JOHN WICK: 4 (The Baba Yaga, High Table + Ending) EXPLAINED

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if you win the table will honor its word you will have your freedom but you won't take it I want you to find your peace but the good death only comes after good life an execution hey guys what's happening neat here with film Comics explained as heavily requested today we're going to be exploring John Wick 4 the recently released installment in the John Mick series directed by Chad stahelski who helmed the previous three films and starring the legendary Kiana Reeves the late Lance reic in McShan Donnie Yen Lawrence Fishburn huru yuku sonada Shamir Anderson Reena saama Scott Atkins and Bill Skarsgard the newest chapter is the bombastic icing on the proverbial cake that is the John Wick series the latest entry into the franchise is the encapsulation of what happens when an Unstoppable force in this case Wick meets an immovable object the high table an Illuminati like Shadow organization with seemingly unlimited power and influence you come here thinking there is a way out of this world for you Mr Wick or is not the ambitious and bigger in every way the fourth film offers a larger scope consolidating in all the world building action and character work that has come to represent the series coming in with a runtime of 249 minutes it's the longest entry in the series the most epic probably the most ingenious for its use of cinematography and the one that pushes John to the ultimate limit I know we have three films before this one so to make sure that everybody's absolutely caught up with everything in this video we're going to explore the story so far why John Wick is such a deadly force what happens in John Wick 4 the ending to the future of the John Wick series as a whole as I said in the past there are a few things in life that are certain like our impending debts the fact that we all have to pay taxes and how pissing off John Wick is the fastest way to meet [Music] Jamaica it was just a car just a dog you can either hand over your son or you can die screaming alongside here John Wick introduced us to the dark sleek and well-dressed underground criminal Society filled with assassins who for the most part seem to abide by a code of conduct gentlemen do I need to remind you that there will be no business conducted on the Continental grounds each subsequent film uncovered more layers and the unique hierarchy en rols that governed his world controlled by members of a secret organization known as the high table which we'll get into shortly gentlemen this institution is now deconsecrated high table emissaries will be joining you presently to see the removal of your souls from the property the remaining constant is that jordani javanovich is a man in Peak physical condition possessing Incredible strength stamina reflexes durability and Agility for a man of his age along with a ridiculously high pain tolerance that enables him to push on where most men would give [Applause] up having trained in a school for Assassins along with the Marines is an expert Marksman with phenomenal proficiency for head shots and a master martial artist that can use his body and improvise weapons to bring his foes [Applause] down he has Ninja likee Stealth is a master technician and an expert driver that can use his car as effectively as his [Applause] gun he even has great knowledge of the human anatomy and physiology aiding in his ability to take people down as ruthlessly as possible as well as help him take care of his own body when he's injured I also believe that his affable demeanor with his preference to avoid fights when he can his friendly and professional manner and his strong sense of Honor went a long way for Wick who is both feared and respected amongst his peers John you working afraid so this enabled him to develop strong ties with a handful of people he closely trusted as friends putting their relationships and lives in danger as the series has progressed do it's Wick you shouldn't be here I was almost up I still have 5 minutes please Mr Wick you'll never believe I stopped on the hour she did no no no what I told you where the medicon was where here just below my floating rib you should not H my leg oh wait one may not be enough but what makes him stand out from everyone else and what I believe to be his greatest asset is his indomitable will and anger that go handin hand with his Pursuit for vengeance and retribution in the kind of style that only Giga chats like Kiana re could deliver in the John Wick comic series written by Greg Park and illustrated by Giovani Vetti we learned that John was an orphan born in bellarus who spent his you thieving in the streets trained by the director the head of the rusa Roma that operated a school for Assassins jordani was put through a strict training regimen that included a mixture of ballet and combat to ensure that recruits were not only good at killing but also masters of movement after leaving the rusa Roma Wick served in the United States Marine Corps he then left the military and became a freelance Hitman that was eventually introduced into the ways of the Continental by Chiron the comic showed his first induction into the Maria crime family as their death dealer Paving the way for his transition from an amateur to a professional Boogeyman within a few years Jon began developing a reputation for his lethal efficiency and he became highly respected and feared within the criminal underworld with all the top bosses in the mafia and criminal organizations seeking his employment at some point he began working for Russian mobster vigot tarasov who deeply valued Wick as an associate for his persistence seeming invincibility and unparalleled skill once killed three men in a bar with pencil I know I've heard the story penil after years of bloody service to the tasov wick met a woman named Helen that he'd fallen in love with he asked fgo's permission to leave and the gangster reluctantly agreed on the condition that he completed an impossible task killing all of his rivals in a single day impossible for most but for John it was Friday Wick sought the help of Santino know de Antonio for Manpower and equipment in exchange he made a blood Earth by giving him a marker an unbreakable vow to do any task antino asked of him in the future upon completing the deed Jon was finally freed from his service to vgo and the B yger retired from his life of crime following the death of his wife to illness Wick stayed away from the world of organized crime instead choosing to spend his days driving his priz car and caring for his dog Daisy left to him by Helen all of this would Chang when Yosef tasoff assaulted on not realizing who he was before killing his dog and stealing his car the only two things left in the world that he loved what follows is an enable Siege against his former boss with JN wiping out Vio his son along with their entire Entourage of 77 trained [Music] Killers cwma you sp [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the sequel begins with John forming a truce with Vigo tof's brother Abram only to find centino knocking at his door requesting his Services no one gets out and comes back back without repercussions John Wick initially refuses but with sentino blowing up his home and the fact that he gave him a marker the indebted Wick reluctantly agrees to help sentino kill his sister enabling him to take her seat at the high table what brought you back John your brother though he completes the task John is betrayed by Santino who opens a $7 million contract on John under the guise of avenging his sister forcing the bagaga to kill all 128 of his men l s while sentino escapes to the safety of the Continental Wick breaks one of the major rules of the high table by killing him within Hotel grounds taking his death toll to a whopping 205 people within a week yeah I'm thinking I'm back unfortunately things go from bad to worse Wick is informed by his friend Winston the manager of the New York Continental that per the high table rules the contract on John had now been doubled as a consequence of his killing a high table member Winston then declares Jon excommunicado which meant that he would be losing all access and privileges to the global Network in addition to having the full might of the high table after his head tell them all whoever comes whoever it is I'll kill them the high table is basically a council of 12 crime Lords that govern the underworld's most powerful criminal organizations many of whom we've already met they considered the ultimate Global authority of the underworld with many police forces politicians and bureaucrats in their pocket allowing them to conduct business with virtual impunity there are 12 seats at the high table camora Mafia and Drang the Chinese the Russian led by the Elder below him and the 12 crime Lords were the harbinger an emissary and Collective voice of all the high table members and the adjudicator the main agent and enforcer of the high table seen in John Weck 3 climb down off your high table and go yourself you gave John Wick seven bullets your tenants will be paid with seven Cuts long live the king then we have the Continental hotels the official operating grounds of organization members around the world and the One-Stop shop for rest Weaponry bulletproof style and any other form of support its members might need is a I have never known him not to be good afternoon Mr Wick I'd like it tasting I know of your past fondness for the German varietals but I can wholeheartedly endorse the new breed of austrians flared Magwell for easier reloads and I know you'll appreciate the custom porting shall I have everything sent to your yes thank you excellent seeking a way to remove the growing bounty on his head John found the enigmatic Elder who gave him a way to remove the contract to do this John was forced to give up his ring finger and wedding ring swear undying filty to the high table and told that he needed to finally kill Winston for aiding him neither the open contract nor the ex communicado will be lifted until you complete your task I will serve I will be of service after killing another 94 people in this film he chooses not to kill Winston instead he shot by his friend in front of theud at that have been hunting him putting Winston and the New York Continental back in the good graces of the high table don't see any other way how do you feel you pissed John are you yeah coming off the back of a whopping 299 kills AC across the one week that spans the first three films giving Wick an average of 42.7 kills per day the final film kicks things off with a bang aided by the Barry King John Wick four has katos I mean the boogeyman continuous one-man war against the shadow organization that he' once been a part of a new day is Dawning new ideas no Wes New Management in the sewers of New York JN is given a new bulletproof vest by the bowy king who was also taken care of the pitool wicked rescued from the pound what I love about this film is that it incorporates multiple genres of action beginning with a homage to traditional Western returning to the Moroccan desert to confront the Elder Jon shoots his bodyguards and bows down requesting to get his ring and freed him back telling him that the ring was gone like the Elder before him that nobody escaped their nature or the high table the Elder explains that the only way John Wick would have Freedom or peace now or ever would be through death with the Elder finally saying that he came a long way for Nothing Jon stands up and says not really executing the head of the high table you see the boogeyman is fed up with the organization and now wants to see them burn for not letting him return to his quiet life of Peace partly Furious and also a bit worried that death incarnate would come for them all the high table seek the help of an ambitious member the Marquee Vincent de gral who was given the power of Auto imperator essentially judge and executioner played with delightful Menace and arrogance by Bill Skarsgard the mares essentially tasked with using the ne infinite resources of the group to hunt and kill Jon while punishing those that helped him in return he would get a powerful position at the high table and potentially a shot at becoming the new Elder as a result he sends their Harbinger to the New York Continental to inform Winston and Chiron that the hotel was condemned giving them now to evacuate the premises and appear before the Marquee Clancy Brown brings gravitas and way to the harbinger and despite only being in a handful of scenes he's the finality and conclusiveness of the high table personified after being chastised by the Marquee for failing to kill Jon Winston and shiron are informed that they were also excommunicado the pair are then horrified to see the hotel demolished before the Marquee callously executes shiron forcing the former manager to live as an outcast I have to say that this moment was especially painful with the recent passing of the phenomenal Lance reic who will sorely be missed knowing that John had already slaughtered hundreds of Highly skilled men the Marquee travels to his home in Paris and enlists the help of a blind retired Master assassin named Cain who also happened to be an old friend of John I used the term enlist Loosely of course you see after being ordered by the high table not to see his daughter Cain literally blinded himself enabling him to be near her without breaking the rules and despite the man saying that he was retired the Marquee forces him to hunt John Wick explaining that refuser would leave the high table no choice but to respond by taking his daughter's life with the number of his enemies rising and his friends dwindling John heads over to the Asaka Continental to seek Refuge from his friend shimuzu Koji whose drip is just as sharp as his Katana huru yuku sonada delivers an admirable performance with his Koji commanding the same respect and honor as kean's Wick and although he's only in the film for a short time there's so much weight in the discussion he has with JN asking him if he ever gave any thought to how this would end Koji emphasizes the motif of the high table as a group that only gives life or more aptly grants it in return for death something that reverberates continuously throughout the film The Master also reminds Wick that friendship meant little when it's convenient and he's true to his word committing all of his employees and even his family to take on the high tables endless supply of killers that arrive at the Osaka Continental to investigate believing it to be harboring JN in a bombastic setpiece that most films would end on the film provides us with an epic appetizer of martial arts choreographic frenzy and damn near unparalleled visual action with most of the killers is wearing bulletproof suits the gunfu incorporates this into the action having them using it as a shield while also firing shots the added difficulty of having them confront the fully armored men we saw in the previous films also creates this new level to the choreography with head shots being used to merely incapacitate them temporarily until John or our other Heroes got close enough to finish them [Music] off don't get me wrong the movie is self-aware of how ridiculous many of the scenarios are which often head into the realm of the hilariously absurd but it's played so dead pan by the actors that it works despite John also getting involved in the Carnage The Marquees second in command shiy and their near Limitless number of fully armored Killers wipe out most of koji's men with hyoki at 62 Keanu at 58 and Donnie at 59 years of age it's incredible these men are still moving with the fluidity and Grace of guys half their age after Wick exterminates waves of killers he engages in his first battle with Kane which is interrupted by a Tracker named Mr Nobody and his awesome dog in a nice call back to the first film that kicked everything off played by Shamir Anderson Mr Nobody is hunting JN but decides to let him go multiple times until the contract money is increased to an amount of his liking he even saves his life a number of times to ensure that nobody claimed the contract before him while Wick offered to stay and help Koji telling Jon not to waste the gift that he gave him the injured Master tells him to Escape before confronting their old friend Cain reminding him that Brotherhood should come before contractual obligations in the final bout between them the injured Koji is no match for Cain who is forced to kill his friend in front of his daughter Akira feeling guilty and knowing that the injured woman would die if she confronted him now he somly encourages her to live and hunt him down when she was ready the equal to John and coji is of course brought to life by martial arts Legend Donnie Yen who gives Cain so much heart and humor despite the precarious situation is forced into to this point is definitely crucial to how the ending plays out and although some of the scenes with him shooting people while dodging bullets as a blind man hit the realm of insanity Yen moves with such elegant purpose that it simply Works especially with the bumping soundtrack by Tyler Bates and Joel J Richard and down lon's Innovative cinematography the camera work is critical to keeping our eyes glued to the screen in the same way that the choreography is in many ways I think that John Wick helped save or at least preserve the action genre in its purest form the problem is that while traditional martial arts movies of the ' 80s and 90s prided themselves on continuous shots to show how meticulous the choreography was Hollywood came in with the multiple cut approach while this made it easier for non-martial Arts trained actors and took away much of the leg work from coming up with intricate movement in camera work the result is that the audience can't see anything a bold strategy with no payoff but dizziness and limited satisfaction as a love letter to the action grates and gun fu masterpieces like hardboiled the John Wick series instead uses wide shots and continuous takes to show how the characters creatively use the environment in combat so not only do we have beautifully stylized action and performances from the actors and stman that have poured months into getting the movement right and not only does the camera enable us to see everything clearly but the environment is a character in and of itself something Jackie Chan Donnie Yen and the likes of jet Le have tried to explain to Hollywood for decades I never move my camera always steady wide angle let him see I jumping down I do the flat I do the four showing his Delight in playing cruel games with the siege of the Osaka Continental failing the Marquee stabs the hand of the tracker when he demanded more money in return for killing John giving him the option of either pulling the knife out or damaging his hand by pulling it away away from the knife to show filty through pain Vincent de gral watches with joy as Mr Nobody Does the latter while all of this is happening the bounty on JN continues to rise hitting a staggering 20 million the Marquee is so sure of himself that he doesn't realize his actions are quickly leading him towards consequences he may not like not only is Winston Furious that he killed Chiron and destroyed his home but nearly everybody he forces into his employment including Cain join him unwillingly often putting them in a position where they choose to sneakily side with Wick returning to New York to meet with Winston at chiron's grave the bager is informed that according to the old ways Jon could be free of his obligation to the high table Forever by challenging the auto imperator to a duel as per the hi table tradition John needs a second to support his Motion in this case Winston but he also cannot request to duel the Marquee without support of one of the 12 crime families and so with JN having cut ties to the raskar Roma he heads to Berlin requesting a new Crest from his adoptive Uncle puto of course with the high table having begun to punish all those associated with John Wick the reception is Frosty his adoptive sister ktia informs him that puto was executed by killer Harkin the head of the German crime family and a senior at the high table although they initially plan on turning him over to the high table they agreed to give him what he wanted in exchange for killing the man that executed katia's father in a flamboyant performance matched by the roundhouse kicks that only Scott Atkins can pull off in a fat suit the actor brings the Larger than Life asthma puffing Kung Fu gangster to screen met by Kane and the tracker who take a seat beside him inside the crime Lord's nightclub the four beginner poker game surrounded by Killer's 50 or so armed henchmen to decide who lived and died with the scoundrel cheating and setting his guards on Wick the other two train Killers assist him in wiping out Harkin's men and another slick action setpiece Wick is straight up headshotting and murdering bad guys in the nightclub while people continue to Rave yeah Berlin is wild and I am clous Jon is very much a man who mostly speaks through his actions and his actions speak for themselves in fact one of the best parts of the series is how the characters are revealed through action without the use of dialogue no having completed his side of the agreement JN gets a new rusara Crest branded onto his hand enabling Winston to hand a letter to the Marquee challenging him to a duel realizing that he might have bit off more than he can chew the Arrogant Marquee also reminds Winston that as John second if John was to fail he tooo would be executed unfaced and leveraging the success of the duel to guarantee his reinstatement as a manager of the New York continental and the rebuilding of the hotel at the high table's expense Winston tells him that such is life and another sweet call back to his final discussion with his good friend Chiron in a meeting that is moderated by The Harbinger Jon and the Marquee arrange on the conditions of the duel choosing to fight at Sunrise using pistols showing he was just as much of a rule Bender as everyone else the gramon nominates The Reluctant Kane to take his place in the duel put putting John up against his equal and honestly probably once his Superior prior to blinding himself More Than This the Marquee does not intend on letting JN climbed the 202 steps of the sakra that led to the location of the duel and so the bastard doubles the contract putting a bounty of 40 million on John's head turning the streets of Paris into a war zone with all nearby Contract Killers converging on his location in his final words to the bowy king who gives him a new suit and weapons and Winston JN tells them that if he died he would like them to write loving husband on his Tombstone reminding us that not a day has gone by that he hasn't thought about Helen featuring insane chases where johon is literally headshotting people that bounced off cars using fire breathing shotguns his hands pistols and his indomitable will in addition to the amazing sweeping overhead shots reminiscent of Minority Report the Paris sequences indicated that perhaps even death was scared of approaching Wick aided once again by Kan and Mr Nobody in his dog when Jon chooses to end the person about to kill the pooch instead of the tracker John climbs all the stairs stairs once again after being knocked down from the top by shii in another over-the-top moment used to exemplify how overwhelming Wick's obstacles continue to be with Kane and Wick killing all that stood in their way and arriving exactly at Sunrise the rules of the duel are broken down both will fire a shot from 30 Paces away moving 10 Paces closer each round until only one was left standing while both gra each other with the first shot John appears to severely ma his old friend in the second round remembering what Ki said about friendship meaning little when it's convenient Wick ultimately tells Cain that those that clung to life died while those that clung to death lived he then intentionally doesn't fire a shot at 10 Paces enabling Cain to fire a crucial hit into Wick's stomach Ally pronouncing his victory the Marquee takes kan's spot telling him that his obligation was completed and that his family was free but before he can fire a shot Winston reminds him about the rules and consequences the Marquee had used to justify his actions before revealing that Jon had yet to use his third bullet and with that Jon fires a shot to his head head killing the auto imperator and ending the Inquisition while taking his kill tally to a whopping 439 bad guys as promised The Harbinger tells Wick that he's finally free of any obligation or debt to the high table and that they would honor their agreement with Winston apologizing for wounding his friend Kane says goodbye before John asks Winston to take him home after finally getting the freedom and peace he'd long fought and killed to get John thinks of his wife Helen and collapses on the steps the final shot of the film is of the bowy king John's dog an Winston standing over the grave of Helen and John Wick which read loving wife and loving husband respectively as per his last request seemingly indicating that our hero had died but the ambiguity in the king's next question and Winston's answer in addition to the Illusions and Jon's struggle to distance himself from the profession he wanted to retire from suggest a dual meaning which is supported by interviews with the producers director Chad stahelski and even Kiana Reeves when the Barry King asked Winston if John was now in Heaven or Hell Winston tells him he wasn't sha prompting a huge chuckle from Fishburn and a puzzled look from Wick's dog the creative team of all basically said that the character will rest for some time and depending on the success of this film and how receptive viewers were they would be interested in the fifth film let's not forget that their intention was to initially make John Wick four and five back to back before that was halted by delays during the pandemic the post-credit scene with Akira approaching Kan and his daughter and the fact that we don't see John Wick's dead body leave it open for a sequel of Keanu Chad and the creative team feel as though there's more to exploring the character and world but of course Keanu is now in his late 50s so if he ultimately decides chapter 4 is where the story ends the film is the perfect conclusion for his character it's kind of poetic that not even death could kill the ultimate top G only he decided when and how he would die and when he did it was done in the same way that he lived his life by honoring his friends and loved ones and exacting Vengeance on soy boy Aristocrats and evildoers if we find out that Jon had faked his own death to avoid further trouble from the the crime World in a sequel his line about those clinging to death living would also have more resonant meaning with that said there are a few things on the horizon for the John Wick Universe Kiana was booked to appear in the upcoming spin-off ballerina set between the third and fourth film it follows an assassin named Rooney hunting down her family's Killers Rooney was first featured in John Wick 3 scene training under the tutelage of the director the head of the Rus Roman crime family in addition to Keanu the film will also feature Angelica hust and Ian McShan reprising their roles as a director and Winston in addition to lanica Chiron and his final appearance that was filmed before his death there will also star newcomers Norman Reedus Gabriel burn and Catalina sandino Moreno an upcoming television series called the Continental set in the70s we'll also explore how a young Winston revealed in John mcf to also be a member of the Rusk Roma won control over the New York hotel and safe haven for the high table Colin Woodle plays a young Winston Aida Deon will take on Chiron ktie McGrath is playing the adjudicator Mel Gibson stars as a new character named Cormac likely an assassin while Peter Green will play Uncle Charlie the cleaner we saw in John Wick 1 and two this is Wick I'd like to make a dinner reservation for 12 with all of that said I love this movie and think the creative team should be proud of what they've been able to achieve in this series so far hats off to kananu his tenacity kind-hearted nature and professionalism as the Temple of his character Wick and the legacy of the career is built for himself it will be sad to see the John Wick series end here but also Bittersweet the man has given his all to the action genre and as one of the last action heroes it was breathtaking to see him kick ass one more time that was a pretty good fight huh yeah I'll catch up to you John no you won't with that said that's all for today folks a huge thanks to everyone that requested we explore John Wick chapter 4 don't forget to hit like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video and if there's anything else you'd like for me to cover please don't hesitate to ask as always it's been a pleasure neat here with film Comics explained thanks for stopping by get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] bloody [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FilmComicsExplained
Views: 781,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZCyAP-J-bLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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