially jim rayley stop right now open your mouth and give god a little bit of glory for the people that he put in your life the abbasias [Applause] makes me want to run truth is i wouldn't be here today i've been doing this now for 37 years do you think i would be here today had there not been some folk through the years who saw some kind of good in me when i didn't see it in myself listen i've had my share of shimmy eyes and i've had some shimmy eyes shimmy in 2020 and there's some folks shimmying right now but i still got a lot of people who believe in me so i'm not going to accentuate the negative but i'm going to eliminate the negative and i'm going to accentuate the paul y'all don't make me go disney world on y'all i dare you right now if god has been good to you and given you some great relationships stop right now and say thank you lord thank you for everybody who's ever helped me thank you for those who believed in me thank you for those who stood with me and are standing with me right now so david is running into the desert he's fleeing and shimmy is yelling he has to run alongside of david zucker don't even have a horse come on somebody see me i don't even have a horse you only say enough into me that that's how bad off he was and he's kicking dust against the king the bible said and he kicked up the dust see satan he himself spirits of depression spirits of anxiety and even people will kick up the dust in your life you'll have folks who will kick up the dust and attack and shimmy i thought for sure for sure this is david's last hurrah god is done with david and he was convinced that david's days as king were over and he's kicking up the dust he's kicking up the dust but remember the dust hadn't settled in david's life even though shimmy i was kicking up the dust the dust hadn't settled can i say it like this shimmy i was the original dust devil have you ever had to deal with dust devils i grew up playing a lot of sports and one of the things i did was play baseball and we just go out to a clay infield and sometimes in when florida would get dry the wind would blow and there would be little whirlwinds little dust devils on the infield we call them dust devils and what it is it's a low pressure system come on now how many all know the devil he attacks low he'll hit you low he'll hit you low he'll hit you where it hurts it's a low pressure system and though and then and i was studying about it it said that the wind is turning counterclockwise have you ever had seasons that were counterclockwise have you ever had seasons where you wanted it to go this way but it was going this way you wanted it to happen like this but it was happening like that and there were dust devils all around you some of you are here today you're tuning in by live streaming you're not here by accident you are here on assignment you've been dealing with some dust devils in your family your children have been acting like dust devils your husband has acted like a dust devil your wife has acted like the dust devil there are dust devils in your financial situation you want to make the ends meet but you can't even find the ends to make a meat you got dust devils attacking your health dust devils attacking your peace dust devils attacking your joy let me get real even the nation has been dealing with dust devils in the last 18 to 24 months at another level even the church in america is dealing with dust devils but i came to tell somebody today maybe you're dealing with dust devils but here's what you need to know it's not over don't lose hope because the dust will settle [Applause] tell your neighbor the dust will settle yeah i know 2020 has been crazy i know the enemy's been attacking i know we've been in a whirlwind of season of drama i know we've been dealing with dust devils but i'm telling you the dust is about to settle it's about to settle over your mind it's about to settle over your issues it's about to settle over your problems the dust is about to settle i've come to tell you today you don't need to give up you don't need to quit god is about to settle the dust and when he settles the dust you're going to be where he said should be when he settles the dust you're going to have what he says you'd have when he settles the dust you're gonna have to brush through that his promise when is there anybody here that says lord just settle it settle the dust settle the dust open up your mouth oh we we're not really high-fiving anybody but look at your neighbor if you got to look at him side eye and tell your neighbor so you can just stand there or sit there if you want to but say i gotta give him praise cause the dust will settle somebody give god a shout [Applause] hallelujah i said hallelujah now when the dust settles you'll find hope don't you dare give up here david is he's at rock bottom he's at absolute rock bottom and he is headed now to hide in the caves again what do you do when god takes you back through what you've already been through he's already been hiding in caves he was hiding from saul now he's hiding from his sons and he's hiding in a cave he goes into a cool damp dusty cave when he gets in the cave it's here that bible theologians tell us that he writes the psalm in psalms 42 and in the second verse here he is in the cave he's weeping he's cried until he can't cry anymore you ever been there we're the real people at i said you ever been there where you are spent emotionally he's right there and he starts writing my soul thirst for the living god when can i go and meet god he said my tears have been my food day and night while men say to me all day long where is your god oh come on somebody he said these things i remember as i pour out my soul he said how i used to go with the multitudes leading the procession of the house of god with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throne he said why are you downcast o my soul and why are you so disquieted within me he said put your hope in god for i will yet praise him high i will yet praise him my savior and my god don't miss it now here he is he's lost everything he's in the cave but in that moment he's not worried about the crown in that moment he's not worrying about the kingdom in that woman he's not worried about his position in that moment he's not worrying about where he lived no in that moment he's not concerned about the palace here's what he said he said my soul first for god for the living god where can i go to meet him he said i don't i can get by without the crown i can get by without the throne i can get by without the authority i can get by without the position but one thing i can't do i can't make it if i don't have an encounter with you god i need an embodied encounter with you see nothing brings hope like an encounter with god he said my tears have been my food day and night while men say to me all day long where is your god he said these things i remember he's in the cave and he said these things i remember as i pour out my soul how i used to go with the multitude leading the procession to the house of god with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the the festive throne here's what he said he said the enemy is telling me it's over the enemy is telling me that god ain't able the enemy is telling me that this is a done deal but i remember i remember what god has already done i remember how god has already brought me through i remember how he made a way out of no way ask somebody do you remember yeah yeah do you remember when he got guarded you do you remember when he rescued you do you remember when he brought you out of my reclaim do you remember when he picked you up do you remember when he encouraged you do you remember when he strengthened you do you remember when he saved you help me lord i can't get no help in here i said do you remember when he saved you do you remember when he called you do you remember when he baptized you in the holy ghost i dare you right now if you remember what he's already done don't you dare wake and praise him until he does it again praise him right now that if he did it before he can do it again i need about a hundred people that ain't ashamed to say i remember one two three tell your neighbor say i remember yeah you can't praise him like i can't cause you don't know what i don't you don't know what i know hey jesus then is this all right then he starts preaching y'all sit down and have another glass of tea then he starts preaching revival to himself see sometimes you got to preach revival to yourself and he said why are you downcast o my soul and why are you disturbed within me for put your hope in god for i will yet praise him my savior and my god what is a yet praise it's an anyhow praise [Music] i ain't got it but i'm gonna praise him in the house it ain't changed but i'm gonna praise him anyhow i haven't seen it yet but i'm gonna praise him anyhow y'all i know i'm i'm pressing on you a little bit but i dare you right now if maybe everything isn't perfect but you know the god who did it before can actually do it again one two three bring him in anyhow praise right now come on sometimes the best message you preach is to yourself go ahead and praise him david said put your hope in god go ahead and praise him i will yet praise him a great release of hope i'm getting ready to i'm getting ready to feel this i'm telling you there's a great release of hope in an atmosphere of praise now remember we're dealing with dust devils we're gonna try to settle the dust but look at your neighbor and say hey neighbor hollering up say hey neighbor i mean like you holler at your kids when they get on your last nerve say hey neighbor say nothing settles the dust like a little bit of rain [Applause] [Applause] i came looking for some rain makers i said i'm here today looking for some rain methods now now long before there was even a scientific understanding of meteorology job explained how rain was made job said for he draws up water which distill as rain from the midst which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly on man basically what happened was come on y'all some watch now the sun is shining down on the earth steam our vapor rises up and impregnates the clouds and when the clouds get so full and so impregnated with enough vapor the vapor turns into water and when the crowd clouds get so full they can't hold it anymore they burst and the bible says that that the the poor the rain pours down abundantly on man now zachariah said this it shall be in that day that whichever of the families of the earth do not come to jerusalem to worship the king the lord of hosts on them there will be no rain he said the rain is contingent on praise [Music] he said if you don't worship me there's not gonna be any rain about a year and a half ago i went to the dentist and i had some horrible issues with my teeth and i had an entire bone section that was missing and it was causing me trouble the dentist said you're gonna have to have some pretty intense surgery but i said listen we're gonna trust the lord and i would take antibiotics when it would get infected well several months later i came back to the dentist and he looked at my x-rays and he said pastor i don't understand it he said but your jawbone around that tooth has grown completely back he said this does not happen i said is this a miracle he said absolutely he said this does not happen i went this last week to get my teeth clean he walked in the room and said how's that miracle mouth doing y'all missed it he said how's that miracle mouth doing y'all missed it see hell don't want you to know it but the miracle is in your mouth the miracle is in your praise when you open up your mouth you impregnate the clouds of glory when the s-o-n beats down the son of the living god beats down on your life with salvation with joy with breakthrough with healing with deliverance and you open up your mouth and you begin to praise the lord you get ready to make the rain if you praise god the rain of god is gonna fall over your life it's gonna settle the dust i dare you right now to jump up on your feet and open up your mouth and give god a crazy praise god jesus let's make a little rain tell somebody around you say come on rainmaker come on rainmaker the miracle is in your mouth you want to settle the dust open your mouth dance before the lord clap your hands shout out to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody ought to run right now cause you're running out of your trouble somebody ought to leave right now cause you're leaping into a new season somebody ought to clap right now cause your calamity is about over somebody ought to dance right now cause god's dealing with a dilemma settle the dust settle the dust settle the dust settle the dust tell your neighbor say neighbor after the dust settles hey hey hey hey after the dust settles after the dust settles i'll be where god said i'll be after the dust settles i'll have what god said i'll have after the dust settles my family is gonna be where god said my family will be after the dust settles revival revival revival revival revival come on don't you let's shimmy our shimmy revival in your house i hear your holy ghost i heard the lord say give them about 60 seconds to give me an absolutely crazy praise are you ready you can't praise him unless you're ready for the dust to settle i said are you ready look around tell three or four people i'm ready this is gonna be another level are you ready one two [Applause] [Music] three [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've got a feeling everything's gonna be all right i gotta feel it everything's [Music] oh [Music] if you're at home and you've been dancing around your coffee table give god a praise because after the dust settles 2020 has been a season like no other but the dust is about to settle it's about to settle over somebody's mind you've been disappointed you've been let down but god's not through you were betrayed you were hurt but god's not through so so shimmy is there and he's preaching david's funeral right he's preaching his funeral he said it's over but he had to watch david ride back in on the same road that he had ridden out on i'm sure that when shimmy i looked at him he said row this this is not good you're gonna have a season when even the instigators and the enemies against your purpose and call are gonna have to watch you ride right back into victory i prophesied i said i prophesied i said i prophesy i said i prophesy [Music] i'll wait on you if you need to praise him like that she's breaking through [Music] she's breaking through i'm not listen you say pastored are you worried about that i'm worried if that doesn't happen after a message like this i'm concerned if it doesn't if somebody don't get delivered after a message like this my god why don't we why we come to church [Music] somebody doesn't shift what what why'd we preach i mean come on if you're here and you're ready for the lord to settle the dust i want you to get up here right now if you're here you'd say pastor that message was for me i don't know who needs to come but if you come up here right now you see god's got to settle the dust god i need you to settle the dust in my mind some of you have been in a perpetual dilemma of constant and consistent stress anxiety worry god said i'm gonna break it off right now i'm going to break it off right now the devil should have left you alone come on you're breaking through the dust is about to settle i'm going to wait a minute because i feel like there's more of you that need to come if you're a little bit uncomfortable and you want to stand close by people just come stand over in the corner or something but i want you to come god's dealing with people online right now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah my precious daughter right there in the in the leonard skirt with the green shoes on right there you're standing behind a bringer up here i'm talking to you honey i don't know i don't know what's been going on in your life in your story but i heard the lord say the dust is about to settle that all that you've been through all the broken places that you've walked in this last season the lord said he's about to shift things and turn things around you've been trying to do better you've been trying to be better you've been trying to think better and the enemy has been attacking he's been coming against i heard the lord say the devil has taken cheap shots against you in the last season but god said get ready because there is fresh oil being poured out over your life and when the dust settles everything that god promised you will be a reality daughter i'll release overcompetitive shot yeah let's break through let's break through that's breakthrough that's breakthrough that's breakthrough that's breakthrough let's break through that's breakthrough let's break through raise your hands right here the lord said you had to come a long way for this message the lord said you thought you came for a women's conference but you came for this message because you know there's some personal things there's been things you've been dealing with on the inside am i right about it you haven't told nobody you haven't said anything to anybody but by yourself you've been dealing with dust devils and the attack of the enemy has been strong but i hear the lord say that in the next few months god is about to settle the dust in your life i'm releasing a breakthrough anointing over you right now in the name of jesus it's happening it's happening i hear the lord say it's happening in your family right now it's happening in your family right now the dust is being settled in the name of jesus stunned out of our satire caller messiah ah hallelujah the lord told me to remind you of who you are to remind your daughter that his hand has always been on your life and the dust will settle i'll release anointing over you from the top of your head to the soul of your feet listen reach out right now and take breakthrough [Music] it's happening right now it's happening right now hallelujah sister raise your hands i heard the lord say that this message was not just a sermon in your life this was an announcement this was god saying get ready this was your announcement he's about to settle the dust i release breakthrough like you have never known i release breakthrough like you have never known where are my pastors that get up here from kentucky god spread come on he's settled in the dust right now i see him settling the dust in this in this area right here he's settling the dust right now he's settling the dust right now don't go anywhere just throw up your hands and say me lord save me lord settle the dust in my family here's what i need to tell you number one you are a walking talking living breathing miracle young lady you shouldn't be where you are the enemy did everything he could to assassinate god's assignment on your life but the lord said every hard place that you walked only prepared you for what you are right now and for what you shall become but as i preach today you began to look back and you began to rewind where you've been and you said lord you have been faithful so god said he's gonna use you the lord told me from the place of your pain it's gonna be your greatest power hallelujah times that you felt rejected can i prophesy to you times you felt rejected god said the enemy meant it for evil but i'm about to shift it and turn it for good because in your church the marginalized are coming in your church the rejected are coming in your church the wounded are coming in your church in this next season the broken are coming but your life will be a testimony of the faithfulness of god let me tell you something man of god there's a great compassion that you carry i don't know you greatly i've i've debated my business to get close to you and we're coming more and more and more i don't know how you were raised but here's what i know there's a great sense of compassion that you carry in your life there's a great sense of mercy and love that you carry in your life the lord said you've been wondering did i miss it in 2020 and 2021 to start this church got him i had a step with you god did i miss it did i come too soon but the lord said you were right in his plan i hear the lord say he had to take you through this process because when he brings what he's going to bring you'll say god you get it in the midst of a pandemic you did it when it shouldn't have happened you opened doors and made a way out of no way here's what i prophesy the dust is about to settle the dust is about to settle i'm releasing revival like you have never known you ready i am part of the acapulca somebody give god almighty give praise a mighty praise somebody who's ready for a shift give god a mighty praise somebody who's ready for the yes to settle give god [Music] [Music] i feel breakthrough right here over this man i feel breakthrough right here i feel breakthrough right here i feel breakthrough right here i feel breakthrough right here i feel breakthrough right here come here mama come here mama she no no no the lord told me to minister to you the lord told me to tell you it's been a rough season that your husband has passed away but you're still here and the lord said he's still got a plan for your life the lord said there's no anointing coming on you the lord said he's going to be so real to you that he's going to be so his presence is going to be so real in your life that you will be amazed i release over you mama the anointing of the holy ghost from the top of your head to the souls of your feet the dust will that's the holy spirit the dust will settle the dust will settle somebody raise your hands and give god [Music] praise [Music] is [Music] [Music] that is [Music] god [Music] [Music] you are here working in these [Music] oh you are here [Music] you are here and you're working [Music] [Music] they [Music] is [Music] somebody say way [Music] come on [Music] god is who [Music] [Music] the lord said that you spend so much time praying and preaching to others and speaking to others and delivering a prophetic word over others the lord said you had to be here today because there's a new thing coming but the lord said it's not a conventional thing the lord said it's it's not it's not gonna be um it's not going to fit in people's religious box the lord said he's going to use you guys in this next season to do the unusual the lord said you carry a great burden for where you're from and i see that and i sense that but the lord said the dust is about to settle you're going to be used like you've never been used before the lord said you're going to tap into a place that you've never tapped into before the lord said both of you are a testimony of god's faithfulness you don't even have to hear anybody else's testimony you just remind each other of how he brought you together so i'm releasing over you man of god revelation like you have never known the lord said there's a key in your mouth the lord said when you open it to preach and prophesy that people will be supernaturally delivered i release a new thing in your life woman of god hallelujah the lord said you carry a breaker's anointing the lord said when you step on the stage and you open your mouth when you step on the stage things start breaking when you step on the stage demons start panicking and devils start yelling and bondages start being broken but the lord says i'm about to magnify what was already big in your life the lord said i'm about to bring you into a season that you have never seen the lord said even during this time when it was tough and the devil tried to kick up dust you remain faithful the lord said get ready woman of god get ready breaker you are a breaker and the lord said fresh oil and fresh fire shark that honorable josiah somebody raise your hands and say right now you never stop you never stop working you never [Music] [Music] [Music] you never stop in the name of jesus i decree and declare in faith that the dust is about to settle it's going to settle over your family it's going to settle over your finances it's going to settle over your mind it's going to settle over your children i declare the dust is about to settle i declare after the dust settles you're going to have everything god says you're going to have after the dust settles you're going to have everything god says you're going to have after the dust settles you're going to be where god said you'd be in the name of jesus the dust will settle if you receive this word today open your mouth hog that any attire and give god a mighty shout of praise give him a mighty shout of praise i declared over you now all you that came forward the dust is settling all of you that restated received it the dust is settling we're gonna do i'm gonna do two things number one i wanna tell you that when this is over i'm gonna go back to the back and i wanna meet you but number two i wanna pray over you so slip up your hands we have cards available in the back that are giving hope cards next sunday will be we'll have an amazing time here one big service at 10 30. invite people to come and watch us be a blessing to the world step up your hands i decree and declare the dust is settling i declare the shimmy eyes that have spoken out against you did not detour or defeat god's plan for your life i decree and declare that in the next 90 days in the next 90 days i said in the next 90 days i i don't know i said in the next 90 days god's about to settle some things if you receive it one two three give me my praise why don't you shout one time
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 2,478
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Id: NddUPqunBhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 46sec (3946 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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