36 Cancelled Marvel Movies That Could Have Changed MCU Entirely - Explored!

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foreign hey there guys this is Richard your host with another marvelous video this time every canceled Marvel movie that could have been game changing Marvel and DC have always stood on top when it comes to superhero origins and actions around them even though there are many successful Marvel movies and shows that gain vast popularity and success there are also several projects that didn't get made and to be frank it's not always because of some rejected script or a bat plot sometimes the storylines get made into something else or perhaps unusual delays occur regardless of the best scripts and ideas some films get canceled and Marvel had to learn that the hard way so in today's video we'll be exploring all the Marvel masterpieces that could have been game changing but unfortunately couldn't see the light of day without further Ado let's get straight into the details but before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you let's begin Spider-Man Toby Maguire Samuel M raymie who's best known for the Spider-Man trilogy initially introduced Toby Maguire as the Beloved Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man this movie was a hit with 825 million dollars at the box office followed by this we got our two other favorite sequels Spider-Man 2 released in 2004 and Spider-Man 3 which was released in 2007 and just when we were expecting Toby Maguire to play the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man for one more time in the much anticipated Spider-Man 4 it took a distressful turn Remy wanted to make the fourth film that would be the ultimate web Slinger movie but Sony was rather up for a reboot but fans waited for years till it just seemed like some distant dream Remy's franchise started planning on the fourth sequel with the screenwriter David Kemp before Spider-Man 3 even hit the theaters in 2009 Sony Pictures announced their theater release date on May the 6th 2011 on Twitter the High Hopes began to rise among Marvel fans but the Spider-Man 4 never saw the light of day so what exactly do we know about this movie Spider-Man 4 would have vulture as the main villain and we'd probably get to witness Dr Connor's transition to the lizard it's been reported that several villainous members of the Sinister Six would be in conflict with Toby's Spider-Man it already sounds thrilling doesn't it hold your breath because Bruce Campbell was rumored to be playing Mysterio the ruthless battle between vulture and Spidey would rarely be thrilling and action-packed the creators revealed that Spidey would curse off the wings of this wicked enemy and save his life the death of the vulture would probably result in something new we could be seeing Adrian tombs's daughter become vulture s who would seek revenge for her father in Spider-Man 5. Jaime Vanderbilt Gary Ross and David Lindsey also worked on the script along with Jeffrey Henderson Jeffrey has given quite a bit of effort during the production days of this unreleased movie and he confirmed that there were some rough storyboards to work with if the film was made vulture and Mysterio would get in the wall crawl his way but that's not the end we'd also get to see Shaka Rhino and the prowler in one of these storylines what exactly did they want or was their motive this time the mystery remains unknown if rhemey had it his way we'd get to see these villains in live action but several issues in the script kept getting it pushed back and the special effects crew also failed to resolve the problems promptly the executives of Sony Pictures also made several attempts to resolve the problem but there was no quick fix to the lingering issues even though they decided to delay the release to Summer Sony had to cancel the project and put an end to the Sam Raimi franchise so on his ultimate decision was to reboot and freshly start the series okay Daredevil 2. Daredevil story is something that never ceases to amaze people who get to know it a young man accidentally blinded by radioactive sludge loses his eyesight but gains extra sensitivity to his other senses he developed a radar sense along with superhuman abilities and began learning martial arts under the tutelage of another blind man soon enough he gained the attention of Kingpin and came to be known as the Daredevil that we know of but why is this character not gotten a sequel movie yet let's look into the series of Castle movies Daredevil has left behind 2003 saw the big screen debut of Matt Murdoch AKA Daredevil with Ben Affleck playing the titular role box studio produced this movie but unfortunately didn't get the film rights to the character forever because Marvel owned the copyright and the fact that this movie performed mediocre he also didn't help his case meanwhile X-Men and Fantastic Four did a much better job at the box office causing the studio to put daredevil on the back burners for a long time since Ben Affleck refused to reprise his role it was time to find a new actor when Iron Man had a huge success in the thesis Fox Executives felt the need to reboot the original in hopes that it would do well looking at how Incredible Hulk and Batman Begins did wonders for their franchises it wasn't until 2011 that a concrete decision was made to take this sequel off the ground David Slade who filmed the Twilight Saga Eclipse recently was chosen to be the director looking at his previous work it was sure that the tone of the movie would be dark and gritty very fitting for Matt fighting his way to deliver Justice to Crooks but it never happened because Slade saw himself out before the production even began and the idea was seemingly dropped the time for Marvel to take back the character Rights was approaching soon and fox had to find a way to keep Daredevil in their roster it was then that Joe Carnahan proposed an idea for a daredevil Trilogy which would be enough to the action thrillers of the 1970s and 80s he said in 2014 that while Fox just wanted him to direct a finished script he went above and beyond to suggest a Trilogy that would be grimy and dark and the Thematic arcs would be based on the music of that era Daredevil 73 would be classic Daredevil 79 would be punk rock and Daredevil 85 would be based on a new wave but the timing when he proposed this idea wasn't good because the rights were about to lapse and Marvel didn't want to extend them anymore Marvel then went on to release its Netflix show Daredevil which was widely acclaimed and went on for three seasons before it was canceled even without a proper finale episode one can only wonder what would have happened if Fox had the right script at the right time and how it would have rebooted the man with no fear foreign X-Men Origins Magneto Eric lencia AKA Magneto has been the ultimate Arch Enemy of the X-Men since the very beginning being one of the strongest mutants with the ability to manipulate magnetism and shoot electromagnetic pulses he truly is one of the most complex villains Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender have done a fantastic job as the Magneto in the X-Men movies and to be honest the X-Men entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe is something we've all seen coming so why not an MCU version of the most sympathetic villain well before the origin of Wolverine was explored in the X-Men series 20th Century Fox actually decided to make Magneto's origin X-Men Origins Magneto is something that was supposed to be giving details of this Infamous character and explore his origin story it surely tickles the curious cat inside us doesn't it who was Eric lunchere and how was his life X-Men Origins Magneto would probably have the answer to it all a potential movie even went to the extent of Sheldon Turner deciding to write the script for it but Magneto's story got drastically altered into X-Men first Class Eric and Charles Xavier's history is explored in this along with other famous movie scenes being a holocaust Survivor Magneto wanted to liberate mutants from Human oppression which also included Xavier unlike other villains Magneto is wise and logical whose point is valid at times so naturally fans were rather disappointed when the Dark theme of the character was left undiscovered despite being complex in nature he often committed heroic deeds in the comics he's one of those characters who just makes sense though they're acting as an antagonist being a strong villain with diverse intelligence and power it left MCU with a lot of room to explore his origin but on the other hand we also understand that MCA doesn't usually bring dark themed characters with complex personalities and when they do the villains usually have a very short survival time the film was intended to be a prequel to The X-Men films and was set to explore the origins of the character of this recurring antagonist in the franchise the film was announced in 2006 and was set to be directed by David S Goya who had previously written the screenplays for the blade Trilogy and Batman Begins in the end the character of Magneto was instead portrayed in the X-Men films by actor Ian McKellen starting with the first film in the series which was released in 2000 the character has also been portrayed by Michael Fassbender in the prequel films X-Men first Class 2011 X-Men Days of Future Past 2014 and X-Men apocalypse 2016. [Music] 3 Andrew Garfield if the sudden cancellation of the most anticipated The Amazing Spider-Man 3 of Andrew Garfield was shocking too you should know that you're not the only one the one enough reboot of the Spider-Man franchise is rather disheartening and confusing to many so what really happened here well after Sony Pictures put an end to Spider-Man 4 they rebooted the franchise and thus started the Amazing Spider-Man with the direction of Mark Webb and Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker it surely was a bold move by Sony to cut off the Remy franchise after the huge box office success but both the movies of Andrew Spider-Man were super hit as well Sony was pretty adamant about making Amazing Spider-Man 3 and perhaps a four and they even had a potential storyline to follow just as in the comics Gwen Stacy's character would also explore as the ghost spider so when Paul Giamatti promised the fans that he'd be making an appearance as Rhino again we all got excited with a release date of June 10th 2016 Amazing Spider-Man 3 got the Spidey fans all hyped up not just this Amazing Spider-Man 4 also had a date of May 4 2018 to hit the theaters speculation is also suggested that Felicity Jones might make an appearance as Felicia Hardy Mark Webb contributed to the first two hit films it's only natural for us to expect that he'd return to direct the next as well right well to everyone's disappointment all the Intriguing ideas were shattered the next movie was closer in the making than we realized but Andrew Garfield actually got laid off ah why Well he kind of paved the way for the dismissal of Amazing Spider-Man 3. you see Andrew was supposed to be making an appearance at the Sony Gala after the World Cup 2014 in Brazil here he was supposed to be announced as the star of Amazing Spider-Man 3 by Kaz here I however Garfield ended up backing off last minute due to not feeling well after a long flight the announcement ended up getting canceled and hirai's presentation resulted last minute and yes some bigwigs of Sony obviously felt the lack of professionalism here including hirai himself so this is how the next two movies got canceled and Andrew got fired from the role of Spider-Man after this incident Sony and Marvel agreed to introduce the character to MCU and this led to the current actor Tom Holland entering the universe as Peter Parker slash Spider-Man [Music] part 2 when Incredible Hulk cameos Green in 2008 it was a pleasant surprise to watch the Green Giant have a human side to his monster Persona Edward Norton did an outstanding job with the role and talked about a sequel that was going on but it's been over a decade and there's no Incredible Hulk 2 green lit by Marvel so what happened there was a lot of reasons that led to the cancellation of the sequel one Norton had a vision for his hope that was much darker and more serious than what the studio intended Marvel Studios was pretty much an upcoming film studio back then and had yet to develop a style of cinematography for their movies Norton was a co-writer for the first movie because he'd been a huge fan of the Hulk comic since he was a kid and saw a tremendous dark anti-hero potential in the character he wanted to give the movies the same treatment that Christopher Nolan gave to the Dark Knight trilogy the ending of the first movie was left ambiguous for a reason Norton and director Lewis letterier didn't know whether Hult would be a villain in the upcoming The Avengers movie set to release in 2012. so the the relationship between Norton and the studio executive sour during the Incredible Hulk shooting both of them had a different vision for the character and about 70 minutes of footage was deleted for the movie to be made this caused a heated argument between them and used leaked to the press that Norton might not reprise the role again for the next movie and in 2010 Marvel announced that they were letting him go due to differences and opinions during the filming of the Avengers lastly Disney purchased Marvel Studios in 2009 while the distribution rights for Hulk stayed with Universal Studios there was no way that Disney would produce a movie but would let some other Studios rake in the profits the chances for a Hope movie series are pretty much non-existent now with Ruffalo stating that Marvel has no plans for Hulk to go solo in any scenario Ghost Rider 3. Ghost Rider is a popular superhero series based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name the first Ghost Rider film was released in 2007 followed by a sequel Ghost Rider spirit of Vengeance in 2011. however the third film in the series was a tentative title called Ghost Rider Dawn Of Darkness but it was neither produced nor released there were several reasons why Ghost Rider 3 was eventually canceled first the box office performance of Ghost Rider 2 was disappointing while the first film Ghost Rider was a commercial success in 2007 according to CGI back then the sequel struggled at the box office and received mostly negative reviews from critics this may have played a part in the decision not to continue with the third installment in the series another reason for the cancellation of Ghost Rider 3 could be due to the busy schedules of the key staff in the film Ghost Rider lead actor Nicholas Cage has a busy schedule and may not be able to star in the third movie it's also true that his career has not exactly taking off again right now and even if it did he might not be able to reprise the role it is a possibility that he might have cameos here and there as the Ghost Rider in other Marvel movies since Daredevil and Punisher are also speculated to appear in other series also the film's director Neville Dean Taylor doesn't seem interested in returning for a third movie without the participation of these key characters Ghost Rider 3 would be difficult to move forward finally the Marvel Cinematic Universe has evolved significantly since the release of the first two Ghost Rider movies the MCU is a shared Cinematic Universe featuring characters and storylines from Marvel Comics and it's become one of the most successful franchises in cinematic history along with the DCU as the MCU has evolved the focus has shifted from indie films like Ghost Rider to interconnected multi-film storylines this could make it difficult to develop and produce a third Ghost Rider movie it would have been really fun though watching The Flaming bonehead act all hysteric and hilarious on the big screen foreign ER is a story of a vengeful man whose whole family was killed by a mob because they witnessed a killing in New York City he takes on the role of a crime fighter and becomes the anti-hero of his own story because of the brutal methods he uses to dispose of his victims directed by Jonathan Hensley the 2004 Punisher could have delivered what he promised it was a dark and gritty movie about a man who lost his whole family in one night to some monsters and to sworn that hilly Ray's crime altogether although it did well with the critics because they liked Thomas Jane as Frank Castle they were not impressed by the overall tone and acting in the movie the film raked in about 54.7 million dollars on a budget of 33 million dollars which isn't bad but definitely not impressive the audience loved every minute of it and asked for a sequel to be made even though it didn't have favorable Critic reviews despite mediocre performance in theaters Punisher 2 was green lit but production was halted for over three years due to the unavailability of a valid script despite hiring many writers even Hensley was moving away from the movie because it wasn't going anywhere and began venturing toward other movies there were even talks of Marvel execs trying to hire Rob Zombie as the director for the sequel who had directed movies with visceral violence and brutality before soon enough even Jane walked away from the premise and the sequel was scrapped 2008 saw another live-action movie Punisher Warzone starring Ray Stevenson but it had such bad reviews that eventually his sequel was also canceled Jane did come back as The Punisher in a 2012 short film Punisher dirty laundry but that was the last he was ever going to appear on screen as the character with John bernthal's Netflix series Punisher running for two seasons before getting canceled and Marvel bringing characters from one show into the other for guest appearances people have hoped that he might do justice to the character more than what others before him have done foreign the X-Men franchise began in 2000 and has been around ever since and who doesn't know profex and his team are powerful mutants who are ready to save the world and there was supposed to be another member of the team who's there in the comics but fell short of getting a spin-off origin story Gambit is a mutant superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe which was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Jim Lee the character whose real name is Remy LeBeau first appeared in 1990 and has been a prominent member of the X-Men and other superhero teams over the years Gambit has the ability to charge objects with kinetic energy which he can then release on impact and is known for his proficiency with playing cards and other projectiles there have been several attempts to adapt Gambit into a feature film over the years one of which was a project that was announced in 2014 and was set to be directed by Rupert Wyatt back in 2016 20th century Studio started paying more attention to this character and decided that he was interesting enough to have his own movie Channing Tatum was cast as Gambit and he was also a co-writer before the movie Reid Caroline was supposed to make her directorial debut with his movie along with Tatum and they had this vision for the film but Fox saw this as a problem they wanted a high experienced directors to take the movie in the right direction thus the movie was scrapped at the last moment in later interviews taysom opened up about the cancellation and said there were many reasons first was their inexperience in directing second even though they'd planned and written out the script the studio felt like this was totally similar to Deadpool with the same raunchy humor and R Racing they didn't want two characters with the same characteristics in the same franchise and third and most importantly Disney and fox merged in 2019 and it wanted to revamp the whole X-Men franchise from scratch leaving Gambit no choice but to be shelved Gambit's only live action appearance in the whole franchise was when Taylor Kish played the character in the 2009 movie X-Men Origins Wolverine Grace's version Vernon was first introduced in Spider-Man 3 with Topher Grace acting as Eddie Brock ex-photographer for the Daily Bugle and the main antagonist in the final movie of Sam raimi's Trilogy seeing the audience's reaction her spin-off was suggested in 2008 for the character with Paul wernick and Rhett Rhys Penning the script this was right after Spider-Man 3 was released so in 2009 the script was complete betraying the character in a more realistic darker tone that he deserves they said that since Heath Ledger's Joker was raking in good money despite being the bad guy why not give Venom an opportunity in the same direction he has the potential to be a good anti-hero being the evil gooey sentient mess he is but casting directors went sure about Topher Grace reprising the role because they were not sure if he was ready for a picture of a role like that moreover Sam Raimi himself signed himself out of the Spider-Man franchise stating that the studio interfered with his plans too much for it to perform well and he didn't want to release anything that was less than perfect director producer Gary Ross was asked to rewrite the script for Venom since he was already drafting Spider-Man 4. Sony was planning to reboot the whole Spider-Man franchise with Andrew Garfield but there was no mention of Grace in 2014 it was announced that the spin-off would be named Venom Carnage with Jim Carrey as Cletus Cassidy Carnage but Woody Harrelson replaced Carrie at the last moment then in 2015 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 performed poorly at the box office and Sony made a deal with Marvel and let Spider-Man be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe the Venom spin-off seemed to be canceled out of the blue when it was announced that it was greenlit and Tom Hardy would be playing the anti-hero and that it would be an R-rated movie this meant there was going to be a lot of violence and bloodshed happening on screen it still would have been interesting to see how Grace and Carey would have embodied the roles but now we'll never know [Music] Fantastic Four three I think we can all agree when we say that the Fantastic Four Heroes had a fan base who really wanted to see more of them on the big screen the success of the Marvel franchise is Sky High so why could these four Heroes not make it to any ranking such as Iron Man or Captain America speaking of Captain America we all remember the Human Torch played by Chris Evans right the Fantastic Four was released in 2005 and it got quite a bit of Fame despite being a box office hit with a gross of 333 million dollars worldwide it faced heavy criticism many thought that it's not a storyline that could be turned into a well-made live action the Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer hit the theaters in 2007 and the critics were a little Kinder but the direction of Tim's story got some disapproval but the special effects Silver Surfer and the action around him were way better than the 2005 one it's reported that Tim wanted two follow-up films he also wanted to introduce and include Black Panther in humans and Scrolls in the follow-up films so now actually Chris Evans and Jessica Alba were signed for a third FF film and the franchise never took it forward so why did this happen despite the positive responses at the box office the cost remained the first problem to begin with the sequel was more successful than the original and the budget for special effects wouldn't suffice not only the third or fourth would put the studio at Financial Risk only the work around Silver Surfer would be pretty exorbitant to begin with on the other hand Iron Man has gained massive success in comparison to the Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer so the studio decided to pull back their plans for any new follow-up the 2015 FF turned out to be a franchise killer despite of Studio's best intention to reboot and start afresh so these can be held as the main two reasons for the FF franchise to discontinue the movies but wait don't lose all hope Fantastic Four is now in the safe hands of Marvel and no matter what Marvel does they do handle superhero movies pretty well we'll spoil you with more details about this one in another video so let's move on to the next movie that didn't see the light of day Edgar writes Ant-Man with two commercially successful movies under its belt and a third one on the way the Ant-Man film series is an interesting one directed by Peyton reeden starring Paul Rudd Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas among others it was quite a star-studied affair well this movie was supposed to be directed by Edgar Wright and released in 2014 Edgar Wright's Ant-Man was a highly anticipated Marvel Cinematic Universe film that was ultimately canceled in 2014 due to creative differences between right and Marvel Studios the project was first announced in 2006 with right attached to the director and co-writer Wright had a unique vision for the film and spent several years developing the script and designing the look and feel of the movie however as the film moved closer to production Marvel Studios began to exert more control over the project and requested changes to the script Wright and Marvel were unable to agree on the direction of the film leading to a rights departure from the project this cancellation was a disappointment for many fans of Wright's work as he's known for his Innovative and unconvention National approach to storytelling it also represented a significant loss when Marvel as right departure left the studio without a director for a highly publicized and potentially lucrative film in the end Marvel replaced Wright with Peyton Reed as the Director and the film was released in 2015 with generally positive reviews however the controversy surrounding Wright's departure and the behind the scenes dramas likely contributed to the film's under performance at the box office compared to other MCU films overall the cancellation of Edgar Wright's Ant-Man was a disappointment for both fans and Marvel Studios as it represented the loss of a unique vision and a potentially successful film it serves as a cautionary tale about the challenges of maintaining creative control in the Blockbuster movie industry and the importance of finding a balance between artistic vision and Commercial considerations [Music] [Music] Sinister Six The Sinister Six first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man with Dr Octopus as the leader of the team though over the course of time many other villains became a part of this wicked anti-spiderman group let's see who were the other five by Dr Octavius Electro Mysterio Craven the hunter Sandman and lastly the vulture joined the force and continued to go on for 15 iterations over the years Drew goddard's Sinister Six was supposed to be a confirmed release after Sony announced two spin-offs in 2013 the end credit scene of Amazing Spider-Man 2 has gotten the fans hyped up about the appearance of sinister six members it teased the audience with the arrival of Mysterio Craven the hunter vulture and our all-time favorite Spidey villain Dr Octopus and in this movie villains such as Rhino and Green Goblin have already got introduced and also became a part of sinister six so what would the movie be about well all the villainous characters of The Sinister Six would get a Redemption story which will probably not include Spider-Man however till the script was completely ready his absence couldn't get confirmed the release date of this exciting movie was set to be November 2016. but soon Sony and Marvel had the agreement we know of and Spider-Man was introduced in MCU so Sony focused on Venom which was played by Tom Hardy and also on films like morbius with the universes aligning together the Sinister Six members such as Dr Octopus Sandman and Electro made an appearance in Spider-Man no way home however it does raise our curiosity about how their story would continue without the protagonist the wall crawling neighborhood superhero foreign the legend of the ten Rings hit theaters in 2021 and instantly gained a massive fan base played by simulyu as Xiang Chi holds the ability to summon the ten Rings which gives him superpowers the director of the film Daniel had signed for Xiang Chi's sequel as well as a spin-off which got our hopes High though Xiang Chi too will never see the light of day a curious cat within us couldn't wait to explore the potential plot in the end credit scene of 10 Rings Chiang Chi Katie met Wong Bruce Banner and Captain Marvel to get to the bottom of the origin of the golden rings the sequel had the potential to be picked up from there so he would only make sense if Xiang Chi got introduced to other MCU superheroes and was a part of phase 4 Avengers Secret Wars is likely to come out in 2026 so it also leaves the door open for an opportunity for Xiang Shi to be a part of Secret Wars the character could also play an important role in Avengers the Kang Dynasty so the sequel would be a good establishment to team up in the big movies if the sequel happened would Xiang Chi explore the pocket Dimension and the Realms of the Chinese god 10 Rings were part of five sets of heavenly weapons are that part of Tao low could also be discovered that would be pretty exciting to see when mixed with superhero action as the 10 Rings leaves room to venture through many possibilities some fans were also Expecting The Chemistry Between Xiang Chi and Katie to flourish however all hopes were shattered in pieces when the actor simulio tweeted a mockery against the massive cancellation culture right after the word of counseling Batgirl got out Disney decided to eliminate all the possibilities of the next Chiang Ching movie as well simulyu has lashed out on Twitter on the same issue where he confirmed Disney's bold step due to the quality control problems but to top it off Warner Brothers also canceled Supergirl so this hasn't been the best month for superhero fans foreign Marvels in humans movie was a highly publicized project that was ultimately canceled in 2018 there were several factors that contributed to the film's cancellation including changes in the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe creative differences and behind the scenes problems one of the main reasons for the cancellation of the Inhumans movie was the shifting priorities of the MCU the film was originally announced in 2014 as part of the Studio's phase three slate of releases however as the MCU expanded in the number of projects in development increased the Inhumans movie was pushed back and eventually removed from the schedule the problem was that they'd already made the announcements before realizing the modifications that may appear in the future a lot of changes happened in Phase 3 so it naturally makes sense that Inhumans were also prone to that soon it was even pulled out of phase four and made into a short 8 episode series before being canceled another factor that likely contributed to the cancellation of the film was the creative differences between Marvel Studios and the film makers the projects have gone through several writers and directors with no Clear Vision for the film emerging it is likely that these creative differences ultimately led to the decision to cancel the project in addition to these issues there were also rumored problems behind the scenes reports emerged of conflicts between the filmmakers and Marvel Studios as well as the tension between the creative team and the studio these problems likely contributed to the overall lack of progress on the film and may have played a role in its cancellation ultimately Marvel's Inhumans movie was a high profile project that failed to come to fruition despite its strong Source material and the success of other MCU films the movie was unable to overcome its numerous issues and was ultimately canceled it serves as a cautionary tale about the challenges of adapting complex Comics to the big screen and the importance of strong Creative Vision and collaboration oh that is cool the Silver Surfer we all remember the Fantastic Four antagonist hovering on his silvery flying board that also saved a Fantastic Four series the character has gained his abilities from Galactus who wants to devour planets he could travel through space and have greater strength to defend himself thus preparing for the arrival of the ultimate master silver surface Cosmic abilities and appearance make him a real eye-catching character on the screen and his introduction to a live action was actually pretty fruitful so when there was a slight opportunity for the characters to have his own Solo movie we Fantastic Four fans were pretty thrilled so what was it about and why didn't it get into production well if we go a little back in time Lee Cramer planned on making a Silver Surfer film that would explore the cosmic Universe Lee was a Xanadu producer who was well dedicated to making this in 1980 with a rock and roll theme and soundtrack he had a long-term plan to release this in 2001 with the name A Space Odyssey and with the Contemporary rock and roll theme all it needed was a composer so who could be better than the Beatles Legend Paul McCartney himself the best part was that he himself was interested in contributing to this Kramer then approached Stan Lee to right silver surface solo story The portrayal of the concept art was detailed and the character's features were vastly intricated from the Chrome finished bald body to the classic surfboard the scale of the movie was astonishing the silver alien would travel to earth and go against humanity to serve his master Galactus Lee produced the novel for the film with Jack Kirby which would result in Surfer realizing the Goodwill of humanity and deciding against his master his appearance here was independent and the Fantastic Four was not involved the female version of the surfer was added by Stanley because Kramer wanted his then girlfriend Olivia Newton to be a cast member in the film though it didn't get made into a proper film this rock opera solo with Silver Surfer would probably be a fan favorite because the 2015 reboot of FF has clearly been a disaster what do you think should this creation of Stan Lee come to life Toast Master if you haven't heard of this seal this Marvel antagonist then you're off Retreat daughter of General drakov Antonia drakov is the alter ego of Taskmaster she's capable of copying the fighting methods of others with photographic reflex abilities when her father was attacked by some assassinating goons and Tony experienced heavy physical damage she used a chip to control her body and mind that artificially elevated her strength though she is able to replicate the movements and fighting style she can't gain the powers of her opponents earlier she's mimicked and fought against the Black Widow Black Panther Captain America Hawkeye and so on so a solo movie now sounds better doesn't it it was director geocarnahan's long-term plan to do a solo Task Master movie in 2008 so what would the plot even be though there are no official statements on the same our best guess is taskmaster's origin story would have been explored in the film speaking of origin stories not much of Antonia's true identity or personality has come out yet a father drakov sent her to the Red Room where her personality in mind were altered and repurposed after the brainwashing her true nature was forgotten as she was reshaped into her father's greatest weapon Moon Knight would also be introduced which would have been a great Kickstart on the project yep task master and Moon Knight together in one film is worth all the time and investment of producers but with every passing day it gets less likely that this potential plot would ever come into existence play Four many Marvel fans were expecting a follow-up film after the first three Blade movies but unfortunately Blade 4 may not ever happen but almost 18 years have passed since the last blade movie and we fans are getting desperate with the Superhuman strength and the ability to heal blade is partly vampire and partly human to refresh your memory the blade is immune to sunlight vampire bites and even garlic directed by Stefan Norrington play first hit theaters in 1998 when Wesley Snipes played the character the film received positive Applause from the critics so this Dio decided to go for Blade 2 in 2002 and Blade Trinity in 2004. Wesley replayed the lead role in all three movies and with the frequent follow-up screen appearances coming in fans were thrilled about the next one Blade 4 was previously announced to have a release date of November the 3rd 2023 so naturally we're expecting some big news at San Diego Comic Con in July to everyone's utter distress it didn't go as planned it's reported that the production was shut down due to the director Bassam Tariq backing off from the project Tariq has given his statement on the issue confirming the same saying that the blade project with Marvel has been wonderful but he'll be stepping back however Tariq will be involved as an executive producer the production of Blade 4 will remain on hold for a while so the worthy filmmaker is able to pick up from where Tariq has left it there is still a risk of this getting canceled altogether but a delay is another possibility reportedly the release date is now September the 6th 2024 Marvel's effort to find a new director continues and there surely are looking for someone who understands the depth of character fans have been patiently waiting for 20 years so some slight delay isn't something they're afraid of the studio may have aimed at early 2023 to resume production but we can only hope for the best what yeah silver and black Marvel silver and black was a highly anticipated superhero film that was set to be released in 2018 however It ultimately ended up being canceled there are a few reasons why this film wasn't able to make it to the big screen one reason why silver and black was canceled is because of creative differences between the director Gina bythewood and the studio according to buys wood she wanted to make a character-driven film that focused on the relationship between silver Sable and black cat two popular characters from the Spider-Man Universe She intended to be a buddy comedy where two characters who hated each other had to tolerate the others company to complete a mission however the studio was more interested in making a more action-packed film that would appeal to a wider audience this disagreement over the direction of the film ultimately led to bythewood leaving the project another reason why silver and black was canceled is because of the changing landscape of the superhero film industry in 2018 the Marvel Cinematic Universe was in the midst of its phase 3 which included several highly successful films like Avengers Infinity war and black panther with so many successful films already in the works it's possible that the studio simply didn't have the resources or the desire to invest in another superhero film in addition silver and black face competition from other superhero films that were being released at the same time for example 2018 saw the release of Deadpool 2 and Ant-Man and the WASP both of which were well received by audiences and critics with so many superhero films vying for attention it's possible that silver and black simply didn't stand out enough to justify its production costs ultimately several factors contributed to the cancellation of silver and black creative differences between the director and the studio crowded market for superhero films and the changing landscape of the industry all played a role in the film's demise while it's certainly disappointing that we won't be able to see silver Sable and black cat on the big screen there are still plenty of other exciting superhero films on the horizon to look forward to foreign wolf by night Marvel's werewolf by night was a horror themed comic book series that was published by Marvel Comics in the 1970s the series follows the story of Jack Russell a young man who inherited the curse of lycanthropy and was transformed into a werewolf despite his popularity with readers the series was ultimately canceled after a relatively short run one reason for the cancellation of werewolf by night could be that it was simply not selling well enough like any other business comic book publishers rely on sales to stay afloat if a series isn't selling enough copies it becomes financially unsustainable for the publisher to continue producing it this could have been the case with werewolf by night as the series wasn't one of Marvel's most popular or well-known titles another possible reason for the cancellation of werewolf by night could be that it was too Niche for a mainstream audience while the series had a dedicated fan base it may have been too specific in its themes and content to appealed to a wider audience this can make it difficult for a series to sustain itself over a long period of time as it relies on a limited pool of readers to support it third reason for the cancellation of werewolf by night could be that it was simply a victim of the shifting interests of readers and the industry as a whole comic book publishing like any other form of entertainment is subject to Trends and Fashions but is popular one year may not be the next and Publishers must constantly adapt to the changing tastes of Their audience it's possible that werewolf by night was simply caught in the crosshairs of these shifting Trends and was unable to sustain itself in the long run there may have been other factors that contributed to the cancellation of werewolf by night as well it is worth noting however that despite its early demise the series has continued to enjoy a dedicated fan base and has been the subject of several reprints and revivals over the years while it may not have had the longest run werewolf By Night remains an important and influential part of Marvel's history and has left a lasting impact on the world of auric comics foreign s of the Galaxy spin-off movie with the volume 3 of Guardians of the Galaxy coming in during 2023 and I am Groot in production it's safe to say that James Gunn is on a roll the volume 2 end credits have introduced us to characters such as staka ogood Charlie 27 Martin X Mainframe and Alita oh good they'll be played by Sylvester Stallone Bing Reigns Michael Rosenbaum Miley Cyrus and Michelle yo James Gunn has recently disclosed that during the time he visited the ravageous ship during Guardians of the Galaxy vol 1 he had let Kevin Fage know about the potential ravages show and phage the president of the Marvel Studios gave gun a word that if volume 1 is a success ravages could be a possibility not just a success it was one of the highest grossing movies made and yet no official ravages news is to be found James has also confirmed that he did have a potential idea that's been pitched to the studio but we're still in the dark about any updates so it's only safe to assume that ravages will no longer be hitting the big screen on the other hand the iron Groot is getting quite the hype with this adorable trailer and well that's enough to keep the fans distracted from the other spin-off that won't see the light of day other canceled X-Men movies everyone knows the X-Men franchise and the effect it had on our dreams to become a mutant who had superhuman Powers but there are many movies that were shelved by Marvel Studios which have been put on indefinite hold or been canceled altogether let's look into some of them and why they might never see the light of a theater screen a multiple men multiple men also known as Jamie Madrox is a mutant superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe it was created by writer Len Wayne and the artist John Byrne the character first appeared in 1975 and has the ability to create duplicates of himself Each of which has its own Consciousness and abilities multiple man has been a member of various superhero teams over the years including the X-Men and X Factor there was a project that was announced in 2018 and was set to be directed by Simon kindberg who had previously directed and written several X-Men films the film was set to focus on multiple men as the main character and was set to be a standalone film within the X-Men film franchise James Franco was attached to Star as Multiple Man the movie hasn't yet been made and it's not clear if it's still in development X-Force this movie was announced in 2013 as a spin-off of the X-Men franchise focusing on the X-Force team Drew Goddard was set to write and direct and the movie was eventually released in 2018 one of the most well-known attempts to make a movie out of it was a project that was announced in 2013 and was set to be directed by Jeff Wadlow The Firm was set to feature a lineup of characters that included cable Cannonball Domino and Warpath and were set to be a spin-off of the X-Men film franchise in 2020 it was announced that Disney and Marvel Studios were developing a new X-Force film as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe however as of 2022 there have been no further updates on the project and it's unclear when or if it will move forward all right y Pride Kitty Pride also known as Shadow cat is a mutant superhero in the Marvel correct Universe She was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist John Byrne and made her first appearance in 1980 over the years Kitty has been a prominent member of the X-Men and has been featured on several different media platforms such as comic books video games and television shows there have been several attempts to adapt Kitty Pride into a feature film over the years one of the most well known of these was a project that was announced in 2017 and was set to be directed by Tim Miller who had previously directed the film Deadpool the film was sent to focus on Kitty Pride as the main character and was set to be a standalone film within the X-Men film franchise but it was never made and as of 2022 there have been no updates Laura Laura Kinney also known as x23 is a mutant character in the Marvel Comics universe who was created by writer Craig Kyle and artist Chris yoss the character made her first appearance in 2004 and is a clone of the character Wolverine whose real name is Logan like Logan Laura possesses retractable bone claws and regenerative healing factor and has been a member of various superhero teams over the years including the X-Men there was a project that was announced in 2017 and was set to be directed by James Mangold who had previously directed the film Logan which featured Logan and Laura as the main characters the film was set to be a standalone film within the X-Men film franchise but for unknown reasons it never went past the stage of being discussed and it's unclear if it'll ever be made adult animated Deadpool series who is the coolest superhero of Marvel if not the one with explicit dark humor and a pony Deadpool movies are R-rated and have gross 260 million dollars worldwide which is a huge success for the production the character has gained massive popularity due to the actor Ryan Reynolds added elements of Quirk so naturally the adult animated version also got our hopes high this unnamed animated Deadpool series was supposed to be produced in collab operation with Marvel TV FX production and ABC signature Studios Bert says the characters of Deadpool are owned by Fox it was unclear who would be going forward with the end project so why did this get canceled the comedy focused action series was written by Stephen Glover and was likely to be a 10 episode series Donald Glover has been accused of leaking the pilot script online could this be a reason for conflict some were expecting Marvel to continue with the project without the Glover Brothers but after all it would be hard to pick up from where they left off Donald Glover has confirmed the elimination of the project with a statement saying that the creative differences have forced the brothers FX and Marvel television to part ways from the project it is likely that FX has favored the brothers and pulled out from the Animated Series being a strong character the series had a lot more potential if the creators were patient enough so when FX CEO John landgraff broke the news of the show's demise it obviously bumps out many Marvel fans landgraff also added that the decisions around IP are strictly control by Marvel and it was their choice not to continue with the Glover Brothers version of the storyline landcraft was seen favoring both the Glovers and clearly the mismatch between the big shots has gone pretty complex and therefore resulted in a complete elimination of what would have been a masterpiece power pack Marvel's power pack was a popular comic book series that was published by Marvel Comics in the 1980s and 90s the series followed the adventures of four young siblings who gained superpowers and work together as a team to protect the world despite its popularity with readers a power pack movie has never been produced there are several reasons why this may have happened one reason for the absence of a power pack movie could be that the character and story don't have a wide enough appeal to justify the production costs of a feature film while the comic book series may have had a dedicated fan base it's possible that the characters in a story may not have resonated with a wider audience this can make it difficult to justify the investment of time and resources into a film adaptation another possible reason for the lack of a power pack movie could be that the characters and story haven't been a priority for Marvel Studios the company has a vast library of characters and prophecies at its disposal and it must make strategic decisions about which ones to adapt for film it is possible that power pack simply hasn't been a priority for the studio or that it hasn't fit into the larger plans and vision for the Marvel Cinematic Universe it's also worth considering the possibility that a power pack movie may have been in development at some point but was ultimately canceled for various reasons this could have been due to changes in the film industry or the Studio's Focus creative differences or any number of other factors without more information it is difficult to speculate on the specific reasons for a hypothetical canceled adaptation while power pack was a famous and beloved comic book series a movie adaptation has never been produced there are several reasons why this may have happened including limited appeal lack of priority for the studio a rather creative or industry related factors it might have an interesting premise because it Bears a resemblance to Spy Kids and since Kevin feige is still interested in putting this movie out still have a chance of watching this in the theaters [Music] Fury is it even an Avengers movie if Samuel L Jackson isn't making an appearance with an eye patch as Nick Fury since the summer of 2022 a rumor of this Shield Leader's Solo movie has been going around the Marvel fan base out of the plenty of unconfirmed rumors of batwearing talks about the now discarded Nick Fury Shield spin-off movie it was proposed the plot would be creased into Captain America too however the idea was eventually shelved and the spin-off was moved to the television network on the other hand Samuel L Jackson has made his remarks regarding the character not needing a solo movie as of now well we fans beg to differ because imagine an unlimited thrilling action-packed film with Fury though it might be a little too late now has no official announcements have been made yet foreign Nighthawk is a character in the Marvel Comics universe who was created by writer Roy Thomas and artist John romita Senior and made his first appearance in 1971. the character has gone through several different iterations over the years and has been featured on many media platforms including comic books video games and television shows Nighthawk is a superhero who has the ability to fly and is Guild in hand-to-hand combat he's been a member of several superhero teams over the years including the Defenders and the Squadron Supreme and has often been portrayed as a socially conscious and politically active hero there have been several different versions of Nighthawk over the years with different characters taking on the mantle in different storylines the most well-known of these is Kyle Richmond a billionaire who inherited his wealth from his father and used it to fund his superhero activities as Nighthawk other characters who have taken on the mantle of Nighthawk include Golden Eagle he was a member of the Squadron Supreme and Jacob Whitmore a member of the initiative a standalone movie was supposedly under discussion which featured Nighthawk as the protagonist and told his side of the story there are many arcs that can be explored such as how his personality originated how did he get the powers from Grand Master and mainly how he started off as a villain but had his Redemption Arc and assisted The Defenders and the Squadron supreme but it never made it past the stage of being discussed in the boardroom and it's unclear if it ever was in development Wesley Snipes his black panther this might be surprising to hear that the blade actor had his own vision for the Black Panther character in the 90s but Marvel's Black Panther Comics had Advanced features and action scenes that wouldn't be possible to bring to live action just then due to several disadvantages but Marvel wasn't as advanced as it is today and the CGI Technologies didn't improvise much on the other hand Wesley was at the peak of his career with films such as jungle fever New Jack City and White Men Can't Jump Marvel didn't want to let go of this star so Marvel starred him in a more doable project which was blade it instantly gained popularity and resulted in being Marvel's first successful movie with 131 million dollars worldwide Wesley Snipes has also revealed that the like of a director and script played a part and is one of the reasons why the Black Panther project ended up not moving forward David hater's Black Widow David Hayter wanted to make a black widow origin story named after the character long before Marvel even attempted the same the famous writer was involved in the project as a director and script writer and was working in association with Lionsgate films in early 2004. the character's rights were soon completely gone to Marvel Studios in 2006 which resulted in the complete elimination of the project Elektra ultraviolet blood rain and Lara Croft Tomb Raider were some of the female-centric movies of the era that didn't do that well at the box office this was also one of the reasons why Marvel didn't want to pursue the origin story of Natasha Romanov Scarlet has given Black Widow much more popularity and is quite the irony how Marvel has gained huge box office hits out of the character in the present time hater has expressed his admiration for Natasha and spent over a year writing the script he's revealed that the storyline would follow Natasha finishing her spy training and returning back to her Homeland nope that isn't all the fall of the Lawless Soviet Empire along with loose nuclear missile would add to the thrilling elements of the story when Natasha Romanov was introduced in Iron Man 2 hater had hopes for his script unfortunately that will not be the case and David hater's Black Widow will remain Under The Shadow Guillermo del Toro and Neil gaiman's Doctor Strange in 2007 Neil Gaiman and Guillermo del Toro announced that they were developing a doctor strange movie for Marvel Studios Gaiman who is a well-known author and comic book writer was set to write the script while Del Toro a classically acclaimed director was set to direct however the project was ultimately not approved by Marvel and never came to fruition in 2016 a new version of Doctor Strange was released directed by Scott Derrickson starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the titular character this version of the film was a success and launched a franchise within the Marvel Cinematic Universe it's not uncommon for film projects to go through development and not come to fruition with various factors contributing to their ultimate cancellation or delay it's not clear why the gayman and Del Toro version of the film was not approved but it is possible that the studio wanted to take the character in a different direction or had other creative differences with the filmmakers Gaiman had stated that he wanted Stephen Strange to be an alcoholic and a dispared surgeon who went through an accident that changed his life but all of this happened in the 1920s it is an interesting thought to have him Master his Mystic Arts in Greenwich and not age since then making him over 90 years old definitely the character would be out of place in the modern world providing quite the comedic relief while he adjusts to the technology even though there Doctor Strange movie wasn't made both Gaiman and Del Toro have had successful careers in the entertainment industry Gaiman has continued to write novels comics and screenplays and has recently written the widely acclaimed the Sandman while Del Toro has directed a number of critically acclaimed films including Pan's Labyrinth and the shape of water so that friends with the list of every canceled Marvel movie that didn't get made tell us your top three picks that you would have enjoyed seeing on the big screen perhaps adult animated Deadpool or another Amazing Spider-Man by Andrew Garfield let us know in the comments and we'll see you in the next one till then toodaloo and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like can subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks everyone [Music]
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 605,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qe6smU6561o
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Length: 54min 14sec (3254 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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