EMPEROR PALPATINE: Lore Compilation Video (3 Hours)

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greetings students of the force welcome back to the channel as you can see by the video's length we are a huge fan of darth sidious emperor palpatine here this three hours worth of content only really represents about a third of all of the content that we've made about darth sidious and also content about the sith master that we hope to produce in the future for now though if you're as interested in the greatest sith lord to ever live as we are we hope you enjoy this lore video compilation thank you as always my friends for all of the support on the channel may the force be with you and i hope you enjoy emperor chief palpatine's insatiable lust for power has led him into decades of conquest and ruthless bloodshed subjugating nearly the entire galaxy within his grasp over the years he has come up against some of the most powerful opponents that the galaxy has to offer only to best nearly every one of them in single combat while his duels with master yoda and mace windu are the most iconic and well-remembered encounters one particular duel leaves us with a few questions during the clone wars sidious battled his own former apprentice turned cornerstone of the criminal underworld darth maul who sought to confront palpatine with his brother savage opress by his side though they were ultimately defeated by palpatine during this battle maul wielded the darksaber the iconic mandalorian artifact which grants control of the entire mandalorian armada to the wielder denoting them as the ruler of mandalore by all accounts palpatine should have inherited the darksaber from maul after defeating him in solo combat in accordance with the mandalorian custom and he would have been able to command the mandalorians as well as both the grand army of the republic as well as the separatist fleet so then why didn't palpatine claim the darksaber for himself after defeating maul why did he let maul keep control of mandalore and what would have happened if palpatine decided to claim the darksaber for himself well today students of the force let's answer why palpatine let mandalore slip through his fingertips and did not claim the darksaber it's first important to understand palpatine's master plan and why it worked in the first place while control of mandalore would have been incredibly sought after by most power hungry tyrants palpatine had much bigger plans at work and controlling mandalore would have actually been a detriment more so than it would have been a benefit to his ultimate endgame on the surface control over all three of these positions seems to be the ultimate power play but the reason palpatine was ultimately able to obtain control of the galaxy was because he got the republic and the separatists to destroy one another having control over both sides meant nothing if he was exposed as a double agent and he could only gain full power by eradicating both sides at once meaning that darth sidious would have had to publicly claim control of the darksaber and the mandalorian throne in order for the mandalorians to follow him in the first place and this would have ended the entire strategy with which he had been working on for so long and the strategy established by darth bane a thousand years ago if he outs himself as darth sidious and rules as an open sith lord then the jedi would finally be able to find the ever elusive sith master that had been plaguing their ranks for years and he would have had a target on his back the size of the death star if chancellor palpatine assumed the role however and never exposed his dual identity as a sith lord then it would have had a completely different set of ramifications first he would have to explain exactly why and how he is talented enough to best a sith apprentice in physical combat which he might not have had an answer to this would also be a direct conflict of interest as he only commands the republic as the supreme chancellor but the jedi order as well and his dual leadership over both factions would have likely been disastrous palpatine's goal was not to control just one planet or one faction of individuals but it was to reign supreme over the entire galaxy but in order to do this however he had to let some benefits slip away in favor of a larger grand scheme palpatine could have theoretically controlled mandalore but this is where his plan would have ended allowing himself to stay in the shadows was much more valuable than controlling all of the mandalorian people if he assumed the title of man dolores darth sidious then he could have waged a full-on war against the jedi with a sith lord commanding the mandalorian army which likely would have been a difficult task for the jedi to subvert not to mention he couldn't have executed order 66 anymore because order 66 required an immense amount of preparation the reason that order 66 worked wasn't because it simply eradicated the jedi but it worked because he was able to frame the jedi for treason after being confronted by mace windu and therefore he had cause if he decided to blindly execute the order without any justification then the senate would have never allowed him to create a new empire without just cause and if he was ruling over mandalore at the same time then this very public conflict of interest would have crippled sidious plan there is simply no way for him to utilize the order because everyone would know exactly why he executed the jedi as history has shown however conflicts between the jedi and the mandalorians seldom end well and now that the jedi also had an army of clones at their side then it would make much more sense to palpatine to continue with his initial plan this initial strategy allowed sidious to create an entirely new style of government far larger than anything the mandalorians could have provided him while the mandalorians would have been valuable assets his plan far outweighed simply controlling mandalore palpatine never needed an army nor did he ever have to be in the front lines of a war in order to win one he was always a strategist and a master manipulator this is why it was so rare in fact for darcidius to personally go confront maul on mandalore in fact sidious already had two armies at his disposal yet he never served as the leading general of either he never had to as darth bane proclaimed that the sith would rule from the shadows and would no longer be outright warriors but would now become some of the most influential members of the entire galaxy from the shadows and the sith had not been able to win a war as purebred warriors now they would finally win the war though as scientists bankers and politicians while the darksaber served its own series of advantages that palpatine could have used especially after the rise of the empire the consequences of wielding the darksaber publicly would have far outweighed any benefits he could have collected by assuming control of the mandalorian creed palpatine had his grand plan in place and taking control of the mandalorians was never a part of it he did not venture to the world of mandalore to claim the darksaber in single combat against darth maul although after defeating him it absolutely would have been his right to claim all of mandalore instead it was his goal to completely destroy the galaxy and remake it in his own image with the empire and destroy the two prominent governing forces in the republic and the separatists and taking the darksaber for his own would have outed him as a sith lord or would have raised numerous important questions not to mention at the time darcidius did not need the mandalorians to get rid of the jedi as he already had the clones but anyway my friends what are your thoughts on this and what are your thoughts on our analysis and answer do you believe that this makes sense as to why exactly darth sidious decided not to claim the darksaber after defeating maul in single combat do you believe that this was the right move or do you think that he could have potentially kept it secret and ruled over mandalore as a sith lord as always my friends thank you guys so much for watching the channel hit that subscribe button and may the force be with you hello guys and welcome back to the stupendous wave lightsabers have been an integral part of the star wars universe as the select weapon of choice used by the force-wielding factions of the jedi and the sith so fan expectations were high to see if emperor palpatine ever used one we saw his devastating display of skill and revenge of the sith as well as in the clone wars as palpatine dispatched four jedi masters faced off against grandmaster yoda and dealt with maul and savageo press with considerable ease but just like every other saber user his was specifically designed to meet palpatine's own needs and his needs alone due to this his lightsaber had a very unique design that was not only hated by every jedi but would come to be despised by even darth vader himself but why as we know lightsabers are a specific reflection of someone's own inner workings and their own self-design therefore it would make sense why the lightsaber would reflect them so what made the jedi despise his lightsaber so much and what were palpatine's lightsabers made of specifically meant to insult the jedi's core philosophies well today we will answer that question first though according to our analytics a lot of you that watch the channel haven't actually subscribed yet so if you've been enjoying the star wars content and would like to keep up to date on everything star wars related daily force crushed that subscribe button now acolytes let us begin cydia says lightsabers were made of a rare and extremely expensive metal several metals in fact they were made of frick which was a largely indestructible metal only really found on gormus or tatooine it also sported an erodium emitter a rhodium being a yellow colored metal rarer and more precious than gold and it sported a shiny electrum finish electrum perhaps the most important of the medals after mentioned as everyone is aware a lightsaber is also known as a jedi's weapon palpatine specifically crafted this lightsaber to insult them because of one of the jedi's core philosophies this philosophy to remain humble and to know their place as a servant of the force and the galaxy at large sidious's lightsaber though would not represent any of these qualities quite the opposite in fact by design by constructing his lightsaber of the most expensive material sidious spat in the face of that ideology his lightsabers were a statement which basically said that he rejected humility and that the galaxy and the force will be servants only to him ever the pragmatist sidious already had prepared a backup lightsaber this weapon was initially identical to his first lightsaber with the electrum and frick finish again identical to the lightsaber that he originally constructed however sidious would later make the decision to retrofit it with an unknown black alloy darth sidious created his lightsaber during his apprenticeship and used this weapon throughout his sith training under darth plagueis when he began his political career he concealed his lightsaber within a statue in his senate chambers the weapon remained hidden within the statue for at least two decades waiting until palpatine needed it continuing on now with the make of the lightsaber and the greater details of it the weapons sported shorter handles which perfectly suited palpatine's more one-handed fighting style sidious was a master of all seven forms of lightsaber combat but often preferred to use form vii julio however he was also known to fall back into form vi naiman sidious's form was a sort of mix implementing the acrobatics of ataru and the aggression of de gem so the fourth and fifth forms of lightsaber combat respectively julio heavily emphasized using the mindset of the dark side in order to use it properly one had to completely succumb to the lure of the dark side and use their own ambition their inner emotion and hatred with every strike and motion this was something that came quite easily to sidious sidious form was one that was completely banned in the jedi order until of course mace windu came up with the vapehad variant this design choice is where vader had issues with the lightsabers though stating that they were inferior to the lightsabers that he would go on to construct in the dawning days of the galactic empire following order 66 and during the great jedi purge vader was a fledging sith lord having just barely gotten a hold of being within his new suit his blood thirst for jedi was insatiable and he scoured every corner of the galaxy turning over every rock to find every jedi going this way and that finding all of the ancient order since having lost his lightsaber on mustafar sidious lent vader one of his own lightsabers to use until the sith lord would eventually construct one of his own design what a joke that was if vader's torment in his suit wasn't enough the lightsaber was the final straw due to its construction it was difficult to wield for vader's larger gloved hands the unfamiliar style it required clashed heavily with vader's preferred style and soon he found sidious's lightsaber an absolute chore to use sidious hardly ever used his lightsaber as he was under the belief that the sith had grown beyond their use and he simply owned one to mock the jedi whether or not this is true the fact still remains that sidious was incredibly powerful in the force and proved it by never really using his sabers unless absolutely necessary we can see in the fight between him maul and savage that he seems to just be toying with the two of them cackling and smiling as he moves around them and between them with ease due to this vader would come to believe that his lightsabers weren't meant for heavy dueling but were rather more decorative if anything he commented that it was less of a weapon and more like a piece of jewelry ultimately vader would be correct in his assessment as sidious did regard his weapon as little more than effects to his style rather than a necessary tool sidious often judged to sith by their power within the force and not their skill with the lightsaber as he believed true power could only lie within the dark side in one's command over it soon enough vader would construct his own lightsaber which was far more simplistic in design and a much larger one to fit vader's hands and his two-handed fighting style ultimately swearing off the use of sidious as lightsaber ever again so friends what do you think of how everyone reacted to sidious's widely hated lightsabers for very different reasons what do you think of sidious's lightsabers let us know down below as always we would love to hear your thoughts on the subject and again may the force be with you and we hope that you are having a great day darth sidious was truly the most feared man at the time of the clone wars as well as the most brilliant tactician in all of star wars history as the dark lord of the sith he effortlessly controlled the galaxy like a marionette on strings playing both sides of the war like a chess match with himself him played the so-called guardians of peace and justice the jedi for complete fools able to mask his presence while sitting in the very same room as grandmaster yoda one of the most powerful beings in the force at the time he had maintained complete control over the senate as well as the separatists and had even turned the prophecy of the chosen one against the very jedi who created it sidious had achieved what no other sith yet no other being in the galaxy had ever done destroy the republic single-handedly palpatine was truly a man or a being like no other but like all things big or small this titan among men does have a history as well as a childhood so what exactly did this entail and why didn't the jedi find palpatine as a child despite being massively force sensitive in the phantom menace qui-gon mentions that if anakin had been born on a world in the republic then they would have identified him directly through the force much sooner palpatine's homeworld of naboo was in fact a part of the republic so why hadn't he been identified by the jedi considering his enormous midichlorian count a count that even exceeded that of yodas well my friends put on your best rogue because today we will be walking into the senate chambers of the supreme chancellor himself and looking into darth sidious history before his sithhood we have done a few videos in the past about palpatine's childhood so for now let's do a quick recap of his childhood chief palpatine was born on the planet of naboo to an aristocratic family that was one of the most influential of that day khasigna was the head of the palpatine family and chief's father a spineless and oily man casinga was always more than ready to use his family's wealth and influence to throw credits at whatever problems would plague him including problems created by his son unfortunately it didn't seem as though he would be able to throw enough credits at his biggest problem in the end this again being his son chief was always of the opinion that the palpatines had plenty of room to grow and could amass far more power on naboo however that his father insisted that they had gone as high as they could go and he just desired to live out the rest of his days in luxury and peace she would rebel against his father and the two butted heads throughout his many years just to slight him shiv would do a great many misdemeanors that would get any other youth into prison however not wanting to taint his family name kasigna always bought off the people that she'd affected with his antics this went as far as sheave killing two pedestrians in a speeder accident and getting off scot-free again because of his father due to the lack of consequences and moral guidance as well as always seeing how power and influence can keep you free chief palpatine never learned any sort of morality or adopted any conscience of his own shiv would eventually decide to slight his father even further by refusing to go by his given name and only be referred to by his aristocratic family name palpatine which is why we don't ever hear anything or any mention of palpatine's first name his original given name sheeve in the original trilogy at all with this briefly out of the way it was important to understand what kind of man his cowardly father was in order to understand why the jedi didn't find palpatine when he was a young boy in the darth plagueis novel though lies our deeper answer to this question it was insinuated that palpatine's father and mother always had a sort of sense that he was different and not only different but also incredibly dangerous from an early age they gained fear for their son and supposedly did their best to keep him of somewhat of a secret all of sheev's misdeeds were meticulously bought off so no one raised to stink about their family he was mostly tutored in private before going off to study in a school which he was of course kicked out of due to the nature of this public secrecy it is highly plausible that kisigna could have paid for things to stay quiet especially unwanted attention from the jedi which was the last kind of attention that palpatine patriarch wanted associated with his family image by the time that darth plagueis himself or as he referred to in the public he go damask met the young palpatine he was a bright young man in university who still carried much rage within his heart plagueis described how he had attempted to use the force to delve into the boy's mind and brought around for some information on the curious lad he would be left ultimately disappointed yet again though however intrigued by the fact that he could barely feel anything when sensing palpatine which he thought was miraculous plagueis had a very difficult time sensing the boy's presence in the force even while he was trying to this leads us to believe that palpatine had an innate ability to cloak his force signature without even knowing it or perhaps it was even intentional this is again another reason why the jedi never sensed or found the boy on naboo not to mention while as he was a senator he was able to stand feet away from a jedi some of the most powerful jedi of the era and they could not sense his place in the force it's important to note though that this is the legends explanation and the canon explanation could be very different but due to the lack of a canon answer this is what we will have to base our assumptions on if the jedi had found palpatine it is likely that they would have thought he could have been the chosen one due to his exceptionally high midichlorian count obi-wan and qui-gon were astounded to find the anakin's count had exceeded that of master yodas well palpatine's did as well master yoda's midichlorian count sat at around 17700 whereas sidiouses clocked in at around 20 000 though i can't help but feel that even if palpatine had been trained by the jedi that things would have turned out any differently in the book of the sith sidious talks about how he had been intrigued by the sith ever since he was a young boy it was almost fated how that on naboo he would use his family's wealth to acquire sith knowledge on the black market growing up in the jedi temple i would presume that palpatine would still be just as rebellious and would eventually find the way into the forbidden section of the jedi archives this would include all sorts of sith knowledge artifacts and even holocrons that were looted from the temples during the great wars of old palpatine would have likely taken every opportunity to study these manuscripts and becoming fascinated by the sith likely would have snuck away from the order to seek them out or another likely scenario being that plagueis and him would still find one another there were several occasions that he go damask came into contact with masters qui gon jin dooku and sifo diaz with him being in close proximity to these jedi perhaps he would have come across palpatine all the same and sensed the growing dark side curiosity within the young jedi initiate nonetheless the answer to our question appears to be that the palpatine family hid she from the public eye including the prying eye of the jedi and that palpatine had an innate ability to block his own force signature from other force sensitives as if he could block his signature from darth plagueis one of the most inherently gifted dark side wielders of all time he could surely block his presence from a common jedi not to mention that it was essentially fated for palpatine to become a dark lord but darth malgus the butcher the false emperor the dark lord darth malgus is one of the most fearsome and formidable sith lords that have ever existed bred specifically with the idea to conquer and destroy the jedi the era in which malgus was born was far different from the current star wars era that we now explore freely malgus was born in an era where the sith empire was powerful yet still in hiding fearful of the watching eyes of the republic as well as the jedi malgus was bred and born with the sole purpose to conquer during this era of the sith empire sith lords were bred for specific purposes some to rule some to be ruled and some like malgus as pure brutes of the dark side of the force but malgus was so much more than that and grew to be one of the most formidable and terrifying sith lords that have ever lived a name that would garner fear not only among the jedi and the members of the republic but the sith order an empire as well darth malgus whose given name was verdun was born on the sith capital world of dromaenkos as a young child verdun was stripped away from his true parents and given to an adoptive stepfather who was completely loyal to the cause of the reconstructed sith empire and who would regularly enroll malgus in classes to hone his force sensitive skills his skill with the blade as well as to be indoctrinated truly into the philosophy of the sith algus was born to kill and kill he did destroying several of his stepfather's servants just because he wanted to prove to himself that he could an act that you think would normally enrage his stepfather rather his stepfather as well as his sith teachers were very pleased by this gesture of pure aggression and inconsiderate of any life whatsoever believing his life and the life of the sith empire was more valuable than the lesser creatures of the galaxy these lesser creatures that purely existed to be dominated by the sith verdun would eventually be selected by a sith master by the name of darth vindican a sith master who he would later betray and kill because he deemed him too weak as he saw his master be defeated by a jedi in single combat believing that only the strongest deserved to live malgus killed his injured master unwilling to care for him nalgus would go on to become one of the greatest war generals that the sith empire had ever seen dominating the battlefield with his sheer force of will it was during the conflict called the great galactic war where malgus would truly earn his reputation a reputation that centuries following his death would reach the ears of sidious and vader respectively two sith lords that would eventually dominate the galaxy completely and two sith lords that held a great respect for the ancient malgut sidious believed that malgus would have been the perfect apprentice and even considered the fact that if malgus had been around during vader's defeat on mustafar sidious may have actually discarded his current apprentice and anakin in favor of malgus vader on the other hand realized the great physical turmoil that malgus had endured during his long lifetime and tenure as a false sith emperor receiving multiple injuries and augmenting his body with cybernetics to the fullest of its current capabilities and technology at the time it was because of this that vader grew great inspiration from malgus and his fighting style realizing that malgus was an expert at form v lightsaber combat specifically its dueling-centric variant to gem so a form the anakin had utilized during his time as a jedi knight malgus though was far more brutish than anakin relying on his emotions to fuel his hatred and power in the dark side itself sidious believed that malgus was a sith lord far beyond his time and would have essentially been the perfect depiction of darth maul darth maul a pure set assassin and brute but he believed that malgus would have been a sith brought to its fullest extent in the true potential of a sith apprentice no one that even sidious would deem worthy of ruling the sith empire at any point in time but rather a tool to be moved around this is what wikipedia states about malgus darth malgus had a distinct personality among the sith he was a frontline warrior who often utilized alien mercenaries to do his bidding even when they were considered to be unreliable by the sith in his time because of his interactions with many alien species malgus learned many alien languages malgus's personality justified his reputation as a fierce frontline warrior he believed that he was born to fight and the sith empire was the instrument through which he realized his purpose to him the cost of war did not matter regardless of how high it could be melgus perceived the force as a source of conflict malgus believed the jedi could grow powerful but ultimately that they were fools malgus did not tolerate failure at any cost after he killed jedi master keiosandarach and learned of sateal shan and her comrades escape he felt disgusted with his sith master darth vindican for not assuring a total victory of the sith although he struck the wounded pure-blooded sith lord down he nonetheless savored their last victory together against the jedi darth malgus was an exceptionally talented duelist and specialized in using rage and brute strength to defeat his opponents aside from his overwhelming physical strength which served him well not only in lightsaber duels but also in hand-to-hand combat algus was also capable of performing acrobatic feats to increase his effectiveness in lightsaber combat his speed was such that normal humans found it difficult to watch his movement within duels a ferocious sith warrior with a terrifying reputation darth malgus relished and raging in combat on the front line he was personally responsible for the deaths of several highly skilled jedi masters during the retaking of korriban he implored jar kai dual blade fencing to kill jedi battle master cinderach despite the latter's proficiency in the same fighting style and victory over malgus's master darth vindican darth malgus's rage and clear focus gave him an advantage and allowed him to swiftly deprive chaosen of one of his lightsabers ultimately killing the renowned jedi battle master darth malagas was also a talented hand at force lightning and was even the pioneer of several deadly force abilities within the dark side itself being the creator of the ability known as force mail storm force mail storm was a devastating combination of powers of a protection bubble telekinesis as well as forced lightning first the user would use a force bubble around their body concealing and protecting them inside then any loose objects slash persons around the user would swirl around the bubble through the use of telekinesis and finally the user would devastate the objects by blasting them away with a shock wave of energy accompanied by a surge of forced lightning force mail storm is one of the most deadly force abilities in the known star wars mythos malgus being its original creator malgus was also a talented hand at both force grip as well as force crush and was considered one of the best hands at telekinesis in the entire sith empire algus could even hide his very presence within the force interestingly enough a jedi on alderaan used this ability to suppress his force signature when he planned to ambush malgus but this was not effective against malgus and malgus still managed to sense his presence and foil his plans hundreds of years after malcus's death darth sidious would obtain a journal directly written by malgus himself city is ultimately determined that malgus was a pioneer of the dark arts as well as the way of the sith and believing that he should show this example to darth vader as a true brooding sith lord a sith lord who dominated nearly every single one of his enemies was loyal not to the order of the sith but to the dark side of the force itself and was a purebred fighter a true warrior of the darkness darth malgus is without a shadow of a doubt the greatest sith warrior that has ever existed within star wars a purebred sith warrior someone who defines the very definition of a warrior among the ancient sith empire malgus lived to kill and to dominate and the sith empire was simply the instrument in which he enacted this purpose but anyway my friends what are your thoughts on this the dark lord of the sith darth sidious was the culmination of the sith rule of two by implementing the rule of two established by darth bane centuries prior he managed to almost single-handedly corrupt the entire galaxy once again all of the inhabitants of the galaxy bowed to the rule of the sith he fulfilled their ultimate goal palpatine was the ultimate sith lord but for 20 years after his triumph palpatine had to do something to fill his time and the sith lord became bored fulfilling his ultimate goal and his sole purpose and afterwards felt as so if even a little his goal and the goals of the entire sith order were complete and it was now only his job to maintain but this does not mean that the dark lord did not have his fun in the years following the establishment of the empire and palpatine proclaiming himself emperor the sith lord became more and more of a recluse focusing almost entirely on the sith doctrine rather than governing the empire that he had established instead he left this task to the imperial council which he ruled over with an iron fist vader and tarkin handled the day-to-day functions of the empire while sidious studied sith lore in secret in the canon novel lords of the sith sidious comments about the mundane life of leading the empire and achieving the ultimate goal of the sith and conquering the entire galaxy for their own he mentions what his master darth plagueis would think about walking the halls of a star destroyer and how the lack of stimulation for palpatine maddened him still though he had achieved his ultimate goal besides just studying sith lore palpatine filled his time with torturing what few jedi managed to survive order 66 but he would not torture them personally palpatine demanded that a select few jedi who had been beaten and starved be brought to his chamber where he would then have them fight to the death for his own entertainment his ultimate goal here was to see one of the jedi turn to the dark side of the force and offer them a chance at life offered them a chance to serve as one of his inquisitors and hunt down his fellow jedi unfortunately for the jedi though palpatine would snatch this promise away every single time once witnessing the jedi turning to the dark side of the force palpatine would kill them taking away their one final hope palpatine knew he was dominant over all of the jedi he just wanted to remind himself for the first several decades of the empire palpatine had little opposition his master plan had come together so perfectly almost too perfectly that he found himself consistently bored not to mention he feared within himself that he could not hand over the empire to a worthy successor being exceptionally disappointed in anakin skywalkers lost to his master obi-wan kenobi on mustafar a loss that scarred his would-be successor and darth vader both physically as well as mentally this is why when luke skywalker appears in the galaxy and is confirmed as anakin skywalker's son palpatine 2 has a glimpse of hope a glimpse of hope that maybe he will not have to prolong his life eternally but instead could hold the reins of the empire over to a worthy and a powerful successor in luke as mentioned palpatine's rule as emperor was maddening he fulfilled his ultimate goal and ruled over the entire galaxy something all sith before him clamored for but once he had fulfilled his purpose once he had completed his sole mission palpatine was maddened by the idea that this was his peak and so he delved deep into sith lore and tortured what few jedi remain anyway my friends what are your thoughts on this and there is no emotion there is peace there is no ignorance there is knowledge there is no passion there is serenity there is no chaos there is harmony there is no death there is the force the jedi code was a set of rules that govern the behavior of the jedi order it taught its followers not to give in to feelings of anger towards other life forms which would help them resist fear and prevent them from falling to the dark side of the force the sith were strongly opposed to the jedi code in its philosophy believing that there was no such thing as peace and believing the emotion was the true pathway to power surprisingly though there was however one line in the jedi code that the sith believed in the sith such as palpatine and his master darth plagueis specifically one line that they abided by and one line that drove darth plagueis insane the sith were strongly opposed to every single line of the code saved the last there is no death there is the force essentially what this meant for a jedi was this the jedi believed that when one physically died their presence and very essence joined with the force itself meaning that there was no real literal death for a jedi that only they bound with the force for eternity darth plagueis and palpatine though interpreted this in a different way they believed that the force could actually free them from death darth plagueis was a powerful and influential member of the galaxy for several decades however he became fascinated with the idea of cheating death itself therefore taking the last line of the jedi code extremely seriously the fact that perhaps the force could free him from death itself something that plagueis ultimately achieved with several life forms however not himself in a way though the sith took and altered what the jedi code believed in interpreting the last line very differently but it is intriguing that nonetheless on a few separate occasions palpatine did actually admit to agreeing with this last line of the jedi code in staunch contrast to this though this is what the sith code had to say peace is a lie there is only passion through passion i gain strength through strength i gain power through power i gain victory through victory my chains are broken the force shall free me plagueis believed that the force itself would in fact free him in many respects the sith code was a varian version of the jedi code with its main goal being to destroy the weak and to be strong while the jedi code believed that there was peace and balance in all things therefore that's why it's significant that this very last line is something that plagueis and palpatine would ultimately agree with plagueis would experiment with the death and force for several decades again ultimately falling victim to the rule of two when his own apprentice and lord sidious would betray and murder him sidious though always believed strongly in this last line of the jedi code even if the jedi themselves did not interpret it this way anyway my friends what are your thoughts on this and what are your thoughts on the fact that plagueis and palpatine did actually agree with this single line of the jedi code even though it was a perversion according to my analytics a lot of you guys that watch the channel haven't actually subscribed yet so if you've been enjoying the content force choke that subscribe button and turn on notification as always my friends may the force be with you and have a great day hey guys and welcome back to the channel today we have a topic that is rather obscure but still all the more interesting in revenge of the sith and attack of the clones we get to see the office of supreme chancellor palpatine palpatine had modified and personalized his office in the council chambers because he didn't intend to be voted out anytime soon and was most certainly in it for the long haul within these chambers he had adorned them with a few personal touches such as several brosnam statues depicting four distinct humanoids while it is easy to write off these as just background decoration anyone who knows palpatine knows that he hardly ever does anything without a hitting meaning plan or purpose including the statues as they have an intricate backstory that reaches to the very beginning of the star wars timeline and may have even been an inspiration for the sith order as we know it today the best part about all of this is that it is indeed canon so without further ado it is time to tell the tale of the four sages the four sages of dwarti were a group of politicians and philosophers that hailed from the planet of dwarti and had a large influence within the earliest days of the galactic republic's reign formation and constitution the four sages named sistros brata feya and yan were actually rather notorious and controversial figures in their day although the four sages were noted for possessing much arcane wisdom their views and decrees were regarded as coldly unsparing and often generated controversy among others especially to species new to the republic sistros was accused of pandering to the multitude for selfish ends brata was known for having encouraged the study of the dark side of the force keep in mind that they existed at the formation of the galactic republic which places them around 25 000 years before the battle of yavin one thing to consider is that the jedi order by now was still on the planet of tython in its infancy and very much involved in their study not looking to the wider galaxy for council or even a part of it at all the second great schism which was the birth of the sith order happened in the year 7003 bby to give you guys a little bit more perspective it is believed by some that the four sages practices and encouragement of exploring the dark side it was one of the inspirations behind the very sith order itself which is the exact reason why they were placed within palpatine's office this theory can be backed up by the very fact that palpatine seems to admire them a great deal having not only those larger statues in his office but a collection of miniaturized bronzium statues that he kept with him in the ceremonial office area two statues stood on either side of the chancellor's official desk in fact palpatine seemed to have a specific affinity for cistros sistros was the largest statue in his office and where he kept his second lightsaber hidden he took a small statue with sistros with him wherever he went to travel furthermore his assistant and lead advisor masa mehta had a small statue of sistros on the top of his speaker staff these statues would continue to be present into the formation of the empire in important symbols unfortunately there is very little information regarding what the four sages did in their days and what they actually stood for besides their political influences and again unfortunately there isn't any information on what powers they may have held within the force but if we know anything about the ancient sith it would be very easy to call the four sages the first sith to ever exist and within openly encouraging the study of the dark side they feared very little of course back in the day the jedi order had yet to become involved in the galactic republic so the dark side didn't yet have such a taboo tied to it the bronze neom statues themselves were actually forged by the sith sometime during the reign in the galaxy which means that the sith order does somewhat revere these four beings perhaps the sages themselves may not be considered sith but it is clear that the sith have some sort of connection and even reverence towards the four beings so perhaps the four sages were somewhat representative of the dark side in its infancy and the beginnings of what one day would form into the sith empire stepping into speculation territory now if i know anything about the sith then i know that they won't pass up an opportunity to imbue power within any item that they craft ancient sith were known for making many powerful talismans and things to give themselves more power as well as an edge against light side wielders obviously the jedi that did not implore these practices here is our theory revolving around the four sages and their statues within palpatine's office we believe that each and every one of these many statues in palpatine's office were each imbued with the dark side of the force which helped further cloud the vision of the jedi the jedi that would have entered palpatine's office and to further obscure him from their senses as powerful as palpatine is with his ability to use force cloak technique which is the ability and power for sith to bury their darkness deep enough to elude the senses of a jedi it would still be difficult to believe that he escaped the vision of even grandmaster yoda even as the grandmaster sat a table length away however it makes a lot of sense that all of these statues were radiating some sort of dark energy that would cloud his sight while feeding palpatine's energy masa meta always followed palpatine around and was always by his side when he gave speeches we all know that the emperor to be did reach out with the force and touch the minds of his audience perhaps masamata's staff could have something like an amplification to his power a dark side microphone if you will again though at this point this is all purely speculation however it does make sense that these may be relics of the ancient sith as these are the literal beings that the ancient sith were inspired by as to why palpatine specifically was interested in the four sage members cistros is a bit more difficult to ascertain perhaps sidious identified with her to some degree as an individual powerful in the dark side of the force and yet held so much political power at the same time or maybe there's something specific about the way cistros conducted her power that palpatine can't help but respect something very rare and i impossible to achieve to palpatine is his respect in fact you could say that the only beings in the entire galaxy that ever gained the respect of darcidius were master yoda and darth plagueis it's clear though that he held some sort of reverence for the four sages specifically cistros but as of now his connection to the four sages specifically siskrose will remain a mystery so the innate ability to use the cosmic energy field known as the force has the potential to drastically alter the lives of force sensitive individuals during the era of the republic these children were taken from their homes and inducted into the illustrious jedi order where they were raised to become warriors of peace and hope across the galaxy during the era of the empire however we come to find out that force sensitive children are again taken from their homes only it's not as clearly established where these children go or what they are ultimately used by the empire for so what does the empire do with force sensitive children where do they go and what does palpatine have in store for them once they get there well stick with us students of the force and let's discuss palpatine's sinister plan for force sensitive children that began all the way back during the age of the clone war spoilers ahead for kenobi episode 3 and full spoilers ahead for episode 4. an important distinction here to make is that we are not talking about the tomb shown in the latest episode of kenobi as these bodies were former members of the previous jedi order instead we are talking about the children of the galaxy that are found to be force sensitive during the reign of the empire and are the children that quinlan vos and tala have spent the last decade rescuing these children have never been affiliated with the jedi order in any way they are just children of the galaxy that are force sensitive but for a breakdown on what these tombs were in the latest episode of kenobi be sure to check out our video on that as well we do however have a canon answer for what palpatine and the empire does with these force sensitive children and may i say these force sensitive children may suffer a fate worse than any jedi the answer in canon comes from a project simply known as the star wars book which compiled contributions from the likes of pablo hidalgo cole horton and dan zaire each of whom are influential star wars creators in their own right the plan proposed in this book is that the children were being utilized for an imperial program known as project harvester we first learned of project harvester and the plan that palpatine has to steal force sensitive children during the very early days of the clone wars conflict in the clone wars series in fact when anakin skywalker and his team are tasked with rescuing force sensitives that have been taken by a group of bounty hunters while palpatine's plan ultimately failed in the episode and at this point in time his grip on the galaxy after the war ended allowed him to carry out the remainder of this operation unopposed at first it was largely believed that these children would become inquisitors or agents of the sith but in truth something far more sinister was at play here during project harvester the children that palpatine took were sent to the planet known as arcanus where they would be raised under the tutelage of palpatine's various imperial agents the purpose of project harvester was designed to turn these force-sensitive children into spies of sorts for palpatine however they would be far more nefarious in nature they would be taught how to hone their force abilities and use them to see various events and individuals from across the galaxy perhaps the darkest part of this plan however was how these children differed from the likes of the inquisitors or sith assassins from legends inquisitors sith apprentices and sith assassins are all seduced by the inherent power within the dark side that they can feel and they choose to seek this power out of their own accord many of these sith agents were former jedi who already had an affinity with the force and an understanding of how to use it but these children taken during the age of the empire were treated much differently and in a way that disqualified them from ever becoming sith agents the inherent flaw in training children to use the force from such a young age is that palpatine ran the risk of children growing powerful enough to overthrow him or usurp his rule but yet he still needed spies therefore he developed a different indoctrination tactic that helped mitigate this risk instead of seducing these children with the dark side making them curious and wish to embrace the darkness within the force he instead broke their spirits through years of immense physical psychological and mental torment while the inquisitors and sith agents had a choice to pursue the dark side these children very much did not from here palpatine would have a method of peering across the expanse of his entire empire able to see through the eyes of these children able to see the darkest corners that he himself would never have thought to search this would shine a light on some of the most credible threats to his reign and allowed him to act on these visions before his supremacy could ever be challenged or toppled he believed that if he could see into the furthest reaches of the galaxy then he would be able to find anyone who sought to oppose him using these imprisoned and enslaved children as a window of sorts to peer through their plans and through their very eyes this mentally crippled them and destroyed their will to fight back taking away from them their very presence and personality and seeing as many of them were incredibly young they were cursed with living out the entirety of their lives within palpatine's imperial grasp they had no personality because they never had time to develop one nor did they have any semblance of humanity because their connections with their loved ones were severed at such a young age meaning that they never grew up or developed socially emotionally or even in some cases physically while the jedi were likewise taken from a very young age they still had social interactions within the jedi temple and even the innocents of the galaxy they made friends with one another explored the galaxy and at least had some semblance of socialization despite the fact that the jedi order itself was not a morally pure order as they claimed to be these children however taken stolen by palpatine did not have any hint of this and were presumably little more than cogs in a machine that worked on palpatine's latest project even their training was believed to be incredibly specialized and severely limited as the only use of the force that they ever learned was how to spy on the galaxy around them none of them grew to have any sort of power within the force simply because they were never taught how to use any other force abilities nor were they ever taught how to channel it on their own benefit or for even combat purposes it has even been theorized that they were barely even taught what the force was or what it is capable of and they might have been simply taught that they had one specific ability and that it was their duty to perform it in the service of their emperor if they learned the fullest extent of what they were capable of then they might have been incentivized to break free or attempt to fight back and palpatine of course could not allow this therefore he had to break them with this operation underway however palpatine was able to seek out many of his greatest threats to the empire and dispatch agents to quell the uprisings from across the galaxy this is in fact one of the many methods that palpatine used to stay on top of any information being passed across the galaxy even operations that were conducted with the utmost secrecy and discretion were no match for the power of the force and several rebel schemes would have been sabotaged by this project this left the deadliest agents of the sith to continue their training becoming inquisitors or apprentices in some other way and allowing palpatine to isolate these children in some of the coldest harshest environments that the empire had to offer and it is our opinion here at the channel that these children suffered a much worse face than the jedi that were hunted down during order 66 as these children are entirely stripped of who they are their loved ones their very being and are trained for one specific task even who they are is taken from them but anyway my friends what do you think of project harvester and did you know the purpose of force sensitive children and why they were taken in droves by the empire it should also be noted that it is known that darth vader as well as the inquisitors have been known to personally take these force-sensitive children and deliver them to palpatine for his nefarious plan if greetings everyone and welcome back to another video the grand army of the republic was made up of almost entirely that of clones from jango fett programmed and raised to be the most effective efficient and loyal super soldiers the clones were one of the things that gave the republic the true edge in their war against the separatists and the droid army they also played a major crucial role in the great jedi purge and the ushering in of a brand new order to the galaxy as the clones slowly gained the trust of their jedi commanders before the programming of order 66 finally was initiated and they turned on them instantaneously though despite having a very involved hand in their creation and programming darth sidious himself never truly trusted the clones he knew that they would have an order that would alter their characteristics to serve him in him alone and as a result of that the republic that he would now control but he also likely knew of the other orders that they had implemented into their very minds that would have them turn against him too sidious knew that even though the clones were trained and essentially programmed to be loyal only to him they still did have a modicum of free will and so he never trusted them fully and even somewhat disliked them similarly to many jedi he viewed them as less than human his dislike for the clone troopers was cemented by the clone trooper fives during the clone wars arc when fives discovered his own inhibitor chip and attempted to unravel the grand plan of sidious all of his plans were nearly undone by a clone all of sidius's plans would have come crashing down not because of the jedi or the great force but because of a single unlucky clone trooper so he was quick to replace the clone army when it came time for the empire to eventually rise however there was one single clone trooper that palpatine actually did trust trusted him so much that he became a captain in his personal royal guard and in today's video we will be talking about that clone trooper the content from today comes from the novel lords of the sith which is canon as we enter when the emperor and vader as well as a handful of royal red guards are shot down shot down as they were on their way to assess the growing resistance and political tensions on the world of ryloth luckily vader was able to stabilize the ship and land as safely as he could though only two of the red guards ultimately would survive the crash after avoiding many dangers the four of them found themselves marching through the ryloth wilderness on their way to the imperial outpost that was nearby we learn of this clone trooper whenever they finally stop to rest and make camp for the first night this is how the passage from the novel goes from darth vader's perspective the captain of the royal guard sat on the ground across from them you should remove your helmet captain the emperor said it must wear on you to have that on all of the time thank you my emperor the captain said he then removed his helmet to reveal a mind familiar face to vader the scarred face of a clone trooper the features an echo of so many faces from darth vader's past rex cody fives echo the roster of names moved through vader's mind each of them a trigger for a memory each of them a ghost from his past it is fascinating to me that a clone would have made it as far as he did within the ranks of the empire especially excelling to the position of captain amongst the red royal guard the imperial red guard was a prestigious organization that trained their members exclusively to be the best in the comic crimson empire we get a flashback of what training was like to be an imperial royal guard at the academy on the planet of incorp in the flashback we see exactly 43 trainees present yet in the end only one of them would actually graduate and become a part of the royal guard these guards were instilled with absolute zealous loyalty to their emperor so much so that they would only obey him and would not even take orders from vader unless the emperor directly gave them the go-ahead to do so the red guard were also no normal soldiers they were trained in what is known as the achane martial arch which was a system of combat that turned the person's body into a living weapon and is also said to be able to perfectly counter a force user the red guard trainees were honed into becoming super human with nothing else but pure skill within their bones despite the fact that many of them were non-force sensitive they fought as if they were night and day they were drilled and often dueled each other with punishment of failure often being death for every class of red guards the emperor would make an appearance to them find the one that was best among them and had that one duel lord vader one on one in front of the other trainees no matter how many came before him obviously none were ever a match for the skill of vader and he would kill them all in the end this was to prove a point and to show them that even their best was not good enough and to protect the emperor meant that they had to become better than any opponent and if the best among their ranks was asked to die they would die in the very end the two that remained in the top of the class were brought before the emperor and forced to fight until victory a fight to the death the one who won the duel must execute the other foregoing all friendship or bonds they would have made along the way in exchange for complete loyalty to one emperor palpatine this loyalty was in fact rewarded as the emperor often treated each of his red guards with respect and even a modicum of kindness though if they ever fell behind he would not hesitate to have them killed by one of their brothers in arms as we saw in the passage sidious invited the captain to remove his helmet commenting that it must be very weary the captain quickly and graciously obliged him not wanting to reject or take the emperor's generosity for granted even when the emperor made his appearance to the trainees at the academy they all knelt before him and he insisted that they stand telling them that he would like to speak with those who gave up so much for loyalty to him alone and praised them by telling them that their sacrifice honored him by showing these small gestures of respect it garnered even more of an undying loyalty to their one emperor when the empire fell the news of the emperor's death reached the ears of the red guard many of them committed suicide as a result of this as they felt that they had failed him others continued to fight on for the cause of the empire this clone captain of the red guard survived until the very end of the book faithfully serving the emperor along the way as not much is known about what happened to him afterwards though i suspect that the captain was kept very close to sidious as he and the other guard were one of the only guards who actually saw sidious use his lightsaber as well as the force some of the few individuals that darth sidious trusted with the information that he was in fact a sith lord sidious trusted them so much that he allowed them to see him for what he truly was without fear of them taking anything from it or telling anyone about it ever even discussing it amongst each other this is also palpatine's kindest gesture towards a clone that we've ever seen in the entirety of nearly all of star wars lore legends included again though this is canon and this is likely the only clone trooper that palpatine ever trusted not only did he trust him but he trusted him with his life it is unclear what exactly was so special about this clone trooper whether or not he was closest to jango fett and was a near-perfect specimen trained from birth specifically to be a red royal guard when sidious rose to power or if he was more of a commonplace clone trooper that proved himself in battle time and time again but what we can confirm though is that this is one of the most skilled and powerful clone troopers that will ever appear in star wars canon standing to the left of sidious himself as well as the only clone trooper that city has ever trusted with his life and the only one that he ever liked but anyway students of the force what are your thoughts on this and what are your thoughts on this single clone captain that supreme leader snoke is a very controversial figure and topic in the star wars fandom overall his appearance on the force awakens caused the fan base to explode about theories about who this mysterious darksider was what were his intentions and how was he able to sway someone as powerful as ben solo from the skywalker bloodline back to the path of the dark side supreme leader snoke was essentially set up as the main antagonist of the sequel trilogy until this was well altered by ryan johnson who decided to kill supreme leader snoke in the last jedi in the rise of skywalker we sort of get a rudimentary introduction about the purpose of supreme leader snoke however he's touched upon only in a single line in the film so this has still led those of us who are still curious myself included to ask what was the true purpose of supreme leader snow how was he originally envisioned by darth sidious and created by the acolytes that lie on exigle what was the true purpose of snoke is he related to palpatine in some way and could he actually be more important than many fans give him credit for before we delve into a ton of the information that is revealed in the secrets of the sith novel which is a book told from palpatine's point of view as he sort of breaks down the sith and various darksiders that appear in star wars canon explaining their purpose in his master plan and the ultimate idea that he wants to create a dyad with darth vader and why this failed but that topic is for another video in the book secrets of the sith which was released several months ago we actually get a lot of indicators as to exactly what the true purpose of supreme leader snoke was with the novel revealing in great detail that supreme leader snoke is actually far more ambitious and important to the overall sequel trilogy than many fans give him credit for i'm not saying that snoke isn't a complete failure of a character but essentially the release of these books gives us a better idea of the true purpose of supreme leader snoke and the explanation for the character we should have seen all of this stuff on screen but now thanks to these novels this is basically the full picture of what we should have gotten on the big screen so if you're interested in that as we break down supreme leader snoke and his plan to overthrow palpatine that was revealed to us in the secrets of the sith to begin the book explains the origins of supreme leader snoke as apparently he was one of the first things that the darksiders on exigle created it is stated that supreme leader snoke may have even been an early contingency plan for darth sidious and was supposed to be a body that darth sidious could have inhabited after his original physical body died it's also known that this experiment ultimately failed but snoke as a result became sentient he was only supposed to be a vessel for palpatine to possess in the first place however palpatine saw a great use for him as it is revealed that palpatine managed to create a dark cider using cloning technology specifically though not palpatine's dna and that he was largely successful in this and while he was unable to possess the body because of the simple fact that it was not a clone of palpatine snoke himself gained sentience it is here where supreme leader snoke's role becomes much bigger darth sidious and the scientists on exegol decide to make snoke the front man of the first order an offshoot of the empire to essentially keep the new republic and the jedi distracted although palpatine doesn't like it the book of the sith goes on to explain that supreme leader snoke was trained as a sort of pseudo-apprentice the way i have it in my head is supreme leader snoke is sort of like the asajj ventress of the clone wars he's someone who is not a sith lord but is very much dark side in allegiance and serves the sith however because of the fact that palpatine attempted to possess this body and wanted an individual with insane force potential supreme leader snoke is exceptionally powerful in the dark side of the force and is quite possibly one of the most talented force users in the entire star wars galaxy because essentially he's designed to be the perfect darksider this also likely goes into why supreme leader snoke is so deformed because he has all of this unruly dark side energy within him and the dark side is essentially corroding and corrupting his body similar to we see the decay of darth sidious and other darksiders but this is where the character of snoke gets much more interesting it is revealed in the secrets of the sith that darth sidious never trusted anyone from the skywalker bloodline after darth vader he essentially reveals that although ben solo kylo ren is exceptionally talented in the dark side of the force he does not wish to train him as his apprentice as darth sidious senses the mind of ben solo and senses that the light side of the force is ever prevalent there and although he was unable to sense the light side of the force invader until the very very end he can always sense its presence within ben solo however this is where snoke has a different idea snoke on the other hand has different plans for kylo ren ben solo palpatine's original goal is only to have kylo ren bring rey to him that is the only purpose in which he sees for kylo ren that and overall he's simply a puppet snoke on the other hand though seeks to train kylo ren as his true apprentice something that darth sidious never really wanted this is why the in the novel the secrets of the sith it is explained why snoke wants kylo ren to kill rey in the last jedi as we learned in the rise of skywalker if rey were to be killed in the last jedi it would make no sense for palpatine's grand plan as rey is the keystone for his plan and he wants to possess her body so if she's killed his plan goes up in flames which is exactly what snoke wants this is supreme leader snoke's power play against darth sidious in this moment he realizes that potentially with the combined might of kylo ren as well as himself that they may be able to overthrow darth sidious who is currently dying on exeggul and snoke senses this however just as palpatine foresaw and snoke failed to see ben solo does have a bit of the light side within him and remains loyal to rey wanting to take over the first order for himself with in this case palpatine not making the same mistake that he had before in fully trusting a skywalker something in the book he promises himself he will never do again snoke on the other hand believed that he could use kylo ren to overthrow darcidius especially if they can kill rey if they can kill rey then this will mark the complete end of lord sidious as we know it as he will no longer be able to possess someone of his bloodline and the lineage of palpatine will end here with essentially snoke and kylo ren being the reigning darksiders of the entire star wars galaxy this is supreme leader snoke's plan and this is the plan that ultimately crumbles and falls apart just as cities predicted so let's explain why the creators over at lucasfilm made this change with supreme leader snoke the way i see it this is sort of a middle ground between the snoke that we got in the films and what snoke was built up in our own minds to be he's his own character with his own dark side plots and although he's so quickly thrown aside in the last jedi this book does sort of help with a viable explanation the importance of supreme leader snoke was very much overblown by the star wars fan base and very much heavily diminished by the star wars creatives so instead we get this middle ground of a character whose overall plot is more akin to the likes of dooku or adventurous a halfway apprentice to a revived darth sidious whose original goal was supposed to be the inhabitable body of sidious's dead spirit something that ultimately failed but this snoke was repurposed but with him being repurposed he grows more ambitious and powerful believing himself to have been more powerful than darth sidious but unable to challenge the rule of sith as snoke himself is not a sith therefore he attempts to overthrow darcidius through killing rey and by using benzola again what's unfortunate about all of this is this is all information that we're receiving about snoke after the fact information that admittedly makes his character more interesting but is a little bit late to their credit though after the secrets of the sith novel i do find snoke to be a way more interesting character but now i turn it over to you what master yoda is often regarded as one of the most influential jedi masters in the history of the galaxy with a 900-year lifespan that has seen some of the most significant events in galactic history master yoda is one of the most skillful most powerful and most experienced jedi masters of his era and potentially of all time as grand master of the jedi order he directly oversaw everything that the order of the republic did throughout the era of the clone war guiding from his centuries of wisdom in order to build the jedi order into the epitome of what he believed the jedi could and should be yoda's duel with palpatine in the senate chambers served as a landmark event in the clone wars conflict and in the trajectory of the galactic history as this was the culmination of not only the clone wars conflict but the culmination of the millennia of old rivalry between the jedi and the sith orders yodas defeated the hands of the emperor directly ushered in the era of the galactic empire and while the emperor was able to erect his forces in glorious fashion he was well aware of yoda's survival at the end of their duel and at the end of revenge of the sith while he assigns the clone armada to continue searching for yoda throughout the jedi temple why did palpatine seemingly abandon the search for the grand master why was palpatine unable to find the aging jedi master in the coming years despite knowing that yoda was most certainly alive as well as held the most promising chance of challenging palpatine's newly formed galactic empire we'll stick with us today weary acolytes of the galaxy and let's explore this idea and why did palpatine stop his search for grandmaster yoda while palpatine is an arrogant individual and believes himself to be superior to the jedi order including yoda he is not stupid and the closing minutes of revenge of the sith illustrate this perfectly upon hearing that the clones have yet to find the body of yoda he understands that this means yoda is not dead and he orders the troops to double their search though yoda would ultimately slip through their fingers and escape to the distant planet of dagobah the simple answer as to why he ultimately didn't abandon his search immediately and in fact he tried to find yoda for many years following the events of revenge of the sith it would be around two decades though before palpatine would hear of the ultimate demise of grandmaster yoda through prodding through the mind of luke skywalker in return of the jedi but still why did he abandon his search in the two decades prior to this the most interesting part of yoda's exile is that the choice of planet in which he ultimately chose to reside on that being dagobah and he chose degabah not simply by chance but for a very specific reason dagobah was far from a simple swampland that it appeared to be on the surface as it served as one of the purest planets within the fabric of the force and by proxy had one of the strongest force energies of the known planets within the galaxy the force itself draws its energy from life and as obi-wan describes it in a new hope it's an energy field created by all living things becoming intertwined indegeba was one of the strongest force nexus planets in the galaxy particularly due to the abundance of natural life that had flourished without the intervention of sentient species species who might seek to colonize the planet and erect cities degaba is simply filled with more life than a common planet this particular strength within the force meant that the energy fields of dagobah were perfect for hiding a figure of yoda's stature and immense force potential with his own signature in the force becoming masked as yoda species is widely regarded as one of the most naturally force gifted species in the history of star wars his presence in the force was strong enough to be felt by numerous force sensitives and we've seen particularly powerful force users leave tremors throughout the galaxy that can be detected by other force wielders this meant that while on degeba yoda essentially had no forced signature and with the planet being so far removed from the rest of the central empire palpatine simply never ventured close enough to the elusive swampland to find yoda not to mention the dagobah had a distinct dark side of the force adherence meaning that yoda's light-side signature was hidden perfectly if anyone got close enough to dagobah in order to sense yoda they would instead see a conflicted chaotic planet ripe with untamed energy within the force and this would deter most searchers from believing that this uncapped swampland was the house of one of the most prolific jedi masters in galactic history this even led luke skywalker one of the most powerful force sensitives in the galaxy and the heir to one of the most immeasurably powerful force bloodlines in galactic history being able to come and go to train with the grand master without the empire suspecting a thing all of this however does not mean that palpatine actually abandoned his search for yoda as palpatine actually put out massive bounties on the grand master seeking the help of bounty hunters as well as the inquisitors as well as lord vader putting yoda as the most wanted individual in galactic history and just directly below him obi-wan kenobi because of the massive bounty many individuals and bounty hunters of the galaxy would actually bring palpatine fake yodas killing small targets and then dressing them up to look like the grand master in the end though yoda was safely hidden away on dagobah and palpatine believed himself to be too important to directly go search for him in palpatine's mind it was believed that darth vader's final test would in fact be grand master yoda and that one day vader would eventually be able to hunt down yoda however he wasn't going to waste his time looking for a grand master whose order was long dead he fully understood the significance of finding and killing yoda once and for all the fact simply remains that despite the immense array of power and resources that both the empire and palpatine alike had at their disposal he simply did not have the reach necessary to track the grandmaster down especially because this was not palpatine's immediate goal at the time his more immediate goal was establishing the empire this carries with it numerous pressing responsibilities that had to be addressed personally and palpatine was only able to delegate the search for master yoda and other jedi survivors to his underlings which later led to the establishment of various inquisitors who specialized in hunting down jedi although none of them were powerful enough to ultimately hunt down the grand master or even locate him however these inquisitors would have most certainly been aware of who yoda was and the threat that he posed and many of them would have been finding yoda be their top priority although none of them would succeed with darth vader serving as palpatine's immediate right-hand man the search for obi-wan kenobi and master yoda did in fact progress for the following decades though it proved that they ultimately outsmarted the empire with yoda as well as obi-wan kenobi able to evade darth vader and the inquisitors as well as the emperor and the remainder of his forces eventually palpatine eventually moved all of his resources away from finding the jedi as he believed no matter if yoda and obi-wan were still out there there was no way that they could rise yet again as he believed them to be relics of an order long past the collection of these individual factors all ultimately culminated with yoda's ultimate survival for the greater part of the next two decades with degabah shielding yoda from palpatine who was already immensely preoccupied with his current responsibilities under the newly forged regime in the end palpatine simply grew bored and believed that yoda even as powerful hizi would once been was no longer a threat to his newly founded empire not to mention that palpatine believed that he had fully broken yoda's spirits during their last duel not only had he defeated him hand to hand and with his abilities within the force but palpatine's plan had ultimately come to full fruition and he defeated yoda and the jedi within his mind but anyway my friends what are your thoughts on this explanation for why palpatine ultimately gave up on looking for yoda and the final duel between the light and the dark with the galaxy at stake was left unfinished between master yoda and darth sidious on coruscant as soon as the two were separated by the intense blast of their power that would be the very last time that sidious and yoda ever looked into each other's eyes the fury of the force within the senate chamber would echo its symphony for years to come for a long time it has been debated as to whether or not sith could interact with jedi force ghosts or not with only a few minor legend stories implying that they actually have however my friends today we bring you something incredibly interesting from a new canon novel called stories of the jedi and sith we have discovered in one of these short stories that immediately after yoda died on dagobah in return of the jedi his ghost paid the emperor a direct visit this is incredibly significant to star wars canon and a massive update and this will be the only time that the avatar of the light and the embodiment of the dark have met in over 20 years so my friends without further ado let's get into today's tale the chapter is quite short as we open on palpatine ruminating in the second death star above endor in the days of triumph over the rebel alliance he thinks about his own accomplishments and how he will soon be the undefeated emperor of the entire galaxy with the rebels crushed as his thoughts began to stray a little he couldn't help but remember his old rival the little green creature jedi grandmaster yoda his thoughts soon go to reminisce about their battle in the senate chambers the emperor remembers how exhilarating it felt to battle someone who actually matched him and someone who had kept up with him toe to toe for nearly the entire engagement while he respected master yoda as a combatant the fight was little more than playtime something for sidious to do while he bashed in his triumph over the jedi even though yoda had escaped sidious has no problem with it because he knows that he won and as long as yoda remained alive sidious would have continued to win over the grand master which is something that he wanted the emperor of the galaxy can't help but fantasize about killing the jedi grand master though thinking that it would still give him great pleasure to run his red blade through the little green creature we even learned that he had given the inquisitors and all of the imperial probe droids the information and very well thorough specs on yoda as well as a very hefty bounty on the creature's head palpatine even admits to considering using some sort of sith ritual to create an echo in the force to give him a lead on where yoda's location may be however it was all overkill and he decided it wasn't really worth his time in the end he had won and now as he looked over the stars out of the viewpoint of the death star he cackles as he knows that in a few short weeks he will have eradicated all traces of the former republic across the galaxy on dagobah yoda slips into his bed as luke crouches into the hut yoda's mind is far from his old rival and he is focused only on the here and the now the presence of the force the familiar scene of yoda's death plays out as he transcends into the force leaving his corporeal body behind the description that we get after yoda becomes one with the force is beautiful but also shows us the training that yoda took from qui-gon jinn in action as he becomes a force ghost and transcends the physical plane here's what the passage from the new book says the force is wondrous master yoda is no longer a piece of it he is it but he remembers himself as he was taught he remembers who he is who he has been he remembers who he will be though he does not breathe he remembers how to laugh but something out there in the galaxy also remembers him and is calling his name right now after this we transition back to the emperor who immediately knows that yoda is dead he explains that it wasn't as if he had felt yoda and then suddenly didn't fill him no he hadn't felt yoda at all and now he suddenly did feel the jedi all around him in the force itself he hadn't felt yoda or sensed him in the force and now suddenly he did feel the jedi all around him his anger flared but he realized that yoda was now dead this made palpatine laugh even more but then his laughs were silence as from the cosmos a blue glow manifested into existence taking the form of his old rival yoda stood there as a force ghost just staring at palpatine the emperor is shocked and says nothing for a long moment not even knowing if what is appearing before him is even real nevertheless he finally bites out a laugh and says you are dead palpatine turns away in his throne to look out at the viewport and begins to gloat asking yoda if he had come to witness the final glory and ultimate triumph of the sith sidious begins taunting him and telling him that he will soon own luke skywalker just as he did his master in vader yoda only has one simple thing to tell sidious though win you cannot sidious laughs and responds that he has already won but as he turns to look upon yoda's frown the spectre is gone this extremely brief interaction is all we get between the two masters but i think that this is incredibly significant as yoda essentially knew what was going to happen yoda was now a part of the force and could sense that darcidius would never win being one with the force the master was undoubtedly privy to knowing the future to some extent and he wasn't taunting sidious any farther when he said that he couldn't win he was just stating that yoda now a part of the force itself believed that he never would and was simply stating a fact sidious would learn this all too late when vader would turn against him at the end of the battle of endor i do not believe that yoda saw everything as even when obi-wan kenobi was a force ghost he did not believe that darth vader could be turned back to the light side of the force and become anakin yet again but i also believe that yoda's comments go a bit deeper yoda has now finally achieved the one thing that darth sidious desires more than anything else in eternal life sidious and all of the sith in general desire to live forever and it was darth plagueis main goal to cheat death by using the machinations of the dark side however in the end they can never do this so instead of taking this final moment to gloat before darth sidious for achieving what he never is able to he simply departs letting him know that he is now one with the force and that darcidius is essentially the first person that yoda decides to visit he decides to visit darth sidious before even luke a final part to his greatest rival in that of the sith and now full well knowing that he is one with the force and completely a part of the force itself in this moment darth sidious is even a little bit shaken and is awestruck at the fact that yoda is now all around him the idea that he could not sense him before but that now yoda is a literal part of the force itself is amazing but anyway my friends what are your thoughts on this and what are your thoughts on this brand new addition to star wars lore and star wars canon and now officially we know that the first person that yoda decided to visit once he transcended the physical plane was none other than darth sidious in his rival who just so happened to be thinking directly of yoda in this moment what are your thoughts on this in their very final very brief interaction as always my friends thank you guys so much for watching please remember that this is now star wars canon and this is a pretty major addition and may the force be with you you will not stop me soon darth vader will become more powerful than either of us these simple words spoken by the newly crowned galactic emperor to the former grand master of the jedi have been either overlooked or misunderstood for a long time now the reason being that despite what he just stated it never seems like sidious is at all eager to relinquish his position to his apprentice as it is stated in the rule of two never does he want to submit to darth vader in fact it seems quite the opposite palpatine takes extensive measures to keep vader in his place constantly seeks for replacements and overall seems to almost disregard his apprentice at every chance that vader isn't immediately proving useful all while smiling to him and pretending to be his friend despite having vader as an apprentice and spending a great deal of time trying to get anakin into the role of darth vader we never actually see sidious training anakin or vader in any capacity whatsoever for the most part it seems that vader just follows sidious's orders for whatever mission or errand he needs him to run at any given moment this too is contradicted by the fact that sidious puts on a facade of training by occasionally offering vader a couple of wise words and talking him out of making poor decisions however any form of training is very hands off on behalf of palpatine and we can't help but wonder and ponder on exactly why this is why after everything he went through to acquire anakin as his new sith apprentice has sidious not bothered to actually give him any formal training that we have witnessed well perhaps today we have the answer to this long-awaited question first though according to our analytics many of you haven't subscribed to us yet don't worry we won't make the same mistakes this city has made and we will train you in the ways of the force just hit the subscribe button for daily star wars content just like this now students of the force and acolytes of the galaxy let us begin when sidious said that darth vader would become more powerful than either himself or yoda he meant it at this point in time sidious was still abiding by the rule of two doctrine and after many years he believed that he had finally found the ultimate apprentice the final most powerful sith lord of them all darth vader ever since he met young anakin on naboo after single-handedly ending the droid crisis by destroying the trade federation control ship palpatine always meant it when he said that he would be watching anakin's career with great interest during that conversation he could likely feel the force itself dripping off of anakin's very being the chosen one had arrived and sidious didn't have to do much just yet he knew the boy was far too resilient for the jedi to work with and the work would be done for him by the jedi's dogma and disillusioning the boy of course with careful prodding and subtle manipulations over the years at the end of the clone wars it was finally time for all of his manipulations to pay off after he had witnessed a bit of anakin's anger in the battle with dooku before palpatine organized his own capture and instructed dooku to take out obi-wan early in their duel so that he could watch and gauge anakin's power for himself first hand he also told dooku to goad skywalker into the dark side soon though dooku was forced on the back pedal and actually began fighting for his life once he realized the anakin had crossed that threshold and finally with two words sidious sealed anakin's fate and dooku's as well those two words were do it from here it was a slippery slope and once obi-wan was out of the picture to deal with grievous palpatine finally had anakin where he wanted him and darth vader was soon born everything was going according to plan and just as palpatine had perfectly foreseen it and then mustafar happened during the duel with yoda sidious had been focused on finally giving the jedi master everything that he deserved it was only after their duel did the dark side whisper to sidious and he felt a great disturbance within the force this is why palpatine stopped looking for yoda immediately after he quietly said i sense lord vader is in danger after mustafar anakin was left irreparably crippled and palpatine's plans were left irreparably destroyed all those years of manipulation and planning practically went down the drain instantly he had the empire sure and the jedi were defeated granted but his true prize the immortalization of the sith through the turn chosen one was lost in a literal fiery blaze as he watched anakin's burned body writhing around on the operating table his disappointment was immeasurable and undescribable he was furious with his apprentice and the fact that he had lost and now the rule of two could never continue with him in his current state yes vader strengthened the force remained but his form was far too weak in his emotional state far too erratic for him to ever claim the title of the dark lord of the sith an emperor of the galaxy so as vader was becoming the technological terror we know today sidious came to an important decision the rule of two was over it was now time for the rule of one sidious philosophy was to essentially become the ultimate being the final sith he would have cultists and underlings but unlike the sid emperors of old he would not allow any of them to rise against his might because they would not be true sith simply his followers his slaves he saw that he needed to live forever as the only one true sith lord but then there was still the factor of darth vader vader was far too powerful to be thrown away without nary a thought and yet far too weak to become the ultimate sith that sidious had dreamed of the relationship between them had now become a very complicated one sidious tried time and time again to put plants in place to have vader destroyed however each of them fell through as vader proved to be too powerful to simply be defeated by any other force wielder and yet vader could never overthrow the emperor at all by himself they weren't a stalemate they both knew exactly what the other was thinking and vader even called palpatine out on trying to replace him several times but neither could overcome the other they were stuck with each other now they had to simply play the game and pretend to be friends as they entered a secret race to outpace the other palpatine tried many times to find a suitable apprentice but no other being even matched vader's strength much less exceeded it so he had to do with the next best thing which was keeping vader as down as low as possible he made sure that his suit was weakening and uncomfortable as he could and this is where we finally circle back to the topic at hand he kept as many secrets from vader as possible secrets of the dark side that sidious would have willingly given to a fully formed darth vader but now he was so much less this is the revelation as to why he never trained him he forced vader to reteach himself lightsaber combat and how to utilize the dark side to his own advantage without palpatine's direct help palpatine refused to teach him formally in fact and because of this vader would never uncover the secrets that sidious knew in the past sith lords kept knowledge from their apprentices in order to make them struggle for it so that they would get stronger they would feed their apprentices just enough knowledge for them to keep going however this instance was much different it was no longer the rule of two it was the rule of the one true emperor and sidious was determined to ensure that his rule was an everlasting one he could not let vader uncover the secrets of the dark side and use them to become stronger or overthrow sidious believing vader to be an inferior ruler and because of this he told darth vader very very little as pertaining to the secrets of the sith many wonder why vader doesn't upgrade his suit or take the risk of switching out of his systems to an upgraded version while his condition was so severe that he couldn't survive more than a few seconds without his breathing systems and his life support system this being the case he didn't trust droids or humans to be fast enough to complete the transfer and he wasn't strong enough to sustain himself in the force long enough for this transfer to happen however suppose that vader had the knowledge of sith sorcery an alchemy that sidious hoarded for himself perhaps this transfer would not only be successful but vader would become far far more powerful palpatine knew this he knew that if he trained vader at all then his apprentice would figure out how to best sustain himself and fashion a superior armor that was powerful enough to restore his physical form and get out of under sidious thumb but i'm sure you were all saying wouldn't sidious want this and to that i say by now sidious did not you see the rule of two was absolute insidious no longer thought the rule of two to be necessary he believed that he was the last of the line of the rule of two and the chosen sith ari after the rise of the empire sidious watched vader and noted how unruly he was how he had no future vision beyond his failures his dead wife and his lust for jedi blood vader was unfit to become the emperor insidious did not trust the empire that the sith had been building for a thousand years and the hands as someone as emotional as vader was so my friends what are your thoughts on this explanation greetings acolytes and welcome back to the channel in the rising days of the empire darth vader's entire focus was set purely on hunting and finding kenobi after order 66 there was still a certain number of jedi still alive left in the galaxy although their numbers which were previously 10 000 were now diminished to only a hundred after everything was said and done we know that there were only a very tight few jedi left in the galaxy by the time of luke skywalker for a long time it seemed as though the only two jedi that were left behind were ben kenobi and yoda ahsoka and ezra at the time were long gone and on their own paths during the time of the galactic civil war this was because of the empire's ruthless hunt for anyone claiming to be a part of the jedi religion or allying with the jedi ideologies or religion in any way palpatine made sure to destroy even the church of the whales who were a closely jedi related religious organization despite not containing any force sensitives whatsoever although we have covered vader's jedi hunting exploits and great detail on the channel one thing still stands out despite palpatine ensuring that the jedi stayed underground he never seemed to worry about hunting the greatest of them yoda and vader also never gave any indication or desire of hunting the grand master so why is this why did the empire forsake the hunt for arguably the most dangerous and certainly the most powerful jedi in the galaxy at the time first though according to our analytics a lot of you guys that watch the channel haven't actually subscribed yet so if you've been enjoying the star wars content and want to keep up to date with everything star wars related force crush that subscribe button the answer to this question comes in layers and has to be looked at from several points of view but the most important perspective is that of the emperors many times in both the books as well as the comics darth vader and his master come into conflict about their opposing views regarding the urgency of the jedi hunt vader thought that the hunt was paramount and that any and all remaining jedi were an absolute major threat to the empire however sidious thought of it quite differently the emperor's nonchalant attitude towards the remaining jedi stemmed from the fact that he knew that the empire had won and he wanted all remaining jedi to live just a little longer and watch as their galaxy is taken over completely by the sith this included of the utmost importance his own rival yoda palpatine was well aware of yoda's survival after their duel he had the coruscant guard on high alert to look for the jedi grandmaster after he fell that great hype from the senate pod after the clone troopers reported that they didn't find a body he told them to double their searches this was until he felt a disturbance in the force that vader was in great danger the clone troopers never found yoda so palpatine reasonably assumed that he had fled and was now in hiding in all honesty this suited the emperor just fine as he knew that somewhere out in the galaxy yoda was wallowing in as a complete and utter failure sidious took a great measure of sinister delight in knowing that his enemies and especially his greatest rival were having to hide themselves and live in the dark like the sith had to for a millennia under the tenants of bane and the rule of two but now emperor palpatine was far more concerned with the state of the empire and consolidating as much power as possible while building up the empire unfortunately though for the time being his apprentice didn't share that same sentiment nor passion for the empire while sidious was nonchalant darth vader was hell-bent on finding and killing the jedi that had remained of the republic it wasn't enough for him to know that they were suffering under the tyranny of the empire and being forced to stand by helplessly vader wanted blood he wanted to drink their fear as he drove the life from their bodies by his own blade he had a bone to pick with the jedi and it had become personal his revenge couldn't be satiated until he slew his old master obi-wan kenobi it would take several incultations by sidious and a bad experience before vader would realize just how destructive his habits were for himself but how does this relate to yoda the grandmaster well we aren't really given an idea of what vader thought regarding the jedi grandmaster but it wasn't something that was on the top of his hit list for sure we could speculate that perhaps vader knew deep down that in his new state it was laughable to think that he could face yoda's power and skill however we here at the channel do not believe this another speculation we could offer as to why sidious didn't bother sending vader to find yoda is perhaps also he knew that vader would not be able to stand up to it insidious perhaps wasn't ready to gamble with his greatest prize against a foe that was more or less irrelevant in the grand scheme of things what i believe though is that vader and yoda would have been very closely matched in terms of skill with the lightsaber as well as even potential in the force and vader did have a decent chance of defeating yoda but at the same time yoda also had a decent chance at stopping lord vader insidious was not willing to risk this for someone that caused no foreseeable threat to the empire now though all of this was not to say that the emperor didn't want yoda to be found there was a bounty set on yoda by the empire and it was a handsome bounty indeed so handsome in fact that the empire was getting an overwhelming number of false claims by bounty hunters attempting to collect on the empire's prize the imperials were bombarded by so many of these false claims that they had to change the rules concerning the bounty firstly they wanted yoda alive and any claims found to be false would result in capital punishment up to and including death by the counterfeiter yoda's chosen destination was a true stroke of genius though and wisdom on par with his reputation the dagobah system was a planet that was far out of the way in the back of the outer rim it has once been a separatist controlled system but after that was abolished no one really laid claim to the swamp world despite its appearance on numerous star maps not to mention the power of the dark side nexus located in the cave on dagobah was strong enough to hide master yoda's impressive signature in the force yoda was both hiding in and out of plain sight at the time there was actually a time that vader sent out a search party purely to indulge a small part of his curiosity but after they came back empty-handed palpatine waved it off completely during one of sidious and vader's many conversations on the topic of the jedi sidious laughed in vader's face after vader had mentioned that the jedi pose a significant threat to the empire sidious then said he defeated mace windu one of the order's most powerful jedi and not even yoda could stop him sidious would then go on to say that he had plans ready in case any jedi ever did try to rise up again the emperor then dismissed lord vader with no inkling of what these plans may have been which greatly perturbed the dark lord as he was now beginning to wonder if his master trusted him at all well friends what are your take on this apathetic view of searching for the former jedi grand master on behalf of palpatine do you think it was in the empire's best interest to have focused their resources elsewhere and if they had found yoda do you think there could have been anything vader or the empire could do it all to have triumphed over him do you think that vader and yoda were a match for one another let us know your thoughts on this down below and as always may the force be with you and have a great day throughout the course of his life emperor palpatine has seldom been significantly challenged in either the political arena or the field of physical combat as his skills in both corner are largely unmatched to this day as the greatest rival to the jedi order a gifted manipulator and talented duelist his greatest fears and most dire threats to his rule could often be addressed by his own incredibly diverse skill set political rivals that stood in his way could be manipulated much like how he had chancellor valorum removed from office to make way for his own election and in the arena of combat even the most gifted warriors would fall victim to his blade leaving sidious seemingly utterly undefeatable throughout the war he balanced each of these skills with precision and grace giving off an aura of invincibility so then this raises an important question why did he come to fear one particular individual who had formally served as his greatest asset who could cause palpatine to grow weary and cautious during the dying days of the republic despite him having all of the power he could need to defend himself well today students of the force let's dive into why palpatine grew fearful of none other than his very own apprentice former jedi master dooku first though according to our records many of the force attuned that have visited our archives have not yet joined our order so if you've been enjoying the daily openings of holocrons be sure to reach out and force crush that subscribe button now let us begin recently we release and produced a video on why darth sidious feared qui-gon more than any other jedi but while qui-gon jinn was the greatest threat that the republic could offer him his fear of dooku was driven for very different reasons we do encourage you to check out our video on why palpatine feared qui-gon though but let's discuss why his fear for dooku was so different than this this fear first arose when the clone wars first began after darth sidious ultimately caught word that dooku was able to duel master yoda in attack of the clones to a standstill on geonosis adoku ultimately had to endanger the lives of obi-wan and anakin in order to escape the wrath of the grand master the duel was fairly even throughout the course of its duration and there was no overtly clear victor he was able to keep pace with the grand master of the jedi order despite crossing 80 years of age when this duel took place and although dooku did not outright defeat yoda this was still an incredibly formidable feat of power one that darth sidious noted carefully at the time sidious was considered to be the most powerful sith lord that had ever existed in star wars history but he had yet to test his skills against yoda in physical combat or any jedi of note for that matter it wasn't until the clone wars commenced that he began dueling more regularly defeating sauvagio press and darth maul on mandalore and facing off against mace windu and yoda as the clone wars came to an inevitable close just to name a few notable duels in truth darth sidious never believed that he would ever truly need his lightsaber all that much and was far more focused on his gifts that could be attuned to him through the dark side rather than skill with a blade however hearing that his apprentice was able to stand his ground against one of the best jedi duelists of the era and possibly in galactic history was incredibly alarming to sidious and it caused him to reconsider his own abilities as a duelist and the very distinct possibility of dooku overwhelming him with the blade many of the jedi did not stand up to sidious's prowess and lightsaber combat but his true threat to the jedi order lay in his manipulation tactic meaning that he didn't need to be better than most jedi and lightsaber combat although he wanted to be for the duration of the clone wars sidious did not need to fight jedi in single combat simply because he had already manipulated the war to his liking and even if windu had killed him he still would have eradicated most of the jedi rupturing to the brink of collapse regardless of whether or not sidious lived or died dooku however stood in a very precarious position in regards to sidious as he was one of the only individuals to have direct contact with the sith lord while still fold well knowing that palpatine was the dark lord of the sith the chancellor and the creator of the war this meant that now in addition to political leverage dooku also had physical power over his master dooku as the public face of the separatist movement had all the political influence that he needed over the confederacy commanding the droid army at will and gaining the public support of these systems who followed him devoutly sidious however was not a public face of the separatist movement and his political influence was only applicable to the republic a republic which he was about to crumble as for the separatists sidious could only speak through dooku and had no direct power meaning that his manipulation tactics wouldn't work on the separatists without dooku's assistance and being the voice and furthermore it meant that if dooku ever decided to turn on sidious he would have to fall back on his prowess in lightsaber combat something that he had always assumed would help him defeat his aging apprentices before the duel between dooku and yoda on geonosis darth sidious believed that he was the clear better of dooku and yoda at the same time however he was more unsure about the grand master this is why it was so shocking for the sith when dooku met yoda on even ground while he knew that dooku had once been a paragon of the jedi order and one of their most talented swordsmen he also had reason to believe that dooku could no longer achieve this height of his former glory in his age after abandoning the ways of the jedi to attend to matters on sereno and learning the ways of the dark side combined with his advanced age it stands to reason that dooku's political power would be seen as more dangerous than his physical power but now dooku had both sidious always believed that dooku was a feared combatant and was more than capable to dispatch nearly any jedi of the order again though yoda was different upon discovering that he had nearly defeated yoda sidious entire worldview was brought into question insidious was left to wonder whether or not he could actually defeat dooku as easily as he had formally believed this innate uncertainty was also augmented by the inclusion of asajj ventress to the battlefield as dooku took to training this gifted sith assassin as his own as the war waged on dooku and ventress began to build a personal connection to one another which soon began to resemble the very same relationship that he had once shared with maul all those years ago contrary to popular belief darth maul was actually taken under sidious wing while his own master darth plagueis was still alive under the guise that maul would be used as a public assassin and field operative while the two true sith lords remained relegated to the shadows maul was expected to be a field agent in order to preserve the identities of sidious and plagueis acting as a red herring for the jedi order and a scapegoat if anything were to go wrong however sidious plan changed and upon assassinating darth plagueis he had the idea of promoting maul to his formal sith apprentice however this would never happen as darth maul being cut in half by a padawan obi-wan and darth plagueis death were nearly at the same time these same characteristics though began to surface with dooku and ventress which was a clear red flag that palpatine immediately recognized and was the driving force behind his directive that dooku should kill ventress by driving a wedge between them he stalled dooku from potentially overthrowing him until the war was over though he still could not be certain while we know that sidious was a match for yoda and even won their duel in the senate chambers he still did not know this for certain until the time eventually arose for him to test his skills against the jedi grand master he believed his talent to be equal to yoda if not better but this was still strictly hypothetical following dooku's duel with his former master in fact even though sidious formally won the confrontation in the revenge of the sith novelization he had to put his lightsaber away in order to defeat yoda meaning that many of sidious's fears were actually correct and that dooku may very well could have been the superior duelist to sidious and may have even gotten lucky dooku again was far too close to the plan of darth sidious and when he saw that dooku could meet yoda on even ground this struck him with intense fear in the end though what sidious ultimately predicted would come true and dooku grew tired and weakened by the culmination of the clone wars ultimately leaving the door open for anakin skywalker the chosen one to defeat dooku in single combat as he grew tired and weary something that many people fail to note about dooku is that he is clearly far more powerful in attack of the clones than he is in revenge of the sith as is dictated by the revenge of the sith novelization even yoda senses this same change in his former apprentice in dooku as the war wages on as anakin increases in power dooku decreases and it is clear that sidious's goals will still be maintained as he can now clearly overthrow dooku in single combat this doesn't change though the fear that he had for his apprentice for some time following the events of attack of the clones but now my friends i would love to hear from you what are your thoughts on this what are your thoughts on dooku and the fact that he met yoda on even ground and that they very nearly met at a stalemate do you think that darth sidious would be able to overthrow dooku if they ever came to blows or do you think that sidious fears against dooku were very warranted as always my friends thank you guys so much for watching the channel hit that subscribe button and may the force be with you darth sidious is undoubtedly one of the most powerful sith in history with his command over the force being his true calling card sidious was so powerful in fact that he had stated on one occasion that he believed himself to be above the use of a lightsaber and that he immediately used a lightsaber to mock the jedi however there are many holes in sidious's statement that would render this notion untrue the fact that despite that he had mastered all seven forms of lightsaber combat he still felt challenged by dooku's skill and dooku's own rising power he had technically lost the duel with master yoda on coruscant in the senate chamber and he kept the second backup lightsaber a lightsaber that he used at times when no jedi were present and chose to use a lightsaber against other force wielders if sidious truly believed he was too powerful for a lightsaber then these things would not have happened this is what we wanted to open a discussion about today we want to look at the facts and challenge sidious's claim it is no secret that we know of sidious opinions on lightsabers which is that he doesn't really like them the idea has been lightly explored in many different stories when palpatine discusses the blades with him outright stating that he judges the sith's merit based on their power and knowledge of the dark side and not their skill with a blade it seems that sidious strongly adhered to the idea that a lightsaber was truly a jedi's weapon and that the sith had entirely grown beyond their use let's first discuss the whole's insidious statement and why he is not more powerful than a lightsaber and beyond its use then we will discuss why he says this firstly as stated before if he had not cared much for lightsabers then he might have chosen nyman as his form of choice and then went full into his power with the force opting for a more xr kun approach however he dedicated the time and study into mastering all seven forms of lightsaber combat and honing his body to be a living weapon something to note about form 7 is it's something that acquires the mastery of all other lightsaber forms in order to use proficiently meaning that city has dedicated a whole lot of time to his mastery of the blade for somebody that doesn't think that he needs it now of course this can all be stated to simply be because he wanted to truly embody what it meant to be a culmination of all the past sith by possessing their very skills however we know that sidious never really intended in being in very many duels as when his grand plan came to fruition it would require very little saber to saber combat and fighting at all despite this though sidious always kept a backup lightsaber which meant that he was planning on a contingency plan in case he lost his own original one sidious wouldn't need such a contingency if he never planned on using his first lightsaber i also want to call out sidious claim that he uses one merely to mock the jedi this i do believe is true but not to the extent that sidious claims it is true that he made his lightsaber out of expensive metals which essentially rendered it more as a piece of jewelry than anything else this was a direct affront to the jedi's humbler more monk-like way of living and sidious wanted to counter this with an expensive and an elegant weapon which goes against the very fundamentals of a jedi however very few jedi even ever saw sidious's lightsaber with only one ever living to tell the tale the thing about it is is that sidious used his lightsaber more often when jedi weren't present such as when he dueled maul and killed savageo press and when he survived the ambush on ryloth in the lords of the sith novel now of course we can argue aside that city has probably used his sabers with maul and savage to embarrass them as well and show them how inferior they were to him a true sith lord mocking their reliance on their own lightsabers but how does one explain what happened on ryloth in the canon novel lords of the sith in the novel vader and sidious end up crash landing on ryloth during a rebellion uprising and the two sith lords have to survive many perils and palpatine actually uses his lightsaber not once but three times during the whole book the first was when he used it to help kill the resistance fighters that ambushed him as well as vader the second time was when he and vader fell into a nest of large creatures and they fought together to kill them using their lightsabers and the third was when he actually was about to kill a little girl with his lightsaber before darth vader stopped him if you ask me these actions don't describe a man who doesn't seem to be too powerful for such a weapon especially of course because no jedi are ever present here even though he was a highly skilled duelist able to contend with even the most masterful of combatants while treating it like playtime he still lost the duel to yoda on coruscant in blade to blade and when i say he lost the duel i don't mean the battle entirely which was more or less ended on a stalemate with yoda having to retreat once the guard arrived i mean as far as lightsaber to lightsaber goes yoda technically won the duel as he had defeated sidious on even ground besting him at lightsaber combat and actually disarming the sith lord according to the novelization for revenge of the sith after yoda disarmed him sidious flew up to another senate pod gaining the high ground and deciding to fall back on the area in which he was more skilled that of course being the force yoda and the emperor engaged in a force battle however in this area sidious was the superior so what can we gather from this duel in this information i think a good conclusion to draw here is that although sidious is very powerful with the force there are situations where a lightsaber is warranted even in his mind i fully believe that the duel with mace windu and the masters was an instance where he was mocking them but in the duel with yoda he was disarmed and had to fall back on his force abilities where of course he was more superior however just because he is more effective with just using the force doesn't mean he has become too powerful for a lightsaber however unlike the sith lords of old and even the jedi sidious is not needlessly arrogant he is proud yes like any sith would be however he doesn't let his arrogance blind him or leave him open to weakness so if he made a statement like this there is a reason for it i must admit there is something that i have been keeping from you this whole video that may actually prove the hidden meaning behind sidious claim his bold statement comes from the novel dark lord the rise of darth vader his actual words were that the sith had outgrown the need for lightsabers his statement was not one of arrogance or self-indulgent pride but simply a matter of fact let's explain sidious was not implying that he himself was too powerful for a lightsaber in the literal sense but in his ideological sense the sith under the rule of two shed their cloaks of conquering through brute force and war conquering with a lightsaber was no longer the way of the sith instead they used cunning tax superior intelligence and always stayed one step ahead of their enemies sidious didn't win the war by cutting down droves of jedi with his blade even the most powerful sith lords of the past such as nilus did that and still lost to the jedi no the sith had evolved and grown and had become so much more than a religious warrior group like the jedi they had become the very political lifeblood of the galaxy itself this is what palpatine meant by the sith had outgrown the need for lightsabers this is what he meant when he said he uses the lightsaber to mock the jedi not in a literal manner but in a way where he is essentially play-fighting with them even though the jedi had already lost and had lost for many years prior his princess leia organa is one of the most powerful and most important characters in all of star wars lore from an illustrious political career throughout the course of her life from a diplomat to a trusted rebel leader an eventual cornerstone of the new republic she had no shortage of political experience leia's political career actually began when she was just a child accompanying her adopted father bail organa on her adventures with the imperial sena and studying under for them for the duration of her early life this meant that she was far more closely associated with the empire than she arguably should have been at such a young age as bale served on the imperial senate and helped manage the daily affairs of the empire while secretly nightlighting as a rebel leader committed to destabilizing and dismantling the regime established by sidious on one particular occasion however princess leia actually came into direct contact with none other than the emperor himself he shared in a conversation about the empire with palpatine long before learning of the death star plans or even taking a leadership position in the rebellion with this marking the only time that leia insidious communicated with one another so today weary acolytes and students of the force let's dive into this interaction and when leia came face to face with emperor palpatine this account of events as of now takes place in legends continuity but since there is nothing as of now to dispute that this happened in modern canon it's reasonable to believe it may have also occurred in canon from a very young age princess leia came to quickly understand that the empire was a force for evil under the control of this malevolent individual and the beliefs were verified when she ventured to coruscant for the very first time as a member of the imperial senate bail organa was invited to a banquet at the capital of the empire in the year 3 bby and leia insisted that she would join him for context this puts leia at roughly 16 years old although he understood the risks of bringing leia involved bail reluctantly agreed to bring his daughter if she was accompanied by guards from alderaan at all times and shinshu had never displayed any force force-related sensitivity or abilities he believed that she would be relatively safe from detection from sidious while on coruscant she was shocked immediately as she quickly got an up close and personal look at the xenophobic and racist practices of the emperor as she entered the slums of the imperial capital though she had been developed an early sense of empathy for those who had been oppressed by the empire knowing that the empire ultimately had to be dismantled this was her first most personal look at the actual circumstances and the circumstances under which non-human entities lived under the power of sidious this led to her developing a very early sense of contempt for the emperor and her aggressive nature meant that should she ever come face to face with him she would be eager to berate him and this party offered her the prime opportunity to do so she told her father that night that it was her intention to call out the wrongdoings and confront palpatine about his methods methods which harmed thousands across his territory to which he adamantly asked her not to do so bale told leia that palpatine was dangerous and had power beyond leia's comprehension the reasoning he used was that he had to maintain alderaan's public image and alderaan had long since been an avid supporter of the imperial regime bale himself had painted himself as an imperial sympathizer for the duration of his career whilst orchestrating the rebellion from the shadows if leia confronted the emperor then alderaan's loyalty would be brought into question and bale's connection with the rebel alliance would put both himself as well as his family in grave danger not to mention the entire planet furthermore bale was fully aware of leia's true parentage and knew that she was incredibly force sensitive due to her bloodline and he knew exactly what kind of risk he carried if she were to ever be exposed leia at the time though had no idea of this latent ability so it wasn't even a matter of having her hide it from these two incredibly powerful individuals insidious invader in star wars tales number 15 the comic issue that describes this event leia recalls this particular encounter and even comes to fully understand her father's apprehension against palpatine leia states that she was surprised to even let her come in the first place knowing how force sensitive she was and risking exposure to vader and the emperor but since she hadn't displayed any latent force potential until that point he must have believed that leia was relatively safe in her mind leia prepared her arguments and hyped herself up for the eventual encounter wherein she would be able to finally come face to face with the emperor and confront him for his wrongdoing when she finally came face to face with palpatine however this confidence quickly melted away as soon as she was within his presence she was consumed by an eerie uncomfortable feeling of immense darkness that stopped her dead in her tracks which might have been her detecting his true aura through the force itself or it might have been simply his imposing presence before her even the brave and headstrong princess leia future leader of the rebellion and fearless soldier was petrified of palpatine's mere presence she describes him as being consumed in the darkness and she believed him to be one of the single most evil individuals that she had ever encountered in fact she confirmed it and all palpatine did was smile at her as her aggression and arguments dissipated unable to speak beyond a small thank you palpatine admired her ferocious nature and stated that he looked forward to her joining the imperial senate one day knowing of leia's reputation while leia crumbled under the pressure this led one of the most important moments in her life and one that would define the future of her involvement with the rebellion the emotion that leia organa was left with when she had this devastating encounter with the emperor was simply that of fear she had sensed something and felt something within the emperor that she had never experienced before and this was leia organa's truest brush with the dark side it was following this though in leia being inconsolable that bail organa revealed the truth and revealed that there was an underground network of rebels working to overthrow palpatine and his empire thus leia organa took her first steps into the rebellion and it was this moment with darth sidious emperor palpatine that defined leia as a rebel leader she sensed the very dark side of the force within the leader of the imperial senate within the emperor himself in many ways this served as a major awakening for leia as this is her first major brush with a force wielder if we're not counting the obi-wan kenobi series this is also her first experience with the dark side of the force it's incredible that although sidious was unable to sense leia had any latent force potential that she could sense his so purely as sidious is quite famous for actually hiding his force signature that is why many of the jedi did not detect him during the prequel era however with leia organa whether or not sidious has stopped hiding or whether or not she is powerful enough to do so it is clear that she does sense something dark within palpatine and something that shakes her to her core but also grows to define her and grows to her ultimately deciding that the empire must fall although leia crumbled in this single encounter as palpatine walked past her an old and decrepit man she could sense his latent dark potential and it was at this moment that leia knew that palpatine must be destroyed but then throughout the centuries of the sith rule during the post-bainite era the rule of two grew into perhaps the most important and most prevalent doctrine for all future sith to follow allowing only one master and one apprentice to rule the regime of the sith at any given time a master to hold the power and to covet it and an apprentice to desire it above all else as the years went on though various sith attempted to break this sacred precedent or bend it to their own will with some taking on dark side apprentices or sith assassins to do their bidding while most blatantly took on a new sith padawan before executing their masters and bringing the tradition full circle some did not follow this doctrine during the age of the empire for instance darth sidious and darth vader employed a legion of over a dozen sinister assassins known as the legion of imperial inquisitors tasked with hunting down any floundering jedi survivors and executing any remaining trace of the old order that they could find while these inquisitors were not formally considered to be sith in any traditional sense they were innately strong dark side practitioners with affinities for lightsaber combat and a malicious disdain for the jedi making them pseudo-sith by all logical definitions however dark jedi seems more accurate given the employment of these inquisitors however and this major risk that palpatine was undertaking by having them why wasn't palpatine fearful that vader and the inquisitors might seek to overthrow him if palpatine was offering all of these dark side adepts that would listen solely to darth vader all of these potential apprentices at vader's disposal so why wasn't sidious afraid at all less than two years earlier sidious had ordered count dooku to eliminate asajj ventress because he believes she posed a significant threat to his rule as a new sith apprentice insidious believed that she was in fact a viable prospect for a true secret apprentice so then why doesn't the same things apply for somebody like the grand inquisitor who may have made the perfect apprentice for darth vader and a perfect candidate to one day become a true sith well today students of the force and acolytes of the galaxy let's explore a few of the reason why palpatine wasn't worried about vader using the inquisitors as his new apprentices and why he believed that the inquisitors despite being powerful jedi butchers were not a threat to his power whatsoever the explanation is actually quite interesting first it's important to understand how vader's relationship with the inquisitors differs from something like dooku's relationship with ventress or even palpatine's own relationship with maul who palpatine took us as apprentice even though he was still under an official apprenticeship by lord plagueis let's begin with talking about the relationship between dooku and ventress ventress had a very clear master and apprentice relationship wherein dooku offered her continual one-on-one training teaching her more skills and augmenting her power in the dark side he taught her the ways of the sith and the abilities needed to be formally inducted into the sith order on a highly individualized curriculum this was a personal connection that palpatine feared above all else as dooku truly did like ventress and admired her power as they became to learn more about each other and developed an ability to work together effectively as master and apprentice with these inquisitors however their training was not only very limited but was highly impersonal they were trained in lightsaber combat and various dark side force abilities in order to specifically hunt jedi as this was their sole task but after they had completed their initiation into the inquisitor program they were left to their own devices and sent their own ways with no further training whatsoever because of the simple fact that vader did not want to bother with them and he himself was obsessed with killing jedi it's also important to mention that since their training was stifled none of them were any match for either vader or palpatine even altogether nor were they receiving any further training on how to become stronger and it's highly unlikely that vader would even be able to take them under his wing in the first place during the selection of the inquisitors this is something very important as it seems as if palpatine had to find a particular level of skill and innate force ability that he deemed acceptable not too weak to the point where they could not overcome jedi but not too powerful so they could ever be a threat to his rule he had to scour his prospects in order to find inquisitor candidates that were powerful enough to rival jedi survivors but not powerful enough to stand against himself nor vader and this meant that while the inquisitors were lethal to surviving jedi they were not nearly as dangerous to someone like the chosen one or the emperor of the galactic armada and the culmination of the rule of two we even see this quite clearly in the kenobi series when riva finally chooses to confront darth vader riva who is already a talented force sensitive and lightsaber combatant has spent the duration of her life honing her skills she is one of the most aggressive inquisitors that we have ever seen augmenting her strength within the dark side as she brutally hunts obi-wan and any other remaining jedi utilizing inherently violent methods to achieve her goal she is a gifted lightsaber combatant and a ruthless fighter yet when she confronts vader she is utterly humiliated by the dark lord despite her years of practice one could argue that she is one of the most violent inquisitors and a case could be made that she is one of the most powerful though likely still not the single most powerful inquisitor to date yet when it comes to darth vader he is able to match her without ever even drawing upon his lightsaber this is because riva lies right in that sweet spot when pertaining to her power and was inducted as an inquisitor simply due to her inability to face vader effectively here she was dwarfed by the innate power that comes with being a dark lord as the shadow of vader's vengeance loomed over her she is no match for a sith and has no official sith training whatsoever it's also important to note that palpatine never had any reason to believe vader had a personal one-on-one training session with any of these inquisitors as vader was continually watched by darth sidious royal guards with this being a major reason as to why vader was seldom able to make a move without sidious knowing about it and this stifled his ability to enact the rule of two in the first place or take on a student of his own if he had ever been shown to develop a personal relationship with an inquisitor which went beyond simply being professional collaborators then palpatine would have eventually found out and this absolutely would raise his concern here palpatine would have acted as he did against dooku although this quite notably never happened since this never happened though there was nothing for palpatine to ever be concerned about in the first place because the inquisitors were not receiving any additional training or specific treatment from vader many fans of star wars lore underestimates what it truly means to be trained as a fully formed sith lord and the power difference between somebody like maul and the grand inquisitor the grand inquisitor is a skilled jedi hunter but he is nowhere near the level of a sith assassin like maul who has formal sith training and therefore places him far beyond any inquisitor simply because of the training that he received under sidious as long as palpatine kept his eye on vader he would be absolutely sure that he was safe and he would not be training any of the inquisitors without sidious knowing about this palpatine kept a long list of contingencies at the ready in case vader ever decided to turn on him and this is something that vader knew about not to mention that none of the inquisitors were naturally powerful enough to overthrow cydia and even if darth vader banded together with all of the inquisitors the inquisitors could be turned against instantaneously as star city is still had inherently within the clones the ability to enact order 66. it's likely that he would have told the clone troopers to enact order 66 had the inquisitors ever turned on him not to mention that darth vader himself is truly vulnerable to sidious from the vulnerabilities in his suit that the various strandcast cloning projects he had operating in the shadows palpatine ensured that nobody could threaten his rule so long as he was able to keep darth vader in check especially the inquisitors and this is why darth sidious never inherently feared the inquisitors whatsoever but anyway my friends what do you think of this explanation do you think the inquisitors ever stood a chance against challenging palpatine's rule and if so which inquisitor do you think would have been the best set apprentice for lord vader as always my friends may the force be with you and i hope that you have a great day hello acolytes and welcome back to the channel in the era of the prequel trilogy in the clone wars there were countless what-if scenarios that could have completely changed the course of history as we know it what if anakin had been sent to utapau instead of obi-wan to face general grievous what if yoda personally didn't go to see the droid attack on the wookiees and was present at the jedi temple during order 66 and of course even the smaller things such as what if the jedi had taken dooku's warning to heart about their being a sith lord in the senate just a little bit more seriously than they did every one of these things could have brought an end to the carefully laid out plans of darth sidious and brought it all to a swift and abrupt ending one thing that has been brought to our attention is something that would actually seem rather obvious to do and something that would have saved the republic the question is why didn't the jedi test palpatine's blood for midichlorians the midichlorians were an idea first introduced in the phantom menace to explain how living people connected the mystical energy that is the force on tatooine qui-gon jinn would test the young anakin skywalker's blood and send it in for analysis typically the range for midichlorian counts for regular humans hovered somewhere between 2500 with the average jedi obi-wan included being somewhere around 13 000 which would prove that they were indeed force sensitive obi-wan was astounded to find the anakin's midichlorian count was obviously massive and paled in comparison to obi-wan's own a midichlorian count even passing grandmaster yodas who clocks in at around 17700 himself anakin's midichlorian count was the highest ever recorded being somewhere between twenty eight thousand to thirty thousand and george lucas even insinuating it could possibly be as high as forty thousand meaning theoretically he could have twice the force potential of yoda this is a great scale to keep in mind moving forward anyway on geonosis count dooku revealed to a captured obi-wan that there was indeed a sith lord in the senate controlling the entire war from behind the scenes dooku was using this information as a sort of last-ditch plea to get ovibon over to his side by basically laying out all of the empire secrets and plans right in front of him hoping that obi-wan would become dooku's apprentice unfortunately for dooku obi-wan denied this information though he did end up reporting it to the jedi high council due to these leading factors one would think that they would start testing all senators for force sensitivity beginning obviously with palpatine mace windu himself even said in revenge of the sith that the dark side surrounds the chancellor so why didn't they test palpatine's blood for midochlorians well acolytes we have the answer today and a revelation that some jedi did actually think of this plan first though according to our analytics a lot of you guys that watch the channel haven't actually subscribed yet so if you've been enjoying the content and want to stay up to date with everything star wars related force crush that subscribe button one simple answer is the jedi's hubris the jedi were so arrogant that they couldn't possibly believe that any sith lord would be in the council without them sensing it not knowing the underlying factors that were clouding their very vision many factors that work directly in palpatine's favor the jedi's pride the war at hand and the fact that the jedi temple is literally built right on top of a sith shrine video on that on the horizon and possibly even palpatine using sith artifacts in his office to corrupt the jedi's insight the other more complex answer lies in the fact that the political climate of the clone wars at the time was very complicated to say the least senate debates were outright turbulent and not all senators cared very much for the jedi order a mandated blood test from the jedi council to the senate would not only be met with controversy but outright resistance and outrage however there were actually two jedi that had thought this through and thought about giving the senators a blood test deciding to go directly over the council's head however the individual that they turned to proved to be a massive mistake as they went directly to palpatine for help this master and his apprentice would explain everything to the supreme chancellor and offer that perhaps if he performed a blood test then everyone in the senate would follow his suit so that they could then narrow down the search for this elusive sith lord it was true that this jedi master and palpatine had actually been friends or at least the jedi master believed that they had been friends which is why he felt so confident going directly to palpatine who at the time actually had an exemplary relationship with the jedi not to mention palpatine's approval rating at the time was at an all-time high anyone who was someone that wanted to keep their political reputation intact were going to do as the chancellor did the problem the jedi were running into was that they would need a warrant to mandate a mass blood test and such a warrant could only come from the supreme chancellor knowing this these two naive jedi laid out everything before palpatine secretly of course darth sidious palpatine silently considered his options for a moment knowing that he couldn't possibly go through with the test all this time using every bit of his resources to keep the jedi's vision clouded furious that it could all crumble due to a simple blood test that would undoubtedly reveal his whopping 20 000 midichlorian count a count completely passing yoda and being second only to the chosen one thinking quickly palpatine tactfully asked the two jedi what grandmaster yoda thought of this experiment to their detriment the two revealed that they hadn't told anyone of this plan anyone but lord sidious palpatine encouraged them to keep it to themselves while he thought it over after the jedi left to tend to the battlefield on the planet of murson sidious contacted dooku and instructed him to lead a full assault on the planet killing both jedi in the process with their deaths their plan died with them and palpatine's secret was safe this sort of cunning was the same thing that palpatine used to silence five during the clone wars it seems that tying up loose ends was something that this dark lord of the sith was quite adept at to answer the question in the beginning very plainly though it was basically because of the political state of the galaxy as a whole during the clone wars the jedi became warriors and it was highly belief that the jedi could actually take over the republic and it was because of this that there was much unease and distrust between the senate and the jedi at the time the jedi ordering the senate to do something would have looked terrible on behalf of the jedi especially if it was a mandate not to mention the means of requiring this mandate again they would have had to go to the senate chancellor palpatine who obviously was not going to let it happen this would have been the first sign that the jedi were in fact going to take over and it's likely that many of the senators would have outright refused meaning just as palpatine had planned it was nearly impossible for them to test anybody's blood in the senate because of the massive distrust between the two groups but anyway my friends what did you think of this was this a topic in a question that you had wondered about before and let us know what other topics you'd like to see explored in the comments down below what did darth sidious believe would happen if the fact that he was a sith lord was revealed to the entire star wars galaxy well today we intend on answering that question with two very different answers there was one major reason why palpatine was not in fact worried of the fact that him being a sith lord would be revealed to the galaxy as he believed that the ramifications could actually be positive and work in his favor however there was another facet of palpatine that believed that the fact that he was a sith lord could be highly detrimental to his rise and continued power and this is a reason that you may not expect so today students of the force and acolytes of the galaxy let's delve into it our story begins a thousand years before darth sidious darth bane mandated that all siths should keep their allegiance to the order a secret this is due to the reputation that the sith had made for themselves throughout their entirety of star wars history being conquerors and dealers of death the sith had a terrible reputation of constantly attempting to overthrow the republic and at the same time constantly being thwarted by the republic and the jedi and it is for this major reason that darth bane believed that the reputation of the sith was too toxic to keep intact at least of course publicly and it is because of this that darth bane mandated that the sith should remain in the shadows and no individual should openly carry their allegiance to the sith and this would prove bad for the order the jedi for generations had promoted the fact that the sith needed to be destroyed as the sith were portrayed as the greatest enemy of the galaxy and the jedi its greatest hero which is why it was so crucial for the sith to remain hidden this was actually a new addition added by darth bane as before this the sith title was wielded quite openly and sith were proud of the fact that they were in fact dark side align but darth bane changed this entirely along with implementing the rule of two this began a great era of secrecy for the sith where it was important to believe that they were utterly destroyed during the previous war and that the previous era of sith was no more and that the sith were completely wiped from the star maps allowing the sith to not only move from the literal shadows but the shadows of the galaxy in plain sight from the shadows is where they would formulate their master plan and would not be targeted purely based on their beliefs and doctrine as a sith lord as well as be placed upon the past transgressions of the order and the galaxy as darth bane considered this to be a huge drawback for the seth and therefore attempted to do away from it something that was quite brilliant and without this it would have been quite difficult for the current generation insidious and vader to rise to such prominence based off of what we know palpatine also followed this strict doctrine by the fact that no one publicly knew that he was in fact a sith lord or at least those that did were very very close to him in select it's even more telling that darth sidious kept this intact after his rise as emperor as even after he became the emperor of the entire galaxy very few individuals knew the fact that he was in fact a sith lord the very few that did had either been outright told or had deduced it themselves such as thrawn or tarkin in the end though palpatine came to a conclusion of his own separate from that of darth bane and in a rare occasion he actually disagreed with the philosophy of bane and believed that if he so desired to he could reveal to the larger galaxy that he was in fact a sith and this is why palpatine's reasoning as to why he was not ousted as a sith lord during the imperial era was much different than what darth bane mandated although he did follow this doctrine as set in place before he became the emperor he believed it was ultimately important to keep his true identity hidden in a canon novel though darth sidious explicitly states that he is not afraid of the galaxy knowing that darth vader was in fact a sith but he does not mention or go into detail about himself being out as he sith lord darth vader was of course the second in command when it came to the military of the empire and again darcidius was not shy at the fact that vader was a sith lord this is the major reason why again tarkin and thrawn were able to deduce that sidious himself was a sith lord as they were aware of prior set doctrine so by this information it's clear that this isn't something that darth sidious was holding close to the belt any longer palpatine now believed that the truth of his identity could be used as a weapon in his own favor in fact where previously it would have destroyed him as now there was no massive force in the jedi to oppose sidious after he became the emperor it is because of this fact that sidious believed that the knowledge that he was a sith lord could be used to cause fear throughout the galaxy for the empire and their emperor directly a sense of fear that was not present during the republic era sidious could use this to his great advantage as he ruled mainly out of fear of his regime when he ultimately came to power as the empire was able to gain power through the mistrust of the jedi but they maintained power through fear and brute strength therefore palpatine deemed these two traits to be invaluable and even if there were rumors that emperor palpatine may in fact be a sith lord darth sidious did not deem these ideas too detrimental to his reign however this is not to say that palpatine had no concerns of the galaxy discovering that he was in fact a sith bore as there was one specific very surprising problem that palpatine had and it may not be exactly what you think insidious own writings he revealed that he did such a great job turning the galaxy against the jedi that the galaxy now feared all force sensitives outright this is due to their incredible ability to touch the force of course which makes them more powerful by a huge margin compared to a normal individual not to mention that the average individual of the galaxy knows a very little of the force let alone the orders that wielded darth sidious in his own campaign literally indoctrinated the entire public to believe that all force sensitives were evil and wanted to obtain as much power as possible with palpatine arising as the true average everyday man hero of the clone war with the jedi being portrayed as the power hungry villains and it was this connection with the jedi order in the very fact that both the sith and the jedi used the force that palpatine feared more than any connection that he had with the sith it was in fact his fear of the jedi and the connection of the sith and jedi's interlocked connection that darth sidious feared more than any ancient sith lore or doctrine he realized that the galaxy did not understand the force and therefore they did not understand the sith or the jedi darth sidious toppled an entire governing system because of the simple fact that they were afraid of force wielders targeting the jedi specifically but sidious realized that he too as a sith lord and a force sensitive in general was also at risk darth sidious realized that he garnered much favor throughout the galaxy because of the fact that he posed himself as someone that could not touch the gifts of the force and was not aligned with the jedi whatsoever and this is why he became a great hero over the course of the clone wars as the more common man and common man representative in the senate and in the republic as well a place where the jedi held much esteem and power this made him more relatable and is the exact reason why he rose to power without the gifts of the force to the public as they so swiftly and readily trusted him completely siddhis knew that if the galaxy came to understand that he was in fact a sith lord that everything that he had established prior of his own reputation would come into question he now knew that if the galaxy was still governed by a force wielder that they would grow to oppose him even more strongly simply because of the sins of the jedi because again the fact that the previous generation was sick of being governed by force wielders in the jedi order and believed that they were all power hungry savages that planned to overthrow the more common man in the republic the ironic thing about palpatine is that he believed the galaxy would turn on him not because of the transgressions of the sith although they were numerous but because of the transgressions of the jedi in the previous era transgressions that darth sidious helped to uphold this is an aspect of star wars lore that i found exceedingly interesting as it is the simple fact that the galaxy overall hated force wielders that darcidius was so afraid to be revealed as a sith lord not due to the millions of people that the sith have killed but anyway my friends now i turn it over to you what are your thoughts on this what are your thoughts on darth sidious and his opinions on what he believed would happen if he was revealed to be a dark lord if you're enjoying this daily star wars lore reach out with the force and force crush that subscribe button the master and apprentice relationship between darth sidious and darth plagueis is among some of the most unique in the entire history of the sith darth plagueis did not originally intend to take upon himself an apprentice believing that he was the culmination of the sith rule of two and that he in plagueis would be the one to finally bring the plan established by darth bane to the galaxy destroying the jedi and becoming the emperor it wasn't until darth plagueis ventured to the world of naboo and sent something peculiar within the force that he resolved to take on a brand new apprentice darth plagueis though did not believe that he needed an apprentice but sidious in his natural power at the time named palpatine was simply too much to ignore what fascinated darth plagueis about palpatine was his innate ability to hide himself in the force despite being massively powerful the most powerful individual that darth plagueis had ever sensed in the force once darth sidious revealed himself plagueis was amazed that a boy with no formal training in the dark side had achieved such a naturally difficult ability and with this desire to rule with darth sidious at his side as co-emperors of the galaxy believing the presence of sidious to be a gift from the dark side itself and the culmination of the rule of two with plagueis believe it was fitting that the rule of two should end with two sith emperors with this though this is not to say that once darth plagueis began training sidious that he did not have problems with his sith apprentice one issue that darth plagueis themed his greatest pitfall in the force and the machinations of the dark side in general and today students of the force and acolytes of the galaxy we will explain just that and explain exactly why darth plagueis was afraid that darth sidious fascination with the ancient sith would ultimately lead him to be defeated by the jedi to put things lightly darth plagueis was not a big fan of the ancient sith lords at all nor their doctrine he believed that although there was great power and potential in the teachings of the ancient sith and the sith that originated in the star wars universe that the sith had to evolve with darth plagueis taking this evolution established by bane very seriously as darth plagueis knew that the ancient sith had never conquered the galaxy and therefore believed that the teachings that he himself would create in his studies with the midichlorians and the force itself were far more advantageous than anything that the old masters could offer although the old masters may have been more gifted in combat despite all of their prowess again they had never defeated the jedi never conquered the republic and never reigned supreme this is exactly why darth plagueis was so concerned when his apprentice insidious showed a great fascination with the machinations of the ancient sith lords to plagueis own admittance the ancient sith lords were more gifted combatants but this in essence went against what darth bane was attempting to establish and what plagueis and his master before him had discovered that being that the sith did in fact need to change and that the sith would never be able to seize the galaxy simply by superior strength and arm this is why he go damask who was in fact darth plagueis was a highly influential political figure in the galaxy being the head of the banking clan and darth sidious and palpatine having huge political power as well being born into the noble house of palpatine and with ambitions of becoming the supreme chancellor these were the methods in which the sith would ultimately conquer and therefore when darth sidious sowed huge interest in discovering the force abilities in the histories of the ancient sith lord darth plagueis ultimately denied him of this knowledge darcidius had a huge desire to venture to the ancient sith worlds of korriban and zio sidious wanted to explore the ancient tombs of these masters in search of knowledge in their histories but this is something that darth plagueis ultimately banned sidious from doing and unlike many sith lords darth sidious actually obeyed his master plagueis believed that darcidius needed to focus on creating his own path in the dark side of the force and not be influenced by the ancient sith lord that had come before him and had ultimately failed sidious believed that if he were to ever conquer the incredible might of darth plagueis though he needed this information not realizing that his master unlike many sith lords were not withholding this information to make darth sidious weaker but to ensure that he culminated into the perfect sith before being allowed to delve deeper into this greater knowledge darth plagueis believed that sidious was becoming far too impatient and that hidden deep within the tombs of the old masters would be great power in the dark side of the force but not the power that the sith needed again the ancient masters were hugely destructive in their abilities to touch the force they were better fighters than many of the rule of two era sith but darth plagueis knew that if sidious got too caught up in all of this he would fail to be taught in the more obscure abilities of the dark side that they needed such as focusing more on his own force concealment and gaining political power and intrigue the ancient sith focused little on midichlorians which darth plagueis was admittedly obsessed by as plagueis believed that the secret to eternal life did not lay in the tombs of the old masters but within his own mind and he believed that with the help of sidious they could create new trails in the dark side that had never been walked before luckily for darth sidious he did actually follow all of these teachings by darth plagueis 2at with the exception of a single time when darcidius ventured to the world of dathomir and eventually discovered the young zabrak male known as maul taking him as his apprentice but again darcidius obeyed the greater wishes of darth plagueis and did not venture to worlds such as korriban until of course darth plagueis was ultimately killed following the death of darth plagueis darth sidious did actually venture to these worlds but he would not be corrupted by the knowledge held within in the old masters instead what darth plagueis wanted ultimately did occur as darth sidious had created his own path in the dark side and was his own unique sith and simply used the teachings of the ancient sith to amplify his knowledge and powers but they were not the foundation in which that he was constructed darth plagueis had huge faith in darth sidious but he feared that he was overly ambitious and highly impatient believing that if he looked at the old knowledge first then he would become more akin to the ancient sith and more like a sith warrior rather than a true sith emperor what is very unique about darth plagueis is he never intended to withhold any true knowledge from darth sidious which is something that many would consider his greatest fatal mistake darth plagueis desire to share all of his knowledge with darth sidious and for the two of them to reign as equal which in a sense does go against the doctrine of the rule of two darcitius however staunchly held to the rule of two believing that one day he would in fact kill plagueis the downfall of plagueis though is that he simply trusted sidious far too much and any knowledge that he decided to withhold from sidious was actually for the betterment of the young sith lore but anyway my friends and students of the force what are your thoughts on this insight and the fact that darth plagueis did not want his apprentice insidious to study the powers machinations and scripts of the ancient lords who had failed to conquer the republic at least until sidious had established his own laws in the dark side in his own creations do you believe that this was a major contributing factor into sidious's great power and his eventual arise like we do here at the channel as always my friends thank you guys so much for watching and continuing to support may the force be with you and i will hopefully see you in a later video welcome back students of the force to the channel when darcidius was made emperor of the galaxy in the year 19 bby he made it a point to keep his identities a sith lord secret even despite him having won against the jedi even though now he could widely practice his religion without being persecuted by the jedi he decided wisely to keep it hidden after all he had been doing it his whole life so why not continue to keep the secret deep within himself the reasons are actually pretty simply and honestly rather than genius sidious had spent his whole life campaigning as the emperor in the early days denouncing the jedi order and saying that their religious extremists shouldn't be allowed to dictate political affairs so then what would it look like if he outed himself as a force user as well palpatine actually directly comments on this in a full book in his chapter in the book of the sith the galaxy is free of jedi and the citizens rejoice therefore it would be foolish to replace their regime with an identical system led by that of the sith at least publicly the weak do not understand the force they venerate those who appear to be ordinary people like themselves they cheered at the news that a resolute old man had survived a jedi assassination attempt in palpatine an ordinary senator from naboo they see a model of human achievement that rivals that of the jedi he goes on to say that simply carrying out the will of the dark side through vader and other agents is enough to scare the citizens in line and it was needless to reveal that a sith had constructed the entire empire until it was too late however despite his secrecy there were a few individuals in the empire who still knew or at least figured out that sidious was a sith lord though it is a small handful of people we can't help but wonder who all knew of palpatine's true identity as sidious for this list we will be excluding the obvious that being obi-wan yoda vader maul ahsoka and the crew of the ghost so now without further ado let us begin and explain who all knew that darth sidious was in fact the true emperor of the galaxy we will start with one that we have actually covered before which is why two royal guards that had accompanied darth vader and sidious when they crash landed on the world of ryloth and the novel lords of the sith knew that palpatine was a sith one of these royal guards had actually been a clone from the grand army of the republic who had risen in the ranks and in favor of sidious and became the captain of his royal guard for more information on him though be sure to check out our video on the clone that palpatine actually cared about anyway both of these royal guards actually witnessed palpatine use the force and even saw him draw upon his lightsaber in the book the four of them are ambushed by ryloth freedom fighters went deep in the jungle and they were all forced to defend themselves although only a single royal guard was needed to turn the tides of entire battles and not to mention lord vader was among them there were simply too many in the ambush for one to be doing their part not to mention palpatine didn't plan on leaving any survivors anyway so witnessing this wasn't a problem using his forced lightning and actually drawing upon his blade he vader and the two guards fought and slew every single one of the attackers the royal guards were trusted enough by sidious that they wouldn't say anything not even to one another therefore it is implied that many of the red royal guards knew that palpatine was in fact a sith lord next up is masameda as vice chancellor of the republic it was massa medeth it was a highly loyal underling to darth sidious and would often be his cover when cities had to go do sith lord business ahmeda retained his power whenever the republic transitioned to the empire serving as the grand vizier in the imperial ruling council after the emperor was killed in four aby massimetta essentially took up as the ruling figurehead of the imperial remnants but was not exactly up to par when it came to ruling the empire as palpatine had been following the final war of the rebellion on jakku and 5 aby massa mehta surrendered the empire to the new republic by signing the galactic concordant the imperial government on coruscant was replaced by a powerless provisional government with masameta as its nominal leader alongside his political leaders that also knew of darth sidious true identity was sly moore who was the bald white skin dunbari and female that was often seen accompanying palpatine and his entourage slymore was actually force sensitive herself and not only that but was an adept as well she would actually use her power to manipulate the masses in the senate hall whenever palpatine gave his speeches alongside massa mehta she also helped keep sidious cover story whenever he had to lead into his double life during the clone wars during the reign of the empire sly moore had actually been conspired against vader planning to kill him as she claimed that she was loyal only to the emperor and not to darth vader and did not trust him though she was thwarted by vader and found out after she attempted to assassinate him it wasn't known what happened to her afterward but no record of her death has ever been found unsurprisingly other individuals that knew were thrawn and tarkin tarkin himself actually never received a confirmation as he simply deduced it around that time as he also deduced that darth vader was anakin skywalker though thrawn was wise and kept his assumptions to himself and never told another soul thrawn knew of sidious as the emperor and had actively spoken to vader and thrawn about his visions which can be found in the novel thrawn ascendancy it is unknown if all of the imperial advisors actually knew of sidious's secret and a true identity though but we know for sure that one of them did a group that is not often talked about the royal advisors were a group of older men who were naboo fashion and can be seen in the background of the emperor's chambers on the second death star in return of the jedi these men actually held a great margin of political power and were in charge of governors and appointing moths however despite their titles they never actually advised sidious on anything whatsoever and he made sure to remind them that he was the one in control sidious needed no counsel other than his own we do not know if any of all of the survivors knew of the emperor's true secret but we do know again that one did this advisor's name was yupe tashu who was actually a dark side scholar and a sith cultist though he did not have the power of the force himself that actually concludes our list what's surprising about this is exactly how few people actually knew that palpatine was in fact a sith lord as it's roughly the same amount of people that knew that darth vader and anakin skywalker were one in the same this is a very very well kept secret within even the ranks of the empire and this is something that was exceedingly well kept others have speculated such as mon mothma and bailed organa knowing that sidious was in fact a dark lord with bale perhaps hearing it from either yoda or obi-wan and mon mothma perhaps hearing it from the crew of the ghost though we can't say for sure as the rebel alliance was most likely in the dark about this information but what do you think fred's our emperor chief palpatine is one of the most powerful sith lords in galactic history and is arguably one of the most powerful individuals in all of the skywalker lore not only is he an incredibly powerful force user and lightsaber combatant but he is an incredibly influential political figure who has the ability to bend entire governments to his will needless to say there is not a lot that palpatine feared he is a cunning tactician and master strategist in addition to one of the most talented sith alchemists of his day talented in the sith practices of both old as well as new offering palpatine a wide variety of different skills and abilities both in the force and otherwise it stands to reason that there would be very little that could possibly stand in palpatine's way as he was able to defeat the likes of yoda and several talented jedi masters the only known individual to best him in single combat had been killed and his new empire was the most formidable governmental system in the galaxy so with all the power at the height of the empire was palpatine afraid of really anything else with the jedi defeated and the republican shambles and now completely his what could he possibly have to fear well today students of the force let's answer that question and talk about some of the very few things that palpatine actually feared over his political career as well as his career as a sith lord starting with the era of the clone wars and up until his death we will talk about the very few individuals that palpatine actually feared in addition to this video we recently released another video on how palpatine feared qui-gon jinn more than any other jedi which we encourage you to watch as again jin was actually feared by sidious but today we will be talking about other individuals from across the lore in terms of sheer power and raw strength there was one particular individual that palpatine feared during the era of the republic and that was the death of marian shaman and powerful force witch mother talzin and her coven of nightsisters her leadership of the night sisters and power within the force led her to governing one of the most powerful legions of force sensitives in the entire galaxy during the clone wars era rivaling the power of the jedi and sith to some smaller degree she was able to influence the flora and fauna of her home world of dathomir and used the force to influence the growth of plant life mastering this and other force powers from the light and dark sides of the force respectively in tandem which is something that sidious actually feared mother thousand trained with the likes of both darth maul and asajj ventress before they were eventually turned over to the sith and she even traded dark side teachings with sidious himself as an equal during his reign as a dark lord of the sith they fed off of one another and overlapping considerably as representatives of their own alliances leading them both to seeing a similar terms of power and near equal force potential and control at least at the time as palpatine is nowhere near as powerful during the clone wars era especially during the middle of it than he would be following as the night sisters were ultimately enlisted as assassins their notoriety continued to grow throughout the duration of the clone war and they were some of the most gifted force practitioners in the entire galaxy that didn't fall under the affiliation of the jedi or other dark side orders if there was one individual outside of the jedi order that stood a chance of rivaling palpatine's raw strength and straight force potential then it was likely mother talzin mother towson of course though would be killed in 19 bby by ventress and later by sidious himself and her legion of night sisters was still regarded as one of the most powerful cults in galactic history during the shadow of the empire however mother towson had been killed and the night sisters had been all but scattered meaning that she didn't hold any threat to palpatine whatsoever during the imperial era so then who was palpatine's greatest threat at the height of the empire we know that the rebellion was struggling to gain traction luke skywalker was still largely unknown and the limits of his power had not yet been tested so who stood as the greatest threat to palpatine's rule before his supposed death during the battle of endor and who posed the greatest threat afterwards perhaps his greatest fear during the reign of the empire was one of the individuals he was closest with in the entire galaxy that being darth vader himself who palpatine had feared from the very beginning during the era of the clone wars palpatine understood that much of his plan relied on turning anakin to the dark side and corrupting the chosen one was no easy feat to accomplish especially beneath the watch of the jedi order which ran the risk of him being constantly discovered still though he needed anakin as his prize he understood anakin's full potential and the level to which he could one day grow and before his defeat on mustafar palpatine simultaneously feared and admired anakin's latent potential and the fullest extent of what he may one day be capable of as a sith this meant that after his dismemberment at the hands of obi-wan palpatine had to enact certain safeguards in order to ensure that vader still consistently was kept at bay and consistently kept under sidious's own latent ability even after vader had undergone these intense injuries he was still a threat even if palpatine wanted him to believe that he was no longer what palpatine made vader's suit particularly susceptible to forced lightning which would short out the life support circuits and kill vader if he ever needed to resort to this and he ensured that vader would never be able to surpass him in power not only was he incredibly strong in the force but now palpatine had to keep him alive long enough to find a new apprentice which was his ultimate goal insidious no longer was content with being killed by lord vader which added a new layer of fear and apprehension to his plans originally palpatine understood that vader would eventually overthrow him and carry on the ways of the sith under the doctrine of the rule of two established by darth bane a rule that had gotten a sith so far and if palpatine was able to still train the single greatest sith lord in the history of the galaxy then he would be willing to accept his inevitable demise if his plans to achieve immortality did not work since vader lost the extent of his potential however sidious had to seek out other apprentices or ensure that his eternal life program worked in preserving his consciousness past a potential death for the next 19 years he had been on a constant guard against vader always anticipating that he could be usurped from his position as emperor and he had to enact several different imperial safeguards as well including one that would effectively burn the structure of the empire to the ground if he was ever to be killed eventually sidious was willing to let vader die at the hands of luke who he believed could be a much stronger apprentice since he had not been crippled in the same way that vader had there is even an argument to be made that he came to fear luke after his supposed death but this is yet to be formally confirmed in the canon however it is likely that he did fear luke to some extent based on his return in the end of the skywalker saga and the fact that sidious had not been seen for the greater part of 35 years since the battle of endor allowing luke to grow disillusioned with the jedi himself many believe that this is because he inherently feared luke and he refused to return until he could absolutely be sure that luke was dead what we can confirm though is palpatine's inherent fear for vader even though vader was latently not as powerful as sidious was in the force and had far less skill he was still afraid of him as after all this was still the famed chosen one of the jedi invader in his own right grew to a terrifying combatant and all the fear that vader imposed against his enemies the jedi and rebels alike rubbed off on sidious the emperor himself but what are your thoughts on this and what are your thoughts on the fact that these are the two individuals that palpatine feared more than anybody else them and of course qui-gon jinn and which of the three do you believe that he ultimately feared the most as always my friends thank you guys so much for watching the channel hit that subscribe button and may the force be with you the dark lords of the sith darth nihilus and darth sidious belonged to two totally different eras in star wars however they held a deep connection and similarity to one another in terms of command over raw force energy darth nilus and darth sidious are extremely similar with their only equals perhaps again in raw force energy being the knight revan and the chosen one anakin skywalker but there is an even stranger connection between nilus and sidious despite their raw potential in the darkness a connection that was only highlighted during their deaths if we remember back to return of the jedi after darth vader throws darcidius down the reactor shaft we see a gigantic explosion of blue energy this phenomena in the star wars universe being something that is known as a dark side burst something that is only achieved through extremely extremely powerful dark side wielders and sith lords but most notably with those sith lords that have a huge amount of uncontained and uncontrolled dark side energies within their bodies thus why someone like dooku who vastly controlled his dark side power did not display this phenomena following his death a dark side burst was described as quote a burst of dark side energy occasionally occurred when a powerful sith or dark jedi was killed the resulting shock wave was sometimes very powerful other times it was a simple dissolving of physical matter in the case of darth sidious this dark side burst was extremely impressive at the point of his death all of this raw dark side energy resulted in a gigantic explosion the explosion that we witnessed at the end of return of the jedi sidious though was not the first one to display this explosion-like phenomena the first one that we know about in star wars mythos was darth nihilus however niles's was very different when darth nilas was defeated by metra zurich he was consumed by a small burst of scarlet energy not blue energy but with their death something peculiar occurred within the force itself as the dark side seemed to linger longer and more powerful but only for a moment in the case of darth sidious death though this lingering dark side energy was permanent as the planet of endor actually became a dark side nexus solely because darth sidious was killed there again though because of this unchecked dark side rage with insidious and nihilus both of them somewhat displayed this phenomena i would briefly like to explain what i mean by raw dark side energy as i briefly mentioned earlier someone like dooku vastly controlled his powers in the dark side of the force and himself overall darth vader was also an example of someone who had great power but still learned to control that power on the other hand a character such as starkiller is someone else with raw intense dark side energies within their body energy left unchecked and upon starkiller or galen merrick's death he also displayed something similar but that's a topic for another video anyway guys what are your thoughts on this connection between darth sidious and darth nila and how both sith lords extremely rarely i may add both display this phenomena upon their death thank you guys so much for watching may the force be with you and have a great day reigning dark lord of the sith for over four decades an emperor of the galactic empire palpatine is an individual who requires no introduction inside or outside of the star wars universe he is one of if not the most powerful sith lord who has ever lived palpatine's cunning and command over the dark side of the force has brought millions to their knees as well as their feet as they cheered at his mighty power and influence but naturally when one is shrouded by great darkness many facts about them are lesser known and today we will count down 10 crazy facts about palpatine number 10 he was born and raised on naboo the same planet we see in the phantom menace and the same planet both padme amidala and jar jar binks originate palpatine was born to a wealthy and powerful household that being said although among the most influential members of naboo they were far from the most powerful at a young age palpatine implored his father to become involved in politics reaching for power even before claiming the title of sith lord because his family initially refused his wishes palpatine grew to despise them particularly his father who he deemed weak number nine he doesn't believe the cis should require lightsabers and sees himself as above them although palpatine uses and has several lightsabers in his possession according to him he only continues to use the weapon as an insult to the jedi showing the jedi he is superior with the weapon despite the fact that he doesn't even need it to put it simply palpatine believes his force abilities are more than enough to handle any opponent after as ryze's emperor and jedi became a more rare occurrence in the galaxy palpatine began using the weapon less and less although he always had at least one on him at all times despite his views on the weapon his lightsabers were constructed using the finest materials and outfitted with an electrum trim a rare metal used in jewelry in the star wars universe and although it was not his favorite pastime palpatine grew to be a master do list number eight in legends continuity palpatine never planned on being overthrown or even dying after his apparent death over endor it was revealed years later the spirit of palpatine discovered how to return from the dead it was also revealed for decades palpatine had amassed an army of clones of himself so that he could possess them and essentially rule the galaxy forever although originally vader was intended to one day overthrow him and the rule of two continue after his injuries on mustafar palpatine determined he would never be powerful enough to destroy him number 7 palpatine may have inadvertently created anakin with his master plagueis while palpatine was off rising through the ranks of the senate his master plagueis was desperately trying to learn how to create life in an attempt to live forever plagueis eventually achieved this through manipulating the midichlorians when palpatine met with his master he had grown weary of his obsession with life and death but was silenced when he witnessed plagueis actually bring someone back from the dead together the twoset then began a ritual that sent large amounts of dark side energy throughout the galaxy this ritual successfully managed to cloud the view of the jedi and diminish their ability to use the force however the force itself retaliated creating a being born purely out of it that one day was destined to finally destroy the sith that being's name was anakin skywalker number six in canon palpatine originally wanted mother talzin as his apprentice before he would take mother thousand's son maul as his apprentice he arrived on dathomir to ask thousand to join him the two for a time actually got along quite well as their ambitions were similar but it became noticeably apparent palpatine was far more powerful than the night sister it was also clear the two wielded similar but yet different versions of the force as thousand was more ritual oriented and palpatine commanded more raw power in the dark side after seeing maul palpatine requested he take the boys his apprentice instead of thousand but still offered her a role and power in his new empire partially out of lust for the power and fear of palpatine thousand agreed number five palpatine was compelled to murder his entire family before becoming a sith lord as a younger man and student palpatine met higo damask who was secretly the sith lord darth plagueis over several years palpatine and his father had argued and fought over the future of naboo and politics debating whether it should join the larger government of the republic or remain more isolated when naboo was nearing a new election palpatine's father sent him away and concerned palpatine reached out to plagueis as the two had become close friends after discovering this and plagueis own role in the election palpatine's father along with his family personally ventured to palpatine ordering him to remove himself and study even farther from home as the two began to argue profusely palpatine's father confessed he wished palpatine was dead and that he should have killed his son long ago finally embracing the darkness within him palpatine used the force to massacre his entire family as a result following the murders palpatine again reached out to plagueis who revealed all to him and informed him about the order of the sith an opportunity to achieve unlimited power number 4 he stopped caring about the empire after becoming emperor after palpatine took control of the galaxy and the jedi seemingly died out for the first few years palpatine was a more present ruler but as time progressed he began becoming bored with his position of power at one point palpatine was wandering the halls of an imperial stronghold wondering what his master would have thought of ruling as he found it mundane palpatine would later confess he was a machine built and designed to conquer the galaxy but never rule it as more time passed he became more and more reclusive spending days practicing with his force abilities and next to no time governing the galaxy number three he wore sith robes when declaring himself the new emperor following his duel with mace windu palpatine explained his disfigured face as an assassination attempt and that because the jedi proved themselves traitors he deemed it necessary to become the new emperor palpatine promised the galaxy peace and the majority of the senate loyally went along with their now former chancellor when delivering his speech to the senate palpatine actually chose to wear a pair of his sith robes as a final insult to the democracy he seemingly served and the jedi as finally the sith ruled the galaxy once more because the robes were so rare palpatine was confident no one would recognize them and of course he was correct and no one did number two darth plagueis had no plans for an apprentice until meeting palpatine when plagueis killed his own sith master darth tenebrus he explained he believed he was the sith that was going to rule the galaxy forever and fulfill what lord bane started thousands of years ago in his master's dying moments plagueis revealed his plans not to take an apprentice of his own as he saw no need for it however after hearing of and finally meeting a young palpatine plagueis could not resist training the boy as his connection with the dark side and his natural thirst for blood and power fascinated the sith lord although not his original plan plagueis thought it a great tragedy to disobey what he saw the dark side willing him to follow little did he know he was not training a partner but a successor number one near the end of his final life and clone palpatine attempted to become a skywalker after his clones failed him palpatine tried to possess the baby anakin solo in a last effort to achieve immortality after palpatine's return from the grave he managed to turn luke skywalker to the dark side for a time eventually luke retaliated though and destroyed the majority of palpatine's clones in a final attack against the republic and new jedi leia successfully fully brought her brother back to the light and luke defeated palpatine in one last lightsaber duel after this final defeat palpatine attempted to possess the body of leia's infant son anakin solo but with the combined strength of all the skywalkers united in the light side palpatine met his final fate six years after his original body was destroyed on the second death star this marked palpatine's final defeat and complete destruction of his spirit so those are 10 pretty crazy facts about the sith lord darth sidious you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 2,322,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darth Sidious, Palpatine, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Explained, Palpatine Lore
Id: AsNB95BLMcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 55sec (10915 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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