PULL SOMEONE INTO ANOTHER WORLD Transition Effect - Davinci Resolve 17 FUSION Tutorial

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It’s a great transition. Why does pretty much everyone on YouTube use the same sounding music? It makes everything on YouTube so homogenous, there are 1000s of genres but na let’s just use flwhat everyone else uses.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lecheers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Didn’t Bryan Francisco do this exact tutorial for fcpx like a week ago with the same footage? Are pull throughs with this exact footage like a trend or something or did the guy who shot the footage send it out to a bunch of creators or something?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thetvirus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very Nice tutorial . I already saw on YT. Is any chance make a tutorial for Adobe premiere pro? :)?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/66Roman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

that is pretty cool!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cyobex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love it but give Ryan Nangle his credit too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/i_trex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] what's up everyone Oh Paul as well today I'm going to show you to do a sweet pull through transition effect you can use your own clips or you can use the stock footage provided by Colin Ross the link is down into the description this was actually because of a livestream request that someone put in when I did a live stream and thanks for the idea [Music] when you download those clips you'll get two specific videos one will be a green screen which I just dragged in here another will be a video of this girl who puts her hand out forward and grabs a mirrors hand and pulls him forward towards the waterfall now the first thing you have to do once you drag these in is you actually since he grabs her hand with his left hand in this video he's holding the screen screen with the left hand you're gonna need to actually just come over here and click flip that way it makes sense then you also want to drag the cursor to right when she's about to reach out and I basically just dragged these here like so delete the audio make sure both these were enabled make sure they're the same length highlight both of them right click and new fusion clip now you're gonna come down here click on that clip and click on fusion now this is when the fun begins the first thing that I always like to do is select the median one and median two which is by default just the names that da Vinci gives video files or any type of media you dragon first one is obviously the girl so I pushed one put her in viewer window one which is over here on the left wanna type girl and then the green screen will obviously be named green screen great okay so again first things first you want to make sure you have the right layers on top of each other so Green is foreground yellow is background so we want the girl to be on the background and then put the green screen on the foreground in front of her great next we want to key out the green screen if you click on green screen and hold down shift spacebar type in Delta keyer come over here to the eyedropper tool select the green you can come and click on this icon here and move the threshold up and down to adjust to your liking depending on your environment in your specific scene but for these two Clips just the default settings work actually pretty well so now that the key is done we're gonna have to do some masking so the first masking step is gonna be masking her hand just a few frames as she comes out of the window here that we've green screened and then we will move on to the step two which is masking out his hand which is gonna be a lot more time-intensive but first let's just start with her hand so we're gonna click on Delta here come here to this polygon spline tool blind tool masking tool whatever you want to call it and it by default loads right here but we want to make sure that we attach it to the garbage matte arrow which is underneath and what's cool is that since now we have both these viewers showing each clip we can come in here and what we do over here will effect over here on the right but it'll be easier so we don't have to like disable any clips or you know disconnect anything we can actually just specifically see the girl clip in the left window by selecting that clip and pushing one which I did in the beginning and what I'm gonna do is just draw a mask around her fingers you have to make sure that the polygon is and we're gonna come and click and the closer you get to her fingers and the more points you do the more accurate it will look so it just depends on how much time you want to mask out what you're doing and how detailed you want to get you can get away with a pretty pretty good mask by just doing a bunch of points also if you click and you want to make it somewhat of a curved line you can actually click and hold and see how that changes you can actually make nice curved lines it's kind of different it's it takes a little bit to get used to but it works really well when you have surfaces and things that you need to give like a nice curve to so I'm going to do that now so now you can see over here in the right window how the masking has started and she's starting to reach through the window you can pick any frame that you want but I started with this frame you could start with her hand a little bit further but I started from the very beginning and also something we want to do is move the mask out of this frame because obviously her fingers are not through the paper yet or through this scene again what's really cool is that if you want to work in this window or this window it doesn't matter you can move the points and it will actually work as if you were just working along in either window another great thing is is that we didn't have to do anything as far as keyframes the program will automatically know that whatever you move for that specific frame is going to be what it is so just keep that in mind so I'm going to move all these points out and that's another tip real quick if you just highlight and drag you can select multiple points at once that way you don't have to go in there and select each individual point and for this first frame of when I'm going to start the masking I'm making the mask all the way out I'm going to move it forward a little bit more and I'm going to do the next frame we've only masked just a few frames one two and then after that the hand actually underneath kind of comes up and that's where a lot of the masking is actually going to occur now and since her hand is pretty much covering the top of this portion of his hand when we go to mask out the bottom half most of her hand is on top of it so when we do the separate mask we won't have to actually do her hand we only have to pay attention to her thumb over here so make sure you mask out a few more frames of her thumb and then the rest will take care of itself okay great so from this point on I'm going to turn off the level of the mask here so I'm gonna come up here a keyframe the level come over here and I'm gonna turn that off because after that I don't want that mask to affect the mask underneath okay so now that we've done her hand we're gonna do the next hand which is coming from underneath and it starts right here if as you can see in the left viewer and we're gonna mask out his hand all the way up until the point where he gets pulled through the frame which is right about there so this is where the next step of masking comes in so let's go to where his hand basically kind of shows like a good shape the midway point here and we're gonna come back over here and click on the polygon tool again it will automatically just default drop in between these two and we're going to come down here and start masking out his hand so do the same thing here and what I tend to do is sometimes go on the inside of people's hands or just the things that I'm asking because what you can do is actually go over to the right hand side and their soft edge and border width that you can adjust to kind of blend what you're masking and if you go in and out with the border width in the soft edge you can kind of adjust a good-looking mask and not have such a rough looking final product so let me do this again real quick I'm also selecting just a bunch of points here because I know that his arm will come into play and I want to be able to have enough adjustment points to make it look smooth so that's the first part of the mask here as you can see here that's where his hand starts to come in and this is also somewhat of a rough masking I've already done this before so it's pretty tedious but I will do it again for you guys and show you how to do the next few steps the next thing you want to do is go backwards and select all these points and make sure that his hand is properly masked here and get rid of this finger since it's not in the scene yet and then go back one more I'm using the arrow keys drag all these points get that out of the frame that way when the next frame comes in it's properly masked now this is what I was talking about when her hand comes into contact with his hand once we mask out his hand hers will be on top and it will look good let's do frame by frame here's the next frame as you can see in the right viewer window when I select the median out the masking works really well it actually works hand in hand with each other pun intended we're gonna move on frame by frame I'm gonna show you how I just mask out his arm and then I'm gonna show you how to actually initiate the pull through effect you once you get to the point where you think she pulls him through you have to basically mask all the way up into that point and you can select your media out and kind of see how far you need to mask so if you watch from the very beginning reach in she pulls you through and that should be good so the next part is getting the motion blur and this clip here where he's holding the green screen to kind of move backwards essentially and she's going to be pulling you through into the card what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to move this window up so I can see what I'm doing if you actually click on Deltic here and hold down shift and push spacebar you can type in transform and what that'll do is that will automatically drop a transform node down in between the Delta here I'll basically all the work that we've been doing in between that and the girl if you want to keyframe the movement of when she pulls you into the frame you can go to right where she starts to pull on you like so right about there and you can keyframe the size of when she pulls you through so pulls you through right to their right maybe I can explode this up like this see if that looks good and so say if you want to adjust the look of that right it's kind of very robotic looking you can click on that transform node come up here and click on spine and select in the node that you want to adjust and then come over here to where it shows the line here and you can click on it on either point and you can actually adjust the curves so it's kind of more of like a UH a really quick kind of like it gets energy move so that works let's do one more time great so let's see if we can make this look a little bit smoother I'm gonna pull this open like that and I'm gonna pull this back just kind of watch it and I kind of want it to be a little bit quicker so I'm actually going to come back here and then let's see have it be really quick cool okay so another thing that we can do now is do some motion blur and we can keyframe motion blur while she pulls you through so I'm gonna click on the transform node hold down shift spacebar type in blur so I'm gonna select this directional blur and what's cool is I can select if it's linear radial centered zoom so much i zoom see how this looks see you if I change the length of the blur here it starts to blur the layer that is basically it's kind of like adding the effect of that she's pulling really quickly through so I'm gonna animate when she pulls you through so right about here she grips the hand I'm gonna keyframe it I'm gonna click on that keyframe and it's gonna zoom really hard right up until about there I'm gonna basically crank up the length - let's see if we just go all the way all the way to one there and what's cool here is that you can also zoom in here and change the way that that is affected you can make it ease in and out if you hold down command and scroll up and down you can zoom in and out and change the way that this effect works so let's see if this looks any better one more time she pulls through and the whole frame zooms past if you like videos like this please like and subscribe turn on notifications I did this video because someone requested it in one of my live streams and so I really appreciate the feedback and the ideas and all the great things that we're doing here so until I see you in the next one have fun [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jamie Fenn
Views: 355,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion, davinci resolve, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, davinci resolve fusion effects, jamie fenn, jamie fenn tutorial, visual effects davinci, visual effects davinci resolve, how to add visual effects in davinci resolve, davinci resolve transitions, davinci resolve transition, pull someone into another world, amir zakeri, davinci resolve 17 transition, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 transitions
Id: Y8H830YPhZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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