Garry Kasparov's Best Game Ever

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whether you're a new fan of chess or a long time  fan of chess certainly you've heard of the name   gary gasparov that's because gary is one of the  greatest players of all time for many he is the   greatest player of all time and that means that he  played top level competition for many many years   so what is the best game that he's ever played  that is the purpose of this video we are in   the year 1999 gary's been world champion  for quite some time about 14 years now   uh and we are in vikanze in the tournament in the  netherlands it's the fourth round gary's ranked   number one in the world and he's taking on rank  10 vessel and topolov who later went on himself   to become world champion gary begins the game  with e4 and before we move any further i just   want you to all to know the point of this video  is to take you through the absolute brilliance   of this game but at many moments we will go off  the beaten path because i want to show you the   calculation and inner workings of the mind of  kasparov because my my goodness it's quite a mind   so d6 from topolof he goes for the pierce defense  d4 knight f6 some of you might know this setup by   black as the king's indian setup now this does  resemble a king's indian defense but officially   the king's indian is when white has d4 c4 and  e4 all three musketeers it's more of a queen's   pawn beginning opening now this is the pierce  because white has only e4 and d4 on the board   and you know kasparov has a lot  of ways to play this position but   one thing that even beginners and intermediates  can learn is actually the most challenging setup   here for white is the move queen to d2 why  because you make a battery with your bishop   and queen on the same diagonal and you wish to  go down to h6 why because this bishop is the is   the kind of defender of the dark squares of this  side of the board and if you trade that bishop   there could be some serious problems for black  depal plays c6 this is a prophylactic move because   he anticipates that kasparov will go long castle  and he will play b5 and kind of trampoline the   pawns and already start attacking because sparrow  says f3 maybe i'm not gonna go long i don't know   they're not actually saying these words  to each other it's the beauty of chess the   silent war this is a prophylactic move against  the knight coming to g4 and taking the bishop   and also he wants to trampoline his own pawns once  apollo plays b5 and now we have a move that again   to the uninitiated looks like it simply doesn't  make any sense and that move is knight to e2 well   why wouldn't kasparov play here to get the bishop  well here's the thing if you put your bishop on   d3 it's kind of in the way of everybody it's  very clear that white will probably castle long   you go 92 because uh you want to go g4 you want  to go knight to g3 and then you want to play g5   right now that knight can always go to h5 if you  go and attack it so gary wants to play g4 knight   g3 and then that knight from that square will  help these pawns attack on this side of the board   and that's why he doesn't put his bishop there  that bishop could just be a target but the paul   plays a move knight to d7 now we have bishop to h6  we have bishop takes queen takes and topolo plays   bishop to b7 just developing at this point gary  plays a move that has never been played before   it hasn't it doesn't change the game it's just a  move and he plays the move a3 the idea of a3 is   not that he's trying to show vessel in how pawns  move he wants to prevent b4 which would attack the   knight and force him to move but you'll notice  that topolov actually traded bishops and never   castled so he cannot castle that's an illegal move  as he'd be moving through a check there's king's   stuck there but you'll notice and say well why  isn't gary just going in well uh not like that   that's again oh man that would be tragic  queen to g7 uh why is gary not doing this   and attacking the rope well here's the  thing what happens when the rook moves   nothing i mean everything's guarded  right so you got to come right back   now you you and me right uh we play simple moves  like this not gary kasparov but the thing is if   you're going to make a simple attacking move like  this you at least have to ask yourself well what   is my opponent going to do a lot of people attack  a piece just because they think it's a good move   but if that piece can just move and attack you  right back it's probably not so great so that's   why we have a3 and now the polish plays the move  e5 and you're going to say levy i'm bored it's   been 10 moves i'm going to click off this video  very soon don't do that i'll lose ad revenue and   you'll also not see the most exciting part of  the game it's like the folks that leave in the   fifth inning of a baseball game i don't know why  i made a baseball analogy but any other sport   it's the same thing right now we have long castles  we're getting spicy all right it's getting spicy   we have a long castle queen e7 now gary plays king  to b1 always a good move move the king over one   square defend the critical squares on that side of  the board a6 uh topolov is trying to complete the   mythical quest of moving every pawn that he has  at least once the f7 pawn will have to wait knight   to c1 the other idea of king to b1 his idea is to  rotate the knight you see kasparov doing that long   time ago he put his knight on e2 now he rotate  rotates it over here we have a a rare position   in chess both guys castled long so they're on  same side but they went long castle usually   it's short side but all right i'm not asking  questions and now finally the polyp says i've   had enough of this closed position we both have  eight pawns so the position is a bit more closed   let's make the first transformation i've  changed i've changed my e-pawn for your d-pawn   you have a rook out but now your rook is just  a target but here's the thing with this move   c5 yes you make a pawn move that attacks my rook  but the route goes back and pawns can't go back   there you go you learn something pawns can't go  back so this square lost the guard if you just   instant replay that square lost the guard right  so that's what kasparov wanted he wants topolive   to overextend the paulo plays knight b6  adding a piece to this side of the board   and now gary plays the move g3 bishop to h3  is his idea he wants to activate the bishop on   the dial because this way i mean there's there's  really not much brewing on that side of the board   and now for those of you that had the patience  and did not click out of a chess video in five   minutes and 55 seconds uh the good stuff is about  to happen uh te paulov also makes a preparation   move king to b8 now gary says look i've had enough  of this i want to end up in a gotham chess youtube   video 22 years from now so it's time to you know  it's time to do something it's time to play the   best game of my damn life knight to a5 and what  that move does is it's very direct i mean he wants   the bishop he thinks the bishop is going to play  an important role in the game and tapollov just   moves away computer analysis much later down the  line shows the fact that uh d5 can be played uh   and the move d5 is just intending to give away  oop this bishop to just take back and say you   know what i don't care if gary ends up with bishop  versus one of my knights i'm fine and the machine   at first thinks that the position is equal but  it could be a very tricky decision to do that   because you know this bishop will end up here and  then you'll trade the pawn and move this pawn up   and you know in a perfect world what that might  look like is like you'll have f4 and bishop on g2   and you'll just laser beam the entire board  maybe you'll also play bishop d3 bishop e4 so   rather than doing that topolov just says i  want my bishop let's keep it over here and   gary plays bishop to h3 exactly his plan it has no  immediate attack but he just sees the whole board   okay now we have d5 and now we have queen to f4  check trying to punish tapala for weakening his   king king moves to a7 and rookie one gary  has officially activated all of his pieces   and topolov lurches forward to attack the knight  and now now let the fun begin i will roll up my   sleeves because it's about to get wild kasparov  jumps in to a square that is covered one two   three four times why does he do that because upon  the trade occurring there is a new piece activated   that attacks the queen very important for the  newer players uh you have to understand how the   position transforms when pieces are traded other  pieces open up right so now the queen of course   moves out of the way and a queen trade is offered  now this one would never be an immortal game   if a queen trade happened because to be honest  you need the queen it's the most powerful piece   most stylish piece you know and kasparov here  and you are more than welcome to pause right   now and try to find the move that kasparov played  because right now the volcanic explosion begins   the machine on my on my cloud on my web  browser here still doesn't see the move   it's it's dep 29. gary kasparov plays rook  takes d4 now again to the untrained eye   that just hangs a rook um and that you know gary  would end up in one of my guests the elo episodes   but here's the problem if c takes d4 was played  um gary intended uh to play this next dynamite   move but this also by itself looks very scary for  example if the king were to move out of the way   then here gary would detonate a beauty rook to  an untouchable square e7 and if the queen were   to take it it would deflect the queen away from  the defense of the b6 square this and for example   knight c6 check king cannot move because of that  bishop he placed there a long time ago and it   would have been mate it would have been made he's  not interested in taking the queen however however   however you cannot just take immediately because  if you take immediately i will block like this   so kasparov burst after c takes d4 plays  the move rook to e7 it's a move order thing   it's a thing of if he plays one move before the  other then that defensive resource is there but   by going rook to e7 first he now makes a  very difficult decision here for topolof   the polyp cannot take on e7 because of that  sequence that i just showed you right so instead   he goes here now had he gone to b8 then we would  have gotten queen takes d4 all the same and the   threat is a7 guarded and if you take my rook  i will go to b6 the same problem so king to b6   and now gary takes on d4 and here topolov has to  continue marching forward he has to go king takes   a five and now kasparov has invested a rook and a  horse for the attack so king takes a5 was played   to paul of one of six points of material however  i promised you the web of variations that this   brilliant mind analyzed and in this position gary  kasparov most certainly analyzed the move queen to   c5 offering another trade here he would have taken  and rather than repeating moves and or trading   the queen there is an absolutely just absol  this is one of the most beautiful things ever   so if you've made it this far you're welcome  this is gonna be like going to an art museum   bishop to e6 that move doesn't look like it makes  any sense at first what if i just take well if you   take then i come back and you're gonna lose  your queen and you're gonna lose everybody   you lose your queen they're gonna lose your king  you're gonna lose everybody you lose you lose your   hotel room you get booted out of the tournament  there oh my god sterile lose your neopets account   rook takes e6 what happened if if if you took but  here's the beauty if king a5 were to be played if   this were to be played we would get b4 check  the king has to come forward because otherwise   it's mate i mean it's simply a mate king comes  forward and now oh god this is i wish the game   ended like this queen c3 bishop takes pawn  king to b2 intending to sacrifice your queen and mate the man down 13 points  of material with three pawns   gary saw all of that i mean i didn't know i don't  know if he did i didn't text him or anything but   that's why queen c5 didn't get played that is why  because of this bishop 2e6 maybe he had something   else as well but i'd like to just believe in  my mind that you know he saw this whole idea i   mean my god just just what so instead we have king  takes a five to paulov says i don't want to lose   at least not yet you know because i don't want to  be the victim in the gotham chess youtube video 20   years later so we have b4 and now the king moves  forward so obviously the players have to calculate   this from a distance and now kasparov plays just  basically only moves and what only moves means is   that he's down six points of material so kasparov  either has to make a draw by perpetual check   which is when you check check check and repeat or  you have to win like you have to like win or like   force a perpetual that's it otherwise topalov will  survive so queen c3 threatening mate we have queen   takes d5 okay so no mate but now we have rook to  a7 threatening mate again okay now we have bishop   to b7 and and kasparov says i actually don't  really yeah i i don't actually want my bishop   uh my rook i'm sorry i don't want my rook just  take it because if you take it mate this is where   eric rosen would say oh no my rook now here to  paul played queen to c4 he's trying to get a queen   trade he could have also played this move trying  to get some sort of counter play on the back rank   had this been played there is this beautiful  move rook b6 threatening mate again   so then we would have gotten this and then  you pick up the knight and we would have   had an end game where you know one guy has a  king who is suffering from claustrophobia like   it you're never moving forward and  you're about to get mated from the back   phrasing could have been better on that statement  but you know you get the point so instead of   that the paulov looks for a queen trait and of  course kasparov doesn't go for the queen trade   and now we have king takes a3 if we had rook to  d1 check well he could have he could have he could   have traded queens the problem with trading queens  is that this endgame is completely lost for black   because the king is paralyzed i'm gonna go here  and i'm gonna go here and just the looming threat   of that makes this position not defendable like  you can't defend this position at all rook f6 or   okay six is another problem your king is just  offside okay var confirmed it so we got king   takes a three so the bollocks just going forward  right queen takes a6 king b4 and here ladies and   gentlemen kasparov just it i got nothing to say  i'm not even gonna preface this with some weird   metaphor gary kasparov absolutely obliterates his  opponent c3 the only move why because any way you   take that pawn you kill your coordination in the  game we get king takes but if queen takes then the   b5 pawn loses a guard and it's made it's made in  three in some way some sort of ladder mate on the   side of the board it's just mate um if you ignore  the pawn and you for example play king to b3   then i will play uh queen a2 king c3 queen  b2 king d3 rook to e7 cutting off the king   and it's force maiden 6. now whether or not gary  kasparov saw that or not i mean the king's here   i'm gonna come back i'm gonna smack your king  upside the head for getting too close to me   um and so for that reason topol have decided to  take on c3 and now watch this queen a1 i mean my   my guy really just played queen a1 check now  topalive cannot go back because if he goes   back there is this check and if he gets this then  kabam from behind and you have to take and lose   the guard so rather than doing that the polyp  continues to move forward you know and now gary   plays the most savage combination of the entire  game in my opinion queen to b2 king goes to d1   and gary sets up the board for the next game  because he understands that the game is over   he plays the move bishop to f1 this bishop had  two jobs go out for a smoke and return back to   its bunker to attack the queen it cannot be taken  because the king is suffocated by his own queen   via check here and that rookie all the way on  the other side would come back and attack and   it's game over the king is suffocated and so  for that reason after bishop to f1 topalive   played rook d2 you want to take my queen i'm  gonna take your queen and you have no checks   yes he does not but in this  position kasparov has one and   again only one move what is his best move  feel free to pause i'll take a sip of water gary kasparov immobilizes that rook that just  went to d2 by playing the move rook to d7 i you know i i get that there  are little pieces on a screen   but this is just a beautiful move because if you  take my rook like this i will take your queen and   you will take the bishop and for one  more move you're gonna sam up two   points of material i got bang bang and  four pawns you got queen and three yeah   but at the end of this entire damn combination the  rook on the opposite side of the board is hanging   gary kasparov didn't luck out with that he  saw that i don't know how far back he saw that   i really don't know probably from this point  forward to be honest probably from this point   forward like take take like if queen c4 i'm gonna  go here and if he goes here we have this entire   sequence of moves with bishop to f1 and then rook  to d7 and the game ended after queen takes rook   rook d3 it's still not over what is black's  biggest asset here if you said rook you are   naive ladies and gentlemen it's the pawn bang  and bang and i make a queen so kasparov goes to   the opposite corner of the board trying to get in  like this he plays queen a8 for aesthetic value   brings the queen back f4 so that he doesn't lose  the pawn the less pawns he loses for the end game   the better immobilizing this and we have king to  c1 getting in the way of the pawn rook d1 is not   possible and now the final move of the game the  top engine move once again even though here a lot   of things work queen to a7 simultaneously  threatening the pawn base and to come   back to g1 or to e3 and pick this pawn up  and hear vessel and depal of resign the game wow you still with me how many of you made it 18  minutes in this video you should be proud it's   like an 18 minute roller coaster or that was not  an 18 minute roller coaster that was an 18 minute   i mean just just an act of pure genius there  was so many layers to the calculation the   the the three pawn checkmate that we saw early in  the middle game potentially that could have you   know happened in this position right gary kasparov  was incredible uh in in in his entire career and   you know i i wanted to showcase uh his game  against the palav and the white kinsey uh   in the wykens8 tournament 1999. now if i'm  not mistaken he won that tournament with 10   points out of 13 uh he did lose a game uh  and i believe that was to vladimir kramnik   who was uh ultimately the one to dethrone him  one year later in their world championship match   but how about that game huh wow i think we all  need to take a little bit of a breath uh the   moves to the game will be in the description if  you would like to check it out on your own a link   to which is an amazing website that  has a lot of these games but everything everything   was there the the the preparation the creativity  uh the belligerent attacking power the ability to   have a volcanic eruption out of nowhere  like a you know a piston of a right hand   uh for a fighter and uh there you go as always  my friends thank you for making it this far   in the video uh and if there's anything that  you would like me to cover in future content   do let me know if you are a new fan welcome to  my channel it's so nice to have you i have a lot   of different playlists openings middle games and  games puzzle solving that i think you would enjoy   and of course if you are a turning fan  welcome back i will see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, garry kasparov, garry kasparov anatoly karpov, garry kasparov interview, garry kasparov vs magnus carlsen, garry kasparov vs the world, kasparov vs the world, kasparov vs carlsen, garry kasparov vs deep blue, garry kasparov deep blue, garry kasparov immortal game, garry kasparov best game, kasparov immortal game, kasparov best game, kasparov karpov, kasparov interview
Id: xuJvmKsDbMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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