I LOVE James Gunn’s GAME CHANGING Plans for the DCU

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well Dwayne Johnson was right about one thing the hierarchy of power in the DC Universe is about to change just not for him it's changing but it's leaving him in the dust say goodbye to faces folks because the DCU is starting with chapters chapter one is going to be titled Gods and Monsters and I couldn't be more excited about what that implies for how James Gunn and Peter saffron are going to be tackling the reboots ish kind of thing for their Universe this is the perfect starting point for the DCU for some reason movies have been obsessed with putting these characters into our world but the thing is that's not DC characters live in places like coast city which is called that believe it or not because it's located on a coast DC is not the world outside our window that's what Marvel Comics are for DC has always been about telling us stories about Gods trying to be like humans and yeah there's a lot of relatability to those characters but they've always seemed more Mythic in my eyes we need to exist in the larger than life world to give these characters Justice and having them face a wave of monsters is just awesome in that sense now monster I think is a very versatile word and doesn't necessarily mean that each movie The Hero has to fight something like titano the Super 8 the term can be used to describe actions choices and yes sometimes physicality that allows for a very unique lineup for our first group of big bads and I think is a brilliant way to complement each story that is being told and also the idea of Gods and Monsters these mythic Larger than Life beings and the Misunderstood small outcasts it almost feels like James Gunn's whole Mo when it comes to the comic book stories we've seen from him and I think it's also laying a foundation for the kinds of characters that we're going to see in chapter 1 of the DCU but I think the thing that I'm ultimately most excited for is the idea of a thematic through line across these films television shows and yes I guess video games are going to be thrown in here too it doesn't have to be this plot Point connecting to this plot Point connecting to this plot point that the MCU has done because really if you look back at the MCU phases there hasn't been themes that have connected them they've all just been projects that have led into each other through Easter eggs and stuff of that nature and it's obviously worked for the MCU but I think for me purposefully selecting properties and then finding ways to assemble a story that paints a larger message that deals in a thematic through line across all of the works that is exciting that feels like the true touch of a writer director someone with the Visions someone with a passion for emotionally driven stories that have something to say and then obviously they're gonna all bring it home for one finale to this chapter before moving forward for the next to 10 years and I think that is exciting these stories I think are going to feel a lot more insular and self-contained but will also point to some other stuff that's going to happen in the world with other characters and that's exciting but first and foremost we need to care about the story that we are currently watching that we're experiencing that we're a part of and that idea couldn't feel any more important to gun and saffron as they move forward with the DCU I love this quote from gun here where he says movies in general are not as good as they used to be because they're set into a date and they don't even have a third act until they're already shooting we're going to make writers as important as they are that is our commitment to this process that is all I need to hear that's exciting that tells me that he's going to put Story character emotions Artistic integrity above interconnected Universe with you know Easter eggs and cameos and all that stuff obviously you don't think he's pointing fingers here but but you know Eat Your Heart Out Kevin's like Superman embodies kindness in a world that looks at kindness as being old-fashioned said Peter saffron this quote is everything this shows me that Peter saffron and James Gunn get it they get the core of the most important superhero of all time kindness this is what makes Superman Superman and enhance that understand that you know you're going to get a quality Superman story we know that James Gunn is going to be writing this film and honestly I would be shocked if he didn't direct it he has a very personal connection to Superman when James Gunn was 11 years old his parents sent him to see a psychiatrist because he didn't interact with his peers much growing up in order to help James that psychiatrist encouraged gun's father to take an interest in the things that James loved which means comic books so he drove his son to Creation Comic-Con in Chicago where they met Ernie Chan and it cemented James's love of comics and he said that one of his happiest moments was one when he walked in on his father reading a Superman comic on his own now if that doesn't indicate that James has some serious passion for the Man of Steel I don't know what else does I think it would be a damn shame if James didn't write and direct this film okay so Legacy is an interesting title for this and I think it can tell us everything about the movie to some extent Superman is the last son of Krypton so he has the legacy of an entire planet on his shoulders to complement that in Superman's overall idea of preserving life and Tranquility I believe the big bad of this film is going to be someone like Brainiac a character who much like Superman is carrying on the legacy of not just one planet but multiple he collects knowledge and once he has gathered all he can from one planet he destroys it so that he can be the only one to hold on to that knowledge he does keep a souvenir of the planet he destroys often in the form of small bottled cities this can tie into Superman or just that level of continuing Legacy could have Brainiac have the bottled city of Candor allowing Superman to know that he actually isn't the last of his kind I also think that the idea of legacy is going to be an ongoing theme for this entire chapter of the DCU I mean by introducing Damien in the Batman stuff that is literally continuing the legacy of that character it's also just a nice human side to the whole Gods and Monsters angle it allows us to relate to these characters who are larger than life since we all have families but after the DCU is introduced to the Superman what's going to come next honestly The Authority is such a fascinating and quintessentially James Gunn choice for the first big team up quote-unquote thing of the universe they're a team who will do anything necessary to get the job done basically we're going to be getting the DCU version of the boys only maybe less irreverent but still tapping into James Gunn's roots in terms of trauma and some of his earlier work James Gunna said that this is a major passion project of his and so that means it's probably going to be something very cool what has been said is the Superman film is going to lead directly into the authority that can mean many things but I believe that this means that this group of Heroes are going to look at Superman's more compassionate way of being a hero as stupid or weak or just like ineffective you know you need to get things done no matter what that's what this team is all about and they don't really care what kind of moral rules they have to break in order to make that happen as Peter Safran put it they're kind of like Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men they know that you want them on the wall or at least they believe that they're violence they get done for better or worse when discussing the authority Gunn also said that he worked on the outline for the authority and he's working hard on it with writers Gunn called it a big movie and sees the Wild Storm characters joining the DCU and offers a different kind of story all that sounds rad is all hell and with gun at the wheel this could be another great team movie like The Suicide Squad something that allows us a more violent entry point into this world but has all the charm and humor and Reva James gun production I genuinely have a feeling that out of all the films announced the authority might wind up being one of the more important ones in chapter one of the DCU could they potentially be the antagonists that the Justice League are pit up against in this pulmonation at the end of chapter one who knows but I do think they're going to ultimately be n antagonistic force and yeah I mean look anytime the gun gets to go back to his roots uh I'm all for it I think this movie's gonna it's gonna be great picking up pretty soon after the Superman movie I think this is a super interesting companion piece the really cool thing about Cara zorel in comparison to Clark Kent is that she did grow up on Krypton she spent 16 years of her life there so even though Clark is an alien he is still a boy who grew up in Kansas he's as American Earth boy as we come Cara is a character constantly confronted with loneliness she has no idea of how to relate to Earth culture and being her age she isn't sure how to come into her own yet and look we all know that James Gunn is a big fan of Tom King so it would make sense that he would enlist King to bring forth an adaptation of Supergirl woman of tomorrow which is just an absolute Masterpiece of a Supergirl story I think what's so cool about it is it's a recent one at that I like the gun is unafraid of going for story lines that work or that have compelling ideas regardless of whether or not it's really like taking hold of the comic book Zeitgeist or whatever he's just gonna go for what is an interesting story and obviously Tom King is a genius so it makes perfect sense why he'd want to work with a writer like him seriously that Mr Miracle run was out of this world but basically when it comes to Supergirl woman of tomorrow if Superman was sent to Earth and raised by loving parents this story basically positions Cara as a girl who was on a piece of Krypton that drifted away from the planet forcing her to watch her entire world die so she's a quote-unquote harsher and more up Supergirl as James Gunn puts it one that viewers probably aren't used to seeing and I like that woman of Tomorrow specifically is a story of Supergirl turning 21 and taking off into the Galaxy to get drunk she wanted to celebrate but can only do so under a red Sun since it nullifies her powers while this happens she runs into a little girl who is bent on getting revenge on a man named KREM of the yellow Hills who had murdered her father what follows is an introspective story about these two hunting down KREM and understanding what it means to be a superhero and particularly what it means to be super girl how that hope she brings is so important in what people go to in order to hold on to hope but moving away from the kryptonians and into the world of Gotham City let's talk about the Batman well I guess technically that Batman but also more bat men the bat family we're gonna talk about bats so let's get one thing out of the way first the Batman part 2 as it's being called is going to be coming out on October 3rd 2025 and yeah I'm all for it I just hate the fact that we have to wait so long until we get the second part of Matt Reeves's Trilogy which by the way they did announce that it's going to be a Trilogy so thank God for that and while we're on the topic of the Batman James Gunn did announce that Matt Reeves's interpretation of the Caped Crusader is going to be part of what they're calling DC else worlds which is going to also include Joker Folia do which you know Joker to I'm the Joker baby and all the other more prestigious stand-alone films that aren't going to be part of the interconnectivity of the DCU that also means projects like Teen Titans Go and I'm not sure if that includes the valsad Superman movie that's in the works with JJ Abrams producing is that even happening I have no idea but I would have to imagine that that will probably be in the DC else worlds universe and I love it I like the fact that they're going to have a separate division a separate Universe for these one-off stories because I have truthfully liked most of those stories more than the interconnectivity of these cinematic universes not that there isn't value in that but I like the fact that we can go watch a Batman movie and just have it be this isolated singular vision of Batman but back to the matter at hand here the Brave and the Bold this is going to be the introduction of the dcu's Batman it's not Robert Pattinson's it's not Ben Affleck as James Gunn said we're working you know with Robert on Batman 2 and in dealing with that Matt Reeves I am working with Ben Affleck who really wants to be has been a part of our architectural team trying to bring things together and he really wants to direct one of our projects and we're excited for him doing that but this is the story of Damian Wayne who is Batman's actual son who we didn't know existed for the first 10 years of his life he was raised as a little murderer and assassin he's a little son of a he's my favorite Robin based on Grant Morrison's comic book run which is one of my favorite Batman runs and we are putting that all together now so there's a couple of really interesting things about that statement from Gone One the fact that he's acknowledging both Robert Pattinson and Ben Affleck is like hell yes love all of that and uh the fact that they're looking at Ben Affleck to direct in the DCU is incredibly exciting which basically makes my mind go into the realm of Oh They'll probably get Ben Affleck who is one of the biggest Batman fans on the planet to direct this DCU version of Batman and this is the first time we will have two distinct versions of a character running in tandem in film to my knowledge so I think making them very different is important we've got the older Batman with the bat family and then we've also got you know Robert Pattinson being Vengeance off in the Reeves verse giving the DCU Batman Damien is a very cool way of doing this gun also hinted that this would be the beginning of introducing the bat family at large we're gonna get to see red hood Jason Todd we're gonna get to see Dick Grayson as Nightwing Barbara Gordon as Batgirl all these characters I'm sure Tim Drake will probably be in there in some capacity and I'm very excited for that because I think there's a lot you can do with the bat family this idea of mentors and students fathers and their children I mean if you look at Bruce as a parent and how he treats each of the members of the bat family in his relationship with them and his struggle tools as a parent I mean there's a lot to really explore there and it looks like this is the direction gun and saffron are probably headed in even if the only inclusion to the bat family we see in this first outing is just Nightwing allowing Bruce to talk to one of his sons about his new son could be a very cool angle to take things the overall theme of family I think is going to be so crucial to this interpretation of the Dark Knight this is territory that we've never really gotten to delve into with Bruce and I think it's some of the most rich to mine in the Batman mythology the then importance of having Damien become Robin would be to a allow the hole in Bruce's life to be filled and allow him to grow past the loss of Jason setting up a very cool Red Hood story that is family oriented as a sequel and B allows Damien to come to understand what it's like when someone truly loves and cares about you Talia al Ghul Razzo ghoul's daughter is an okay mother but she still allowed her son to become a ninja assassin who is very okay with decapitating people and so she's not taking home any mother of the Year Awards I think exploring those two sides of the growing up in a up family situation would just be an excellent path to take these characters in also Brave and the Bold is traditionally a Batman team-up book even the cartoon was a show in which you got to see Batman teaming up with lesser-known DC heroes so maybe this just extends to the bat family and this and people get not only a Nightwing but a Batgirl too and also we can get someone like the question or maybe a Jason blood Cameo the Brave and the Bold opens a whole new realm of possibilities that could probably be its own Cinematic Universe so there's a lot going on it's a real shame that there isn't already a bunch of Green Lantern movies and shows this group is so visually interesting that they feel almost designed for the Silver Screen focusing on Hal and Jon Stewart is a totally awesome move here I think both Hal and Jon balance each other out very well and putting the show as something set out in space would have been cool but I get the decision to make it primarily Earth focused I mean look Lethal Weapon in space sounds pretty cool but True Detective with Green Lanterns on Earth also sounds equally awesome and then also the fact that this giant mystery they're going to be unraveling is going to play into the larger DCU story I think is a brilliant move I mean you want people to watch both TV and films you want them to be tuned into what's going on in this chapter one of the DCU and I think if one of your major plot points one of the key things that sets up the rest of your chapter one is going to happen in in this Green Lantern show that's a great way to get people to tune into this show I mean look they'll probably already tune in anyways because from what I've heard they're looking at getting some very big names to play Hal and John so I think that might do a lot of the selling and who knows but I think branding this as must watch TV to clue you in on the future of the DCU chapter one like that's brilliant that's a really good way to connect both sides of things sticking with television but moving over to themascara while the future of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman remains in flux gun and saffron have basically said they've met with gal and extended an invite to join the new DCU whether Gaul accepts is another story but it seems like the door is open should she want to return and really it seems like the door is open to most of the Legacy DCU characters that part of this whole thing felt a bit nebulous you know like who's going to stay who's not going to say whatever Wonder Woman is such a great character and if Paradise Lost means we get to explore more of her and the Amazons in a prequel series then I am all for it the Game of Thrones ask HBO Max series spin on it is also kind of a no-brainer and I'm glad that gun and saffron figured that one out right out of the gate especially with the surge in popularity of fantasy shows like House of the dragon and the rings of power Diana's ties with the magic and gods are something that have been explored to questionable degrees in the former dceu actually firmly putting us in the world of specifically Greek magic and mythology will be very cool and having an entire show will allow us a lot of time to explore that it looks like the show is largely going to take place prior to the events of Diana's birth and explore the Genesis of demiscira although I'd be very surprised if they didn't introduce her towards the end of the series I don't know how many seasons this show will go on for with it being a prequel show they could probably do as many as they wanted but if they wanted to keep connecting it to the DCU at large I mean maybe this is like a one-off miniseries who knows but I think that setting this show before even the creation of Diana allows us to explore the fascinating Greek pantheon of gods focusing on the Game of Thrones influence I think will make it a very interesting way to depict these warrior women and the gods that they will be facing off against in opposition to most Heroes Wonder Woman is often going on quests more kin to Jason and the Argonauts then Green Arrow so this will also give us an insight into how heroism has evolved across time the Amazon's fighting characters like Medusa or just any God would set us in a world that is very different from the main focus of the rest of the films which does seem more alien or human as Peter saffron said it's really about the political Intrigue behind a society of all women James Gunn added to that saying how did that come about what's the origin of an island of all women what are the beautiful truths and the Ugly Truths Behind all that and what's the scheming like between the different Power Players in that Society introducing us to this world is going to be a wild ride in allowing us to really live there by being in a show is going to be great and I think this show when it's all said and done could wind up being one of the better entries in this entire universe I'm just very very excited to see them explore the idea of gods among men and then also just the the political Intrigue like that is like that's awesome man come on that's so cute Booster Gold is going to be an interesting one and this is also a project I'm very excited about one he's a great character with so much Charisma and he very much deserves his time in the spotlight now the really cool thing that can be done with him is explore the mess that is the DC EU timeline he can have altered so much that has brought us to this point where we've you know had to reboot again I think under no circumstances should we visit or see older versions of the characters in this movie because good Lord that would cause chaos and confusion the project is revealed to be a show on HBO Max and along with that are casting rumors you know a lot of people thinking that maybe this is the role that Chris Pratt is going to play Given his working relationship with James Gunn and I mean the idea that he's going to be playing this loser from the future it just you can see someone like Chris Pratt taking over that role and I think he would have a lot of fun with it I'd also be down to see it as well the ideas of greed and how vain booster is are super unique to him but never stop him from being a hero and I think allowing us the time in a series to watch that breathe will be very cool it would also be really cool is if they could tie this into the Blue Beetle movie in some capacity I mean obviously Blue Beetle was coming out in a time where it's like the year zero of the DCU before Superman Legacy so like it's going to carry over but how much of it carries over I guess remains to be seen either way I just think Booster Gold is going to be great because it's going to be a comedy it's going to have a lot to kind of say about the popularity of superheroes I don't know booster has been a cult favorite as gonna said for some time and it'll be fun to see him cross over into the mainstream and I think out of all these characters booster is one of the newcomers that I think a lot of casual comic book fans are just like casual come comic book movie and television Watchers will latch onto just because of that Charisma and the wacky kind of hijinks that come with the character speaking of wacky let's talk about Creature Commandos they're animated and they technically are kicking off this whole chapter one Gods and Monsters thing and that's awesome characters are right up James Gunn's alley and definitely his brand of obscure weirdo but cool comic book characters when you look at the Creature Commandos right off the bat they look like monsters from classic literature the classic Universal monsters and all that stuff but they're more just offshoots of them you have a Frankenstein's monster but that's actually a man named Lucky who was anything but he was blown up by a grenade and sewn back together he can no longer talk but he feels so much compassion for everything around him the other members included a dude who signed up to become a Dracula past station some Midwestern boy who happened to be a werewolf obviously I think this is going to be set in World War II given the the mascara show is going to be set all the way back and then this being the show that kind of like opens the gate to chapter one of the DCU I think they're gonna set it in World War II where the superheroes really start to emerge and I think it'll kind of play out as an equivalent of The Suicide Squad in that sense they do the Dirty Work work that the JSA doesn't want to get their hands in hopefully horror influence will ooze out of this show and given the fact that it'll probably be on HBO Max it can probably get away with a bit of a TV and rating or something along those lines and I think the big thing about this is that I like that they're crossing over animation with live action they're not really differentiating the two we can have a character show up as an animated character in something like Creature Commandos and then that character can come over into the mainstream in live action and it's going to be that same actor and that shows that James Gunn is a guy who's willing to take risks he has a vision he's willing to diversify the kinds of content that the DCU is putting out there look at that just exciting it's nice to see animation treated with the same respect and put on the same playing field as live action I would also like to put an image in your mind that will become infectious and probably take up all your thoughts this series directed by Gandhi tartakovsky in a similar style to Primal this would probably become one of the best superhero things that's ever been made ah good old Amanda Waller glad to see Viola Davis is returning Amanda Waller is scary she is probably one of the scariest creatures in the entire DCU having her control everything behind the scenes would be a very interesting angle to take this almost a version of the old Marvel Comics Nick Fury agent of shield but definitely more up she can just manipulate everything and everyone to her will I also obviously think that the suicide squad will be tied into this because you don't often get Waller without a squad of some sort something that could be interesting is taking characters from the recent Tom Taylor suicide squad Bad Blood book I think pairing her up against the revolutionaries would be a very cool enemy for her to take on she stands for basically everything that's wrong with the government and that group is designed to revolt against that it was said in the press release that she'll be teaming up with members of Team Peacemaker and pulling strings from behind the scenes of course that means this will be taking place before 4 Peacemaker season 2 and that makes a lot of sense considering the fact that that season is probably on hold because James Gunn has an entire Cinematic Universe to Shepard in and he's also writing Superman Legacy so it'll probably be a second before we see Peacemaker again so this kind of being The Unofficial Peacemaker season two makes a lot of sense I dig it in the Waller show itself we want all likelihood see an extension of what we've seen her doing before but cranked up to 11. and the last thing that gets me super excited for this show are the incredible writers that they already have attached for it with Crystal Henry who's created a very successful Watchman sequel series on HBO and Jeremy Carver who created the amazing Doom Patrol show I knew there was a reason they had to cancel that show it's because he's involved with Waller I mean I think we're gonna get an amazing gripping spy government story involving Amanda Waller and some of the more grounded elements of the DC okay here's the thing swamp thing is awesome and I'm so happy we are finally getting a movie with him because that show was canceled way too soon absolute but it's okay it's okay we're all good here we're getting a new Swamp Thing there are so many different ways you can take this inspiration will of course be drawn from the classic Alan Moore Run of the character that literally defined him but I honestly think that the very recent run by ROM V would be a cool place to take some ideas an infection in the green and the idea of an imperfect guardian of the Green in our choice of Swamp Thing anyway this is gonna be awesome I'm excited for an environmental message in a superhero film Swamp Thing kicks so much ass there's also a very cool area for the universe to dip into the monster's side of Gods and Monsters especially with them announcing that this is going to be a dark horror film swamp things horrifying roots in comics not physical I mean you know what I mean are a really exciting Avenue to explore and there is currently a rumor floating around that maybe James Mangold is being sought after for the project I mean that could lead to a very interesting introspective look at these characters and I think allow the darker themes to really shine through the mature approach he showed he had when taking on Logan and the guy is really incredible and he could be amazing for this character and allow the horrifying monster side of it all to shine James Gunn has also said that Swamp Thing is going to start out a bit separated from the overall universe and then over time will connect a bit more I don't know maybe it'll be like Ant-Man where he's just kind of there chilling in the universe and then eventually you'll be like whoa in the fold or something also with something like Swamp Thing that gives you a bridge to cross over into justice league dark like John Constantine and a bunch of those characters there's also like you know the multiversal component to the character that I think also opens up another realm of possibilities so maybe Swamp Thing won't be as prominently featured in the main conflicts in chapter one but it's easy to see how he'll be a character that plays a bigger role as the DCU goes on first and foremost this is a very promising plan for the DC film slate I mean I'm stoked out of my mind like I think what's great about James Gunn and Peter saffron's plan is that they're integrating well-known A-list characters like Batman and Superman and Green Lantern and all stuff like that but then they're throwing some curveballs in there right we've got Creature Commandos you know even something like Booster Gold while he is a bit more popular among comic book fans I mean he's still kind of a niche character he's not that well known and I think there's a lot of interesting things you can do there obviously the authority like it just shows to me that they're willing to take risks they're willing to put Story character and the important stuff when you're building out a universe or you're telling a story ahead of oh can we connect this character with this character let's just do it like this all feels so meticulously planned and like they're trying different things that someone like a Marvel would have been too afraid to do the emphasis on the writers and the direct actors and the Artistic integrity regardless of where that takes them that is what gives me hope for the future of the DCU but before we really start getting to that place obviously they have to kind of figure out what to do with the projects and the actors and the characters that are currently on their plate and have films coming out this year I mean my God we have Shazam 2 Fury of the Gods coming out in March that's like a month away and we're already just kind of forgetting about it we're all just like oh let's just move on to the future of the DCU let's just talk about Superman and all that stuff I mean it's just kind of a weird gray area to be in the current releases are going to be Shazam 2 which as gun has said is kind of its own Standalone thing Shazam kind of does whatever he wants so we'll probably see Billy Batson and Shazam and all those characters pop up in the DCU so that means Zachary Levi will probably come back and hopefully when he comes back he's not an anti-vaxxer anyways that leads us into the flash which James Gunn has called one of the best superhero movies ever made so I mean if that doesn't get you excited then I don't know what does and this will serve as the in continuity explanation for the reboot much like how in the comics flashpoint was used to introduce the new 52. next will be Blue Beetle which we've already kind of talked about and then after that we'll get Aquaman the lost kingdom now both of these will probably find their way over into the DCU because Lou Beetle Booster Gold that whole thing and gun has already said that Blue Beetle is going to be a part of the DCU going forward we just don't know in what capacity and also the great news that I have to imagine is what Jason Momoa was so excited about a couple weeks back was that we are also going to be getting a third installment in the Aquaman Series so that means that Jason Momoa is going to be sticking around as our Aquaman for a bit longer and hopefully you know even after that the fact that they just so passionately wanted to see James Wan finish out this Trilogy wanted to see Jason Momoa finish out this Trilogy I mean look the first Aquaman was a billion dollar film look I'm just stoked that we get more Jason Momoa Aquaman because those films are blast and I think I'll just end on this all of this seems like a really positive direction for DC film to be headed in I think for the first time in a long time people who have loved the DC Comics who have loved these characters can get excited about stuff that isn't just Prestige film Batman and not that I don't like those I mean obviously my God the Batman is a Masterpiece and The Dark Knight trilogy is as well and you know how much I love Man of Steel but I think that like being able to explore characters and see them interact with one another I mean that's what we've all wanted from DC for the longest time and it feels like such a concrete plan something that is so meticulous and well thought out that you can't help but get excited about and they're taking risks they're taking Wings this is the that we want this is the reason why we were excited when James Gunn was announced as one of the co-ceos of DC Studios the planning and interconnectivity seems purposeful and strategic but also it emphasizes the diverse kinds of stories DC is interested in telling big iconic characters mixed with obscure d-listers cross medium storytelling inconsistent actors playing these characters regardless of the formats Everything feels creatively freeing and yet completely organized in uniform which gives me so much hope it shows they're willing to take risks make bold moves and inspired creative decisions all while giving audiences the interconnected Universe Thrills they've come to love as a result of the MCU this is precisely the creative tonic we've been craving to combat the MCU we haven't seen if the DCU is going to work yet but having guns Instinct for narrative is going to pay off big time the Thematic connections are going to be huge and I think it's going to make the stories more emotional more poetic and the interconnectivity more natural it's just all so so exciting and I can't wait to see what these projects end up being foreign [Music]
Channel: FilmSpeak
Views: 1,019,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james gunn dc slate, dcu slate reveal, james gunn, dcu, james gunn dcu, why james gunn will save dc, dc studios james gunn, dc studios, the batman 2, dc movie news, dcu movie slate breakdown, dcu slate reaction, dcu slate explained, dcu chapter 1 gods and monsters, dcu chapter 1 explained, dcu explained, dc studios announcement, superman legacy, james gunn superman, dc reboot explained, dc reboot, dc video essay, video essay, filmspeak, gods and monsters explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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