4 Simple Tasks That Are Way Easier Than They Look in Movies - Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder

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[Music] hello Internet it's me that guy I am welcoming you to another episode of obsessive pop culture disorder the show whose only real crime was loving pop culture too much and arson that one time today's episode looks at look I understand that movies are different than real life I do and I understand that certain things need to get exaggerated or embellished for the sake of a story but sometimes Hollywood gets life so wrong that it takes me right out of the movie and I don't like that I prefer living in a movie it's neater in real life lying is simple it's literally the easiest thing in the world to do case in point no it isn't but whenever a character needs to lie in a movie they suddenly forget everything they know about how words work and become a stuttering mess of mouth Parts Robin and I were just cheating chatting I wanted to say goodbye say goodbye to her him it's m m I am breaking a truck sweat you know what it's just all very technical and boring the hot plate is because our friend was a he was a chef a chef small plates of many small items on just heated it I was uh just just doing housework you grab a woman's breast and it's and you you feel it and it feels like a bag of sand movies do this because telling a really bad and convoluted lie is a nice gateway to hij Jinks and movies thrive on H Jinks if you ask someone in a movie where they were last week they'll say uh where was I I was in England where I'm from Oh no I got to be British now forever here's a pro tip for liars in the real world if someone asked you where you were and you don't want them to know the truth I'll give you a list of answers you can say that won't arouse suspicion yep that's a good one I've used that one that's a good one that one would work all good all solid things everything about going to prom is a huge deal in movies getting a date finding the prettiest dress or flyest Top Hat depending on your situation or both if you're just the radest movie prom is also where all the stuff happens it's where nerds profess their love to the popular girls in a big Grand speech it's where fights break out it's where amazing choreograph dances happen and if you're really lucky it's where the magic prom queen gets doused in an amount of pig blood that frankly never should have been sold the children in the first place real problem became much less exciting to me when I learned that rented tuxedos are uncomfortable and full of strangers farts no one really wants to fight at prom and the prom king and queen don't actually have any kind of constitutional authority over the rest of the school movies make a big deal out of proms because you got to have drama somewhere and also we already bought all this pig blood so we're not going to return it or flip it an actual prom is full of music you don't like people you kind of tolerate and the vague hope of maybe making out with someone later even dressed up with a terrific date it's hard to feel romantic when literally all of your teachers are watching you hide your dry humping in a slow dance to that sh song from [Music] Titanic in Bridesmaids Kristen wig and Rose bur passive aggressively compete against each other in a series of cringe inducing awkward speeches that make everyone involved uncomfortable I'll be onever that's what friends are intered development Jason bitman concludes a Valentine's Day speech by slipping and admitting he's in love with his brother's girlfriend to job and Marta to love and happiness I love you all Marta and I love you man Jason seagull gives a toast to Paul Rudd and accidentally implies to all of their friends and family members at Paul's fiance isn't performing enough [ __ ] here is Peter's friend is Peter's Confidant just to say to you beautiful Zoe give give it back yeah return the favor sounds like a slip up that couldn't have been avoided when movie characters find out they need to give a speech at a funeral or wedding it's not a question of if they're going to say an appropriate thing but when and to which grandmother spoiler the oldest one in real life wedding speeches are pretty straightforward the groom sure did some embarrassing things when he was younger eventually he met the bride who is nice and sweet perhaps one day they will yield children this wedding means they can't testify against each other in a court of law end of speech man I got through that whole thing and I didn't admit an embarrassing secret the groom was keeping for the bride I didn't accidentally profess my love to anyone and I didn't mention oral sex even once yeah listen to it again I didn't say [ __ ] at all in that whole speech hire me to speak at all your things America this is one of the strangest and most persistent movie tropes two people pretend to be in a relationship to cover up some kind of thing usually a shenanigan singular as soon as our fake couple tells someone that they're together this inevitably happens I'd like you to kiss each other I want you a kiss kiss kiss kiss get on with [Music] it no no no because uh we don't kiss we don't kiss at all no kissing there's always a third character usually a family member who demands to see the couple kiss as if to verify that they are in fact a couple as if kissing is something that only couples can do that scene has never happened in a movie where the couple wasn't just pretending to be a couple and it's never happened in real life because that would be insane in Real Life Society does its best to weed out the kind of people who demand to see other people kiss in front of them the kind of person who when introduced to a couple says [ __ ] put your mouths together so I know it's true isn't the kind of person normal people like being around this is a pretty heady concept so I actually brought in a special guest to help me illustrate how easy it is to pretend you're in a relation ship let's roll that hi this is my current spouse and to verify that I have a lot of documents to what's that you don't you don't need any proof you don't even want to see us kiss to confirm that we are in fact a couple no you're right of course you don't that would be crazy weird anyway sports or whatever Tada see how easy that was wasn't that oh you don't care anyway that's it join us next time when our topic will be which Scooby-Doo character is most like a BuzzFeed quiz this show is getting soing stupid all right I'm Dan O'Brien thanks once again to the inimitable me for stopping by bye yeah just sing something get Somey oh baby I Like It Raw yeah baby I Like It Raw oh baby I Like It Raw yeah baby I like give me the m so I could take a I'm not your savior all the Wizards are probably slaves now or dead or something Jerry can make things the way that they were I'm not your savior all the power in the world and he uses it to con Muggles Donnie show her the gold all die all die I'm not your savior the way of a wizard in Exile is to be as a shadow all day all day if I don't get my magic back I don't know what I'll do have some be I'm not you're safe I'm pretty sure they think I'm some kind of drug old Med all day all day I got a drink in my hand CH to get another one I think that's my plan yeah my we killing it for show a little something SP it on the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] floor we are those Legends K they got it they get it Jesus Christ
Channel: Cracked
Views: 1,690,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder, Popular Culture (Literary School Or Movement), Cracked.com, Cracked, Penis, Sketch, Comedy, funny, humor, parody, Sketch Comedy (TV Genre), film, movies, Daniel O'Brien, Lying, How I met your mother, Breaking bad, lying in movies, She's All that, prom, Carrie, Bridesmaids, Arrested Development (TV Program), I love you man
Id: hhsSfSg6uMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 30 2014
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