Nathan Morris | Revival Wednesday

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[Applause] [Applause] oh come on give God a mighty shadow brace I don't hear the church you've got some radical place like he's been good to you [Applause] just lift your hands in the presence of the Lord [Music] never forget never ever allow the cares of this world to blind you from this one fact that he gave his all Christ laid it all down so that you on a Wednesday night in 2019 could step into the holy of holies you could come without shame you can come without guilt without condemnation you can come before his throne of grace with boldness you can gaze upon the one whose eyes burn like a flame of fire because he called you by name he's a drunk hawk draw nigh unto me come close see the devil will fight you all in your mind to try and mess you up so that when you come into the house of God you come and you're having a conversation I'm not worthy I can't do this I ain't good enough I want to break those lives right up for this service right now I want to set you free right now this ain't about you it's all about him it's his blood it's his sacrifice it's his grace it's his mercy it's his spirit that says come unto me all you why have you laden and I will give you rest she went you approached him in the right way that means that anything you need he's already supplied anything you need if you did a miracle it's here right now you don't have to beg for it you don't have to beg for it you don't have to crawl on your knees for it he said I'll freely give it to you it's yours already cuz you're my child you're my son you're my daughter that's why I want you to raise your faith higher than ever before that tonight is your night for a breakthrough for a miracle in your life so lift your hands in the holy of holies now gaze upon him look at him [Music] isn't he wonderful [Music] now spirit of God take your rightful place I declare as your servant that we are standing on holy ground father open our eyes as we sing tonight let us see the angels that are gathering around this place let us see the glory cloud that is [Music] that it's filling this place but most of all let us see Jesus show us your glory Lord I take authority over every sickness over every disease over every stronghold over every mindset and I speak the name of Jesus for there is no other name that is above that name no cancer no tumor no blood disease there is no addiction no bondage no sin that is above that name so I speak the name of Jesus right now every cancels shrivel and die every terminal disease will shrivel up and die I speak life right now Lord let your word be like a fire in our hearts speak to us Lord for your prepared a table so we come and dine we come to dine at the Masters table let your fire fall in this place and the people of God shouted amen that wasn't a shout that was a murmur shouting man how many filled the anointing of the Holy Ghost already tonight you can be healed right where you are you can be touch right where you are you can be set free right where you are I want to let those know that are in the meeting those of you are at the back that's normally where the Holy Spirit begins in my meetings because that's where I'm from I spent most of my teen years right at the back row so the Holy Ghost normally starts on the back row so for those of you that have just come to spectate you're in trouble tonight [Music] somebody shout hallelujah you may be seated tonight glory be to God glory be to God have you come hungry tonight how many love the presence of the Lord how many love his presence there's nothing like it we're already in 2019 I mean it's gonna be open with you tonight I just got back from Arizona and I was in the service we'd had some incredible meetings miracles and but on the last night I was sat on the front row and the Lord spoke to me so powerfully see I meet some people that the Holy Spirit tells you what jeans to wear on a night he tells you what cereal to eat in the morning you people scare me but you see when God speaks to me in that kind of way it unravels me it's like I'm ruined that's what Isaiah said he said I'm undone I saw the Lord it all spoke to me right in that meeting and the more he spoke to me have you ever had God speak a word and it's not that long it's just a short word but the more you dwell upon it it's like it begins to interact and it's deeper and deeper and deeper God gave me one of those words he spoke it right into my heart and I knew some of that words was from now I knew some of that word is to come but the glory of God came on me so strong that when I got up to preach I couldn't speak I could only get the words out and I said to the people you know me by now I don't normally do this but I think I'm drunk in the Holy Ghost I was so full of the anointing so I believe some of you were in for it tonight because God was filling me up for this Wednesday night revival service can somebody say Amen I want to thank pastor Jim and Dawn really for having me thank you so much it's always a privilege to be home at Calvary I just messaged pastor and said I'm gonna give it my all tonight pastor he said you go for it have Church I said Amen we'll have church can we thank God for your pastors for our pastors that they love the presence of the Lord they left the presence of the Holy Spirit we thank God for their lives Lord we thank you for their ministry before I bring you the word tonight listen we're gonna pray for anything that moves in this place we're gonna believe God to touch your life if you need a miracle I'm telling you what I heard from Pastor Jim and what I'm seeing in our meetings this year it's like it's gone up another level I mean the glories just gone up another level this year for those of you that know our ministry we hold gospel campaigns around the world I'm an evangelist I ain't a pastor you ought to thank God that I ain't a pastor I'm an evangelist we love to preach the gospel I'm praying in my heart that God will raise up the evangelists because their cup they're becoming a rare breed because I'm not talking about itinerant ministries evangelists don't just go from church to church that's not no that's itinerary now I'm talking about the evangelists that goes on the front line and preaches the gospel soul-winners we need the evangelists you know God spoke to me and he said this part of Florida Central Florida it would become the hot bed and I saw hot coals he said it will become the hot bed of evangelism God told me that there would rise up a new generation out of Florida that the nations would come and God would raise up this next generation of evangelists we thank God for the Billy Graham's and the great men of God but there's a new generation horizon it's time for the harvest I said it's time for the harvest can you say man I want to thank this church for what you've given towards the gospel campaigns around the world and this is the beauty of the kingdom because when we stand before God on that day it isn't just gonna be evangelists Nathan or another minister it's gonna be every single one of us because when you sow into eternity you reap its reward there's gonna be some widowed women from my old my daddy's church faithful women old women of God you don't know the names but heaven does because we when we get to heaven I'm assured of this the preachers will be on the back row I'm sure of it and on the front row there's gonna be some lady some woman some some old man and people are gonna go who is that they didn't have a facebook they didn't have a website they went on TV no but they pray they serve God faithfully they sold into eternity they interceded for the preachers they interceded for the church for ministries around the world for missionaries and on that day we will see that what they did in secret God will openly reward before all men can you say Amen this year we're holding more gospel campaigns than ever in our history as I came into 2019 I felt a fresh urge I'm trying not to preach right now I want to preach so bad I want to show you quickly we're about to leave in a few weeks for El Salvador we're taking a gospel campaign in the right in the capital of San Salvador the National Stadium we believe in for thousands upon thousands to give their lives to Christ last year we went there for the first time it was one of the first times in many many years that this nation had held a national gospel campaign and right in that service before I came onto the stage there was a man of God the greed of me right at the bottom of the stairs he was the leader of one of the largest denominations in the whole nation I greeted him I put my arms around him I said thank you for being here and then I went up to the stage I began to preach at the end of the preach we gave the altar call thousands came to Christ and then miracles broke out on the field and they brought up a woman who was about 35 to 39 years old and she had a tumor growth on a side and suddenly I recognized the man that was stood next to her it was the leader of this denomination God had just healed his daughter and with tears rolling down his cheeks he spoke to me after the service and he said I but I know that this is God God is pouring out miracles in El Salvador he said would you come back next year he said I promise you the crowds will have doubled if not tripled we're believing for the biggest gospel campaign in this nation's history can you believe with me for that the God will shake this nation I said God will shake this nation I want to show you a quick clip of last year's crusade just watch this [Music] every bite suit the night hello okay Jesus I came over to watch you hey buddy feel it's gonna click [Music] never [Music] she's had lupus for 15 years nothing has this Monday at the needle for lupus 14 she says tonight she said all the pain in your body this is Moya she's had a love here but six years they need people that the much more safe I know she said in the service last night but it's shriveled and died it is gone [Music] which I was [Music] if you've got to set your heart on fire because easily she went to get that some PPK thank you gonna cut right now with can we give God a mighty shadow please can weaken God Almighty shadow please I want you to turn with your Bibles please to the Gospel of Zechariah chapter 10 the Gospel of Zechariah chapter 10 I ain't gonna preach too long tonight I recently returned home I'm about to leave for Europe we're gonna be preaching in Holland God is moving across the nations of the world but guess what he's moving in Florida give God praise in this house [Applause] Zechariah chapter 10 and I'm gonna read from verse 1 glory be to God glory be to God the Bible says in Zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain I want you to read that out loud if you have your Bible say ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain say one more time ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain in the book of Deuteronomy 11 14 and 15 it says then I will give you the rain for your land in its season the early rain and the latter rain that you may gather in your grain your new wine and your oils and I will send grass in your fields for your livestock that you may eat and be filled I will give you rain I want to preach you for a few moments tonight on something that is totally burning in my heart I just gave it a title in the time of rain in the time of rain I was on the front row as I said in Arizona I was about to preach and the worship team came up and they began to sing a song that they had written and the lyrics to the song with this asks for rain in the time of rain so heaven we call on your name and we asked for rain in the time of rain and as I sat on that front row I saw my whole life flash before me it was like that hand of God came right up on me and he began to burn in my heart ask for rain in the time of rain she Church we're on the countdown there's a ticking clock now for a moment I just don't want to preach just into your situation for a moment I just want you to raise your eyes just a little I want you to ask God to open your heart just a little more cuz I know many as have come tonight and we want to touch for our own lives and we need a miracle in our family but for a moment I just want you to raise your level of faith raise your eyes a little to preach about something that is greater than yourself we must be a people that understand the times and the seasons not only in just of our lives but what is happening in that realm of eternity so we are in those final chapters that's the kind of thing that keeps me awake at night we run the final countdown that's why I can't preach a message any longer about how to get a bigger house or a bigger car I'm just over it I don't want anything to do with it it doesn't feel the hunger of my life because I've seen preachers with big houses and because and still fall away that's not what I desire I'm hungry and thirsting after here we've been called for the final countdown the Apostle Paul wrote to whom the ends of the ages has come well it's the Apostle Paul wrote that I want to know what how we're standing in right now you might not want to hear this first part of the message but I'm gonna preach it anyway you want to know what I we're living in when the United States can pass laws that kill our children you better know we're in the final countdown when we're more bothered about politics than we are murdering God's creation we need to wake up we're in the final countdown Paul Road and do this understanding the present time the hour has come for you to wake from your slumber because the hour of your salvation is nearer than ever before you've been called to understand the times and the seasons there was a time when preachers would preach the second coming of Christ that's not fashionable anymore I'm glad this is a house that believes that Jesus Christ shall return he shall stand on the Mount of Olives as the king of kings or the Lord of lords or we will ride with him I know that's some old-school preaching but it's the Word of God and do this understanding the present time understanding the seasons understanding what I'll you live in right now we can see the return of Christ that is real that is as real as the air you're breathing right now look at what is happening in the world the economies that are falling the nation's that are trembling and do this do what look up be awakened don't like a hot roll call don't let the cares of this world don't let the hunger for the first for the things of this world dead in your heart that you no longer see you no longer hear that's why I can't be around people that just they just want ministry for fame or they just want I this ain't a job I want to tell you when you said god I want to be in the ministry when when you feel that cold you better realize that God is calling you to a higher standard God is calling us to a higher place I heard pastor Don say it earlier God is calling us in 2019 through a higher place God says no you didn't I ain't gonna feed you the milk anymore it's time for the meat it's time for you to ask me more than just a big promotion a bigger house more money he's saying no asked me ask me for the nation's asked me but that which is true richest in the time of reign church I wanna ask us are we equipped for the harvest are you ready for your harvest I know we all say yes but are you ready for it are you ready for your harvest are you ready for when God says there's no going back I was in a meeting must be over ten years ago now at least I was in the Royal Albert Hall in London there was a big preacher there and I was sat right on the aisle and the power of God hid me I came out of the seat and I was laid in the aisle like this and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and he said this he said son that's not going back for you now and as I landed on the floor I saw a red line and in this red line I saw myself step over the line and he was if God was saying to me I've released your harvest now you must answer me for it now you must be accountable for it you see what God wants to release to you you have to answer for one day you want the blessing you're gonna answer for the blessing you want God's increase you're gonna answer for the increase this is the true church when I'm preaching to you right now understanding the present time is standing what God is truly placed in your life they saying about come to revival Wednesday to get an anointing so you can have more you only need more when they are I'm preaching to somebody right now you only need more when your circumstance when God gives you a circumstance that is so greater than yourself like you said Lord without you I can't do this in the time of rain ask for a church it's raining it's raining and this is what I saw the Lord showed me as I stood on that front row I saw the nations of the world I saw every crusade that I'd ever held I saw blind eyes opening deaf ears opening I saw those souls coming in I saw demons fleeing and the Lord said to me it's raining now yeah I'm tired of Christians praying for something that's already here I ain't praying for the sweet by-and-by praying for something that's coming always coming in ten years in ten years the Holy Spirit said to me it's raining right now the Holy Spirit has been out poured right now the Lord said to me son asked me for rain in the time of your rain I said God what are you talking about that scripture confused me why would you ask for rain if it's already raining why does God say ask for rain in the time of rain that means he can be raining and you don't get wet see that word ask means to crave to desire to demand it but it's saying those that will see the latter rain those that will see the outpouring those that will see the increase those that will see the harvest of those that are hungering and thirsting after me that are hungry for the presence that are hungry for more than just the church experience is there anybody here that's tired of just church experience they want the glory they want the anointing the same Lord we ask for rain in the time of rain you know the Bible it is clear we're living in the times of the latter rains we're living in the latter rains what are the latter rains the Bible throughout the Bible there's scripture after scripture that talks about the former rains and the latter rains this is a picture of what the Holy Spirit is doing in the earth you see the formal rains they were the winter rains in Israel it was the time to plant seed when the winter rains came in November they would plant the seed and the winter rains would ward the seed but there was coming a ladder rain there was coming a rain that wasn't for planting it was for reaping you see the latter rain came so that the fruit would be ripened that's why Jesus said that the fields are white unto harvest but the laborers are few he was saying this is the time of the latter rain this is the time of harvest this is the time when souls will turn to me like never before this is the time when my people will move in a realm of my spirit that they will walk in the gifts without measure they will see my glory this is the time of the latter rain [Applause] for those of you that don't believe me there has never been more born-again spirit filled believers on the earth today ever in history than right now you want to talk about the darkness on the earth I don't want to talk about darkness I want to talk about the light because God is moving across Asia across India across Africa across Europe across America across South America God is pouring out his spirit but he's saying only those that will ask for the rain will receive what I'm pouring out has for rain in the time of rain see Josh I don't want to miss my visitation I don't want to miss my harvest see what God is doing in this house don't miss it don't miss it don't be sleeping while God's pouring out the rain do you understand this is the time that God said you can come into my presence and encounter me do you know that man would have died lay down their lives for just a droplet of what you've already experienced in this meeting they prayed for rain they cried out for his glory to come and now we come into churches we come in this place don't ever take it for granted the Spirit of God is here right now it's raining it's raining it's raining it blows my mind cuz I've been in services where the glory of God has come like a mist I mean like a fog there's times in meetings I was rubbing my eyes I thought there was something wrong with my vision because the place was blurred people screaming demons coming out of people nobody laying hands on them and yet I've watched as people are back flipping all the seats people are screaming people are getting set free and then you've got somebody stood there like they're in the queue the line of McDonald's it blows my mind cuz God gives me a bird's-eye view I cannot least stand up there I'm so under the glory of God I can only stand and yet there's somebody there that they look like they're stood in a freezer and I just think Lord how can that be it's raining but there's something in their heart that has not opened the door to what the Spirit of God is doing it's like God is saying no you don't just get it you gotta ask for it you've got a hundred for it you got a purse for it you gotta lay your life down for it ask for the rain Jesus stood up and he said on the last day of the feast Jesus cried out he cried out he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water rivers of living water but this he spoke concerning the Spirit whom those believing in him would receive for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified that Jesus was speaking in the feast of tabernacles did you knowing the Feast of Tabernacles the Gentiles were invited to worship it was a picture know only of what God had done but what he was about to do they were looking for the Messiah and right in the middle of it Jesus doesn't stand up a whisper he stands up and cries out if you are thirsty come to me and drink [Applause] drink drink some of you've been having a Sunday morning sip for the last 10 years but Jesus says no he doesn't want you to sip he wants you to drink until out of you ah you don't hear what I'm saying to you you see God said if you drink what goes in eventually begins to come out if you drink of my spirit if you get in the rain and sit Lord I'm ready I want to be went through in the Holy Ghost suddenly something starts to bubble out of your belly you see your words change your viewpoints change the way you talk about your family the way you talk about your situation the way you talk about the destiny begins to change because there's rivers of living water if you study that word rivers it literally means multiple Niagara Falls multiple waterfalls throwing out of your belly I don't know about you but I want the river of God to flow out of my heart to flow out of my belly how do my innermost being I wanted the life of God to flow in the time of rain ask for rain in the time of their pouring ask for the outpouring I got a preach to you can I preach some more CA must nine thirteen says behold the days are coming says the Lord when the ploughman shall overtake the Reaper and the Reaper of grapes and the Treader of grapes him who sow seed when the plows shall overtake the Reaper that means that there will be an outpouring of God that will be anointing on the church that you uh you won't be able to so fast enough because as soon as you saw already the harvest you see God spoke to be in sin the closer to my return there's gonna be an acceleration the more darkness you see there's gonna be an acceleration of my spirit my church my people they're gonna begin to walk in an anointing they've never known before it's a move of God it's here right now for those who will ask for those that say Lord we ask for your salvation we ask for your deliverance we ask for your healing in the time of rain ask for way [Applause] tell your neighbor there's an acceleration I don't know what's going on right now there was a time in my life in those Crusades I would have to fight devils I mean I would have to fight you think I'm sweating right now you ain't seen nothing I'm talking about fighting Devils until my skin shoes would but you know is that pressed into God is that pressed into that anointing and I asked for rain in the time of rain suddenly I didn't have to fight as hard see him I realized that I was saying the same thing but there was something on my voice that wasn't there before see the Bible says that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature there's something about authority that you don't get by by just huh you don't get authority by just being sat in a seat you see you got an encounter him you got a very long you gotta know him you gotta know him you gotta know the one that says out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water the way you open your mouth Devils will take notice sickness will have to go there's a revelation in your mouth because you be with him you be with the one who said I am the truth I am the life he who comes to me shall not perish jesus said you do not have because you do not ask see you don't cast out a devil with your head knowledge chain get ready I'm gonna shuck some of you you can quote the Bible and still that devil won't leave because the Bible in your head is not the word that's gonna set the captive free see it's when the word goes from your head down into your inner man and suddenly that word takes fruit and he comes alive and you begin to ask because you desire the things that are greater than yourself you say God I don't just want an experience I want to be a vessel I want to be a witness I wanna [Applause] Hosea 6:3 says let us know let us pursue knowledge of the Lord his going forth is established in the morning he will come to us like the rain like the latter rain and the former rain to the earth I believe God is visiting this house it's only just begun but the tide is increasing in 2019 you asked for rain in the time of rain you asked for God to move in this place in the season the God said now is your time you see there is a birthing happening there is a positioning God is saying I want you to look up to something greater there's an acceleration happening right now jesus said to his disciples in chapter on chapter 4 he said do not say that there is still four months and then comes the harvest behold I say to you lift up your eyes and look at the fields for they are already white unto harvest then I just quote you the Bible I said did I just quote you the Bible did I just quote you the words of Jesus so why don't we believe it then because when I talk to people they tell me that well it's really hard it's really dark he's just so dead my church is dead listen let me tell you right now if you let your atmosphere shape what's going on inside of you you got a big problem because God says I put the rain inside of you I put an abundance of rain on the inside of you that you become a person that changes the atmosphere but when you walk in the Spirit of God comes with you where there's darkness it has to flee where the sickness it has to go whether in the time of rain in the time of rain see I'm not just talking globally now I'm talking about your life in the time of your rain in the time of your rain we've only got a window my ministries only got a window I don't know how many years that is I don't know how this 10 years 20 years we don't know how long we got we got a window Church Josh you've got a window in the time of rain what are you asking for because God told me to tell you in 2019 he's gonna give you a rain check if you're he's gonna give you a rain check if your desires are not based on him and not fixed on him if your divers eyes are all about you you need to take a rain check and check what's going on in your heart God said I'm trying to raise your eyes I'm trying to get you to look into the eyes of eternity then and only then will you see my god hell I just said I hear the sound of the abundance of rain he heard the sound of rain when what he saw around him was drought he said I hear a season of rain he asked for rain in the time of rain a church I'm telling you right now 2019 the Lord said to me this is greater harvest this 20:19 will be the greatest harvest now I want you to take a hold of that word because what I heard pastor Jim is preaching to you it's the same word God said I'm gonna birth it in you I'm gonna position you're in a place cuz you're about to take on more than you've ever taken God's bringing you to a level of maturity he's saying in the time of rain I'm gonna call you to ask for something you've never asked before I'm gonna call you to believe for something you've never seen before I'm gonna cause you to be lifted to a place that you experienced my glory like you've never experienced it before ask for rain in the time [Music] [Applause] what are you believing for see Elijah he heard the sound nobody else saw it nobody else could hear it but he heard it what are you hearing you see in the time of rain there are three things three things that matter your posture your position and your purpose see Elijah he got down and he positioned himself he got into the birthing position and he said now let's go it's time to pray for rain it's time to ask for rain you see God put a dream in you and I'm trying to preach to the dream I'm trying to preach to the word I'm trying to preach to the prophesy I'm trying to preach to that which the devil says and never happened I'm trying to tell you this is more than a sea right now it's the latter rain it's time for the fruit to be ripened it's time to reap your harvest it's time to step into your mantle it's time to walk under anointing that your family's never known before this is the time of rain I'm believing for more Souls than ever in my life I'm believing for miracles that will so blow my mind I'm believing for creative miracles I've seen creative miracles but I'm talking about if I told you right now you'd say what is he doing what is he talking about I'm believing for creative miracles the doctors will be astounded that they will tremble under the mighty hand of God that men and women will see that our God is a supernatural God but there is no wavering in him he is the Alpha and the Omega he is my healer he is my deliverer there is nothing impossible for him there is nothing impossible don't tell me that God can't turn your family around he can turn them around on a dime he can bring your sons and daughters home if you just ask for rain in the time of rain if you understand the season we're in right now you start asking God for crazy things it wouldn't just be about your marriage I know people from this house are coming to the el salvador crusade you better get ready you better get ready because it's gonna be raining in that Stadium and when you're in that stadium you're gonna get wet you're gonna get totally drenched and it's gonna ruin you it's gonna shape your life because when you get under the rain you're never the same again you start to talk differently think differently I know young people that come on our Crusades and when they get home that whole faith level has gone to a new place they believe in God for things they never believed before I don't go in Scott who now works for me the first crusade he ever came on he was a believer but he'd never seen the glory of God and he got in the rain and suddenly laying a hand on a woman who was crippled she was totally crippled on braces and suddenly just stood up and God healed her he lifted those crutches in the air he's now been serving me for years because God changed him right there he got under the rain and when he got in the rain he started to ask for the rain he said god I don't just want a sip I want to see your glory is there anybody in this house that says ask for rain in the time I'll bring I'm gonna finish preaching but your posture you got to get down that means you got to humble yourself see when you're humble yourself you'll understand your position when you understand your position you'll know that God wants to give it to you more than you can have a desire see God is looking for those that will recognize it that will hear it that will hear the sound your family may not see it but I promise you your revelation will become right through if you can hear what this preacher is speaking right now by the Spirit of God when you get home you'll raise the standard you'll raise the bar you won't believe what you believe for in 2018 you believe for something greater you'll say God I'm raising to another level because I hear the sound of rain in the time of rain I ain't gonna miss this I'm gonna receive it I'm gonna receive it not just for me but for your glory I can't hear anybody in this place is anybody crying for the rain in the time of rain I [Applause] promise you I'm gonna finish your promise but you know George normal meetings don't satisfy me anymore a three-point sermon even a good three-point sermon he don't you don't that's not it see I want the word but I want the breath of life on the word because when the word breathe is preached it starts to rain I said when the world is preached it starts to rain that's why if you ever hear the preacher of the world and there's no rain that the vessels dry yeah the vessel needs to get under the spout where the glory comes out because jesus said when you preach the gospel these signs shall follow you so lay hands on the sick and they shall recover you shall cast out devils you will set the captive free that's why Jesus said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to [Music] heal the brokenhearted to sit at liberty those that a captive it's raining it's raining it's raining in this room right now it's raining in this room it's raining the anointing right now are you asking for the rain it's raining here are you asking for the rain it's raining it's raining it's raining it's raining it is raining it's raining it's raining it's raining it's raining [Applause] the father in the latter rain from the day of Pentecost to the final stage of time the former and the latter rain shall be poured out [Music] a sprain that's for rain hats for rain has for a you come here but wait wait Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray let it rain let it rain let it rain let it rain rain rain rain see tonight it wasn't about a preach yeah I'm not even ready to preach this message right now is just to cry in my heart it's a crime in my heart to ask for what is already being part out it's like we always say tomorrow tomorrow it's coming it's coming and on that front row I felt the fire of God just burning my heart and say what are you talking about it's here it's right here he's here right now in the rain is here right now it's raining it's raining [Music] bring me that woman in the white with her hands raised play play play play [Music] church I want you to ask for the rain right now I want you to ask for the rain right now if then sit in your life I want you to ask for the rain to cleanse you his love to wash it [Music] the training [Music] I don't just hear it I see I love the therapy [Music] it's me [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty casual [Music] it's worth [Music] it's it's waiting [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's raining it's raining it's ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 7:3 long Seviper like them [Music] our review cup cancer [Music] if there's anybody here that has Lyme's disease come to me right now I'm coming up this aisle if you have Lyme's disease come to me right now come quickly to me bring me this woman here this woman with the hat on yeah bring her to me [Music] it's somebody on this side right here if you have a heart arrhythmia you have a heart arrhythmia the beats of your heart are wrong somebody on my left you have a heart arrhythmia if that's you come to me where bring them out uh shoes you have to show me there's too many people help me there it is let that go through you bring me this woman in the blue that's the power of God on you bring me this lady in the blue yeah you yeah you yeah yeah bring me this lady in the pink printed his lady in the green bring me the rest of that wrong [Music] fire [Music] Lord what the devil tried to destroy late rain let it rain let it right [Music] Livia Hansbrough leave your hands with your hands say Lord fill me with fire now shout Jesus louder louder now oh there it is [Music] Church it's raining right now don't wait for a bath it's raining [Music] close your eyes close your eyes I don't want you to see cancer I want you to see him now I curse this cancer in your body I curse every celibate I curse it now go [Music] [Music] right now right now right now [Music] I said let that go through [Music] heart arrhythmia [Music] let me put my hand there you're gonna feel the power of God go through [Music] there it is and I go through that I go through [Music] who over here you you have a girl from the womb you have some kind of growth on the womb I see a growth a five five five right if you have a fibroid on your womb come here come here [Music] but you haven't yet put your hand here like this [Music] [Music] [Music] Church I want you to ask for rain right now as for rain right now as for rain [Music] Oh God they don't stand still [Music] ah No [Music] No still Rasika [Music] laughter get it all better no gimmicks and sterile if y'all have to that's what the ranchers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's waiting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Rickman can rebuild your line [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Holy Spirit keeps telling me miracles are happening right now I want you to check your body where you have pain it says the growth checky right now if you had partial sight check it right now I'm telling you miracles are happening it's raining in here I said it's raining here ask for the rain in the time of way if God's healed you if God's healed you I want you to come right now show me quickly if God's healed you show me quickly right now come to me quickly if you've received a miracle check your body and come to me right now let's go let's go [Music] hold him hold him hold him [Music] it's raining Church this is all about Jesus this is what he came to do what you feel of you right now is just not a feeling it's the anointing it comes for a purpose it's the rain of heaven it's the Jew it's the way this is the time of rain so ask for it whatever you need ask for it right now as for healing I see your deliverance don't wait for a hand he's here right now receive it [Music] be free be free be free [Music] what's happening to you come here [Music] what's happening [Music] it's raining [Music] somebody in your right here you have a you have a ringing like a ringing uh constant ringing in your right here she's right there bring her to me bring it to me [Music] put your hand there I'm gonna put my hand on top of your hand is that okay it's raining system it's raining it's ready [Music] somebody somebody had a growth on your girls on your spine I sail up here despite she had a what what was wrong with him now there's somebody you had a growth on your spine I want you to check it God just told me he healed somebody with some kind of growth it looked like a I don't think it's a tumor but some kind of growth on the spine I see it it's like fill with fluid check your back right now whoever that is where is that person where is that person come to me God's healed you what's happening down here if God's healed you come to me right now if God's healed your body what's happening receive it no pain I give you praise I give you praise I give you praise I give you praise I give you praise I give you praise [Music] you had an assist from your spine a pilonidal cyst is it there now check it stop it's gone Jesus psyche ball [Music] Oh Oh [Music] I'm just gonna say it how I see it but I see a shadow over someone's kidney a shadow over the kidney anybody else I see a shadow you had some kind of scan but Yoshi is that you come to me don't don't just raise your hand come come come is that you come to me are you raising your hand is that you suddenly whether she come to me come to me bring the ushers you gotta help me help me please help me help me help me I gotta get to the people help me help me help me [Music] [Music] keep it on there keep it on there keep it on there you have a shadow on your kidneys are you ready it's raining now it's ready it's ready [Music] what's happening soon [Music] now [Music] to receive the ring receiving receiving receiving receiving [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can release [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I drove from akela and I was having this bakery ready this be radiating from my neck to my shoulder I kept moving except in this chest pain and then when you came over there [Music] [Music] this section right now check your buddy there's a mighty anointing here now I'm telling you right now if you needed a miracle in your body check you just do what I tell you check it do something you couldn't do right now [Music] if God's healed you come to me come to me right now if the pains gone check your vision check your hearing whatever was wrong with you check it right now and then come to me this section do the same right now this section do the same if you're believing for a miracle then do it right now check it coz some of you think I gotta lay my hand on you but God's trying to teach you there's another level of rain in this place tonight it's raining in your room it's raining in your room bring me this couple [Music] this section right now just join your hands join your hands this whole section right here just hold your hands join your hands together don't delay don't delay now lift them lift them lift them lift them lift them lift them join your hands turn your hands and lift them lift I'm gonna count to three when I do I'm going to say the name of Jesus and the rain's gonna fall [Music] one Holy Spirit I asked for rain in the time of rain Cheeta [Music] [Applause] [Music] now No now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the section go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many feel the fire a gun on you right now if your answers safe thank you Jesus let it rain bigger to me [Music] is there anybody in this worship team that you suffer with severe migraines [Music] it's raining in the worship team [Music] go [Music] what's your name man I've seen you so many times James come here James I've seen your worship so many times bro but I don't really know you but when I looked over here the Lord told me to tell you this though the war is raging you'll win the war you've been fighting and some of it you fought in your own strength but God says though the war rages son you'll win the war even now I'm releasing a grace in you to overcome to over [Music] 20:19 it's time to birthday it's time to be positioned for the greater I said for the greater for the greater its raining let's ask the rain I said it's raining let's ask the rain God is healing let's ask for miracles but is saving let's ask for salt but is delivering information in the this generation [Music] [Music] the greater harvest [Music] I pray for your album that above every song [Music] they'll be the sound of rain I don't even know what I'm saying to you right now but even as you record it above the sound will be the sound of rain rain rain I don't even know what this means but the holy spirit just shouting shouting but the sound will be the sound of rain above the lyrics will be the sound of rain [Music] Josh come and release what you've got right now pray for the people sub up your hands in this room all across this room the glory of the Lord is in this place [Music] River plus rain Eagles flow [Music] River Plus rain equals overflow a river within and rain from above is the equation for the miraculous in your life are there somebody in this room in this kind of atmosphere to open up your mouth and let River meet rain for the first time in 2019 Oh [Music] oh come on you just [Music] for seconds and let the river away from above God is opening up it's not [Music] 60-seconds neck your words somebody to tell somebody to let the devil know depth and there is even [Music] I'm about to pray I'm about to pray but there is a praise in this room when you ask for rain and God gives you rain you don't sit quiet when you receive the very thing you've been praying for you can't be timid about something God answers I dare you in this room before I pray before I pray I tell you to let every devil know in every demon note that ribbon and rain river and rain I feel the anointing River and rain there's about to be a flood there's about to be a flood somebody take ten cities yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know I was just stood over on the stage listening to Joss and I felt the Holy Spirit just speak to me something awesome you said tell my people how to make it rain [Music] see in order for it to rain the Sun has to shine on the water the heat causes the water to rise the water forms the clouds and the clouds at the right time release the rain here's what the holy ghost told me tonight let the Sun the som let him shine right now let his fire fall right now let them fire heat up your praise let the praise rise cuz it'll fall to cloud and the cloud will release the rain let the sun shine let his light shine let the praise rise let the cloud form it's raining and let the rain fall give it one more Prince [Music] [Music] [Music] rivers flow that field [Music] [Music] reach over and just lets your hand rest [Music] on the shoulder of the person beside you the evangelist had it right tonight Sylla line just said I see the sigh a cloud the size of a man's hand when you are a Rainmaker don't be shocked when that anointing drives you into dry places it is not punishment it's God making you the answer and I believe God is making this church and this people an answer to the try places of your family and your job and so when I pray let God make you a rain maker that when you show up at work tomorrow there's a hundred percent chance of rain when you go home tonight in your unsaved husband's sitting on the couch there's a hundred percent chance of rain God is transforming us into rain makers will you help me pray father in the name of Jesus we declare that in this season of breakthrough that in this season of birthing in this season of blessing make us the blessing make us the breakthrough I pray God let the rain Lord pour from us Lord I pray let there be showers of blessing further than everywhere we go we affect the atmosphere that no weapon formed against us shall be able to prosper I pray the greater is He that's in us then he that's in the world and God by the time this year is over we will look at the deluge of your glory that has filled Lord Ormond Beach for Don's Daytona Beach Palm Coast and every other place in this region and we give you the glory and the honor and if there's some rain makers in this room somebody one final time [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're going to dismiss you about to let you go the glory of the Lord has been here tonight and visited his people mmm listen I want them to do something I want them to throw that number up on the screen for the text Nathan is about to go down Salvador and pack out stadiums we were talking about this beforehand and I know we've taken up an offering and I know we've done some things like that but if you're in this room right now before you leave and you feel impressed to sow into that right there put special how many believe thousands of people are gonna be touched by the glory of God in El Salvador if you feel let do it if you don't don't God's gonna take care of that anyway but I feel the anointing at this moment for you to partner with this you can't receive and not say god I'm going to honor the man of God and you'll work back that's the kingdom amen so father one final time before we depart I thank you for the anointing Lord that's been here all night long I thank you for the glory I thank you for the power come we're not the same we are not the same as what we were when we came in this place and I thank you I thank you for the man of God refreshed him keep him we plead the blood over him and his family and we say no weapon formed against it and let there be souls upon souls upon souls signs upon signs and el salvador and we give you praise for it all and somebody who's thankful and grateful give God one more praise tonight god bless you hug three or four people on your way out we love you so much sunday morning 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning 1115 god bless you we will see you soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 16,224
Rating: 4.903904 out of 5
Id: LBZ87IDzsvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 9sec (6429 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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