When Normal Just Won't Do | Jim Raley

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when we plan our best praise to you we lift you up Jesus Henry Joyce has one people to one voice you're the Abid and worthy of another and worthy you we will shout and proclaim the greatness of your holy name you're worthy of glory and worthy of honor and worthy of praise we say you are you are the holder teams your brain the holder to Japan because you are you are the Howlett seems your brain the whole now children hey you're worthy of curry and worthy of honor I'm now a team pass you Brina did you yes let's eat your brain we'll say summers we put out asteroid yes we do yes you seems your prey some money leftover pass to the love we pour out our best for you we pour out our best for you we pour out our best for you who we pour out our best for you we pour out our best for you we pour out our best for you come on sing it up we pour out our best for you yeah yeah we pour out our best for you we pour out our best for you we pour out our best boy come on up we Parata best for you that's fine come on hit board out his past for us yes hallelujah thank you Jesus but giving you our best praise is more if it seems like we're going places we've never been like we believe to all we know the chase a voice on the win when I lost we're just looking if it feels that I've reversed all composure and pride if it feels like we relate all restraint to the side if we see this ring it's just cuz it's true come on if you're looking for City for a place to show your glory look no further we are available yes we are if you're searching for a people who are hungry for revival no further we're available is anybody available this morning if it sounds like it kingdoms all we're talking about if it sounds like we tune all the Illinois is out we're still listening wait just this name yes we are 85 praise and I prayer seen I'm Ranger suitable should get stupid in the show long if it sounds like the kingdoms all we're talking about if it sounds like we to all the other noise out with still listening which is listening yes we are and if I'm praising our prayers she now rainbow if our should give survey Oh No it's a change why us we Artie to so ladies return make this a place make us the people make this a time make this the place maybe's the people sing this a pattern this is the time this is the place we are b-boys this is the time this is the place we are people senri Bible Oh you're looking for sin for place to show you glory know we're available if you searching for a people who are hungry for a fiver hi hi hi hi having a glowing come on sing it out Church in this place within you I really do you hi see ha judge Jinyu somebody take a moment right here and just lift his name high lift his name high come on let's lift his name high oh yeah we lift your name higher all we live to name hi we live to name hi Lorna that's when revival comes when the name of Jesus is glorified if you're looking for a city for replaced you should look no further we are available if you're searching you're searching for a people for a fiver further we are available yes we are a more time if you look if you're looking for see we are available if you're searching if you're searching for a peep oh here we are look no further we're available we are available but we are still available Kimo church are you still available oh let your glory rest right here but your glory rest right here right here right here right here or let your fire fall right here that your fire fall right here Oh let your glory come let your glory call that you will become and I'm gonna throw our team off but I I really feel this Courtney and I've been working on this song because a lot of times we pray for a revival but what are you really asking for revival is change it's not just goosebumps not just another gathering so that we could say we jumped and screamed but no revival is the Lord coming and having his way in our lives families being put back to get their sickness being healed the broken being put back together again there's no revival without you you are the fire that consumes more than a move I just warn you because there's no revival without you there's no revival without you you are the fire that consumes more than I just warned you there's no lien viable without you burn up the idols I have made all that would see to take your place here at the altar where my hearts laid bare would you search out my motives here at the altar I will stay not gonna leave until I'm changed using it all as long as I find you that's my only a chance this is eternal life to know you Jesus if I don't know you I'm not living cuz there's no revival without you you are the fire that consumes more than a move I just want you there's no Levi there's nori viral you you are the fire that consumes I just want you there's no power without so sit-up lays all that I thought it alerts do you're the only one my heart desire it set ablaze my heart till now consumed and all that's left is you consuming fire Sara ow that comes just one just you more than a movie just one more than alone we just won't more than a movie just falling we just want we just wallow we just warned you we just want to see which is all I want is for you for you to be glorified for you to be live all his fault for you'd be long for you to be lived intelligent is for you to be the Lord for you to be lifted all his form for you to be lured you to be lifted high to feel my life till no thanks is you glorify your name field till no things is you glorify it just see is to see we gentleman floor so for you to me Hey for is for for you to be glorified Oh there's no revival without you you are the war fire that consumes more than a me we just there's no revival without you I ain't even got a church without him you are the fire there's no revival without raise your hands and open your mouth if you open your mouth then begin to glorify the Lord and get out of your self and get into his presence all my fine 500 people that were dressing with me why do you wanna do a sexy what is your pie worship your Lord you know this house is for the power of God should begin the worship the Lord oh yeah anybody there put in your words in this way I feel the flow I feel something Hey you you're just one blaze away justify your change in the presence of the Lord you guys to exalt the Lord to know today we worship You Jesus come on sing your song every place on this stage open your mouth put that mic in your mouth and help me cygwin South Beach area above your situation above all the thou art exalted exalted your stay Oh and I know that there are angels all around let us yeah you see now your stay his presence I feel summer worship with you or without you today Jesus in this late and my child with me in this place Helena bhai account hey we worship you hey we magnify you cheese somebody oughta lift your voice and praise the Lord haha somebody off the lip your oyster let's flip the script in the service just for you you oughta magnify the king everybody raise up your hands right now come on we we we we are I was so far outside the box come on let me do what you feel we're here to see you this morning by the way our pursuit of your presence we're in pursuit of your presence we're in pursuit of your presence in this place we're pursuit of your presence we have come to seek after you we have come to look upon your face we have a transformational Jesus the one that can change everything we look unto you this morning gonna call that presence that is in this house and that transformational power that can be come by you not calling over life situations this morning I called it over mom's I call it to Dad's I call it over a hose I call it over situations God we're here too you are more than enough oh my god we left everything to you this morning we'll look back Balor to you and call healing may his body mother Richard healing to her body every deed in this place be healed with His stripes he declared you are healed today Jesus name receive strength receive joy received the peace of God that passes all understanding he is more than enough for you Lord we give your name all of the praise and all of the glory we will never stop lifted you up we will never stop praising you in the face of every circumstance at trial and situation we remind the devil we will not lose our praise we will not lose we are bring a pulpit out here everybody remain standing just for a moment I'm gonna tell you this this ain't gonna work today come and get that that's ain't gonna work today no no no there no whatever you want to do Lord this is your time I need somebody who needs you just make a little noise in the room we're we're we're getting off we plan to do accelerate and I know some of my staff is looking at me we may do that next Sunday and we'll get an even better offering and help these kids but today Jesus is in this place in it and I don't know about you but for me normal just won't do I I need something supernatural I need something I need to move in my life I need some change y'all I need God to turn things upside down on the I need in my I need him I'm not here I'm not here try that like I don't need him today I need him I'm not here trying to act like I got it all figured out I'm telling you I need him I'm I'm the deputy of desperation this morning I believe him I got to have here I want you to stand I'm gonna go ahead and preach because I have a download from heaven I won't the team just sit on the front row stay closed today talk about You Lord our ship you yes I do I just gotten in from Israel than to be quite frank with you I'm running on just absolutely faith and anointing this morning I've traveled for 27 hours and and I love Israel and as I visit every site my faith has stirred to realize there's nothing ordinary or predictable about God and the Lord has reminded me that he is in charge that he moves outside of the box I came in and I met a pretty intense agenda this morning which is important but we never sacrifice what is most important for what's important the most important thing is that the glory of the Lord filled this house because if it does not I'm going home I have to have him so I was traveling between Tel Aviv and London I had already prepared what I wanted to say in myself and the Lord began to speak to me on that flight he came right in to that plane with me and he said I want to do something son I want to get you outside of the box he said my people are facing abnormal times he said these are confusing days and he began to birth in me a message when normal just won't do the normal thing I know you're expecting me to stay on a concise schedule this morning but we have been interrupted because normal just won't do I can't I can't just be that man that stands up here and does it without the glory of the Lord I need him today because in my life normal just won't do the Lord spoke this into my spirit and I began to write in that airplane and I want to talk to you for a few minutes along these lines when normal how many of you are tired of ordinary how many of you are hungry for something that you can't explain that you can't attach a definition to how many you can say pastor these are unusual times in my life and I need an unusual move of God anybody want that in your life and in your family I will choose up up your hands right now spirit of god release everything you want to release at Calvary today Lord we are here and we're saying normal just won't do have your way in Jesus name and I love you I love you in Jesus name before you sit down till at least somebody around you normal just won't do yeah yeah yes they stay we'll stay close to me everybody normal just won't do for what I'm dealing with for where I am normal just won't do I love Israel y'all I've just come back from 11 or 12 days however long it was I went there and filmed and so many people came to Jesus last Sunday over folks I think around 55 people accepted the Lord last Sunday praise God I love Israel nez out there as I visit every side and teach it every side I'm stirred to realize that there is nothing normal about God there's nothing predictable about God there's nothing boring about Jesus from the Sea of Galilee where Jesus walked on water to the empty tomb where he rose from the dead and everywhere in between I have found this to be the reality listen to me God moves outside the box God doesn't move in the ways that we think he he cannot be both Supernatural and ordinary at the same time did you hear what I said he is either one or the other he cannot be both he is either supernatural he is either God of all or God not at all but I believe in the name of Jesus that our God is supernatural and the truth is we are living in abnormal days the world is reeling and the church is railing because for the most part the church on planet earth has failed to rise in the power of God that we've been called - rise - we fail to provide answers from heaven and quite honestly there are people here today and I know you're here because the Lord told me you would be here you're underneath the sound of my voice you're hearing me in this room and you're dealing with real problems that are anything but ordinary you're traveling through seasons you're navigating situations you never dreamed you'd face Satan is attacking and coming against you in another level and he's moving in the earth the way that he is because I think then on some level he understands that his time is coming to an end that Jesus really is coming back again for his church and the Lord began to speak to me he said in these abnormal times in these abnormal days we cannot afford to become at Calvary a business-as-usual church full of casual Christians who come in and worship and leave and are not transformed see see as I stood just recently in the upper room I was reminding that there was never anything normal about the early church the early church was baptised in fire they were birthed in the supernatural and as time winds up we must become more as they were we must become a house where God moves we must be a people that God uses because here's what I know normal just won't do maybe you want to go to normal Church but this is not the church that God has called us to build in these last days normal just won't do there was nothing predictable about the early church there was nothing but there was nothing normal about the early church and I don't want to go to a normal church full of normal people that have normal services on a normal day but I want heaven to come down and interrupt my agenda and come in and do the supernatural in this place I was in the ancient city the holy city of Jerusalem this last Friday I preached I actually I spent about five days there all total and I preached on the very steps the southern steps where Jesus would have went up to ascend temple time and again it was the place where he stood and walked in and and and turned the tables upside down and cleansed the temple of the moneychangers I was at the Pool of Bethesda the very place where jesus healed a lame man of a malady that it lasted for 38 years and I realized something from the empty tomb to the upper room I was reminded that a real God leads us into a life that is anything but normal if your life is just normal there's something lacking and I have just reminded myself that when I was young and God called me to preach I was hungry for revival I was desperate for a move of God and I must become again as I was at 55 I must be hungrier than I've ever been at 55 I must wave the flag and say Holy Ghost come and move and bring revival I was absolutely blown away this last Friday and I realized that there is nothing normal about the pursuit the religious pursuit of those who are Muslim in Jerusalem and in those surrounding areas their desperation and their their consecration and their pursuit of their false deity puts much of the modern day Church to shame hear me now bear with me I was walking through the city on Friday at 12 noon and I watched as these Muslims in the Muslim Quarter they shut down every shop they closed every business and I could hardly walk through the old city it was literally a shoulder to shoulder we could not even navigate we couldn't keep our group together because the Muslims were going in masse to the Temple Mount and 60,000 radical followers of Allah gather at that Temple Mount with one agenda at that mosque they're going there to pray there there is no there is no special speaker there is nothing that they have done extra they are going there to pray only 8,000 people can fit in that mosque yet 60,000 plus are I'm on that Temple Mount every day they are so desperate to call out to Allah that they camp the night before in droves around the temple just so they can get in the doors 60,000 gather on that Temple Mount and they pray to their false deity in desperation and they do it all around the world and see here's what I've come to understand all of Hell knows now what the church must grasp normal just won't do is it abnormal to have 60,000 people at a prayer meeting yes it is it is abnormal to have 60 at a prayer meeting in churches in America this is the our desperation and destiny must collide in this house if you are to see the supernatural young person in your life you must get unenumerated the world and you must come to a place where your desperation results in a position where you are in pursuit of the things of God I received this download flying between Tel Aviv and London and on the plane as we took off there was an announcement a pronouncement that came across the loudspeaker that informed all those during the flight who wanted to pray the Jews and Muslims please don't pray in the aisles but we will create a place for you we will accommodate a place for you so you can pray and I thought about that even on the airlines they are accommodating in places for people to pray can't we again pray in the church and can't we again seek the face of God then I was so amazed that there not only did they call people to pray and but they were praying mostly Muslim people were praying and they would find themselves positions on the plane and they would pray and call out to Allah and then and then I was amazed because they were envelopes in every seat and they began to make an appeal and they said we want you to give because there are some things that we want to accomplish on this secular airline I thought this this plane this plane almost feels like a a bad church service because I knew that it wasn't righteousness but yet that in that plane they prayed yet in that plane they received resources and then we come to church and people get mad if you press them to pray people get upset why are you receiving an offering for accelerate why are you receiving an offering for missions why are you bringing in people who didn't have a place to sleep last night who slept in parks and people act offended because the church will ask them to give but let me tell you they can do it on an airplane but we can't do it in the house of the Lord see the world understands that normal just won't do the kingdom of darkness is an all-out war against the church on planet earth and I'm telling you the kingdom of darkness is an all-out war against America he's in all-out war against your family he wants your children he won't stop until he gets everything that is sacred and precious to God he won't sit and I want you to understand something as I was on approach from London London the London Heathrow the Spirit of the Lord said to me the fullness of what I want to bring and release to my people has been delayed in America because my people are distracted you see my people are distracted from Facebook to friends to political agendas in my church to watering down my message he said my people are distracted he said they are distracted by secondary things that cannot bring transformation when have the Democrats the Republicans or the independents really changed situations if people could get their eyes off the news and get their eyes on the good news everything would be transformed in a moment in our nation I realize something all of Satan's forces and every agenda of Hell goes forth United hell has no trouble uniting its people the devil has no trouble uniting his people for his agenda the gender the agenda of the devil has followers that have unity and laser-focus yet the church is divided and weak for the most part because we have transcended what God desired we have set up our little camps and we have judged one another God forgive us and restore us back to unity on planet Earth see it it's time for us to decide here at Calvary in these last days as we roll into 2020 we want revival or nothing I'm telling you I want revival or I want to do something else I want an awakening or I want nothing because normal just won't do I can't come to church and be normal for you and be normal with you there are you you have abnormal needs and you want to come to a normal church and get these abnormal situations taken care of what we need is a supernatural move of God that will turn young hearts away from the enemy and turn them towards the name that's still above every names so my cry today as I come back to Calvary as I step in this pulpit my cry today is awaken your people Oh God unify your people Oh God use Calvary to birth revival in this realm and in this region give us regional breakthroughs give us personal breakthroughs give us international revival do something in this room that is uncontainable and unexplainable have your way in a fresh way we cannot take business as usual either listen normal just won't do if you're hungry give God a praise in here it is time for us to stop our old strategies and our own man-made ideas and it is time for us to hear again from heaven it is time for us to say lord are you saying in this hour speak your servant is listening it's time to hear from heaven that is what the Lord said to me as I was flying out of Tel Aviv he said it is time for you to hear me he said stop listening for every other voice hear what I have to say the Bible says in 1st Samuel 3:1 now the boy Samuel ministered to the Lord before Eli and the word of the Lord was rare King James Version said precious in those days for there was no one translation said open vision there was no widespread revelation heavens were brass God was not speaking to the nation there was no open vision heaven was silence that the priest Elias sons were perverted they were using their position as priests to gain sexual favors from the women who served in the temple it was a dark time so God said I'm not gonna talk to you if you're gonna act like that because you won't hear me in a way I'm not gonna speak to you if you act like that because you won't hear me anyway it was the darkest of the dark it was a polluted situation but in the midst of that depravity God spoke and when he did it was to an 11-year old boy in the temple named Samuel I just stopped by to tell you don't be surprised whom God uses in these last days keep your mouth off of people who are saved don't you judge the people that gotta use is I know some of the religious people are upset that Kanye now is professing the name of Jesus let me tell you something keep your mouth off of Kanye West because if he's confessing Jesus that's enough for me you say well don't you know I heard the interview and he said this and he said that listen if everything was taped that she would say that you have said nobody would believe that you were saved - don't be surprised by who God uses these last days he's not Luke looking for superstars he's looking for listeners I said God is not looking for superstars he's looking for listeners Samuel his ace in the hole was the very fact that he was a listener the verb root for the word Samuel his name is the is the work Shama Shama means to listen Samuel was a listener Samuel was in position to hear what the voice of the Lord was saying we have too many people in the church now that are talking who have not listened and they are speaking when they have not heard and it is time to listen for the voice of the Lord God spoke to me he said there are too many distracting voices everyone is concentrating on being heard when it's time to be quiet and listen to what the Lord would say to his people see you don't have nothing to say if you hadn't heard what the Lord has had to say all you have is your agenda all you have is your man-made ideal but if you will shut your mouth and listen to what the word of the Lord is in this hour we will have something to say I'm not saying that we should be quiet on matters of holiness and justice and righteousness but we need to listen to what the Lord has said much of the church much of the church sitting in in this room this morning and watching me by livestream around the world you've been distracted by the voices in the talking heads on CNN MSN and more at the last time I read we were not on earth to watch the news we were on earth to declare the news we were not on the earth to watch the news we were on the earth to make the news and I at a place in my life where I want to hear what the Lord has to say I don't want to stand up here and preach to you unless I've heard what the Lord has to say I don't want to have a staff meeting I don't want to lead a campus unless I've heard what the Lord has to say I don't want to discipline my child or take care or raise my children unless I have heard what the Lord has to say the problem is now we have so many so-called preachers who are opening up their mouths now to speak who have not heard that yet verily they have not heard the voice of the Lord and it is bringing confusion and chaos not only in the church but in the world because the church is having an identity crisis because we have not spoken what the Lord says because we have not taken time to hear the voice of the Lord it is time again for preachers to get down on their face and say lord will you speak to me so that I can open my mouth with something to say it reminds me of the profound pronouncement made by the prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel 20 to 25 the Bible says the conspiracy of her prophets in her mist is like a roaring lion tearing the prey they have devoured human lives they have taken treasure and precious things they have made many widows in her midst her priest tell her preachers her ministers have done violence to my long and have profound my holy things they have made no distinction between the holy and the unholy they have made notice that they're afraid to say what's right and what's wrong neither have they taught the difference between the clean and the unclean and they have disregarded my Sabbath so that I am profaned among them her princess in her myths are like wolves tearing at the prey shedding blood destroying the lives for dishonest gain and her prophets have smeared whitewash for them they have whitewashed the truth seeing false visions and divining lies for them saying thus saith the Lord when the lord has not spoken did you hear what the Prophet said he said they are standing up and saying that self the Lord when the Lord has not spoken we are living in a time when preachers and prophets have whitewashed the gospel when they have watered down the message so much that it is not even recognized as a gospel of deliverance we don't even talk about the power of God to set people free anymore because now we are scared that we will offend people when they walk into the house of the Lord but when you open your mouth and you have heard from the Lord your message is not a message of hate but your message is a message of redemption and restoration and you can find your way back I'm uninterested in hearing preachers that are just homiletically and hermeneutical a sound I don't care how well you can exegete the text have you heard from the Lord can you stand up and say this is what God has spoken to me in this hour and this is what the Lord is saying I'm telling you I am in a moment now in my life I'm not young anymore and I'm saying away with this foolery something deep in my soul is crying out we don't need more words from a man we need a word from heaven that will turn our nation around that will bring us to a place of repentance restoration and revival so I say speak Lord because normal just won't do stop trying to raise your voice every time you get a chance stop trying to open your mouth every time you get a chance and open your ears to what the sovereign Lord has to say speak Lord because normal just won't do stop dropping on facebook and giving your opinion about everything in this world and to feel your feet begin to feel your feed with a message from heaven I want to be like eleven-year-old Samuel I want to be a listener the Bible said that none of Samuels words fell to the ground did you hear me none of his words to the ground everything he said manifested into reality because he was a listener he heard God and then he spoke he spoke give us preachers that don't just speak about God give us men and women who will stand behind the pulpit and speak for him I don't want to speak about him I want to speak for him and I say today fresh and new as your pastor God make me a Shama make me a listener help me to hear now listen to this for Samuel 3 and the Lord came and stood calling as other times Samuel Samuel and Samuel said speak for your servant hears then the Lord said to Samuel behold I'm about to do a thing in Israel at which the two ears of everyone who hears it will tingle he said I'm about to do something so profound so prolific listen to me young person so indescribable so extraordinary that the years of everyone who hears it will tingle this is where I want to be I want to hear God so powerfully and profoundly that when I speak your ears tingle I want to stand up here and preach until your ears tingle I want to stand up here and preach until the oppression runs out of the building I want to stand up here until season shift because I have heard the voice of the Lord I want everyone who hears me today to have tingling ears I could care less if you stand and shout I don't need your Amen or your affirmation what I need for you to do is to open your ears wide and say pastor if you've heard the Lord for us speak what the Lord would say listen listen away with the noise some of you young people need to get the noise and the conversations that you've been having out of your head you need to put Instagram to the side you need to put your social media on hold you need to stop drop and roll come on somebody because there's a fire that God wants to bring in these last days where are the people that are hungry for the voice up Lord can you say speak for your servant is listening come on now in closing in acts 15 there arose a dispute because the Gentiles were coming to Christ at an unbelievable incredible indescribable rate this thing began and I was in Joppa where Peter had the vision of all the animals that came down from heaven and the Lord said to him take and eat take and kill and eat there were unclean animals he said no Lord I've never had anything unclean but the Lord said if I call it clean don't you call it unclean if I call it holy don't you call it unholy see that the issue was that God began to save people right there at choppa choppa means beautiful and a beautiful thing happened on the house or the rooftop of Simon the Tanner as Peter had this vision because the Lord opened the gospel to Gentiles that was where it started for you and for me Joppa was the door Joppa was a port city port means door the door for the gospel opened in Jaffa for you and me and so this thing started and people were being born again and they were being filled with the Holy Ghost and there were Pharisees in the church and see some things never change come on somebody there were Pharisees in the church who had followed Christ but they wanted these Gentiles to be circumcised so they could not be counted as Christians yet these same Gentiles had had not only not been circumcised they had been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and they had even been baptized in the Holy Spirit and they were speaking in other tongues and it was too much for these religious folks because they didn't think anybody could be used unless they had fulfilled all the Jewish prerequisites the 613 rules were not being followed and that is not a facetious statement there are 613 different rules that Jews have to follow in order to please their Jehovah 613 and these Pharisees were upset because they were not following the rules they didn't do it just like they thought they should do it they wanted them to be circumcised and it was just too much for these religious Pharisees and Peter basically rebuked them and said that you want to put that same religious yoke around the their neck that you had around your neck and we couldn't bear it ourselves see here's he said he said this don't tempt the Lord here's what I want to tell you today God can save whomever he pleases he can redeem whomever he pleases and he can use whoever he pleases and then James chimes in and James says something incredibly powerful and profound it is easily missed if you're not paying attention he says in acts 15 verse 14 simeon hath declared how the lord at the first did visit the gentiles to take out of them a people for his name and to this agree the words of the prophet as it is written now don't miss this after this I will return and I will build again the tabernacle of David which is falling down and I will build again the ruins thereof and I will set it up now don't miss this don't miss it because it's something here that that Luke gave not saying here here in acts that that that James said the tabernacle of Moses because you see the tabernacle of Moses was the one that you think he would have referred to maybe even the Temple of Solomon our Herod but he said the tabernacle of David Moses was first why didn't he say Moses Moses had the prototype Moses had heard from the Lord he built the outer Court the inner court and the Holy of Holies Moses had the initial prototype even Solomon's Temple and Herod's temple used the temple of Moses as a prototype it was the first so so but he here here's what you have to understand david's tabernacle was altogether different the tabernacle of Moses had clear dimensions it was measurable it had confined parameters build it this wide make it this long make it this tall it has to have these dimensions it had to be just like this only certain people could have access to certain parts of the tabernacle of Moses only one high priest could experience God's presence and that only happened once a year but yet David comes in his Tabernacle his tent is completely different David was so radical that he paid two hundred and eighty eight worshipers and all they did day and night night and day day and night night and day oh they did was worship Jehovah all they did day and night minute by minute second by second hour by hour was magnified Jehovah and you see what you must understand that that there was not the traditional confinements and restrictions in the tabernacle of David David he was the only one in the Bible that I see that went between priest and King there were times that he acted as a priest and there were times that he acted as a king for you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood you are a king and a priest come on somebody in the Lord and the denon and James spoke up and he said this is what is happening right now and just as the Old Testament Tabernacle of David had hadn't had no restrictions he said God is about to lift the restrictions in order to birth this Gentile church you see we have we have our can we have our we have our measurable dimensions just like the tabernacle there was the outer quarter that in Moses Tabernacle the inner court and the Holy of Holies there was the outside a little bit more in and then there was the inside where the glory was and see what we want to do is confine people and tell them you don't have access to this you can only go this far you've been married five times out of court you have to stay in the flesh room outer court you had a drug issue outer court your sin was different than man outer court you don't have the access that I have outer court we sit around and judge people because we look down on them because of what they've been through and we tell them you have to stay out because you're not you're not religious enough you haven't come through the process that I've come through see David tabernacle was completely different it was a tabernacle that did not have dimensions it was abnormal because in those days when the church was being burst normal just would not do and I want to tell you that we are living in a time and we are living in a day when normal just won't do we can't look at somebody and say you've been divorced five times you can't be used in the house of the Lord I'm telling you these things are about to go out the window you you are not going to see everybody perfect and and then everything such and everything just right you go see some people get saved and you go see some people get delivered and you're gonna see God use them because normal just won't do James said what is happening among the Gentiles is patterned after David's Tabernacle he said there are no dimensions there are no clearly defined separations for admittance circumcised and uncircumcised Jew and Gentile struggling and got it all together James said they all they need to be it's hungry for the blue flame of the glory of God James said God is doing something abnormal because normal just won't do and I want to tell you as we approach 2020 Calvary Christian Center get ready God is about to save he is about to deliver he is about to call people out of darkness God is going to use people that will blow your mind and when God does it keep your religious Pharisee cold mouth off of them because let me tell you something we are awakening a generation and normal just won't do you're gonna see cross dressers get redeemed you're gonna see drug addicts get delivered you're going to see confusing our styles transformed because normal just tell your neighbor normal just won't do as I was flying back God said to me it's time for a tabernacle of David Awakening normal just won't do stop looking at the dimensional denominational structures and paradigms stop looking for dimensions and denominational structures to provide the answers that's normal that's the way we've done it but norm just won't do god it's about the color outside the line because normal just won't do tell it is about to move in a transcendent way that it's going to blow your mind you're going to say god I've never seen anything like this before tell two or three people normal just won't do I'm ready for an awakening because normal just won't do I'm ready for God to come in this house and move because normal just won't do you personally need a radical a manifestation of God for your son for your daughter for your children in your family because normal just won't do America is confused and jacked up and normal just won't do I can't come to church and hang out with you and tell you that every service is going to be 89 minutes long because normal just won't do we have come to a place where we gotta say God come in this house speak for your servant is listening normal just won't do somebody raise your voice if you believe that normal just won't do tell somebody normal just won't do here's what I've come to tell you Keith Church is not gonna fix the world we need an awakening I said Q Church is not gonna fix the world we need an awakening I'm gonna say it again I said cute Church it's not going to fix the world come on in Holy Ghost turn this house upside down because normal just won't do somebody shout it out say it again we need God to move naturally because normal I need God to save my son because normal IV gotta move in my family somebody give the Lord praise if normal just won't do our praise will not be normal our prayers will not be normal our preaching will not be normal our pursuit will not be normal our services will not be normal our giving will not be normal but let me tell you what else baby our results will not be normal they will be supernatural somebody give God a praise if normal just won't do look at your neighbor and just say neighbor you can just sit there if you want to but I gotta let God know that I'm hungry because normal just won't do open your mouth and give God a praise if normal just won't do no no no that's a normal response I said if you want something supernatural if 60,000 Muslims can pray on the Temple Mount what can a fire baptize Holy Ghost filled with my church that as powerful or I what can we do in the earth I asked God this last week be seated that I'm gonna finish Odette Annable she ah geez so I was standing at the Western Wall the Wailing Wall where you go use a parade there it's the area for so long that was the closest to the Holy of Holies so they would come there and they would wail and you go there and they're still there today in a rocking praying crying out to God found my way there thousands of others wrote down some names push myself against that wall folded those names up throw down some needs down my sister's name Stage five kidney failure 80% of a hard non-functioning given months to live normal just won't do wrote down the name of my family members but then I put down there my own need and I said God I need fresh fire and fresh revelation or did my 50s after 35 years of preaching will you give me something I've never had before because normal just won't do this church will burn in revival this church will burn in revive this church will burn somebody say this road come on this road will burn in revival somebody say this man come on this woman will burn in revival because normal just won't do if Muslims can go to the Temple Mount that's 60,000 at a time and pray to a god that doesn't hear what could we do Church if we made prayer an agenda if we made the presence of God an agenda I close with this hallelu I love you Jesus I love you Jesus would you breathe on us today if we've lost our way will you help us find our way I was flying back from London to New York now sit in my seat and I was worshipping the Lord hallelujah Jesus just giving God glory to sit in my seat especially I figure if the Muslims could pray I could come on and that plane is wrong it is flying to New York and I mean it is moving and the Lord said my move is coming to Calvary he said just like that plane cut out about sheena nanana Maya it's coming to New York and nothing's gonna stop it he said I've got an agenda for 2020 he said I'm gonna I'm gonna come to Calvary I'm gonna move in a fresh way I'm gonna awaken people he said tell your church to get ready because normal just won't do come on come on come on come on come on I'm gonna do something unusual I want the esters to come hallelujah hallelujah say you're gonna receive the offering yeah yeah that's what I'm gonna do right now you know why cause normal just won't do and.and Troy we gonna do accelerate next week that's right so just get ready hallelujah but I want the Lord to have his way I want I want to find somebody that wants the Holy Ghost upset the applecart turn our church upside down revival I want to find somebody who wants something that you've never seen before come on Usher's let's get ready here's what I want you to do there's some of you it's time for you to buy back into giving and sowing because I'm telling you that nobody can bless you like God nobody can take care of you like the Lord and I'm telling you some of you know pastor I can't afford to tithe look at me it's too it's too I can't afford to tithe I'm gonna tell you this I can't afford not to tithe because I have lived my life we have lived this principle our entire life have we not we have lived it our entire life and here's what I've seen I would rather keep 90% blessed that a hundred percent cursed because once I get my 10% I put myself in position to be blessed now that doesn't mean that after I pay my 10% I can live crazy come on somebody I still have to be responsible but the blessings of the Lord can come on got left and he will he will cause things to go in your favor today I'm gonna ask you to sew and to give the Bible instructs us that that that if we would give he would give it back to us good measure pressed down shaken together and running over you don't get that promise from anywhere else that you put your money you don't get that promise from anywhere else that you put your money but God said if you give it he said I'll give it back to your good measure pressed down shaken together and running over some of you are in a season right now where you need a financial breakthrough and I want to tell you that your generous heart is going to produce your financial breakthrough that is you put God first everything else you need will be added unto you I'm telling you that we're living in a time and in a day when even our giving is not going to be normal even our seed is not going to be normal I would challenge you today I want you to get your financial seed together some of you may want to sow a seed toward accelerate we're gonna receive that offering next Sunday but I want you to get your offering together and I want you to hold it before the Lord right now there are several ways to give you can give on your telephone you can you can bring that up in the back if you don't mind guys you can you can give on your credit cards you can give checks you can give on your phone you can text any amount to our texting number three eight six eight six six thirty sixty some of you right now you need to sow into your next season come on come on I want you to I want you to get your offering together and I want you to put it in your hand and I want you to hold it before the Lord come on come on shall I not about see there's somebody watching right now and got us speaking unit to you for you to give online you need to give a significant gift today I believe as you give it God will bless you I believe it's your time to sow in this moment right now I want you to hold that offering before the Lord hallelujah Jesus father I bind the devour I can bind him but you can rebuke him I bind him and take authority over here and then I pray that you would back what I bind and you rebuke the Devourer off of people's finances I pray for the supernatural favour and blessing of God to come on people as they give Lord they are there's people who stepped out of their box and they're sewing this morning because it's not normal for them to sew but this is gonna be their new norm I pray Lord as they give that you will bless them bless them bless them bless them we love you and we thank you for it now in Jesus name come on let's give to God Alleluia Lord now she nananana mercy I worship you Jesus now we're gonna take just a minute Courtney I want you guys to come back up here how many of you are ready for whatever God wants to do in this next season in your life I want everybody who's hungry for something new from God jump on your feet right now come on jump on your feet right now as we finish this offering if you're hungry for something fresh from the Lord open your mouth right now come on if you're hungry for something fresh from God I want you to open your mouth right now come on lift up a shout if you're hungry for something fresh hallelujah cheese's come over your take about the next few minutes and I want you to sing and we're gonna we're not gonna have a confessional closing we're gonna worship for a minute I want you to raise your hands hallelujah come on John let's worship the Lord we worship you we worship You Jesus but we lift our voices I want you to come up here to the front right now come on move out right now come on if you can say normal just won't do you wanna come come on you watch this there were 288 people that stood at David's tabernacle day and night and night and day all they did was worship the Lord all they did was glorify God and it brought the blessing and favor of God to the land of Israel however you believe that blessing in favor can come on you and come on your family because normal just won't do I said normal just won't do I said normal just won't do come on son sing it now come on my yes for you can raise your hands right dog cities releasing favor over your next season the Lord said he is navigating leaving diving directing the Lord said the peace of God is going to go and accompany you and rest on you and stay with you I declare the doors that you've been looking for the dreams that you've been having they have not been canceled the Lord said you're in the process hallelujah I declared that the spear the Lord is gonna rest my Lyon you and all your children in the name of Jesus I release the favor of God see this season is abnormal but the Lord said for what he has for you normal just won't do so I release an anointing over you sister shouted up by kasi Minaya I'll release the hand of the Lord madly on you brother hallelujah doctor putting his hand on you brother Don had it for y'all to know he has it shut up about God's sake you're gonna color outside the lines he's using you in a different way shame on my mama come stand right here sister you you you yeah yeah yeah yeah right there in the gray come on raise your hands i bind every attack that you've been under i find the enemy and tell him he does not have the last word concerning you or those that you love the Lord said the attack has been abnormal the Lord said get ready for the deliverance to be supernatural I'm releasing the favor of the Lord over this woman from the top of her head to the soles of her feet it's gonna come on you in such a way that's gonna hit your children come on let's go come on you in such a way that it's no sleep with your family in the mighty name of Jesus I see breakthrough all around you hallelujah the Lord said you didn't come up in here by accident he has clothed you he has equipped you and you shall see victory there's somebody give the Lord a mighty praise shut out are you a world you are world you are say it one more time come on so we show up here come up here I'm telling you as I'm prophesying to her the Lord said there are scores of people that are gonna receive this I want you to raise your hands the Lord said you have been tenacious there have been some things that God spoke to you about some of your children when they were little and is yet to manifest but the Lord said it shall come to pass the Lord said don't grow weary he's about to move in an abnormal way because normal just won't do the Lord said what he's getting ready to do in your life you won't even have a point of reference the Lord said you will be able to look back and say it was like this it was like this it was no God said what I'm about to do in your life it's gonna be like nothing you've ever seen before what I'm about to do in your family it's gonna be like nothing you've never seen before God said you have stayed joyful when many people would have been depressed the Lord said you have Kemp speaking live when many people would have quit the Lord said you found the good in the bad again and I give it the Lord said you search for the good either when your heart was breaking you were still smiling even when times were hard you were still smiling and the Lord said he's about to reward your perseverance the Lord said the joy you have sought to maintain the Lord is going to reward your faithfulness and the Lord said there is no point of reference get ready because normal just won't do I'll release a new season open your family and in your life and somebody give receives a gift all the prize CPI for from you your faith has been intense you have suffered trial and tribulation but you have never wavered and the Lord said he is going to reward your perseverance with answered prayer the Lord said get ready to see things in 2020 you ain't never seen before get ready to be used in a new way woman of God woman of power I release you into a single coming on a season you've never seen before in the name of Jesus somebody give the Lord a mighty please I want you to look around I want you to tell two or three people tell them right now say normal just won't do how many of you are ready for whatever God wants to do in 2020 somebody open your mouth and give God a shout come on come on if you're ready for Supernatural open your mouth and praise the Lord this Windus abnormal time right now as Tasha was receiving that message on that airplane something the Lord began speaking to us dr. preached it to her two or three times yes she got saved three times on the way back from one of it but the Lord had just been talking to me as well on that plane and he opened up this message today and mentioned that as many of you are fighting abnormal attacks abnormal situations is you raise your hands right now yeah if you're under abnormal attack take a second and pray against it right now because God is about to bring supernatural manifestations of his power for deliverance cause you Jesus what I thank you right now for coming against everything that has come against your people for the God we know that if God is for us who can be against us no weapon formed against us has the power to prosper over a child of God but we claim the blood of Jesus and today Lord God we declare a turnaround season we speak a breakthrough season we declare Lord God that you are rising above our enemy he is turning on himself hallelujah and in Jesus name we will see the victory hallelujah somebody give God praise but I read this statement by a man of God that said when we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves the Lord began speaking to me about that as pastor was over there working there and you this is what he said I just wrote it down God will use life's hardships brick walls impossible situations that we cannot change to begin working on the change we need in us when we've tried everything we know said everything we can say done all we can do and we seem to no change whatsoever the only thing left to change is me maybe just maybe God wants to use this transformational change in need to change my situation maybe I need a change of heart maybe I need a change of perspective maybe I need a change of attitude this was my prayer maybe if I opened my heart to his work in me it's his work in me that will be the answer that would change my situation and as pastor has talked he and I had already made up our mind that we were coming back to a season of fasting and as he preached today I thought well I'll just open it up to any of you who they want to lay things aside this week if you want to meet me in the chapel from noon to 1:00 and fast and pray to see some situations changed but you've been up against sin seems like you have no power to change well jesus said these kind come out by nothing but prayer and fasting that's what I believe I've seen him break things who wants to fast with us this week come on I challenge you to do it if you'll do it I'm telling you it and some of you it's abnormal for you to do it but if you'll do it you're gonna see God move in a supernatural way I just feel that baby man this week Monday through Friday will just be in the chapel and you're welcome to join us so my prayer is Lord changed me that's my number one prayer and then I'm believing in to turn some other things around amen and I'm believing with you too so we'll just come together we'll release our faith and our fasting and our prayer together if you're in that situation hallelujah if you feel like God spoke to you and his presence was real today make a little noise in this room come on come on and lift your voice and give God a praise if you're our special guest I want you to come up I haven't met you before I'm gonna go to the back and I want to shake everybody's hands that hasn't been here we love you more than words can say John just step up and let's worship the Lord a little bit you don't have to rush out god bless you thanks for coming to Calvary before you leave shake hands with four or five people and tell them normal just won't do normal just won't do night
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 2,717
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Id: qxnScyheI7Y
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Length: 114min 47sec (6887 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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