MIRACLES & HEALINGS| People Watch This Video And Some Get Healed | Randy Clark

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before we show the video I want to say that sometimes I forget to say this what I'm about to say and when I do very little happens healing wise to the people who are watching the video because they think they just didn't been invited to get a little information but watching a video and they're not expecting anything while they watch the video but I found out that if I would say I believe that as you watch this video you can be healed I believe as you watch this video some of you will be healed I believe it's so strong that I'm going to ask everybody when the video is over to stand up even if you don't have anything wrong with it just in agreement with the others and if you do put your hand where you need the healing or if it's something then you need to move to test it out do so and those of you who are at least 80% better I say 80% red 100% because I'm gonna inspect for as soon as the videos over and Omar kaiba dare taught me if you say if you're healed there'll be people 80 85 90 95 98 percent better but because they're not 100 percent they will not let us know what God is doing 50% 25% it's not gonna cause a wow factor but man you're already 80 percent on your way to being 100 percent that's that's significant and Omar said Randy you'll see so much more and when the people see what God is actually doing it'll increase the faith in the room that's why do it this way and so the last story the last testimony you're gonna see on this several stories of testimonies is one of the few testimonies we actually have that we caught life I mean you're watching her not give her testimony about being healed have been healed your watching her telling us what she's feeling as she's being healed and there'll be one point I'll say now look how much movement which is very little movement she's trying she's test she's actually trying to move this left knee and you'll see her just barely able to move it and the next thing you see or she started to walk I'll break in so leave me up in the might but I'm just telling you we cut 20 minutes of prayer out so it wasn't that fast but we were praying and God was healing and we kept praying as she kept getting better and here's the thing I want you to know she didn't wave her hands she watched the video of 16 people all get healed of metal is all the only testimonies on the video she watched people getting healed of metal that's the only thing we were going for him we're gonna go for more than that in this one but I want you to know that she didn't get healed watching the video and she couldn't 80% she wasn't 80% but power came on her he came on her and she began to get healed watching the video and she was 30% better when I asked for people it's you're 80% or more weight grams she's I couldn't do that but God had started touching me and as soon as we asked the people to come up for prayer because God had started touching her she came up and the moment we started to pray power God answer you want to watch an amazing healing take place regardless of what your hat the testimony if anything it's similar to yours take it if it's not similar but build your faith go for it stand up and believe God doing that and you know the Lord said don't let people sit passively waiting to feel something get him ask him to do something give them an opportunity to express or an act of faith which leads me right before short I want to tell one more story okay first time I came here I'm gonna preach a sermon for the very first time I never preached it till here and it was about healing a relationship to act Civil Beat instance through the seven signs in John's Gospel and I had an illustration for every story except the first one where the water was turned into wine I didn't have a story and as I said that's okay I got six others that's enough but as I'm preaching I see a picture in my mind of the 1950s late 50s the little stork the yellow stork with in the back of the cars but on a spring that was be queer going through the water like this that's what I see and then I get an impression God wants to heal digestive problems everywhere from the mouth actually said through the anus I didn't say that cuz I was in church then now that we're not in the church field and I'll go ahead and say it and and he said anything wrong with anybody and I just said of your whole digestive system you can be healed and then but I I must run fear what's this about and I felt like the Lord said this is what it's going to be an act of obedience invite the people who have digestive problems to come to the front and tell them they're to do this and this is going on my head as I'm preaching and I'm thinking okay Lord how long he didn't tell me so I thought long enough we'll feel stupid but not so long we pass out now I have to say I would shorten it now that I'm almost 25 years older than then but I don't know if his either 2 minutes or 3 minutes we did that so if you would have walked in to Bethel Church on that night on Sunday night and I was expecting 20 of the thousand to come forward we're by about 20 we had 200 we had 200 now this is where I had to use first Corinthians 14 31 let everything be done decently and in order so I lined them all up and I made him go back seven feet because I didn't want somebody doing this and right here somebody else you know that wouldn't be decent or in order so I got it far enough apart that we would do this decently and in order and here's deal I'll pay attention my grandfather died of colon cancer and for about two months I had been having a lot of blood loss I go to the bathroom I scared go to the doctor so I said Lord in my heart I'm getting in on this I'm doing this in faith because I believe I have something wrong with me and I need to be healed and some of you would have seen the preacher and 200 and other people doing this for two minutes or three and they told me the anonymity because you know on a digestive system you need a little time to know if it worked or not time to eat you know time for other things and the receptionist told me is they had about 50 calls of all types of problems one woman for 50 years had had hemorrhoids it's easier to give that testimony over the telephone than it is in the meeting anonymity was really important she was healed fifty years he'll I never pass blood after that night [Applause] so when we asked you to do something that's an act of obedience there's a reason for it all right let's watch the video cycle accident right here in front of the church five years ago you kick with the silly it was matching a passable of Pisco so it appears eight screws and two metal bars on his neck you teach few Dodge Brothers up in schools and I couldn't do this [Applause] just try to hold your applause and excitement till we get to the end or you'll miss it a lot of pain I said what are you taking strong medication said no it just took it like a man what the on the first day the sequins at rice right from the church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she had to love twice the size of an olive on the back of her neck and she stood up she felt since you colored a little stud about electricity over her body the lump is completely gone see here John there's no sign of any lump it's gone and she's completely healed no pain with Cygnus and men to work the storm was five times bigger than the tube and she said Randy was saying bolivia miracles bolivia miracles she felt you needed to go to the bathroom she went to the restroom and she said she didn't even have time to go to the toilet those stones just went through and she passed all the kid nostalgic they're huge once people see the person after homage what doesn't go so he lost he's hearing 100% in both ears the only way he could hear a little bit was with uh who was the hearing aids but she he said I said but did you recoup hum how much percent of it he said I think everything because it should be such a long time that I don't hear but I think he's everything [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] try to do what you can try to do what for one minute try to do what you can now if you don't have any loss of range of motion or chronic pain but you got something it's not something a disease a problem and you may it have to have a test to prove you've been healed but I believe some of you would be like you'll feel his power now if you can't prove that you're at least eighty percent better we won't count you in the count but you need an opportunity for us to see if you felt God's power come upon you later I'll ask a little bit later if you like you need to have a test know if you're healed but you believe you were healed because there was his power came upon you or went through you I'll give you a chance to testify I believe I've been healed and then when you get your test back you got the evidence be sure and give it so take 30 more seconds test things out literally a hundred percent of the people and by the way when we reached five thousand people who had healed of mental issues I quit counting and that's about four or five years ago so we have thousands of people who've been healed of this issue and I want you to try it out and many have a it's not the first time or the second time they try to move and sometimes you can actually see faith in someone because they just keep going for what you can see see it is why you can tell by the actual movement in the room what and whatever you need to do do it if you can go to step out of your aisle they try to do a push-up step out of your house try to do a push-up if you need to step out of your islands right whatever you need to do just do it alright now you guys ready hey check her body out if you are at least eighty percent better and we already had twenty people healed right after worship but if you're at least eighty percent better I want you for a minute a whole minute because it take that long for us to count - wait both hands over your head you can start now check it out start waving your hands wave hi [Applause] I made you guys do rub okay 42 now how many of you say I can't wave I can't do this because I'm not 80% but I'm getting better there is improvement I I'm you mean it man felt power on you maybe not but maybe he's just or you're you're better but you're not 80% but you are better wave one hand at me only one now if I was praying for an individual and God was touching you I'd pray again that's what I want you to keep your hand where you need the healing or moving what needs to be healed we're gonna pray again I believe we'll see a lot more it's going to be healed as we pray because God has Starbird out just out just blessing what he's doing this is the power of the testimony father I thank you in the name of Jesus for what you've started thank you for the 42 that just got healed for the 20 that was healed right after worship and for the ones that's about to be healed in the name of Jesus we bless them we bless them just keep your hand up one hand and those of you standing around just kind of raise your hand toward them just begin to bless them agree with me Father once you've started we just thank you God and we speak to their bodies to be healed in the name of Jesus we pray for the gifts of healing to be released we prefer angels to come and help in Jesus name we speak healing we break every curse in Jesus name we speak to any spirit of affliction in Jesus name we break every genetic predisposition toward disease to be your DNA code to be rewritten and we just speak let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven in the name of Jesus for the glory of his name and the glory of the Father we pray in Jesus name now check your bodies out again if you waved your hands while ago don't weigh them again unless you got healed of a second thing but now if you weren't 80 present long ago but now you are way both hands over your head for one minute wait both hands over your head for one minute keep waving keep waving [Applause] keep waving [Applause] gods keep it's hard to count could we give we passed you up and somebody else concealed how means you get can did you get at that time how many avid how many was it I had 36 36 okay thank you God thank you lord thank you lord how many we have now Marcus 79 all right one last time okay right before we start praying for words of knowledge and and and before the laying on of hands we if God is quickening your faith I just believe [Applause] I think we just had another healing thank you God all right you may be seated change of plans okay you had a significant healing maybe it's metal maybe it's whatever happened up there want you to come on down you had a significant healing I'd like to have at least five five Neely's five people who are healed there's something you couldn't do you can do now view were in pain for a long time not two or three days but you were in pain for a long time chronic pain constant pain and you've had a significant least eighty percent better I want you to give your test point if you like for it to be people who haven't testified before in the name of Jesus we have one two come on up here that's good come on up III come on Ben you want to do this yeah thank you thank you thank you thank ya yeah yeah yeah okay now wait a minute wait a minute anything they say they just got healed up if you've got something like it that's the prophecy if the testimony of Jesus is proper science healing to you and receive it okay so what happened to you not now we're then what has God done for you tonight I was in the hospital this afternoon the oddness this act this afternoon's session because I was in the hospital because my leg started swelling because of a sub-sub whatever hematoma from an injury that I had in my leg was swelling up blood clot everything I could barely walk it didn't sleep last night called the doctor actually I went through a few prayers here and I wanted to say you know God healed my leg I went through two prayers I mean I want to know who I mean I know who few people pray there's you right there thank you and it's like I the Lord heal me but I got scared and I went to the doctor nothing wrong no no I mean I believe in miracles with the with medicine yeah and they said they started taking the test and they were like you have a major blood clot it's from the Schenn all the way to the ankle solid blood clot all the way here from a blood bleed out of the bone and I'm like okay I can't walk it's hard I went for a walk just barely in the the hotel room out of the hotel room and it just hurts I come back I start getting prayer and somebody sprinkled gold dust on my leg I mean he walks up he's got gold dust and he's like I got gold does I'm like okay he does can I put it on you like I'm like yes so he puts it on my leg and it's like fire just goes right down my spine wait a minute way back up that was the third prayer in the fourth prayer in this disappear and we keep praying for it swellings gone could you feel with the court could you physically feel like a lump in your leg yeah yeah the the how big was the lump you were you actually there there it is she's holding it up that's how big the lump is about so the size of a fist is what she's showing us okay as he's doing that I'd like to the two women from GMR I come over here on this side everyone gives her testimony and let him take him off this side and you can get information you're gonna praise stall me come on so real quick so right now the swelling's completely disappeared I would say I'm at 95% the two women from Global Medical Research Institute from Brazil all right is that you can I am I seeing right where's the two women from global medical research where okay all right thank you I'm gonna make this easy for you all right next what did God do for you tonight He healed my shoulder about three or four months ago I was in a motorcycle accident and I separated the AC joint in my shoulder and I have a bunch of torn ligaments and tendons and it's been bothering me ever since it's just kind of been haunting me I haven't been able to do push-ups I haven't been able to work out I've been able to lift heavy things at all and they pray for me and jesus healed me so what did Jesus do feats or not our 20-plus years ago the doctors said they would not be able to bend my knees without severe pain they said we went try to bend your knees or you're gonna be on the ground in pain we won't be able to get back up and tonight he healed that and I can bend my knees all the way down and I can touch the ground and a diagnosis from 20 some years ago with pork gate in my legs God's healed that thank you Lord you're back again [Applause] whatwhat did God do for you tonight as you know the first night I got my range of motion back and but I still couldn't move my toes because they're still tight and I still have the screws and everything well while he was given the testimony of the toes moving [Applause] praise God I just want to encourage everyone that's Caucasian God just doesn't heal black toes he will heal other racist toes as well he isn't he is not he is not a discriminator what did Jesus do for you tonight so I just finished over 70 rounds now of the most aggressive chemo Brandi had prayed for me this time last year and in November my rectal MRI was completely clear but that I had to go through six weeks six days a week of of the most aggressive chemo and radiation five of the six days eating and sleeping with the chemo and this time was the worst time so I've been fighting cancer now for three and a half years but what happened is about a month ago the Lord said to me give me a word of knowledge and he said Mary you're you're you got a perforated eardrum I want you to go to the big specialists at UC Davis and cuz you're you you notice you lost some hearing I said yeah Lord uncle so I went to UC Davis three weeks ago and the big world-renowned specialist that I go to said Oh Mary you've got a perforated eardrum and I said I know and he said you do I said yeah and he said well we're gonna have to operate but until so two little spots in my liver we're still there from the cancer and he said so until you have your MRIs in three weeks we're not gonna do any surgery I said no no Hillary you keep your scalpel on the table because you're not coming near me for any surgery because I know someone that can do far better than any scalpel than ever and I said you wait and see so what happened tonight what did you feel something happening in your ear sorry so tonight I I could well you can you see I'm feeling soaking wet [Music] there's heat all of you can feel the heat coming off of her God's moving on there right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you Jesus so I clicked my ears I heard the Lord say click your ears Mary and so even though I'm in medicine I'm gonna declare because I know here these are last two just one okay or they're together okay what did Jesus do for you tonight um so I had a really bad pain in both my back tendons and now it's completely healed now you had pain there but did you have like limited movement as well I couldn't really move like I couldn't run very far and it hurt a lot and like just now I started crying and I felt a lot of heat over myself and then now I'm completely healed well praise God thank you lord thank you lord
Channel: Jesus Heals Today!
Views: 753,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: randy clark, how to pray for the sick, healing, randy clark healing, healing prayer, bethel church, global awakening, bill jonson, bill johnson healing, bill Johnson, todd white, pete cabrera jr, curry blake, tom loud, thomas fischer, grahm cooke, how can i heal myself, does god still heal, real miracles, miracles from heaven, miracles caught on camera, claudio freidzon, smith wigglesworth, healing video, randy clark healing video, benny hinn, healing testimony, jesus
Id: 1SSr8Py5S1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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