Revival | Donnie McClurkin

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you know there comes a moment where you're most comfortable with family and I've known pastor Donny now for a lot of years he started coming to us when we were in the small building and we didn't have the crowds and the people and the blessings that we have now those are the kind of people that you love people that are with you when you don't have nothing come on somebody and you know I was in Israel the last time he was here and I heard what happened in here what he did in this room was so incredible that he should have been arrested come on somebody it it was awesome he came in tonight and he said I'm just telling you right up front uh this is my church I've come home he said I just want to know where to send my time I'm on telling before he leaves come on somebody imma let it know I'm away I won't give him the text to give number can I get a witness in her house don't tell that to a preacher brother but tonight I believe that Pastor Donnie is here on assignment he is he is more than a friend he's part of our family we love him and we welcome him back home can we do what we do can we get pastor Donnie McClurkin a great big God bless you come on Calvary hallelujah y'all know how we do it let's let Donnie pastor Don they know how happy we are that he's here tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen I am here a brand new man I'm here a totally brand new man I feel like a billion dollars before taxes I feel victory in my spirit and the enemy has a problem with me this year I'm trying to talk to somebody here I told the church on the watch tonight I said I'm going after the enemy full throttle now not understand this I'm going I said the Lord told me to lay on my face for my family soon as the Lord told me to lay on my face my family I told the church said I'm going for my family this year as soon as my niece's house was shopping then a drive-by shooting they had to lay on the floor with the babies and the life and I said oh you heard Ms Michael scare me or stop me I'm coming hard cuz victory belongs to the Christian I don't hear you here victory belongs to the blood washed victory belongs to those who serve Jesus somebody give out a victory cry right now and if any of you are praying for your family but if you have your family in your heart you are going to war for your family I don't want you to think that you got the war by yourself this battle is already done I want you to get a victory cry like it's already over let's get it between [Music] because it's a desert on when I came and I'm sitting I'm saying get these people getting on my now cuz they're singing my message this is how this is this is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I'm surrounded by guards [Music] [Applause] [Music] but [Music] this is how this is this is [Applause] this is [Music] I just wanted to get on stage to sing I'm not going to be long I'm not going to be long Yasuda [Music] this is how I fight my battle [Music] this is the way I fight my bad [Music] blew me away when they started singing because when they got to it may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you it's all a part of what God gave me to speak tonight so I honor you pass away let honor u great man and woman of God I praise God for you and I want everybody to give God praise for the angels of this house pastor Jimmy pass it on that's just my Church of God in Christ upbringing I got to do that I want you to turn in your Bibles and I want you to turn to the Book of Leviticus and then I want you to go to the book of Deuteronomy that I want you to go to book Joshua and that I want you to go to a book of second Kings I'm going to preach the whole Bible tonight because I hear my pastor Marvin Winans saying to me in my ear and so I want you to go to the eighth [Music] takes too long but I want the believers in the room to know that this was really prophetic song that this song was prophetic and was preparing you for message that's prophetic it was preparing you for this year 2020 and the victory you stepped into you the reason why you didn't close your eyes and death is because God had promises but he is not was he is going to perform in your life and you stepped on January the 1st you stepped into a season of victory well your enemies will fall flat on their faces and your struggles you will have the power to overcome and the things your ear may not change right away but he's changing you in those things and he has promised that this is a year of victory I don't hear the victorious people with faith for this long and it's not for you to go into another season of battle it's for you to go into your season of Victoria it is now time to put the flag in the ground and let the banner unfurl and wave because you are not an easy kill the enemy cannot overcome you the enemy cannot silence you the enemy cannot stop you I don't hear anybody in this room enemy cannot stop you you are better better stronger mightier than you know and the enemy is more afraid of you finding out who you are than anything else somebody's a gang there doesn't say I'm bad in Jesus Christ I'm bad in Jesus Christ y'all forgive me on on 10 right now hallelujah in the Book of Leviticus 26 verse 8 it simply says it says 5 of you shall chase one hundred and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to float your enemies shall fall by the sword before you now I will not wonder what I want to run real quick to Deuteronomy going to do to run me real quickly it says how could one person chase of thousand enemies and how can two connected put ten thousand to flight unless their God their rock had sold their enemy out and the Lord had surrendered their enemies before the fight began young that getting this hello huh and then I want you to go to the book of Joshua one man one man of you shall chase a thousand for the Lord your God the Lord your God is he who fights for you as he has promised you I'm not I'm not really a pretty that usually uses a theme when I got a feeling for you tonight hit your neighbor and say it's a rap it's it's over it's done it's a rap in urban vernacular when somebody says that's a rap that means I'm finished this is over it goes no further and God wants you to know that it's already ended before it began it's a wrap this is something that victorious Christians have got to learn this is something that Christians that stand in the power of the word of God have got to come to accept in every situation in our lives that God has already bested our enemy we give the enemy too much credit we give our problems too much acknowledgement weary glorify the negative and we pay attention to that which has already overcome we give life to dead situations where Jesus has nullified the things that come against you and given you power over it we breathe life back into the thing that God has already conquered we speak so negatively that the very thing that comes against us that is afraid of us takes confidence by the things that we declare what do you mean when we declare our own sicknesses and we declare our own struggles and when we start talking about how tougher this consternation at the end of every year when I hear Christians for my how bad the year was ready I just barely made it through thank the Lord Jesus Christ this year was just so hard than the Lord and got the nerve to put the Lord's name to it taking the Lord you know I don't I just barely made it till just those hills and mountains all to a holy God I barely made it and I thank God I got through I'm climbing up the rough side and that insults God he says I gave you three hundred and sixty-five victories I gave this 365 brand-new mercies I sat at your bedside the 365 nights I pushed that death for 365 days I provided for you ching-ching I will bless the Lord I will bless the Lord at all times and this praise ah his partner this one his praise shall continually be and how can I praise God after I've been through so much cuz I know that I am after all how did I get this far the reason why I'm standing here right now is because God has punctured every one of my enemies from birth till this day and he's yet to [Applause] [Music] put 10,000 effect except the God our rock has messed the enemy over and already beat the enemy down before he let us get to the enemy five or six one hundred one hundred six thousand one of them takes a thousand to put ten thousand flight then once you taste a thousand I don't know God's map it's a different kind of equation but no matter how you tally it up at all I don't hear anybody here it all ends we concern ourselves too seriously all the matters that God has already handled we sit back and we listen to the enemy's roar and the heathens rage when we hear the totems of situations and circumstances declaring that we will topple that we will buckle we will fall but we can't deal with the level of oppression and problems that we're dealing with but let me tell you this is not our first time at the rodeo we've already been through stuff and if God got us through that anybody here if God got us through that this is nothing to come what you gotta do is put your confidence in what you know about your God and your mountain cannot be bigger than your God and I don't hear anybody your mountain your situation cannot be bigger than your God God is in control of all things and there's nothing too hard for God my Savior Lord in the Book of Jeremiah second chaplain Germa he gives a statement he says oh god I'm gonna cry O God behold you have made the heavens by your great power and you're stretched out and there is nothing too hard for you that mess with God so much that God got involved in the conversation Jeremiah makes a statement in 32 17 and then God in 32 27 he answers Jeremiah he's a Jerry you're right behold I am the Lord God of all flesh is there anything too hard for me and that same that same that Commission stands in the 21st century God looks at you in your promises behold that means look at something bigger than your problem behold that means see someone stronger than your fight behold I am the Lord him I am the God I'm sorry I said I wasn't won't do that I am the God of all flesh yes is there any is there too hard for me God is not just he doesn't just have he is y'all missed that altogether God doesn't have power he is omnipotent omnipotent I'm the UH open power he is all and there is no power that goes beyond God God supersedes anything that we could ever imagine or think and when you've got this God on your side he's not a god he's legal you can't stand him up against serosa you can't stand him up against Allah you can't stand him up against Buddha you can't stand him up against Krishna you can't stand him up that's Lord Morrigan you can't stand him up against Vishnu this is not a god this is ego jesus said I am the way not any way the way I am the truth not a truth the truth I am the life not a life the life and no man no man no man no man no man cometh to the Father I'm staring some people here it's gonna get worse before it gets better because I'm getting excited over this message even before I finish it there's nobody bigger than our God this is nobody greater than our God I don't hear an affirmation here there's nobody greater than our God there's nobody stronger than our God as a matter of fact there's no other God [Applause] there is only one God only one omnipotent God one sovereign God one God that is infinite hallelujah this God knows the from the beginning this God knows every step that we take this God has preordained our lives and he's already secured our victories I've come to find out that I'm not fighting an enemy this enemy is already undone I'm not fighting an enemy this enemy is already toothless and impotent I wish I heard some praise going up to that I'm not fighting an enemy I don't have to fight the fight has already been won the fight it's already been won if you took a walk into into first Chronicles about twentieth chapter you read about a king by the name of Jehoshaphat and Jehoshaphat is the king over specific province with a specific name the name of the province is Judah and the name Judah interpreted means praise and the enemy comes against Judah to wipe Judah off the face of the earth hallelujah that's what the enemy is trying to do he's coming against you to wipe praise out of your mouth out of your heart and Jehoshaphat had a problem he wanted to know God what shall we do so we get the army together shall we get the militia together and though our sense of prophet and the Prophet says hey you don't need to fight they didn't get it God you don't need to defend yourself you don't need to pick up your own cause in case you don't need to go toe-to-toe with an enemy that I've already prescribed defeat you don't need to pick up a sword nor spear against an enemy that's already deflated an enemy that's already conquered you don't have to do anything but see me if you can see me you'll see your victory son of a if you see me you'll see your victory so what I want so what I want you to do is I want you to get the levites I want you to get the minstrels I want you to get the worshipers cuz their only thing that's gonna defeat this is worship because worship takes you out of the realm of your problem and takes you up into the presence of your card you don't hear what I'm saying worship lifts you up to where God is worshiped takes your attention off of the horizontal and puts it on my high-and-mighty do I have any worshipers here worship is not like praise praise is when you make a whole lot of noise and speak well of calling him and you lift up a loud noise but worship is when you're in awe of God when you see him in his glory when you see him in his might when you see him in his splendor and you say Oh Lord my God consider I don't hear anybody worship defeats you don't have to fight for the battle is not yours the only reason why the enemy wages war against us is to try to get at him any talent here knows that you can you can have an augment of pushing and you can ignore them especially if you know you better than them especially if you know that you're above them there's no need for me to go toe-to-toe with you yeah you so it's a lowbrow come on shoot my hands dirty No god bless you and your enemy can't do anything as long as you are ignoring them and pooh-poohing their attempt and their attack they can't do anything with you so they devised a plan if I can't get to them directly I'll get to them by what they love the most now if I go and I'll snap their daughter I'll show you better don't you [Music] she's my please the Lord [Applause] you go and slap their son bending then you see Bruce Banner honcho then turn into the Incredible Hulk I'm Dennis it's it's they blackout blackout blackout do they they don't even know what happened when they come to they just find people's entrails in the mouths and they don't know how that happened and it's the same way with God let God arise the only reason why God is gonna arise because somebody messed with his kids if you mess with God's to see God don't have a problem with Satan one on one because he already cast him out but if you mess with much higher God doesn't have any problem with the roaring and the rantings of the enemies but if you hit if you hit my daughter it's a wrap it's rap and God says all I want you to do is I want you to go in the house and I want you to be quiet you keep your integrity you keep a good name you keep your reputation you keep hiding my standard and when you go in the house and you keep my standing and your integrity and your good name when you close the door I'm rolling up my sleeve don't look out the window baby because what I'm about to do I'm about to keep I'm not gonna stop until your enemy is your footstool I'm not gonna stop until I sample I don't hear anybody you got to hear God's pumping you got to hear God walking you got to hear some of you in your twenty twenty every demonic count is undone don't worry when you hear the enemy roar he's an absolutely nullified being he has no power except the power that you give him by fear your enemy has already been bested and you are already victorious am I talking to anybody in this room no matter what you're going through you are already victorious no matter how long it's been going you are already victorious as a matter of fact you have entered into a season where the cycle stops who am I talking to if I'm talking you just make some noise you are in a season where the cycle and what you need is clear vision 20/20 vision is clear vision only God can give you because when we see things happen it diverts our attention we pay attention to what we see but in this season don't pay attention to what you see pay attention to what he said I know it seems simple but we don't think we have enough money to pay for our attention is distracted is done so in the past our children he knows that his time is up so he's trying to amplify things that's just a sign of a defeated foe you can look at your sons and daughters your mothers and fathers day time's up it's all right hit the road my child will be saved my daughter is secure my son we somebodies prevail right now for your family somebody lifting up for your family it's already done in the spirit all you got to do is open up your eyes it's already done in the spirit if you read in the book of second Kings about the sixth chapter starting about the fourteenth verse you'll see that there's a king in Syria that wage war against Israel I feel like a preacher now thank you sir that wage war against Israel and while he developed his plans God would speak to the Prophet that's why you need a good prophet you need a good pastor you need a good teacher you need somebody who can hear from God and you need to be trust them you need to trust the man the woman of God that hears from God because they're about to give you the Word of God that gets you victory I'd only hear anybody can I take a sidestep for a second never let anybody speak against the man a woman of God I'm preaching I never let anybody tell you anything about your man your woman of God the one that God has put God's Word in their mouth for your life never let any naysayer come and speak evil of them did you know what I heard I don't want to hear what you heard him cuz I already heard from God get he do you know what I found out I don't want to know what you found them because what I'm finding out now is that you may be good to me but you're not good for me and I've got to move on I don't hear anybody here you got some silence for voice are the ones who are trying to keep you from hearing the Word of God that comes to put a seed of dealt with discord in your heart concerning your leaders because what God is established here has proved to be life-saving to those of us that hear that word about talking about anybody here save save save there's a prophet that reveals the enemy's plan the enemy Syrian army declares that I am going to attack from the mountain king strategizes chief principality strategizes this is how I'm going to attack and God would tell the Prophet too long God would tell the Prophet where the attack was going to come from and he would tell the king and when he told the king the king would set of strategies to comfortably enemy before he even got to the mountain then they said okay well they got us there but now we'll go down and get them in the valley and God would tell the proper the enemy's coming from the valley and the king of Israel would send them the army down to the valley and what the enemy they team forces and the king brought his armies together and said which one of you is a mole for the King it's which one of you are going to give our strategies away to the king of Israel who in this camp is for the king of Israel and one God say there's none of us ain't none of you none of us but the problem is your majesty there's a prophet in Israel there's a prophet in Israel these are really not plans to the kingdom that's how we're losing he's okay I'll tell you what we're gonna do get some spies down to find out where he is he's in Dothan okay fun by nightfall set up the armies great number around Dothan and in the morning we're going to kill sends a whole army against one man but he forgot that one can chase [Music] [Applause] I'm about to darren's myself he didn't understand that one name one man among you can chase a fellers and that night the Bible said they they surrounded the city by night while people were asleep they were asleep confident they were asleep with no fear and the enemy waited until they were asleep said it his army all around Oakland ready to wake in the morning and the stroke [Music] waiting for the morning to come so he could come and destroy and the enemy waits in confidence knowing that by reason of number that we can take this one man out the enemy's greatest folly and his greatest fault and his greatest deception was that he was able to take out even one of God's children when the wicked even my enemy and all three of them come to eat a mouthwash you thought you could take me out but you didn't see the big foot of God you didn't see God stick his foot up and when they came either my fish they stumbled and fell your enemy would have killed you by now but the god you serve destroyed your enemy before you could see your enemy [Applause] before your enemy could get to you you have no clue how many times God spoil the plan of the enemy we're going to take place somebody oughta praise them for their faithfulness somebody oughta praise of others faithfulness [Applause] [Music] bah-bah-bah bahah the servant rises up goes out to green and he as it goes out preparing for the day he sees the armies the horses the chariots thousands of soldiers and he runs back into the Prophet say when you pay attention to what you see in the natural that blinds you to what's happening in the spirit y'all better hear what I'm saying he runs back into the Prophet he says Messi the Syrian army is here how shall we do how we're gonna make it out of this and the Prophet rises up Elijah says come here boy he laid his hands and he says let me tell you something what you don't see it's more important than what you do see for there are more for us [Applause] nothing over here this Lord force against force the noggin sir sure looks around he don't see nobody come here boy puts his hand on his own god open up his eyes so he can see in the spirit open up his eyes so that he can see by grace open up his eyes take away his fear and all across the mountains surround and open all Tomatoes you see angels with horses and chariots of fire given me standing there waiting waiting for those emotions waiting there are angels wavy won't you waiting for your mate maths of it wait is who you know other job house wait until you open your mouth the crazy thing is that's really the crazy thing is while the enemy at night was setting up their chariots and horses around don't think they didn't see that there were angels setting up their chariots and horses while you're looking at your problem you don't see God working behind the scene before your problem got there God had your answer I'm talking to somebody who's crazy enough to believe that before your problem got there God had to ask if you believe that for our heart preys on it [Applause] waiting for the command when you know that God is on your son you can speak into a situation and God says is going to heaven just like that what you want us to do Elijah Lord blind them blind the whole army blind everyone and immediately the Angels blinded the whole entire army thought to say open your mouth and speak speak your own deliverance speak your own victory speak your own breakthrough speak your own miracles speak the power call up speak the Word of God get back repair the word of God [Music] you gotta open your mouth this is a year of victory it's not a year warfare it's a year of victory this is how I fight my back this is a year of break food well person they say they're just about every I'll kill what they say every young telling you were gods do it God said you're not gonna faint this long just to be disappointed you're not gonna hold on and believe this long just to walk away empty-handed you're not gonna believe this time without receiving this time I don't hear anybody here you're not going without walk away with it I'm telling sickness it's a wrap I'm telling the diagnosis of the enemy it's a wrap I'm telling diabetes in my body it's a wrap I'm telling cancer it's telling me oh it's our it's over it's over it's over high-five somebody and say It's A Wrap it's over I will not just hear the doctor I will hear the Lord I will not just accept the diagnosis I will believe his report he will the wall take but my transgressions her up sickness it's a nap yeah crush your down Philip you mate hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he never had the chance because God had given his angels charge over us to keep us in all of our ways good ways bad ways they kept you when you were drunk trying to drive home I gotta keep them alive cuz they got a purpose that's greater than alcohol not on here when I'm safe when you were drugged up smoked up the angels of the Lord were around you cos I got to keep them alive because there is a purpose for them am I talking about anybody's situation he couldn't kill me when he had me but there was a purpose in me that was greater than anybody raise your hand don't be getting high with your friends sitting out ok I gotta change my life gotta change my life got children [Applause] they could not overwhelm your purpose [Applause] the devil thought that if he can wrap you up in a coil of sin then you can stop you but God had a plan greater than what you were doing and that plan kept to Allah so God said angels stick with them I know stick with them but they're going to the bar I know stick with them keep them in all their ways [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we should have got you [Applause] [Music] it's done and this year I'm not fighting anything I fought before I'm walking in victory like I said already came against the problem then trying to kill up my family gang shooting up my niece's house him my things that I'm not I'm not breaking a sweat over this if you could have killed them they would have been on the news they would have laid a but a later than a heap close it ridden and blood but the reason why not one of the 27 bullets not one bullet even graze guarded already told me four barrels apparently see God's will give an advance notice before the enemy can attack I wish I had somebody who believed know [Applause] [Music] has to be careful because if you say that then the enemy is going to attack he was going to attack anywhere see that's the problem we let the enemies scare us into being quiet and not so death and life are in the power of my tongue so I will speak life into the situation the Bible said I should not die but I shall live and declare I shall live and declare I shall live we're done this is how I [Music] this is how this is how [Music] hi Sharon I'm surrounded by [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my battle don't have to defend myself this is how a fight my faith is enough now can I do this in employment problems I'm gone everyone that's in the middle of a war that's been going on for years and it is exhausted you have been playing for loved ones and some of you have given up on them and set up but I want you to I want you to revisit this and I want you to know that God has already defeated this enemy and right now God wants to take the pressure off of your heart he wants to take the worry off of your soul and he wants you to come down and he want you used to worship just to worship so - everyone be better in the middle of your struggle in the middle of your frustration and your fear I want you to break free from the congregation and run down there right now right now and I want you to I want [Music] I want you to run her what you dip on I want you to want you to run I want you to run it and I want you to come with confidence you're not coming for you're not coming for help give me you're not coming for help you're coming in confidence you're coming as bound soldiers you're coming as all the colors the coming as those who are more than conquerors [Music] representing victory for you you're not sitting there as victims you are not sitting there as those who are pitiful you are standing in victory in the mighty mattress name of Jesus we are victorious [Music] [Music] if they look like but Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] around this is where training over tip into advance for the next proclamation can only be made by this kitchen I want you to understand every one of you in this room or watching these words that have been brought to you these last couple of days have been to prepare you for Victoria not not to prepare you for your ongoing struggle it's to prepare you for your victory [Applause] that stands on the neck of your enemy [Music] [Applause] to the Clarion [Music] you are still here somebody raise your hand say thank God I'm silly you made it through so much you made it through so much you made it through so much and you are still they here still crazy still glorifying God still worship don't want somebody to praise you because you're still here come on I won't somebody to praise you because it's around around its around it's a wrap yeah my victory is a wrap [Music] protection of my family let me tell you what spoke to me so profoundly precious what spoke to me so profoundly was this when he said it the devil the devil should have killed me when he had a chance and then pastor Donna said he never had a chance and I got to thinking about the fact that how many times the devil shoulda woulda coulda took me out and if he would have had a chance he would have cooked me out but the only reason he didn't take me out was because he never had a chance to take me out because he had asked if he had a chance to take me out he would have took me out crazy I want you to throw your hands up I want you to throw your hands up in the mighty name of Jesus we decree and we declare that the facade of the attack of the enemy it's going to come to naught we decree and declare that though the enemy may think that he is surrounding us the enemy has been surrounded by the hosts of heaven the enemy has been surrounded by a God who cannot fail Lord you said in your word that one could put a thousand and two pay put ten thousand Lord in this crowd tonight there is enough power to chase every demon and every double out of Central Florida and we tell you double you are defeated give God a sound like you believe stop my my somebody say it's around they say it's around here's a wrap now listen night in and night out we have had profound prophetic words that have been released in this house we have heard from another world come on somebody we heard Sunday night about the turnaround an awning how many of you believe that this year's you're gonna walk in the turnaround and on it I come on I said how many of you are gonna walk in or turn around an awning no no no I'm gonna ask you again I said is there anybody get the church tonight and then last night we learned about the mantle we learned about the mantle that's falling the mantle better take you through the drought the mantle better take you through the fire the mantle that'll bring the rain I wonder if there's any about it walking out of this meeting and you got a fresh family did you say Todd are picking it up battle there's not a trowel test on a fire there's not a problem there so kill me and then tonight tonight we found out that it's around let me tell you the devil is upset because he's been found out the devil is upset he's mad because he's been found out so here's what we're gonna do in the Bible there are seven steps of praise one of the steps of praise is a yada yada if you drop the H from Y da h yo Dom means to get pregnant I know that's too much for someone you ladies but what it really implies is this God said you can't praise me and not get pregnant with something you can't praise me and not conceive something I dare somebody right now the praise him until you get pregnant with it too please no could you get pregnant with overcoming one more thing yoga is traced to the word it's where we get our word that implies that that the turning it with your dog comes from the word Axl what does Axl do Axl turns things come on and see y'all down means to throw a praise yah guy is not acute praise yadah means I'm throwing a praise I'm throwing up my hands like I'm throwing the ball towards something and the Lord said if you will bring a yard off if you will bring a praise it will turn your situation around if you will bring a place it will turn your season around if you will bring a close-up on it through some praise and Joseph raise it to 2020 and say it's around say it's a rap so your phrase at it and say it's around [Music] say it's a wrap my breakthrough is around raise up your hands princess you know that I love you you know that you're precious to me and I want to speak this over you and I want to declare that every word that fell from heaven in the mouths of the men of God who spoke into this church not one word will fall to the ground I declare that this is the turnaround anointing I declare I declare that Manos have fallen in the last three days and I declare as for me and my house as for me and Calvary as for me and the people in this room devil you just well no we ain't taking your mess anymore because we have three words for you it's shout it out it's around it's a wrap somepony's say it's around it's a wrap see it may look like Oh one more time I leave for 60 seconds and get automatic just fine find your way back to your seat everybody remains standing just for a moment we're not gonna take but just a minute here how many of you are thankful glad and happy that you came the New Year's revival at Cal Rick make a little noise if you are you everybody remain standing I'm going to close this service and prayer in a moment but I'd like to say this I'd like to say that I'm thankful and grateful for the men that God brought to us for this revival [Music] how many of you are grateful for Bishop Kevin Wallace pastor Sam Rodriguez in our own family pastor Donnie McClurkin how many of you are grateful for them tonight I truly believe that I heard the Lord when the Lord spoke to me at the end of the year and said I want you to bust into the new year with revival and I started telling the Lord all the reasons why we were too busy just coming out the holidays and I felt like the Lord just said why don't you shut up and do what I said to do and what I love about each one of these men is they didn't put any financial prerequisites to come and preach the gospel in that something you see my favorite people are people that have no conception of who they are when it comes to the gospel they're only conception is who Jesus is I'm telling you pastor Donnie came tonight and he didn't preach about himself or lift up himself he came to tell you it's right so tonight I want us to bless him tonight I I want us to do the best we can some of you say well pastor I've sold that the Lord speaks to you why don't you so tonight why don't we collectively so and give some times I've had to get in faith and say I'm sowing where I'm going I get in faith so they got a more so into this word because I'm claiming it so I'm gonna invite you into this adventure this awesome moment of giving I think there's something profound and beautiful that happens when we place a value on what the Lord has said to us not that we could ever by God how you going by El Shaddai come on somebody gibbon does it by God giving moves gone so tonight I'd like for you to so join pastor Don and I we've sown every night I'll tell you what I have to be on my airplane tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the morning I'm leaving my house at 5:30 the devil is a liar come on somebody and I'm traveling to preach in LA ha ha praise God I'll be back Sunday don't worry about it and I'm gonna tell you this I wouldn't have missed tonight because it's around I want each and every one of you precious to that we'll get a sieve if you will market special will make sure that everything that comes in goes to undergird pastor Donny's ministry some of y'all know pastor Donny mostly as a phenomenal singer he pastors a church in New York in Long Island in that right and we want to be a blessing to him in his church so tonight I'd like for you to so you by livestream you can join my wife my church family and me you can sow into this world I feel like there's some folks that we're watching by livestream you're sitting there now and you're wiping the tears away from your eyes because it's been looking like you were surrounded and you found out tonight why you thought you were surrounded God was surrounding what was surrounding you hallelujah oh let me just let me just finish this thing up let me remind you what the man of God said they that are with you are greater than they that are against you so I want you to get your offering together and I want you to hold it before the Lord right now if you're so special three eight six eight six six thirteen sixty if you want to give on your credit cards if you buy live stream you can give right now in this offer I'd like to pray over you but I'd also like to pray over your seed but I'd also like to seal the deal with this year so hold up your hands even if you didn't have a seed bisoder you hold up your hands and pastor I pray for you tonight I want to seal the deal father your word has been like a fire in this place every night it has been electric it has been supernatural it's been indescribable so Lord now we lay hold to everything that came from your heart and these precious people so I pray for those that are sowing tonight and maybe those that wanted to but weren't able to I pray your blessings over their lives my friends by livestream I pray Lord that as they sow and they give that you'll bless them as well let's give to God now here's what I'm thinking I'm thinking this revival was off the chain make a little noise if you enjoyed the revival no no I'm hearing from a few of you I said make a little noise if you enjoyed this revival how many of you guys would come back if I did it again I said how many of you would come back and how about we just in the next few months we do another one and we blow the doors off of this place let me hear from you if you revive already it gets your neighbor about the hand just just get one neighbor and look them in the eye but if they will look you in the eye but look them in the ear hole come on but tell that neighbor you're looking at and say neighbor I don't know about you but I'm gonna stay revival ready is anybody revived in this room come on make a little noise if you revive already well I decree in declare the blessing in favor of the Lord upon your life I decree in declare that as you go that the Spirit of God goes with you I declare that chosen campground about you I declare that the hand of the Living God rests mightily on you I declare that door I declare that season shift and children repent I declare that cancer trials up and finances are released that 2020 is coming here a battle it is a year of breakthrough hallelujah somebody give God praise for the victory and go with the mark Abbas in John [Music]
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 31,789
Rating: 4.8158379 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 3sec (4743 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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